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Acquisition of food in many animal species depends on the pursuit and capture of moving prey. Among modern humans, the pursuit and interception of moving targets plays a central role in a variety of sports, such as tennis, football, Frisbee, and baseball. Studies of target pursuit in animals, ranging from dragonflies to fish and dogs to humans, have suggested that they all use a constant bearing (CB) strategy to pursue prey or other moving targets. CB is best known as the interception strategy employed by baseball outfielders to catch ballistic fly balls. CB is a time-optimal solution to catch targets moving along a straight line, or in a predictable fashion--such as a ballistic baseball, or a piece of food sinking in water. Many animals, however, have to capture prey that may make evasive and unpredictable maneuvers. Is CB an optimum solution to pursuing erratically moving targets? Do animals faced with such erratic prey also use CB? In this paper, we address these questions by studying prey capture in an insectivorous echolocating bat. Echolocating bats rely on sonar to pursue and capture flying insects. The bat's prey may emerge from foliage for a brief time, fly in erratic three-dimensional paths before returning to cover. Bats typically take less than one second to detect, localize and capture such insects. We used high speed stereo infra-red videography to study the three dimensional flight paths of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, as it chased erratically moving insects in a dark laboratory flight room. We quantified the bat's complex pursuit trajectories using a simple delay differential equation. Our analysis of the pursuit trajectories suggests that bats use a constant absolute target direction strategy during pursuit. We show mathematically that, unlike CB, this approach minimizes the time it takes for a pursuer to intercept an unpredictably moving target. Interestingly, the bat's behavior is similar to the interception strategy implemented in some guided missiles. We suggest that the time-optimal strategy adopted by the bat is in response to the evolutionary pressures of having to capture erratic and fast moving insects.  相似文献   

降雨噪声属于常见的自然噪声,由雨滴撞击物体表面产生。目前,有关降雨噪声对动物的潜在影响被普遍忽视。回声定位蝙蝠主要利用声信号在黑暗环境导航空间、探测猎物及社群交流,是开展降雨噪声影响研究的理想类群。本研究选择菲菊头蝠 (Rhinolophus pusillus)作为研究对象,检验降雨噪声是否影响蝙蝠出飞行为。我们在集群栖息地外,播放强降雨噪声、空白对照和种内回声定位声波,开展野外回放实验。利用单因素方差分析及其事后检验,评价菲菊头蝠对不同回放刺激的反应差异。研究发现,相比空白对照,强降雨噪声导致菲菊头蝠的通勤数量百分比平均降低2.82倍,回声定位脉冲数量平均减少4.86倍,集群出飞时间延长3.75 min。相比空白对照,同种回声定位声波对菲菊头蝠出飞行为的影响并不显著。研究结果证实强降雨噪声抑制菲菊头蝠的出飞行为。本研究表明,降雨引起 的噪声干扰可能是导致蝙蝠躲避降雨的重要因素,为野生蝙蝠物种保育与管理提供启示。  相似文献   

In habitats where prey is either rare or difficult to predict spatiotemporally, such as open habitats, predators must be adapted to react effectively to variations in prey abundance. Open-habitat foraging bats have a wing morphology adapted for covering long distances, possibly use information transfer to locate patches of high prey abundance, and would therefore be expected to show an aggregative response at these patches. Here, we examined the effects of prey abundance on foraging activities of open-habitat foragers in comparison to that of edge-habitat foragers and closed-habitat foragers. Bat activity was estimated by counting foraging calls recorded with bat call recorders (38,371 calls). Prey abundance was estimated concurrently at each site using light and pitfall traps. The habitat was characterized by terrestrial laser scanning. Prey abundance increased with vegetation density. As expected, recordings of open-habitat foragers clearly decreased with increasing vegetation density. The foraging activity of edge- and closed-habitat foragers was not significantly affected by the vegetation density, i.e., these guilds were able to forage from open habitats to habitats with dense vegetation. Only open-habitat foragers displayed a significant and proportional aggregative response to increasing prey abundance. Our results suggest that adaptations for effective and low-cost foraging constrains habitat use and excludes the guild of open-habitat foragers from foraging in habitats with high prey abundance, such as dense forest stands.  相似文献   

Summary The echolocation behavior ofRhinolophus rouxi when waiting for insects on a perch and when pursuing them in short hunting flights is described. It reveals that flycatcher-style hunting is one foraging strategy utilized by this species. It also suggests that bats use fluttering target information to classify their prey.  相似文献   

Predators use cues associated with their prey to assess prey quality and to avoid consuming poisonous prey. Considerable attention has been given to predators' use of aposematic cues to assess prey quality, but little is known about predators that eavesdrop on prey cues that are not intended for them. Here we investigate the prey-cue/prey-quality associations of a predator that eavesdrops on the sexual advertisement signals of its prey. Stability is expected in prey-cue/prey-quality associations when mistakes in prey assessment are lethal. Conversely, flexibility is possible when mistakes are less costly. Predators that must respond to temporal and spatial fluctuations in prey availability should be more flexible in their assessment of prey quality. Given these predictions, we examined flexibility in the ability of wild-caught bats to reverse prey-cue/prey-quality associations for a preferred prey and a poisonous one. We found that the predatory bat, Trachops cirrhosus, has a heretofore undescribed ability to reverse its evaluations of the cues that signal preferred prey.  相似文献   

Predation was a powerful selective force promoting increased morphological complexity in a unicellular prey held in constant environmental conditions. The green alga, Chlorella vulgaris, is a well-studied eukaryote, which has retained its normal unicellular form in cultures in our laboratories for thousands of generations. For the experiments reported here, steady-state unicellular C. vulgaris continuous cultures were inoculated with the predator Ochromonas vallescia, a phagotrophic flagellated protist (‘flagellate’). Within less than 100 generations of the prey, a multicellular Chlorella growth form became dominant in the culture (subsequently repeated in other cultures). The prey Chlorella first formed globose clusters of tens to hundreds of cells. After about 10–20 generations in the presence of the phagotroph, eight-celled colonies predominated. These colonies retained the eight-celled form indefinitely in continuous culture and when plated onto agar. These self-replicating, stable colonies were virtually immune to predation by the flagellate, but small enough that each Chlorella cell was exposed directly to the nutrient medium. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Bats are a potential natural reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 virus and other viruses detrimental to humans. Accumulated evidence has shown that, in their adaptation to a flight-based lifestyle, remodeling of the gut microbiota in bats may have contributed to immune tolerance to viruses. This evidence from bats provides profound insights into the potential influence of gut microbiota in COVID-19 disease in humans. Here, we highlight recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota helps bats tolerate deadly viruses, and summarize the current clinical evidence on the influence of gut microbiota on the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and risk of COVID-19 leading to a fatal outcome. In addition, we discuss the implications of gut microbiota-targeted approaches for preventing infection and reducing disease severity in COVID-19 patients.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2007,72(3):129-144
Growth characteristics of three species of horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, R. euryale and R. mehelyi) were studied in northern Bulgaria, and measurements of cohorts born there in different years were compared interannually. Bulgarian horseshoe bats are usually born in the first 3 weeks of June and start to leave the roost at an age of about 3 weeks. Young horseshoe bats of all three species had attained more than 95% of the adult dimensions at the time when they started to regularly leave the cave to forage on their own in mid of July. Individually marked juvenile R. ferrumequinum reached adult dimensions in most external wing measurements in the first half of August. Accordingly the pooled measurements of all juveniles did not differ anymore from those of adult bats in the second half of August. The same pattern was found in R. mehelyi and R. euryale.We found a clear relationship between the climatic conditions prevailing in each year and the final size of individuals born respectively in those years. Whereas previous studies have addressed climatic effects only on several bat species along their northern limits of distribution, these data provide the first evidence for an influence of climate on the growth of individuals in the centre of the species’ distributions.  相似文献   

The dynamics of interacting ecological populations results from the interplay between various deterministic and stochastic factors and this is particularly the case for the phenomenon of biological invasion. Whereas the spread of invasive species via propagation of a population front was shown to appear as a result of deterministic processes, the spread via formation, interaction and movement of separate patches has been recently attributed to the influence of environmental stochasticity. An appropriate understanding of the comparative importance of deterministic and stochastic mechanisms is still lacking, however. In this paper, we show that the patchy invasion appears to be possible also in a fully deterministic predator–prey model as a result of the Allee effect.  相似文献   

Summary Cytoplasmic male steriles occur regularly in wild populations of the annual crucifer Hirschfeldia incana Lagr.-Foss. in Israel. In these plants numbers of ovules per flower, numbers of seed per fruit, and total seed weights per plant are slightly higher than in the hermaphrodites with which they mate. Yet their frequencies in wild populations do not exceed 2–10 per cent. There are no signs of incipient dioecy. The species is self incompatible and no mechanisms to enforce outcrossing are needed. It is argued that in this and similar cases gynodioecy functions as a pollen saving measure. Precise pollen presentation in the flower renders some of the pollen redundant and facilitates its abolition in a sector of the population. It is possible that the enhanced seed fecundity of the pollenless sector stems from a greater availability of plant resources for seed production in the unisexual than in the bisexual seed parent.  相似文献   

We investigated the detection cues used by the aerial-hawking bat Eptesicus nilssonii foraging in a cluttered environment. The bats can detect and attack rapidly moving targets within the clutter, i.e. below grass panicles, by using prey motion as a cue. Stationary objects are attacked only above the grass, but still within the clutter overlap zone. To test if the bats were guided by flutter from moth wings or by vision when searching for stationary targets, they were presented with male ghost swifts mounted on top of steel wires. There was no difference in attack frequency on live, fluttering moths compared to dead and spread ones. However, when comparing white and dark moths, we found a significantly higher attack frequency on white ones. As the attacks always were guided by echolocation calls, we hypothesize that northern bats, at least in the initial search phase, use visual cues as a complement to detect stationary ghost swifts.  相似文献   

D K Peachey  A L Linton 《CMAJ》1990,143(7):629-632
The recognition that much current medical practice is based on incomplete scientific evidence has led to calls for the generation of guidelines for optimal patterns of practice. These guidelines must be developed from a synthesis of existing scientific data ideally obtained from randomized clinical trials. However, at present we may have to rely on less satisfactory data and the views of experts in the field. The primary purpose of these initiatives must be to improve patient care. The Ontario Medical Association has made recommendations on how such guidelines should be produced, and in a recent survey a substantial majority of family physicians supported them. There is general agreement that the coordinating body should be independent of government and other interested parties. In addition, the medical profession must have the primary role, and a number of medical organizations should also be represented. We propose a possible structure for a group charged with developing guidelines for medical practice at a provincial level and on an experimental basis. Recommendations are made on its membership, function and relationship with other organizations. The identification and diffusion of justifiable, scientific practice patterns will help reduce waste of scarce resources, maintain the role of the profession as guardian of the quality of care and ultimately benefit the patient.  相似文献   

The saprophyticLeptospira biflexa serovarpatoc 1 did not undergo a major reduction in size upon starvation, but starvation did result in greater adhesiveness of the leptospires. Adhesion may provide a strategy for survival of leptospires in oligotrophic habitats because these bacteria can scavenge fatty acids adsorbed at surfaces. Provision of an energy substrate (fetal calf serum) to starved cells resulted in an increase in cell size and motility and a decrease in adhesion of the leptospires. Glucose was not utilized as an energy source.  相似文献   

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