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The expression of sexual dimorphism is expected to be influenced by the acquisition of resources available to allocate to trait growth, combined with sex‐specific patterns of resource allocation. Resource acquisition in the wild may be mediated by a variety of ecological factors, such as the density of interspecific competitors. Allocation may in turn depend on social contexts, such as sex ratio, that alter the pay‐off for investment in sexual traits. How these factors interact to promote or constrain the expression and evolution of sexual dimorphism is poorly understood. We manipulated sex ratio and interspecific resource competition over the growing season of red‐spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) in artificial ponds. Fish competitors had a stronger effect on female than male growth, which effectively eliminated the expression of sexual size dimorphism. In addition, newt sex ratio influenced fish growth, leading to reduction in fish mass with an increase in female newt frequency. Fish also reduced the expression of male tail height, a sexually selected trait, but only in tanks with a female‐biased sex ratio. This suggests males alter their resource allocation pattern in response to the strength of sexual selection. Our results demonstrate that ecologically and socially mediated interactions between sex‐specific resource acquisition and allocation can contribute to variation in the expression of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Organisms living today are descended from ancestors that experienced considerable climate change in the past. However, they are currently presented with many new, man-made challenges, including rapid climate change. Migration and reproduction of many avian species are controlled by endogenous mechanisms that have been under intense selection over time to ensure that arrival to and departure from breeding grounds is synchronized with moderate temperatures, peak food availability and availability of nesting sites. The timing of egg laying is determined, usually by both endogenous clocks and local factors, so that food availability is near optimal for raising young. Climate change is causing mismatches in food supplies, snow cover and other factors that could severely impact successful migration and reproduction of avian populations unless they are able to adjust to new conditions. Resident (non-migratory) birds also face challenges if precipitation and/or temperature patterns vary in ways that result in mismatches of food and breeding. Predictions that many existing climates will disappear and novel climates will appear in the future suggest that communities will be dramatically restructured by extinctions and changes in range distributions. Species that persist into future climates may be able to do so in part owing to the genetic heritage passed down from ancestors who survived climate changes in the past.  相似文献   

A challenge in animal ecology is to link animal movement to demography. In general, reproducing and non-reproducing animals may show different movement patterns. Dramatic changes in reproductive status, such as the loss of an offspring during the course of migration, might also affect movement. Studies linking movement speed to reproductive status require individual monitoring of life-history events and hence are rare. Here, we link movement data from 98 GPS-collared female moose (Alces alces) to field observations of reproductive status and calf survival. We show that reproductive females move more quickly during migration than non-reproductive females. Further, the loss of a calf over the course of migration triggered a decrease in speed of the female. This is in contrast to what might be expected for females no longer constrained by an accompanying offspring. The observed patterns demonstrate that females of different reproductive status may have distinct movement patterns, and that the underlying motivation to move may be altered by a change in reproductive status during migration.  相似文献   

The small size of the billions of migrating songbirds commuting between temperate breeding sites and the tropics has long prevented the study of the largest part of their annual cycle outside the breeding grounds. Using light-level loggers (geolocators), we recorded the entire annual migratory cycle of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio, a trans-equatorial Eurasian-African passerine migrant. We tested differences between autumn and spring migration for nine individuals. Duration of migration between breeding and winter sites was significantly longer in autumn (average 96 days) when compared with spring (63 days). This difference was explained by much longer staging periods during autumn (71 days) than spring (9 days). Between staging periods, the birds travelled faster during autumn (356 km d(-1)) than during spring (233 km d(-1)). All birds made a protracted stop (53 days) in Sahelian sub-Sahara on southbound migration. The birds performed a distinct loop migration (22 000 km) where spring distance, including a detour across the Arabian Peninsula, exceeded the autumn distance by 22 per cent. Geographical scatter between routes was particularly narrow in spring, with navigational convergence towards the crossing point from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula. Temporal variation between individuals was relatively constant, while different individuals tended to be consistently early or late at different departure/arrival occasions during the annual cycle. These results demonstrate the existence of fundamentally different spatio-temporal migration strategies used by the birds during autumn and spring migration, and that songbirds may rely on distinct staging areas for completion of their annual cycle, suggesting more sophisticated endogenous control mechanisms than merely clock-and-compass guidance among terrestrial solitary migrants. After a century with metal-ringing, year-round tracking of long-distance migratory songbirds promises further insights into bird migration.  相似文献   

We collected gravid king ratsnakes (Elaphe carinata) from three geographically separated populations in Chenzhou (CZ), Lishui (LS) and Dinghai (DH) of China to study the geographical variation in female reproductive traits and trade‐offs between the size and number of eggs. Not all reproductive traits varied among the three populations. Of the traits examined, five (egg‐laying date, post‐oviposition body mass, clutch size, egg mass and egg width) differed among the three populations. The egg‐laying date, ranging from late June to early August, varied among populations in a geographically continuous trend, with females at the most northern latitude (DH) laying eggs latest, and females at the most southern latitude (CZ) laying eggs earliest. Such a trend was less evident or even absent in the other traits that differed among the three populations. CZ and DH females, although separated by a distance of approximately 1100 km as the crow flies, were similar to each other in most traits examined. LS females were distinguished from CZ and DH females by the fact that they laid a greater number of eggs, but these were smaller. The egg size–number trade‐off was evident in each of the three populations and, at a given level of relative fecundity, egg mass was significantly greater in the DH population than in the LS population. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 701–709.  相似文献   

The timing of annual life‐history events affects survival and reproduction of all organisms. A changing environment can perturb phenological adaptations and an important question is if populations can evolve fast enough to track the environmental changes. Yet, little is known about selection and evolutionary potential of traits determining the timing of crucial annual events. Migratory species, which travel between different climatic regions, are particularly affected by global environmental changes. To increase our understanding of evolutionary potential and selection of timing traits, we investigated the quantitative genetics of arrival date at the breeding ground using a multigenerational pedigree of a natural great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) population. We found significant heritability of 16.4% for arrival date and directional selection for earlier arrival in both sexes acting through reproductive success, but not through lifespan. Mean arrival date advanced with 6 days over 20 years, which is in exact accordance with our predicted evolutionary response based on the breeder's equation. However, this phenotypic change is unlikely to be caused by microevolution, because selection seems mainly to act on the nongenetic component of the trait. Furthermore, demographical changes could also not account for the advancing arrival date. Instead, a strong correlation between spring temperatures and population mean arrival date suggests that phenotypic plasticity best explains the advancement of arrival date in our study population. Our study dissects the evolutionary and environmental forces that shape timing traits and thereby increases knowledge of how populations cope with rapidly changing environments.  相似文献   

Aggregate, or explosive, breeding is widespread among vertebrates and likely increases the probability of multiple paternity. We assessed paternity in seven field-collected clutches of the explosively breeding spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) using 10 microsatellite loci to determine the frequency of multiple paternity and the number of males contributing to a female's clutch. Using the Minimum Method of allele counts, multiple paternity was evident in 70% of these egg masses. Simple allele counts underestimate the number of contributing males because this method cannot distinguish multiple fathers with common or similar alleles. Therefore, we used computer simulations to estimate from the offspring genotypes the most likely number of contributing fathers given the distributions of allele frequencies in this population. We determined that two to eight males may contribute to A. maculatum clutches; therefore, multiple paternity is a common strategy in this aggregate breeding species. In aggregate mating systems competition for mates can be intense, thus differential reproductive success (reproductive skew) among males contributing to a female's clutch could be a probable outcome. We use our data to evaluate the potential effect of reproductive skew on estimates of the number of contributing males. We simulated varying scenarios of differential male reproductive success, ranging from equal contribution to high reproductive skew among contributing sires in multiply sired clutches. Our data suggest that even intermediate levels of reproductive skew decrease confidence substantially in estimates of the number of contributing sires when parental genotypes are unknown.  相似文献   

The influence of overripening on salmonid egg quality has often been described in artificial breeding. However, no information exists on the impact of this factor on fish reproducing naturally, although it is likely to be critical, especially in disturbed environments. Pairs of Atlantic salmon in which the size of the male and the female was evenly matched were released in a spawning channel from 1 to 12 days after ovulation. Handling did not affect egg quality. Overripening had a negative effect on egg viability. Egg mortality, infertility and malformations increased with the number of days after ovulation. In females which had just matured, 16·7% of their recovered eggs were dead, 3·1% were unfertilized and 1·7% were malformed, as compared to 25·4, 9·7 and 5·4%, respectively, in females that had been mature for at least a week. Overripening played a role in both female spawning behaviour and capacity to spawn, as females which had been mature for over a week released their eggs more quickly while they retained more ova in their abdominal cavity than early spawning females. Thus, in studies of reproductive behaviour and in particular of sexual selection, it is critical to take into account the maturation status of females since the duration of spawning activity is used by various authors to determine female sexual motivation. Alternatively, overripening may decrease the female selectivity for mates.  相似文献   

Individuals within complex social groups often experience reduced reproduction owing to coercive or suppressive actions of other group members. However, the nature of social and ecological environments that favour individual acceptance of such costs of sociality is not well understood. Taxa with short periods of direct social interaction, such as some communal egg layers, are interesting models for study of the cost of social interaction because opportunities to control reproduction of others are limited to brief periods of reproduction. To understand the conditions under which communal egg layers are in fitness conflict and thus likely to influence each other's reproduction, we develop an optimality model involving a brood guarding 'host' and a nonguarding disperser, or 'egg dumper'. The model shows that when, where intermediate-sized broods have highest survival, lifetime inclusive fitnesses of hosts and dumpers are often optimized with different numbers of dumped eggs. We hypothesize that resolution of this conflict may involve attempts by one party to manipulate the other's reproduction. To test model predictions we used a lace bug (Heteroptera: Tingidae) that shows both hosts and egg dumpers as well as increased offspring survival in response to communal egg laying. We found that egg-dumping lace bugs oviposit a number of eggs that very closely matches predicted fitness optimum for hosts rather than predicted optimum of dumpers. This result suggests that dumpers pay a social cost for communal egg laying, a cost that may occur through host suppression of dumper reproduction. Although dumper allocation of eggs is thus sub-optimal for dumpers, previous models show that the decision to egg dump is nevertheless evolutionarily stable, possibly because hosts permit just enough dumper oviposition to encourage commitment to the behaviour.  相似文献   

Bayesian methods have become extremely popular in molecular ecology studies because they allow us to estimate demographic parameters of complex demographic scenarios using genetic data. Articles presenting new methods generally include sensitivity studies that evaluate their performance, but they tend to be limited and need to be followed by a more thorough evaluation. Here we evaluate the performance of a recent method, bayesass , which allows the estimation of recent migration rates among populations, as well as the inbreeding coefficient of each local population. We expand the simulation study of the original publication by considering multi-allelic markers and scenarios with varying number of populations. We also investigate the effect of varying migration rates and F ST more thoroughly in order to identify the region of parameter space where the method is and is not able to provide accurate estimates of migration rate. Results indicate that if the demographic history of the species being studied fits the assumptions of the inference model, and if genetic differentiation is not too low ( F ST ≥ 0.05), then the method can give fairly accurate estimates of migration rates even when they are fairly high (about 0.1). However, when the assumptions of the inference model are violated, accurate estimates are obtained only if migration rates are very low ( m  = 0.01) and genetic differentiation is high ( F ST ≥ 0.10). Our results also show that using posterior assignment probabilities as an indication of how much confidence we can place on the assignments is problematical since the posterior probability of assignment can be very high even when the individual assignments are very inaccurate.  相似文献   

Within-sex colour variation is a widespread phenomenon in animals that often plays a role in social selection. In males, colour variation is typically associated with the existence of alternative reproductive strategies. Despite ecological conditions theoretically favourable to the emergence of such alternative strategies in females, the social significance of colour variation in females has less commonly been addressed, relative to the attention given to male strategies. In a population of the common lizard, females display three classes of ventral colouration: pale yellow, orange and mixed. These ventral colours are stable through individual's life and maternally heritable. Females of different ventral colourations displayed different responses of clutch size, clutch hatching success and clutch sex-ratio to several individual and environmental parameters. Such reaction patterns might reflect alternative reproductive strategies in females. Spatial heterogeneity and presence of density- and frequency-dependent feedbacks in the environment could allow for the emergence of such alternative strategies in this population and the maintenance of colour variation in females.  相似文献   

The indicator mechanism for sexual selection proposed by Hamilton and Zuk (i.e. that sexually selected ornaments signal parasite resistance) has received rather little observational support, and none in the case of long-distance migrant birds. Here we present a test by examining the association between helminth infestations and breeding plumage quality in bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica taymyrensis during their spring staging period in the Wadden Sea, The Netherlands. After a non-stop flight from West Africa, these shorebirds refuel in the Wadden Sea in preparation for a second flight to the central Siberian Arctic breeding grounds. Earlier studies have shown that only relatively heavy and well ornamented birds carry out a "top-up" moult during stopover, in which part of the contour feathers recently grown in West Africa are replaced by even fresher ones. Active body moult was therefore taken as the primary indicator of ornament quality. Of 78 birds collected between 1992 and 1997, 42% carried helminths, including four species of digenean trematodes (flukes), three species of cestodes (tapeworms) and an acanthocephalan (spiny-headed worm). Faecal samples examined for helminth eggs in another 92 birds in 1998 and 2000 showed similar rates of infestation. Actively moulting bar-tailed godwits were confirmed to be heavier and to show more extensive breeding plumage than non-moulting birds. In females, but not in males, active moult was associated with fewer cestodes and acanthocephalans. Also, breeding plumage and presence of cestodes were negatively associated in females. We argue that the quality of the breeding plumage reliably indicates parasite resistance in female godwits. The repeatability of plumage scores of females between years is consistent with such resistance having a heritable component. In contrast, male ornaments may demonstrate other qualities, e.g. an ability to combine adequate fuelling and flight performances with moult during the time-stress of migration.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. An important constraint upon life-history evolution in parasitoids is the limit imposed by body size on allocation of limited metabolic resources to different fitness-related physiological functions such as reproduction and survival.
2. The influence of adult nutrition on reproductive and maintenance variables was studied in the synovigenic ectoparasitoid Mastrus ridibundus , and it was determined whether resource allocation to these different functions depends on body size.
3. Over the course of adult life there was a positive relationship between body size and the number of mature eggs in adult females both in the presence and absence of food. However, only in the presence of food did egg maturation rates increase significantly with body size. Starved wasps produced significantly smaller eggs than fed ones, which has not been documented before. Moreover, starved wasps produced fewer offspring than fed wasps, and attacked fewer hosts.
4. The availability of food had a major effect on longevity, with fed females living about 10 times longer than starved ones. There was also a positive relationship between body size and longevity. In starved wasps, this relationship was the same both in the presence and absence of hosts, but in fed wasps there was a positive relationship between body size and longevity in the absence of hosts only. Allocation to initial eggs relative to lifetime progeny production did not decline with body size.
5. The data reveal that in M. ridibundus the trade-off between maintenance and reproduction varies with life expectancy.  相似文献   

Phenology allows organisms to overcome seasonally variable conditions through life‐cycle adjustment. Changes in phenology can drastically modify the evolutionary trajectory of a population, while a shift in the reproductive time may cause allochronic differentiation. The hypothesis of heritable reproductive time was experimentally tested, by studying a unique population of the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) which has a shifted phenology, and however co‐occurs with the typical population following the classical life cycle. When populations of both types were reared under controlled conditions, the reproductive time was maintained asynchronous, as observed in the field. The shifted population was manipulated in the laboratory to reproduce later than usual, yet the offspring emerged in the next year at the expected dates thus “coming back” to the usual cycle. Hybrids from crosses performed between the 2 populations showed an intermediate phenology. From the emergence times of parents and offspring, a high heritability of the reproductive time (h = 0.76) was observed. The offspring obtained from each type of cross was genetically characterized using microsatellite markers. Bayesian clustering analysis confirmed that hybrids can be successfully identified and separated from the parental genetic classes by genotyping. Findings support the hypothesis that, for this particular population, incipient allochronic speciation is due to a heritable shift in the reproductive time that further causes assortative mating and might eventually cause ecological adaptation/maladaptation in response to environmental changes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The sex ratios of offspring are targets of natural selection that can affect parental energy expenditure and fitness, adult sex ratios, and population dynamics. Parents may manipulate offspring sex ratios based on sex differences in their offsprings' potential for reproductive success. In Lincoln's Sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii), male bill shape is associated with the quality of songs, and song quality predicts female preferences in a reproductive context. Males and females that hatch later relative to brood mates or later in the breeding season tend to develop bill shapes that are, for males, associated with low‐quality song. Because females do not sing and do not experience this selection pressure, we predicted that the sex of offspring produced late relative to their brood mates or relative to the season should be biased toward females. Using a molecular technique to sex nestlings, we found no effects of hatching order or any interaction between date of clutch initiation (season) and hatching order on offspring sex. However, we found a seasonal decline in the proportion of male offspring, from approximately 0.8 at the beginning to 0.4 at the end of a clutch initiation season only 19 d in duration. To our knowledge, this is the shortest period over which the offspring sex ratio has been shown to change in a bird population. Moreover, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that sex differences in the potential attractiveness of offspring ultimately influence offspring sex ratios.  相似文献   

A plethora of statistical models have recently been developed to estimate components of population genetic history. Very few of these methods, however, have been adequately evaluated for their performance in accurately estimating population genetic parameters of interest. In this paper, we continue a research program of evaluation of population genetic methods through computer simulation. Specifically, we examine the software MIGRATEE-N 1.6.8 and test the accuracy of this software to estimate genetic diversity (Theta), migration rates, and confidence intervals. We simulated nucleotide sequence data under a neutral coalescent model with lengths of 500 bp and 1000 bp, and with three different per site Theta values of (0.00025, 0.0025, 0.025) crossed with four different migration rates (0.0000025, 0.025, 0.25, 2.5) to construct 1000 evolutionary trees per-combination per-sequence-length. We found that while MIGRATEE-N 1.6.8 performs reasonably well in estimating genetic diversity (Theta), it does poorly at estimating migration rates and the confidence intervals associated with them. We recommend researchers use this software with caution under conditions similar to those used in this evaluation.  相似文献   

On the basis of evolutionary pattern of reproductive strategies (r‐ and K‐selected animals) and the ultrastructure of modern amniote eggshells, a new model of the origin of the amniote egg is presented. In contrast to the well‐known idea of Romer (1957) that the egg came first while adult reptiles in the Carboniferous remained in water, it is suggested that the early evolution of the amniote egg (including the gradual formation of membranes) happened within the aquatic realm. Increasing enlargement of eggs and yolk is interpreted as an adaptation of reproduction strategies to lakes with poor nutrient contents. The first accumulation of Ca‐ions in the outer membrane, paralleled by many modern noncalcified lepidosaurian eggs, was a process of detoxification, according to new ideas in biomineralization. The function of the shell, to protect the embryo against microbial activity and to prevent water loss, which is necessary for the preamniote egg to become a fully terrestrial egg, was the terminal step in this story. Yolk‐rich eggs enclosed by a more or less calcified shell can be interpreted as an essential preadaptation for tetrapods to have become fully terrestrial during the Late Paleozoic.  相似文献   

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