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Polygala vauthieri andP. monticola var.brizoides have secondary pollen presentation from a basket-like structure on the style apex. This basket is loaded after the first visit by a bee. Pollen reception, therefore, can precede the issue of pollen. A sticky stigma secretion glues the pollen from the basket under the head of the bee visitor in an exactly predetermined spot on the left side only. This position mostly forms a kind of safe spot, where the bee can not remove the pollen. The exact position on the bee's head is determined by the species specific distance between style tip and nectary in the visited flower. In this way the two sympatric species deposit the pollen 2 mm apart on the visitor and so can avoid hybridization pollination, while being visited by the same group of bees.  相似文献   

External male reproductive structures have received considerable attention as a cause of reproductive isolation (RI), because the morphology of these structures often evolves rapidly between populations. This rapid evolution presents the potential for mechanical incompatibilities with heterospecific female structures during mating and could thus prevent interbreeding between nascent species. Although such mechanical incompatibilities have received little empirical support as a common cause of RI, the potential for mismatch of reproductive structures to cause RI due to incompatible species‐specific tactile cues has not been tested. We tested the importance of mechanical and tactile incompatibilities in RI between Enallagma anna and E. carunculatum, two damselfly species that diverged within the past ~250,000 years and currently hybridize in a sympatric region. We quantified 19 prezygotic and postzygotic RI barriers using both naturally occurring and laboratory‐reared damselflies. We found incomplete mechanical isolation between the two pure species and between hybrid males and pure species females. Interestingly, in mating pairs for which mechanical isolation was incomplete, females showed greater resistance and refusal to mate with hybrid or heterospecific males compared to conspecific males. This observation suggests that tactile incompatibilities involving male reproductive structures can influence female mating decisions and form a strong barrier to gene flow in early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of two wrasses,Pseudolabrus eoethinus (Richardson, 1846) andP. sieboldi Mabuchi & Nakabo, 1997, was studied on a rocky coast in Shikoku, Japan, where the two species occur sympatrically. In the study area, individual males of each species established mating territories within which pair spawnings occurred. Pair spawnings were observed only between conspecifics, indicating that the two coexisting species were reproductively isolated. Both species usually spawned during the afternoon in early winter and had similar reproductive behavior. Although habitat, temporal and behavioral isolation mechanisms were not apparent, reproductive isolation seemed to occur via premating isolation through visual recognition of conspecific mates because the two species differed in body size and coloration. On one occasion a maleP. sieboldi was observed to perform streaking behavior to join a spawning pair ofP. eoethinus. Thus, postmating isolation between the two species is also discussed.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry and reproductive isolation between two sticklebacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes patterns of developmental asymmetry in a limnetic-benthic stickleback species pair from Paxton Lake, British Columbia. Three gill raker characters and one armor character were compared among full-sib parental crosses and their hybrids (F1, F2 and backcrosses). All crosses displayed asymmetry, but no differences in mean or fluctuating asymmetry were detected among laboratory-reared crosses. When wild-caught limnetics and benthics were included in the analyses significant differences in FA among groups were detected in gill raker length and plate number. The effect appears to be solely due to wild-caught benthics, though the reasons for their greater asymmetry are unknown. The patterns in laboratory-reared crosses suggest that asymmetry is unlikely to promote reproductive isolation between the parental species.  相似文献   

Mechanisms preventing interspecific pollination are important in closely related plant species, in particular when post-zygotic barriers are weak or absent. We investigated the role of floral odour in reproductive isolation between the two closely related species Silene latifolia and S. dioica. First, we tested whether floral odour composition and emission differed between the species. We found significant odour differences, but contrary to expectations, both species showed a rhythmic emission of the same compounds between day and night. Second, in a field experiment, odour of the two species was made more similar by applying phenylacetaldehyde to flowers. This manipulation led to higher pollen-analogue transfer between species, revealing that floral odour differences are important for maintaining reproductive isolation. We conclude that differences in single key compounds can reduce pollen transfer across species boundaries by pollinators and demonstrate that odour differences are an important component of premating floral isolation between closely related plant species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Heteromorphy in flowers has a profound effect on breeding patterns within a species, but little is known about how it affects reproductive barriers between species. The heterostylous genus Primula is very diverse in the Himalaya region, but hybrids there have been little researched. This study examines in detail a natural hybrid zone between P. beesiana and P. bulleyana.


Chloroplast sequencing, AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers and morphological comparisons were employed to characterize putative hybrids in the field, using synthetic F1s from hand pollination as controls. Pollinator visits to parent species and hybrids were observed in the field. Hand pollinations were conducted to compare pollen tube growth, seed production and seed viability for crosses involving different morphs, species and directions of crossing.

Key Results

Molecular data revealed all hybrid derivatives examined to be backcrosses of first or later generations towards P. bulleyana: all had the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of this species. Some individuals had morphological traits suggesting they were hybrids, but they were genetically similar to P. bulleyana; they might have been advanced generation backcrosses. Viable F1s could not be produced with P. bulleyana pollen on P. beesiana females, irrespective of the flower morphs used. Within-morph crosses for each species had very low (<10 %) seed viability, whereas crosses between pin P. bulleyana (female) and pin P. beesiana had a higher seed viability of 30 %. Thus genetic incompatibility mechanisms back up mechanical barriers to within-morph crosses in each species, but are not the same between the two species. The two species share their main pollinators, and pollinators were observed to fly between P. bulleyana and hybrids, suggesting that pollinator behaviour may not be an important isolating factor.


Hybridization is strongly asymmetric, with P. bulleyana the only possible mother and all detected hybrids being backcrosses in this direction. Partial ecological isolation and inhibition of heterospecific pollen, and possibly complete barriers to F1 formation on P. beesiana, may be enough to make F1 formation very rare in these species. Therefore, with no F1 detected, this hybrid zone may have a finite life span as successive generations become more similar to P. bulleyana.  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼和萨罗罗非鱼遗传生殖隔离的初步证据(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Li SF  Zhao Y  Fan WJ  Cai WQ  Xu YF 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):521-527
罗非鱼类(Tilapiini)含3个属70余种,种间和属间颇易人工杂交,但尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)和萨罗罗非鱼(Sarotherodon melanotheron)人工杂交难度大,产苗概率甚低,要获得数量足够的可用于生产的杂交子代相当困难。该文对这两种鱼及其正交(O.niloticus♀×S.melanotheron♂)和反交(S.melanotheron♀×O.niloticus♂)子代的头肾细胞的核型进行了比较。此外,采用同工酶电泳方法检测肾、肝、眼、肌肉、心中乳酸脱氢酶等4种同工酶的表型差异。4种遗传型罗非鱼具有相同的染色体二倍数(2n=44)和总臂数(NF=50),但各具不同的染色体类型,尼罗罗非鱼为3对近中着丝点染色体(sm)、12对近端着丝点染色体(st)和7对端着丝点染色体(t);萨罗罗非鱼为1对中间着丝点染色体(m)、2对sm、12对st和7对t;正反杂交子代表现为介于双亲之间的混合类型,为0.5对m、2.5对sm、12对st和7对t。在同工酶中,仅见肾脏乳酸脱氢酶电泳结果有清晰差异,尼罗罗非鱼出现5条谱带,萨罗罗非鱼3条,而杂交子代6条,且所有谱带的迁移率和活性均表现出多态性。据此初步认为,核型和同工酶方面的差异可能是导致这两种不同属罗非鱼生殖隔离的遗传原因,这些差异也可能为这两种(属)鱼的分类学提供新的遗传背景资料。  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative contribution of multiple isolation barriers to gene flow between recently diverged species is essential for understanding speciation processes. In parapatric populations, local adaptation is thought to be a major contributor to the evolution of reproductive isolation. However, extrinsic postzygotic barriers assessed in reciprocal transplant experiments are often neglected in empirical assessments of multiple isolation barriers. We analyzed multiple isolation barriers between two closely related species of the plant genus Dianthus, a genus characterized by the most rapid species diversification in plants reported so far. Although D. carthusianorum L. and D. sylvestris Wulf. can easily be hybridized in crossing experiments, natural hybrids are rare. We found that in parapatry, pollinator‐mediated prezygotic reproductive isolation barriers are important for both D. carthusianorum (0.761) and D. sylvestris (0.468). In contrast to D. carthusianorum, high hybrid viability in D. sylvestris (–0.491) was counteracted by strong extrinsic postzygotic isolation (0.900). Our study highlights the importance of including reciprocal transplant experiments for documenting extrinsic postzygotic isolation and demonstrates clearly divergent strategies and hence asymmetric pre‐ and postzygotic reproductive isolation between closely related species. It also suggests that pollinator‐mediated and ecological isolation could have interacted in synergistic ways, further stimulating rapid speciation in Dianthus.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that, under some circumstances, sexual conflict over mating can lead to divergent sexually antagonistic coevolution among populations for traits associated with mating, and that this can promote reproductive isolation and hence speciation. However, sexual conflict over mating may also select for traits (e.g. male willingness to mate) that enhance gene flow between populations, limiting population divergence. In the present study, we compare pre‐ and post‐mating isolation within and between two species characterized by male–female conflict over mating rate. We quantify sexual isolation among five populations of the seed bug Lygaeus equestris collected from Italy and Sweden, and two replicates of a population of the sister‐species Lygaeus simulans, also collected from Italy. We find no evidence of reproductive isolation amongst populations of L. equestris, suggesting that sexual conflict over mating has not led to population divergence in relevant mating traits in L. equestris. However, there was strong asymmetric pre‐mating isolation between L. equestris and L. simulans: male L. simulans were able to mate successfully with female L. equestris, whereas male L. equestris were largely unable to mate with female L. simulans. We found little evidence for strong post‐mating isolation between the two species, however, with hybrid F2 offspring being produced. Our results suggest that sexual conflict over mating has not led to population divergence, and indeed perhaps supports the contrary theoretical prediction that male willingness to mate may retard speciation by promoting gene flow.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is of fundamental importance for maintaining species boundaries in sympatry. In orchids, the wide variety of pollination systems and highly diverse floral traits have traditionally suggested a prominent role for pollinator isolation, and thus for prezygotic isolation, as an effective barrier to gene flow among species. Here, we examined the nature of reproductive isolation between Anacamptis morio and Anacamptis papilionacea, two sister species of Mediterranean food-deceptive orchids, in two natural hybrid zones. Comparative analyses of the two hybrid zones that are located on soils with volcanic origin and have different and well-dated ages consistently revealed that all hybrid individuals were morphologically and genetically intermediate between the parental species, but had strongly reduced fitness. Molecular analyses based on nuclear ITS1 and (amplified fragment length polymorphism) AFLP markers clearly showed that all examined hybrids were F1 hybrids, and that no introgression occurred between parental species. The maternally inherited plastid DNA markers indicated that hybridization between A. morio and A. papilionacea was bidirectional, as confirmed by the molecular analysis of seed families. The genetic architecture of the two hybrid zones suggests that the two parental species easily and frequently hybridize in sympatry as a consequence of partial pollinator overlap but that strong postzygotic barriers reduce hybrid fitness and prevent gene introgression. These results corroborate that chromosomal divergence is instrumental for reproductive isolation between these food-deceptive orchids and suggest that hybridization is of limited importance for their diversification.  相似文献   

Although mechanical isolation mediated by shared pollinators has been considered as a classic model of pollinator-mediated floral isolation in Pedicularis, a superdiverse genus in Hengduan Mountains, southwest China, there has been no empirical study of interspecific pollen flow between closely related species. We examined reproductive barriers at six different stages between Pedicularis cranolopha and Pedicularis tricolor, two sister species. The two sister species were geographically isolated from each other based on our field survey and the records of herbarium specimens. Translocation experiments showed that flowering phenology partly overlapped and bumblebee pollinators did not discriminate between flowers of the two species. Bumblebee interspecific moves could mediate interspecific pollination as traced using fluorescent powder, in which pollen analogs placed on one species were transferred to the stigmas of the other species in experimental plots containing both species. Heterospecific pollen tubes grew in the style as well as conspecific pollen in hand-pollination experiments. Reciprocal hybridization between the two species could produce (partially) viable seeds, suggesting weak post-pollination barriers. Our results showed that geographic isolation was an important barrier of two species, and the total reproductive isolation between two species was incomplete when without geographical isolation. The formation of Big Snow Mountains could introduce an important pre-zygotic reproductive barrier between the two sister species of Pedicularis; such geographical isolation could be responsible for allopatric speciation, giving a clue to understanding the rapid radiation on mountain areas.  相似文献   

Models that posit speciation in the face of gene flow are replacing classical views that hybridization is rare between animal species. We use a multilocus approach to examine the history of hybridization and gene flow between two species of chipmunks ( Tamias ruficaudus and T. amoenus ). Previous studies have shown that these species occupy different ecological niches and have distinct genital bone morphologies, yet appear to be incompletely isolated reproductively in multiple areas of sympatry. We compared data from four sequenced nuclear loci and from seven microsatellite loci to published cytochrome b sequences. Interspecific gene flow was primarily restricted to introgression of the T. ruficaudus mitochondrial genome into a sympatric subspecies of T. amoenus , T. a. canicaudus , with the four sequenced nuclear loci showing little to no interspecific allele sharing. Microsatellite data were consistent with high levels of differentiation between the species and also showed no current gene flow between broadly sympatric populations of T. a. canicaudus and T. ruficaudus . Coalescent analyses date the mtDNA introgression event from the mid-Pleistocene to late Pliocene. Overall, these data indicate that introgression has had a minimal impact on the nuclear genomes of T. amoenus and T. ruficaudus despite multiple independent hybridization events. Our findings challenge long-standing assumptions on patterns of reproductive isolation in chipmunks and suggest that there may be other examples of hybridization among the 23 species of Tamias that occur in western North America.  相似文献   

We report the quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of reproductive isolation traits between Ostrinia nubilalis (the European corn borer) and its sibling species O. scapulalis (the Adzuki bean borer), focusing on two traits: mating isolation (mi) and pheromone production (Pher). Four genetic maps were generated from two backcross families, with two maps (one chromosomal map and one linkage map) per backcross. We located 165–323 AFLP markers on these four maps, resulting in the identification of 27–31 linkage groups, depending on the map considered. No-choice mating experiments with the offspring of each backcross led to the detection of at least two QTLs for mi in different linkage groups. QTLs underlying Pher were located in a third linkage group. The Z heterochromosome was identified by a specific marker (Tpi) and did not carry any of these QTLs. Finally, we considered the global divergence between the two sibling species, distortions of segregation throughout the genome, and the location and effect of mi and Pher QTLs in light of the known candidate genes for reproductive isolation within the genus Ostrinia and, more broadly, in phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

  • Opuntia (Cactaceae) is known for high rates of hybridization and ploidisation, resulting in the formation of new species. The occurrence of two sympatric and closely related species of Opuntia, O. elata and O. retrorsa, in Brazilian Chaco enabled us to test the hypothesis that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation mechanisms operate in both species.
  • We monitored the flowering period, as well as floral biology, and compared the morphological variation of floral structures through measurements, performed intra‐ and interspecific cross‐pollination tests, and recorded the guild of floral visitors and pollinators.
  • Flowering was seasonal and highly synchronous. Floral biology exhibits similar strategies, and although floral morphology differs significantly in many of the compared structures, such morphological variation does not result in the selection of exclusive pollinators. Floral visitors and pollinators are oligolectic bees shared by both species. Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are self‐compatible. While interspecific cross‐pollination (bidirectional) resulted in germination, the pollen tube did not penetrate the stigma.
  • Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are closely related; however, they are isolated and do not hybridise in Brazilian Chaco. We found that both have weak pre‐pollination barriers, but that they are strongly isolated by pollen–pistil incompatibility, i.e. post‐pollination barrier.

Long-term geographic isolation can result in reproductive incompatibilities due to forces such as mutation, genetic drift, and differential selection. In the Sonoran topminnow, molecular genetic studies of mtDNA, microsatellites, and MHC genes have shown that the endangered Gila and Yaqui topminnows are substantially different, suggesting that divergence took place approximately two million years ago. Here we examined hybrid crosses and backcrosses between these two allopatric taxa to evaluate the accumulation of postmating barriers to reproduction. These results are then compared with results from a previous study where male topminnows were shown to mate assortatively with conspecific females. Despite their preference for conspecific mates, both types of interspecific crosses successfully produced offspring. There was evidence of reduced hybrid fitness, including smaller mean brood size and male-biased sex ratio, for some classes of backcrosses. Brood sizes and interbrood intervals varied significantly when hybrids were subdivided into different cross categories. Our results illustrate the importance of distinctly defining hybrid classes in studies of reproductive isolation. To our knowledge, this is the first such detailed evolutionary analysis in endangered fish taxa.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, pollen tubes are attracted to the ovule by secreted peptides to release the sperm cells for double fertilization.This process is species-specific and acts as an important stage of reproductive isolation between species. Here we identified a cysteine-rich peptide TICKET2 in Arabidopsis thaliana and its orthologs in Arabidopsis lyrata and Capsella rebella that can attract the conspecific pollen tubes, but not the pollen tubes of relative species in Brassicaceae. Genetic knockout of the AtTICKET subclade compromised the pollen tube attraction efficiency. This study identified a new pollen tube attracting signal and shed light on the molecular basis of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

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