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Effect of exhaustive exercise on liver mitochondrial function in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The oxidative and phosphorylative function of rat liver mitochondria after exhaustive exercise was investigated. The stimulation of state 4 respiration (without ADP) with NADH and FADH2 dependent substrates was demonstrated. The reduction in RCR ratio (the rate of oxidation in state 3/the rate of oxidation in state 4) and enhanced activity of oligomycin sensitive ATP-ase was also found. The results suggest an inhibition of liver mitochondrial phosphorylative activity in rats exercised till exhaustion.  相似文献   

Rates of ADP stimulated respiration for various substrates were determined in mitochondria isolated from the livers of female Sprague-Dawley rats following 8 weeks of treatment with daily swimming, ethanol consumption, or both. All rats were fed an American Institute of Nutrition (AIN) type liquid diet with the ethanol treated rats receiving 35% of the calories as ethanol. Chronic exposure to ethanol depressed both state 3 respiration with glutamate as a substrate and cytochrome oxidase activity. Respiratory control ratios and P:O ratios, however, were unaffected by the ethanol exposure. Exercise alone had no effect on hepatic mitochondrial function. There were also no significant alterations in oxidative function of hepatic mitochondria from rats which were endurance-trained by swimming while receiving the ethanol diet. This lack of alteration in mitochondrial function was in spite of the fact that these rats consumed an identical amount of ethanol as those which incurred mitochondrial dysfunction. These results indicate that regular exercise has the potential to attenuate the ethanol induced decline in hepatic mitochondria.  相似文献   

Biodegradation - The 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster remains one of the largest oil spills in history. This event caused significant damage to coastal ecosystems, the full extent of which has yet...  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine if the changes in mitochondrial structure and function that occur in muscle with exhaustive exercise could be caused by alterations in lipid composition of mitochondrial membranes. Further, the effect of training on lipid composition was studied to ascertain if lipid changes accompany the adaptation in the level of mitochondrial protein. Training decreased free fatty acids and triglycerides. Exhaustion of untrained animals resulted in increases of total phospholipid and phosphatidyl choline while exhaustion of trained rats caused a lowering of total phospholipid and phosphatidyl choline. Alterations in membrane lipid composition are most likely not the cause of changes in mitochondrial structure and function after exhaustive exercise since mitochondrial yield and lipid levels did not change in concert; i.e. muscle mitochondrial yield was decreased in both untrained and trained rats while total phospholipids were increased in untrained rats and decreased in trained rats as a result of exhaustive exercise. Although the physiological significance of the effects observed remains to be determined, this study does demonstrate that the lipid composition of mitochondria is not a constant parameter but can change in response to a chronic (training) or acute (exhaustive exercise) physiological condition.  相似文献   

Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by varying degrees of ventricular hypertrophy and myofibrillar disarray. Mutations in cardiac contractile proteins cause HCM. However, there is an unexplained wide variability in the clinical phenotype, and it is likely that there are multiple contributing factors. Because mitochondrial dysfunction has been described in heart disease, we tested the hypothesis that mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to the varying HCM phenotypes. Mitochondrial function was assessed in two transgenic models of HCM: mice with a mutant myosin heavy chain gene (MyHC) or with a mutant cardiac troponin T (R92Q) gene. Despite mitochondrial ultrastructural abnormalities in both models, the rate of state 3 respiration was significantly decreased only in the mutant MyHC mice by approximately 23%. Notably, this decrease in state 3 respiration preceded hemodynamic dysfunction. The maximum activity of alpha-ketogutarate dehydrogenase as assayed in isolated disrupted mitochondria was decreased by 28% compared with isolated control mitochondria. In addition, complexes I and IV were decreased in mutant MyHC transgenic mice. Inhibition of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase, which is elevated in mutant MyHC mouse hearts, can prevent mitochondrial respiratory impairment in mutant MyHC mice. Thus our results suggest that mitochondria may contribute to the hemodynamic dysfunction seen in some forms of HCM and offer a plausible mechanism responsible for some of the heterogeneity of the disease phenotypes.  相似文献   

The influence of an afternoon bout of exhaustive submaximal exercise on cardiovascular function and catecholamine excretion during sleep was examined in five female and four male subjects. Subjects walked on a treadmill for successive 50-min periods at 50, 60, and 70% maximal O2 consumption, separated by 10-min rest periods. Exercise terminated with volitional exhaustion. Following an adaptation night, electroencephalographic and impedance cardiographic measures were obtained during three successive nights of sleep, with exercise preceding night 3. Relative to the base-line night (night 2), exhaustive exercise resulted in a sustained elevation of heart rate and cardiac output throughout the entire night's sleep. The magnitude of these elevations was unaffected by sleep stage but decreased over the night. The typical pattern of circadian decline in cardiac output was unaltered. However, the decline in heart rate with sleep onset was greater on the exercise night. Changes in impedance dZ/dt and R-Z interval suggested an enhanced myocardial contractility during the first 3 h of sleep postexercise. Analysis of morning urine samples revealed that in seven of nine subjects norepinephrine excretion increased, epinephrine excretion decreased, and dopamine excretion was unchanged during sleep on the exercise night. It is suggested that these cardiac changes reflect a sustained increase in myocardial beta-receptor activity.  相似文献   

Oxidation of pyruvate, -ketoglutarate, palmitoylcarnitine, succinate, and ferrocytochrome c by interscapular-brown-adipose-tissue (BAT) mitochondria of untrained and trained rats were measured at rest and alter running to exhaustion. At rest, BAT mitochondria from trained rats showed significantly lower activities (<50%) for the oxidation of all the substrates. In untrained rats the activities of the enzymes for the oxidation of all the substrates except pyruvate and succinate were lower at exhaustion compared to the resting state when expressed on a per-gram-fresh-Weight basis. In trained rats all of the enzyme activities increased as a result of exhaustive exercise. These differences between the two groups of rats in the post-exercise changes in oxidative capacities suggest that following an initial adaptation, resulting in a large decrease in mitochondrial oxidative activity, training protects the residual oxidative pathways against exercise-induced inactivation. These data show that unlike exposure to cold, or overfeeding, a physiological stimulus such as exercise reduces the oxidative capacity of BAT, and therefore may reduce the thermogenic activity of the tissue in endurance-trained rats as has been addressed in the scientific literature.  相似文献   

We previously reported that endurance training increases amino acid catabolism. In this study, the effects of an acute endurance exercise bout on tissue protein levels and urea excretion have been investigated. Exhaustive exercising of trained rats resulted in an increase in ammonia excretion but there was no significant change in urea excretion. Protein levels of muscle and liver were significantly decreased by an exhaustive bout of exercise. In muscle, both the soluble and myofibrillar protein fractions were decreased in exhausted rats. These results demonstrate that during exercise there is a net loss of protein in muscle and liver.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles whose architecture changes depending on the cell’s energy requirements and other signalling events. These structural changes are collectively known as mitochondrial dynamics. Mitochondrial dynamics are crucial for cellular functions such as differentiation, energy production and cell death. Importantly, it has become clear in recent years that mitochondrial dynamics are a critical control point for immune cell function. Mitochondrial remodelling allows quiescent immune cells to rapidly change their metabolism and become activated, producing mediators, such as cytokines, chemokines and even metabolites to execute an effective immune response. The importance of mitochondrial dynamics in immunity is evident, as numerous pathogens have evolved mechanisms to manipulate host cell mitochondrial remodelling in order to promote their own survival. In this review, we comprehensively address the roles of mitochondrial dynamics in immune cell function, along with modulation of host cell mitochondrial morphology during viral and bacterial infections to facilitate either pathogen survival or host immunity. We also speculate on what the future may hold in terms of therapies targeting mitochondrial morphology for bacterial and viral control.  相似文献   

Limits to exhaustive exercise in fish   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Exercise to exhaustion leads to severe metabolic, acid-base and ionic changes in fish. It has been shown that several abiotic and biotic factors can limit burst exercise performance and the recovery process in fish. This article reviews the importance of body size, temperature, fasting/starvation and training on the ability of fish to perform and recover from exhaustive exercise. It is concluded that the constraints placed on a fish prior to and following exercise reflects the large intra-specific variability in the physiological response to exercise in fish.  相似文献   

Seventeen fit women ran to exhaustion (14 +/- 4 min) at a constant speed and grade, reaching 95 +/- 3% of maximal O(2) consumption. Pre- and postexercise lung function, including airway resistance [total respiratory resistance (Rrs)] across a range of oscillation frequencies, was measured, and, on a separate day, airway reactivity was assessed via methacholine challenge. Arterial O(2) saturation decreased from 97.6 +/- 0.5% at rest to 95.1 +/- 1.9% at 1 min and to 92.5 +/- 2.6% at exhaustion. Alveolar-arterial O(2) difference (A-aDO(2)) widened to 27 +/- 7 Torr after 1 min and was maintained at this level until exhaustion. Arterial PO(2) (Pa(O(2))) fell to 80 +/- 8 Torr at 1 min and then increased to 86 +/- 9 Torr at exhaustion. This increase in Pa(O(2)) over the exercise duration occurred due to a hyperventilation-induced increase in alveolar PO(2) in the presence of a constant A-aDO(2). Arterial O(2) saturation fell with time because of increasing temperature (+2.6 +/- 0.5 degrees C) and progressive metabolic acidosis (arterial pH: 7.39 +/- 0.04 at 1 min to 7.26 +/- 0.07 at exhaustion). Plasma histamine increased throughout exercise but was inversely correlated with the fall in Pa(O(2)) at end exercise. Neither pre- nor postexercise Rrs, frequency dependence of Rrs, nor diffusing capacity for CO correlated with the exercise A-aDO(2) or Pa(O(2)). Although several subjects had a positive or borderline hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, this reactivity did not correlate with exercise-induced changes in Rrs or exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. In conclusion, regardless of the degree of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia at the onset of high-intensity exercise, prolonging exercise to exhaustion had no further deleterious effects on A-aDO(2), and the degree of gas exchange impairment was not related to individual differences in small or large airway function or reactivity.  相似文献   

力竭性运动锻炼和饥饿对南方鲇运动后过量耗氧的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了检验力竭性运动锻炼和饥饿是否对南方鲇Silurus meridonalis Chen维持能量消耗和无氧代谢能力产生影响,在25℃条件下测定了维持日粮(1.5%body mass per day)和饥饿条件下南方鲇15d力竭性锻炼(5min chasing)和随后5d恢复过程静止代谢率(VO2rest)和运动后过量耗氧(Excess post-exercise VO2,EPOC)的变化.另外两组非锻炼组分别作为摄食和饥饿对照组.实验过程中摄食和饥饿对照组VO2rest显著下降(P<0.05),而摄食和饥饿对照组经过15d的锻炼显著上升(P<0.05).经过5d的恢复2锻炼组VO2rest显著下降与对照组无显著差异.摄食和饥饿对照组力竭运动后代谢率峰值(VO2peak)在实验过程中显著下降(P<0.05),而摄食和饥饿锻炼组经过15d没有显著变化.锻炼取消后2锻炼组VO2peak显著下降至对照组水平.各锻炼组和对照组间过量耗氧均无显著差异.实验提示:(1)锻炼导致VO2rest和VO2peak显著提高,但影响可塑性大,5d恢复期后影响消失;(2)锻炼导致力竭运动后代谢恢复速率加快,5d恢复期后锻炼影响依然存在;(3)对饥饿和摄食组,锻炼的生理影响相似,但饥饿组VO2rest对锻炼更为敏感.  相似文献   

Kinesin is known as a representative cytoskeletal motor protein that is engaged in cell division and axonal transport. In addition to the mutant assay, recent advances using the PCR cloning technique have elucidated the existence of many kinds of kinesin-related proteins in yeast, Drosophila, and mice. We previously cloned five different members of kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) in mouse brain (Aizawa, H., Y. Sekine, R. Takemura, Z. Zhang, M. Nangaku, and N. Hirokawa. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 119:1287-1296) and demonstrated that one of them, KIF3A, is an anterograde motor (Kondo, S., R. Sato-Yashitake, Y. Noda, H. Aizawa, T. Nakata, Y. Matsuura, and N. Hirokawa. J. Cell Biol. 1994. 125:1095-1107). We have now characterized another axonal transport motor, KIF2. Different from other KIFs, KIF2 is a central type motor, since its motor domain is located in the center of the molecule. Recombinant KIF2 exists as a dimer with a bigger head and plus-end directionally moves microtubules at a velocity of 0.47 +/- 0.11 microns/s, which is two thirds that of kinesin's. Immunocytological examination showed that native KIF2 is abundant in developing axons and that it accumulates in the proximal region of the ligated nerves after a 20-h ligation. Soluble KIF2 exists without a light chain, and KIF2's associated-vesicles, immunoprecipitated by anti-KIF2 antibody, are different from those carried by existing motors such as kinesin and KIF3A. They are also distinct from synaptic vesicles, although KIF2 is accumulated in so-called synaptic vesicle fractions and embryonal growth cone particles. Our results strongly suggest that KIF2 functions as a new anterograde motor, being specialized for a particular group of membranous organelles involved in fast axonal transport.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the relationships among the rates of pyruvate carboxylation, O(2) uptake (J(o)), oxidative phosphorylation (J(p)), and the free energy of ATP hydrolysis (G(p)) were studied in liver mitochondria isolated from 250-g female rats. Pyruvate carboxylation was evaluated at 37, 40, and 43 degrees C. In disrupted mitochondria, pyruvate carboxylase maximal reaction velocity increased from 37 to 43 degrees C with an apparent Q(10) of 2.25. A reduction in ATP/ADP ratio decreased enzyme activity at all three temperatures. In contrast, in intact mitochondria, increasing temperature failed to increase pyruvate carboxylation (malate + citrate accumulation) but did result in increased J(o) and decreased extramitochondrial G(p). J(p) was studied in respiring mitochondria at 37 and 43 degrees C at various fractions of state 3 respiration, elicited with a glucose + hexokinase ADP-regenerating system. The relationship between J(o) and G(p) was similar at both temperatures. However, hyperthermia (43 degrees C) reduced the J(p)/J(o) ratio, resulting in lower G(p) for a given J(p). Fluorescent measurements of membrane phospholipid polarization revealed a transition in membrane order between 40 and 43 degrees C, a finding consistent with increased membrane proton conductance. It is concluded that hyperthermia augments nonspecific proton leaking across the inner mitochondrial membrane, and the resultant degraded energy state offsets temperature stimulation of pyruvate carboxylase. As a consequence, at high temperatures approaching 43 degrees C, the pyruvate carboxylation rate of intact liver mitochondria may fail to exhibit a Q(10) effect.  相似文献   

AimsEndurance exercise causes fatigue due to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. In order to find an effective strategy to prevent fatigue or enhance recovery, the effects of a combination of mitochondrial targeting nutrients on physical activity, mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in exercised rats were studied.Main methodsRats were subjected to a four-week endurance exercise regimen following four weeks of training. The effects of exercise and nutrient treatment in rat liver were investigated by assaying oxidative stress biomarkers and activities of mitochondrial complexes.Key findingsEndurance exercise induced an increase in activities of complexes I, IV, and V and an increase in glutathione (GSH) levels in liver mitochondria; however, levels of ROS and malondialdehyde (MDA) and activities of complexes II and III remained unchanged. Exercise also induced a significant increase in MDA and activities of glutathione S-transferase and NADPH-quinone-oxidoreductase 1 (NQO-1) in the liver homogenate. Nutrient treatment caused amelioration of complex V and NQO-1 activities and enhancement of activities of complex I and IV, but had no effect on other parameters.SignificanceThese results show that endurance exercise can cause oxidative and mitochondrial stress in liver and that nutrient treatment can either ameliorate or enhance this effect, suggesting that endurance exercise-induced oxidative and mitochondrial stress may be either damaging by causing injury or beneficial by activating defense systems.  相似文献   

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