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Lake Magadi, an alkaline hypersaline lake in Kenya, is one of the most extreme water bodies known. Although its water temperatures often exceed 40°C, a particular lineage of ‘dwarf’ tilapia, Alcolapia grahami, has evolved remarkable adaptations to survive in this hostile environment. Magadi tilapia exists in small fragmented populations in isolated lagoons within Lake Magadi and its satellite Lake, Little Magadi. In spite of the potential this tilapia holds for understanding evolutionary processes in stressful environments, few genetic studies have focused on this species. We examined the genetic diversity and spatial genetic relationships of Magadi tilapia populations using microsatellite and mitochondrial markers. High levels of genetic variation were found to be supporting the hypothesis that A. grahami populations represent remnants of a much larger fish population that inhabited paleo-lake Orolonga. In contrast to previous studies, we found a well-supported genetic structure of A. grahami consisting of three differentiated genetic clusters (a) Little Magadi, (b) Fish Spring Lagoon and (c) Rest of Magadi. Given the importance of this species to the Magadi ecosystem and its potential evolutionary significance, the three genetic clusters should be considered as separate gene pools and conservation strategies aimed at protecting the species based on these clusters are recommended.  相似文献   

Studying recent adaptive radiations in isolated insular systems avoids complicating causal events and thus may offer clearer insight into mechanisms generating biological diversity. Here, we investigate evolutionary relationships and genomic differentiation within the recent radiation of Alcolapia cichlid fish that exhibit extensive phenotypic diversification, and which are confined to the extreme soda lakes Magadi and Natron in East Africa. We generated an extensive RAD data set of 96 individuals from multiple sampling sites and found evidence for genetic admixture between species within Lake Natron, with the highest levels of admixture between sympatric populations of the most recently diverged species. Despite considerable environmental separation, populations within Lake Natron do not exhibit isolation by distance, indicating panmixia within the lake, although individuals within lineages clustered by population in phylogenomic analysis. Our results indicate exceptionally low genetic differentiation across the radiation despite considerable phenotypic trophic variation, supporting previous findings from smaller data sets; however, with the increased power of densely sampled SNPs, we identify genomic peaks of differentiation (FST outliers) between Alcolapia species. While evidence of ongoing gene flow and interspecies hybridization in certain populations suggests that Alcolapia species are incompletely reproductively isolated, the identification of outlier SNPs under diversifying selection indicates the radiation is undergoing adaptive divergence.  相似文献   

Ecological diversification through divergent selection is thought to be a major force during the process of adaptive radiations. However, the large sizes and complexity of most radiations such as those of the cichlids in the African Great Lakes make it impossible to infer the exact evolutionary history of any population divergence event. The genus Alcolapia, a small cichlid lineage endemic to Lakes Magadi and Natron in East Africa, exhibits phenotypes similar to some of those found in cichlids of the radiations of the African Great Lakes. The simplicity within Alcolapia makes it an excellent model system to investigate ecological diversification and speciation. We used an integrated approach including population genomics based on RAD‐seq data, geometric morphometrics and stable isotope analyses to investigate the eco‐morphological diversification of tilapia in Lake Magadi and its satellite lake Little Magadi. Additionally, we reconstructed the demographic history of the species using coalescent simulations based on the joint site frequency spectrum. The population in Little Magadi has a characteristically upturned mouth—possibly an adaptation to feeding on prey from the water surface. Eco‐morphological differences between populations within Lake Magadi are more subtle, but are consistent with known ecological differences between its lagoons such as high concentrations of nitrogen attributable to extensive guano deposits in Rest of Magadi relative to Fish Springs Lagoon. All populations diverged simultaneously only about 1100 generations ago. Differences in levels of gene flow between populations and the effective population sizes have likely resulted in the inferred heterogeneous patterns of genome‐wide differentiation.  相似文献   

The control region of the mitochondrial DNA haplotype frequencies were significantly different among the two separate lagoon populations of Oreochromis alcalicus grahami in Lake Magadi and of O. a. alcalicus from lake Natron, and DNA fingerprint similarity indices were significantly higher for intra-population comparisons of the two Magadi lagoon populations and the Lake Natron population than the inter-population similarity indices among these populations. A modified F st measure indicated population sub-division and the phylogeographic partitioning of the VNTR fragments observed were unique to specific populations further indicating substantial genetic differentiation. The lagoon populations within Lake Magadi demonstrated the same degree of genetic differentiation as either of these populations did to the outgroup (the Lake Natron population). There appears to be limited gene flow between Lake Magadi tilapia populations and this population structure has important implications for protecting locally adapted populations within this unique ecosystem.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis in Lake Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia grahami), a cichlid fish endemic to the highly alkaline and saline Lake Magadi in Kenya, was evaluated using light and transmission electron microscopy. Spermatogenesis, typified by its three major phases (spermatocytogenesis, meiosis and spermiogenesis), was demonstrated by the presence of maturational spermatogenic cells namely spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. Primary spermatogonia, the largest of all the germ cells, underwent a series of mitotic divisions producing primary spermatocytes, which then entered two consecutive meiotic divisions to produce secondary spermatocytes and spermatids. Spermatids, in turn, passed through three structurally distinct developmental stages typical of type-I spermiogenesis to yield typical primitive anacrosomal spermatozoa of the externally fertilizing type (aquasperm). The spermatozoon of this fish exhibited a spheroidal head with the nucleus containing highly electron-dense chromatin globules, a midpiece containing ten ovoid mitochondria arranged in two rows and a flagellum formed by the typical 9 + 2 microtubule axoneme. In addition, the midpiece, with no cytoplasmic sheath, appeared to end blindly distally in a lobe-like pattern around the flagellum; a feature that was unique and considered adaptive for the spermatozoon of this species to the harsh external environment. These observations show that the testis of A. grahami often undergoes active spermatogenesis despite the harsh environmental conditions to which it is exposed on a daily basis within the lake. Further, the spermiogenic features and spermatozoal ultrastructure appear to be characteristic of Cichlidae and, therefore, may be of phylogenetic significance.  相似文献   

Cichlid fish are well known for their high speciation rates, which are usually accompanied by spectacular and rapid diversification in eco‐morphological and secondary sexual traits. This is best illustrated by the famous repeated explosive radiations in the African Great Lakes Tanganyika, Malawi and Victoria, each lake harbouring several hundreds of mostly endemic species. Correspondingly, cichlids diversified very rapidly in many other lakes across their range. Although the larger radiations, unparalleled in vertebrates, are certainly the most intriguing, they are also the most intricate and difficult to address because of their complex nature. This is where smaller, simpler systems may prove to be the most useful. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Kavembe et al. ( 2016 ) report very recent genetic diversification accompanied by ecological specialization in cichlids of the small and ecologically extreme Lake Magadi, in Kenya. Combining geometric morphometrics, stable isotope analysis, population genomics using RADSeq data and coalescent‐based modelling techniques, the authors characterize the eco‐morphological differences between genetically distinct populations of Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia grahami), which are consistent with the different environmental conditions they experience, and infer their history of divergence. The simplicity of the focal system and the use of a multidisciplinary approach make this work particularly important for our understanding of the early stages of speciation, in both cichlids and other organisms.  相似文献   

Leslie H.  Brown 《Ibis》1971,113(2):147-172
This paper summarizes what has been learned about the breeding behaviour of the Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor from 1954 to 1969, especially at Lake Magadi, Kenya, in 1962. The only known regular breeding site is on soda mudflats at Lake Natron, Tanzania. Lake Magadi, used in 1962 when Lake Natron was full of water, may only have been used once this century. Breeding has been sporadically reported from other lakes, but reports are usually inadequate and in many cases successful breeding was not proven. At Lake Natron the breeding site is in the middle of the lake which is 70 km long by 24 km wide. Breeding conditions are extremely harsh, mid-day temperatures regularly exceeding 50oC and reaching 70–75oC. The advantage of the site lies in its complete freedom from predatory mammals. Details of known breeding, obtained by aerial surveys, are given. Lesser Flamingos do not breed annually, and tend to start in the last quarter, October to December, of any year in which they breed. There is no obvious relation between food supply and this breeding date. The last quarter of the year at Lake Natron tends to be rainy and warm. No really large-scale breeding has been observed since 1962. The methods used for estimating adults and young are given. They have shown good correlation with ground counts at Lake Magadi in 1962. The total population is of the order of three to four million, and the largest known breeding colonies were of 1,100,000 pairs at Lake Magadi in 1962 and 570,000 pairs in 1957 at Lake Natron. From 1953 to 1962 inclusive about 275,000 pairs (1/5 to 1 /6 of the population) bred annually on average, but since 1962 the average number breeding per year has been less, reducing the overall average to perhaps 180,000 pairs. At this rate a pair takes 22–24 years to replace itself. The nuptial display of the Lesser Flamingo resembles in many respects that of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber. When displaying, Lesser Flamingos congregate in a tightly-packed flock, rapidly moving, in which various ritual movements are performed. Display normally takes place in certain sites far from known breeding grounds, and may be stimulated by conditions of very dense population. Lesser Flamingos build mud-mound nests similar to but smaller than those of the Greater Flamingo. Measurements, weights, and other details are given. The huge 1962 Magadi colony involved the excavation of some 20,000 metric tons of soda mud. One egg is normally laid. Large numbers of birds tend to lay synchronously in particular parts of the colony. The threshold numbers for breeding may be of the order of 5,000 pairs. Both sexes incubate, for about 28–29 days. Incubating birds are liable to desert en masse when disturbed, e.g. by hyenas. 70–90% of eggs hatch, usually about 85%. Larger colonies are more successful than smaller, and birds that lay out of phase with others tend to desert without hatching. The development of the young resembles that of the Greater Flamingo, but the two are distinguishable at an early age by bill structure. At Lake Natron the fledging period is about 70 days, but at Lake Magadi it was about 90 days, probably because the parents had to fly to Lake Natron for food. Adults attend the chicks closely for the first week of life, but thereafter leave them increasingly. Chicks more than one week old gather in herds, which eventually aggregate to huge numbers, 300,000 or more. Both at Lake Natron and Lake Magadi the chicks moved en masse out of the breeding area to gathering grounds in shallow water, where they remained till able to feed themselves and fly. Both sexes feed the young with regurgigated liquid matter, delivered bill to bill with parent and young both facing forward, as in the Greater Flamingo. Feeding details were not closely observed at Lake Magadi as most feeding took place after dark. Breeding success has varied from 5 to 75%, averaging 41 to 43% of eggs laid. The 1962 Magadi colony had 33 to 38% breeding success. Mass moult to flightlessness is described. It may occur before, during, or after the breeding season, or without breeding, and normally only at Lake Natron. It lasts six to eight weeks, perhaps three weeks for an individual, and may be controllable in that it did not occur at Lake Magadi in 1962 when its effects would have been fatal for the colony. Predation by large mammals (from lions to jackals) and birds, especially Egyptian and other Vultures, is described and roughly quantified. Predation from all causes may have resulted in 5% loss at the Magadi colony, but at Lake Natron is probably less. Eight thousand young Lesser Flamingos and 80 Greater Flamingos were ringed at Lake Magadi in 1962. Ringing methods are described. Recoveries have been meagre, the most distant being from the Awash Valley, Ethiopia. No rings have been observed among the adult population in recent years. The most probable explanation of the poor results is ring loss through chemical action of the water.  相似文献   

Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure in five populations of Astragalus nitidiflorus, a critically endangered species endemic to southeast Spain. Eight primers amplified 78 bands with 40 (51.3%) being polymorphic. Statistical results indicated a low genetic diversity at the population and species level, with percentages of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranging from 28.2 to 37.2% (an average of 31.8%), and means of gene diversity (HE) of 0.129 and 0.171 respectively. The Shannon’s index (SI) ranged from 0.160 to 0.214 at the population level and was 0.260 at the species level. A low level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected, based on the Shannon’s information index (0.297), the coefficient of genetic differentiation between populations (GST = 0.2418) and AMOVA analysis (ΦST = 0.255). The estimated gene flow (Nm) was 0.789. The high genetic connectivity found among populations of A. nitidiflorus is an evidence of a recent habitat fragmentation. In addition, a bottleneck event in the past has been revealed, with a subsequent reduction of population size and a loss of genetic variation. Based on these results, the conservation strategy of A. nitidiflorus was proposed.  相似文献   

Describing patterns of connectivity among populations of species with widespread distributions is particularly important in understanding the ecology and evolution of marine species. In this study, we examined patterns of population differentiation, migration, and historical population dynamics using microsatellite and mitochondrial loci to test whether populations of the epinephelid fish, Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis, an important fishery species, are genetically connected across the Gulf of Mexico and if so, whether that connectivity is attributable to either contemporary or historical processes. Populations of Gag on the Campeche Bank and the West Florida Shelf show significant, but low magnitude, differentiation. Time since divergence/expansion estimates associated with historical population dynamics indicate that any population or spatial expansions indicated by population genetics would have likely occurred in the late Pleistocene. Using coalescent-based approaches, we find that the best model for explaining observed spatial patterns of contemporary genetic variation is one of asymmetric gene flow, with movement from Campeche Bank to the West Florida Shelf. Both estimated migration rates and ecological data support the hypothesis that Gag populations throughout the Gulf of Mexico are connected via present day larval dispersal. Demonstrating this greatly expanded scale of connectivity for Gag highlights the influence of “ghost” populations (sensu Beerli) on genetic patterns and presents a critical consideration for both fisheries management and conservation of this and other species with similar genetic patterns.  相似文献   

Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a widespread, partially asexual, noble hardwood European species characterized by a scattered distribution, small population sizes, and human exploitation for its valuable wood. These characteristics, especially at the southern limits of the species natural distribution where additional varying stresses may occur, render P. avium populations prone to potential stochastic, genetic, and demographic events. In this study, we used dominant inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and codominant simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to infer the genetic structure of P. avium. Five populations from northern Greece were evaluated based on 46 ISSR and 11 SSR loci. Populations presented a relatively high level of genetic variation, with a mean genetic diversity of H e?=?0.166 and H e?=?0.740 regarding ISSR and SSR analysis, respectively. We observed moderate population differentiation for ISSR (G ST?=?0.113) and SSR (F ST?=?0.097) markers. AMOVA also detected significant differentiation among populations for ISSRs (?? ST?=?0.338) and SRRs (?? ST?=?0.162). According to linkage disequilibrium analysis, estimates of effective population size were generally sufficient for maintaining extant genetic variability and evolutionary potential. A possible bottleneck was detected for only one population. In general, it appears that despite the particular characteristics of the P. avium populations studied, genetic stochasticity events were not apparent. The studied populations, located at the rear edge of the species European distribution, reveal a wealth of genetic variation that is very valuable for the genetic conservation of local adaptive gene complexes, especially under contemporary climatic change scenarios.  相似文献   

During recent decades, over 40% of Japanese estuarine tidal flats have been lost due to coastal developments. Local populations of the saltmarsh sesarmid crab Clistocoeloma sinense, designated as an endangered species due to the limited suitable saltmarsh habitat available, have decreased accordingly, being now represented as small remnant populations. Several such populations in Tokyo Bay, have been recognised as representing distributional limits of the species. To clarify the genetic diversity and connectivity among local coastal populations of Japanese Clistocoeloma sinense, including those in Tokyo Bay, mitochondrial DNA analyses were conducted in the hope of providing fundamental information for future conservation studies and an understanding of metapopulation dynamics through larval dispersal among local populations. All of the populations sampled indicated low levels of genetic diversity, which may have resulted from recent population bottlenecks or founder events. However, the results also revealed clear genetic differentiation between two enclosed-water populations in Tokyo Bay and Ise-Mikawa Bay, suggesting the existence of a barrier to larval transport between these two water bodies. Since the maintenance of genetic connectivity is a requirement of local population stability, the preservation of extant habitats and restoration of saltmarshes along the coast of Japan may be the most effective measures for conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

The elucidation of species diversity and connectivity is essential for conserving coral reef communities and for understanding the characteristics of coral populations. To assess the species diversity, intraspecific genetic diversity, and genetic differentiation among populations of the brooding coral Seriatopora spp., we conducted phylogenetic and population genetic analyses using a mitochondrial DNA control region and microsatellites at ten sites in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. At least three genetic lineages of Seriatopora (Seriatopora-A, -B, and -C) were detected in our specimens. We collected colonies morphologically similar to Seriatopora hystrix, but these may have included multiple, genetically distinct species. Although sexual reproduction maintains the populations of all the genetic lineages, Seriatopora-A and Seriatopora-C had lower genetic diversity than Seriatopora-B. We detected significant genetic differentiation in Seriatopora-B among the three populations as follows: pairwise F ST = 0.064–0.116 (all P = 0.001), pairwise G′′ST = 0.107–0.209 (all P = 0.001). Additionally, only one migrant from an unsampled population was genetically identified within Seriatopora-B. Because the peak of the settlement of Seriatopora larvae is within 1 d and almost all larvae are settled within 5 d of spawning, our observations may be related to low dispersal ability. Populations of Seriatopora in the Ryukyu Archipelago will probably not recover unless there is substantial new recruitment from distant populations.  相似文献   

Studies of genetic differentiation in fragmented environments help us to identify those landscape features that most affect gene flow and dispersal patterns. Particularly, the assessment of the relative significance of intrinsic biological and environmental factors affecting the genetic structure of populations becomes crucial. In this work, we assess the current dispersal patterns and population structure of Ctenomyschasiquensis”, a vulnerable and endemic subterranean rodent distributed on a small area in Central Argentina, using 9 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We use landscape genetics approaches to assess the relationship between genetic connectivity among populations and environmental attributes. Our analyses show that populations of C. “chasiquensis” are moderately to highly structured at a regional level. This pattern is most likely the outcome of substantial gene flow on the more homogeneous sand dune habitat of the Northwest of its distributional range, in conjunction with an important degree of isolation of eastern and southwestern populations, where the optimal habitat is surrounded by a highly fragmented landscape. Landscape genetics analysis suggests that habitat quality and longitude were the environmental factors most strongly associated with genetic differentiation/uniqueness of populations. In conclusion, our results indicate an important genetic structure in this species, even at a small spatial scale, suggesting that contemporary habitat fragmentation increases population differentiation.  相似文献   

We provide initial information regarding the population structure and genetic diversity of Stenella frontalis from the Caribbean and southeastern Brazil from analyses of mitochondrial control region sequences and sequences from the first intron of the α-lactalbumin gene. Comparisons with previously described S. frontalis sequences showed a high number of haplotypes shared between populations throughout their distribution range. High diversity was found for southeastern Brazil and Caribbean samples, and population structure analyses indicate significant differentiation among population units at the FST level, but not at the ΦST level. Significant differentiation at the FST level was found between the Caribbean population unit and all other populations units. These results suggest historical or present connectivity between the Azores and Madeira and the southeastern Brazil groups and population differentiation between the Caribbean and southeastern Brazil, supporting the notion of two separate stocks in the waters around the Atlantic coast of South America.  相似文献   

Like many carnivore species, European wildcats (Felis silvestris) have suffered severe anthropogenic population declines in the past, resulting in a strong population bottleneck at the beginning of the 20th century. In Germany, the species has managed to survive its near extinction in small isolated areas and is currently recolonizing former habitats owing to legal protection and concerted conservation efforts. Here, we SNP‐genotyped and mtDNA‐sequenced 56 historical and 650 contemporary samples to assess the impact of massive persecution on genetic diversity, population structure, and hybridization dynamics of wildcats. Spatiotemporal analyses suggest that the presumed postglacial differentiation between two genetically distinct metapopulations in Germany is in fact the result of the anthropogenic bottleneck followed by re‐expansion from few secluded refugia. We found that, despite the bottleneck, populations experienced no severe genetic erosion, nor suffered from elevated inbreeding or showed signs of increased hybridization with domestic cats. Our findings have significant implications for current wildcat conservation strategies, as the data analyses show that the two presently recognized wildcat population clusters should be treated as a single conservation unit. Although current populations appear under no imminent threat from genetic factors, fostering connectivity through the implementation of forest corridors will facilitate the preservation of genetic diversity and promote long‐term viability. The present study documents how museum collections can be used as essential resource for assessing long‐term anthropogenic effects on natural populations, for example, regarding population structure and the delineation of appropriate conservation units, potentially informing todays'' species conservation.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological differentiation is a key feature of adaptive radiations, with a general trend for specialization and niche expansion following divergence. Ecological opportunity afforded by invasion of a new habitat is thought to act as an ecological release, facilitating divergence, and speciation. Here, we investigate trophic adaptive morphology and ecology of an endemic clade of oreochromine cichlid fishes (Alcolapia) that radiated along a herbivorous trophic axis following colonization of an isolated lacustrine environment, and demonstrate phenotype‐environment correlation. Ecological and morphological divergence of the Alcolapia species flock are examined in a phylogenomic context, to infer ecological niche occupation within the radiation. Species divergence is observed in both ecology and morphology, supporting the importance of ecological speciation within the radiation. Comparison with an outgroup taxon reveals large‐scale ecomorphological divergence but shallow genomic differentiation within the Alcolapia adaptive radiation. Ancestral morphological reconstruction suggests lake colonization by a generalist oreochromine phenotype that diverged in Lake Natron to varied herbivorous morphologies akin to specialist herbivores in Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi.  相似文献   

Cladocora caespitosa is the only reef-forming zooxanthellate scleractinian in the Mediterranean Sea. This endemic coral has suffered severe mortality events at different Mediterranean sites owing to anomalous summer heat waves related to global climate change. In this study, we assessed genetic structure and gene flow among four populations of this species in the Western Mediterranean Sea: Cape Palos (SE Spain), Cala Galdana (Balearic Islands), Columbretes Islands, and L’Ametlla (NE Spain). The results obtained from Bayesian approaches, F ST statistics, and Bayesian analysis of migration rates suggest certain levels of genetic differentiation driven by high levels of self-recruitment, a fact that is supported by egg-retention mechanisms. Conversely, genetic connectivity among distant populations, even if generally low, seems to be related to sporadic dispersal events through regional surface currents linked to the spawning period that occurs at the end of summer-beginning of autumn. These features, together with a certain isolation of the Columbretes Islands, could explain the regional genetic differentiation found among populations. These results help to better understand population structure and connectivity of the species and will serve as an approach for further studies on different aspects of the biology and ecology of C. caespitosa.  相似文献   

Connectivity between populations influences both their dynamics and the genetic structuring of species. In this study, we explored connectivity patterns of a marine species with long‐distance dispersal, the edible common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, focusing mainly on the Adriatic–Ionian basins (Central Mediterranean). We applied a multidisciplinary approach integrating population genomics, based on 1,122 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained from 2b‐RAD in 275 samples, with Lagrangian simulations performed with a biophysical model of larval dispersal. We detected genetic homogeneity among eight population samples collected in the focal Adriatic–Ionian area, whereas weak but significant differentiation was found with respect to two samples from the Western Mediterranean (France and Tunisia). This result was not affected by the few putative outlier loci identified in our dataset. Lagrangian simulations found a significant potential for larval exchange among the eight Adriatic–Ionian locations, supporting the hypothesis of connectivity of P. lividus populations in this area. A peculiar pattern emerged from the comparison of our results with those obtained from published P. lividus cytochrome b (cytb) sequences, the latter revealing genetic differentiation in the same geographic area despite a smaller sample size and a lower power to detect differences. The comparison with studies conducted using nuclear markers on other species with similar pelagic larval durations in the same Adriatic–Ionian locations indicates species‐specific differences in genetic connectivity patterns and warns against generalizing single‐species results to the entire community of rocky shore habitats.  相似文献   



Sky islands, formed by the highest reaches of mountain tracts physically isolated from one another, represent one of the biodiversity-rich regions of the world. Comparative studies of geographically isolated populations on such islands can provide valuable insights into the biogeography and evolution of species on these islands. The Western Ghats mountains of southern India form a sky island system, where the relationship between the island structure and the evolution of its species remains virtually unknown despite a few population genetic studies.

Methods and Principal Findings

We investigated how ancient geographic gaps and glacial cycles have partitioned genetic variation in modern populations of a threatened endemic bird, the White-bellied Shortwing Brachypteryx major, across the montane Shola forests on these islands and also inferred its evolutionary history. We used Bayesian and maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic and population-genetic analyses on data from three mitochondrial markers and one nuclear marker (totally 2594 bp) obtained from 33 White-bellied Shortwing individuals across five islands. Genetic differentiation between populations of the species correlated with the locations of deep valleys in the Western Ghats but not with geographical distance between these populations. All populations revealed demographic histories consistent with population founding and expansion during the Last Glacial Maximum. Given the level of genetic differentiation north and south of the Palghat Gap, we suggest that these populations be considered two different taxonomic species.

Conclusions and Significance

Our results show that the physiography and paleo-climate of this region historically resulted in multiple glacial refugia that may have subsequently driven the evolutionary history and current population structure of this bird. The first avian genetic study from this biodiversity hotspot, our results provide insights into processes that may have impacted the speciation and evolution of the endemic fauna of this region.  相似文献   

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