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There is now general agreement that the posterior parietal cortex is part of the motor system. New data have confirmed its fundamental role in visuomotor transformations. Most interestingly, recent data showed that the inferior parietal lobule codes motor acts (such as grasping) in a specific way according to the action in which they are embedded. This particular motor organization appears to provide a neural mechanism for higher order cognitive motor functions, including understanding of intention. These functions, and peripersonal space representation, are represented in areas of the inferior parietal lobule, where visual information from both the dorsal and the ventral stream is integrated with motor information.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthases (NOS) are enzymes that catalyze the generation of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine and require nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as a cofactor. At least three isoforms of NOS have been identified: neuronal NOS (nNOS or NOS I), inducible NOS (iNOS or NOS II), and endothelial NOS (eNOS or NOS II). Recent studies implicate NO in the regulation of gastric acid secretion. The aim of the present study was to localize the cellular distribution and characterize the isoform of NOS present in oxyntic mucosa. Oxyntic mucosal segments from rat stomach were stained by the NADPH-diaphorase reaction and with isoform-specific NOS antibodies. The expression of NOS in isolated, highly enriched (>98%) rat parietal cells was examined by immunohistochemistry, Western blot analysis, and RT-PCR. In oxyntic mucosa, histochemical staining revealed NADPH-diaphorase and nNOS immunoreactivity in cells in the midportion of the glands, which were identified as parietal cells in hematoxylin and eosin-stained step sections. In isolated parietal cells, decisive evidence for nNOS expression was obtained by specific immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, and RT-PCR. Cloning and sequence analysis of the PCR product confirmed it to be nNOS (100% identity). Expression of nNOS in parietal cells suggests that endogenous NO, acting as an intracellular signaling molecule, may participate in the regulation of gastric acid secretion.  相似文献   

The impulse discharges of neurons in the inferior parietal association cortex (area 7) were studied in the alert, behaving rhesus monkey, trained to fixate and follow visual targets. Four classes of cells related to visual or visuomotor function were found. Cells of one of these are sensitive to visual stimuli and have large, contralateral receptive fields with maximal sensitivity in the far temporal quadrants. Cells of the other three classes are related to visuomotor functions: visual fixation, tracking, and saccades. They are neither sensory nor motor in the usual sense for they are activated only by interested fixation of gaze or tracking, or before visually evoked saccadic eye movements. They are not activated during the spontaneous saccades and fixations that the monkey makes while casually exploring his environment. It is hypothesized that the light-sensitive neurons provide the visual input to the visuomotor cells that, in turn, produce a command signal for the direction of visual attention and for shifting the focus of attention from one target to another.  相似文献   

Stress, acting through glucocorticoids (GC), has profound effects on brain physiology and pathology and is causally implicated in depressive illness. Here, we consider the information derived from genetic models generated to probe the role of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis in depression. This essay also briefly reviews the status of knowledge regarding GC actions on neuronal birth, survival and death from the perspective of the importance of these phenomena in depression.  相似文献   

Neuronal architecture of the antennal lobe in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Computer reconstruction of the antennal lobe of Drosophila melanogaster has revealed a total of 35 glomeruli, of which 30 are located in the periphery of the lobe and 5 in its center. Several prominent glomeruli are recognizable by their location, size, and shape; others are identifiable only by their positions relative to prominent glomeruli. No obvious sexual dimorphism of the glomerular architecture was observed. Golgi impregnations revealed: (1) Five of the glomeruli are exclusive targets for ipsilateral antennal input, whereas all others receive afferents from both antennae. Unilateral amputation of the third antennal segment led to a loss of about 1000 fibers in the antennal commissure. Hence, about 5/6 of the approximately 1200 antennal afferents per side have a process that extends into the contralateral lobe. (2) Afferents from maxillary palps (most likely from basiconic sensilla) project into both ipsi-and contralateral antennal lobes, yet their target glomeruli are apparently not the same as those of antennal basiconic sensilla. (3) Afferents in the antennal lobe may also stem from pharyngeal sensilla. (4) The most prominent types of interneurons with arborizations in the antennal lobe are: (i) local interneurons ramifying in the entire lobe, (ii) unilateral relay interneurons that extend from single glomeruli into the calyx and the lateral protocerebrum (LPR), (iii) unilateral interneurons that connect several glomeruli with the LPR only, (iv) bilateral interneurons that link a small number of glomeruli in both antennal lobes with the calyx and LPR, (v) giant bilateral interneurons characterized by extensive ramifications in both antennal lobes and the posterior brain and a cell body situated in the midline of the suboesophageal ganglion, and (vi) a unilateral interneuron with extensive arborization in one antennal lobe and the posterior brain and a process that extends into the thorax. These structural results are discussed in the context of the available functional and behavioral data.Abbreviations AC antennal commissure - AMMC antennal mechanosensory and motor center - iACT, mACT, oACT inner/middle/outer antenno-cerebral tract - bACTI, uACTI bilateral/unilateral ACT relay interneuron - AN antennal nerve - AST antenno-suboesophageal tract - FAI fine arborization relay interneuron - GSI giant symmetric relay interneuron - LI local interneuron - LPR lateral protocerebrum - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - TI thoracic relay interneuron - bVI bilateral V-relay interneuron  相似文献   

Experimental studies of the effect on antibody affinity of antigen dose and time after immunization show that average affinity increases progressively with time after immunization, and that this increase is greater at lower doses of antigen. In this paper we describe a polyclonal computer model of the immune system that yields all the essential phenomena of affinity maturation, including dose-dependency. Our main findings are (1) the dose-dependency relationship is not produced when typical assumptions regarding B-cell populations and binding reactions are employed, and (2) it is possible to reproduce this dependency by assuming two classes of lymphocytes: generalists and specialists. Generalists have a low threshold for response and produce antibody of low effectiveness, whereas specialists have a high threshold for response, and produce highly effective antibody. We make an analogy between the generalists and a pioneer species in ecological succession, and suggest how the generalists may contribute to a more effective defense against real infections.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence in favor of the temporal-coding hypothesis that temporal correlation of neuronal discharges may serve to bind distributed neuronal activity into unique representations and, in particular, that θ (3.5-7.5 Hz) and δ (0.5 < 3.5 Hz) oscillations facilitate information coding. The θ- and δ-rhythms are shown to be involved in various sleep stages, and during anesthesia, they undergo changes with the depth of anesthesia. We introduce a thalamocortical model of interacting neuronal ensembles to describe phase relationships between θ- and δ-oscillations, especially during deep and light anesthesia. Asymmetric and long-range interactions among the thalamocortical neuronal oscillators are taken into account. The model results are compared with experimental observations. The δ- and θ-activities are found to be separately generated and are governed by the thalamus and cortex, respectively. Changes in the degree of intraensemble and interensemble synchrony imply that the neuronal ensembles inhibit information coding during deep anesthesia and facilitate it during light anesthesia.  相似文献   

Summary The concept of random deaths in a computational model for population dynamics is critically examined. We claim that it is just an artifact, albeit useful, of computational models to limit the size of the populations through the use of the socalled Verhulst factor and has no biological foundation. Alternative implementations of random deaths strategies are discussed and compared.  相似文献   

A neuronal model for stereopsis is described and simulated. Without the assumption of specific feature detectors, objects are unambiguously located in three-dimensional visual space. Random-dot stereograms are correctly resolved in depth with stimulus details conserved within planar contours.  相似文献   

The ability to model astronaut reorientations computationally provides a simple way to develop and study human motion control strategies. Since the cost of experimenting in microgravity is high, and underwater training can lead to motions inappropriate for microgravity, these techniques allow for motions to be developed and well-understood prior to any microgravity exposure. By including a model of the current space suit, we have the ability to study both intravehicular and extravehicular activities. We present several techniques for rotating about the axes of the body and show that motions performed by the legs create a greater net rotation than those performed by the arms. Adding a space suit to the motions was seen to increase the resistance torque and limit the available range of motion. While rotations about the body axes can be performed in the current space suit, the resulting motions generated a reduced rotation when compared to the unsuited configuration.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional role of the striatum in visuo-motor adaptation, we extend the DIRECT-model for visuo-motor reaching movements formulated by Bullock et al.(J Cogn Neurosci 5:408–435,1993) through two parallel loops, each modeling a distinct contribution of the cortico–cerebellar–thalamo–cortical and the cortico–striato–thalamo–cortical networks to visuo-motor adaptation. Based on evidence of Robertson and Miall(Neuroreport 10(5): 1029–1034, 1999), we implement the function of the cortico–cerebellar–thalamo–cortical loop as a module that gradually adapts to small changes in sensorimotor relationships. The cortico–striato–thalamo–cortical loop on the other hand is hypothesized to act as an adaptive search element, guessing new sensorimotor-transformations and reinforcing successful guesses while punishing unsuccessful ones. In a first step, we show that the model reproduces trajectories and error curves of healthy subjects in a two dimensional center-out reaching task with rotated screen cursor visual feedback. In a second step, we disable learning processes in the cortico–striato– thalamo–cortical loop to simulate subjects with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and show that this leads to error curves typical of subjects with PD. We conclude that the results support our hypothesis, i.e., that the role of the cortico–striato–thalamo–cortical loop in visuo-motor adaptation is that of an adaptive search element.  相似文献   

Area 5 of the cat cortex was studied by Nissl's method and by Golgi's chromate-silver impregnation method. Its typical six-layered structure with well-developed layers of pyramidal cells was revealed. The characteristic features of area 5 are: predominance of pyramidal cells in layers II–III and the presence of large forms (40×26 µ) among them (in layer III); giant pyramidal neurons (70×23 µ) arranged singly or nidally in layer V; large (diameter 25–30 µ) and giant (diameter 40–45 µ) stellate cells with radial dendrites, arranged singly or in groups in layers V–VI; infrequent efferent fusiform neurons (40×20 µ) in layers V–VI. Stellate cells connecting pyramidal neurons in the same or in different layers were found in layers II–VI. Some stellate cells in layers II–III form long horizontal connections within area 5. Interneuronal connections are effected by axosomatic and axodendritic terminals, the latter being more numerous; Dendrodendritic and axoaxonal synapses are less common.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 35–42, January–February, 1979.  相似文献   

Atherton TJ 《Spatial Vision》2002,15(4):415-441
A computational model is proposed for spatial orientation processing beyond the initial stage of linear filtering in visual cortex. The model accounts for orientation pop-out, edge location and orientation, and bar location and orientation. It naturally extends to higher order orientation symmetries. The model is consistent with much of the current understanding of early processing in mammalian visual cortex. It builds on the notions of orientation and spatial frequency specific simple cells, any subsequent non-linearity, and orientation 'pooling'. The processing treats simple cell energy, real, and imaginary responses in a unified way to generate 'feature maps'. The 'pooling' operation in each case is a discrete Fourier transform of the simple cell responses over orientation. The suggested processing has implications for psychophysics (e.g. providing an explanation of why orientation discrimination thresholds are more than an order of magnitude less than simple cell orientation bandwidths), provides some understanding of the variety of 'complex-cell' properties found in visual cortex, and provides a plausible starting point for subsequent processing.  相似文献   

Neuronal response in the cat association cortex (area 5) to conditioned and non-conditioned acoustic stimulation was investigated. Numbers of neurons responding to a conditioned acoustic stimulus according to the traditional reflex pattern were twice as high. Numbers of inhibitory neuronal responses to the stimulus increased when instrumental reflex occurred. Neurons were found which only reacted to a conditioned acoustic stimulus in the absence of conditioned reflex movement occurring with instrumental food reflex. Although findings do not exclude the possibility of this cortical area contributing to the analysis of sensory signals and evaluation of their biological significance, it might be supposed that its main functional property lies in its involvement in the process of initiating behavioral response to a conditioned response.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 637–645, September–October, 1988.  相似文献   

Neuronal interspike time histograms for a random input model.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Damage to the human parietal cortex leads to disturbances of spatial perception and of motor behaviour. Within the parietal lobe, lesions of the superior and of the inferior lobule induce quite different, characteristic deficits. Patients with inferior (predominantly right) parietal lobe lesions fail to explore the contralesional part of space by eye or limb movements (spatial neglect). In contrast, superior parietal lobe lesions lead to specific impairments of goal-directed movements (optic ataxia). The observations reported in this paper support the view of dissociated functions represented in the inferior and the superior lobule of the human parietal cortex. They suggest that a spatial reference frame for exploratory behaviour is disturbed in patients with neglect. Data from these patients'' visual search argue that their failure to explore the contralesional side is due to a disturbed input transformation leading to a deviation of egocentric space representation to the ipsilesional side. Data further show that this deviation follows a rotation around the earth-vertical body axis to the ipsilesional side rather than a translation towards that side. The results are in clear contrast to explanations that assume a lateral gradient ranging from a minimum of exploration in the extreme contralesional to a maximum in the extreme ipsilesional hemispace. Moreover, the failure to orient towards and to explore the contralesional part of space appears to be distinct from those deficits observed once an object of interest has been located and releases reaching. Although patients with neglect exhibit a severe bias of exploratory movements, their hand trajectories to targets in peripersonal space may follow a straight path. This result suggests that (i) exploratory and (ii) goal-directed behaviour in space do not share the same neural control mechanisms. Neural representation of space in the inferior parietal lobule seems to serve as a matrix for spatial exploration and for orienting in space but not for visuomotor processes involved in reaching for objects. Disturbances of such processes rather appear to be prominent in patients with more superior parietal lobe lesions and optic ataxia.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether local arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow along perivascular spaces (PVS) within the spinal cord. A theoretical model of the perivascular space surrounding a "typical" small artery was analysed using computational fluid dynamics. Systolic pulsations were modelled as travelling waves on the arterial wall. The effects of wave geometry and variable pressure conditions on fluid flow were investigated. Arterial pulsations induce fluid movement in the PVS in the direction of arterial wave travel. Perivascular flow continues even in the presence of adverse pressure gradients of a few kilopascals. Flow rates are greater with increasing pulse wave velocities and arterial deformation, as both an absolute amplitude and as a proportion of the PVS. The model suggests that arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause fluid flow in the perivascular space even against modest adverse pressure gradients. Local increases in flow in this perivascular pumping mechanism or reduction in outflow may be important in the etiology of syringomyelia.  相似文献   

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