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Previous evidence suggested that the hemopoietic-specific nuclear factor Ikaros regulates TCR signaling thresholds in mature T cells. In this study, we test the hypothesis that Ikaros also sets TCR signaling thresholds to regulate selection events and CD4 vs CD8 lineage determination in developing thymocytes. Ikaros null mice were crossed to three lines of TCR-transgenic mice, and positive selection, negative selection, and CD4 vs CD8 lineage decisions were analyzed. Mice expressing a polyclonal repertoire or a MHC class II-restricted TCR transgene exhibited enhanced positive selection toward the CD4 lineage. Moreover, in the absence of Ikaros, CD4 development can occur with decreased thresholds of TCR signaling. In addition, CD4 single-positive thymocytes were detected in MHC class I-restricted TCR-transgenic Ikaros null mice. To assess the role of Ikaros in negative selection, we analyzed deletion of T cells induced by conventional Ag or by endogenous superantigen. Surprisingly, negative selection was impaired in Ikaros null thymocytes despite evidence of high levels of TCR signal and no intrinsic defect in apoptosis ex vivo. To our knowledge, these data identify Ikaros as the first nuclear factor that plays a critical role in regulating negative selection as well as CD4 vs CD8 lineage decisions during positive selection.  相似文献   

CD4 T lymphocytes regulate the adaptive immune response to most viruses, both by providing help to CD8 T cells and B cells as well as through direct antiviral activity. Currently, no mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV)-specific CD4 T cell responses are known. In this study, we identify and characterize 15 I-A(b)-restricted CD4 T cell responses specific for MCMV epitopes. CD4 T cells accumulate to high levels in the spleen and lungs during acute infection and produce multiple cytokines (IFN-gamma, TNF, IL-2, IL-10, and IL-17). Interestingly, IL-17 and IFN-gamma production within epitope-specific cells was found to be mutually exclusive. CD4 T cells recognizing a peptide derived from m09 were only detectable at later times of infection and displayed a unique cytokine production profile. In total, this study reveals that the MCMV-specific CD4 T cell response is complex and functionally diverse, highlighting its important role in controlling this persistent pathogen.  相似文献   

Infection of mice with Listeria monocytogenes induces a strong CD8+ T cell response, which is critical for the control of bacteria and for protection against re-infection. We analyzed the CD8+ T cell response in different intestinal tissues following oral and intravenous (i.v.) L. monocytogenes infection. After oral infection, bacterial titers in small intestine and large intestine, and the listeria-specific CD8+ T cell response in the mucosa of both parts of the intestine, were highly correlated. Oral infection of CD28-deficient mice revealed that this response was strictly dependent on CD28 costimulation. Significant listeria-specific CD8+ T cell responses also occurred in all intestinal tissues analyzed after i.v. infection or after DNA vaccination, indicating that the accumulation of listeria-specific CD8+ T cells in these tissues only partially depends on local antigen presentation and inflammation.  相似文献   

A mAb directed against the CD3 molecule was used to identify a subset of CD3+, CD4-, CD8- T cells previously undefined in the peripheral lymphoid organs of the mouse. Biochemical analysis of CD3+, CD4-, CD8- splenocytes revealed that the vast majority of these cells express one of at least two distinct CD3-associated TCR gamma delta heterodimeric structures, but no detectable TCR alpha beta. One disulfide-linked heterodimer (77 kDa) is composed of two chains of 45 to 46 and 32 kDa. The latter chain was immunoprecipitated with an anti-TCR C gamma 1/C gamma 2 antiserum and was not glycosylated. An antiserum produced against a peptide corresponding to the C-terminal region of the predicted C gamma 4 gene product immunoprecipitated additional heterodimers (80 to 90 kDa). One heterodimer, composed of disulfide-linked 41- to 45-kDa protein (including a V gamma/C gamma 4 component), is expressed on a T cell hybridoma, DN-1.21, which was derived from fused splenic CD3+, CD4-, CD8- T cells. Another V gamma/C gamma 4-containing heterodimer is composed of disulfide-linked 46- to 47-kDa glycoproteins. These findings demonstrate that CD3+, CD4-, CD8- T cells present in the peripheral lymphoid organs express a variety of paired TCR gamma delta proteins. Unlike CD3+, CD4-, CD8- thymocytes, these cells express high levels of C gamma 4, but little, if any TCR alpha beta.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells are known to assist the CD8 T cell response by activating APC via CD40-CD40 ligand (L) interactions. However, recent data have shown that bacterial products can directly activate APC through Toll-like receptors, resulting in up-regulation of costimulatory molecules necessary for the efficient priming of naive T cells. It remains unclear what role CD4 T cell help and various costimulation pathways play in the development of CD8 T cell responses during bacterial infection. In this study, we examined these questions using an intracellular bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, as a model of infection. In CD4 T cell-depleted, CD4(-/-), and MHC class II(-/-) mice, L. monocytogenes infection induced CD8 T cell activation and primed epitope-specific CD8 T cells to levels commensurate with those in normal C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, these epitope-specific CD8 T cells established long-term memory in CD4(-/-) mice that was capable of mounting a protective recall response. In vitro analysis showed that L. monocytogenes directly stimulated the activation and maturation of murine dendritic cells. The CD8 T cell response to L. monocytogenes was normal in CD40L(-/-) mice but defective in CD28(-/-) and CD137L(-/-) mice. These data show that in situations where infectious agents or immunogens can directly activate APC, CD8 T cell responses are less dependent on CD4 T cell help via the CD40-CD40L pathway but involve costimulation through CD137-CD137L and B7-CD28 interactions.  相似文献   

Organ-specific CD4+ T cell response during Listeria monocytogenes infection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The immune response against the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes involves both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. We used the MHC class II-presented peptide listeriolysin(189-201) to characterize the organ-specific CD4(+) T cell response during infection. Systemic listeriosis resulted in a strong peptide-specific CD4(+) T cell response with frequencies of 1/100 and 1/30 CD4(+) splenocytes at the peak of primary and secondary response, respectively. This response was not restricted to lymphoid organs, because we detected specific CD4(+) T cells in all tissues analyzed. However, the tissue distribution of the T cell response was dependent on the route of infection. After i.v. infection, the strongest CD4(+) T cell response and the highest levels of memory cells were observed in spleen and liver, the major sites of L. monocytogenes replication. After oral infection, we detected a strong response in the liver, the lamina propria, and the intestinal epithelium. These tissues also harbored the highest frequencies of listeriolysin(189-201)-specific CD4(+) memory T cells 5-8 wk post oral infection. Our results show that kinetics and magnitude of the CD4(+) T cell response and the accumulation of CD4(+) memory T cells depend on the route of infection and are regulated in a tissue-specific way.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (AngII) is an important factor that promotes the proliferation of cancer cells, whereas celastrol exhibits a significant antitumor activity in various cancer models. Whether celastrol can effectively suppress AngII mediated cell proliferation remains unknown. In this study, we studied the effect of celastrol on AngII-induced HepG2 cell proliferation and evaluated its underlying mechanism. The results revealed that AngII was able to significantly promote HepG2 cell proliferation via up-regulating AngII type 1 (AT1) receptor expression, improving mitochondrial respiratory function, enhancing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase activity, increasing the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pro-inflammatory cytokines. The excess ROS from mitochondrial dysfunction is able to cause the apoptosis of tumor cells via activating caspase3 signal pathway. In addition, the reaction between NO and ROS results in the formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO?), and then promoting cell damage. celastrol dramatically enhanced ROS generation, thereby causing cell apoptosis through inhibiting mitochodrial respiratory function and boosting the expression levels of AngII type 2 (AT2) receptor without influencing NADPH oxidase activity. PD123319 as a special inhibitor of AT2R was able to effectively decreased the levels of inflammatory cytokines and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity, but only partially attenuate the effect of celastrol on AnII mediated HepG2 cell proliferation. Thus, celastrol has the potential for use in liver cancer therapy. ROS derived from mitochondrial is an important factor for celastrol to suppress HepG2 cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Pneumonia virus of mice (PVM) is a natural pathogen of mice and has been proposed as a tractable model for the replication of a pneumovirus in its natural host, which mimics human infection with human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). PVM infection in mice is highly productive in terms of virus production compared with the situation seen with RSV in mice. Because RSV suppresses CD8 T cell effector function in the lungs of infected mice, we have investigated the nature of PVM-induced CD8 T cell responses to study pneumovirus-induced T cell responses in a natural virus-host setting. PVM infection was associated with a massive influx of activated CD8 T cells into the lungs. After identification of three PVM-specific CD8 T cell epitopes, pulmonary CD8 T cell responses were enumerated. The combined frequency of cytokine-secreting CD8 T cells specific for the three epitopes was much smaller than the total number of activated CD8 T cells. Furthermore, quantitation of the CD8 T cell response against one of these epitopes (residues 261-270 from the phosphoprotein) by MHC class I pentamer staining and by in vitro stimulation followed by intracellular IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha staining indicated that the majority of pulmonary CD8 specific for the P261 epitope were deficient in cytokine production. This deficient phenotype was retained up to 96 days postinfection, similar to the situation in the lungs of human RSV-infected mice. The data suggest that PVM suppresses T cell effector functions in the lungs.  相似文献   

The TCR is comprised of two variable chains that confer specificity, called alpha:beta or gamma:delta, physically associated with five different molecules that comprise the complex known as CD3. Antibodies to this complex are very useful, as they react with all T lymphocytes. A rat mAb to mouse CD3 has been prepared. It reacts with 100% of T cells in all mouse strains tested but with no other cell type. It binds to the CD3 epsilon chain. This antibody activates cloned T cell lines and normal T cells, provided suitable accessory cells and signals are present. This antibody detects a determinant similar to but not identical with those detected by two previously reported hamster anti-CD3 epsilon antibodies. This antibody fixes C efficiently, and it is thus useful for depletion of T cells from bulk populations. Activation of T cells by one of the three different anti-CD3 epsilon antibodies was inhibited by the Fab fragment of anti-CD4, similar to the effects of anti-CD4 Fab on two previously reported anti-TCR V region antibodies that bind a CD3 epsilon-associated epitope. This further defines a site involving TCR V regions and CD3 epsilon with which CD4 appears to associate during T cell activation.  相似文献   

Incubation of human T lymphocytes with saturating concentrations of combinations of certain anti-CD2 and -CD4 mAb results in reciprocal down-regulation of the cell surface density expression of the respective CD molecules. Such reciprocal down-regulation occurs at 0 degrees C in the presence of sodium azide and appears selective for CD2 and CD4 molecules because mAb identifying various other CD T cell surface molecules (anti-Leu2a, -OK-CLL, -W6/32, -beta 2-microglobulin, -4B4) do not modulate CD2 or CD4 R density, and because anti-CD2 mAb (anti-OKT11 and -D66 clone-1) do not alter CD8 R density (anti-OKT8, -Leu2a) and vice versa. Down-regulation of CD2 by mAb specific to CD4 is epitope-specific but does not vary on the basis of the antibody isotype used. The anti-CD4 mAb, Leu3a, was the strongest CD2 down-regulator examined followed by OKT4F. mAb specific to other CD4 epitopes (B, C, D, and E) caused only slight down-regulation of CD2 expression whereas anti-OKT4 and -OKT4A mAb had no significant regulatory effect. Also, mAb specific to the 9.6 (anti-OKT11) and D66 (anti-D66 clone 1) epitopes of the CD2 molecule down-regulated CD4 density detectable with Leu3a, OKT4, and OKT4A anti-CD4 mAb. Down-regulation of CD2 by anti-CD4 mAb also occurred with the transformed T cell line, KE-37, which demonstrates that such effects can occur without mononuclear phagocytic accessory cells. From these data it can be concluded that important T cell immunoregulatory signals may be transmitted intramembranally between CD2 and CD4 glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic cells constitutively express CD31/PECAM1, a signaling adhesion receptor associated with controlling responses to inflammatory stimuli. Although expressed on CD4(+) T cells, its function on these cells is unclear. To address this, we have used a model of systemic Salmonella infection that induces high levels of T cell activation and depends on CD4(+) T cells for resolution. Infection of CD31-deficient (CD31KO) mice demonstrates that these mice fail to control infection effectively. During infection, CD31KO mice have diminished numbers of total CD4(+) T cells and IFN-γ-secreting Th1 cells. This is despite a higher proportion of CD31KO CD4(+) T cells exhibiting an activated phenotype and an undiminished capacity to prime normally and polarize to Th1. Reduced numbers of T cells reflected the increased propensity of naive and activated CD31KO T cells to undergo apoptosis postinfection compared with wild-type T cells. Using adoptive transfer experiments, we show that loss of CD31 on CD4(+) T cells alone is sufficient to account for the defective CD31KO T cell accumulation. These data are consistent with CD31 helping to control T cell activation, because in its absence, T cells have a greater propensity to become activated, resulting in increased susceptibility to become apoptotic. The impact of CD31 loss on T cell homeostasis becomes most pronounced during severe, inflammatory, and immunological stresses such as those caused by systemic Salmonella infection. This identifies a novel role for CD31 in regulating CD4 T cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

The number of virus-specific CD8 T cells increases substantially during an acute infection. Up to 90% of CD8 T cells are virus specific following lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. In contrast, studies identifying virus-specific CD4 T cell epitopes have indicated that CD4 T cells often recognize a broader array of Ags than CD8 T cells, consequently making it difficult to accurately quantify the total magnitude of pathogen-specific CD4 T cell responses. In this study, we show that CD4 T cells become CD11a(hi)CD49d(+) after LCMV infection and retain this expression pattern into memory. During the effector phase, all the LCMV-specific IFN-γ(+) CD4 T cells display a CD11a(hi)CD49d(+) cell surface expression phenotype. In addition, only memory CD11a(hi)CD49d(+) CD4 T cells make IFN-γ after stimulation. Furthermore, upon secondary LCMV challenge, only CD11a(hi)CD49d(+) memory CD4 T cells from LCMV-immune mice undergo proliferative expansion, demonstrating that CD11a(hi)CD49d(+) CD4 T cells are truly Ag specific. Using the combination of CD11a and CD49d, we demonstrate that up to 50% of the CD4 T cells are virus specific during the peak of the LCMV response. Our results indicate that the magnitude of the virus-specific CD4 T cell response is much greater than previously recognized.  相似文献   

T cells play an essential role in driving humoral autoimmunity in lupus. Molecules such as TRAIL exhibit strong T cell modulatory effects and are up-regulated in lupus, raising the possibility that they may influence disease severity. To address this possibility, we examined the role of TRAIL expression on pathogenic T cells in an induced model of murine lupus, the parent-into-F(1) (P-->F(1)) model of chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD), using wild-type or TRAIL-deficient donor T cells. Results were compared with mice undergoing suppressive acute GVHD. Although chronic GVHD mice exhibited less donor T cell TRAIL up-regulation and IFN-alpha-inducible gene expression than acute GVHD mice, donor CD4(+) T cell TRAIL expression in chronic GVHD was essential for sustaining effector CD4(+) Th cell numbers, for sustaining help to B cells, and for more severe lupus-like renal disease development. Conversely, TRAIL expression on donor CD8(+) T cells had a milder, but significant down-regulatory effect on CTL effector function, affecting the perforin/granzyme pathway and not the Fas ligand pathway. These results indicate that, in this model, T cell-expressed TRAIL exacerbates lupus by the following: 1) positively regulating CD4(+) Th cell numbers, thereby sustaining T cell help for B cells, and 2) to a lesser degree by negatively regulating perforin-mediated CD8(+) CTL killing that could potentially eliminate activated autoreactive B cells.  相似文献   

Homeostasis of the naive CD4+ T cell compartment during aging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite thymic involution, the number of naive CD4(+) T cells diminishes slowly during aging, suggesting considerable peripheral homeostatic expansion of these cells. To investigate the mechanisms behind, and consequences of, naive CD4+ T cell homeostasis, we evaluated the age-dependent dynamics of the naive CD4+ T cell subsets CD45RA+CD31+ and CD45RA+CD31-. Using both a cross-sectional and longitudinal study design, we measured the relative proportion of both subsets in individuals ranging from 22 to 73 years of age and quantified TCR excision circle content within those subsets as an indicator of proliferative history. Our findings demonstrate that waning thymic output results in a decrease in CD45RA+CD31+ naive CD4+ T cells over time, although we noted considerable individual variability in the kinetics of this change. In contrast, there was no significant decline in the CD45RA+CD31- naive CD4+ T cell subset due to extensive peripheral proliferation. Our longitudinal data are the first to demonstrate that the CD45RA+CD31+CD4+ subset also undergoes some in vivo proliferation without immediate loss of CD31, resulting in an accumulation of CD45RA+CD31+ proliferative offspring. Aging was associated with telomere shortening within both subsets, raising the possibility that accumulation of proliferative offspring contributes to senescence of the naive CD4+ T cell compartment in the elderly. In contrast, we observed retention of clonal TCR diversity despite peripheral expansion, although this analysis did not include individuals over 65 years of age. Our results provide insight into naive CD4+ T cell homeostasis during aging that can be used to better understand the mechanisms that may contribute to immunosenescence within this compartment.  相似文献   

A CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocyte cell line, 257-20-109 was established from BALB/c mice thymocytes and used to analyze the requirements to induce CD4 or CD8 single-positive (SP) T cells. CD4SP cells were induced from 257-20-109 cells by anti-CD3 stimulation in the presence of the FcR-positive macrophage cell line, P388D1. During stimulation, maturation events, such as the down-regulation of CD24 and the up-regulation of CD69, H-2D(d), CD5, and Bcl-2, were recognized. Furthermore, these CD4SP cells appeared to be functional because the cells produced IL-2 and IL-4 when activated with phorbol ester and calcium ionophore. In contrast, CD8SP cells could be induced by stimulation with fixed anti-CD3 after removal of stimulation. To investigate the extent of signals required for CD4SP and CD8SP, the cells stimulated under either condition for 2 days were sorted and transferred to different culture conditions. These results suggested that the fate of lineage commitment was determined within 2 days, and that CD4 lineage commitment required longer activation. Furthermore, the experiments with subclones of 257-20-109 demonstrated that the lower density of CD3 did not shift the cells from CD4SP to CD8SP, but only reduced the amount of CD4SP cells. In contrast, when the 257-20-109 cells were stimulated by the combination of fixed anti-CD3 and anti-CD28, the majority of the cells shifted to CD4SP, with an enhancement of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 phosphorylation. Our results indicate that the signals via TCR/CD3 alone shifted the double-positive cells to CD8SP cells, but the reinforced signals via TCR/CD3 and costimulator could commit the cells to CD4SP.  相似文献   

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