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A cDNA clone for a pathogenesis-related protein 1 from barley   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A barley cDNA clone (PRb-1) corresponding to an mRNA differentially induced in resistant compared to susceptible barley cultivars by powdery mildew infection was isolated and characterised. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed 24 amino acids comprising the signal peptide and 140 amino acids of the mature peptide (15 kDa). This showed close homology to PR-1-like proteins, which have been isolated from maize, tobacco, tomato and Arabidopsis thaliana. Northern blot analysis showed accumulation of the corresponding mRNA 12 h after inoculation of resistant barley cultivars with Erysiphe graminis. Increased expression of the PRb-1 gene was also observed in resistant compared with near-isogenic susceptible barley plants following treatment with ethylene, salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate and 2,6-dichloro-isonicotinic acid.  相似文献   

Two cDNA clones for the barley photosystem I polypeptide which migrates with an apparent molecular mass of 9.5 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gels have been isolated using antibodies and an oligonucleotide probe. The determined N-terminal amino acid sequence for the mature polypeptide confirms the identification of the clones. The 644 base-pair sequence of one of the clones contains one large open reading frame coding for a 14 882 Da precursor polypeptide. The molecular mass of the mature polypeptide is 10 193 Da. The hydropathy plot of the polypeptide shows one membrane-spanning region with a predicted -helix secondary structure. The gene for the 9.5 kDa polypeptide has been designated PsaH.  相似文献   

Sequencing and genetic analysis of a bovine DQB cDNA clone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Proanthocyanidins are dimeric or polymeric conden-sation products of the flavonoids, including catechin,epicatechin or gallocatechin with leucocyanidin, leuco-pelargonidin or leucodelphinidin [1]. They are prominentcolorless compounds, and are found widely existed inthe bark of trees, leaves, fruits, flowers and seed coats.They have many natural functions, such as antioxidantproperties [2] and insect resistance [3]. In forage, theycan bind and precipitate dietary proteins, thus protectthe anim…  相似文献   

Cyclins in association with the protein kinase p34cdc2and related cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks) are key regulatory elements in controlling the cell division cycle. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a full-length cDNA clone of alfalfa mitotic cyclin, termed CycIIIMs. Computer analysis of known plant cyclin gene sequences revealed that this cyclin belongs to the same structural group as the other known partial alfalfa cyclin sequences. Genetic segregation analysis based on DNA-DNA hybridization data showed that the CycIIIMs gene(s) locates in a single chromosomal region on linkage group 5 of the alfalfa genetic map between RFLP markers UO89A and CG13. The assignment of this cyclin to the mitotic cyclin class was based on its cDNA-derived sequence and its differential expression during G2/M cell cycle phase transition of a partially synchronized alfalfa cell culture. Sequence analysis indicated common motifs with both the A- and B-types of mitotic cyclins similarly to the newly described B3-type of animal cyclins.  相似文献   

Two acidic chitinase isoforms, SP1 and SP2, have been purified to homogeneity from leaves of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) infected with Cercospora beticola. SP1 and SP2 are extracellular proteins with an apparent molecular mass of 35 kDa and an approximate pI of 4.2. Since the only major difference was slightly diverging M r's, only the SP2 chitinase was further characterized. Partial amino acid sequence data for SP2 was used to generate a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) clone employed for the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding SP2. SP2 exhibits significant structural identity with the class IV chitinases from sugar beet, rapeseed, bean and maize, but differs from the other members of this class in having a longer hinge region, comprising 22 amino acid residues, with a repeated TTP motif. Western blotting analyses, using antibody raised against SP2, demonstrated an induction of SP protein during infection with C. beticola. The induction was very local, with high protein accumulation found close to the infection site only. Amino acid compositional analysis of SP2 revealed that five out of fourteen prolines are hydroxylated. No glucosamine or galactosamine residues are present. Evidence was obtained that SP2 is glycosylated with a limited number (7) of xylose residues: (1) SP2 was stained with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reagent, (2) electrospray mass spectrometry on SP2 gave a series of M r's with a consistent increase between two molecular masses of 132 Da, (3) SP2 was recognized by an antibody specific for -1,4-D-xylopyranose. The vacuolar class I chitinases A and B in tobacco have recently been shown to comprise a new class of hydroxyproline-containing proteins (Sticher et al., Science 257 (1992) 655–657). The SP2 chitinase differs from these in being glycosylated and, thus, represents a novel type of hydroxyproline-containing glycoproteins in plants.  相似文献   

A rich source of valuable genes are wild species. Solanum chacoense Bitter with its extreme resistance to viruses, insects and drought, is a good example.In the present study, a stress gene, designated DS2, has been isolated from S. chacoense. We have shown that the expression of the gene is organ-specific being detected in leaf, stem and stolon, but not in root, tuber or flower. Treatment of detached leaves with abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate resulted in only very moderate accumulation of DS2 mRNA. Thus, DS2 represents a very rare type of the water-stress-inducible genes whose signalling pathway is not primarily related to ABA.Based on DNA sequence analysis, DS2 encodes a putative protein starting with 20 amino acids homologous to the ABA- and water-stress-inducible, ripening-related (ASR) proteins of tomato continued by an insert of 155 amino acids structurally similar to certain LEAs (late embryogenesis-abundant proteins) and ending in 88 amino acids homologous again to the ASR sequences and to an unpublished partial cDNA fragment isolated from the root of rice. The N-terminal region of the DS2 protein is hydrophilic with ten 13-mer amino acid motifs and random coil structure. In contrast, the C-terminus predicts an -helix and possesses a bipartite nuclear targeting sequence motif. These data suggest that the function of the DS2 may be the protection of the nuclear DNA from desiccation.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed for the isolation of aleurone protoplasts from developing caryopses of Hordeum vulgare and Triticum aestivum in order to study transient expression of introduced genes. Chimaeric gene constructs were introduced into aleurone protoplasts by polyethylene glycol (PEG). Transient expression directed by the 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) of the reporter gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) was detected in aleurone protoplasts from developing barley and wheat grains. Using a similar construct, CAT activity increased when the alcohol dehydrogenase intron 1 fragment from maize was ligated between the 35S promoter and the CAT coding region. The demonstration of transient expression in protoplasts from developing aleurone layers indicates that they may be useful for investigating tissue and developmental control of genes coding for cereal seed proteins.  相似文献   

Exposure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya) aleurone layers to 40°C for a period of 3 h results in the selective suppression of the synthesis and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes; other normal cellular protein synthesis continues during heat shock. This suppression is correlated with secretory protein mRNA destabilization and the dissociation of stacked ER lamellae during heat shock (Belanger et al. 1986, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 83, pp. 1354–1358). In this report we examined the effect of exposure to extended periods of heat shock. If exposure to 40°C was continued for a period of 18 h, the synthesis of α-amylase, the predominant secreted hydrolase, resumed. This was accompanied by increased α-amylase mRNA levels and the reformation of ER lamellae. Though initial exposure (3 h) to 40°C reduced protein secretion to ~10% of that observed in aleurone cells maintained at 25°C, exposure for prolonged periods (16–20 h) permitted the resumption of protein secretion to ~66% of non-heat-shocked control levels. The resumption of normal secretory protein synthesis during prolonged exposure to 40°C was correlated with an increase in the incorporation of [14C]glycerol into phosphatidylcholine and an increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in lipids isolated from ER membrane preparations. Increased fatty acid saturation has been demonstrated to enhance thermostability in biological membranes, and such changes in membrane composition may be important to the recovery of secretory protein synthesis at the ER.  相似文献   

Differential screening of a cDNA bank constructed from ripe tomato fruit mRNA allowed the isolation of cDNA clone 2A11 which is entirely fruit-specific, is expressed at steadily increasing levels from anthesis to breaker, and accounts for approximately 1% of the messenger RNA in mature tomato fruit. A genomic clone corresponding to the 2A11 cDNA was isolated from a tomato genomic library. Sequence comparison of the cDNA clone with the genomic clone shows they are identical over the shared region with the genomic clone possessing a single large intron near the 5 end of the message.The open reading frame of 2A11 would encode a sulfur-rich polypeptide 96 amino acids in length. The identity of the putative protein is unknown. In situ hybridization shows that the 2A11 message is found throughout the pericarp cells in a tomato fruit. In contrast, in situ hybridization of early ripening stages with a polygalacturonase probe shows higher mRNA levels in cells of the outer pericarp and cells surrounding the vascular regions of the pericarp.  相似文献   

We have identified the major endo-beta-1,4-xylanase (XYN-1) in the aleurone of germinating barley grain, and show that it is expressed as a precursor of Mr 61 500 with both N- and C-terminal propeptides. XYN-1 is synthesized as an inactive enzyme in the cytoplasm, and only becomes active at a late stage of germination when the aleurone ceases to secrete hydrolases. A series of processing steps, mediated in part by aleurone cysteine endoproteases, yields a mature active enzyme of Mr 34 000. Processing and extracellular release of the mature enzyme coincide with the programmed cell death (PCD)-regulated disintegration of aleurone cells. We discuss the significance of delayed aleurone cell-wall degradation by endoxylanases in relation to the secretory capacity of the aleurone, and propose a novel role for aleurone PCD in facilitating the export of hydrolases.  相似文献   

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