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Using fusions between the Escherichia coli genes argI and lacZ, it has been demonstrated that ribosomal frameshifting occurs at a frequency of between 3% and 16% within the argl mRNA, soon after the initiation codon. The frameshift involves a phenylalanyl-tRNA shifting into the + 1 frame at the sequence UUU-U/C. The shift does not occur if the in-frame phenylalanine codon UUU is replaced by UUC. The level of frameshifting is higher in dense cultures and is not dependent on phenylalanine starvation. In the wild-type argI gene this frameshifting event would be an error, leading to a truncated, non-functional protein. Therefore, it is unlike the numerous examples of required frameshifting events that have been described in other genes.  相似文献   

The interaction between streptomycin and ribosomal RNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The present study shows that a mutation in the 530 loop of 16S rRNA impairs the binding of streptomycin to the bacterial ribosome, thereby restricting the misreading effect of the drug. Previous reports demonstrated that proteins S4, S5 and S12 as well as the 915 region of 16S rRNA are involved in the binding of streptomycin, and indicated that the drug not only interacts with the 30S subunit but also with the 50S subunit. The relationship between the target of streptomycin and its known interference with the proofreading control of translational accuracy is examined in light of these results.  相似文献   

Feng P  Everly DN  Read GS 《Journal of virology》2001,75(21):10272-10280
During lytic infections, the virion host shutoff (Vhs) protein (UL41) of herpes simplex virus destabilizes both host and viral mRNAs. By accelerating mRNA decay, it helps determine the levels and kinetics of viral and cellular gene expression. In vivo, Vhs shows a strong preference for mRNAs, as opposed to non-mRNAs, and degrades the 5' end of mRNAs prior to the 3' end. In contrast, partially purified Vhs is not restricted to mRNAs and causes cleavage of target RNAs at various sites throughout the molecule. To explain this discrepancy, we searched for cellular proteins that interact with Vhs using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae two-hybrid system. Vhs was found to interact with the human translation initiation factor, eIF4H. This interaction was verified by glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments and by coimmunoprecipitation of Vhs and epitope-tagged eIF4H from extracts of mammalian cells. The interaction was abolished by several point mutations in Vhs that abrogate its ability to degrade mRNAs in vivo. The results suggest that Vhs is a viral mRNA degradation factor that is targeted to mRNAs, and to regions of translation initiation, through an interaction with eIF4H.  相似文献   

Reprogramming mRNA translation during stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The survival of mammalian cells exposed to adverse environmental conditions requires a radical reprogramming of protein translation. Stress-activated kinases target components of the initiation machinery (e.g. eIF2alpha, eIF4E-BP, eIF4B, and ribosomal protein S6) to inhibit the translation of 'housekeeping' proteins and promote the translation of repair enzymes. Accumulating untranslated mRNA is concentrated at stress granules where it is sorted and triaged to sites of storage, reinitiation, or decay. At the same time, the translation of mRNAs encoding repair enzymes is selectively preserved by both internal ribosome entry site-dependent and -independent mechanisms. In combination, these stress-activated processes coordinately reprogram mRNA translation and decay in a way that conserves anabolic energy, preserves essential mRNAs, and promotes the repair of stress-induced molecular damage.  相似文献   

In eubacteria, base pairing between the 3' end of 16S rRNA and the ribosome-binding site of mRNA is required for efficient initiation of translation. An interaction between the 18S rRNA and the mRNA was also proposed for translation initiation in eukaryotes. Here, we used an antisense RNA approach in vivo to identify the regions of 18S rRNA that might interact with the mRNA 5' untranslated region (5' UTR). Various fragments covering the entire mouse 18S rRNA gene were cloned 5' of a cat reporter gene in a eukaryotic vector, and translation products were analyzed after transient expression in human cells. For the largest part of 18S rRNA, we show that the insertion of complementary fragments in the mRNA 5' UTR do not impair translation of the downstream open reading frame (ORF). When translation inhibition is observed, reduction of the size of the complementary sequence to less than 200 nt alleviates the inhibitory effect. A single fragment complementary to the 18S rRNA 3' domain retains its inhibitory potential when reduced to 100 nt. Deletion analyses show that two distinct sequences of approximately 25 nt separated by a spacer sequence of 50 nt are required for the inhibitory effect. Sucrose gradient fractionation of polysomes reveals that mRNAs containing the inhibitory sequences accumulate in the fractions with 40S ribosomal subunits, suggesting that translation is blocked due to stalling of initiation complexes. Our results support an mRNA-rRNA base pairing to explain the translation inhibition observed and suggest that this region of 18S rRNA is properly located for interacting with mRNA.  相似文献   

When resting (G0) mouse 3T6 fibroblasts are serum stimulated to reenter the cell cycle, the rates of synthesis of rRNA and ribosomal proteins increase, resulting in an increase in ribosome content beginning about 6 h after stimulation. In this study, we monitored the content, metabolism, and translation of ribosomal protein mRNA (rp mRNA) in resting, exponentially growing, and serum-stimulated 3T6 cells. Cloned cDNAs for seven rp mRNAs were used in DNA-excess filter hybridization studies to assay rp mRNA. We found that about 85% of rp mRNA is polyadenylated under all growth conditions. The rate of labeling of rp mRNA relative to total polyadenylated mRNA changed very little after stimulation. The half-life of rp mRNA was about 11 h in resting cells and about 8 h in exponentially growing cells, values which are similar to the half-lives of total mRNA in resting and growing cells (about 9 h). The content of rp mRNA relative to total mRNA was about the same in resting and growing 3T6 cells. Furthermore, the total amount of rp mRNA did not begin to increase until about 6 h after stimulation. Since an increase in rp mRNA content did not appear to be responsible for the increase in ribosomal protein synthesis, we determined the efficiency of translation of rp mRNA under different conditions. We found that about 85% of pulse-labeled rp mRNA was associated with polysomes in exponentially growing cells. In resting cells, however, only about half was associated with polysomes, and about 30% was found in the monosomal fraction. The distribution shifted to that found in growing cells within 3 h after serum stimulation. Similar results were obtained when cells were labeled for 10.5 h. About 70% of total polyadenylated mRNA was in the polysome fraction in all growth states regardless of labeling time, indicating that the shift in mRNA distribution was species specific. These results indicate that the content and metabolism of rp mRNA do not change significantly after growth stimulation. The rate of ribosomal protein synthesis appears to be controlled during the resting-growing transition by an alteration of the efficiency of translation of rp mRNA, possibly at the level of protein synthesis initiation.  相似文献   

During protein synthesis the ribosome interacts with ligands such as mRNA, tRNA and translation factors. We have studied the effect of ribosome-ligand interaction on the accessibility of 18S rRNA for single strand-specific modification in ribosomal complexes that have been assembled in vivo, i. e. native polysomes. A comparison of the modification patterns derived from programmed and non-programmed ribosomes showed that bases in the 630- and 1060-loops (530- and 790-loops in E. coli) together with two nucleotides in helices 33 and 34 were protected from chemical modification. The majority of the protected sites were homologous to sites previously suggested to be involved in mRNA and/or tRNA binding in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, implying that the interaction sites for these ligands are similar, if not identical, in naturally occurring programmed ribosomes and in in vitro assembled ribosomal complexes. Additional differences between programmed and non-programmed ribosomes were found in hairpin 8. The bases in helix 8 showed increased exposure to chemical modification in the programmed ribosomes. In addition, structural differences in helices 36 and 37 were observed between native 80S run-off ribosomes and 80S ribosomes assembled from isolated 40S and 60S subunits.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that oral administration of leucine to fasted rats results in a preferential increase in liver in the translation of mRNAs containing an oligopyrimidine sequence at the 5'-end of the message (i.e. a TOP sequence). TOP mRNAs include those encoding the ribosomal proteins (rp) and translation elongation factors. In cells in culture, the preponderance of evidence suggests that translation of TOP mRNAs is regulated by the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a protein kinase that signals through ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K1) to rpS6. However, the results of previous studies were recently challenged by several reports suggesting that translation of TOP mRNAs is independent of mTOR, S6K1, and S6 phosphorylation. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the role of mTOR in the stimulation of TOP mRNA translation by leucine in vivo. Fasted rats were treated with the mTOR inhibitor, rapamycin, prior to oral administration of leucine. It was found that rapamycin severely attenuated leucine-induced signaling through mTOR in liver. In addition, rapamycin prevented the enhanced translation of TOP mRNAs in rats administered leucine, as assessed by a decrease in the proportion of TOP mRNAs associated with polysomes (i.e. those mRNAs being actively translated). Instead, in rapamycin-treated rats, ribosomal protein mRNAs accumulated in the fraction containing monosomes (mRNA bound to one ribosome). The results suggest that in liver in vivo, mTOR-dependent signaling is critical for maximal stimulation of TOP mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Using fusions between the Escherichia coli genes argI and lacZ, it has been demonstrated that ribosomal frameshifting occurs at a frequency of between 3% and 16% within the argl mRNA, soon after the initiation codon. The frameshift involves a phenylalanyl-tRNA shifting into the + 1 frame at the sequence UUU-U/C. The shift does not occur if the in-frame phenylalanine codon UUU is replaced by UUC. The level of frameshifting is higher in dense cultures and is not dependent on phenylalanine starvation. In the wild-type argI gene this frameshifting event would be an error, leading to a truncated, non-functional protein. Therefore, it is unlike the numerous examples of required frameshifting events that have been described in other genes.  相似文献   

Differential mRNA accumulation and translation during Spisula development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The patterns of proteins synthesized in developing Spisula embryos and larvae were compared with in vitro translation products by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Major changes in the in vivo pattern occur at fertilization; these are regulated at the translational level (Rosenthal, Hunt, and Ruderman, 1980, Cell 20, 487-494). The pattern is further altered by midcleavage, and subsequent development is accompanied by frequent changes in the kinds of proteins made. By midcleavage many of the in vivo changes are paralleled by alterations in mRNA levels. Three cDNA clones containing developmentally regulated, nonmitochondrial sequences were isolated from a library constructed from veliger larval RNA. Clone 3v4 encodes alpha-tubulin. Clone 12v4 encodes a 35,000-D protein of unknown function. The protein product of clone 10v8 has not been identified. The concentration of alpha-tubulin RNA is relatively low through midcleavage, increases by the swimming gastrula stage, and is maintained at a moderately high level throughout larval development. 10v8 and 12v4 RNAs first appear in trochophore larvae; their concentrations peak 10-12 hr later, and then decline. The proportions of alpha-tubulin and 10v8 RNA that are translated vary with developmental stage. During early cleavage very little alpha-tubulin RNA is on polysomes; in swimming gastrulae 64% of this mRNA is polysomal. Seventy percent of 10v8 RNA is translated in the trochophore larva, while only approximately 40% is polysomal in the 21-hr veliger. These results show that translational regulation may be superimposed on changes in cytoplasmic mRNA concentrations to determine the level of gene expression during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Hen globin 9S mRNA complexes efficiently with mouse sarcoma 18S rRNA, and to a lesser extent with 28S rRNA, but not with tRNA. The mRNA-18S rRNA complex is dissociated under conditions that lead to disruption of hydrogen bonds, and exhibits a biphasic thermal denaturation curve with Tms at ca. 39° and 58° in 0.15 M NaCl-0.03 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5. Hen globin mRNA also interacts with 18S rRNAs from various other eukaryotes, and the melting profile and Tm of the complex formed with hen 18S rRNA is very similar to that of the complex formed with mouse sarcoma 18S rRNA.  相似文献   

Decoding of the UGA codon in mRNAs for selenoproteins as selenocysteine requires interaction of the translation factor SelB with an mRNA structure, the SECIS element. A genetic analysis of this interaction was performed by selecting for intergenic suppressor mutations in selB which counteracted the detrimental effect of defined mutations in the SECIS element. Both allele-nonspecific and allele-specific mutations, as judged by readthrough of the UGA into the LacZ-encoding segment of fdhF ′-′lacZ fusions and by incorporation of selenium, were isolated. selB genes from ten suppressor mutants were sequenced and the corresponding mutations were localized to five positions within the protein. Four of the suppressors had amino acid exchanges within a 23-amino acid stretch in domain 4b of SelB, which probably represent sites of contact between the protein and the mRNA. A fifth mutation was localized in domain 4a of SelB; it promoted allele-nonspecific readthrough. Since a truncated SelB species lacking domain 4b did not show complex formation with the SECIS element, we speculate that the latter mutation affects the interaction between the tRNA-binding and the mRNA-binding domains. None of the SelB variants was able to promote UGA readthrough when major structural changes that altered the length of the helical part or enlarged the apical loop were introduced into the SECIS element. The results obtained also show that novel pairs of SelB/SECIS derivatives can be generated which may be useful for the targeted insertion of selenocysteine into proteins. Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 10 July 1999  相似文献   

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