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Proper activation of the Ras/MAPK pathway is broadly required during development, and in many cases, signal transduction downstream of the receptor is linear. Thus, different mechanisms exist to properly regulate the large number of specific developmental outputs that are required by the activation of this pathway. Previously, we have reported a regulated cytoplasmic sequestration of phosphorylated MAPK (pMAPK) in developing Drosophila compound eyes and wings “called MAPK Cytoplasmic Hold”. In the developing wing, we have shown that cytoplasmic hold promotes the differentiation of wing vein tissue, while pMAPK nuclear translocation regulates growth and division. We had also suggested that the Ras pathway signals for inducing cell growth and cell division split upstream of the nuclear translocation of MAPK itself. Here, we further refine the role of MAPK in Drosophila. We report evidence that suggests, for the first time, that the phosphorylation of MAPK is itself another step in the regulation of cell growth and division in both Drosophila wing and eye cells. We show that inhibition of MAPK phosphorylation, or pMAPK nuclear translocation, is sufficient to block cell growth, but not cell division. These data suggest that non-phosphorylated MAPK is sufficient to induce cell division, but not cell growth, once inside the nucleus of the cell.Key words: Drosophila, MAPK, growth, division, proliferation, phosphorylation  相似文献   

The loss of function of the tumor suppressor gene TSC2 and its protein product tuberin promotes the development of benign lesions by stimulating cell growth, although the role of tuberin in regulating cell migration and metastasis has not been characterized. In addition, the role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), an important signaling event regulating cell migration, in modulating tuberin-deficient cell motility remains unknown. Using a tuberin-deficient rat smooth muscle cell line, ELT3, we demonstrate that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulates cell migration by 3.2-fold, whereas vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) increase migration by 2.1-, 2.1-, and 2.6-fold, respectively. Basal and PDGF-induced migration in tuberin-deficient ELT3, ELT4, and ERC15 cells was not significantly different from that of tuberin-positive transformed rat kidney epithelial 2, airway smooth muscle, and pulmonary arterial vascular smooth muscle cells. Expression of tuberin in tuberin-deficient ELT3 cells also had little effect on cell migration. In parallel experiments, the role of PI 3-kinase activation in ELT3 cell migration was investigated. LY-294002, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor, decreased PDGF-induced migration in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC(50) of approximately 5 microM. LY-294002 also abrogated ELT3 cell migration stimulated by bFGF and TGF-alpha but not by VEGF and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Furthermore, transient expression of constitutively active PI 3-kinase (p110*) was sufficient to induce ELT3 cell migration. However, the migration induced by p110* was less than that induced by growth factors, suggesting other signaling pathways are also critically important in modulating growth factor-induced cell migration. These data suggest that PI 3-kinase is required for growth factor-induced cell migration and loss of tuberin appears to have little effect on cell migration.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3 (MEKK3) plays an essential role in embryonic angiogenesis, but its role in tumor growth and angiogenesis is unknown. In this study, we further investigated the role of MEKK3 in embryonic angiogenesis, tumor angiogenesis, and angiogenic factor production. We found that endothelial cells from Mekk3-deficient embryos showed defects in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and interactions with myocardium in the heart. We also found that MEKK3 is required for angiopoietin-1 (Ang1)-induced p38 and ERK5 activation. To study the role of MEKK3 in tumor growth and angiogenesis, we established both wild-type and Mekk3-deficient tumor-like embryonic stem cell lines and transplanted them subcutaneously into nude mice to assess their ability to grow and induce tumor angiogenesis. Mekk3-deficient tumors developed and grew similarly as control Mekk3 wild-type tumors and were also capable of inducing tumor angiogenesis. In addition, we found no differences in the production of VEGF in Mekk3-deficient tumors or embryos. Taken together, our results suggest that MEKK3 plays a critical role in Ang1/Tie2 signaling to control endothelial cell proliferation and survival and is required for endothelial cells to interact with the myocardium during early embryonic development. However, MEKK3 is not essential for tumor growth and angiogenesis. cardiovascular; mitogen-activated protein kinase; embryonic development  相似文献   

We show that the cell division gene ftsQ of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) is dispensable for growth and viability but is needed during development for the efficient conversion of aerial filaments into spores. Combined with our previous demonstration that ftsZ of S. coelicolor is not needed for viability, these findings suggest that cell division has been largely co-opted for development in this filamentous bacterium. This makes S. coelicolor an advantageous system for the study of cell division genes.  相似文献   

Mei J  Huang X  Zhang P 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(15):1197-1201
Sister chromatid separation depends on the release of cohesion by the activity of Esp1, a member of the caspase family [1, 2]. In budding yeast, Esp1p is kept inactive by its association with Pds1p, until the onset of anaphase, when Pds1p is ubiquitinated by the APC/Cdc20 complex [3--5] and subsequently degraded by the 26S proteasome. Pds1 is not an essential gene in budding yeast, but is required for cell cycle arrest prior to anaphase in response to the disruption of spindle structures [6, 7]. Thus, Pds1 mutant yeast cells display precocious sister chromatid separation in the presence of nocodazole [6]. Mammalian orthologs of yeast Esp1 and Pds1, separin and securin, have been identified [8], and, as anticipated, a nondegradable mutant form of securin inhibits sister separation when added to mitotic Xenopus egg extracts [8]. Securin was also independently identified as PTTG (pituitary tumor transforming gene), a gene overexpressed in pituitary tumors [9]. The relationship between its overexpression in tumors and its control of sister chromatid cohesion remains ill defined. To explore securin function in mammals, we took a targeted gene disruption approach in mice. Here, we report that securin is neither essential for cell viability nor required for spindle checkpoint function, and mice lacking securin are viable and apparently normal, but mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking securin grow abnormally in culture.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of the plant are generated by groups of rapidly dividing cells called shoot apical meristems. To analyze cell behavior in these structures, we developed a technique to visualize living shoot apical meristems using the confocal microscope. This method, combined with green fluorescent protein marker lines and vital stains, allows us to follow the dynamics of cell proliferation, cell expansion, and cell differentiation at the shoot apex. Using this approach, the effects of several mitotic drugs on meristem development were studied. Oryzalin (depolymerizing microtubules) very rapidly caused cell division arrest. Nevertheless, both cell expansion and cell differentiation proceeded in the treated meristems. Interestingly, DNA synthesis was not blocked, and the meristematic cells went through several rounds of endoreduplication in the presence of the drug. We next treated the meristems with two inhibitors of DNA synthesis, aphidicolin and hydroxyurea. In this case, cell growth and, later, cell differentiation were inhibited, suggesting an important role for DNA synthesis in growth and patterning.  相似文献   

The cell cycle plays an important role in the development and adaptation of multicellular organisms; specifically, it allows them to optimally adjust their architecture in response to environmental changes. Kip-related proteins (KRPs) are important negative regulators of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), which positively control the cell cycle during plant development. The Arabidopsis genome possesses seven KRP genes with low sequence similarity and distinct expression patterns; however, why Arabidopsis needs seven KRP genes and how these genes function in cell cycle regulation are unknown. Here, we focused on the characterization of KRP3, which was found to have unique functions in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and leaves. KRP3 protein was localized to the SAM, including the ground meristem and vascular tissues in the ground part of the SAM and cotyledons. In addition, KRP3 protein was stabilized when treated with MG132, an inhibitor of the 26S proteasome, indicating that the protein may be regulated by 26S proteasome-mediated protein degradation. KRP3-overexpressing (KRP3 OE) transgenic plants showed reduced organ size, serrated leaves, and reduced fertility. Interestingly, the KRP3 OE transgenic plants showed a significant reduction in the size of the SAM with alterations in cell arrangement. In addition, compared to the wild type, the KRP3 OE transgenic plants had a higher DNA ploidy level in the SAM and leaves. Taken together, our data suggest that KRP3 plays important regulatory roles in the cell cycle and endoreduplication in the SAM and leaves.  相似文献   

The initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication is preceded by the assembly of prereplication complexes (pre-RCs) at chromosomal origins of DNA replication. Pre-RC assembly requires the essential DNA replication proteins ORC, Cdc6, and Cdt1 to load the MCM DNA helicase onto chromatin. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Noc3 (ScNoc3), an evolutionarily conserved protein originally implicated in 60S ribosomal subunit trafficking, has been proposed to be an essential regulator of DNA replication that plays a direct role during pre-RC formation in budding yeast. We have cloned Schizosaccharomyces pombe noc3(+) (Spnoc3(+)), the S. pombe homolog of the budding yeast ScNOC3 gene, and functionally characterized the requirement for the SpNoc3 protein during ribosome biogenesis, cell cycle progression, and DNA replication in fission yeast. We showed that fission yeast SpNoc3 is a functional homolog of budding yeast ScNoc3 that is essential for cell viability and ribosome biogenesis. We also showed that SpNoc3 is required for the normal completion of cell division in fission yeast. However, in contrast to the proposal that ScNoc3 plays an essential role during DNA replication in budding yeast, we demonstrated that fission yeast cells do enter and complete S phase in the absence of SpNoc3, suggesting that SpNoc3 is not essential for DNA replication in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) alters the host response to infection by secreting protein factors. Mtb produces two secreted protein tyrosine phosphatases, PtpA and PtpB, which are thought to interfere with host signaling. Deletion of ptpA or ptpB attenuates bacterial growth in activated macrophages. To address the in vivo function of PtpA, we generated a genetic deletion mutant, DeltaptpA. The mutant was not defective when grown in vitro, consistent with the presumed role of PtpA in the host. The ptpA mutant, however, also showed no growth defect in a mouse infection model. The absence of a growth defect in mice suggests that the requirement for PtpA differs in mouse and human infections, and that mice are not a suitable infection model for the study of PtpA.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is an indispensable lipid class in photosynthetic activity. However, the importance of PG biosynthesis in non-photosynthetic organs remains elusive. We previously identified phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase 1 (PGPP1), which catalyzes the last step of PG biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present report, we noted considerably shorter roots of the pgpp1-1 mutant compared to the wild type. We observed defective order of columella cells in the root apices, which was complemented by introducing the wild-type PGPP1 gene. Although PGPP1 is chloroplast-localized in leaf mesophyll cells, we observed mitochondrial localization of PGPP1 in root cells, suggesting possible dual targeting of PGPP1. Moreover, we identified previously uncharacterized 2 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like proteins as functional PGPPs. These proteins, designated PTPMT1 and PTPMT2, complemented growth and lipid phenotypes of Δgep4, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant of PGPP. The ptpmt1-1 ptpmt2-1 exhibited no visible phenotype; however, the pgpp1-1 ptpmt1-1 ptpmt2-1 significantly enhanced the root phenotype of pgpp1-1 without further affecting the photosynthesis, suggesting that these newly found PGPPs are involved in the root phenotype. Radiolabeling experiment of mutant roots showed that decreased PG biosynthesis is associated with the mutation of PGPP1. These results suggest that PG biosynthesis is required for the root growth.  相似文献   

Spermatids derived from a single gonial cell remain interconnected within a cyst and elongate by synchronized growth inside the testis in Drosophila. Cylindrical spectrin-rich elongation cones form at their distal ends during the growth. The mechanism underlying this process is poorly understood. We found that developing sperm tails were abnormally coiled at the growing ends inside the cysts in the Drosophila Dynein light chain 1 (ddlc1) hemizygous mutant testis. A quantitative assay showed that average number of elongation cones was reduced, they were increasingly deformed, and average cyst lengths were shortened in ddlc1 hemizygous testes. These phenotypes were further enhanced by additional partial reduction of Dhc64C and Glued and rescued by Myc-PIN/LC8 expression in the gonial cells in ddlc1 backgrounds. Furthermore, DDLC1, DHC, and GLUED were enriched at the distal ends of growing spermatids. Finally, ultrastructure analysis of ddlc1 testes revealed abnormally formed interspermatid membrane, but the 9 + 2 microtubule organization, the radial spoke structures, and the Dynein arms of the axoneme were normal. Together, these findings suggest that axoneme assembly and spermatid growth involve independent mechanisms in Drosophila and DDLC1 interacts with the Dynein-Dynactin complex at the distal ends of spermatids to maintain the spectrin cytoskeleton assembly and cell growth.  相似文献   

When BRK1, a member of the Wave/SCAR complex, is deleted in Physcomitrella patens (Deltabrk1), we report a striking reduction of filament growth resulting in smaller and fewer cells with misplaced cross walls compared with the normal protonemal cells. Using an inducible green fluorescent protein-talin to detect actin in living tissue, a characteristic broad accumulation of actin is observed at the tip of wild-type apical cells, whereas in Deltabrk1, smaller, more distinct foci of actin are present. Insertion of brk1-yfp into Deltabrk1 rescues the mutant phenotype and results in BRK1 being localized only in the tip of apical cells, the exclusive site of cell extension and division in the filament. Like BRK1, ARPC4 and At RABA4d are normally localized at the tip of apical cells and their localization is correlated with rapid tip growth in filaments. However, neither marker accumulates in apical cells of Deltabrk1 filaments. Although the Deltabrk1 phenotypes in protonema are severe, the leafy shoots or gametophores are normally shaped but stunted. These and other results suggest that BRK1 functions directly or indirectly in the selective accumulation/stabilization of actin and other proteins required for polar cell growth of filaments but not for the basic structure of the gametophore.  相似文献   

Shugoshin is a protein conserved in eukaryotes and protects sister chromatid cohesion at centromeres in meiosis. In our study, we identified the homologs of SGO1 and SGO2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We show that AtSGO1 is necessary for the maintenance of centromere cohesion in meiosis I since atsgo1 mutants display premature separation of sister chromatids starting from anaphase I. Furthermore, we show that the localization of the specific centromeric cohesin AtSYN1 is not affected in atsgo1, suggesting that SGO1 centromere cohesion maintenance is not mediated by protection of SYN1 from cleavage. Finally, we show that AtSGO2 is dispensable for both meiotic and mitotic cell progression in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Chromosomal breaks are repaired by homologous recombination (HR) or non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) mechanisms. The Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer binds DNA ends and plays roles in NHEJ and telomere maintenance in organisms ranging from yeast to humans. We have previously identified a ku80 mutant of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and shown the role of Ku80 in telomere homeostasis in plant cells. We show here that this mutant is hypersensitive to the DNA-damaging agent methyl methane sulphonate and has a reduced capacity to carry out NHEJ recombination. To understand the interplay between HR and NHEJ in plants, we measured HR in the absence of Ku80. We find that the frequency of intrachromosomal HR is not affected by the absence of Ku80. Previous work has clearly implicated the Ku heterodimer in Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA transformation of yeast. Surprisingly, ku80 mutant plants show no defect in the efficiency of T-DNA transformation of plants with Agrobacterium, showing that an alternative pathway must exist in plants.  相似文献   

Cell division requires an increase in surface area to volume ratio. During early development, surface area can increase, volume can decrease, or surface topography can be optimized to allow for division. While exocytosis is thought to be essential for division [Mol. Biol. Cell 10 (1999), 2735; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 3633], exocytosis doesn't always yield an increase in surface area [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79 (1982), 6712]. We used multiphoton laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and electron microscopy to monitor membrane trafficking, surface area, volume, and surface topography during early sea urchin development. Despite extensive membrane trafficking monitored by FM 1-43 fluorescence, we find that the net surface area of the embryo does not change prior to the eight-cell stage. During this period, embryo volume decreases by 15%, and microvilli disappear from interior facing membrane segments. Thus, the first three cell divisions utilize residual membrane liberated by decreasing cytoplasmic volume, and reducing microvilli density on interior facing membranes. Only after the eight-cell stage was a net increase in FM 1-43 fluorescence from the embryo surface detected. Our data suggest that compensatory endocytosis is downregulated after this developmental stage to yield an increase in surface area for cell division.  相似文献   

V E Valge  J G Wong  B M Datlof  A J Sinskey  A Rao 《Cell》1988,55(1):101-112
We have tested the role of protein kinase C in mRNA expression and T cell proliferation mediated through the T cell receptor and through the interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor. Chronic treatment of a mouse T cell clone with phorbol esters caused a complete loss of protein kinase C activity and a concomitant loss of proliferation to T cell receptor ligands (antigen, lectins, antireceptor antibodies). In contrast, kinase C-depleted T cells retained the ability to proliferate to IL-2. Loss of the T cell receptor response was not due to decreased cell surface expression of receptor or impairment of early receptor function (phosphatidylinositol turnover, calcium mobilization). Kinase C-depleted T cells showed no induction of mRNAs for activation-associated genes on exposure to the T cell receptor ligand Concanavalin A; expression of a subset of the same mRNAs in response to IL-2 was unaffected. We conclude that kinase C is required for mRNA expression and subsequent proliferation mediated through the T cell receptor pathway but is not involved in mRNA expression and proliferation in response to IL-2.  相似文献   

Initiation is the rate-limiting step in protein synthesis and therefore an important target for regulation. For the initiation of translation of most cellular mRNAs, the cap structure at the 5' end is bound by the translation factor eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), while the poly(A) tail, at the 3' end, is recognized by the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP). eIF4G is a scaffold protein that brings together eIF4E and PABP, causing the circularization of the mRNA that is thought to be important for an efficient initiation of translation. Early in infection, rotaviruses take over the host translation machinery, causing a severe shutoff of cell protein synthesis. Rotavirus mRNAs lack a poly(A) tail but have instead a consensus sequence at their 3' ends that is bound by the viral nonstructural protein NSP3, which also interacts with eIF4GI, using the same region employed by PABP. It is widely believed that these interactions lead to the translation of rotaviral mRNAs, impairing at the same time the translation of cellular mRNAs. In this work, the expression of NSP3 in infected cells was knocked down using RNA interference. Unexpectedly, under these conditions the synthesis of viral proteins was not decreased, while the cellular protein synthesis was restored. Also, the yield of viral progeny increased, which correlated with an increased synthesis of viral RNA. Silencing the expression of eIF4GI further confirmed that the interaction between eIF4GI and NSP3 is not required for viral protein synthesis. These results indicate that NSP3 is neither required for the translation of viral mRNAs nor essential for virus replication in cell culture.  相似文献   

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