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beta-catenin signaling can initiate feather bud development.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Intercellular signaling by a subset of Wnts is mediated by stabilization of cytoplasmic beta-catenin and its translocation to the nucleus. Immunolocalization of beta-catenin in developing chick skin reveals that this signaling pathway is active in a dynamic pattern from the earliest stages of feather bud development. Forced activation of this pathway by expression of a stabilized beta-catenin in the ectoderm results in the ectopic formation of feather buds. This construct is sufficient to induce bud formation since it does so both within presumptive feather tracts and in normally featherless regions where tract-specific signals are absent. It is also insensitive to the lateral inhibition that mediates the normal spacing of buds and can induce ectopic buds in interfollicular skin. However, additional patterning signals cooperate with this pathway to regulate gene expression within domains of stabilized beta-catenin expression. Localized activation of this pathway within the bud as it develops is required for normal morphogenesis and ectopic activation of the pathway leads to abnormally oriented buds and growths on the feather filaments. These results suggest that activation of the beta-catenin pathway initiates follicle development in embryonic skin and plays important roles in the subsequent morphogenesis of the bud.  相似文献   

How do vertebrate epithelial appendages form from the flat epithelia? Following the formation of feather placodes, the previously radially symmetrical primordia become anterior-posterior (A-P) asymmetrical and develop a proximo-distal (P-D) axis. Analysis of the molecular heterogeneity revealed a surprising parallel of molecular profiles in the A-P feather buds and the ventral-dorsal (V-D) Drosophila appendage imaginal discs. The functional significance was tested with an in vitro feather reconstitution model. Wnt-7a expression initiated all over the feather tract epithelium, intensifying as it became restricted first to the primordia domain, then to an accentuated ring pattern within the primordia border, and finally to the posterior bud. In contrast, sonic hedgehog expression was induced later as a dot within the primordia. RCAS was used to overexpress Wnt-7a in reconstituted feather explants derived from stage 29 dorsal skin to further test its function in feather formation. Control skin formed normal elongated, slender buds with A-P orientation, but Wnt-7a overexpression led to plateau-like skin appendages lacking an A-P axis. Feathers in the Wnt-7a overexpressing skin also had inhibited elongation of the P-D axes. This was not due to a lack of cell proliferation, which actually was increased although randomly distributed. While morphogenesis was perturbed, differentiation proceeded as indicated by the formation of barb ridges. Wnt-7a buds have reduced expression of anterior (Tenascin) bud markers. Middle (Notch-1) and posterior bud markers including Delta-1 and Serrate-1 were diffusely expressed. The results showed that ectopic Wnt-7a expression enhanced properties characteristic of the middle and posterior feather buds and suggest that P-D elongation of vertebrate skin appendages requires balanced interactions between the anterior and posterior buds.  相似文献   

Skin morphogenesis occurs in successive stages. First, the skin forms distinct regions (macropatterning). Then skin appendages with particular shapes and sizes form within each region (micropatterning). Ectopic DKK expression inhibited dermis formation in feather tracts and individual buds, implying the importance of Wnts, and prompted the assessment of individual Wnt functions at different morphogenetic levels using the feather model. Wnt 1, 3a, 5a and 11 initially were expressed moderately throughout the feather tract then were up-regulated in restricted regions following two modes: Wnt 1 and 3a became restricted to the placodal epithelium, then to the elongated distal bud epidermis; Wnt 5a and 11 intensified in the inter-tract region and interprimordia epidermis or dermis, respectively, then appeared in the elongated distal bud dermis. Their role in feather tract formation was determined using RCAS mediated misexpression in ovo at E2/E3. Their function in periodic feather patterning was examined by misexpression in vitro using reconstituted E7 skin explant cultures. Wnt 1 reduced spinal tract size, but enhanced feather primordia size. Wnt 3a increased dermal thickness, expanded the spinal tract size, reduced interbud domain spacing, and produced non-tapering "giant buds". Wnt 11 and dominant negative Wnt 1 enhanced interbud spacing, and generated thinner buds. In cultured dermal fibroblasts, Wnt 1 and 3a stimulated cell proliferation and activated the canonical beta-catenin pathway. Wnt 11 inhibited proliferation but stimulated migration. Wnt 5a and 11 triggered the JNK pathway. Thus distinctive Wnts have positive and negative roles in forming the dermis, tracts, interbud spacing and the growth and shaping of individual buds.  相似文献   

The developmental appearance of cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs) was mapped during the morphogenesis of the adult chicken feather. Neural CAM (N-CAM), liver CAM (L-CAM), and neuron-glia CAM (Ng-CAM), as well as substrate molecules (laminin and fibronectin), were compared in newborn chicken skin by immunohistochemical means. N-CAM was found to be enriched in the dermal papilla, which was closely apposed to L-CAM-positive papillar ectoderm. The two CAMs were then co-expressed in cells of the collar epithelium. Subsequently generated barb epithelia expressed only L-CAM, but N-CAM reappeared periodically on cells between developing barbs and barbules. N-CAM first appeared on a single L-CAM-positive basilar cell located in each valley flanked by two adjacent barb ridges. Subsequently, the expression of N-CAM extended one cell after another to include the whole basilar layer. N-CAM also appeared in the L-CAM-positive axial-plate epithelia, beginning in a single cell located at the ridge base. The two collectives of N-CAM-positive epithelia constituting the marginal and axial plates then disintegrated, leaving interdigitating spaces between keratinized structures that had previously expressed L-CAM. The morphological transformation from an epithelial cylinder to a three-level branched feather pattern is thus achieved by coupling alternating CAM expression in linked cell collectives with specific differentiation events, such as keratinization. During all of these morphogenetic processes, laminin and fibronectin formed a continuous basement membrane separating pulp from feather epithelia, and were excluded from the sites involved in periodic appearances of N-CAM. The same staining pattern described for developing chickens persisted in the feather follicles of adult chicken tissue that have gone through several cycles of molting. Cyclic expression of the two different CAMs underlies each of the different morphological events that are generated epigenetically during feather morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Selective cell death by apoptosis plays important roles in organogenesis. Apoptotic cells are observed in the developmental and homeostatic processes of several ectodermal organs, such as hairs, feathers, and mammary glands. In chick feather development, apoptotic events have been observed during feather morphogenesis, but have not been investigated during early feather bud formation. Previously, we have reported a method for generating feather buds on a bioengineered skin from dissociated skin epithelial and mesenchymal cells in three-dimensional culture. During the development of the bioengineered skin, epithelial cavity formation by apoptosis was observed in the epithelial tissue. In this study, we examined the selective epithelial cell death during the bioengineered skin development. Histological analyses suggest that the selective epithelial cell death in the bioengineered skin was induced by caspase-3-related apoptosis. The formation of feather buds of the bioengineered skin was disturbed by the treatment with a pan-caspase inhibitor. The pan-caspase inhibitor treatment suppressed the rearrangement of the epithelial layer and the formation of dermal condensation, which are thought to be essential step to form feather buds. The suppression of the formation of feather buds on the pan-caspase inhibitor-treated skin was partially compensated by the addition of a GSK-3β inhibitor, which activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling. These results suggest that the epithelial cell death is involved in the formation of feather buds of the bioengineered skin. These observations also suggest that caspase activities and Wnt/β-catenin signaling may contribute to the formation of epithelial and mesenchymal components in the bioengineered skin.  相似文献   

How do epithelial cells in developing skin accommodate the constantly growing embryo? Where do cells in skin appendages come from? Are they derivatives of a single appendage stem cell, or are they polyclonal? Here we analyze these issues in developing chicken skin using a replication-defective virus carrying beta-galactosidase and DiI microinjections. The results demonstrate that in early skin, epithelial cells labelled near the spine show a parallel linear stripe distribution pattern that is perpendicular to the midline of the trunk. This is similar to the human lines of Blaschko, a linear pattern on the skin, which many skin nevoid or acquired disorders follow. In later skin, feather buds form and contain a mixture of labeled and unlabeled cells, attesting to their polyclonal origin. When cells are traced for shorter time intervals, the labeled progeny appear to follow certain rules. The degree of cell dispersion and mixing increases with a longer incubation period between the time of labeling and detection. The spatial maturation sequence of skin appendages is not regulated by the order in which epithelial cells are generated. Epithelial cells at this developmental stage are pluripotent and competent to respond to new signals to assume appropriate fates according to their micro-environment. The results suggest that local interactions act upon the originally linearly deposited pluripotential epithelial cells to form skin appendages.  相似文献   

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling plays key roles in tooth development, but how this pathway intersects with the complex interplay of signaling factors regulating dental morphogenesis has been unclear. We demonstrate that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is active at multiple stages of tooth development. Mutation of beta-catenin to a constitutively active form in oral epithelium causes formation of large, misshapen tooth buds and ectopic teeth, and expanded expression of signaling molecules important for tooth development. Conversely, expression of key morphogenetic regulators including Bmp4, Msx1, and Msx2 is downregulated in embryos expressing the secreted Wnt inhibitor Dkk1 which blocks signaling in epithelial and underlying mesenchymal cells. Similar phenotypes are observed in embryos lacking epithelial beta-catenin, demonstrating a requirement for Wnt signaling within the epithelium. Inducible Dkk1 expression after the bud stage causes formation of blunted molar cusps, downregulation of the enamel knot marker p21, and loss of restricted ectodin expression, revealing requirements for Wnt activity in maintaining secondary enamel knots. These data place Wnt/beta-catenin signaling upstream of key morphogenetic signaling pathways at multiple stages of tooth development and indicate that tight regulation of this pathway is essential both for patterning tooth development in the dental lamina, and for controlling the shape of individual teeth.  相似文献   

Mammary glands, like other skin appendages such as hair follicles and teeth, develop from the surface epithelium and underlying mesenchyme; however, the molecular controls of embryonic mammary development are largely unknown. We find that activation of the canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling pathway in the embryonic mouse mammary region coincides with initiation of mammary morphogenesis, and that WNT pathway activity subsequently localizes to mammary placodes and buds. Several Wnt genes are broadly expressed in the surface epithelium at the time of mammary initiation, and expression of additional Wnt and WNT pathway genes localizes to the mammary lines and placodes as they develop. Embryos cultured in medium containing WNT3A or the WNT pathway activator lithium chloride (LiCl) display accelerated formation of expanded placodes, and LiCl induces the formation of ectopic placode-like structures that show elevated expression of the placode marker Wnt10b. Conversely, expression of the secreted WNT inhibitor Dickkopf 1 in transgenic embryo surface epithelium in vivo completely blocks mammary placode formation and prevents localized expression of all mammary placode markers tested. These data indicate that WNT signaling promotes placode development and is required for initiation of mammary gland morphogenesis. WNT signals play similar roles in hair follicle formation and thus may be broadly required for induction of skin appendage morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Chick feather buds develop sequentially in a hexagonal array. Each feather bud develops with anterior posterior polarity, which is thought to develop in response to signals derived from specialized regions of mesenchymal condensation and epithelial thickening. These developmental processes are performed by cellular mechanisms, such as cell proliferation and migration, which occur during chick feather bud development. In order to understand the mechanisms regulating the formation of mesenchymal condensation and their role in feather bud development, we explanted chick dorsal skin at stage HH29+ with cytochalasin D, which inhibits cytoskeletal formation. We show that the aggregation of mesenchymal cells can be prevented by cytochalasin D treatment in a concentration-dependent manner. Subsequently, cytochalasin D disrupts the spacing pattern and inhibits feather bud axis formation as well. In addition, expression patterns of Bmp-4 and Msx-2, key molecules for early feather bud development, were disturbed by cytochalasin D treatment. Our results fully indicate that both the cytoskeletal structure and cell activity via gene regulation are of fundamental importance in mesenchymal condensation leading to proper morphogenesis of feather bud and spacing pattern formation.  相似文献   

During embryonic and postnatal development, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is involved in several stages of hair morphogenesis from placode formation to hair shaft differentiation. Using a transgenic approach, we have investigated further the role of beta-catenin signaling in embryonic hair development. Forced epithelial stabilization of beta-catenin resulted in precocious and excessive induction of hair follicles even in the absence of Eda/Edar signaling, a pathway essential for primary hair placode formation. In addition, the spacing and size of the placodes was randomized. Surprisingly, the down-growth of follicles was suppressed and hair shaft production was severely impaired. Gene and reporter expression analyses revealed elevated mesenchymal Wnt activity, as well as increased BMP signaling, throughout the skin that was accompanied by upregulation of Sostdc1 (Wise, ectodin) expression. Our data suggest that BMPs are downstream of Wnt/beta-catenin and that their interplay may be a critical component in establishing correct patterning of hair follicles through the reaction-diffusion mechanism.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we showed that the proline-rich divergent homeobox gene Hex/Prh is expressed in dorsal skin of the chick embryo before and during feather bud development and that the pattern of Hex mRNA expression in the epidermis is similar to that of Wnt7a mRNA. In order to study the function of Hex and the relationship between Hex and Wnt7a in feather bud development, sense and/or antisense sequences of Hex or Wnt7a were ectopically and transiently expressed in the dorsal skin with the epidermal side toward the cathode by electroporation at the placode stage and then the skin was cultured. Increased expression of Wnt7a and beta-catenin mRNA was observed in the same region where Hex-EGFP fusion protein was expressed 2 days after culture, which was followed by extra bud formation a few days later as a result of the stimulation of cell proliferation. Concomitantly, expression of Notch1 mRNA, which is expressed in normal bud development, increased in Hex-overexpressing skin. However, ectopic Wnt7a expression induced neither Hex expression nor extra bud formation in normal skin. Antisense Wnt7a specifically inhibited bud initiation in Hex-overexpressing skin but did not in normal skin. Taken together, these results suggest that Hex is upstream of Wnt7a and beta-catenin and regulates the Wnt signaling pathway in feather bud initiation and that some other Wnt signals in addition to Wnt7a may be required for bud initiation.  相似文献   

In the current analysis, we have investigated both the cytoskeletal and signaling roles of beta-catenin during the early phases of lens development using conditional loss- and gain-of-function strategies. Conditional loss of beta-catenin in the presumptive lens does not perturb the normal sequential appearance of lens fate markers but results in a dramatic failure of the coordinated epithelial cell behavior that constitutes lens morphogenesis. Similarly, loss-of-function for Lrp6, the Wnt pathway coreceptor expressed in the eye primordium, does not prevent expression of lens induction markers. Surprisingly, conditional deletion of beta-catenin in periocular ectoderm results in the formation of Prox-1 and beta-crystallin-positive ectopic lentoid bodies. Combined with the observation that the Wnt pathway reporter TOPGAL is expressed in nasal periocular ectoderm, these data suggest that, in this location, the canonical Wnt signaling pathway normally suppresses lens fate in favor of other structures. Consistent with this proposal, a dominant-active form of beta-catenin causes a loss of lens fate and a complete absence of lens development when expressed in the presumptive lens ectoderm.  相似文献   

The factors that determine the axial orientation and phenotypes of skin appendages were analyzed by studying the effect of retinoic acid (RA) on embryonic chicken skin explant cultures. With RA uniformly distributed in the culture media, the feather buds became smaller, were disoriented or were transformed into scale-like structures in a concentration-dependent manner (from 0.05-2.5 microM). With RA distributed as a gradient created by a RA-soaked anion exchange bead, a radial zone of inhibition with a rim of disoriented buds was observed. The new axis of the disoriented buds appeared to be determined by a combination of the original feather axis determining force and a new axial force pointing centrifugally away from the RA source. This observed result can be simulated with a computer model using a vectorial sum of different feather axial determination forces. The size of the inhibited zone is linearly correlated to the RA concentration and may be used to quantify the morphogenetic activity of retinoids. These effects are specific to developmental stages (Hamburg and Hamilton stage 31-34). Both all-trans and 13-cis RA have morphogenetic activity. Retinol has no effect and retinal has a small inhibitory effect but neither phenotypic transformation nor axial disorientation were observed. The antero-posterior gradient of homeoprotein XlHbox 1 in feather buds became diffusive after RA treatment. RA dissolves dermal condensations and the distribution of N-CAM is altered from an anterior localized pattern to a diffusive presence in the bud cores. Endogenous retinoids in developing skins show developmental stage-dependent changes both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results suggest that RA either is or can modulate the endogenous morphogen(s) that determine the orientation and phenotype of skin appendages, and that this morphogenetic pathway involves Hox genes and adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

The pattern of feather buds in a tract is thought to result from the relative ratios between activator and inhibitor signals through a lateral inhibition process. We analyse the role of Drm/Gremlin, a BMPs antagonist expressed during feather pattern formation, in the dermal precursor, the dense dermis, the interbud dermis and in the posterior dermal condensation. We have altered the activity of Drm in embryonic chick skin using retroviral vectors expressing drm/ gremlin and bmps. We show that expression of endogenous drm is under the control of a feedback loop induced by the BMP pathway, and that overexpression of drm results in fusion between adjacent feather buds. We propose that endogenous BMP proteins induce drm expression in the interbud dermis. In turn, the Drm/Gremlin protein limits the inhibitory effect of BMPs, allowing the adjacent row of feathers to form. Thus, the balance between BMPs and its antagonist Drm would regulate the size and spacing of the buds.  相似文献   

We are interested in using retroviral vectors to trace cell lineage and to introduce exogenous genes in chicken skin explant cultures. Here the LZ10 virus carrying the gene encoding beta-galactosidase was introduced to the skin explants by two different means: a) the virus was added to the media or b) the virus was microinjected into regions of the developing feather buds. Infection by microinjection led to localized expression of beta-galactosidase in the developing feather bud, while, surprisingly, infection by adding the virus to the culture media led to localized band of beta-galactosidase expression in the middle of the feather filament. The significance of this finding in skin morphogenesis and as a tool for experimental embryology is discussed.  相似文献   

The potential relationship of cell adhesion to embryonic induction during feather formation was examined by immunohistochemical analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of three cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs), neural CAM (N-CAM), liver CAM (L-CAM), and neuron-glia CAM (Ng-CAM), and of substrate molecules (laminin and fibronectin) in embryonic chicken skin. The N-CAM found at sites of embryonic induction in the feather was found to be similar to brain N-CAM as judged by immuno-cross-reactivity, migratory position in PAGE, and the presence of embryonic to adult conversion. In contrast to the N-CAM found in the brain, however, only one polypeptide of Mr 140,000 was seen. N-CAM-positive dermal condensations were distributed periodically under L-CAM-positive feather placodes at those sites where basement membranes are known to be disrupted. After initiation of induction, L-CAM-positive placode cells became transiently N-CAM-positive. N-CAM was asymmetrically concentrated in the dorsal region of the feather bud, while fibronectin was concentrated in the ventral region. During feather follicle formation, N-CAM was expressed in the dermal papilla and was closely apposed to the L-CAM-positive papillar ectoderm, while the dermal papilla showed no evidence of laminin or fibronectin. The collar epithelium was both N-CAM- and L-CAM-positive. During the formation of the feather filament, N-CAM appeared periodically and asymmetrically on basilar cells located in the valleys between adjacent barb ridges. In contrast to the two primary CAMs, Ng-CAM was found only on nerves supplying the feather and the skin. These studies indicate that at each site of induction during feather morphogenesis, a general pattern is repeated in which an epithelial structure linked by L-CAM is confronted with periodically propagating condensations of cells linked by N-CAM.  相似文献   

To understand cell interactions during induction of skin appendages, we studied the roles of adhesion molecules N-CAM, tenascin, integrin, and fibronectin during feather development. Tenascin appeared in a periodic pattern on epithelia and was so far the earliest molecule detected in placodes. Three placode domains were identified: the anterior was positive for tenascin, the distal positive for N-CAM, and the posterior lacking both. Integrin appeared in dermal-epidermal junctions of placodes. In feather buds, sagittal sections revealed a transient anterior-posterior asymmetry with tenascin and N-CAM enriched in the anterior mesoderm. Tangential sections revealed a lateral-medial asymmetry with tenascin distributed in a ring shape and N-CAM in an "X" shape. Integrin was diffusely distributed within buds. Later tenascin and N-CAM were enriched in dermal papilla, the inducer of skin appendages. Perturbation of embryonic skin explant cultures with antibodies showed that anti-integrin beta 1 and anti-fibronectin blocked epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, anti-N-CAM caused uneven segregation of mesenchymal condensation, and anti-tenascin inhibited feather bud elongation. Dose-response curves showed gradual effects by these antibodies. The results indicated that these adhesion molecules are independently regulated and each contributes in different phases during morphogenesis of skin appendages.  相似文献   

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