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Reproductive mode has been remarkably labile among squamate reptiles and the evolutionary transition from oviparity to viviparity commonly has been accompanied by a shift in the pattern of embryonic nutrition. Structural specializations for placental transfer of nutrients during intrauterine gestation are highly diverse and many features of the extraembryonic membranes of viviparous species differ markedly from those of oviparous species. However, because of a high degree of evolutionary divergence between the species used for comparisons it is likely that the observed differences arose secondarily to the evolution of viviparity. We studied development of the extraembryonic membranes and placentation in the reproductively bimodal lizard Lacerta vivipara because the influence of reproductive mode on the structural/functional relationship between mothers and embryos can best be understood by studying the most recent evolutionary events. Lecithotrophic viviparity has evolved recently within this species and, although populations with different reproductive modes are allopatric, oviparous and viviparous forms interbreed in the laboratory and share many life history characteristics. In contrast to prior comparisons between oviparous and viviparous species, we found no differences in ontogeny or structure of the extraembryonic membranes between populations with different reproductive modes within L. vivipara. However, we did confirm conclusions from previous studies that the tertiary envelope of the egg, the eggshell, is much reduced in the viviparous population. These conclusions support a widely accepted model for the evolution of squamate placentation. We also found support for work published nearly 80 years ago that the pattern of development of the yolk sac of L. vivipara is unusual and that a function of a unique structure of squamate development, the yolk cleft, is hematopoiesis. The structure of the yolk sac splanchnopleure of L. vivipara is inconsistent with a commonly accepted model for amniote yolk sac function and we suggest that a long standing hypothesis that cells from the yolk cleft participate in yolk digestion requires further study.  相似文献   

Ornamental colours usually evolve as honest signals of quality, which is supported by the fact that they frequently depend on individual condition. It has generally been suggested that some, but not all types of ornamental colours are condition dependent, indicating that different evolutionary mechanisms underlie the evolution of multiple types of ornamental colours even when these are exhibited by the same species. Stress hormones, which negatively affect condition, have been shown to affect colour traits based on different pigments and structures, suggesting that they mediate condition dependence of multiple ornament types both among and within individuals. However, studies investigating effects of stress hormones on different ornament types within individuals are lacking, and thus, evidence for this hypothesis is scant. Here, we investigated whether corticosterone mediates condition dependence of multiple ornaments by manipulating corticosterone levels and body condition (via food availability) using a two‐factorial design and by assessing their effect on multiple colour traits in male common lizards. Corticosterone negatively affected ventral melanin‐ and carotenoid‐based coloration, whereas food availability did not affect coloration, despite its significant effect on body condition. The corticosterone effect on melanin‐ and carotenoid‐based coloration demonstrates the condition dependence of both ornaments. Moreover, corticosterone affected ventral coloration and had no effect on the nonsexually selected dorsal coloration, showing specific effects of corticosterone on ornamental ventral colours. This suggests that corticosterone simultaneously mediates condition dependence of multiple colour traits and that it therefore accounts for covariation among them, which may influence their evolution via correlational selection.  相似文献   

Kupriianova LA 《Tsitologiia》2004,46(7):649-658
Results of the author's long-term study of the karyotype of Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara (family Lacertidae, Sauria) have been generalized and supplemented with relevant literature data. Within the species an interpopular karyotype variability was established, and several chromosomal forms were described. Karyotypes of L. (Z.) vivipara from four new, previously not examined populations have been first presented in this paper, and cytogenetical features of their chromosomes are given. Finally, cytogenetical analysis of particular specimens from different localities enabled the author to reveal a new chromosomal form and to define the limits of distribution of other forms of the species. The complex L. (Z.) vivipara has appeared to be more complicated than earlier believed. This complex includes several chromosomal forms of unclear taxonomic status, and some subspecies characterized by various modes of reproduction and distinct distribution ranges. It has been confirmed that in the complex L. (Z.) vivipara intensive chromosomal changes accompany the processes of form-formation and subspeciation. Some cytogenetical regularities of these processes have been demonstrated and compared with hybridogeneous form-formation and speciation. Based on the critical analysis of the available karyological data, some mechanisms of chromosomal changes were described, and their tendencies were determined. In addition, intraspecific relationships were analysed. The proposed scheme was compared with the pattern of intraspecific phylogeny of L. (Z.) vivipara based on molecular data. It has been shown that a high cytogenetical differentiation of the found chromosomal forms and subspecies is correlated with their low morphological differentiation and with a rather low genetical differentiation. The results of the combined analysis suggest the leading role of cytogenetical data for understanding the processes of form-formation and subspeciation. The importance of chromosomal rearrangements in these processes is emphasized, with special reference to their role in the evolution and phylogeny of the complex L. (Z.) vivipara. Some modes of form-formation and subspeciation in this complex are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Energiebilanz eines Tieres ist quantitativ im wesentlichen durch seinen Wärmehaushalt bestimmt oder mindestens in Wärmeäquivalenten ausdrückbar.2. Der Energiewechsel beruht auf zwei Hauptgruppen von Prozessen: Stoffwechselprozessen im Körperinneren und Wärmeaustausch zwischen Tierkörper und Umwelt.3. In beiden Gruppen treten regulative und nicht regulative Vorgänge auf. Die Regulation beim Wärmeaustausch zwischen Tierkörper und Umwelt beruht auf entsprechenden Verhaltensweisen.4. Der Unterschied zwischen Homoiothermen und Poikilothermen liegt nicht darin, daß die Regulationsmöglichkeit der Körpertemperatur nur den ersteren vorbehalten wäre (beide zeigen eine gewisse — und nur eine gewisse — Regulationsmöglichkeit), sondern darin, daß die Energiebilanz der Poikilothermen zum wesentlichen Teil durch den Wärmeaustausch mit der Umwelt beherrscht wird und daher auch die Regulation der Körpertemperatur wirksam nur durch Verhaltensweisen — die den Wärmeaustausch in die gewünschte Richtung lenken — erreicht werden kann.5. Aus der Beherrschung der Energiebilanz durch den Wärmeaustausch mit der Umwelt folgt auch, daß die Regulationskapazität der Poikilothermen weit geringer ist als die der Homoiothermen — obwohl natürlich auch deren Regulationskapazität begrenzt ist.6. Ein weiterer charakteristischer Unterschied zwischen Homoiothermen und Poikilothermen liegt darin, daß bei den ersteren die Überforderung der Temperaturregulation meist katastrophal endet, bei den letzteren hingegen eine normale Reaktion auslöst, nämlich den Übergang zu einer mehr oder weniger inaktiven, mindestens nicht vollaktiven Lebensweise. Aus verschiedenen Anzeichen läßt sich sogar schließen, daß Poikilotherme ein ständiges Leben im Aktivitätstemperaturbereich nicht ertragen könnten.7. FürLacerta vivipara wird eine möglichst komplette Energiebilanz gegeben.
Energy balance of a poikilothermic animal(lacerta vivipara)
The main differences between homoiothermic and poikilothermic animals are considered on the basis of information from literature and results obtained by the author. It is not the occurrence of thermoregulation per se which constitutes the main differences between representatives of these two groups, but rather the manner in which this thermoregulation is performed. Whereas homoiothermic animals regulate by means of metabolic processes and changes in behaviour, poikilothermic animals employ the latter mechanism almost exclusively. InLacerta vivipara the close relationship between thermal balance and environmental factors is demonstrated on the basis of experimental results and calculations.

The lizard Lacerta ( Zootoca ) vivipara has two modes of reproduction and is variable karyologically. We describe its karyological variation from literature data and from new data on two viviparous populations from France, on two oviparous populations from the Pyrenees in south-western France and on three oviparous populations recently discovered in Slovenia. Males have 36 chromosomes, whereas females have only 35 chromosomes in all viviparous populations and in the Pyrenean oviparous populations. This karyotype has been interpreted to result from a fusion of an ancestral sexual W chromosome with an autosome from the Zl or from the Z2 pair. The karyotype formula is 32 autosomes + ZIZ2W for the female and 32 autosomes + Z1Z1Z2Z2 for the male. The karyotype of the Slovenian oviparous populations, 34 autosomes + ZW in the male and 34 autosomes +ZW in the female, represents an evolutionary stage that preceded the chromosomal fusion. There is minor karyological variation, mainly concerning the W and Z2 chromosomes, within the Pyrenean oviparous populations. This parallels the geographic variation of the W-linked alleles of the MPI enzyme and suggests that allopatric differentiation of these oviparous populations might have occurred in the vicinity of the Pyrenees during the Pleistocene.
The viviparous populations from western Europe carry a metacentric W chromosome, whereas oviparous populations from south-western Europe and eastern viviparous populations both show an acrocentrie, or a subtelocentrie. W chromosome. This suggests that the acrocentric-subtelocentric W is a primitive character and that viviparity probably arose in an eastern lineage of the species.  相似文献   

The lizard Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara, which is viviparous in the greatest part of its distribution range, has however some oviparous populations on the southern margin of its range. The present study aimed at determining the reproductive mode and the ATA (aspartate transaminase) enzyme characteristics of four populations in Slovenia and one population in Croatia. The Slovenian females studied here presented an oviparous reproductive mode which strongly resembled those observed in the oviparous populations of south-western France and north-western Spain. Our electrophoresis analyses revealed the existence of two distinct alleles, ATA-150 and ATA-200, in the oviparous populations of Slovenia. These alleles were identical to those observed in the French and Spanish oviparous group and were distinct from the allele ATA-100 characterizing the viviparous populations that we had previously studied. Although we did not study the reproductive mode of Croatian females, the allele ATA-200 observed in one population of Croatia strongly suggested that this population might also be oviparous.  相似文献   

The transition between oviparity and viviparity in reptiles is generally accepted to be a gradual process, the result of selection for increasingly prolonged egg retention within the oviduct. We examined egg retention plasticity in an oviparous strain of the lacertid lizard Zootoca vivipara, a species having both oviparous and viviparous populations. We forced a group of female Z. vivipara to retain their clutch in utero by keeping them in dry substrata, and assessed the effect on embryonic development and hatching success, along with offspring phenotype and locomotor performance. Forced egg retention for one additional week affected the developmental stage of embryos at oviposition, as well as hatchling robustness and locomotor performance. However, embryos from forced clutch retention treatment reached one stage unit more than control embryos at oviposition time. Embryos from control eggs were more developed than embryos from experimental eggs after approximately the same period of external incubation, showing that embryonic development is retarded during the period of extended egg retention, despite the high temperature inside the mother's body. Significant differences in external incubation time were only found in one of the two years of study. Hatching success was much lower in the experimental group with forced egg retention (21.1%) than in the control group (95.4%). Therefore, we conclude that there are limitations that hinder the advance of intrauterine embryonic development beyond the normal time of oviposition, and that extended egg retention does not represent clear advantages in this population of Z. vivipara. Nevertheless, the fact that some eggs are successful after forced egg retention could be advantageous for the females that are able to retain their clutch under unfavourable climatic conditions. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 75–82.  相似文献   

Variation in reproductive traits (sexual maturity, clutch size, clutch weight, mean egg mass, newborn weight) was studied during a four year period in a population of the live-bearing lizard Lacerta vivipara . Sexual maturity was associated with attaining a minimum body size. Clutch size increased with female body length and litter weight increased with clutch size. A major component of the within year variation in these reproductive traits was attributable to female size. Analysis of successive clutches in individual females indicated that a significant fraction of the variation in litter size, adjusted for female length, was due to consistent differences between individuals. Newborn weight varied within and among litters, but no relations between hatchling mass or mean egg mass in a litter and other traits were detected.
Size-adjusted reproductive performances remained constant during the course of this study, even though environmental conditions (weather factors, food availability) varied annually. Observed among year variations in reproductive characteristics were attributable to differences in the body size distributions of the adult females.  相似文献   

Survivorship of L. vivipara in the field was estimated from visual census of the age-composition of two populations. There was approximately 90% mortality in the first year of life; but the mean expectation of life of an individual which survived to its first birthday was then between four and five years.  相似文献   

Within-sex colour variation is a widespread phenomenon in animals that often plays a role in social selection. In males, colour variation is typically associated with the existence of alternative reproductive strategies. Despite ecological conditions theoretically favourable to the emergence of such alternative strategies in females, the social significance of colour variation in females has less commonly been addressed, relative to the attention given to male strategies. In a population of the common lizard, females display three classes of ventral colouration: pale yellow, orange and mixed. These ventral colours are stable through individual's life and maternally heritable. Females of different ventral colourations displayed different responses of clutch size, clutch hatching success and clutch sex-ratio to several individual and environmental parameters. Such reaction patterns might reflect alternative reproductive strategies in females. Spatial heterogeneity and presence of density- and frequency-dependent feedbacks in the environment could allow for the emergence of such alternative strategies in this population and the maintenance of colour variation in females.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between litter size, litter weight, newborn weight, relative clutch mass and the female snout-vent length in some Lacerta vivipara populations over a period of three years.
Litter size and litter weight were positively correlated with female snout-vent length in all the populations for all the years, as in most other lizard species. Relative clutch mass generally increased with female size, though correlations appear not to be very tight.
Considering the two best studied populations suggests that montane females invest less in reproduction than lowland ones.
The main reproductive traits of the species appeared highly variable between as well as within the different populations hitherto studied.
We argue that current theory about lizard reproductive strategy requires, first to work out a good estimate of reproductive effort, and second to get more information about the relations between the species and their environmental, biotic and abiotic conditions.  相似文献   

The European common lizard Lacerta vivipara, a reptile of cold-temperate climates, provides us an interesting model of low-temperature adaptation. Indeed its unique cold-hardiness strategy, which employs both freeze tolerance and freeze avoidance, may be seen as the primary reason for its large distribution, which extends from Spain to beyond the Arctic circle. To study the metabolism supporting this capacity, we used three techniques: two techniques of calorimetry (oxygen consumption and thermogenesis) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. These techniques were used to examine the metabolic balance and the different molecular pathways used between three different periods through the year (September, January, and May). The results show a significant 20% augmentation of winter anaerobic metabolism compared to other periods of the year. This is mainly because of an activation of the lactic fermentation pathway leading to an increase of lactate concentration (>34% in winter). Furthermore, glucose, which increases some 245% in winter, is used as antifreeze and metabolic substrate. Furthermore, this study provides evidence that the physiological adaptations of the common lizard differ from those of other ectotherms such as Rana sylvatica. Concentrations of alanine and glycerol, commonly used as antifreeze by many overwintering ectotherms, do not increase during winter.  相似文献   

Summary A mark-recapture study was carried out in sympatric populations of Lacerta agilis and Lacerta vivipara in the Netherlands from 1976 to 1982. In most years the age structure of both populations was pyramidal. For both species life expectation of females was higher and on average they did live longer. Hence the sex ratio for adults deviated significantly from 1.0 in favour of females. Maximum age for Lacerta vivipara was 8 years (female) and for Lacerta agilis 12 years (male). The density of both species fluctuated around 100/ha. The biomass of Lacerta agilis was twice that of Lacerta vivipara. In Lacerta vivipara the 3rd and 4th calendar year class supplied 78% of total net reproduction; in Lacerta agilis the 4th, 5th, and 6th calendar year classes supplied 68%. In both populations the population replacement rate was 2. Population turnover time was 4.83 years for Lacerta agilis and 2.81 for Lacerta vivipara. The life history strategy of the Lacerta vivipara population is compared with six other European Lacertavivipara populations.  相似文献   

Increased transmission of parasites and diseases is generally considered as a major cost of social life. In this study we tested the hypothesis regarding ectoparasites as a cost of living in crowded habitats in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). We used two approaches to explore this question. First, we tested if ectoparasite load and prevalence are positively correlated with host density in the field. Second, we experimentally tested if lizards avoid parasitized conspecifics. Contrary to expectation, we found that (1) ectoparasite load is negatively correlated with lizard density; (2) prevalence does not significantly increase with density; (3) unparasitized lizards do not avoid parasitized conspecifics but are attracted by them whatever their parasite load. These findings suggest that ectoparasites cannot be considered as a cost of living at high density in the common lizard, in spite of the potential negative impact mites may have on lizard fitness. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

The viviparous lizard Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara exhibits several alleles of the mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (MPI) enzyme that are carried exclusively on the female W sex-chromosome. Previous studies showed that both the oviparous and viviparous forms of L. (Zootoca) vivipara have these female sex-linked alleles. We document the existence of geographic variation of these alleles among the oviparous populations of southwestern France and northwestern Spain. Two oviparous subgroups were identified: all females from the eastern and central Pyrenees and most females from Aquitaine and from the northern slope of the western Pyrenees exhibited the fast migrating alleles MPI110 or MPI120, whereas all females from the Cantabric mountains, Spanish Basque country, and from the south slope of the western Pyrenees exhibited the slow migrating allele MPI90. Populations with both fast and slow migrating alleles occurred at some stations in the upper Ossau valley (western Pyrenees) and also at a lowland station of south Aquitaine. The hypothesis that several oviparous forms could have retreated to different places of the Pyreneo-Iberian refugia during the Quaternary glaciations could explain the conservation or the evolution of the polymorphism of the MPI alleles, and that is consistent with the phylogeographic scenario previously proposed to account for the reproductive and cytogenetical variation observed in this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the respiratory metabolism of the overwintering lizard Lacerta vivipara while in either supercooled or frozen states. With a variable pressure and volume microrespirometer and a chromatograph, we show that the oxygen consumption of the supercooled animals showed a nonlinear relationship with temperature and an aerobic metabolism demand between 0.5 and -1.5 degrees C. A significant increase in the respiratory quotient (RQ) values indicated an increasing contribution by the anaerobic pathways with decreasing temperature. In the frozen state, two phases are easily detectable and are probably linked to the ice formation within the body. During the first 5-6 h, the animals showed an oxygen consumption of 3.52 +/- 0.28 microl. g(-1). h(-1) and a RQ value of 0.52 +/- 0.09. In contrast, after ice equilibrium, oxygen consumption decreased sharply (0.55 +/- 0.09 microl. g(-1). h(-1)) and the RQ values increased (2.49 +/- 0.65). The present study confirms the fact that supercooled invertebrates and vertebrates respond differently to subzero temperatures, in terms of aerobic metabolism, and it shows that aerobic metabolism persists under freezing conditions.  相似文献   

2014年5~8月,采用直接观察的方法,在实验室条件下,对胎生蜥蜴(Zootoca vivipara)的蜕皮行为进行了观察和研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴成体在繁殖期间(6~7月份)的蜕皮次数为0~3次,不同性别之间的蜕皮次数没有显著差异,且蜕皮次数与个体的体长、体重无关。成体的蜕皮周期不恒定,最短为8 d左右,与仔蜥的蜕皮周期基本相同。仔蜥的蜕皮行为与其异速生长有关,且随着蜕皮行为次数的增加,蜕皮过程的持续时间逐渐减少。胎生蜥蜴成体的蜕皮一般较为完整,除一小部分外,均可翻转后完成蜕皮,而仔蜥不翻转,这种特殊的蜕皮方式可能与人工饲养条件有关,也可能与胎生蜥蜴栖息地的气候条件、行为策略等因素相关。  相似文献   

胎生蜥蜴的捕食行为及其食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵文阁  董丙君  刘鹏  刘志涛 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1520-1523
通过直接观察和胃容物分析对胎生蜥蜴(lacerta vivipara)的捕食行为和食性进行了研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴的捕食过程包括觅食、攻击前行为、攻击行为、猎物处死、吞食、食后清洁共6个主要步骤。在6~10月间,胎生蜥蜴的食谱中以昆虫和蜘蛛最多;不同月份的食物种类和数量不同;食物中以个体长为1~10mm食物数量频率最高;食物组成与生活环境中的无脊椎动物种类有极显著的相关。雌、雄体的食物生态位重叠度较高,而幼体和成体的食物生态位重叠度较低。  相似文献   

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