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The DNA replication origin of plasmid NR1 is located approximately 190 base pairs downstream from the 3' end of the repA1 gene, which encodes the essential initiation protein for replication of the plasmid. Restriction endonuclease fragments that contain the NR1 replication origin and its flanking sequences at circularly permuted positions were obtained by digesting oligomers of ori-containing DNA fragments with sets of enzymes that each cut only once in every ori fragment. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of these permuted restriction fragments showed anomalous mobilities, indicating the presence of a DNA bending locus. Through analysis of the relative mobility plots of these permuted fragments, we found one or two possible DNA bending sites located in the intervening region between the repA1 gene and the replication origin of NR1. It seems possible that DNA bending in this region might help to orient the replication origin alongside the repA1 gene, which could contribute to the cis-acting character of the RepA1 initiation protein.  相似文献   

By transformation of dnaA null mutant host cells that are suppressed either by an rnh mutation or by chromosomal integration of a mini-R1 plasmid, it was shown that replication of miniplasmids composed of the NR1 minimal replicon had no absolute dependence upon DnaA protein. In addition, the suppression of the dnaA null mutation by the integrated mini-R1, which is an IncFII relative of NR1, was found to be sensitive to the expression of IncFII-specific plasmid incompatibility. This suggests that the integrative suppression by mini-R1 is under the control of the normal IncFII plasmid replication circuitry. Although NR1 replication had no absolute requirement for DnaA, the copy numbers of NR1-derived miniplasmids were lower in dnaA null mutants, and the plasmids exhibited a much reduced stability of inheritance during subculture in the absence of selection. This suggests that DnaA protein may participate in IncFII plasmid replication in some auxiliary way, such as by increasing the efficiency of formation of an open initiation complex at the plasmid replication origin. Such an auxiliary role for DnaA in IncFII replication would be different from that for replication of most other plasmids examined, for which DnaA has been found to be either essential or unimportant.  相似文献   

The region of R plasmid NR1 that is capable of mediating autonomous replication was cloned by using EcoRI, SalI, and PstI restriction endonucleases. The only EcoRI fragment capable of mediating autonomous replication in either a pol+ or a polA host was fragment B. SalI fragment E joined in native orientation with the part of SalI fragment C that overlapped with EcoRI fragment B, and also two contiguous PstI fragments of sizes 1.6 and 1.1 kilobases from EcoRI fragment B-mediated autonomous replication. When these individual SalI fragments were cloned onto plasmid pBR313 or the individual PstI fragments were cloned onto plasmid pBR322, none of these single fragments could rescue the replication of the ColE1-like vectors in a polA host, even in the presence of a compatible "helper" plasmid derived from a copy mutant of NR1. In contrast to the results reported for closely related R plasmid R6, EcoRI fragment A of NR1 could not rescue the replication of ColE1 derivative RSF2124 in a polA(Am) mutant or in a polA(Ts) mutant at the restrictive temperature. Although capable of autonomous replication, EcoRI fragment B of NR1 (or smaller replicator fragments cloned from it by using other restriction enzymes) was not stably inherited in the absence of selection for the recombinant plasmid. When EcoRI fragment B was ligated to EcoRI fragment A of NR1, the recombinant plasmid was stable. Thus, EcoRI fragment A contained a stability (stb) function. The stb function did not act in trans since EcoRI fragment B was not stably inherited when a ColE1 derivative (RSF2124) ligated to EcoRI fragment A was present in the same cell. A cointegrate plasmid consisting of EcoRI fragment B of NR1 ligated to RSF2124 was also not stably inherited, whereas only EcoRI fragment B was unstable when both RSF2124 and EcoRI fragment B coexisted as autonomous plasmids in the same cell. The incompatibility gene of NR1 was shown to be located within the region of overlap between SalI fragment E and the PstI 1.1-kilobase fragment. A copy mutant of NR1 (called pRR12) was found to have greatly reduced incompatibility with NR1; this Inc- phenotype is cis dominant.  相似文献   

The stb locus of IncFII plasmid NR1, which mediates stable inheritance of the plasmid, is composed of an essential cis-acting DNA site located upstream from two tandem genes that encode essential stability proteins. The two tandem genes, stbA and stbB, are transcribed as an operon from promoter PAB. Using PAB-lacZ gene fusions, it was found that the stb operon is autoregulated. A low-copy-number stb+ plasmid introduced into the same cell with the PAB-lacZ fusion plasmid repressed beta-galactosidase activity about 5-fold, whereas a high-copy-number stb+ plasmid repressed beta-galactosidase about 15-fold. The details of autoregulation were analyzed by varying the concentrations of StbA and StbB to examine their effects on expression from the PAB-lacZ fusion plasmid. StbB protein by itself had autorepressor activity. Although StbA protein by itself had no detectable repressor activity, plasmids that encoded both stbA and stbB repressed more effectively than did those that encoded stbB alone. Plasmids with a mutation in stbA had reduced repressor activity. One mutation in stbB that inactivated the stability function also reduced, but did not eliminate, repressor activity. Repressor activity of the mutant StbB protein was effectively enhanced by stbA. These results indicate that StbB serves two functions, one for stable inheritance and one for autoregulation of the stb operon, both of which may be influenced by StbA protein.  相似文献   

DNA from the replication control region of plasmid NR1 or of the Inc- copy mutant pRR12 was cloned into a pBR322 vector plasmid. These pBR322 derivatives were mutagenized in vitro with hydroxylamine and transformed into Escherichia coli cells that harbored either NR1 or pRR12. After selection for the newly introduced pBR322 derivatives only, those cells which retained the unselected resident NR1 or pRR12 plasmids were examined further. By this process, 134 plasmids with Inc- mutations in the cloned NR1 or pRR12 DNA were obtained. These mutants fell into 11 classes. Two of the classes had plasmids with deletions or insertions in the NR1 DNA and were not examined further. Plasmids with apparent point mutations were classified by examining (i) their ability to reconstitute a functional NR1-derived replicon (Rep+ or Rep-), (ii) the copy numbers of the Rep+ reconstituted replicons, (iii) the cross-reactivity of incompatability among the various mutant classes and parental plasmids, and (iv) the trans effects of the mutants on the copy number and stable inheritance of a coresident plasmid.  相似文献   

T Jiang  Y N Min  W Liu  D D Womble    R H Rownd 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(17):5350-5358
Mutants of IncFII plasmid NR1 that have transposons inserted in the repA4 open reading frame (ORF) are not inherited stably. The repA4 ORF is located immediately downstream from the replication origin (ori). The repA4 coding region contains inverted-repeat sequences that are homologous to the terC inverted repeats located in the replication terminus of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The site of initiation of leading-strand synthesis for replication of NR1 is also located in repA4 near its 3' end. Transposon insertions between ori and the right-hand terC repeat resulted in plasmid instability, whereas transposon insertions farther downstream did not. Derivatives that contained a 35-bp frameshift insertion in the repA4 ORF were all stable, even when the frameshift was located very near the 5' end of the coding region. This finding indicates that repA4 does not specify a protein product that is essential for plasmid stability. Examination of mutants having a nest of deletions with endpoints in or near repA4 indicated that the 3' end of the repA4 coding region and the site of leading-strand initiation could be deleted without appreciable effect on plasmid stability. Deletion of the pemI and pemK genes, located farther downstream from repA4 and reported to affect plasmid stability, also had no detectable effect. In contrast, mutants from which the right-hand terC repeat, or both right- and left-hand repeats, had been deleted were unstable. None of the insertion or deletion mutations in or near repA4 affected plasmid copy number. Alteration of the terC repeats by site-directed mutagenesis had little effect on plasmid stability. Plasmid stability was not affected by a fus mutation known to inactivate the termination function. Therefore, it appears that the overall integrity of the repA4 region is more important for stable maintenance of plasmid NR1 than are any of the individual known features found in this region.  相似文献   

The relative frequency of initiation of DNA replication within the RTF-Tc and r-determinant components of the composite drug resistance plasmid NR1 in Proteus mirabilis was evaluated. Using fractionated radioactively labeled plasmid DNA, analytical procedures that distinguished between the two components of the composite plasmid were carried out. A mixture of uniformly 14C-labeled and 3H-pulse-labeled plasmid DNA (pulse-labeled origin[s] of replication) was used in each of three experiments. First, shear products of the DNA were analyzed using CsCl density gradient centrifugation. Second, fragmented DNA was hybridized to nonradioactive RTF-Tc and r-determinant DNAs immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. Third, the radioactive plasmid DNAs immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. Third, the radioactive plasmid DNA was digested with restriction enzyme (EcoRI), producing a set of RTF-Tc and r-determinant fragments with differing 3H/14C isotpe ratios. The three experiments suggested that under the conditions used to accumulate replicating plasmid DNA molecules (DNA substrate limitation), the r-determinant origin of replication was preferentially utilized in the composite plasmid.  相似文献   

The plasmids R401 and Rtsl belong to the same incompatibility group, IncT. The nucleotide sequence of the basic replicon of R401 consisting of 1,857 base pairs was determined and compared with that of mini-Rtsl previously reported. The mini-R401 was found to be composed of two clusters of direct repeated sequences flanking a large open reading frame that could encode a 33,000 Mr protein (RepA protein) consisting of 288 amino acids. This structure of mini-R401 is quite similar to that of mini-Rtsl. Furthermore, the nucleotide sequence of mini-R401 is identical to that of mini-Rtsl except for eleven nucleotides; three are located near the carboxyl terminus portion of the RepA coding region (repA) and four are in the repeated sequences (incI) located downstream from repA. Incompatibility study showed that mini-R401 plasmid coexisted stably with the cloned incI repeats of mini-Rtsl, suggesting that mini-R401 RepA protein binds to incI repeats of mini-Rtsl less efficiently than does mini-Rtsl RepA protein.  相似文献   

The stability (stb) locus of IncFII plasmid NR1 was mapped to a 1700 base-pair NaeI-TaqI restriction fragment. A series of unstable plasmids that contained insertion, deletion, and point mutations that inactivated the stability function was isolated. The unstable point mutants examined were all stabilized (complemented) in trans by a copy of the wild-type stb locus, suggesting that the mutations had inactivated diffusible gene products. The nucleotide sequence of the stb locus contained two tandem open reading frames, designated stbA and stbB, that encoded essential trans-acting protein products with predicted sizes of 36,000 Mr and 13,000 Mr, respectively. A third open reading frame, stbC, that could encode a peptide of 8000 Mr was contained within stbB in the complementary DNA strand. Plasmid-encoded proteins of 36,000 Mr and 13,000 Mr were identified in minicell experiments as the products of stbA and stbB, respectively. Unstable deletion mutants that retained the promoter proximal region of the stb locus upstream from stbA but had deleted both stbA and stbB were stabilized in trans by plasmids that could supply StbA and StbB. In contrast, deletion mutants that had lost the stbAB promoter region were not complemented in trans, indicating that this region contained an essential cis-acting site (or sites). Unlike some other loci that mediate stable plasmid inheritance, cloned copies of the wild-type stb locus of NR1 did not exert strong incompatibility (i.e. trans destabilization) against other stb+ derivatives of plasmid NR1 present in the same cell.  相似文献   

Incompatibility of the R plasmid Rts1 and its replication mutant pTW2 was studied in recA host cells of Escherichia coli. When the R plasmid R401, belonging to the same incompatibility group as Rts1, was used as a test plasmid, R401 was eliminated preferentially from (Rts-R401)+ cells irrespective of the direction of transfer. In contrast, pTW2 and R401 were mutually excluded. The decreased incompatibility of pTW2 was confirmed by a direct incompatibility test in which a derivative of Rts1 expelled pTW2 exclusively. Alkaline sucrose gradients of pTW2 and Rts1 DNA indicated that approximately one-fourth of the Rts1 genome was deleted in pTW2. In addition, both the various temperature-dependent properties of Rts1 and the inhibitory effect on phage T4 development were also lost in pTW2. A possible mechanism that regulates the stringent replication of Rts1 is discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of incompatibility properties between the IncX plasmids R6K and R485 of Escherichia coli was examined. For small autonomously replicating derivatives of both plasmid elements, the requirements for incompatibility expression include a functional R485 replicon and an active R6K beta-origin region. Functional R6K alpha and gamma origins are not directly involved in incompatibility expression between R6K and R485. A trans-acting replication system was constructed for plasmid R485. It consists of a 3.2-(kb) DNA fragment of R485 that specifies a product(s) in trans which supports replication from an R485 origin plasmid. A minimal R485 origin region of 591 bp was derived utilizing this trans-acting replication system and the nucleotide sequence of this origin region determined. The most striking feature of the sequence is the presence of six tandem 22-bp nucleotide sequence direct repeats.  相似文献   

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