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Translocations induced by X-rays in post-meiotic germ cells of male guinea-pigs, golden hamsters and rabbits were studied cytologically in the F1 sons of the irradiated males. The percentage of spermatocytes displaying multivalent configurations varied with the translocation, but the average percentage appeared to depend on the species: fewer quadrivalents were observed in hamster than in guinea-pig heterozygotes and most were recorded for rabbit heterozygotes. Chain quadrivalents were more abundant than ring quadrivalents at meiosis for the guinea-pig and hamster, in contrast to the mouse. Too few translocation heterozygotes were examined to determine which meiotic configuration was the more prevalent in the rabbit. In all three species, as in the mouse, translocations were found which caused male sterility, due to partial or complete failure of spermatogenesis, although most translocations caused semi-sterility. For these semi-sterile males both the frequency and time of embryonic death in the progeny appeared to be the same as in the mouse. It is concluded that similar types of chromosome aberrations are induced by X-rays in post-meiotic germ cells of male guinea-pigs, rabbits, golden hamsters and mice.  相似文献   

Mutations controlling the resistance to 6-mercaptopurine (6-M) and the ability to multiply in a medium with a low concentration of glucose (“glucose-independent” mutants) were induced in cultured Chinese hamster cells by N-nitrosomethylurea (NMU), 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR), UV and X-rays. The chemical agents were found to be very active in induction of mutations to 6-M resistance (NMU and BUdR) and mutations of “glucose independence” (NMU). These agents increase the yield of mutations as compared to the spontaneous mutation rate by about two orders of magnitude. The induced rate of 6-M-resistant mutations by X-rays was 2.0 ? 10−7 per viable cell per roentgen. BUdR approximately equally increases the cell's sensitivity to both inactivating and mutagenic action of X-rays. The maximum induction of mutations to 6-M resistance by UV was observed at 100 erg/mm2. This dose leads to 1 16-fold increase of the mutation frequency as compared to the spontaneous rate. Further increase of the UV dose up to 200 erg/mm2 resulted in a lower yield of mutations per dose unit. The highest yield of mutations to 6-M resistance induced by NMU, BUdR and X-rays was observed if cells were plated in selective medium several generations after the mutagenic treatment. The maximum yield of mutations to 6-M resistance induced by UV and of glucose-independence induced by NMU was recorded if cells were transferred to selective media immediately after treatment. The kinetics of expression of mutations and the decline of their number observed after prolonged incubation of treated cells in nonselective conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a 2-day brood pattern, the effect of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) or 5-bromodeoxycytidine (BCdR) pre-treatment on the radiation-induced yield of sex-linked recessive lethals and translocations was studied in the spermatocytes and late gonial cells (p.i. DNA synthesis cells) of D. melanogaster. The p.i. DNA synthesis cells were irradiated (I.2 kR γ-radiation) in the pre-meiotic or post-meiotic stage. Irradiation of p.i. DNA synthesis cells in the pre-meiotic stage resulted in enhanced lethal frequency with BUdR (3.0%) and BCdR (2.9%) over the other pre-treatment conditions: saline (S), thymidine (TdR) and deoxycitydine (CdR) in the spermatocytes but not in the late gonial cells. The radiosensitizing property was evident with BCdR even when the p.i. DNA synthesis cells were irradiated in the post-meiotic stage; but not with BUdR pre-treatment. Probable reasons for the contradicting results reported in the literature were discussed.  相似文献   

Following the observation that the nucleoside pre-treatment reduced the radiation-induced dominant lethality in the post-meiotic germ cells, similar experiments were conducted using the same treatment conditions to study the influence of the nucleoside(s) pre-treatment on the radiation-induced (1.2 kR) incidence of sex-linked recessive lethals and translocation events in the post-meiotic male germ cells of 1-day-old D. melanogaster. The nucleoside pre-treatment reduced the translocation frequency (not statistically significant) and the lethal mutation frequency (statistically significant) in the post-meiotic cells (pre-injection DNA synthesis cells) especially in the mature sperms sampled in brood a (br a). The radio-protective effect of the nucleosides on the mature sperms was confirmed using 7-day-old virgin males and different radiation doses (2.4 kR and 3.6 kR).The frequency of lethal mutation was lowest when irradiation was preceded by the injection of an equimolar solution of thymidine (TdR), deoxyadenosine (AdR), deoxycytidine (CdR) and deoxyguanosine (GdR). However, when the nucleosides were injected after irradiation (within 10–30 min) there was no change in the yield of radiation-induced lethals.The possible mechanisms for the radioprotective action of the nucleosides in the post-meiotic germ cells such as (a) “protection” by a radiochemical action of nucleosides competing for short-lived radicals that might otherwise cause damage to DNA and (b) biochemical-physiological mechanisms such as metabolic events increasing the radioresistance of the cells, providing excess energy for repair or favoring and partaking in the DNA repair synthesis were discussed. Further studies were felt necessary to elucidate this phenomenon.  相似文献   

3-Aminobenzamide and benzamide, two potent inhibitors of poly-(ADP-ribose)-polymerase increase the frequencies of SCEs in Chinese hamster ovary cells in a dose-dependent manner. SCEs were studied in cells in which the inhibitors were present either during the first cell cycle or the second cell cycle or both. Most of the induced SCEs were found to be formed during the second cell cycle in which BU-containing DNA was used as template for DNA synthesis. In cells which were pregrown for 4 cell cycles in the presence of BrdUrd, in order to obtain both sister chromatids bifiliarly substituted with BU in their DNA, it was found that the presence of inhibitor even in the first cell cycle increased the frequencies of SCEs. It is concluded that the incorporated BrdUrd plays an important role in the origin of spontaneous and induced SCEs. 3-Aminobenzamide alone or benzamide in the presence of BrdUrd during culture, did not increase the frequencies of mutations to HGPRT? in these cells.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes in the G0 stage were irradiated with UV light and X-rays. A 2-fold increase in the yield of dicentrics was observed in comparison with the yield for X-rays alone. This synergistic effect was constant irrespective of the variation in the UV dose between 50 and 100 erg/mm2.The individual chromosomes participated in interchange aberrations as expected from a random distribution per mitotic chromosome length unit. This observation is in contrast with the recent finding that X-ray-induced chromosome-type breakage is preferentially located on chromosomes with relatively large amounts of R-bands. Thus, the present data indicate that the additional breakage points, due to the synergism, had a different distribution between chromosomes from those induced by X-irradiation alone. Mechanisms that could account for the synergistic reaction are discussed.  相似文献   

The fungicidal compound griseofulvin (GF) induces abnormalities in nuclear division in mammalian cells cultured in vitro. For these properties it has been studied as a potential agent of chromosomal segregation. A marked effect on the dynamics of chromosomal complements was observed both on diploid and heteroploid cell lines, including hybrids produced by fusion. After treatment for three days with doses ranging from 40 to 60 μg/ml, according to the cell type, a tendency to a doubling of the chromosomal set was evident. When cells were allowed to recover in normal medium in the absence of GF a scattering of the distribution of the chromosomal numbers occured. After removal of the drug a selective advantage of the double chromosomal complements was observed on prolonged cultures. The possibility of using GF to induce chromosomal segregation for linkage studies and for chromosomal assignment is discussed.  相似文献   

We have allowed synchronized V79B Chinese hamster tissue culture cells to incorporate 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) during one DNA synthetic (S) period of the cell cycle and then determined chromosomal aberration yields induced by illumination of the cells with visible light during the succeeding pre- and post-DNA-synthetic (G1and G2) phases of the cell cycle. At the level used, BUdR by itself induces no aberrations. Illumination during the G1 phase following incorporation induces aberrations of the chromatid type, but none of the chromosome type. All types of chromatid aberrations are induced, including isochromatid deletions and exchange types. In contrast, when cells are illuminated during the immediately following G2 phase, large numbers of achromatic lesions and chromatic deletions are seen at the first post-illumination mitosis, but no isochromatid deletions and few exchange-type aberrations occur. When G2-illuminated cells are examined in their second mitosis, however, chromatid aberrations of all types are again seen.

These results are interpreted within the “repair” model of chromosomal aberration production by UV light presented earlier3. The model assumes that the vertebrate chromosome is mononeme, consisting of but a single DNA double helix during the prereplication G1 phase. The initial lesions induced by illumination of BUdR-containing DNA are believed to be single-chain breaks, and the observation that G1 illumination produces only chromatid-type aberrations is taken as additional evidence for the mononeme chromosome. Conversion of single-chain breaks into double chain breaks through the action of a single-strand nuclease is postulated to account for the production of chromatid deletions at the first mitosis of G2-illuminated cells. The action of this enzyme, plus a recombinational or post-replication repair mechanism, are postulated to account for the production of isochromatid deletions in G1-illuminated cells. A rapid decline in achromatic lesion frequency with increasing time between G2 illumination and fixation of the cells is considered evidence for rapid rejoining of most of the initial chain breaks.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells V79 were cultured in diffusion chambers (DC) and implanted into mice. An exponential growth was observed from the 2nd to 4th day after implantation. The maximum growth was reached on the 6th day. After that, cell growth and viable cell counts decreased. Three days after implantation of DC with V79 cells, the hosts received 6 hourly injections of 0.2 ml of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) solution at concentrations of 0.125 to 1.0 x 10(-2) M. DC were removed for chromosome and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) analyses 24 h after the first BUdR injection. The frequency of metaphases with differentially stained chromatids, with aberrations, and the number of SCE per cell increased with BUdR dose. The frequency of metaphases with differentially stained chromatids was also positively correlated with the duration of BUdR exposure or the number of hourly injections of BUdR-solution. The effects of cyclophosphamide (CY) in V79 cells in DC in mice were studied. Injections of CY at 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 microgram per gram of body weight to the hosts caused an increase in the number of SCE per cell in a linear manner. The results from this study indicate that V79 cells cultured in DC in mice may provide a potential test system for mutagenicity.  相似文献   

An increased rate of mutagenesis of phage T4 by base analogues was observed in Escherichia coli strains resistant to both rifampicin and streptolydigin and shown to have defective RNA polymerase. The results suggest that RNA polymerase may be involved in the production of mutations by errors of replication.  相似文献   

The effects of methylazoxymethanol (MAM) acetate on colony survival, cell proliferation and DNA synthesis of murine lymphoma L5178Y cells are studied. Decreased sensitivity and immediate depression of cell proliferation and DNA synthesis were found in L5178Y cells in contrast to the reports on HeLa cells. Pre-labelling with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) did not enhance significantly the carcinogen-induced cell lethality. Post-treatment with caffeine greatly enhanced cell lethality and depression of cell proliferation. These effects of caffeine were diminished when the cells had passed through two generations following the MAM acetate treatment. Experiments with synchronized cells showed that the action of caffeine was located primarily in S phase following the MAM acetate-treatment. These results strongly suggest that in L5178Y cells, MAM acetate induces damage, which is repaired by a mechanism analogous to post-replication repair of UV light-induced damage.  相似文献   

Chang human liver cells were treated with the carcinogens N-methyl-N′-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and nitrosomorpholine (NM). In addition, cells were exposed to the folic acid analog, 2-hydroxy-N10 nitrosofolic acid. Repair of the damage to DNA was estimated by selective photolysis of BUdR-containing repaired regions with 313 nm radiation. The influence of the co-carcinogen Arlacel A was estimated with the three compounds. Results indicated significant repair synthesis with MNNG- and NM-treated cells. 2-Hydroxy-N10 nitrosofolic acid elicited no damage to the liver DNA. Arlacel A prevented repair synthesis in cells treated with NM and MNNG.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid exchanges induced in cultured mammalian cells by chromate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromate compounds induced sister chromatoid exchanges (SCEs) and chromosome aberrations in cultured mammalian cells. Similar increases in SCE frequency were observed in human fibroblasts exposed to the compounds K2Cr2O7 and K2CrO4. Marked increases in SCE frequency in cells exposed to chromate for a 48-h period were detected at concentrations between 10(-7) and 10(-6) M. Chromosome aberrations (primarily chromatid breaks) were also produced in human cells exposed to K2CrO4 at concentrations between 8 . 10(-7) and 3 . 10(-6) M. K2CrO4, but not the trivalent compound CrCl3, induced SCEs in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Viable human and murine lymphoblasts, and normal human tissue extracts, converted the thioether nucleosides 5'-methylthioadenosine (MeSAdo) and 5'-methylthioinosine (MeSIno) to methionine. Both MeSAdo and MeSIno, but not homocysteine, supported the short-term growth of human or murine lymphoblasts in methionine deficient medium. However, MeSAdo at concentrations greater than 25 microM inhibited cell growth. MeSIno was non-toxic at concentrations up to 200 microM, and supported the long-term growth of lymphoblasts in methionine-free medium.  相似文献   

The survival curve of Chinese hamster cells exposed to near ultraviolet (NUV) light in the presence of 4,5′,8-trimethylpsoralen exhibits a pronounced shoulder, i.e. cells accumulate sublethal damage before survival decreases exponentially. During incubation between fractionated exposures, the cells are able to recover their capacity to accumulate sublethal damage, although at a slower rate than after X-irradiation. Synchronized cells demonstrate a pronounced age-response variation, similar to that of X-irradiated cells, in which maximum resistance occurs in the second half of the S phase. During a second NUV exposure without psoralen, following a first treatment consisting of psoralen-plus-NUV, only DNA cross-links are produced. Using this procedure a correlation was found between cell killing and the production of DNA cross-links.  相似文献   

Cultured mouse L5178Y cells were exposed to several carcinogenic and antitumor agents. After exposure to one of the agents, the cells were label with [3H]-thymidine for 20 min, and the DNA was subjected to alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation immediately or after a chase period. This led us to classify the agents into 3 groups: (1) UV, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO), N-methyl-N′-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), nitrogen mustard and Mitomycin C. These were characterized by 20-min DNA labeling patterns showing the formation of small DNA and by the slowing down of their subsequent elongation. Replicated DNA strands would have gaps where “damage” was present on the parental strands. Subsequently, gap-filling replication would occur with or without repairing damage. (2) γ-rays. The 20-min DNA labeling profile displayed a larger size of DNA pieces and the subsequent elongation of this DNA was slightly affected. This probably due to a preferential depression of initiation DNA replication. (3) Methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and low temperature (28°). The 20-min DNA labeling patterns were qualitatively similar to, but quantitatively different from those of non-irradiated control. The rate of DNA elongation was slightly retarded.  相似文献   

We have evaluated four techniques for labelling the surface proteins of cultured mammalian cells. The techniques are: (a) the lactoperoxide system; (b) the pyridoxal phosphate-[3H]borohydride system; (c) the [3H]4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-dihydrostilbene disulfonate system and (d) the galactose oxidase-[3H]borohydride system. The subcellular distribution of radiolabel produced by these techniques has been evaluated by authoradiography at the light microscope level and by cellular fractionation. We find that while all four systems label the surface membranes in the majority of the cell population, they also heavily label internal sites in a small subpopulation of nonviable cells. The contribution of the internally labelled cells to further biochemical analysis may represent a severe problem in investigations which rely solely on surface labels for the study of plasma membrane organization  相似文献   

The factors that affect reliable estimations of mutation rates (μ) in cultured mammalian somatic cell populations by fluctuation analysis are studied experimentally and statistically. We analyze the differential effect of the final cell population size in each culture (Nt) and the number of parallel cultures (C) on the variation in the rate estimates (μ) inferred from the P0 method. The analysis can be made after the derivation of the variance of μ, which is a measure of variation of μ for a given combination of Nt and C in a number of repeat experiments. The variance of μ is inversely proportional to C and to the square of Nt. Nt determines the probability of occurrence of mutation in a cell culture. By influencing the size of P0, Nt also determines whether a rate estimate is obtainable from the experiment. Since Po is estimated from the fraction of cultures containing no mutation in a set of C cultures, C becomes a determining factor for the accuracy of μ. The rate estimated from P?0 is biased, but the bias is in general 2 orders of magnitude smaller than μ. By the selection of an appropriate combination of Nt and C for the experiment, this bias can be reduced even further.Based on the notion of comparing two proportions, we propose a test statistic and have applied it to experimental results for a test of equality of mutation rates in different cell lines. This development places the comparison of mutation rates on a statistical basis.  相似文献   

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