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The Arabian Gazelle, Gazella arabica, was once widely distributed in Oman, but its population decreased through illegal hunting and capture of the species. It is now found in small, isolated populations in the country, but little is known about the size and dynamics of these populations. In November 2014 we conducted a survey to estimate the density and size of two populations in the Dhofar region, one in the foot-hills of Jabal Samhan and the other in the Nejd. Population densities were found to be 0.33 animals/km2 at Jabal Samhan and 0.28 animals/km2 in Nejd. The total population size for the two areas combined was extrapolated to be 1,737 animals.  相似文献   

Sites containing Acheulian, Sangoan, Fauresmith, and Middle Stone Age artefacts occur within and below the Bedded Tuff, a widespread volcaniclastic member of the Kapthurin Formation, Kenya. The Bedded Tuff eruptive complex consists of up to twelve tephra beds, intercalated sediments, and paleosols. Two pumiceous units, high in the Bedded Tuff sequence, have been dated by(40)Ar/(39)Ar, one to 235+/-2 ka (Deino & McBrearty, 2002, Journal of Human Evolution, 42, 185-210, cf. Tallon, 1978, Geological Background to Fossil Man, pp. 361-373, Scottish Academic Press), the other to 284+/-12 ka (Deino & McBrearty, 2001), the latter now providing a minimum age estimate for all underlying archaeological sites. Bedded Tuff outcrops are correlated through field stratigraphic and electron microprobe geochemical analyses of individual beds. Bedded Tuff units show increasingly evolved composition through the stratigraphic succession, indicating that the beds are the product of intermittent eruption of a single differentiating magma system, and the chemical signatures of these beds permit the chronological ordering of archaeological sites. Our results indicate that the transition to Middle Stone Age technology occurred prior to 285 ka in this region of East Africa. The interstratification of sites containing Acheulian, Sangoan, Fauresmith, and Middle Stone Age artefacts suggests that these technologies were contemporary in a single depositional basin over the duration of the transition.  相似文献   

This paper applies multivariate statistical methods to a data set of weed relevés from arable fields in two different habitat types of coastal and mountainous escarpments in Southern Oman. The objectives were to test the effect of environmental gradients, crop plants and time on weed species composition, to rank the importance of these particular factors, and to describe the patterns of species composition and diversity associated with these factors. Through the application of TWINSPAN, DCA and CCA programs on data relating to 102 species recorded in 28 plots and farms distributed in the study area, six plant communities were identified: I- Dichanthium micranthum, II- Cynodon dactylonD. micranthum, III- Convolvulus arvensis, IV- C. dactylonSonchus oleraceus, V- Amaranthus viridis and VI- Suaeda aegyptiacaAchyranthes aspera. The ordination process (CCA) provided a sequence of plant communities and species diversity that correlated with some anthropogenic factors, physiographic variables and crop types. Therefore, length of time since farm construction, disturbance levels and altitude are the most important factors related to the occurrence of the species. The perennial species correlated with the more degraded mountain areas of new farm stands, whereas most of the annuals correlated with old lowland and less disturbed farms.  相似文献   

Aim The Southern African orchid flora is taxonomically well known, but the biogeographical and diversity patterns have not yet been analysed. In particular, we want to establish whether (a) it is, like the Southern African flora in general, more diverse than would be expected from its latitude and area; (b) it is an African flora, or whether it contains palaeoendemic relicts of a Gondwanan orchid flora; (c) the diversity and endemism in the orchid flora is concentrated in particular biomes and habitat types; and (d) the patterns of endemism in the flora can be accounted for by current environmental parameters, or whether we need to invoke historical explanations. Location Southern Africa. Methods We used the recent floristic account of the Southern African orchids, in conjunction with a data base of over 14,642 herbarium records, to assign the species and subspecies of Southern African orchids to biomes, habitats, and clades. We explored the relationship between the number and endemism of entities (species, subspecies and varieties) and the biomes and habitats. We compared the richness of this flora with that of 31 other regions from all continents and latitudes, to establish whether the Southern African orchid flora is richer or poorer than expected. We assigned the Southern African orchid species to 16 monophyletic clades and mapped the global distribution of these clades to establish the continental affinities of the flora. Main conclusions The Southern African orchid flora is not any more diverse than could be expected from its latitude or area, while the two tropical African floras included were less diverse than expected. Latitude is an excellent predictor of regional orchid species richness; this might indicate that available habitat is more important for orchid diversity than gross area available, since latitude is probably correlated with the extent of suitable habitat. The Southern African orchid flora is clearly an African flora, since all clades are also found in tropical Africa, while many of them are absent from the Americas or Asia. Conversely, while most African orchid clades are also found in Southern Africa, both the Americas and Asia contain many clades absent from Africa. The distribution of orchid entities among the biomes in Southern Africa is very uneven, with two of the seven biomes totally devoid of orchids. Habitats and biomes that have no equivalent in tropical Africa are high in endemism, and habitats and biomes which are also well developed in tropical Africa are low in endemism. Endemism appears largely explained in terms of modern habitats. However, two patterns (the high endemism in the Succulent Karoo and the lack of endemism in the southern Cape among epiphytic orchids) may also be explained in terms of Quaternary climatic changes.  相似文献   

Middle phalangeal hair was found to be present in 71% if Saudi Arabian males. For those exhibiting this trait, the frequency of combinations of digits with hair was similar to the frequency in other populations.  相似文献   

K. Habibi 《Journal of Zoology》1997,241(4):791-801
Group dynamics of the Nubian ibex ( Capra ibex nubiana ), a sub-species adapted to arid environments, were studied at the Ibex Reserve, Saudi Arabia. Most of the animals (83%) were seen in mixed herds during the rut and post-rut. Mean group size of all sex-age categories was 7.2, with the majority of the ibex seen in groups of < 10. The sex ratio of adult animals was equal but that of juveniles, older than six months, was skewed towards females. Habitat structure, sparse vegetation cover and a small population size are factors that favour small group size. An equal adult sex ratio and a high number of juveniles indicate that the population has a high reproductive potential.  相似文献   

This work aims to outline the dynamics of trophic links between the three main microbial components (bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates) of the Farasan Archipelago in order to establish a baseline for future research in this area. The Farasan Archipelago lies along the southwestern coast of the Saudi Arabia, southern Red Sea between 16°20′–17°10′N and 41°30′–42°30′E and had been declared as marine and terrestrial reserve by the year 1996. Three different sites were chosen for this study, with each site visited bimonthly for 18 months from September 2016 to February 2018. Bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates were enumerated in order to explore the complex interactions between the main microbial categories in sea waters of the Farasan Archipelago. High abundances were recorded during the present study for bacteria (8.7 × 106 bacteria ml−1), nanoflagellates (3.7 × 104 TNAN ml−1) and ciliates (40.4 ciliates ml−1). The paper discusses the various potential pathways controlling the complex interactions between these microbial groups in this part of the southern Red Sea. It is concluded that a linear trophic chain consisting of bacteria; heterotrophic nanoflagellates; filter feeding ciliates is a major route by which the production of bacteria is transferred to the higher consuming levels, thereby confirming the high importance of t bottom-up control (food supply), alongside top-down control (predation) in regulating bacterial abundances in the Farasan Archipelago. During the present investigation, each nanoflagellate ingested between 11 and 87 bacteria in one hour, while each ciliate consumed between 20 and 185 nanoflagellates every hour. These calculated grazing rates of protistan eukaryotes confirmed the role of heterotrophic nanoflagellates as the main consumers of bacteria, and the role of ciliates as the major control for the heterotrophic nanoflagellate population dynamics, and thus the top predators within the microbial plankton assemblage in the Farasan Archipelago.  相似文献   

Previous genetic studies have suggested a history of sub-Saharan African gene flow into some West Eurasian populations after the initial dispersal out of Africa that occurred at least 45,000 years ago. However, there has been no accurate characterization of the proportion of mixture, or of its date. We analyze genome-wide polymorphism data from about 40 West Eurasian groups to show that almost all Southern Europeans have inherited 1%-3% African ancestry with an average mixture date of around 55 generations ago, consistent with North African gene flow at the end of the Roman Empire and subsequent Arab migrations. Levantine groups harbor 4%-15% African ancestry with an average mixture date of about 32 generations ago, consistent with close political, economic, and cultural links with Egypt in the late middle ages. We also detect 3%-5% sub-Saharan African ancestry in all eight of the diverse Jewish populations that we analyzed. For the Jewish admixture, we obtain an average estimated date of about 72 generations. This may reflect descent of these groups from a common ancestral population that already had some African ancestry prior to the Jewish Diasporas.  相似文献   

Sylvia K.  Sikes 《Journal of Zoology》1966,150(3):279-295
The need for a field method of determining and describing the relative age of African elephants collected in their natural habitat arose during a recent research project, and has led to an attempt to formulate a laminary age standard for use in the field, based upon direct observations and measurements on the lower right molars. For this purpose aseries of 31 African elephants of both sexes, covering almostthe complete potential age range of an elephant's life, and of known body condition, locality and size, has been used as the basis for constructing a reference chart of molar laminary age. Eye lens weights were also obtained for 26 of these specimens, but, although indicativeof a direct correlation with laminary age, they were obtained in insufficient numbers to provide an adequate sequence. Each of the specimens used was first observed alive, then shot and examined post mortem during the course of a research project*on cardiovascular disease, in which the determination of relative age formed an integral part.  相似文献   

An opportunistic and local choice of raw materials is typically attested in the Lower and Middle Paleolithic industries throughout Italy. The quality of the raw material usually affected the flaking technology and quality of the products. In the Upper Paleolithic and the Mesolithic, raw material procurement strategies were more complex. Flint was exploited both locally, in areas where abundant outcrops of raw materials were available (such as the Lessini mountains), and in distant localities, after which it was transported or exchanged over medium/long distances. Different routes of exchange were thus followed in the various periods; good reconstruction of these routes have been provided by a study of the Garfagnana sites in Northern Tuscany, and the Mesolithic deposit of Mondeval de Sora (Dolomites). An interesting example of a Late Upper Paleolithic flint quarry and workshop were found in Abruzzo, in the San Bartolomeo shelter. The extended trade of obsidian from Lipari, Palmarola and Sardinia to the Italian Peninsula is attested in the Neolithic, with some differences concerning the age and different areas.  相似文献   

On September 19, 1991, a body protruding from glacial ice was discovered in the Alps between Austria and Italy. Considered a forensic case, and having been found on Austrian soil according to initial information, it was transported to the Department of Forensic Medicine in Innsbruck. Rumors about the body not being recent were readily confirmed, and news about the body and accompanying equipment immediately spread all over the world. The body itself was shown to be a natural mummy, as opposed to a corpse that has been embedded in glacial ice for some time, where soft tissue generally changes into grave wax (adipocere). The mummy was male and was remarkably well preserved. The preserved condition of his equipment and some organic material was astonishingly good. Isotope dating of the body by means of the 14C method has given an age of about 3,300 BC, or Late Stone Age. A survey of the border, however, revealed that the body was found just on the Italian side (within the autonomous province South Tyrol), and not as first assumed, in Austria (the province Tyrol). But according to an agreement between South Tyrol and the University of Innsbruck, the body will be kept at the Department of Anatomy in Innsbruck for a period of at least three years for research purposes. The research is to be carried out on an international basis, and the first symposium about the find was held in Innsbruck, June 3–5, 1992.  相似文献   

《Journal of bacteriology》2009,191(6):1951-1960
We have identified a clonal complex of Mycobacterium bovis present at high frequency in cattle in population samples from several sub-Saharan west-central African countries. This closely related group of bacteria is defined by a specific chromosomal deletion (RDAf1) and can be identified by the absence of spacer 30 in the standard spoligotype typing scheme. We have named this group of strains the African 1 (Af1) clonal complex and have defined the spoligotype signature of this clonal complex as being the same as the M. bovis BCG vaccine strain but with the deletion of spacer 30. Strains of the Af1 clonal complex were found at high frequency in population samples of M. bovis from cattle in Mali, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Chad, and using a combination of variable-number tandem repeat typing and spoligotyping, we show that the population of M. bovis in each of these countries is distinct, suggesting that the recent mixing of strains between countries is not common in this area of Africa. Strains with the Af1-specific deletion (RDAf1) were not identified in M. bovis isolates from Algeria, Burundi, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. Furthermore, the spoligotype signature of the Af1 clonal complex has not been identified in population samples of bovine tuberculosis from Europe, Iran, and South America. These observations suggest that the Af1 clonal complex is geographically localized, albeit to several African countries, and we suggest that the dominance of the clonal complex in this region is the result of an original introduction into cows naïve to bovine tuberculosis.Mycobacterium bovis causes bovine tuberculosis (TB), an important disease of domesticated cattle that has a major economic and health impact throughout the world (61, 64, 65). The pathogen is a member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, which includes many species and subspecies that cause similar pathologies in a variety of mammalian hosts. The most notable member of the complex is M. tuberculosis, the most important bacterial pathogen of humans. In contrast to M. tuberculosis, which is largely host restricted to humans, M. bovis is primarily maintained in bovids, in particular, domesticated cattle, although the pathogen can frequently be recovered from other mammals, including humans (61). Bovine TB is found in cattle throughout the world and has been reported on every continent where cattle are farmed (3).Bovine TB has been reduced or eliminated from domestic cattle in many developed countries by the application of a test-and-cull policy that removes infected cattle (3, 8, 16, 17, 61, 64, 65). However, in Africa, although bovine TB is known to be common in both cattle and wildlife, control policies have not been enforced in many countries due to cost implications, lack of capacity, and infrastructure limitations (8, 16, 17, 57). In 1998, Cosivi et al. reported of bovine TB, “Of all nations in Africa, only seven apply disease control measures as part of a test-and-slaughter policy and consider bovine TB a notifiable disease; the remaining 48 control the disease inadequately or not at all” (16). In the intervening years, the situation is not thought to have improved (8); however, preliminary surveys of bovine TB have been carried out in some African countries (4, 7, 12, 37, 44, 49, 53, 54, 56).The most common epidemiological molecular-typing method applied to strains of M. bovis is spoligotyping. This method identifies polymorphism in the presence of spacer units in the direct-repeat (DR) region in strains of the M. tuberculosis complex (36, 67). The DR is composed of multiple, virtually identical 36-bp regions interspersed with unique DNA spacer sequences of similar size (direct variant repeat [DVR] units). Spacer sequences are unique to the DR region, and copies are not located elsewhere in the chromosome (68). The DR region may contain over 60 DVR units; however, 43 of the spacer units were selected from the spacer sequences of the M. tuberculosis reference strain H37Rv and M. bovis BCG strain P3 and are used in the standard application of spoligotyping to strains of the M. tuberculosis complex (29, 36). The DR region is polymorphic because of the loss (deletion) of single or multiple spacers, and each spoligotype pattern from strains of M. bovis is given an identifier (http://www.Mbovis.org).Several studies of the DR regions in closely related strains of M. tuberculosis have concluded that the evolutionary trend for this region is primarily loss of single DVRs or multiple contiguous DVRs (22, 29, 68); duplication of DVR units or point mutations in spacer sequences were found to be rare. The loss of discrete units observed by Groenen et al. (29) led them to suggest that the mechanism for spacer loss was homologous recombination between repeat units. However, a study by Warren et al. (69) suggested that for strains of M. tuberculosis, insertion of IS6110 sequences into the DR region and recombination between adjacent IS6110 elements were more important mechanisms for the loss of spacer units.The population structure of the M. tuberculosis group of organisms is apparently highly clonal, without any transfer and recombination of chromosomal sequences between strains (15, 30, 60, 61). In a strictly clonal population, the loss by deletion of unique chromosomal DNA cannot be replaced by recombination from another strain, and the deleted region will act as a molecular marker for the strain and all its descendants. Deletions of specific chromosomal regions (regions of difference [RDs] or large sequence polymorphisms) have been very successful at identifying phylogenetic relationships in the M. tuberculosis complex (11, 25, 26, 35, 48, 50, 61, 62, 66). However, because the loss of spoligotype spacer sequences is so frequent, identical spoligotype patterns can occur independently in unrelated lineages (homoplasy), and therefore, the deletion of spoligotype spacers may be an unreliable indicator of phylogenetic relationship (61, 69).In samples of M. bovis strains from Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad, and Mali, spoligotyping was used to show that many of the strains had similar spoligotype patterns that lacked spacer 30, and it has been suggested that strains from these four countries are phylogenetically related (12, 18, 49, 53). We have extended the previous observations of spoligotype similarities between strains from these countries and confirmed the existence of a unique clonal complex of M. bovis, all descended from a single strain in which a specific deletion of chromosomal DNA occurred. We have named this clonal complex of M. bovis strains African 1 (Af1), and we show that this clonal complex is dominant in these four west-central African countries but rare in eastern and southern Africa. Extended genotyping, using variable-number tandem repeats (VNTR), of strains with the most common spoligotype patterns suggests that each of these four west-central African countries has a unique population structure. Evolutionary scenarios that may have led to the present day distribution of the Af1 clonal complex are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of 353 museum specimens of the Echis coloratus complex from its entire range of distribution revealed an undescribed species in the United Arab Emirates and northern Oman. The results of UPGMA clustering and principal coordinate analysis of 138 male and 142 female specimens yielded for both sexes two major clusters, one with specimens from the UAE and northern Oman and one from southern and western Arabia, the Levant and Egypt. The new species has a longer tail with higher subcaudal counts; the lower prenasal scale is often missing and the upper prenasal is frequently fused with the nasal; the subnasal is often missing or fused with the nasal. The gular scales between the chin‐shield and the preventrals are round or only slightly elongate, not elongate as in Echis coloratus, and their number is higher. Other differences in characters of the gular area indicate a different scale structure of the ventral surface of the head. The new species is allopatric or parapatric with E. coloratus, but sympatric with Echis carinatus sochureki.  相似文献   

This article examines language socialization among African American cosmetology students. To constitute themselves as hair experts, freshman and senior students learn to distinguish between specialized and lay hair terminology, avoid loud talking, and ask clients' diagnostic questions. Students also reframe textbook metacommunicative theories using personal narrative, role-play, and "mother wit." Findings from this ethnographic and discourse analytic study highlight the actual processes through which students learn to speak as and hence, become "hair experts." Data further reveal how language learning is shaped by students' cultural and communal contexts.  相似文献   

Oliveira AG  Oliveira CA 《Life sciences》2011,89(15-16):588-594
The epididymal region plays an important role in the reproduction of roosters, as it is the site of functions important in the maintenance of fertility, including fluid and calcium reabsorption and sperm surface modifications. About 10 years ago, a reproductive dysfunction characterized by the formation of luminal calcium stones in the epididymal region of roosters was described. This anomaly, known as epididymal lithiasis, is associated with a significant decrease in the fertility of affected roosters. This reproductive anomaly has been observed in multiple countries and is thought to negatively impact the poultry industry; however, the cause of epididymal lithiasis has not been fully determined. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of epididymal lithiasis, including the presence of an infectious agent within the epididymal region, an autoimmune response, increased dietary calcium and vitamin D3 intake and the presence of genetic susceptibility factors; however, none of these has been proven to be the primary cause of the calcium stone formation. Nonetheless, considerable evidence suggests that regardless of the primary cause of epididymal lithiasis, this anomaly could result from a hormonal imbalance or a local impairment of calcium homeostasis in the epididymal region. The objectives of this mini-review are to 1) summarize the reproductive alterations observed in animals affected by epididymal lithiasis, 2) discuss the hypotheses proposed to explain the cause of luminal stone formation and 3) provide perspectives for future studies of this reproductive disorder.  相似文献   

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