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Weekly changes in adult Anopheles species were monitored at Camp Humphreys (CH), Ganghwa Island (GH), and Warrior Base (WB), from May‐October, 2009–2010 to explore the relationship between Plasmodium vivax development and vector dynamics in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Adult females were trapped and dissected to determine parity for estimating longevity, mortality, and birthrate. A degree‐day (DD) method was used to estimate the extrinsic incubation period (EIP) of P. vivax and duration of the gonotrophic cycle and other life stages. Anopheles sinensis was the predominant species, with satellite data showing peak abundance occurring after the period of maximum greenness. Abundance peaks were location dependent, comprised nulliparous and parous females, and timing could not be fully explained by DD estimation. Parity showed synchronicity between locations and years and was highest for September and lowest during maximum greenness. Mosquito longevity was predicted to exceed the EIP (when malaria transmission is possible) during weeks 29, 31, 34, and near the end of the season. Area‐wide changes in parity suggest a common cause; information on local larval habitat and agricultural practices may explain location‐specific effects. DD estimates of EIP and parity could be used to predict when conditions are suitable for P. vivax transmission.  相似文献   

Anopheles tessellatus mosquitoes ingested Plasmodium vivax gametocytes in human erythrocytes suspended in rabbit sera with and without anti-mosquito midgut antibodies. When the mosquito bloodmeal contained anti-midgut antibodies, fewer oocysts of P. vivax developed on the mosquito midgut and the proportion of mosquitoes becoming infected was significantly reduced. Complement inactivated serum also reduced the infection rate and load. A second bloodmeal containing anti-midgut antibodies, given 48 or 72 h later, did not enhance the transmission-blocking effect. IgG purified from antimidgut sera was shown to mediate the transmission-blocking effect.  相似文献   

After re-emergence of malaria in 1993, a continued increase in Plasmodium vivax cases was observed from 1993 to 2006 in northern Gyeonggi and Gangwon Provinces adjacent to the demilitarized zone separating North from South Korea. Annual parasite incidence per 1000 people ranged from 0.33 in 2004 to 0.89 in 2006. While malaria case rates declined (22.6%) in 2004, they increased 75.1% in 2005 and 51.7% in 2006 from the previous years. An initial incorrect diagnosis of 46.8% of malaria cases as common cold resulted in a mean delay of 1.3 days for the detection malarial parasites. Of the total cases, 10.2% from December to May were due to latent intrinsic incubation infections acquired the previous malaria season and the rest of the cases from June to November were either latent or short incubation infections. Overall, the peak anopheline population occurred from July to September, resulting in a similar peak in malaria cases. While malaria cases increased during 2005–2006, anopheline populations, based on trap indices, were not significantly different during 4 years of surveillance. To decrease the malaria patient infective period to mosquitoes, public health centers in Paju and Cheorwon in 2006 prescribed chloroquine + primaquine at days 0–3 after initial malaria diagnosis followed by an additional 11 days of primaquine (early primaquine treatment), rather than chloroquine on days 0–3 and primaquine on days 4–17 (delayed primaquine treatment). A reduction in the malaria parasite incidence during 2007 was recorded for the two locations offering the early primaquine treatment relative to other locations using the delayed primaquine treatment.  相似文献   

The circumsporozoite protein (CSP) of Plasmodium spp. is a diagnostic antigen and useful biomarker for monitoring short-term/seasonal changes to malaria transmission. Using P. vivax CSP antibody ELISA, epidemiological characteristics were analyzed in the residents of Ganghwa, Cheorwon, Paju, and Goseong from 2017 to 2018. In Ganghwa and Cheorwon, 1.6% and 1.2% of residents, respectively, were PvCSP-antibody-positive in 2018, which indicates a decrease of 0.4% in the positive rate compared to 2017. The annual parasite incidence (API) in Ganghwa and Cheorwon was 24.9 and 10.5 in 2017 and 20.3 and 10.7 in 2018, respectively. Although the changes were not significant, the API in Ganghwa decreased slightly by 4.5 in 2018 compared to the previous year. In Paju and Goseong, 3.9% and 2.0% of residents were positive for the PvCSP antibody. The API in Paju was 13.1 in 2017 and 16.0 in 2018, although no malaria patients were reported for the 2 years. Therefore, the results suggest that PvCSP is a useful antigen for confirming initial malaria infection. Additionally, considering that the antibody is relatively transient, it can be employed for sero-epidemiological studies to determine the extent of malaria transmission in the current year.  相似文献   

Extensive previous studies on taxonomy, behavior/bionomics and control of Anopheles sinensis are reviewed and summarized. Recent molecular identification revealed that the population of An. sinensis complex includes An. sinensis, An. pullus, An. lesteri and at least two new species, and An. yatsushiroensis is synonmy of An. pullus. An. sinensis is the main vector species of vivax malaria in Korea. Larvae of An. sinensis breed in wide range of habitats which are naturally-made clean water, stagnant or flowing; main habitats include rice fields, ditches, streams, irrigation canals, marshes, ponds, ground pools, etc. Their host preferences are highly zoophilic. Human blood rate is very low (0.7-1.7%); nevertheless An. sinensis readily feeds on man when domestic animals are not found near by. They feed on hosts throughout the night from dusk to dawn with a peak period of 02:00-04:00 hours; they are slightly more exophagic (biting outdoors); much larger numbers come into the room when light is on. Main resting places are outdoors such as grasses, vegetable fields and rice fields. A mark-release-recapture study resulted that 37.1% was recaptured within 1 km, 29.4% at 1-3 km, 21.1% at 3-6 km, 10.3% at 6-9 km and 2.1% at 9-12 km distance. An. sinensis hibernate outdoors (mostly under part of dense grasses) during October-March. At the end of the hibernation period (March-April) they feed on cows at daytime. Until today any single measure to effectively control An. sinensis population has not been found. Indoor residual spray with a long-lasting insecticide can not reduce vector population densities, but shorten their life spans in some degree, so contributes to malaria control.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of members of the Anopheles sinensis Group in Korea to insecticides was evaluated under laboratory conditions using 15 insecticides currently used by local public health centers in Korea. The insecticides included eight pyrethroids, six organophosphates and a pyrazol analogue. Based on their LC50 values, the order of susceptibility of An. sinensis larvae to the insecticides was bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr, α-cypermethrin and λ-cyhalothrin, with values of 0.009, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 p.p.m., respectively. The least susceptibility was obtained with fenitrothion, with an LC50 of 7.7 p.p.m. In the comparative resistance test, the resistance ratios (RR) of 14 insecticides were compared to each other using two strains of members of the An. sinensis Group collected in the locality in 2001 and 2008. Anopheles spp. demonstrated higher RR to organophosphates such as fenthion, and low RR for the pyrethroids. Among the organophosphates, fenthion had the highest RR of 33.3 and 270.0 fold differences for LC50 and LC90 values, respectively. Among the pyrethroids, permethrin was observed to have the highest RR of 3.8 and 1.8 fold differences for LC50 and LC90 values, respectively. However, there were no significant differences in susceptibility to chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin and fenitrothion. An. sinensis s. l. was more susceptible to the six insecticides bifenthrin, λ-cyhalothrin, α-cypermethrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin and pyridafenthion, showing 0.03, 0.06, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.4 fold differences in resistance rates (RR LC50), respectively.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax merozoite preferentially invades reticulocytes probably using PvRBP-1 as ligand. One hundred and ninety-five, 15-mer peptides has been synthesised from PvRBP-1 sequence; tested in reticulocyte- or erythrocyte-binding assays. Twenty-five peptides (Kd=76–380 nM) specifically defined four reticulocyte-binding regions. It has been reported that a highly conserved Region-I recombinant fragment binds specifically to reticulocytes. HABP-critical residues for reticulocyte-binding were highly conserved in 20 Colombian P. vivax clinical isolates, suggesting an important biological function. There were six overlapping reticulocyte-binding sites for these peptides according to enzyme sensitivity and mutual competition-binding assays; located on 26- and 41-kDa reticulocyte membrane surface proteins.  相似文献   

Three anopheline mosquitoes in Korea were studied for their abilities as vectors for Plasmodium vivax. The female mosquitoes of Anopheles lesteri, An. pullus and An. sinensis were allowed to suck malaria patient blood until fully fed, and they were then bred for 2 weeks to develop from malaria parasites to sporozoites. The result from the above confirmed the sporozoites in one An. lesteri of one individual and five An. sinensis of six individuals. We also confirmed that An. sinensis was the main vector to transmit malaria and An. lesteri as well as An. sinensis were able to carry Korean malaria parasites. Therefore, we propose that diversified study is needed to manage malaria projects.  相似文献   

Vivax malaria is a significant military and civilian health threat in the north of the Republic of Korea (ROK). The island of Baengnyeong-do is the westernmost point of the ROK and is located close to the southwestern coast of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). Mosquitoes were collected using a black light trap on Baengnyeong-do, and Anopheles spp. were assayed by PCR, to identify the species, and screened for sporozoites of Plasmodium vivax. Of a subsample of 257 mosquitoes, Anopheles lesteri was the most frequently collected (49.8%), followed by Anopheles sinensis (22.6%), Anopheles pullus (18.7%), Anopheles kleini (7.8%), and Anopheles belenrae (1.2%). The overall sporozoite rate was 3.1%, with the highest rates observed in An. kleini (15.0%), An. sinensis (5.2%), and An. lesteri (1.6%). No sporozoite positive An. pullus or An. belenrae were observed. The results extend our knowledge of the distribution and potential role in malaria transmission of An. kleini, An. lesteri, and An. sinensis, for an area previously considered to be at a low risk for contracting vivax malaria.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many Korean entomologists have attempted to colonize Anopheles sinensis Korean strain, a primary malaria vector in Korea, previous efforts, however, were unsuccessful. Only a study that a successful colonization of An. sinensis Korean strain over 5 generations was recently reported. Recently we obtained a self-mating colony from this mosquito strain. The original colony was established from progenies obtained from females collected from So-Rae District, Incheon, Republic of Korea (ROK), and was maintained for 23 successive generations. While the adult females of first five generations were fed on humans as a source of blood, those of the subsequent 18 generations were fed on white rats as a source of blood. A self-mating colony was initiated from the 9th generation by rearing 200 and 300 newly emerged females and males, respectively, in a 30x30x30 cm cage. The insemination rates increased from approximately 40% to 81% by the 20th generation. Comparisons of biological aspects between artificial mating and self-mating colonies are reported.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the susceptibility of Anopheles sinensis larvae, malaria vector, from Paju‐shi (Gyonggi‐do) to 24 pesticides including 11 pyrethroids, 11 organophosphates, 1 pyrazole analogue and another pesticide. The mosquito larvae showed the most highly susceptible to chlorfenapyr with LC50 of 0.0063 ppm followed by spinosad, temephos, fenthion and beta‐cyfluthrin with 0.03, 0.0366, 0.0367 and 0.0998 ppm, respectively, and fluvalinate (>128 ppm) was the least susceptible. Also, 11 pesticides of them were compared with Goyang strain (Gyonggi‐do) of data 1992. The development of resistance was noticed to cypermethrin and permethrin as much of 73.59 and 6.23 folds at LC50, respectively, and also fluvalinate was showed high resistance development. In generally, the pyrethroid insecticides were showed higher development of resistance than organophosphorus insecticides.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to (1) determine the susceptibility of Anopheles sinensis to Korean isolates of Plasmodium vivax, (2) establish a method to collect large quantities of P. vivax sporozoites for use as antigen in seroepidemiological studies, and (3) investigate the characteristics of Korean isolates of P. vivax sporozoites. Females of Anopheles sinensis were collected at non-epidemic area, Seokwha-ri, Cheongwon-gun and Chungcheongbuk-do using tent-trap methods coupled with dry ice. The females were artificially infected with gametocytes of P. vivax using blood obtained from P. vivax malaria patients. Individual mosquitoes were infected using either a parafilm-covered glass feeding apparatus or were allowed to feed on naturally infected volunteers. Mosquitoes were sacrificed between 16 and 18 days post-feeding and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect sporozoites. Four (33.4%) of 12 mosquitoes, which were fed on naturally infected volunteers directly, were positive for sporozoites. In cases, the mosquitoes allowed to feed on whole blood which were extract from three different patients with heparin treated vacuutainers using a parafilm-covered glass apparatus. Two of 55 (3.6%) were positive which blood sample was maintained at room temperature for 8 hours, 1 of 68 (1.5%) was positive which blood was maintained at 4 degrees C for 24 hours and 1 of 47 (2.3%) was positive at 4 degrees C for 48 hours. The mean number of sporozoites was estimated about 818 (n = 8; range of 648-1,056) based on optical density values of ELISA.  相似文献   

Abstract Present understanding of the development of sexual stages of the human malaria parasites Plasmodium vivax and P.falciparum in the Anopheles vector is reviewed, with particular reference to the role of the mosquito midgut in establishing an infection. The sexual stages of the parasite, the gametocytes, are formed in human erythrocytes. The changes in temperature and pH encountered by the gametocyte induce gametogenesis in the lumen of the midgut. Macromolecules derived from mosquito tissue and second messenger pathways regulate events leading to fertilization. In An.tessellatus the movement of the ookinete from the lumen to the midgut epithelium is linked to the release of trypsin in the midgut and the peritrophic matrix is not a firm barrier to this movement. The passage of the P. vivax ookinete through the peritrophic matrix may take place before the latter is fully formed. The late ookinete development in P.falciparum requires chitinase to facilitate penetration of the peritrophic matrix. Recognition sites for the ookinetes are present on the midgut epithelial cells. N-acetyl glucosamine residues in the oligosaccharide side chains of An.tessellatus midgut glycoproteins and peritrophic matrix proteoglycan may function as recognition sites for P.vivax and P.falciparum ookinetes. It is possible that ookinetes penetrating epithelial cells produce stress in the vector. Mosquito molecules may be involved in oocyst development in the basal lamina, and encapsulation of the parasite occurs in vectors that are refractory to the parasite. Detailed knowledge of vector-parasite interactions, particularly in the midgut and the identification of critical mosquito molecules offers prospects for manipulating the vector for the control of malaria.  相似文献   

To evaluate the factors that determine the transmission level of vivax malaria using vectorial capacity, entomological surveys were conducted from June to August, 2000. From 6 nights of human-bait collection in Paju, the human biting rate (ma) was counted as 87.5 bites/man/night. The parity of Anopheles sinensis from human baiting collections fluctuated from 41% to 71% (average 48.8%) of which the rate gradually increased as time passed on: 35.2% in Jun.; 55.0% in July; 66.2% in Aug. From this proportion of parous, we could estimate the probability of daily survival rate of An. sinensis to be 0.79 assumed with 3 days gonotrophic cycle and the expectancy of infective life through 11 days could be defined as 0.073. Blood meal analysis was performed using ELISA to determine the blood meal source. Only 0.8% of blood meals were from human hosts. We could conclude that An. sinensis is highly zoophilic (cow 61.8%). Malaria is highly unstable (stability index < 0.5) in this area. From these data, vectorial capacity (VC) was determined to be 0.081. In spite of a high human biting rate (ma), malaria transmission potential is very low due to a low human blood index. Therefore, we could conclude that malaria transmission by An. sinensis is resulted by high population density, not by high transmission potential. For this reason, we need more effort to decrease vector population and vector-human contact to eradicate malaria in Korea.  相似文献   

Malaria continues to be a major health threat near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates North and South Korea. Adult mosquitoes were collected from 20 July through 21 October, 2010 at Daeseongdong, a small village within the DMZ. Molecular techniques were used to identify Anopheles to species and for detection of Plasmodium vivax sporozoites in their head and thorax. Trap catches showed concordant peaks of Anopheles belenrae and An. kleini early in the study period and concordant peaks of An. pullus and An. sinensis later in the season. Three well defined peaks of the 107 sporozoite positive mosquitoes were observed: 34.6% were An. kleini, 23.4% were An. belenrae, 21.5% were An. sinensis, 19.6% were An. pullus, and 0.9% were An. lesteri. Estimation of the extrinsic incubation period from daily temperatures did not help identify preceding biting peaks of An. pullus and An. sinensis, when infection should have been acquired. We explore possible reasons for the sudden appearance and disappearance of sporozoite-infected mosquitoes, including the influx of infected mosquitoes from adjoining areas, and weather patterns. Regular surveillance for infected mosquitoes near border areas of the Republic of Korea may provide advance warning of increased malaria risk potential.  相似文献   

In order to study the range of flight and feeding activity of Anopheles sinensis, the dispersal experiment was conducted in Paju city, located in the northern part of Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, during the period of 7th to 28th September 1998. Unfed females An. sinensis were collected in cowshed and released after being marked with fluorescent dye at 23:00 hours on the same day. Released female mosquitoes were recaptured everyday during 21 days using light traps, which were set at 10 sites in the cowsheds located 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 km north-northwest and north-northeast and at 3 sites located 1, 6 and 9 km toward south-west from the release point. In addition, to study the longest flight distance in one night, we set the light traps at 16 and 20 km toward north-northeast from the release site. All the collected mosquitoes were placed on filter papers and observed on UV transilluminator after treatment with one drop of 100% ethanol. Out of 12,773 females of An. sinensis released, 194 marked females mosquitoes were recaptured, giving 1.52% recapture rate. Of 194, 72 mosquitoes (37.1%) were recaptured in light traps from three places set at 1 km from the release point, 57 mosquitoes (29.4%) from two places at 1-3 km, 41 mosquitoes (21.1%) from three places at 3-6 km, 20 mosquitoes (10.3%) from three places at 6-9 km, and 4 mosquitoes (2.1%) from two places at 9-12 km. Since 170 female mosquitoes (87.6%) out of 194 marked mosquitoes were captured within 6 km from the release point, this flight radius represents the main activity area. An sinensis was found to be able to fly at least 12 km during one night.  相似文献   

The gene encoding Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite protein (PvCSP) exhibits polymorphism in many geographical isolates. The present study was designed to investigate polymorphism in PvCSP gene of P. vivax isolates in Korea. Thirty isolates, obtained from indigenous cases in Yonchon-gun, Kyonggi-do in 1997, were subjected for sequencing and RFLP analysis of the repeat and post-repeat regions of PvCSP gene and two genotypes (SK-A and SK-B) were identified. The genotype of 19 isolates was SK-A and that of 11 isolates was SK-B. Although the number of 12-base repeats present in SK-A was three while two were found in a Chinese strain CH-5, the repeat sequence of SK-A was identical to that of CH-5 except for one base substitution. Compared with known data there was no identical isolates with SK-B, but the sequence of SK-B was similar to that of a North Korean (NK) isolate. These results indicate that two genotypes of PvCSP coexist in the present epidemic area of Korea and the present parasite may originate from East Asia. RFLP would be useful to classify genotypes of P. vivax population instead of gene sequencing.  相似文献   

Adult mosquito surveillance was conducted during 2006 at 22 US Army and Air Force installations and two training sites located in six provinces in the Republic of Korea. Adult mosquitoes were collected in New Jersey light traps from 1 May through 15 October 2006 to determine threshold levels to initiate pesticide applications based on trap indices. In total 16 217 adult mosquitoes [13 612 (83.9%) females and 2605 (16.1%) males] comprising 16 species (including five members of the Anopheles sinensis Group) belonging to eight genera were collected. Females of the most commonly collected species were members of the Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann Group (58.9%), followed by Aedes vexans nipponii (Theobald) (21.3%), Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles (11.8%) and Culex pipiens Coquillett (5.2%). Trap indices varied widely for species over their range, due in part, to their geographical distribution and degree of association with urban or rural communities.  相似文献   

Malaria remains the most serious vector-borne disease, affecting some 300-500 million people annually, transmitted by many species of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Monoclonal antibodies developed against specific circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of the main malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax have been used previously for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), widely employed for detection of malaria sporozoites in vector Anopheles for local risk assessment, epidemiological studies and targeting vector control. However, ELISA procedures are relatively slow and impractical for field use. To circumvent this, we developed rapid wicking assays that identify the presence or absence of specific peptide epitopes of CS protein of the most important P. falciparum and two strains (variants 210 and 247) of the more widespread P. vivax. The resulting assay is a rapid, one-step procedure using a 'dipstick' wicking test strip. In laboratory assessment, dipsticks identified 1 ng/ mL of any of these three CS protein antigens, with sensitivity nearly equal to the CS standard ELISA. We have developed and are evaluating a combined panel assay that will be both qualitative and quantitative. This quick and easy dipstick test (VecTest Malaria) offers practical advantages for field workers needing to make rapid surveys of malaria vectors.  相似文献   

The characteristics of vivax malaria epidemics along the demilitarized zone (DMZ) in the Republic of Korea has been established by the early surveillance data. To further characterize the epidemic, data of civilian patients microscopically diagnosed with malaria from 1995 through 2000 were analyzed in Yonchon-gun (county). Malaria incidence was greater in male civilians > 30 years of age (p < 0.05). The annual parasite index was significantly higher in those living in the administrative areas (Myeon) traversed by DMZ than those living in Myons not traversed by DMZ (p < 0.05). Analysis according to the distance (4 to 14 km) from DMZ showed that people living in villages close to DMZ had higher annual parasite indices than those living in villages remote from DMZ (p for trend < 0.05). Civilians living in Myeons with plains and located in northwestern part of the county had higher annual parasite indices than those living in hilly Myeons located in southeastern part of the county (p for trend < 0.05). These findings suggest that the contraction of vivax malaria is related with night-time outdoor activities, and that the distance from DMZ is a risk factor. In this area, the flying distance of infected vector mosquitos can explain the annually repeating occurrence of civilian cases.  相似文献   

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