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Summary Adsorption of phosphate by the anion-exchange resin Dowex-2 was investigated. The resin adsorbed small quantities of P from solution quantitatively. The rate of P-adsorption by resin agitated in solution was proportional to the P-concentration in solution, and was independent of the rate of diffusion of adsorbed P in the resin. When 1 g of soil was shaken continuously with 1 g of resin in 100 ml of water, the rate of P-adsorption by the resin was controlled by the rate of P-release from the soil. Quantities of P adsorbed from soil by resin after different lengths of time were less than those equilibrated with P32 during the same time intervals. The curves showing quantity of P adsorbed vs. time could be satisfactorily described by the hypothesis that there were three simultaneous reactions differing in rate, each reaction being first-order with respect to P. The same was true of the P32-equilibration data, except that the rate of the slowest reaction was apparently independent of time. In a group of 16 soils, the correlation between P adsorbed by the resin in 2 hours and P-availability to plants in the greenhouse, measured by the isotope-dilution method of Fried and Dean, was 0.95. The corresponding correlation between P extracted by the 0.25N HCl — 0.03N NH4F extractant of Bray and Kurtz was 0.91.Joint contribution from the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station and the Eastern Soil and Water Management Section, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Journal Paper No. J-2639 of the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1183.Graduate Assistants, Professor of Soils, and Associate Professor of Chemistry, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of natural and artificial reduction on P extractability from soils used for rice production and the relation of these values to response to fertilizer P were investigated. Soil solution P increased from a mean of 3.8 mg P·kg?1 soil for naturally oxidized slurries of 28 soils to 19.8mg P·kg?1 when the soils were naturally reduced. The mean values were further increased to 40.8 and 45.3 mg·kg?1 when the soils were reduced with 0.1M Na2S2O4 and 0.2M Na2S2O4, respectively. These P-values compare with 18.2 mg kg?1 when the dry soils were extracted with Bray No. 1 extractant. When the yields of rice were correlated with solution and extracted P, the R2's for the quadratic relationships were 0.40**, 0.31*, 0.34**, 0.30*, and 0.55** for the naturally oxidized, the naturally reduced, 0.1M Na2S2O4, 0.2M Na2S2O4 and Bray No. 1, respectively. The Cate-Nelson calculation confirmed the superiority of the weak acid Bray extractant and the critical value of 8.6 mg P·kg?1 soil needed for satisfactory yields of rice. There was little response of rice to added fertilizer P on soils with solution P-values greater than 0.09 mg P·l?1 in oxygenated soil slurries. Some soils with solution P of this order and high amounts of Bray No. 1 extractable P still gave modest responses to fertilizer P. Although natural or chemically induced reduction increased soil solution P, it did not improve prediction of yield response of rice to added fertilizer P.  相似文献   

Singh  J.S.  Singh  Smita  Raghubanshi  A.S.  Singh  Saranath  Kashyap  A.K.  Reddy  V.S. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):115-121
Methane uptake was measured for two consecutive years for four forest and one savanna sites in a seasonally dry tropical region of India. The soils were nutrient-poor and well drained. These sites differed in vegetational cover and physico-chemical features of the soil. There were significant differences in CH4 consumption rates during the two years (mean 0.43 and 0.49 mg m-2 h-1), and at different sites (mean 0.36 to 0.57 mg m-2 h-1). The mean uptake rate was higher (P < 0.05) in dry seasons than in the rainy season at all the sites. There was a significant season and site interaction, indicating that the effect of different seasons differed across the sites. There was a positive relation between soil moisture and CH4 uptake rates during summer (the driest period) and a negative relation during the rest of the year. The results suggested that seasonally dry tropical forests are a strong sink for CH4, and C and N status of soils regulates the strength of the sink in the long term.  相似文献   

The effects of plant species which frequently occur in set-aside arable land on rhizosphere soil properties were assessed and compared to rhizosphere soil of Secale cereale (Rye) grown on an intensively managed arable soil (sandy Cambisol, Saxony, NE-Germany). On a 6 year old set-aside arable land rhizosphere soil samples were taken under Agropyron repens, Cirsium arvense and Rumex acetosa, the most frequent plant species, and under the leguminous plant species Vicia villosa. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) has been used to characterise the structure of the soil microbial community. Carbon mineralisation rates as well as gross (15N isotope pool dilution method) and net nitrogen mineralisation rates were determined as indicator of microbial activity. In intensive managed plots a rhizosphere effect was obvious in higher nutrient contents, gross N mineralisation rates and higher relative abundances of fungi and protozoa in Rye rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. Plant species altered rhizosphere microbial activity. Lowest gross N mineralisation and gross NH4 consumption rates were detected in Rye rhizosphere soil. Both rates revealed high positive correlations with dissolved organic carbon (extracted with KCl) and soil pH. The rhizosphere soil microbial communities of the three dominant plant species of the set-aside arable land (Agropyron, Cirsium, Rumex) were more similar to each other than to Vicia grown on the same set-aside plots and Rye grown on intensive managed plots. The highest number of non-identified PLFAs detected in Vicia rhizosphere soil suggests that microbial diversity was highest. Differences in quantity and quality of Vicia rhizodeposition, especially higher N contents, seem to induce the higher microbial activity and different microbial community structure. The rhizosphere soil of the dominant plant species on the set-aside and intensively managed arable land reflected the differences in bulk soil properties (obtained in a previous study) between the two management systems (e.g. pH, gross N mineralisation, metabolic quotient, PLFA marker characteristic of G? bacteria and fungi).  相似文献   

Aerobic grasslands may consume significant amounts of atmospheric methane (CH4). We aimed (i) to assess the spatial and temporal variability of net CH4 fluxes from grasslands on aerobic sandy soils, and (ii) to explain the variability in net CH4 fluxes by differences in soil moisture content and temperature. Net CH4 fluxes were measured with vented closed flux chambers at two sites with low N input on sandy soils in the Netherlands: (i) Wolfheze, a heather grassland, and (ii) Bovenbuurtse Weilanden, a grassland which is mown twice a year. Spatial variability of net CH4 fluxes was analysed using geostatistics. In incubation experiments, the effects of soil moisture content and temperature on CH4 uptake capacity were assessed. Temporal variability of net CH4 fluxes at Wolfheze was related to differences in soil temperature (r2 of 0.57) and soil moisture content (r2 of 0.73). Atmospheric CH4 uptake was highest at high soil temperatures and intermediate soil moisture contents. Spatial variability of net CH4 fluxes was high, both at Wolfheze and at Bovenbuurtse Weilanden. Incubation experiments showed that, at soil moisture contents lower than 5% (w/w), CH4 uptake was completely inhibited, probably due to physiological water stress of methanotrophs. At soil moisture contents higher than 50% (w/w), CH4 uptake was greatly reduced, probably due to the slow down of diffusive CH4 and O2 transport in the soil, which may have resulted in reduced CH4 oxidation and possibly some CH4 production. Optimum soil moisture contents for CH4 uptake were in the range of 20 – 35% (w/w), as prevailing in the field. The sensitivity of CH4 uptake to soil moisture content may result in short-term variability of net atmospheric CH4 uptake in response to precipitation and evapotranspiration, as well as in long-term variability due to changing precipitation patterns as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

磷对土壤中砷吸附的影响   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
在黄壤、红壤和褐土中进行As的等温吸附实验表明,在不添加P的情况下,3种土壤对As的吸附能力随土壤pH的升高而降低,随土壤粘粒含量的降低而减弱,3种土壤吸附能力为黄壤>红壤>褐土,As在土壤中的吸附受P存在的影响,60mg·kg-1的P可以降低黄壤和红壤对As最大吸附量.吸附质中P:As的比例不同,P对土壤吸附As的影响差异很大:吸附质中P:As=1:2时,土壤对As的吸附能力均强于P:As=1:1和P:As=2:1,后两者差异不显著,表明土壤中的吸附点位对As和P的亲和性具有一定的差异,Languir方程能很好地拟合所测得的土壤平衡溶液中As浓度。  相似文献   

Experimental measurements of phosphorus (P) uptake and the forms of soil P depleted from an Ultisol by 6 upland rice cultivars are reported. In both P-fertilized and-unfertilized soil, the majority of P taken up was solubilized from a 0.1 M NaOH-soluble pool by root-induced changes. The soil pH within 4 mm of the roots was lowered by up to 0.5 units (from 4.6), but this by itself could not account for the P solubilized, and nor could increased phosphatase activity near the roots. The possible role of root-released low molecular weight organic acid anions in P solubilization is discussed. No significant differences in the extent of solubilization by a given root mass could be detected between cultivars. In P-unfertilized soil, but not in P-fertilized soil, there were significant differences between cultivars in internal P efficiency as measured by shoot dry weight per unit total plant P. In unfertilized soil, root growth and P uptake were strongly correlated with the P content of the seeds from which the plants were grown.  相似文献   

A chlorophenol-contaminated soil was tested for the biodegradability in a semi-pilot scale microcosm using indigenous microorganisms. More than 90% of 4-chlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, initially at 30 mg kg–1, were removed within 60 days and 30 mg pentachlorophenol kg–1 was completely degraded within 140 days. The chlorophenols were degraded more effectively under aerobic condition than under anaerobic condition. Soil moisture had a significant effect with the slowest degradation rate of chlorophenols at 25% in the range of 10–40% moisture content. At 25–40%, the rate of chlorophenol degradation was directly related to the soil moisture content, whereas at 10–25%, it was inversely related. Limited oxygen availability through soil agglomeration at 25% moisture content might decrease the degradation rate of chlorophenols.  相似文献   

外源腐殖酸对三种土壤磷吸附与解吸特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨凯  关连珠  颜丽  朱教君  贺婧 《生态学杂志》2009,28(7):1303-1307
通过对3种土壤(红壤、棕壤和褐土)施入不同腐殖酸的室内培养试验,探讨了外源腐殖酸对不同土壤磷素吸附和解吸的影响。结果表明:与对照土壤相比,不同腐殖酸降低了3种供试土壤磷素的吸附量,其降低顺序为:褐土>红壤>棕壤;外源腐殖酸提高了红壤和棕壤磷素的解吸量和解吸率,提高的幅度与腐殖酸的种类有关;而腐殖酸对褐土磷素的解吸量则无明显促进作用。表明外源腐殖酸对3种土壤磷素吸附-解吸作用最强的为红壤,其次为棕壤,最弱的为褐土;同时表明腐殖酸可提高红壤和棕壤磷素的利用率。  相似文献   

外源多胺对水稻萌发和前期生长的作用及其在土壤中的滞留   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
研究了不同浓度的多胺(尸胺、腐胺和亚精胺)对水稻种子萌发幼苗生长的化感作用结果表明.外源多肢对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长均有抑制作用,尤其是对根的抑制,其作用程度依次为亚精胺>腐胺>尸胺,但是外源多胺能显著地提高水稻幼苗的抗冷性.使用灭菌土壤和用蒸馏水、Na2EDTA和盐酸水溶液浸取的实验结果表明,尸胺进入土壤后,大部分被土壤吸附和络合而滞留,少部分自由存于土壤中,在络合剂和酸存在下,尸胺可从土壤中解脱  相似文献   

水分和磷素对木荷不同种源苗木生长和磷效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林磊  周志春 《应用生态学报》2009,20(11):2617-2623
以用木荷中心产区的浙江龙泉、福建建瓯、尤溪和江西吉安4个代表性优良种源为试验材料,以广西产红荷为对照,设置不同水分处理和磷素水平的盆栽试验,研究水分和磷素对木荷种源苗木生长和生理指标的影响.结果表明:在不同的水分和磷素处理下,4个参试种源的苗木生长、根系形态参数和磷素吸收效率等均存在显著的遗传差异,福建建瓯和浙江龙泉种源苗木生长量大、根系发达、磷素吸收效率高,生长表现明显优于福建尤溪和江西吉安种源,而广西产红荷则保持其原产地速生、抗旱、耐瘠的特性.土壤水分和磷素对木荷种源苗木生长影响显著.适宜水分条件下,种源苗木径生长、干物质量、根系参数和磷素吸收效率较干旱胁迫条件下高18.5%~105.6%,高磷水平下种源苗木上述性状较低磷处理高37.5%~286.2%.但在干旱和低磷胁迫下,木荷将光合产物更多地分配至地下根系,磷素利用效率也较高,这可能是木荷适应干旱和低磷胁迫的重要生理机制.相对于显著的种源、水分和磷素主效应,其间的交互作用则可以忽略.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The combined effects of (1) reduced soil moisture availability, (2) reduced application of inorganic fertilisers while incorporating straw, (3) soil type, and their effects on growth, root system plasticity, phosphorus (P) nutrition of rice, and soil P dynamics are poorly known, but very important when aiming to increase the efficiency of water and P use.


Using large pots a three-factor factorial experiment was conducted with two moisture treatments (i.e. continuous flooding, and draining of top soil after flowering while subsoil was kept moist through capillary action), three fertilisation treatments; with (P1) and without (P0) applications of inorganic P fertilisers, and 25 % of inorganic fertilisers reduced while incorporating straw (5 t ha?1), and soil type (i.e. clay and sandy soils with 15 and 9 mg P kg?1 soil, respectively in P0). Shoot and root growth, root system plasticity, P nutrient status and soil P dynamics were measured.

Key results

Straw incorporation with reduced inorganic fertiliser application ensured a higher shoot dry weight and yield only in flooded clay soil as compared with P0 and P1, and a similar shoot dry weight and yield to P1 under drained clay soil. A positive growth response was facilitated by an increased water-use efficiency and rate of photosynthesis in shoots, and increased root system plasticity through the production of greater root length, more roots in deep soil layers, and an increased fraction of fine roots. Straw enhanced P extractability in soil. Drained soil reduced P uptake (15–45 %) and increased P-use efficiency. In addition to the re-translocation of P from senescing leaves and stems under both moisture conditions, the P concentration in green leaves under drained condition was also reduced (41–72 %).


Growth benefits of straw incorporation were observed in clay soil under both moisture conditions, and this was facilitated by the improved P availability, increased P uptake, and greater root system plasticity with the production of deeper and finer roots, compared with that in sandy soil, and inorganic fertiliser applications alone. As P uptake was reduced under drained soil, P re-translocation and % P allocated to panicles increased.  相似文献   

Jia  Zhongjun  Cai  Zucong  Xu  Hua  Li  Xiaoping 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(2):211-221
To understand the integrated effects of rice plants (variety Wuyugeng 2) on CH4 emission during the typical rice growth stage, the production, oxidation and emission of methane related to rice plants were investigated simultaneously through laboratory and greenhouse experiments. CH4 emission was significantly higher from the rice planted treatment than from the unplanted treatment. In the rice planted treatment, CH4 emission was higher at tillering stage than at panicle initiation stage. An average of 36.3% and 54.7% of CH4 produced was oxidized in the rhizosphere at rice tillering stage and panicle initiation stage, respectively, measured by using methyl fluoride (MF) technique. In the meantime, CH4 production in the planted treatments incubated under O2-free N2 condition was reduced by 44.9 and 22.3%, respectively, compared to unplanted treatment. On the contrary, the presence of rice plants strongly stimulated CH4 production by approximately 72.3% at rice ripening stage. CH4 emission through rice plants averaged 95% at the tillering stage and 89% at the panicle initiation stage. Based on these results, conclusions are drawn that higher CH4 emission from the planted treatment than from unplanted treatment could be attributed to the function of rice plants for transporting CH4 from belowground to the atmosphere at tillering and panicle initiation stage, and that a higher CH4 emission at tillering stage than at panicle initiation stage is due to the lower rhizospheric CH4 oxidation and more effective transport mediated by rice plants.  相似文献   

P. Moss 《Plant and Soil》1963,18(1):124-132
Summary The effect of potassium ions on a River Estate soil-water system was investigated by equilibrating the soil with 0.0001 to 0.02M KCl solutions. Soil solutions were obtained from soil samples prepared over a wide range of solution/soil ratios, both within and outside the field range. The soil-soil solution equilibrium remained undisturbed over the field range of solution/soil ratios, 0.25 to 1.0, for the 0.0001M 0.0002M, and 0.0005M KCl systems. Values of pK–1/2p(Ca+Mg) for these systems tended to decrease at ratios greater than 1.0 and with increasing strength of the KCl-equilibrating solutions. This is suggested to be due to the increasing potassium release from the soil with increasing solution/soil ratio for the 0.0001M KCl system and the increasing amounts of potassium present in the 0.0002M, 0.0005M, and 0.02M KCl systems.Both release and uptake of potassium were shown to be functions of the potassium concentration of the equilibrium soil solution. A value K0, was defined as the concentration of potassium in the soil solution when potassium was neither released nor taken up by the soil. It is suggested that if this value is known, measurement of the soil solution potassiujm concentration under any particular conditions would indicate whether potassium was being released or taken up by the soil.It was deduced that the exchange complex of this soil had to be 62 per cent saturated with potassium before fixation occurred.  相似文献   

P. Moss 《Plant and Soil》1964,20(3):271-286
Summary A study was made of the effect of soil moisture tension (pF 0–3), regarding the soil moisture status and soil oxygen status as interrelated, on the growth and cation uptake byRaphanus sativus using a tension plate apparatus. A similar study was made usingBrassica sinensis in pots.Results suggested that the tension-plate apparatus would be useful in such studies, whereas the lack of adequate soil moisture control in the pot experiment made this type of method unsuitable.Increasing soil moisture tension resulted in an increase in the cation concentrations of both soil solution and plant material. The dilution and valency effect in the soil solution was demonstrated.The growth response to soil moisture tension was a reflection of changes in moisture status which in turn affected the soil oxygen tension.The value of logK–1/2log [Ca+Mg] in the plant was constant over the soil moisture tension range studied and was a reflection of the characteristic potassium intensity status of the soil solution, defined by pK–1/2p (Ca+Mg) which was also constant. The concentration ratio, K/Ca+Mg, in the plant varied with moisture tension in the same way as the ratio varied in the soil solution and was therefore a reflection of both the soil solution composition and soil moisture tension.The plant reflected the composition of the soil solution and it was concluded that both the adsorption and contact-exchange theories played no significant role in plant ion uptake.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of Zn, P, N and CaCO3 on tryptophan concentration in rice grain were studied in greenhouse at Haryana Agricultural University. Zinc application upto 20 ppm increased tryptophan concentration in rice grain. Zn-EDTA gave highest increase followed by ZnSO4 and then ZnO. Liming at the rate of 4 and 8 per cent decreased tryptophan concentration significantly. Phosphorus application upto 100 ppm also decreased tryptophan significantly but Zn in combination with P increased tryptophan and overcame negative effect of P. Nitrogen application upto 120 ppm increased tryptophan concentration. There was positive interaction between Zn and N. Ammonium sulphate gave highest tryptophan followed by ammonium nitrate and then urea. The tryptophan concentration ranged between 766 ppm and 2011 ppm in paddy grain. The lowest tryptophan concentration was in the plants treated with 8 per cent lime in absence of added Zn and highest with 10 ppm Zn through Zn-EDTA. Department of Soils.  相似文献   

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