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Ecological specialization is common across all levels of biological organization, raising the question of whether the evolution of specialization at one scale in a taxon is linked to specialization at other scales. Anolis lizards have diversified repeatedly along axes of habitat use, but it remains unknown if this diversification into habitat use specialists is underlain by individual specialization. From repeated observations of individuals in a population of Anolis sagrei in Florida, we show that the extent of habitat use specialization among individuals is comparable to the extent of specialization in the same traits among ten sympatric Anolis habitat specialist species in Cuba. However, the adaptive correlations between habitat use and morphology commonly seen across species of Anolis were not observed across individuals in the sampled population. Our results therefore suggest that while patterns of ecological specialization can transcend scale, these parallels are the consequence of distinct ecological processes acting at microevolutionary and macroevolutionary scales.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has been shown to affect both the structure and the function of heathland ecosystems. Heathlands are semi-natural habitats and, as such, undergo regular management by mowing or burning. Different forms of management remove more or less nutrients from the system, so habitat management has the potential to mitigate some of the effects of atmospheric deposition. Data from a dynamic vegetation model and two field experiments are presented. The first involves nitrogen addition following different forms of habitat management. The second tests the use of habitat management to promote heathland recovery after a reduction in nitrogen deposition. Both modelling and experimental approaches suggest that plant and microbial response to nitrogen is affected by management. Shoot growth and rates of decomposition were lowest in plots managed using more intensive techniques, including mowing with litter removal and a high temperature burn. Field data also indicate that ecosystem recovery from prolonged elevated inputs of nitrogen may take many years, or even decades, even after the removal of plant and litter nitrogen stores which accompanies the more intensive forms of habitat management.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest that global climate change could increase the toxicity of contaminants, but none of these studies explicitly integrate the effects of climate change on both susceptibility and duration of exposure to pollution. For many amphibian and aquatic insect species, exposure to contaminants is probably greatest during their fully aquatic embryonic and larval stages because these stages cannot readily escape water bodies where many contaminants accumulate and concentrate. Hence, by accelerating embryonic and larval development, global warming might reduce the duration of contaminant exposure for these taxa. To test this hypothesis, we isolated the effects of a temperature gradient (13–25 °C) on susceptibility (toxicity at a controlled exposure duration) and exposure of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, to the herbicide atrazine (0, 4, 40, and 400 μg L?1) by quantifying growth, survival, hatching, and metamorphosis under an atrazine exposure duration that was either constant or that depended on time to metamorphosis (and thus temperature). Increasing atrazine concentrations reduced growth, delayed hatching and metamorphosis, and decreased embryonic and larval survival. Increasing temperatures enhanced growth, accelerated development, and reduced survival for embryos but not larvae. With the exception of growth, increasing temperatures generally did not enhance the toxicity of atrazine, but they did generally ameliorate the adverse effects of atrazine by accelerating development and reducing the duration of atrazine exposure. The actual effects of climate change on contaminants remains difficult to predict because temperature changes can affect chemical use, uptake, excretion, biotransformation, fate, transport, and bioavailability. However, this work highlights the importance of explicitly considering how climate change will affect both exposure and toxicity to contaminants to accurately assess risk.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that superfluous killing, partial consumption,and abandonment of prey is a consequence of adaptation to food-limited environments was tested in two feeding trials on a desert spider, Agelenopsis aperta. First, we made comparisons among populations inhabiting sites of high prey (HP) or low prey (LP) availabilitythat differed in their degree of genetic isolation. Typically,A. aperta entirely consumed one or two of the prey items itcaptured in a feeding bout. Additional prey were partiallyconsumed or abandoned without eating. Spiders from the geneticallyisolated HP population, however, captured fewer prey and showeda higher incidence of full feeding on prey than did individualsfrom the other populations. Only one spider from this populationcaptured a prey item that it failed to feed on, whereas spidersfrom LP populations failed to feed on high numbers of capturedprey. The greatest variability in feeding behavior was exhibitedin the HP population that experienced gene flow. The secondtest was based on the finding that aggressiveness is largelya sex-linked trait in A. aperta: the aggressiveness of thefemale parent only is inherited by male offspring, whereasboth parents contribute to this trait in female offspring.All female F1 hybrids between LP and HP parental types exhibitedhigh levels of superfluous killing, as did male F1 hybridsderived from LP females. F1 hybrid males derived from HP femalesexhibited extremely low levels of superfluous killing. Superfluouskilling thus has its basis in the genetic control of levelsof aggression.  相似文献   

Large mammalian herbivores manifest a strong top‐down control on ecosystems that can transform entire landscapes, but their impacts have not been reviewed in the context of terrestrial carbon storage. Here, we evaluate the effects of plant biomass consumption by large mammalian herbivores (>10 kg adult biomass), and the responses of ecosystems to these herbivores, on carbon stocks in temperate and tropical regions, and the Arctic. We calculate the difference in carbon stocks resulting from herbivore exclusion using the results of 108 studies from 52 vegetation types. Our estimates suggest that herbivores can reduce terrestrial above‐ and below‐ground carbon stocks across vegetation types but reductions in carbon stocks may approach zero given sufficient periods of time for systems to respond to herbivory (i.e. decades). We estimate that if all large herbivores were removed from the vegetation types sampled in our review, increases in terrestrial carbon stocks would be up to three orders of magnitude less than many of the natural and human‐influenced sources of carbon emissions. However, we lack estimates for the effects of herbivores on below‐ground biomass and soil carbon levels in many regions, including those with high herbivore densities, and upwards revisions of our estimates may be necessary. Our results provide a starting point for a discussion on the magnitude of the effects of herbivory on the global carbon cycle, particularly given that large herbivores are common in many ecosystems. We suggest that herbivore removal might represent an important strategy towards increasing terrestrial carbon stocks at local and regional scales within specific vegetation types, since humans influence populations of most large mammals.  相似文献   

Territory characteristics correlate with male characteristics in several species. This can result from male competition for the best territories, or from males varying in their ability to pay other costs of territoriality, such as predation risk costs. In a population of threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus , we found the biggest males to defend the biggest territories with a low structural complexity and a high female encounter rate. By experimentally manipulating competition intensity and habitat structure, we show that both male competition and predation exposure influenced the distribution of territories among males. Males increased the size of their territory when a neighbouring male was removed, whereas they reduced their territory when habitat complexity and cover from predators were reduced, with large males reducing their territory size less than smaller males. This suggests that large males occupy large, open territories both because of their superior competitive ability and because of their either lower predation susceptibility or higher risk-taking. Large, open territories were beneficial in mate attraction and male competition and predation exposure therefore biased mating opportunities towards large males. This suggests that cost of territoriality to males may reduce mate choice costs to females by securing that large males are encountered more often than small males, and by providing an additional cue, territory quality, which indicates which males are worth inspecting.  相似文献   

Nordström K  Gerdes K 《Plasmid》2003,50(2):95-101
Plasmids lacking a functional partition system are randomly distributed to the daughter cells; plasmid-free daughter cells are formed with a frequency of (1/2)2n per cell and cell generation where 2n is the (average) copy number at cell division. Hence, the unit of segregation is one plasmid copy. However, plasmids form clusters in the cells. A putative solution to this potential paradox is presented: one plasmid copy at a time is recruited from the plasmid clusters to the replication factories that are located in the cell centres. Hence, replication offers the means of declustering that is necessary in a growing host population. The daughter copies diffuse freely and each copy may with equal probability end up in either of the two cell halves. In this way, the random segregation of the plasmids is coupled to replication and occurs continuously during the cell cycle, and is not linked to cell division. The unit of segregation is the plasmid copy and not the plasmid clusters. In contrast, the two daughters of a Par+ plasmid are directed in opposite directions by the plasmid-encoded partition system, thereby assuring that each daughter cell receives the plasmid.  相似文献   

Foraging animals are influenced by the distribution of food resources and predation risk that both vary in space and time. These constraints likely shape trade-offs involving time, energy, nutrition, and predator avoidance leading to a sequence of locations visited by individuals. According to the marginal-value theorem (MVT), a central-place forager must either increase load size or energy content when foraging farther from their central place. Although such a decision rule has the potential to shape movement and habitat selection patterns, few studies have addressed the mechanisms underlying habitat use at the landscape scale. Our objective was therefore to determine how Ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) select their foraging habitats while nesting in a colony located in a heterogeneous landscape. Based on locations obtained by fine-scale GPS tracking, we used resource selection functions (RSFs) and residence time analyses to identify habitats selected by gulls for foraging during the incubation and brood rearing periods. We then combined this information to gull survey data, feeding rates, stomach contents, and calorimetric analyses to assess potential trade-offs. Throughout the breeding season, gulls selected landfills and transhipment sites that provided higher mean energy intake than agricultural lands or riparian habitats. They used landfills located farther from the colony where no deterrence program had been implemented but avoided those located closer where deterrence measures took place. On the other hand, gulls selected intensively cultured lands located relatively close to the colony during incubation. The number of gulls was then greater in fields covered by bare soil and peaked during soil preparation and seed sowing, which greatly increase food availability. Breeding Ring-billed gulls thus select habitats according to both their foraging profitability and distance from their nest while accounting for predation risk. This supports the predictions of the MVT for central-place foraging over large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying virulence properties of Campylobacter jejuni have historically been difficult to identify. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Hofreuter et al. (2008) show that C. jejuni's ability to metabolize glutamine, glutathione, and asparagine affects its ability to colonize specific host tissues. These findings reflect the emerging theme of bacterial physiology directly impacting pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Three different bioassays were used to determine the susceptibility to the neonicotinoid Biscaya® of oilseed rape pollen beetles collected from fields in Bavaria. The one in which the test substance was applied to the inner wall of glass tubes is recommended for future studies on pollen beetles because it is not dependent on the availability of plant material and provides precise information on the amount of insecticide required per unit area.  相似文献   

Males often have reduced immune function compared to females but the proximate mechanisms underlying this taxonomically widespread pattern are unclear. Because immune function is resource-dependent and sexes may have different nutritional requirements, we hypothesized that sexual dimorphism in immune function may arise from differential nutrient intake (acquisition hypothesis). To test this hypothesis, we examined patterns of phenoloxidase (PO) activity in relation to nutrient consumption in Queensland fruit flies (Q-flies). In the first experiment, flies were allowed to choose their preferred nutrient intake. Compared with males, female Q-flies had higher PO activity, consumed more calories, and preferred a higher protein:carbohydrate (P:C) diet, suggesting that differential acquisition could explain sex differences. In the second experiment, we restricted flies to one of 12 diets varying in protein and carbohydrate concentrations and mapped PO activity for each sex onto a nutritional landscape. Counter to our hypothesis, females had higher PO activity than males at any given level of nutrient intake. Both carbohydrate and protein intake affected PO activity in females but only protein affected PO activity in males. Our results indicate that sex differences in Q-fly immune function are not solely explained by sex differences in nutrient intake, although nutrition does contribute to the magnitude of these sex differences.  相似文献   

The decision of whether to divorce a breeding partner between reproductive attempts can significantly affect individual fitness. In this paper, we report that 63% of surviving pairs of long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus divorced between years. We examine three likely explanations for the high divorce rate in this cooperative breeder. The 'better option' hypothesis predicts that divorce and re-pairing increases an individual's reproductive success. However, divorcees did not secure better partners or more helpers and there was no improvement in their reproductive success following divorce. The 'inbreeding avoidance' hypothesis predicts that females should disperse from their family group to avoid breeding with philopatric sons. The observed pattern of divorce was consistent with this hypothesis because, in contrast to the usual avian pattern, divorce was typical for successful pairs (81%) and less frequent in unsuccessful pairs (36-43%). The 'forced divorce' hypothesis predicts that divorce increases as the number of competitors increases. The pattern of divorce among failed breeders was consistent with this hypothesis, but it fails to explain the overall occurrence of divorce because divorcees rarely re-paired with their partners' closest competitors. We discuss long-tailed tits' unique association between divorce and reproductive success in the context of dispersal strategies for inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

Empirical impact evidence exists for few of New Zealand’s environmental weeds. Financial constraints prevent managers examining all impacts of all weeds. Therefore it is useful to seek generalisable rules which allow managers to predict impacts of new invasions. Invasive weeds may indirectly affect fungivorous invertebrates through mechanisms such as altered litter-fall, decomposition rates, and microclimate, all of which may alter fungal activity. I tested the hypothesis that fungivorous invertebrates would be consistently affected by three invasive weeds, and that this effect would be more pronounced than for other invertebrate functional groups. Using pitfall traps, I compared invertebrates beneath climbing asparagus, tradescantia and ginger with invertebrates of uninvaded lowland forest. Five out of six Coleoptera taxa which differed in abundance between invaded and uninvaded sites were fungivores; the remaining taxon was a saprophage. At least two taxa of fungivorous Coleoptera responded to each of the three weed species. Acari (mainly Oribatids, some of which are fungivores), Isopoda and Amphipoda (decomposers) were the only taxa to respond to the presence of all three weed species. These results provide some support for the hypothesis that fungivores are particularly responsive to ground-cover weed invasion, but suggest this could be extended to include decomposers as well. However, the direction of effect differed among weed species. Therefore, while changes in fungivore and decomposer abundance may be predicted as one of the more likely consequences of ground-cover weed invasion in New Zealand low-land forest, site- and taxa-specific effects make it difficult to predict the direction of effect.  相似文献   

The total vapor pressures at 26 degreesC of binary (water-alcohol) and ternary (water-alcohol-vesicle) systems were measured for six short chain alcohols. The vesicles were unilamellar dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC). The data was used to evaluate the effect of vesicles on the chemical potential of alcohols expressed as the preferential binding parameter of the alcohol-lipid interaction, gamma23. This quantity is a thermodynamic (model-free) measure of the net strength of membrane-alcohol interactions. For the smaller investigated alcohols (methanol, ethanol and 1-propanol) gamma23 was negative. This is indicative of so-called preferential hydration, a condition where the affinity of the membrane for water is higher than the affinity for the alcohol. For the longer alcohols (1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol) gamma23 was positive and increasing with increasing chain length. This demonstrates preferential binding, i.e. enrichment of alcohol in the membrane and a concomitant depletion of the solute in the aqueous bulk. The measured values of gamma23 were compared to the number of alcohol-membrane contacts specified by partitioning coefficients from the literature. It was found that for the small alcohols the number of alcohol-membrane contacts is much larger than the number of preferentially bound solutes. This discrepancy, which is theoretically expected in cases of very weak binding, becomes less pronounced with increasing alcohol chain length, and when the partitioning coefficient exceeds approximately 3 on the molal scale (10(2) in mole fraction units) it vanishes. Based on this, relationships between structural and thermodynamic interpretations of membrane partitioning are discussed.  相似文献   

To better understand the role of lysosomes in apoptosis, we compared the responses to apoptotic stimuli of normal fibroblasts with those of inclusion cells (I-cells), i.e., fibroblasts with impaired function of lysosomal enzymes due to their missorting and ensuing nonlysosomal localization. Although both cell types did undergo apoptosis when exposed to the lysosomotropic detergent MSDH, the redox-cycling quinone naphthazarin, or the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine, I-cells exerted a markedly decreased response to these agonists than did normal fibroblasts. Furthermore, leupeptin and pepstatin A (inhibitors of cysteine and aspartic proteases, respectively) suppressed staurosporine-induced apoptosis of normal fibroblasts, whereas survival of I-cells was unaffected. These findings give further support for the involvement of lysosomal enzymes in apoptosis and suggest I-cells as a suitable model for studying the role of lysosomes in programmed cell death.  相似文献   

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