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A survey in 1994 examined intestinal helminths and bacterial flora of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Parasites and bacteria were identified to genus in the feces of two groups of tourist-habituated and one group of non-tourist-habituated mountain gorillas. Eggs were identified as those of an anoplocephalid cestode, and nematode eggs representative of the genera: Trichuris, Ascaris, Oesophagostomum, Strongyloides, and Trichostrongylus. This is the first report of Ascaris lumbricoides-like eggs in mountain gorillas. Fecal samples (n=76) from all groups contained helminth eggs, with strongyle eggs and anoplocephalid eggs being the most common. Salmonella and Campylobacter were found in both gorilla groups. Regular long-term non-invasive fecal monitoring of the populations of mountain gorillas is essential for the prevention and identification of potential health threats by intestinal parasites and bacteria in this highly endangered subspecies.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the cover date of the issue.  相似文献   

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, is a small protected area (331 km2) within which there is large climatic and altitudinal variation. Therefore we compared habitat types and forest composition between two locations to investigate differences that may influence ecological conditions for large mammals, including endangered mountain gorillas. We demonstrate that there is considerable intersite variation in habitat types and spatial and temporal availability of vegetation resources of which the most apparent are the differences in species composition of plants and fruit availability. Buhoma (the lower altitude site) has a greater diversity of plant species and higher tree and shrub densities, yet has a much lower density of herbaceous vegetation eaten by gorillas compared with Ruhija. Fruit availability is significantly higher throughout the year in Buhoma compared with Ruhija. Both sites exhibit seasonal variation in fruit availability although they do not follow the same seasonal pattern, perhaps because of inherent asynchronous phenological differences amongst individual tree species. The results of this study are important because distribution and abundance of both terrestrial herbaceous vegetation and fruit resources are believed to influence aspects of feeding ecology for large mammals.  相似文献   

Variability in ant eating has been observed in several populations of eastern and western gorillas. We investigated the occurrence of ant (Dorylus sp.) eating in two groups of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) with overlapping home ranges within Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda from September 2001 to August 2002. We calculated the frequency of ant eating by an indirect method of analyzing fecal samples from silverbacks, adult females, and juveniles. One group consumed ants significantly more often than the other (3.3 vs 17.6% of days sampled). Furthermore, the group that consumed ants more often also consumed them on a seasonal basis (September–February monthly range: 0–8%; March–August monthly range: 30–42.9%). Finally, females and juveniles of this group consumed ants significantly more often than did the silverback (total samples containing ants: silverback, 2.1%; adult female, 13.2%; juvenile, 11.2%). Differences in ant eating between groups are likely due to variability in use of habitats where ants occur (particularly secondary forests). Surveys of ant densities in differing habitats, nutritional analysis of ants, and quantification of the amount of ants in their diets are necessary to understand if ant consumption is due to availability, nutritional value, group traditions, or taste preference.  相似文献   

Mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) occasionally eat material from weathered regolith (subsoil) sediments in the Virunga Mountains of northwestern Rwanda. The possible nutritional significance of this behaviour has been investigated by analyzing the geochemistry, primary mineral composition, and clay content of several regolith and surface soil (paleosol) samples. Iron, Na, and Br content may be important in geophagy, and clay present in the soil may also have nutritional importance.  相似文献   

Habituation to humans of free-ranging populations of endangered mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) raised concern of anthropozoonotic transmission of parasitic helminths and protozoans. Examinations of liver tissue of 19 gorillas found dead in the Parc National de Volcans, Rwanda, revealed 10 cases of hepatic nematodiasis due to Capillaria hepatica. Identifiable C. hepatica eggs were present in the liver of 4 gorillas (3 juveniles, 1 adult), and nematode cross-sections were found in 1 juvenile gorilla. Six other adult gorillas had areas of periportal and subcapsular fibrosis with calcified eggs. Histologically, the lesions surrounded by the areas of mild inflammatory reaction were characterized by subcapsular, periportal foci of fibrosis in which were embedded numerous C. hepatica eggs. Control of hepatic capillariasis in the remaining populations of mountain gorillas should be focused on eradication or control of populations of rodent pests (i.e., mice and rats) that sustain the reservoir of C. hepatica in habitats shared by gorillas and humans.  相似文献   

Foods eaten by gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP), Uganda, were analyzed for their nutrient content. The goal of the study was to assess the amounts of fiber, protein, and sugars in the foods eaten by the Bwindi gorillas, and to determine whether condensed tannins and cyanide are present in these foods. A total of 127 food plant parts representing 84 plant species eaten by two groups of Bwindi gorillas were collected, processed, and analyzed for their chemical contents. The Bwindi gorilla ate foods that contain 2-28% crude protein (CP), 21-88% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 14-60% acid detergent fiber (ADF), 2-42% acid detergent lignin (ADL), and 相似文献   

This report describes observations on the ontogeny of food choice in mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei), made during a 17-month field study of mountain gorilla feeding ecology in the Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda. Data are presented on the feeding behavior of two infants observed from birth to the age of 8 months and on older infants and juveniles. This information is compared with data on the composition and diversity of the diets of young adults and adults in the same social group. Initial feeding by infants is usually synchronized with the mother's behavior: infants ingest the same food, or a different part of the same plant species, currently being eaten by the mother or just eaten by her. This suggests that observational learning is largely responsible for the transmission of food preferences. Most feeding by young infants, whether or not synchronized with the mother's, is on those foods eaten most frequently by adults. Infants also independently sample potential foods, some of which are apparently not consumed by adults. The frequency of sampling declines with age, although even adults occasionally ingest foods not observed to be eaten by other adults. By the age of 3 years, young mountain gorillas have developed the basic dietary patterns of adults, in terms of the number of foods eaten, the proportions in which specific foods are consumed, and diet diversity and equitability. There is a strong possibility that chemical cues influence food choice, but their role remains unclear.  相似文献   



Infectious diseases represent the greatest threats to endangered species, and transmission from humans to wildlife under increased anthropogenic pressure has been always stated as a major risk of habituation.


To evaluate the impact of close contact with humans on the occurrence of potentially zoonotic protists in great apes, one hundred mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from seven groups habituated either for tourism or for research in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda were screened for the presence of microsporidia, Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. using molecular diagnostics.


The most frequently detected parasites were Enterocytozoon bieneusi found in 18 samples (including genotype EbpA, D, C, gorilla 2 and five novel genotypes gorilla 4–8) and Encephalitozoon cuniculi with genotype II being more prevalent (10 cases) compared to genotype I (1 case). Cryptosporidium muris (2 cases) and C. meleagridis (2 cases) were documented in great apes for the first time. Cryptosporidium sp. infections were identified only in research groups and occurrence of E. cuniculi in research groups was significantly higher in comparison to tourist groups. No difference in prevalence of E. bieneusi was observed between research and tourist groups.


Although our data showed the presence and diversity of important opportunistic protists in Volcanoes gorillas, the source and the routes of the circulation remain unknown. Repeated individual sampling, broad sampling of other hosts sharing the habitat with gorillas and quantification of studied protists would be necessary to acquire more complex data.  相似文献   

On the basis of a 5-month field study, data are presented on home range, patterns of daily movement and social behaviour in a small free-living gorilla group. Changes in group composition that occurred during the study are analysed with special reference to their effect on inter-individual distance. The relationships with other groups and lone individuals whose home ranges overlapped with that of the group studied are examined on the basis of intergroup contacts.  相似文献   

We investigated the choice of plants in nest sites and individual night nests of a group of gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Most of the nests were built on the ground in secondary forest or canopy gaps. The gorillas used 62 plant genera in their nests out of a possible 108 plant genera available in the immediate environment. This group of Bwindi gorillas chose nest sites nonrandomly with respect to habitat type and selected nest sites in which Pteridium spp. or Mimulopsis spp. were the dominant plants. The Bwindi gorillas selected Pteridium spp. and Ipomea spp. to construct their individual night nests in greater quantities compared to their proportional availability in the immediate environment.  相似文献   

Visually attending to conspecifics can give group-living primates important ecological information, help them to anticipate the behavior of others and to regulate interactions with them, and provide other valuable social information. Variation in the importance and quality of social relationships should influence the way individuals selectively attend to fellow group members. Preliminary data on visual monitoring of conspecifics by wild female mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) show that selective attention mirrors variation in social relationships. Social bonds between males and females are central to gorilla society; correspondingly, females are more likely to stop feeding, and focus their attention on males who walk into view than on females, especially when males give dislays. Females are more likely to focus on other females with whom they have antagonistic relationships than those (mostly close relatives) with whom they have affiliative, cooperative ones. Further research on the context and consequences of visual monitoring could help to address questions about the regulation of social relationships and about social cognition in gorillas.  相似文献   

The live birth of a wild mountain gorilla is described. Details of the birth process are given along with the mother’s periparturitional behaviour and the responses of others to the birth. The mother, a multiparous female, gave no observable indication that birth was imminent, and delivered her infant quickly and easily. During parturition, a subadult male showed interest in the proceedings. Following delivery, several animals approached the mother, who then left the birth site. The mother cleaned her infant and by two hours postpartum had established ventro-ventral contact and, possibly, nursing. These data are related to relevant observations from the literature and unpublished data on other animals from this study.  相似文献   

Before Bwindi Impenetrable forest, Uganda, became a national park in 1991, there was a high level of human activity in much of the forest, especially cutting of large trees for timber by pitsawyers. This created extensive gaps in this tropical Afromontane rain forest. We quantified and compared tree regeneration in three sites that were logged at different intensities. Gap sizes in Bwindi, even under fairly natural conditions are very large (mean =4460.1 m2). Logging further enlarged the gap sizes and had a negative impact on tree regeneration. The study shows the strong role of logging disturbance in promoting an alternative successional pathway, where the large gaps created by logging are in a low‐canopy state dominated by a dense tangle of herbs, shrubs, and herbaceous or semi‐woody climbers. We recommend periodic monitoring of gap size and tree regeneration in the gaps to ascertain the trend of recovery from past logging disturbance.  相似文献   

We examined the pattern and possible functions of social interactions between adult males and immatures in three free-ranging, multi-male groups of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). Previous studies conducted during the 1970s when groups contained one to three adult males concluded that male-immature relationships were likely to be a form of low-cost paternal investment [Stewart, Mountain gorillas: three decades of research at Karisoke. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001]. We evaluated whether this hypothesis still held in groups containing six to nine adult males, or if male-immature relationships might serve other functions (e.g. mating effort, kin selection, or alliance building). Overall, we found that immatures spent the most time near, and interacted most with, the alpha silverback. These behaviors peaked during the period when infants were still quite vulnerable but increasing their independence from their mothers. Such findings suggest that parenting effort remains the primary function of male-immature relationships; however, there is some evidence for the mating effort hypothesis as well.  相似文献   

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