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《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):736-745
Tingidae (Hemiptera) of Korea are revised based on literature review as well as recently collected material and museum collections. A genus is recorded for the first time from South Korea for Acalpyta marginata. One species, Stephanitis typica, is removed from Korea. As a result, a total of 39 species in 17 genera, two subfamilies are recognized. An updated checklist including known distributions and host plant information in Korea is provided.  相似文献   

1. Selected lace bug-derived and related compounds were shown to be in vitro inhibitors of mammalian and insect derived prostaglandin H synthase. 2. Two compounds, 2,6-dihydroxyacetophenone and 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone, were significantly better inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis than aspirin, whereas 2-nonyl-5,7-dihydroxychromone and 1-(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl) dodecan-1-one were equivalent to aspirin. 3. 2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone was less effective in inhibiting the prostaglandin H synthase and 2-nonyl-5-hydroxychromanone showed no inhibition. 4. Three compounds, 2,6-dihydroxyacetophenone, 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone and 1-(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl) dodecan-1-one were equal to aspirin in PSI inhibition with fat body preparations of the American cockroach Periplaneta americana L.  相似文献   

冯大庆  方新华 《昆虫知识》2001,38(6):462-463
舞毒蛾LymantriadisparLinnaeus[1,2 ] 在我国分布广泛 ,它所能取食的植物多达 50 0多种 ,是林木、果树的大害虫[3 ] 。舞毒蛾 1年 1代 ,在皖南山区 ,1 0月下旬至 1 1月中旬产卵 ,卵粘结成卵块 ,卵块上覆有茸毛 ,卵内的胚胎发育在越冬前已完成 ,但幼虫在卵壳内越冬至翌年 4、5月间才破卵壳而出。作者在林地内调查其产卵场所时发现 ,卵大多数产在树干向阳面的缝隙处。但是在一个废弃的小棚子周围约 50m的范围内 ,树干上几乎找不到卵块 ,而在小棚子内的壁上、顶盖下 ,密集地粘附着一层卵块。根据这个发现 ,作者于 1 9…  相似文献   

Biological control of Chinese privet, Ligustrum sinense, is the best long-term option for control of this widespread invasive plant in the southeastern USA. A pre-release efficacy assessment was conducted by testing the effects of damage caused by a lace bug, Leptoypha hospita, on potted privet plants in the laboratory. Inoculating 15 pairs of lace bug adults on plants resulted in a significantly higher defoliation rate and reduced leaf biomass by more than 59% compared to 0 and 3 lace bug pairs. Leaf biomass of plants inoculated with 3 and 9 pairs of lace bug did not differ significantly from control plants. The percentage of the total leaf area affected by lace bug feeding was positively correlated with the density of lace bugs inoculated. This was also evident by the reduced chlorophyll content of leaves exposed to 9 and 15 pairs of lace bugs and their offspring. Our tests showed that one generation of feeding by the lace bug caused significant defoliation as well as reduced photosynthetic activity of remaining leaves. Continuous long term feeding by the lace bug or other potential defoliating insects could result in suppression of Chinese privet populations and possibly reduction to desirable levels.  相似文献   

Lace bugs of the genus Gargaphia specialize on taxonomically and ecologically diverse host plants. To examine the impact of predation pressure and host phenology on Gargaphia subsocial and reproductive behavior, we compared G. tiliae, a woodland species restricted to riparian trees in the genus Tilia, and G. solani, a specialist on Solanum in early successional habitats. Both lace bug species exhibit maternal care of eggs and nymphs. Predator densities associated with Solanum were higher than those associated with Tilia and were correlated with higher levels of maternal aggression exhibited by G. solani. In both habitats, artificial exclusion of predators significantly increased nymphal survivorship over maternally guarded broods. Both species reduced the costs associated with maternal care by ovipositing into the egg masses of conspecifics. Gargaphia solani and G. tiliae differed most strikingly in voltinism and thus the potential for iteroparity. Leaf age determined the reproductive future of G. tiliae nymphs independent of photoperiod or temperature. Feeding on plants with young foliage was sufficient to trigger oviposition. Constraints imposed by host plants on life-history patterns and maternal options are discussed.  相似文献   

崔建新  彩万志 《昆虫知识》2007,44(1):138-142
鞘翅型蝽类昆虫前翅发达,与甲虫的前翅相似。类群涉及鞭蝽型、蝎蝽型、细蝽型、臭虫型、蝽型中的栉蝽科、裂蝽科、小潜蝽科、固蝽科、蚤蝽科、涯蝽科、网蝽科、盲蝽科、长蝽科、缘蝽科共10个科。它们的生境多样,包括水底小石块下面、水生植物上、海岸潮间区石隙中、蚂蚁巢穴中、沙漠灌木植物上、土中、沙砾中、枯枝落叶层和苔藓上,这些生境的共同点是其对前翅的保护功能的选择压力明显大于对前翅飞行功能的选择压力。此类昆虫的前翅特化的类型分为两类,一类膜区完全退化或极度退化,由革区和爪区(愈合或不愈合)构成鞘质前翅的主体;另一类膜区发达,占鞘质前翅的主体;大部分前翅鞘质化的蝽类属于第一种类型;仅个别长蝽科的昆虫属于第二类,如巨膜长蝽Jakowleffiasetulosa(Jakowleff)。  相似文献   

Millennium bugs     
Microbiology has a long way to go. Microbes are ubiquitous, and all other life forms in the biosphere exist solely because of them, but, as less than 1% of microorganisms can be grown in the laboratory, more than a century of research has revealed only the tip of the iceberg concerning this most crucial of life sciences. There are many intellectual challenges remaining. The flow of complete sequences of bacterial genomes is likely to spawn renewed research in answering many questions of concern to academic, medical and industrial interests. Elucidating the roles of microbes, the oldest and most vital inhabitants of the biosphere, in the evolutionary process and in the maintenance of other life forms will be the major thrust in the years to come.  相似文献   

The karyotypes, sex chromosome systems, and male meiotic patterns in 13 species belonging to 10 genera of the family Tingidae were studied. Data on eleven species, one subgenus, and 5 genera are presented for the first time, and the chromosome formula of Acalypta parvula is revised. Karyotypes of all species included six pairs of autosomes. Most of the species displayed an XY sex chromosome system, in four species, belonging to genera of Acalypta and Kalama, the X0 system was found. Male meiosis is chiasmatic for autosomes. Sex chromosomes are achiasmatic and undergo pre-reductional meiosis. Using C-banding technique, for the first time constitutive heterochromatin was localized on chromosomes in all the species studied. The heterochromatin was found either in telomeres or in some species in interstitial locations, evidencing that a quite substantial redistribution of chromosome material within chromosomes might occur without fragmentations or fusions. In two species, a supernumerary (B) chromosome was found. In addition, the male reproductive system of four species was examined and the number of testicular follicles was determined as two per testis.  相似文献   

Millennium bugs     
Microbiology has a long way to go. Microbes are ubiquitous, and all other life forms in the biosphere exist solely because of them, but, as less than 1% of microorganisms can be grown in the laboratory, more than a century of research has revealed only the tip of the iceberg concerning this most crucial of life sciences. There are many intellectual challenges remaining. The flow of complete sequences of bacterial genomes is likely to spawn renewed research in answering many questions of concern to academic, medical and industrial interests. Elucidating the roles of microbes, the oldest and most vital inhabitants of the biosphere, in the evolutionary process and in the maintenance of other life forms will be the major thrust in the years to come.  相似文献   

Millennium bugs     
Microbiology has a long way to go. Microbes are ubiquitous, and all other life forms in the biosphere exist solely because of them, but, as less than 1% of microorganisms can be grown in the laboratory, more than a century of research has revealed only the tip of the iceberg concerning this most crucial of life sciences. There are many intellectual challenges remaining. The flow of complete sequences of bacterial genomes is likely to spawn renewed research in answering many questions of concern to academic, medical and industrial interests. Elucidating the roles of microbes, the oldest and most vital inhabitants of the biosphere, in the evolutionary process and in the maintenance of other life forms will be the major thrust in the years to come.  相似文献   

Behavioural ecologists have long assumed that animals discriminate between their kin and non-kin, but paid little attention to how animals recognize their relatives. Although the first papers on kin recognition mechanisms appeared barely 10 years ago, studies now appear frequently in journals of animal behaviour. Initial findings reveal that kin recognition abilities are surprisingly well-distributed throughout the animal kingdom. Yet an understanding of the evolutionary and ecological significance of these abilities demands further analyses of the components of kin recognition mechanisms and the social contexts in which they are expressed. Many controversies and unresolved issues remain, and experimental approaches to these problems promise to continue making kin recognition an important, rapidly moving discipline within behavioural ecology.  相似文献   

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