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Weakly electric fish can learn the spatial layout of their environment using only their short-range electric sense. During spatial learning, active sensing motions are used to memorize landmark locations so that they can serve as anchors for idiothetic-based navigation. A hindbrain feedback circuit selectively amplifies the electrosensory input arising from these motions. The ascending electrolocation pathway preferentially transmits this information to the pallial regions involved in spatial learning and navigation. Similarities in both behavioral patterns and hindbrain circuitry of gymnotiform and mormyrid fish, two families that independently evolved their electrosense, suggest that amplification and transmission of active sensing motion inputs are fundamental mechanisms for spatial memory acquisition.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2008,53(5):621-630
According to some researchers, animals show different coping styles to deal with stressful situations. In the case of social carnivores, social stress is a substantial part of the overall stress load. Previous research has established two extreme (proactive and reactive) coping styles in several animal species, but means of coping with social stress has not yet been investigated in the case of dogs. The aim of this current study was to examine whether (1) experienced working police dogs adopt different coping strategies during a short-term unexpected social challenge presented by a threatening human, (2) whether this affects post-encounter cortisol levels, and (3) whether there is an association between the cortisol response and the behavior (coping strategy) displayed during the threatening approach. Using factor analysis, we have identified three different group of dogs which were characterized by either fearfulness, aggressiveness, or ambivalence and in parallel showed specific differences in their reaction norm when threatened by an approaching stranger. This grouping also allowed to draw possible parallels between aggressiveness and the proactive behavior style and fearfulness and reactive coping style, respectively. In addition, we have revealed a third group of animals which show ambivalent behavior in a social threatening situation.  相似文献   

According to some researchers, animals show different coping styles to deal with stressful situations. In the case of social carnivores, social stress is a substantial part of the overall stress load. Previous research has established two extreme (proactive and reactive) coping styles in several animal species, but means of coping with social stress has not yet been investigated in the case of dogs. The aim of this current study was to examine whether (1) experienced working police dogs adopt different coping strategies during a short-term unexpected social challenge presented by a threatening human, (2) whether this affects post-encounter cortisol levels, and (3) whether there is an association between the cortisol response and the behavior (coping strategy) displayed during the threatening approach. Using factor analysis, we have identified three different group of dogs which were characterized by either fearfulness, aggressiveness, or ambivalence and in parallel showed specific differences in their reaction norm when threatened by an approaching stranger. This grouping also allowed to draw possible parallels between aggressiveness and the proactive behavior style and fearfulness and reactive coping style, respectively. In addition, we have revealed a third group of animals which show ambivalent behavior in a social threatening situation.  相似文献   

How locomotory performance is influenced by prior experience and behaviour is of adaptive significance. The relationship between kinematics, behaviour and performance was investigated by assessing a previously undescribed mode of climbing locomotion performed by adult Pacific lamprey. The lampreys were challenged with a 1.4 m vertical weir under an experimental setting. The majority of ascents used intermittent bouts of climbing (on an average approximately one-fifth of total ascent time) via powerful cycles of axial undulation at 0.35–1.25 Hz, interspersed with periods of stationary attachment with the oral disk. However, two of the most rapid ascents (57 and 85 s) occurred during one continuous bout at a low cycle frequency ( c . 0.38 and 0.50 Hz). Probability of success and ascent time was positively related to experience climbing the weir. The ratio of time spent actively climbing to time spent resting decreased with distance travelled, indicating fatigue. Ascents with long periods of activity had correspondingly high durations of recovery. Moreover, time to ascend was positively related to the proportion of time spent stationary in ascents that took <300 s. The findings suggest that modification of intermittent locomotion allows Pacific lamprey to compensate for variation in climbing performance and can extend distance travelled before exhaustion.  相似文献   

A negative relationship between reproductive effort and survival is consistent with life-history. Evolutionary dynamics and evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for the trade-off between survival and reproduction are investigated using a simple model with two phenotypes, fearfulness and boldness. The dynamical stability of the pure strategy model and analysis of ESS conditions reveal that: (i) the simple coexistence of fearfulness and boldness is impossible; (ii) a small population size is favorable to fearfulness, but a large population size is favorable to boldness, i.e., neither fearfulness, nor boldness is always favored by natural selection; and (iii) the dynamics of population density is crucial for a proper understanding of the strategy dynamics.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - Despite the promising applications of genome-wide information to conservation, the field of conservation genomics remains hindered by a research-practice...  相似文献   

Maternal behavior of Koltushi High- and Low-avoidance (KHA and KLA) rats strains was assessed over the prewealing period (days 6-21). Ten litters of each strain were observed during the light phase of the light/dark cycle. In a series of experiments, rat pups were taken from the maternal nest and placed into the opposite corner of the cage. The following parameters of the maternal behavior were recorded: the latency of the first contact with the pups, pup licking, latency of carrying/retrieval of the first pup back to the nest, time of returning to the nest of the whole litter, and mother's spontaneous behavior (grooming and locomotion time) over the course of 10 min of observation. KLA mothers stayed with their pups and took care of them more frequently than KHA mothers during the light phase of the circadian cycle. Time of self-grooming was significantly higher in KHA rats. The highest levels of self-grooming of mothers was registered on the first day of testing. The latency of the first coming to pups after their removal from the nest was lower in KHA rats, but they needed more time to returned all pups to the nest. The experimental evidence suggests that the KHA but not KLA rats with the active coping style and higher stress reactivity display disorders in maternal behavior in a novel situation.  相似文献   

Stress coping styles have been characterized as a proactive/reactive dichotomy in laboratory and domesticated animals. In this study, we examined the prevalence of proactive/reactive stress coping styles in wild-caught short-tailed singing mice (Scotinomys teguina). We compared stress responses to spontaneous singing, a social and reproductive behavior that characterizes this species. To establish proactive/reactive profiles for singing mice, we measured exploratory and anxiety behavior using an open-field behavioral test. We examined correlations between open-field behaviors and fecal corticosterone (CORT) metabolites, baseline plasma CORT, and stress-induced CORT. Mice with proactive behavioral responses in the open-field had higher fecal CORT titers than reactive males, but did not differ in baseline or stress-induced plasma CORT. We suggest that individual differences in CORT metabolism may contribute to this surprising pattern. Males that sang in the open-field were behaviorally proactive and had lower stress-induced CORT, indicating a link between stress responses and singing in this species. Overall, the data demonstrate that singing mice offer an interesting model for exploring how stress reactivity can shape social behaviors.  相似文献   

Distances of detection and flight away of reindeer disturbed by approaching human on foot were used to compare reindeer alertness and vigilance. Population differences depended on genetic origin (wild, feral, and tame reindeer) and hunting. No correlations of vigilance and alertness were found with presence of predators, sex composition of herds, and presence of newborns in herd. Herd size affecting jointly with genetic origin or hunting had negative correlation with alertness.  相似文献   

When animals in a group live under predation threat, the fate of each individual depends on the way it reacts to danger, but also on the behaviour of its companions. Game theory should then help to understand the evolution of fearful behaviour in gregarious animals. To illustrate this approach, a model determines evolutionarily stable levels of fearfulness in bird flocks, assuming that flocks are the object of both predatory attacks and nonlethal disturbance. In the model, high levels of flightiness limit the risk of being killed by predators, but increase the amount of energy lost in flights during the season. The predicted levels of fearfulness are extremely variable. They depend on the respective frequencies of predatory attacks and simple disturbing events, and on the capacity of birds to detect and escape predators. These results may help to explain the variability of flightiness reported in birds.  相似文献   

The correlations between measurements of a variety of responses, including approach, avoidance, nature of contact with the stimulus, tail position and posture, to a large number of stimuli were analysed. In general, the measurements were correlated, indicating a general trait of fearfulness, but some of the correlations were very low. Factor analysis showed that measurements were more likely to be highly correlated if they were based on similar responses, or used similar stimuli, or were made close together in time. In most cases, it was avoidance responses which were most highly correlated with fearfulness as assessed by guide dog trainers. Adult fearfulness could be predicted to some degree from fearfulness at 3 months of age, but the accuracy of the prediction improved with age.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,13(3):217-225
Vocalisation is important in the transmission of fear/alarm among chickens. In this experiment, therefore, the effects of various conspecific calls on tonic immobility, a fear-potentiated, anti-predator response, were examined in adult laying hens. The shortest durations of immobility were observed after exposure to recordings of either the familiar background noise of the poultry house of ‘Ku’ calls which are normally associated with feeding. These stimuli exerted similar effects and both are considered more likely to attenuate rather than heighten fearfulness. Intermediate levels of immobility followed presentation of the post-laying cackle whereas recordings of warning calls, such as the aerial predator call, the ground predator call or the fear squawk, all significantly prolonged tonic immobility. The biological significance of these results is discussed in terms of fear and predator-defence.  相似文献   

We investigated in the present study the neuroendocrine correlates in intruder and resident rats of a social confrontation. Adult male Wistar rats (intruders) were introduced into the home cage of a well-trained resident to induce characteristic agonistic interactions including physical attacks prior to separation by a wire mesh. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and the intrahypothalamic release of arginine vasopressin (AVP) were monitored via chronically implanted jugular venous catheters and microdialysis probes aimed at the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), respectively. Based on the behavioral data collected during the 30-min confrontation, intruders and residents were additionally classified into two different subgroups: intruders which showed almost no freezing behavior (active copers) versus those showing pronounced freezing behavior (passive copers) and residents which were either predominantly aggressive or non-aggressive. The neuroendocrine data show that social confrontation caused a significantly increased secretion of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) into plasma in both intruder subgroups, independently of their coping strategy. In contrast, plasma ACTH in residents was increased in response to social confrontation in non-aggressive animals only, whereas aggressive residents failed to mount an ACTH response. Interestingly, plasma AVP decreased in response to social confrontation in active intruders. As measured in microdialysates, the two groups of residents and passive intruders failed to show significant changes of intra-PVN release of AVP. In contrast, an increased release of this neuropeptide within the PVN could be monitored for active intruders. The data of the present study suggest that the different interpretation of an aversive encounter results in differences in the neuroendocrine response and intrahypothalamic vasopressinergic signaling in intruders versus residents.  相似文献   

Maternal nutrition can have long‐term effects on offspring morphology, physiology and behaviours. However, it is unclear whether mothers ‘program’ offspring behavioural coping strategy (proactive/reactive) according to the predicted nutritional quality of their future environment. We conducted a systematic review on this topic and meta‐analytically synthesized relevant experimental data on mice and rats (46 studies). We included data from experiments where dams were subjected to caloric restriction, protein restriction or overfeeding around gestation and subsequently measured offspring activity, exploration, or anxiety. Overall, little evidence existed for effects of maternal nutrition on the three investigated behavioural traits. The high heterogeneity observed in the data set suggests that maternal programming may sometimes occur. However, because offspring had access to a balanced diet before testing, behaviours may have been reprogrammed. Our results may indicate that reprogrammed behaviours could ameliorate negative effects associated with sub‐optimal nutrition in early life. Further, our systematic review revealed clear knowledge gaps and fruitful future research avenues.  相似文献   

Social hierarchy position in humans is negatively correlated with stress-related psychiatric disease risk. Animal models have largely corroborated human studies, showing that social rank can impact stress susceptibility and is considered to be a major risk factor in the development of psychiatric illness. Differences in stress coping style is one of several factors that mediate this relationship between social rank and stress susceptibility. Coping styles encompass correlated groupings of behaviors associated with differential physiological stress responses. Here, we discuss recent insights from animal models that highlight several neural circuits that can contribute to social rank–associated differences in coping style.  相似文献   

Change in water level during the annual hydrologic cycle of tropical floodplain rivers results in continuous disassembly and reassembly of faunal communities in littoral habitat patches. As such, the rate of water level change should influence colonization rates of vagile organisms among habitat patches. We experimentally tested this hypothesis in a Venezuela floodplain river using artificial rocky patches as sampling units, water level change as the independent variable, and total number of individual fish that colonized a patch as the response variable. Water level significantly affected the total number of individuals that colonized patch habitats, i.e., rapidly receding waters were associated with higher colonization rates. Results suggest that water-level recession directly affects community assembly by influencing the rate at which individuals abandon and colonize local habitat patches.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have investigated the emotional effects of various acute, potentially alarming events in animals, but little is known about how an accumulation of emotional experiences affects fearfulness. Fearfulness is a temperament trait that characterizes the propensity of an individual to be frightened by a variety of alarming events. The aim of this study was to investigate a putative alteration of fearfulness in sheep repeatedly exposed to various aversive events. Forty-eight 5-month-old female lambs were used. Over a period of 6 weeks, 24 of them (treated group) were exposed daily to various unpredictable and uncontrollable aversive events related to predatory cues, social context and negative handling that can occur under farming conditions. The other 24 lambs (control group) were housed in standard farming conditions (predictable food distribution and group handling). Fearfulness (behavioural and physiological responses) was assessed before and after the treatment period by subjecting the lambs to three standardized tests: individual exposure to suddenness and then to novelty in a test arena, and group exposure to a motionless human in the home pen. As biomarkers of stress, leukocyte counts, heart rate and cortisol concentrations were measured in the lambs in their home pens. Before the treatment, the emotional responses of the groups did not differ. After the treatment, treated lambs approached the human less often, had less contact with the novel object and vocalized more than controls in individual tests, suggesting that long-term exposure to unpredictable and uncontrollable aversive events increases subsequent fearfulness in sheep. In addition, treated lambs had lower leukocyte counts, heart rate and cortisol levels, pointing to a chronic stress state. These findings suggest that increased fearfulness may be used as a sign of chronic stress in farm animals.  相似文献   

Consistent and heritable individual differences in reaction to challenges, often referred to as stress coping styles, have been extensively documented in vertebrates. In fish, selection for divergent post-stress plasma cortisol levels in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) has yielded a low (LR) and a high responsive (HR) strain. A suite of behavioural traits is associated with this physiological difference, with LR (proactive) fish feeding more rapidly after transfer to a new environment and being socially dominant over HR (reactive) fish. Following transport from the UK to Norway, a switch in behavioural profile occurred in trout from the 3rd generation; HR fish regained feeding sooner than LR fish in a novel environment and became dominant in size-matched HR–LR pairs. One year after transport, HR fish still fed sooner, but no difference in social dominance was found. Among offspring of transported fish, no differences in feeding were observed, but as in pre-transported 3rd generation fish, HR fish lost fights for social dominance against size-matched LR opponents. Transported fish and their offspring retained their distinctive physiological profile throughout the study; HR fish showed consistently higher post-stress cortisol levels at all sampling points. Altered risk-taking and social dominance immediately after transport may be explained by the fact that HR fish lost more body mass during transport than did LR fish. These data demonstrate that some behavioural components of stress coping styles can be modified by experience, whereas behavioural plasticity is limited by genetic effects determining social position early in life story.  相似文献   

Using light and electron microscopy and fluorescent probes, we followed the ontogenesis of selected organs in embryos of several species of tilapia (Cichlidae, Pisces) with emphasis on chloride cell differentiation in species with two different reproductive styles: we compared the substrate-brooder Tilapia zillii and the mouth-brooders Oreochromis niloticus, O. aureus, Sarotherodon galilaeus, and Tristramella sacra. In all species a transitory blood network system nurtured by the vena caudalis inferiores supplied the yolk sac and preanal finfold during the advanced stages of embryonic and initial stages of larval development. During these stages chloride cells occurred on the yolk sac, as a part of the abdominal epithelium. The cells and their associated blood plexus remained active here until the gill-lamellae, operculum, and mouth became functional. The chloride cells of their epithelium and blood system then took over, concomitant with a gradual degradation of the transitory blood system on the yolk sac. Ontogenesis of these systems (transitory and permanent) progressed at a higher rate in substrate-brooders than in mouth-brooders and was correlated with the earlier functioning of the gill-operculum system. Thus, at a constant temperature of 26 degrees C, the more exposed T. zillii progeny completed metamorphosis at 7-8 days after fertilization, calculated around 5,000 +/- 80 h/temp, whereas juveniles of more protected mouth-brooders attained a similar stage only 15 +/- 1 days after fertilization and around 9,000 +/- 200 h/temp. This earlier development of chloride cells and other pivotal organs in environmentally exposed progeny of substrate-brooders, as compared to the protected progeny of mouth-brooders, shows that their ontogeny was selected for the optimal survival style under specific etho-ecological conditions.  相似文献   

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