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In paraffin sections of rat tissue it is possible to stain mast cell granules blue in contrast to red nuclei, pale blue cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid, and colorless collagen. This is done by the following mixture: 1% methylene blue (pure, not polychrome), 9 ml; 0.1% basic fuchsin, 9 ml; glacial acetic acid, 2 ml. Stain formol-fixed, paraffin-processed sections for 5 min, wash in water and pass through acetone, 2 changes, 10 sec total, to xylene and a polystyrene mounting medium.  相似文献   

Sections 1 μ thick of epoxy-embedded, OsO4-fixed tissues were stained with 4% aqueous basic fuchsin at 70 C for 1 min, rinsed well and destained, also at 70 C, for 1 min. A 2% aqueous methylene blue solution, alkalinized to pH 12.5 by mixing 1 N NaOH with the dye on the slide in the proportion of about 2:1, was then allowed to act for 2 min at 23-27 C. The stain was rinsed off the slide, and the preparation air dried before applying a mounting medium and cover glass. The mounting medium consisted of immersion oil sealed with epoxy household cement. Stains had not faded after 1 yr. The method is simple, rapid (total time 4-5 min), and provides sharp contrast between cellular and connective tissue components.  相似文献   

Differential staining of cell components of spermatozoa is readily accomplished in Epon or Araldite sections 0.5-1 μ thick from rat and hamster testis and epididymis, and stained as follows: 1% aqueous toluidine blue buffered at pH 6, 0.5-3 min at 90 C; washed in distilled water; 1% basic fuchsin in 50% alcohol, 3-5 min at 20-25 C; differentiated with 70% alcohol; allowed to dry; and mounted in a resin of high refraction (DPX was used). Results: acrosome, bright magenta; nucleus, deep blue; mitochondrial sheath of the middle-piece, pinkish purple; and tail, pale red. This procedure combined with staining of collagen by applying 2% aqueous phosphotungstic acid 1-2 min as a mordant, followed by 1% light green in 50% alcohol containing 1% acetic acid, 1-2 min at 20-25 C, gives polychromatic staining and is useful as a general stain for other epoxy-embedded tissues.  相似文献   

A selective stain for elastic tissue (designated orcinol-new fuchsin) is described. Two grams of new fuchsin (C.I. No. 678) and 4 gm of orcinol (highest purity) are added to 200 ml of distilled water and the solution boiled for 5 min. Then 25 ml ferric chloride solution (U.S.P. IX) are added and the solution is boiled 5 min longer. The precipitate is collected and dissolved in 100 ml 95% ethanol. This is the staining solution. Sections are deparaffinized and brought to absolute ethanol, stained for 15 min at 37 °C with orcinol-new fuchsin, differentiated for 15 min in 70% ethanol, dehydrated, cleared and covered as usual.  相似文献   

After completing the bulletin on “Actinomycetes in various parts of the potato and other plants” (Lutman, 1945) the author found the beautiful plates in the atlas to Olivier's monograph (1881) on root structure in which the same intercellular inclusions were shown. Olivier stated that he had stained his sections in “tannate of iron”. Attempts were made by the author to prepare and use such a combination but they were unsuccessful owing to the precipitate that was formed.

The formula used by the U. S. government for ink for official use was tried. This combination is composed of tannic and gallic acids with ferrous sulphate and is acidified with hydrochloric acid. When used double strength, as suggested for special blackness and permanence, the stain was very successful on sections of potato roots and tubers. It stained the Actinomyces hyphae very differentially and was decolorized from all other cell organs. Any other stains used dyed also the pectins and the Actinomyces secretions (melanins) but with this iron tannate combination in one solution, the finest hyphae could be seen and photographed. Since hydrochloric acid was used in this stain, such Actinomyces inclusions must be very tannophylic; much more so than any animal intercellular inclusions so far described.  相似文献   

Semithin sections of buccal and palatal mucosa fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehvde followed by 1% osmium and embedded in Durcupan (an araldite-baaed resin) were stained with 2% malachite green in 50% ethanol at 80 C and poststained in 0.05% crystal violet in Sorensen's phosphate buffer (pH 6.4) at 45 C Nuclear envelopes and chromatin stain vivid purple in contrast to the surrounding green cytoplasm and cell borders. Chromosomes of dividing cells stain bluish violet. Nucleoli, depending on their level in the epithelium, stain differing shades of greenish blue. The distinct and differential staining of each of these components facilitates recognition of mitoses in oral epithelium, where the small sice and crowding of cells in the proliferative compartment renders more conventional stains for plastic sections inadequate.  相似文献   

Certain acid fuchsias stain connective tissue deep red after phosphomolybdotungstic mordanting in a modified Masson procedure, others are entirely unsatisfactory for mis purpose. Spectrophotometric examination gives no reliable criteria for separation of acid fuchsins satisfactory for this purpose from unsatisfactory ones. Sulphonation of basic fuchsin with 3.5 to 4 parts of 25-30% fuming H2SO4 to 1 part of dye gives a satisfactory product at temperatures as low as 65 to 70°C. in 30 minutes, while use of 5 to 7.5 parts of acid at this and at higher and lower temperatures gives unsatisfactory products. Satisfactory products may be produced with 15% fuming H2SO4 in similar quantities, and even with concentrated H2SO4, but some unconverted basic fuchsin remains with both and, with the latter, lower quantities give unsatisfactory products. Brief chemical studies indicate that oversulphonation may occur in the manufacture of acid fuchsin and that this is just as deleterious as undersulphonation.  相似文献   

A staining procedure is described for use with glycol methacrylate embedded tissue sections which does not stain the plastic embedment or remove the sections from the glass slides. The basic dye is celestine blue B. It is prepared by treating 1 g of the dye with 0.5 ml concentrated sulfuric acid. It is then dissolved with the following solution. Add 14 ml glycerine to 100 ml 2.5 percent ferric ammonium sulfate and warm the solution to 50 C. Finally adjust the pH to 0.8 to 0.9 The acid staining solution consists of 0.075 percent ponceau de xylidine and 0.025 percent acid fuchsin in 10 percent acetic acid. Slides containing the dried plastic sections are immersed in the celestine blue solution for five minutes and in the ponceau-fuchsin solution for ten minutes with an intervening water rinse. After a final wash, the sections are air dried and coverslipped. This staining procedure colors the tissues nearly the same as hematoxylin and eosin procedures.  相似文献   

Five distinct nuclear stains and staining procedures which utilize basic fuchsin as the dye have been studied, compared and tested on a Feulgen-weak fungus, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and other fungi.

Aqueous basic fuchsin has been shown to be an excellent, though impermanent, stain with which to study the nuclei of this and other fungi. The conditions under which formaldehyde acts as a mordant for basic fuchsin and produces a permanent nuclear stain have been established.

Comparison of crystal violet and basic fuchsin suggests that the mordanting action of the aldehyde operates through the para-amino groups of the dye. Certain other basic dyes were not mordanted by formaldehyde.

Gentle acid hydrolysis of the tissues has been found to be essential both to the specificity of the dye as a nuclear stain and to the mordanting effect of the aldehyde.

The possible relationship of these observations to the Feulgen reaction is discussed. A protocol for the method developed is presented.  相似文献   

Cells derived from cultures of bone marrow or leucocytes were treated with hypotonic citrate solution, squashed in 45% acetic acid frozen with CO2 to allow removal of the cover glass without disturbing the smear, and stained by the following schedule: absolute alcohol, 5 min; coat with 0.2% parlodion and air dry; 70% alcohol, 5 min; distilled water, 5 min; stain 2-5 min in a mixture of 45 ml of a 0.3% solution of basic fuchsin in 5% phenol, 6 ml of glacial acetic acid, and 6 ml of 37% formaldehyde. Differentiate and dehydrate in absolute alcohol, clear in xylene and cover. The stain is durable for several weeks if slides are stored in darkness when not in use. Results resemble those obtained by Feulgen or aceto-orcein methods.  相似文献   

The electron microscope has proven very effective for visualization of various morphological features of bacteria. Cationized ferritin (CF) is a stain commonly used to increase the electron microscopic resolution of bacterial cells, thereby enabling detailed analysis of their morphological and structural features. CF has been useful for microscopic examination of the bacterial capsule, cell wall, S-layer, and various unique morphological structures. In addition, as a cation, CF binds only to negatively charged molecules. Thus, CF has been used to identify sites of anionic charge on the bacterial cell surface, which has led to insights concerning the formation and turnover of bacterial peptidoglycan and the S-layer proteins. As a cation, however, CF may also interact with certain cellular components, causing erroneous interpretation of microscopic results. This review provides a discussion of both the strengths and weaknesses of CF when used as a stain for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Sections of tissue embedded in glycol methacrylate can be stained in rapid sequence with solutions of 1% aqueous chromotrope 2R adjusted to pH 3 and 0.1% methylene blue to produce sufficient contrast and cellular detail to permit quick visual inspection and/or photomicrography. Solutions of these stains are simple to prepare and are stable over long periods. Staining of sections may be accomplished within six minutes.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for demonstrating myelinated nerve fibers in frozen sections of the central and peripheral nervous system is described. Material fixed by perfusion with mixed aldehydes gives the best results but the method also works on specimens fixed by immersion in formaldehyde. Frozen sections varying in thickness from 15-50 μm are mounted on slides subbed with chrome alum-gelatin. After hydration (60-140 min), Sections are mordanted (20-40 min) in 2.5% iron alum and rinsed briefly in three changes of distilled H2O (total 2 min). Staining is for 60-180 min in 40 cc freshly made 10% alcoholic hematoxylin diluted with 165 cc distilled H2O to which 15 cc saturated Li2CO2is added. the sections are washed in distilled H2O (5-15 min) and dehydrated in graded alcohols without differentiation in mordant, and covered. Myelin stains a dark blue-purple against a light grey background. Fiber tracts, as well as individual myelinated fibers, are clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

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