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The Neotropical leaf litter frog genus Pristimantis is very species-rich, with 526 species described to date, but the full extent of its diversity is much higher and remains unknown. This study explores the phylogenetic processes and resulting evolutionary patterns of diversification in Pristimantis. Given the well-recognised failure of morphology- and community-based species groups to describe diversity within the genus, we apply a new test for the presence and phylogenetic distribution of higher evolutionary units. We developed a phylogeny based on 260 individuals encompassing 149 Pristimantis presumed species, sampled at mitochondrial and nuclear genes (3718 base pair alignment), combining new and available sequence data. Our phylogeny broadly agrees with previous studies, both in topology and age estimates, with the origin of Pristimantis at 28.97 (95% HDP =21.59 – 37.33) million years ago (MYA). New taxa that we add to the genus, which had not previously been included in Pristimantis phylogenies, suggest considerable diversity remains to be described. We assessed patterns of lineage origin and recovered 14 most likely (95% CI: 13–19) phylogenetic clusters or higher evolutionary significant units (hESUs) within Pristimantis. Diversification rates decrease towards the present following a density-dependent pattern for Pristimantis overall and for most hESU clusters, reflecting historical evolutionary radiation. The timing of diversification suggests that geological events in the Miocene, such as Andes orogenesis and Pebas system formation and drainage, may have had a direct or indirect impact on the evolution of Pristimantis and thus contributed to the origins of evolutionary independent phylogenetic clusters.  相似文献   

Although Conraua goliath is well known as the largest living frog species, the diversity and evolution of the genus Conraua across sub-Saharan Africa remain poorly understood. We present multilocus phylogenetic analyses of the six currently recognized species that provide insights into divergence times, biogeography, body size evolution and undescribed species. An analysis of divergence times demonstrates that crown-group Conraua arose some time during the latest Oligocene to mid-Miocene followed by divergence into major lineages in the mid-Miocene that may reflect the fragmentation of widespread tropical forests in Africa that began at this time. We find three pairs of sister species, C. crassipes + C. beccarii, C. alleni + C. derooi and C. goliath + C. robusta, each of which diverged during the Miocene. These relationships reject phylogenetic hypotheses based solely on biogeography as the geographically peripheral C. beccarii from north-eastern Africa is nested within western African species and the Central African species do not form a clade. Our species delimitation analyses provide support for undescribed species in C. alleni, C. beccarii and C. derooi, and possibly C. crassipes, suggesting that the current taxonomy substantially underestimates species diversity. There is no clear directional trend of either increasing or decreasing body size in Conraua and the three largest species do not form a clade. With a robust phylogenetic hypothesis in hand, further field-based studies are needed to understand the evolution of morphology and life history in this charismatic African anuran clade.  相似文献   



Inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity are expected to increase the extinction risk of small populations, but detailed tests in natural populations are scarce. We combine long-term population and fitness data with those from two types of molecular markers to examine the role of genetic effects in a declining metapopulation of southern dunlins Calidris alpina schinzii, an endangered shorebird.  相似文献   

Petrie M  Cotgreave P  Pike TW 《Genetica》2009,135(1):7-11
Female peafowl (Pavo cristatus) show a strong mating preference for males with elaborate trains. This, however, poses something of a paradox because intense directional selection should erode genetic variation in the males’ trains, so that females will no longer benefit by discriminating among males on the basis of these traits. This situation is known as the ‘lek paradox’, and leads to the theoretical expectation of low heritability in the peacock’s train. We used two independent breeding experiments, involving a total of 42 sires and 86 of their male offspring, to estimate the narrow sense heritabilities of male ornaments and other morphometric traits. Contrary to expectation, we found significant levels of heritability in a trait known to be used by females during mate choice (train length), while no significant heritabilities were evident for other, non-fitness related morphological traits (tarsus length, body weight or spur length). This study adds to the building body of evidence that high levels of additive genetic variance can exist in secondary sexual traits under directional selection, but further emphasizes the main problem of what maintains this variation.  相似文献   

The 100th of the world’s worst invasive alien species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biological invasions are among the greatest threats to global biodiversity, but in contrast to most other global threats, they suffer from specific communication issues. Our paper presents the first new addition to the widely cited IUCN list of “100 of the world’s worst invasive species”, a list created a decade ago in response to these communication issues. We briefly present this list, the recent removal of one species from that list, and the rationale to include a novel, 100th species to replace it. The new species of this list, giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta), was chosen by the community of invasion biologists (over 650 experts from over 60 countries). This new addition to the list will draw public attention to the damage caused by invasive alien species and it will help stimulate the necessary discussion of this critical issue in science and policy circles.  相似文献   

Physiological colour change is rare in insects. Unusually, both the males and females of Spesbona angusta (Odonata: Platycnemididae), Red Listed as Endangered, are capable of rapid and reversible colour change. There is only one known population of this species, which occurs in a unique habitat in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Appreciation of this unusual phenomenon of distinct physiological colour change helps us appreciate that we need to conserve phenomena in the insect world as well as the species themselves. Using controlled experiments, we evaluated the importance of ambient temperature as the possible primary cue for physiological colour change. We found that S. angusta responds rapidly to short-term changes in ambient temperature, even in the absence of additional environmental stimuli and without the body temperature matching the ambient temperature. Colour change is reversible when temperature returns to its earlier level. The reason why S. angusta shows this rapid and reversible colour change may be a combination of reproductive enhancement, competitive advantage and thermoregulation. This colour change appears to have strong selective advantage in a very particular habitat type, meaning that careful conservation of its habitat in all respects is important, and must be considered in any possible future translocations.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between distribution of actinomycetes and antagonistic behaviour with the physico-chemical characteristics of the Sundarbans, off the Bay of Bengal, India. Soil/sediment samples were collected from three regions: near to the sea, intertidal regions and mangrove forests. For the enumeration of actinomycetes, four treatments combining dilution with distilled or sea water with or without heating followed by plating onto starch-casein, glycerol-arginine and starch-nitrate media were done. Dilution with seawater, heating and plating onto starch-casein yielded maximum number of actinomycetes. The highest number of actinomycetes was isolated from an intertidal region having alluvial soil and the lowest from a site containing sandy sediments. Antimicrobial activity was dependent upon seawater. Antimicrobial score of an actinomycetes strain was calculated allotting maximum points to the isolate showing activity against all the test bacteria, next lower point to the isolate showing activity against one less the total and so on. The antagonistic potential (AP) of a sampling site was the ratio of total antimicrobial score of the isolates and their number. The high AP sites were influenced by tides, while the low AP sites were not. Pearson's correlation between soil chemical parameters and microbiological parameters revealed soil nitrogen as the key factor determining the antagonistic activity.  相似文献   

Despite the general belief that the interaction between extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and ants is mutualistic, the defensive function of EFNs has been poorly documented in South American savannas. In this article, we evaluate the potential impact of EFNs (benefits and costs) on two species of plants from the dry areas of Central Brazil, Anemopaegma album and Anemopaegma scabriusculum (Bignoniaceae). In particular, we characterize the composition of substances secreted by the EFNs, test whether EFNs attract ants, and whether ants actually present a defensive role, leading to reduced herbivory and increased plant fitness. Histochemical analyses indicated that EFNs from both species of Anemopaegma secrete an exudate that is composed of sugars, and potentially lipids and proteins. Furthermore, EFNs from both species were shown to present a significant role in ant attraction. However, contrary to common expectations, ants were not found to protect plants against herbivore attack. No effect was found between ant visitation and flower or fruit production in A. album, while the presence of ants led to a significant decrease in flower production in A. scabriusculum. These results suggest that EFNs might present a similar cost and benefit in A. album, and a higher cost than benefit in A. scabriusculum. Since the ancestor of Anemopaegma occupied humid forests and already presented EFNs that were maintained in subsequent lineages that occupied savannas, we suggest that phylogenetic inertia might explain the presence of EFNs in the species of Anemopaegma in which EFNs lack a defensive function.  相似文献   

Q Zhan  X Wang 《ZooKeys》2012,(204):41-46
A new species of Bankisus Navás, 1912,(Bankisus sparsussp. n.)is described and illustrated with the genus newly recorded from China. A key to species of Bankisus is provided.  相似文献   

The diversity of the freshwater-fish genus Rasbora (Cyprinidae) on Sri Lanka (five species) is high compared with the four species reported from the peninsula of India, from which the island's cyprinid fauna is derived. The paucity of characters by which species of Rasbora can be phenotypically distinguished renders field identification difficult, adversely affecting the estimation of populations and distributions, with consequences for conservation and management, increasing also the risk of taxonomic inflation. From a sampling of 90 sites across Sri Lanka and based on phylogenetic and haplotype analyses of sequences of cox1 and cytb mitochondrial, and rag1 and irbp nuclear markers, we review the species diversity and phylogeography of Rasbora on the island. Molecular analyses recover, in addition to the five species previously reported, a new (cryptic) species: Rasbora adisi sp. nov. Uncorrected pairwise cox1 genetic distances between species range from 2.0 to 12.3 percent. The Sri Lankan diversification derives from a common ancestor which arrived from India during a sea-level low-stand in the mid-Miocene (15.1 Ma [95% HPD: 11.5–19.8 Ma]), when the present-day island was subaerially connected to the Indian subcontinent by a broad isthmus. This gave rise to a clade comprising five species—R. adisi sp. nov.,Rasbora armitagei, Rasbora microcephalus, Rasbora naggsi and Rasbora wilpita—with a crown age of 9.9 Ma (95% HPD: 7.1–13.3 Ma) and to a clade comprising Indian and Sri Lankan populations of Rasbora dandia, which themselves are reciprocally monophyletic. Morphological analysis of 334 specimens discriminates between most species which, however, are most reliably diagnosed by chromatic characters. The four endemic species exhibit a pattern of inter-basin dispersal via headwater capture, followed by vicariance, explaining the high diversity of the genus on the island.  相似文献   

We studied 30 streams in eastern Amazonia, 17 of which were located within a protected area (PA) and the other 13 in the surrounding zone, with the objective of evaluating the diversity of adult Odonata and if there was a difference between the physical habitat variables of the two environments. We hypothesized that a greater diversity of odonate species would be found in the PA due to a greater complexity of habitats. This hypothesis was rejected, however, due to the greater odonate diversity found in the surrounding zone in comparison with the PA. Differences were also found in the species composition of the two environments. Our results indicate that there are differences between the environmental variables in the areas, and the few alterations observed in the surrounding zone may have contributed to the formation of new conditions and habitats appropriate for species that may have been rare. The PA, despite having reduced species richness and abundance in comparison with the surrounding zone, was nevertheless characterized by a more heterogeneous species composition. A quarter of the species were common to both environments, while 34 % were exclusive to the surrounding zone. In this case, it appears that the combination of the protected area and the surrounding zone, which has a low level of disturbance, conserves a wider range of specialist species than either area on its own. The great challenge in the future is finding a way to identify the disturbance levels that would be acceptable, and to prevent over-exploitation of resources in such areas.  相似文献   


Tungsten (W) mining has taken place in Ganzhou in China for about 100 years. Such long-term W mining may release large amount of metals to soils and waters around these mines. Twenty soil samples were taken from the area around the W mines and 10 soil samples from an area much farther away. These soil samples were analysed for physicochemical properties, heavy metal content and their chemical forms. Results show that long-term W mining significantly increased both total and labile contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, but did not, or only slightly, increased the total content of Co, Cr and Ni in the soil near the mine. Average enrichment factor (EF) in the agricultural soils was 4.0, 2.4, 2.2, and 2.0 for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively. The labile fraction was dominated by the carbonate-bound fraction for Cd (54.5%) and organic matter-bound fraction for Cu (37.9%), while the major labile fractions for Pb and Zn were associated with carbonates (30.2% and 6.4%), oxides (17.9% and 10.6%) and organic matter (9.2% and 18.8%). Consequently, there is a need to be cautious about Cd in the soils contaminated by W mining.  相似文献   

Here we describe and illustrate a new parasitoid wasp species, Lathrolestes gauldi sp. n. from the lowland rainforest of eastern Ecuador and provide a key to the Neotropical species of the genus. This is the first record of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae from Ecuador.  相似文献   

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