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  • Unrelated plants adapted to particular pollinator types tend to exhibit convergent evolution in floral traits. However, inferences about likely pollinators from ‘pollination syndromes’ can be problematic due to trait overlap among some syndromes and unusual floral architecture in some lineages. An example is the rare South African parasitic plant Mystropetalon thomii (Mystropetalaceae), which has highly unusual brush‐like inflorescences that exhibit features of both bird and rodent pollination syndromes.
  • We used camera traps to record flower visitors, quantified floral spectral reflectance and nectar and scent production, experimentally determined self‐compatibility and breeding system, and studied pollen dispersal using fluorescent dyes.
  • The dark‐red inflorescences are usually monoecious, with female flowers maturing before male flowers, but some inflorescences are purely female (gynoecious). Inflorescences were visited intensively by several rodent species that carried large pollen loads, while visits by birds were extremely rare. Rodents prefer male‐ over female‐phase inflorescences, likely because of the male flowers’ higher nectar and scent production. The floral scent contains several compounds known to attract rodents. Despite the obvious pollen transfer by rodents, we found that flowers on both monoecious and gynoecious inflorescences readily set seed in the absence of rodents and even when all flower visitors are excluded.
  • Our findings suggest that seed production occurs at least partially through apomixis and that M. thomii is not ecologically dependent on its rodent pollinators. Our study adds another species and family to the growing list of rodent‐pollinated plants, thus contributing to our understanding of the floral traits associated with pollination by non‐flying mammals.

Specialized pollination by prey-hunting wasps is poorly documented in rewarding plants. Furthermore, the mechanisms of achieving specialization are not clear since flowers typically produce exposed nectar and have no morphological adaptations (such as long spurs) to exclude non-pollinating visitors. We investigated the pollination of Xysmalobium orbiculare and explored the functional roles of floral scent and nectar in attracting pollinators and deterring nectar robbers. Floral visitor observations showed that this milkweed is visited almost exclusively by pompilid wasps in the genus Hemipepsis. These wasps were the only insects to carry pollinia, and a cage experiment confirmed their effectiveness in removing and inserting pollinia on flowers. Hand-pollinations showed that plants are genetically self-incompatible and thus reliant on pollinators for seed set. Palatability experiments with honeybees showed that nectar is distasteful to non-pollinating insects and is therefore likely to play a functional role in deterring nectar thieves. Choice experiments in the field showed that the wasp pollinators are attracted primarily by floral scent rather than visual cues. Analysis of spectral reflectance of flowers revealed that flowers are dull colored and are unlikely to stand out from the background vegetation. We conclude that X. orbiculare is specialized for pollination by spider-hunting wasps in the genus Hemipepsis and utilizes floral scent to selectively attract its pollinators and unpalatable nectar to deter non-pollinating visitors.  相似文献   

The bird pollination syndrome is characterized by red, unscented flowers with dilute nectar in long nectar tubes. However, the extent to which plants with such traits actually depend on birds for seed production is seldom determined experimentally, and traits such as colour and scent production are often assessed only subjectively. We documented bird pollination and quantified floral traits in the critically endangered Satyrium rhodanthum (Orchidaceae) from mistbelt grasslands in the summer‐rainfall region of South Africa. Direct observations and motion trigger camera footage revealed amethyst sunbirds as the only pollinators, despite the presence of other potential pollinators. Experimental exclusion of sunbirds significantly reduced pollination and fruit set to near zero. Pollination success in naturally pollinated plants was close to 100% in one year, and fruit set varied from 23 to 64% in other years. Pollen transfer efficiency was 5.8%, which is lower than in related insect‐pollinated species, probably due to a tendency of birds to wipe pollinaria from their beak. Flowers of S. rhodanthum only reflect light in the red range of the spectrum, and they produce only a few aliphatic and monoterpene scent compounds at comparatively low emission rates. Nectar volume and sugar concentration varied between 2.7 and 3.7 μL and 23.7 and 25.9%, respectively. We conclude that S. rhodanthum is highly specialized for pollination by sunbirds. Colour, scent and nectar characteristics differ from insect‐pollinated Satyrium species and are consistent with those expected for bird‐pollinated flowers, and may contribute to lack of visitation by other potential long‐tongued pollinators. Habitat loss probably underlies the critically endangered conservation status of S. rhodanthum, but the specialization for pollination by a single bird species means that reproduction in this orchid is vulnerable to losses in surrounding communities of plants that subsidize the energetic requirements of sunbirds. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 177 , 141–150.  相似文献   

Plants are expected to emit floral scent when their pollinators are most active. In the case of long‐tubed flowers specialised for pollination by crepuscular or nocturnal moths, scent emissions would be expected to peak during dawn. Although this classic idea has existed for decades, it has rarely been tested quantitatively. We investigated the timing of flower visitation, pollination and floral scent emissions in six long‐spurred Satyrium species (Orchidaceae). We observed multiple evening visits by pollinaria‐bearing moths on flowers of all study species, but rarely any diurnal visits. The assemblages of moth pollinators differed among Satyrium species, even those that co‐flowered, and the lengths of moth tongues and floral nectar spurs were strongly correlated, suggesting that the available moth pollinator fauna is partitioned by floral traits. Pollinarium removal occurred more frequently during the night than during the day in four of the six species. Scent emission, however, was only significantly higher at dusk than midday in two species. Analysis of floral volatiles using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry yielded 168 scent compounds, of which 112 were species‐specific. The scent blends emitted by each species occupy discrete clusters in two‐dimensional phenotype space, based on multivariate analysis. We conclude that these long‐spurred Satyrium species are ecologically specialised for moth pollination, yet the timing of their scent emission is not closely correlated with moth pollination activity. Scent composition was also more variable than expected from a group of closely related plants sharing the same pollinator functional group. These findings reveal a need for greater understanding of mechanisms of scent production and their constraints, as well as the underlying reasons for divergent scent chemistry among closely related plants.  相似文献   

Many insect-pollinated plants use floral scent signals to attract and guide the effective pollinators, and temporal patterns of their floral scent emission may be tuned to respond to the pollinator's activity and pollination status. In the intimate nursery pollination mutualism between monoecious Glochidion trees (Phyllanthaceae) and Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae), floral scent signals mediate species-specific interactions and influence the moth's efficient pollen-collecting and pollen-depositing behaviors on male and female flowers, respectively. We tested the hypotheses that both sexes of flowers of Epicephala-pollinated Glochidion rubrum exhibit a diel pattern of scent emission matching the activity period of the nocturnally active pollinator, and that female flowers change the chemical signal after pollination to reduce further visits and oviposition by the pollinator. We investigated the diel change of floral scent emissions during two consecutive days and the influence of pollination on the floral scent by conducting hand-pollinations in the field. The total scent emission of male and female flowers was higher at night than in the day, which would be expected from the nocturnal visitations of Epicephala moths. Some compounds exhibited a clear nocturnal emission rhythm. Hand-pollination experiments revealed that emission of two compounds, nerolidol and eugenol, drastically decreased in pollinated flowers, suggesting that these compounds may function as key attractants for the pollinator; however, the total scent emission of the female flower was not influenced by hand-pollination. The pattern of the floral scent emission of G. rubrum may be optimized to attract nocturnal pollinators and reduce oviposition.  相似文献   

Traditionally, plant–pollinator interactions have been interpreted as pollination syndrome. However, the validity of pollination syndrome has been widely doubted in modern studies of pollination ecology. The pollination ecology of five Asian Buddleja species, B. asiatica, B. crispa, B. forrestii, B. macrostachya and B. myriantha, in the Sino‐Himalayan region in Asia, flowering in different local seasons, with scented inflorescences were investigated during 2011 and 2012. These five species exhibited diverse floral traits, with narrow and long corolla tubes and concealed nectar. According to their floral morphology, larger bees and Lepidoptera were expected to be the major pollinators. However, field observations showed that only larger bees (honeybee/bumblebee) were the primary pollinators, ranging from 77.95% to 97.90% of total visits. In this study, floral scents of each species were also analysed using coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Although the five Buddleja species emitted differentiated floral scent compositions, our results showed that floral scents of the five species are dominated by substances that can serve as attractive signals to bees, including species‐specific scent compounds and principal compounds with larger relative amounts. This suggests that floral scent compositions are closely associated with the principal pollinator assemblages in these five species. Therefore, we conclude that floral scent compositions rather than floral morphology traits should be used to interpret plant–pollinator interactions in these Asian Buddleja species.  相似文献   

Aspects of the pollination ecology of Browneopsis disepala, including floral scent composition, were studied. Floral scent was collected with head space techniques and analyzed by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Inflorescence and flower development were followed, and amount and concentration of nectar measured. Flower-visiting animals were observed nocturally and diurnally. Inflorescences of B. disepala emit a floral scent that is typical of neither moth- nor bat-pollinated plants, but contains some compounds related to both pollination types. Nectar is produced in quantities and with sugar concentrations falling within a range typical of both moth- and bat-pollinated plants. The inflorescences are visited by both moths and bats, but the behavior of the bats suggests that they are the more efficient pollinators. Browneopsis disepala has a mixed pollination system and is dependent on animals for pollination.  相似文献   

Lilium auratum var. platyphyllum, which is endemic to the Izu Islands, has white petals and emits a strong floral scent, typical of moth‐pollinated plants. Moths might be important pollinators within the Izu Islands because swallowtail butterflies are absent or rare there. Therefore, we investigated insular var. platyphyllum and widespread L. auratum var. auratum on the mainland of Japan to clarify the relationship between floral characteristics and pollinators. Measurement of floral scent intensity using an odor sensor indicated that the intensity increased in the evening and at night in var. platyphyllum, whereas intensity increased at night in var. auratum. Total sugar weight in nectar, which was calculated by nectar volume and sugar concentration, showed that the flowers of var. platyphyllum secreted nectar abundantly both in the evening and at night, whereas those of var. auratum secreted an almost constant amount of nectar throughout the day. Flower visitor assemblages and their frequencies studied using digital cameras suggested that crepuscular and nocturnal hawkmoths are important pollinators for var. platyphyllum. In contrast, both diurnal swallowtail butterflies and nocturnal large hawkmoths are important and effective pollinators for var. auratum. These conclusions were also supported by the exclusion experiments of either diurnal or nocturnal flower visitors using mesh bags. The rates of seed sets of var. platyphyllum were significantly higher from nocturnal pollination than from diurnal pollination. Thus, this study revealed that floral traits of var. platyphyllum show more adaptation for crepuscular and nocturnal hawkmoths, which are relatively abundant in the Izu Islands, than those of var. auratum.  相似文献   

Floral evolution often involves suites of traits, including morphology, colour and scent, but these traits are seldom analysed together in comparative studies. We investigated the associations between floral traits and pollination systems in Schizochilus, a southern African orchid genus with small nectar-producing flowers that has not been studied previously with respect to pollination biology. Field observations indicated the presence of distinct pollination systems in the four species which occur in the Drakensberg, including pollination by muscid flies in Schizochilus angustifolius, tachinid flies in Schizochilus zeyheri, various small flies in Schizochilus bulbinella and bees and wasps in Schizochilus flexuosus. Pollination success and pollen transfer efficiency clearly differed among the four species but were not correlated with the quantity of nectar rewards. Multivariate analysis of floral morphology and floral scent chemistry based on GC-MS data revealed significant differences among species as well as populations within species. The floral scent of S. angustifolius was dominated by the benzenoid compounds benzaldehyde and phenylacetaldehyde. Samples of one population of S. bulbinella were relatively similar to S. angustifolius but samples of another population were very distinct due to the occurrence of the nitrogen-containing compounds 3-methyl-butyl aldoxime (syn/anti) and the higher amounts of aliphatic esters, alcohols and acids. In contrast, the floral scent of S. flexuosus and S. zeyheri was characterized by high relative amounts of methyl benzoate. We conclude that Schizochilus has distinct, specialized pollination systems associated with subtle but significant variation in floral morphology and scent chemistry. We also caution that sampling of several populations may be required to characterize floral scent composition at the species-level in plants.  相似文献   

  • Bees are the most important diurnal pollinators of angiosperms. In several groups of bees a nocturnal/crepuscular habit developed, yet little is known about their role in pollination and whether some plants are adapted specifically to these bees. We used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the reproductive biology and to understand the role of nocturnal/crepuscular bees in pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularly named cambuci.
  • We studied the floral biology and breeding system of C. phaea. We collected the floral visitors and tested the pollinators' effectiveness. We also determined the floral scents released at night and during daytime, and studied behavioural responses of crepuscular/nocturnal bees towards these scents.
  • The flowers of cambuci were self‐incompatible and had pollen as the only resource for flower visitors. Anthesis lasted around 14 h, beginning at 04:30 h at night. The flowers released 14 volatile compounds, mainly aliphatic and aromatic compounds. We collected 52 species of floral visitors, mainly bees. Nocturnal and crepuscular bees (four species) were among the most frequent species and the only effective pollinators. In field bioassays performed at night, nocturnal/crepuscular bees were attracted by a synthetic scent blend consisting of the six most abundant compounds.
  • This study describes the first scent‐mediated pollination system between a plant and its nocturnal bee pollinators. Further, C. phaea has several floral traits that do not allow classification into other nocturnal pollination syndromes (e.g. pollinator attraction already before sunrise, with pollen as the only reward), instead it is a plant specifically adapted to nocturnal bees.

The radiation of the angiosperms is often attributed to repeated evolutionary shifts between different pollinators, as this process drives diversification of floral forms and can lead to reproductive isolation. Floral scent is an important functional trait in many pollination systems but has seldom been implicated as a key mechanism in pollinator transitions. In this study, we suggest a role for sulphur compounds in mediating a shift between specialized carrion-fly and pompilid-wasp pollination systems in Eucomis (Hyacinthaceae). Flowers of closely related Eucomis species pollinated by carrion flies or pompilid wasps have very similar greenish-white flowers, but differ markedly in floral scent chemistry (determined by GC–MS analysis of headspace extracts). Comparison of the floral colours of the four Eucomis species in the visual systems of flies and wasps suggests that colour plays little role in pollinator discrimination. Nectar properties and morphology also do not differ strongly between fly- and wasp-pollinated flowers. By comparing floral scent bouquets and experimentally manipulating the scent of plants in the field, we demonstrate that shifts between wasp and fly pollination in these four congeners can depend on the production or suppression of sulphur compounds (dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl trisulphide) in the fragrance bouquet. This suggests that mutations affecting the production of particular scent compounds could precipitate shifts between pollinators, independently of floral morphology, colour or nectar properties.  相似文献   

Variation in flower color, particularly polymorphism, in which two or more different flower color phenotypes occur in the same population or species, may be affected or maintained by mechanisms that depend on pollinators. Furthermore, variation in floral display may affect pollinator response and plant reproductive success through changes in pollinator visitation and availability of compatible pollen. To asses if flower color polymorphism and floral display influences pollinator preferences and movements within and among plants and fitness-related variables we used the self-incompatible species Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. (Asteraceae), a model system with single-locus flower color polymorphism that comprises three morphs: white (recessive homozygous), pink (heterozygous co-dominate), and purple (dominant homozygous) flowers. We measured the preferences of pollinators for each morph and constancy index for each pollinator species, pollination visitation rate, floral traits, and female fitness measures. Flower color morphs differed in floral trait measures and seed production. Pollinators foraged nonrandomly with respect to flower color. The most frequent morph, the pink morph, was the most visited and pollinators exhibited the highest constancy for this morph. Moreover, this morph exhibited the highest female fitness. Pollinators responded strongly to floral display size, while probed more capitulums from plants with large total display sizes, they left a great proportion of them unvisited. Furthermore, total pollinator visitation showed a positive relation with female fitness. Results suggest that although pollinators preferred the heterozygous morph, they alternate indiscriminately among morphs making this polymorphism stable.  相似文献   

Natural selection is thought to have shaped the evolution of floral scent; however, unlike other floral characters, we have a rudimentary knowledge of how phenotypic selection acts on scent. We found that floral scent was under stronger selection than corolla traits such as flower size and flower color in weakly scented Penstemon digitalis. Our results suggest that to understand evolution in floral phenotypes, including scent in floral selection, studies are crucial. For P. digitalis, linalool was the direct target of selection in the scent bouquet. Therefore, we determined the enantiomeric configuration of linalool because interacting insects may perceive the enantiomers differentially. We found that P. digitalis produces only (S)-(+)-linalool and, more interestingly, it is also taken up into the nectar. Because the nectar is scented and flavored with (S)-(+)-linalool, it may be an important cue for pollinators visiting P. digitalis flowers.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated evolutionary divergence has seldom been explored in generalist clades because it is assumed that pollinators in those clades exert weak and conflicting selection. We investigate whether pollinators shape floral diversification in a pollination generalist plant genus, Erysimum. Species from this genus have flowers that appeal to broad assemblages of pollinators. Nevertheless, we recently reported that it is possible to sort plant species into pollination niches varying in the quantitative composition of pollinators. We test here whether floral characters of Erysimum have evolved as a consequence of shifts among pollination niches. For this, we quantified the evolutionary lability of the floral traits and their phylogenetic association with pollination niches. As with pollination niches, Erysimum floral traits show weak phylogenetic signal. Moreover, floral shape and color are phylogenetically associated with pollination niche. In particular, plants belonging to a pollination niche dominated by long‐tongued large bees have lilac corollas with parallel petals. Further analyses suggest, however, that changes in color preceded changes in pollination niche. Pollinators seem to have driven the evolution of corolla shape, whereas the association between pollination niche and corolla color has probably arisen by lilac‐flowered Erysimum moving toward certain pollination niches for other adaptive reasons.  相似文献   

In this study, floral color, scent composition and emission rate, nectar property, pollinators, and breeding system of dimorphic Buddleja delavayi Gagnep. were investigated. Flower color of B. delavayi was determined using a standard color chart and spectrophotometer, and two distinct color polymorphisms were observed having purple or white flowers. Floral scents of B. delavayi were collected using dynamic headspace adsorption and identified with coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In total, 28 compounds were identified from the flowers of B. delavayi. The identified scents were divided into three chemical classes based on their biosynthetic origin: terpenes, fatty acid derivatives, and benzenoids. The scent profiles in all individuals were dominated by a few components, such as lilac aldehyde and alcohol, 4-oxoisophorone, benaldehyde, and oxoisophorone oxide. Floral scent composition (benzenoids and terpenes) showed a significant difference between white and purple flower morphs. Flower color–flower scent associations in B. delavayi were identified with two distinct scent profiles in the two color phenotypes. The studies of other floral characteristics (nectar, floral visitors, breeding system, and fruit set) indicated that floral scent emission rate, nectar volume, visitor visitation frequency, and natural fruit set were not significantly different between the two flower color morphs. Bagging experiments revealed that seed production of B. delavayi is dependent mainly on honeybee Apis cerana. Lastly, this study implies that dimorphic floral color in B. delavayi may have been maintained by floral visitors and nectar guide color.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of three sympatric Araceae species, Anthurium sagittatum, A. thrinax and Spathiphyllum humboldtii in French Guiana. The plants flowered simultaneously and were visited by scent‐collecting male euglossine bees, which were apparently their major pollinators. In total, each species was visited by 3–7 euglossine species, and 2–3 euglossine species accounted for at least 80% of all flower visits, with visits being plant species‐specific. Floral scent consisted of 6–10 main compounds, which made up 76–94% of the total amount of volatiles and were specific in these high amounts to each plant species. We suggest that the different floral scents lead to clear separation of the main pollinating euglossine species, providing a directed and efficient intraspecific pollen flow that results in high reproductive success. Since the simple floral (inflorescence) morphology of the studied plants does not support any morphological mechanisms to exclude visitors, as for example in euglossine‐pollinated perfume orchids, floral scent might be of major importance for the reproductive isolation and sympatric occurrence of these plants.  相似文献   

KNUDSEN, J. T. & TOLLSTEN, L., Trends in floral scent chemistry in pollination syndromes: floral scent composition in moth-pollinated taxa. Floral scent from 15 moth-pollinated species in nine families was collected by head-space adsorption. The chemical composition was determined by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The typical floral scent of moth-pollinated flowers contains some acyclic terpene alcohols, their corresponding hydrocarbons, benzenoid alcohols and esters and small amounts of some nitrogen compounds. The floral scent composition of sphingophilous flowers can be distinguished from that of phalaenophilous flowers by the presence of oxygenated sesquiterpenes. The flowers of three of the studied species had the general appearance and floral scent composition of moth-pollinated flowers, but contained no nectar reward. These species probably rely on deceptive pollination by naive visitors, which are deceived by the similarity of the flowers' morphological and scent chemistry to that of rewarding moth flowers. The finding of similar or structurally closely related floral scent compounds in both temperate and tropical species from both the Old and New worlds suggests that floral scent composition has been selected by a specific group of pollinators, moths that have similar sensory preferences. The functions of floral scent in moth-pollinated flowers are discussed in relation to an often observed over-representation of male moth visitors.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Floral scent may play a key role as a selective attractant in plants with specialized pollination systems, particularly in cases where floral morphology does not function as a filter of flower visitors. The pollination systems of two African Eucomis species (E. autumnalis and E. comosa) were investigated and a test was made of the importance of scent and visual cues as floral attractants.

Methods and Key Results

Visitor observations showed that E. autumnalis and E. comosa are visited primarily by pompilid wasps belonging to the genus Hemipepsis. These wasps carry considerably more Eucomis pollen and are more active on flowers than other visiting insects. Furthermore, experiments involving virgin flowers showed that these insects are capable of depositing pollen on the stigmas of E. autumnalis, and, in the case of E. comosa, pollen deposited during a single visit is sufficient to result in seed set. Experimental hand-pollinations showed that both species are genetically self-incompatible and thus reliant on pollinators for seed set. Choice experiments conducted in the field and laboratory with E. autumnalis demonstrated that pompilid wasps are attracted to flowers primarily by scent and not visual cues. Measurement of spectral reflectance by flower petals showed that flowers are cryptically coloured and are similar to the background vegetation. Analysis of headspace scent samples using coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry revealed that E. autumnalis and E. comosa scents are dominated by aromatic and monoterpene compounds. One hundred and four volatile compounds were identified in the floral scent of E. autumnalis and 83 in the floral scent of E. comosa, of which 57 were common to the scents of both species.


This study showed that E. autumnalis and E. comosa are specialized for pollination by pompilid wasps in the genus Hemipepsis and achieve specialization through cryptic colouring and the use of scent as a selective floral attractant.Key words: Eucomis, Pompilidae, wasp pollination, breeding system, pollination syndrome, pollinator shift, floral volatile, floral filter  相似文献   

以分布于秦岭的金花忍冬(Lonicera chrysantha Turcz.)、忍冬(L.japonica Thunb.)、葱皮忍冬(L.ferdinandii Franch.)和金银忍冬(L.maackii(Rupr.)Maxim.)为对象,通过定位观察、人工授粉实验、人为设置实验斑块的方法对忍冬属4种植物的开花生物学特性、繁育系统、花色变化现象、传粉过程进行了研究。结果表明,4种植物的单花花期、花部特征存在差异。人工授粉实验显示,4种植物均存在一定的花粉限制,自交不亲和。除葱皮忍冬外,其余3种植物随着花色由白变黄,花粉和花蜜报酬减少、雌雄生殖能力逐渐降低;葱皮忍冬花变色后花蜜量变化不显著,且仍保留较强的雌性生殖能力。变色花的保留被认为是植物的一种生殖策略,通过增大植物的花展示来扩大自身的吸引力,以吸引更多远距传粉者访花。人为控制白、黄花不同数量比的实验结果表明,大多数传粉者偏向访问白花(变色前的花),且白花提供的报酬量和黄花(变色后的花)数量显著影响传粉者的访花频率,即当花蜜量减少或黄花数量增多时,传粉者访花频率随之降低。因此,我们认为忍冬属4种植物的花色变化可能除了增大植物对远距传粉者的吸引力外,对近距传粉者的访花行为也可能具有一定的影响。当传粉者接近植株时,变色后的花可能暗示其花蜜(花粉)报酬已经发生变化,并驱使昆虫离开并飞向同株或异株植物新开放的报酬丰富的白花,这既有利于提高传粉者的觅食效率,又能降低植物同株异花授粉的几率,对忍冬属植物及传粉者都具有重要意义,是植物长期与授粉昆虫相互适应的反映。  相似文献   

Cyclocephline scarabs and their host plants are documented as highly specialized plant–pollinator associations, with various fine‐tuned adaptations. We studied the association between Philodendron adamantinum, a species endemic to the Espinhaço Range in Minas Gerais, South‐East Brazil, and its exclusive pollinators. We focused on the pollination mechanism and reproductive success of P. adamantinum, analysed its floral scent composition, and performed field bioassays to verify the scent‐mediated attraction of pollinators. The reproductive success of P. adamantinum depends on the presence of Erioscelis emarginata (Scarabaeidae, Cyclocephalini), its sole pollinator. At dusk, the inflorescences heat up to 18 °C above the surrounding ambient air temperature and give off a strong sweet odour, from which 32 volatile compounds were isolated. Dihydro‐β‐ionone, the major constituent in the floral scent bouquet, lures individuals of E. emarginata when applied to scented artificial decoys, either alone or blended with methyl jasmonate. We attribute the low fruit set of P. adamantinum at our study sites to pollinator limitation of small and isolated populations and geitonogamic pollen flow of vegetatively generated clonal plant groups. The interaction between P. adamantinum and E. emarginata shows common traits typical of the known plant–pollinator associations involving cyclocephaline scarabs: the asymmetrical dependence of plants on their pollinators, and the scent‐mediated interaction between flowers and beetles. In addition to updating the current catalogue of active compounds of cantharophilous pollination systems, further experimental studies should elucidate the role of the specific chemical compounds that attract pollinators along different time and biogeographic scales. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 679–691.  相似文献   

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