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Autoimmune bullous disease is very uncommon in non‐human primates. We observed a bullous skin disease in a male rhesus monkey while conducting porcine islet xenotransplantation. Fifty days after the transplantation, multiple bullous skin lesions were observed. There was no mucosal involvement. Skin biopsy results demonstrated a subepidermal blister with no necrotic keratinocytes. Immunofluorescent staining showed linear IgG deposition at the roof of the blister. These skin lesions spontaneously disappeared. Considering these results, this monkey was diagnosed with bullous pemphigoid (BP). As far as we know, this is the first report of BP in non‐human primates.  相似文献   

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) is a genetically heterogeneous group of inherited muscular disorders manifesting symmetric, proximal, and slowly progressive muscle weakness. Using Affymetrix 250K SNP Array genotyping and homozygosity mapping, we mapped an autosomal-recessive LGMD phenotype to the telomeric portion of chromosome 8q in a consanguineous Turkish family with three affected individuals. DNA sequence analysis of PLEC identified a homozygous c.1_9del mutation containing an initiation codon in exon 1f, which is an isoform-specific sequence of plectin isoform 1f. The same homozygous mutation was also detected in two additional families during the analysis of 72 independent LGMD2-affected families. Moreover, we showed that the expression of PLEC was reduced in the patient's muscle and that there was almost no expression for plectin 1f mRNA as a result of the mutation. In addition to dystrophic changes in muscle, ultrastructural alterations, such as membrane duplications, an enlarged space between the membrane and sarcomere, and misalignment of Z-disks, were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Unlike the control skeletal muscle, no sarcolemmal staining of plectin was detected in the patient's muscle. We conclude that as a result of plectin 1f deficiency, the linkage between the sarcolemma and sarcomere is broken, which could affect the structural organization of the myofiber. Our data show that one of the isoforms of plectin plays a key role in skeletal muscle function and that disruption of the plectin 1f can cause the LGMD2 phenotype without any dermatologic component as was previously reported with mutations in constant exons of PLEC.  相似文献   

Regulated GluA2 AMPA receptor subunit expression, RNA editing, and membrane localization are fundamental determinants of neuronal Ca(2+) influx, and underlie basic functions such as memory and the primary brain disorder epilepsy. Consistent with this, AMPARs, and specifically GluA2, are targets of common antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and antidepressants. Recently, epidemiological associations between epilepsy and increased cataract prevalence were found comparable to cataract links with diabetes and smoking. Similarly, use of AEDs and several antidepressants also showed links with increased cataract. Here, we demonstrated GluA2 in lenses, consistent with REST/NRSF and REST4 we described previously in lenses, as well as GluA1 and ADAR2 in the lens. Surprisingly, we found predominant neuron-like Q/R editing of GluA2 RNAs also occurs in the lens and evidence of lens GluA2 phosphorylation and STEP phosphatases linked with GluA2 membrane localization in neurons. This study is among the first to show GluA2 expression and predominant Q/R RNA editing in a non-neural cell. Our results suggest GluA2 AMPARs have related roles in lens physiology and disease processes, and provide evidence these anticonvulsant and antidepressant drug targets also occur in the lens.  相似文献   

We found a female cataractous DDD/1-nu/+ mouse and established a hairy mutant strain (DDD/1-Cti/Cti) with 100% incidence of cataract from it by repeating sibmating. Genetic studies demonstrated that a single autosomal semidominant gene controls cataractogenesis. This gene was named Cti. In homozygotes, DDD/1-Cti/Cti, the lenses began to opacify at 14 days of fetal life and were recognized clinically as cataract at 13-14 days of age when the eyes first open. The opacification became more and more intense with age and looked like mature cataract at 28-42 days of age. However, clarification of the opacified lenses commenced at the periphery after 56 days of age and expanded to the inside with time, and only an opaque spot was left at the center at 140 days of age. In heterozygotes, DDD/1-Cti/+, the lenses were recognizable as cataract after 28 days and became like mature cataract around 35 days of age. The opacity began to be lightened at 42 days and the lenses appeared normal at 56 days of age. Both lenses and eyeballs developed in similar courses in DDD/1(-)+/+, -Cti/+ and -Cti/Cti, although slightly retarded in the last. Microphthalmia was not accompanied even in DDD/1-Cti/Cti. The lens water content remained higher during the time when intense lens opacity continued in DDD/1-Cti/Cti and -Cti/+. Background genes appeared to affect the expression of Cti. DDD/1-Cti(-)+ mice may provide a model for researches into clarification of opaque lenses. A discussion concerning the possible allelism of Cti and Cts with Lop was made based on their phenotypic characteristics.  相似文献   

The integrin subunit beta 1B, a beta 1 isoform with a unique sequence at the cytoplasmic domain, forms heterodimers with integrin alpha chains and binds fibronectin, but it does not localize to focal adhesion sites (Balzac, F., A. Belkin, V. Koteliansky, Y. Balabanow, F. Altruda, L. Silengo, and G. Tarone. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 121:171-178). Here we analyze the functional properties of human beta 1B by expressing it in hamster CHO cells. When stimulated by specific antibodies, beta 1B does not trigger tyrosine phosphorylation of a 125- kD cytosolic protein, an intracellular signalling pathway that is activated both by the endogenous hamster or the transfected human beta 1A. Moreover, expression of beta 1B results in reduced spreading on fibronectin and laminin, but not on vitronectin. Expression of beta 1B also results in severe reduction of cell motility in the Boyden chamber assay. Reduced cell spreading and motility could not be accounted for by preferential association of beta 1B with a given integrin alpha subunit. These data, together with our previous results, indicate that beta 1B interferes with beta 1A function when expressed in CHO cells resulting in a dominant negative effect on cell adhesion and migration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tight skin mice (TSK) bear a mutated Fibrillin-1 (Fbn-1) gene. Genetic studies show that the TSK mutation is closely associated with the Fbn-1 locus (0-0.7 cM). A previous study showed two recombinants between the Fbn-1 locus and the TSK mutation. TSK mutation and mutated Fbn-1 gene cosegregate in F1 mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To elucidate the role of the mutated Fbn-1 gene in occurrence of TSK syndrome, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice expressing mutated Fbn-1 gene. In another set of experiments, we injected normal mice after birth with a plasmid bearing mutated Fbn-1 gene (pdFbn-1). RESULTS: Our results demonstrate that the pdFbn-1 Tg mice developed permanent cutaneous hyperplasia that was permanent. In mice injected as newborns with a plasmid bearing the sense pdFbn-1 gene, cutaneous hyperplasia was transient. In contrast to TSK mice, neither Tg nor mice injected with plasmid developed lung emphysema. The pdFbn-1 Tg and TSK mice spontaneously produced anti-topoisomerase I and anti-Fbn- antibodies, as do humans afflicted by scleroderma; whereas, those injected with a plasmid containing the pdFbn-1 gene produced only anti-Fbn-1 autoantibodies. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that, although cutaneous hyperplasia is due to mutated Fbn-1 gene, the TSK syndrome may be multifactorial.  相似文献   

PAK5 is a member of the group B family of PAK serine/threonine kinases and is an effector for the Rho GTPase Cdc42. PAK5 is highly expressed in the brain and is expressed at lower levels in several other tissues. In cell lines, PAK5 has been shown to play a role in filopodia formation and neurite outgrowth. To examine the biological function of PAK5, we deleted the PAK5 gene in mice. The phenotypes of the PAK5-null mice are completely different from those of mice null for PAK4, another member of the group B PAK family. Unlike PAK4-null mice, which are embryonic lethal, PAK5-null mice develop normally and are fertile. The nervous system appears normal in the absence of PAK5, as do other tissues in which PAK5 is normally expressed. Our results suggest functional redundancy between PAK5 and other Rho GTPase targets.  相似文献   

Emk is a serine/threonine protein kinase implicated in regulating polarity, cell cycle progression, and microtubule dynamics. To delineate the role of Emk in development and adult tissues, mice lacking Emk were generated by targeted gene disruption. Emk(-/-) mice displayed growth retardation and immune cell dysfunction. Although B- and T-cell development were normal, CD4(+)T cells lacking Emk exhibited a marked upregulation of the memory marker CD44/pgp-1 and produced more gamma interferon and interleukin-4 on stimulation through the T-cell receptor in vitro. In addition, B-cell responses to T-cell-dependent and -independent antigen challenge were altered in vivo. As Emk(-/-) animals aged, they developed splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, and lymphocytic infiltrates in the lungs, parotid glands and kidneys. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the Emk protein kinase is essential for maintaining immune system homeostasis and that loss of Emk may contribute to autoimmune disease in mammals.  相似文献   

Animal genomes each encode multiple highly conserved actin isoforms that polymerize to form the microfilament cytoskeleton. Previous studies of vertebrates and invertebrates have shown that many actin isoforms are restricted to either nonmuscle (cytoplasmic) functions, or to myofibril force generation in muscle cells. We have identified two temperature-sensitive and semidominant embryonic-lethal Caenorhabditis elegans mutants, each with a single mis-sense mutation in act-2, one of five C. elegans genes that encode actin isoforms. These mutations alter conserved and adjacent amino acids predicted to form part of the ATP binding pocket of actin. At the restrictive temperature, both mutations resulted in aberrant distributions of cortical microfilaments associated with abnormal and striking membrane ingressions and protrusions. In contrast to the defects caused by these dominant mis-sense mutations, an act-2 deletion did not result in early embryonic cell division defects, suggesting that additional and redundant actin isoforms are involved. Accordingly, we found that two additional actin isoforms, act-1 and act-3, were required redundantly with act-2 for cytoplasmic function in early embryonic cells. The act-1 and -3 genes also have been implicated previously in muscle function. We found that an ACT-2::GFP reporter was expressed cytoplasmically in embryonic cells and also was incorporated into contractile filaments in adult muscle cells. Furthermore, one of the dominant act-2 mutations resulted in uncoordinated adult movement. We conclude that redundant C. elegans actin isoforms function in both muscle and nonmuscle contractile processes.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclases are a nine-member family of differentially regulated enzymes responsible for the synthesis of cAMP. cAMP is an important second messenger that contributes to the regulation of airway smooth muscle tone. However, little is known regarding the expression and regulation of adenylyl cyclase isoforms in airway smooth muscle cells. Nondegenerate specific primers were designed for all nine known isoforms of human adenylyl cyclase. RT-PCR experiments were performed using total RNA extracted from whole human brain (positive control), whole rat brain (negative control), whole human trachea, human airway smooth muscle, and primary cultures of human airway smooth muscle cells. Seven of the nine known isoforms of adenylyl cyclase (isoforms I, III-VII, and IX) were expressed at the mRNA level in both human airway smooth muscle and primary cultures of human airway smooth muscle cells. Immunoblot and adenylyl cyclase functional assay indicated that isoform V is likely among the functionally predominant isoforms of adenylyl cyclase in human airway smooth muscle. These results suggest that multiple isoforms of adenylyl cyclase enzymes are coexpressed in human airway smooth muscle cells and that isoform V is among the functionally important isoforms.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is a hereditary syndrome characterized by the occurrence of multiple endocrine tumors of the parathyroid, pancreas, and anterior pituitary in patients. To study tumorigenesis related to the MEN1 syndrome, we have generated Men1 knockout mice using the gene targeting approach. Heterozygous Men1 mutant mice developed the same range of major endocrine tumors as is seen in MEN1 patients, affecting the parathyroid, pancreatic islets, pituitary and adrenal glands, as well as the thyroid, and exhibiting multistage tumor progression with metastatic potential. In particular, extrapancreatic gastrinoma, pancreatic glucagonoma, and mixed hormone-producing tumors in islets were observed. In addition, there was a high incidence of gonadal tumors of endocrine origin, i.e. Leydig cell tumors, and ovary sex-cord stromal cell tumors in heterozygous Men1 mutant mice. Hormonal disturbance, such as abnormal PTH and insulin levels, was also observed in these mice. These tumors were associated with loss of heterozygosity of the wild-type Men1 allele, suggesting that menin is involved in suppressing the development of these endocrine tumors. All of these features are reminiscent of MEN1 symptoms in humans and establish heterozygous Men1 mutant mice as a suitable model for this disease.  相似文献   

We studied the distributions of laminin-5 and hemidesmosome components, HD1/plectin and BP230, in the submandibular glands of adult and developing mice. In adult mice, laminin-5 was expressed in the basement membranes of both the myoepithelial cells and excretory ducts. The former expression was predictable because laminin-5 is a ligand for hemidesmosomes, which appear in myoepithelial cells and stratified epithelium. However, the latter expression pattern suggested that the non-stratified epithelium of the excretory duct might also be associated with hemidesmosomes. During fetal development, laminin-5 was found in the basement membrane of developing ducts but not epithelial end buds in which future lobules are formed by epithelial branching. The expression of HD1/plectin but not BP230 was noted in the developing duct at early embryonic stages, indicating the presence of type II hemidesmosomes. Expression of BP230 appeared in the excretory duct epithelium at around the day of birth. At this stage, the typical hemidesmosome was observed in the duct epithelium. Our results suggest that laminin-5 is involved in duct development rather than epithelial branching. The results also suggest that the developing duct epithelium interacts with laminin-5 through the type II hemidesmosome, which later matures into a typical hemidesmosome upon the onset of expression of BP230. Accepted: 12 October 1999  相似文献   

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is characterized by length-dependent axonal degeneration with distal sensory loss and weakness, deep-tendon-reflex abnormalities, and skeletal deformities. It is caused by mutations in more than 40 genes. We investigated a four-generation family with 23 members affected by the axonal form (type 2), for which the common causes had been excluded by Sanger sequencing. Exome sequencing of three affected individuals separated by eight meioses identified a single shared novel heterozygous variant, c.917A>G, in DYNC1H1, which encodes the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain 1 (here, novel refers to a variant that has not been seen in dbSNP131or the August 2010 release of the 1000 Genomes project). Testing of six additional affected family members showed cosegregation and a maximum LOD score of 3.6. The shared DYNC1H1 gene variant is a missense substitution, p.His306Arg, at a highly conserved residue within the homodimerization domain. Three mouse models with different mutations within this domain have previously been reported with age-related progressive loss of muscle bulk and locomotor ability. Cytoplasmic dynein is a large multisubunit motor protein complex and has a key role in retrograde axonal transport in neurons. Our results highlight the importance of dynein and retrograde axonal transport in neuronal function in humans.  相似文献   

Mutations in the ATP2A1 gene, encoding isoform 1 of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1), are one cause of Brody disease, characterized in humans by exercise-induced contraction of fast twitch (type II) skeletal muscle fibers. In an attempt to create a model for Brody disease, the mouse ATP2A1 gene was targeted to generate a SERCA1-null mutant mouse line. In contrast to humans, term SERCA1-null mice had progressive cyanosis and gasping respiration and succumbed from respiratory failure shortly after birth. The percentage of affected homozygote SERCA1(-/-) mice was consistent with predicted Mendelian inheritance. A survey of multiple organs from 10-, 15-, and 18-day embryos revealed no morphological abnormalities, but analysis of the lungs in term mice revealed diffuse congestion and epithelial hypercellularity and studies of the diaphragm muscle revealed prominent hypercontracted regions in scattered fibers and increased fiber size variability. The V(max) of Ca(2+) transport activity in mutant diaphragm and skeletal muscle was reduced by 80% compared with wild-type muscle, and the contractile response to electrical stimulation under physiological conditions was reduced dramatically in mutant diaphragm muscle. No compensatory responses were detected in analysis of mRNAs encoding other Ca(2+) handling proteins or of protein levels. Expression of ATP2A1 is largely restricted to type II fibers, which predominate in normal mouse diaphragm. The absence of SERCA1 in type II fibers, and the absence of compensatory increases in other Ca(2+) handling proteins, coupled with the marked increase in contractile function required of the diaphragm muscle to support postnatal respiration, can account for respiratory failure in term SERCA1-null mice.  相似文献   

TWIST and adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) are critical signaling factors in normal bone development. In previous studies examining a homogeneously treated cohort of pediatric osteosarcoma patients, we reported the frequent and concurrent loss of both TWIST and APC genes. On these bases, we created a related animal model to further explore the oncogenic cooperation between these two genes. We performed intercrosses between twist-null/+ and Apc1638N/+ mice and studied their progeny. The Apc1638N/+;twistnull/+ mice developed bone abnormalities observed by macroscopic skeletal analyses and in vivo imaging. Complementary histologic, cellular, and molecular analyses were used to characterize the identified bone tumors, including cell culture and immunofluorescence of bone differentiation markers. Spontaneous localized malignant bone tumors were frequently identified in Apc1638N/+;twist-null/+ mice by in vivo imaging evaluation and histologic analyses. These tumors possessed several features similar to those observed in human localized osteosarcomas. In particular, the murine tumors presented with fibroblastic, chondroblastic, and osteoblastic osteosarcoma histologies, as well as mixtures of these subtypes. In addition, cellular analyses and bone differentiation markers detected by immunofluorescence on tumor sections reproduced most murine and human osteosarcoma characteristics. For example, the early bone differentiation marker Runx2, interacting physically with hypophosphorylated pRb, was undetectable in these murine osteosarcomas, whereas phosphorylated retinoblastoma was abundant in the osteoblastic and chondroblastic tumor subtypes. These characteristics, similar to those observed in human osteosarcomas, indicated that our animal model may be a powerful tool to further understand the development of localized osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

We established that follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) are the site of abnormal prion protein (PrPCJD) accumulations in lymphoid tissues from mice infected with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Evidence of positive FDC staining was observed in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease-infected mice irrespective of the inoculation route, while no such staining was seen in the control mice. We also found that the severe combined immunodeficiency mouse trait is transmittable via the intracranial route but not via the intraperitoneal route. Mice with severe combined immunodeficiency did not have PrPCJD accumulation in FDCs.  相似文献   

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