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Although the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana has a small amount of repetitive DNA, it contains representatives of most classes of mobile elements. However, to date, no miniature inverted-repeat transposable element (MITE) has been described in this plant. Here, we describe a new family of repeated sequences that we have named Emigrant , which are dispersed in the genome of Arabidopsi s and fulfil all the requirements of MITEs. These sequences are short, AT-rich, have terminal inverted repeats (TIRs), and do not seem to have any coding capacity. Evidence for the mobility of Emigrant elements has been obtained from the absence of one of these elements in a specific Arabidopsis ecotype. Emigrant is also present in the genome of different Brassicae and its TIRs are 74% identical to those of Wujin elements, a recently described family of MITEs from the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti.   相似文献   

A class of UDP-glycosyltransferases (UGTs) defined by the presence of a C-terminal consensus sequence is found throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. Whereas mammalian enzymes use UDP-glucuronic acid, the plant enzymes typically use UDP-glucose in the transfer reactions. A diverse array of aglycones can be glucosylated by these UGTs. In plants, the aglycones include plant hormones, secondary metabolites involved in stress and defense responses, and xenobiotics such as herbicides. Glycosylation is known to regulate many properties of the aglycones such as their bioactivity, their solubility, and their transport properties within the cell and throughout the plant. As a means of providing a framework to start to understand the substrate specificities and structure-function relationships of plant UGTs, we have now applied a molecular phylogenetic analysis to the multigene family of 99 UGT sequences in Arabidopsis. We have determined the overall organization and evolutionary relationships among individual members with a surprisingly high degree of confidence. Through constructing a composite phylogenetic tree that also includes all of the additional plant UGTs with known catalytic activities, we can start to predict both the evolutionary history and substrate specificities of new sequences as they are identified. The tree already suggests that while the activities of some subgroups of the UGT family are highly conserved among different plant species, others subgroups shift substrate specificity with relative ease.  相似文献   

Myosin is believed to act as the molecular motor for many actin-based motility processes in eukaryotes. It is becoming apparent that a single species may possess multiple myosin isoforms, and at least seven distinct classes of myosin have been identified from studies of animals, fungi, and protozoans. The complexity of the myosin heavy-chain gene family in higher plants was investigated by isolating and characterizing myosin genomic and cDNA clones from Arabidopsis thaliana. Six myosin-like genes were identified from three polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products (PCR1, PCR11, PCR43) and three cDNA clones (ATM2, MYA2, MYA3). Sequence comparisons of the deduced head domains suggest that these myosins are members of two major classes. Analysis of the overall structure of the ATM2 and MYA2 myosins shows that they are similar to the previously-identified ATM1 and MYA1 myosins, respectively. The MYA3 appears to possess a novel tail domain, with five IQ repeats, a six-member imperfect repeat, and a segment of unique sequence. Northern blot analyses indicate that some of the Arabidopsis myosin genes are preferentially expressed in different plant organs. Combined with previous studies, these results show that the Arabidopsis genome contains at least eight myosin-like genes representing two distinct classes.  相似文献   

Large-scale analysis of the GRAS gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  



Plant disease resistance (R) genes with the nucleotide binding site (NBS) play an important role in offering resistance to pathogens. The availability of complete genome sequences of Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa provides an important opportunity for researchers to identify and characterize NBS-encoding R genes in Brassica species and to compare with analogues in Arabidopsis thaliana based on a comparative genomics approach. However, little is known about the evolutionary fate of NBS-encoding genes in the Brassica lineage after split from A. thaliana.


Here we present genome-wide analysis of NBS-encoding genes in B. oleracea, B. rapa and A. thaliana. Through the employment of HMM search and manual curation, we identified 157, 206 and 167 NBS-encoding genes in B. oleracea, B. rapa and A. thaliana genomes, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis among 3 species classified NBS-encoding genes into 6 subgroups. Tandem duplication and whole genome triplication (WGT) analyses revealed that after WGT of the Brassica ancestor, NBS-encoding homologous gene pairs on triplicated regions in Brassica ancestor were deleted or lost quickly, but NBS-encoding genes in Brassica species experienced species-specific gene amplification by tandem duplication after divergence of B. rapa and B. oleracea. Expression profiling of NBS-encoding orthologous gene pairs indicated the differential expression pattern of retained orthologous gene copies in B. oleracea and B. rapa. Furthermore, evolutionary analysis of CNL type NBS-encoding orthologous gene pairs among 3 species suggested that orthologous genes in B. rapa species have undergone stronger negative selection than those in B .oleracea species. But for TNL type, there are no significant differences in the orthologous gene pairs between the two species.


This study is first identification and characterization of NBS-encoding genes in B. rapa and B. oleracea based on whole genome sequences. Through tandem duplication and whole genome triplication analysis in B. oleracea, B. rapa and A. thaliana genomes, our study provides insight into the evolutionary history of NBS-encoding genes after divergence of A. thaliana and the Brassica lineage. These results together with expression pattern analysis of NBS-encoding orthologous genes provide useful resource for functional characterization of these genes and genetic improvement of relevant crops.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The enzymes called lipoxygenases (LOXs) can dioxygenate unsaturated fatty acids, which leads to lipoperoxidation of biological membranes. This process causes synthesis of signaling molecules and also leads to changes in cellular metabolism. LOXs are known to be involved in apoptotic (programmed cell death) pathway, and biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants. Here, the members of LOX gene family in Arabidopsis and rice are identified. The Arabidopsis and rice genomes encode 6 and 14 LOX proteins, respectively, and interestingly, with more LOX genes in rice. The rice LOXs are validated based on protein alignment studies. This is the first report wherein LOXs are identified in rice which may allow better understanding the initiation, progression and effects of apoptosis, and responses to bitoic and abiotic stresses and signaling cascades in plants.Key words: apoptosis, biotic and abiotic stresses, genomics, jasmonic acid, lipidsLipoxygenases (linoleate:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC 1.13.11.-; LOXs) catalyze the conversion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (lipids) into conjugated hydroperoxides. This process is called hydroperoxidation of lipids. LOXs are monomeric, non-heme and non-sulfur, but iron-containing dioxygenases widely expressed in fungi, animal and plant cells, and are known to be absent in prokaryotes. However, a recent finding suggests the existence of LOX-related genomic sequences in bacteria but not in archaea.1 The inflammatory conditions in mammals like bronchial asthama, psoriasis and arthritis are a result of LOXs reactions.2 Further, several clinical conditions like HIV-1 infection,3 disease of kidneys due to the activation of 5-lipoxygenase,4,5 aging of the brain due to neuronal 5-lipoxygenase6 and atherosclerosis7 are mediated by LOXs. In plants, LOXs are involved in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.8 They are involved in germination9 and also in traumatin and jasmonic acid biochemical pathways.10,11 Studies on LOX in rice are conducted to develop novel strategies against insect pests12 in response to wounding and insect attack,13 and on rice bran extracts as functional foods and dietary supplements for control of inflammation and joint health.14 In Arabidopsis, LOXs are studied in response to natural and stress-induced senescence,15 transition to flowering,16 regulation of lateral root development and defense response.17The arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic acids can act as substrates for different LOX isozymes. A hydroperoxy group is added at carbons 5, 12 or 15, when arachidonic acid is the substrate, and so the LOXs are designated as 5-, 12- or 15-lipoxygenases. Sequences are available in the database for plant lipoxygenases (EC:, mammalian arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (EC:, mammalian arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase (EC: and mammalian erythroid cell-specific 15-lipoxygenase (EC: The prototype member for LOX family, LOX-1 of Glycine max L. (soybean) is a 15-lipoxygenase. The LOX isoforms of soybean (LOX-1, LOX-2, LOX-3a and LOX-3b) are the most characterized of plant LOXs.18 In addition, five vegetative LOXs (VLX-A, -B, -C, -D, -E) are detected in soybean leaves.19 The 3-dimensional structure of soybean LOX-1 has been determined.20,21 LOX-1 was shown to be made of two domains, the N-terminal domain-I which forms a β-barrel of 146 residues, and a C-terminal domain-II of bundle of helices of 693 residues21 (Fig. 1). The iron atom was shown to be at the centre of domain-II bound by four coordinating ligands, of which three are histidine residues.22Open in a separate windowFigure 1Three-dimensional structure of soybean lipoxygenase L-1. The domain I (N-terminal) and domain II (C-terminal) are indicated. The catalytic iron atom is embedded in domain II (PDB ID-1YGE).21This article describes identification of LOX genes in Arabidopsis and rice. The Arabidopsis genome encodes for six LOX proteins23 (www.arabidopsis.org) (
AT1G55020lipoxygenase 1 (LOX1)LOX185998044.45.2049
AT1G17420lipoxygenase 3 (LOX3)LOX3919103725.18.0117
AT1G67560lipoxygenase family proteinLOX4917104514.68.0035
AT1G72520lipoxygenase, putativeLOX6926104813.17.5213
AT3G22400lipoxygenase 5 (LOX5)LOX5886101058.86.6033
AT3G45140lipoxygenase 2 (LOX2)LOX2896102044.75.3177
Open in a separate window*A, amino acids; B, molecular weight; C, isoelectric point.Interestingly, the rice genome (rice.plantbiology.msu.edu) encodes for 14 LOX proteins as compared to six in Arabidopsis (and22). Of these, majority of them are composed of ∼790–950 aa with the exception for loci, LOC_Os06g04420 (126 aa), LOC_Os02g19790 (297 aa) and LOC_Os12g37320 (359 aa) (Fig. 2).Open in a separate windowFigure 2Protein alignment of rice LOXs and vegetative lipoxygenase, VLX-B,28 a soybean LOX (AA B67732). The 14 rice LOCs are indicated on left and sequence position on right. Gaps are included to improve alignment accuracy. Figure was generated using ClustalX program.

Table 2

Genes encoding lipoxygenases in rice
ChromosomeLocus IdPutative functionA*B*C*
2LOC_Os02g10120lipoxygenase, putative, expressed9271035856.0054
2LOC_Os02g19790lipoxygenase 4, putative29733031.910.4799
3LOC_Os03g08220lipoxygenase protein, putative, expressed9191019597.4252
3LOC_Os03g49260lipoxygenase, putative, expressed86897984.56.8832
3LOC_Os03g49380lipoxygenase, putative, expressed87898697.57.3416
3LOC_Os03g52860lipoxygenase, putative, expressed87197183.56.5956
4LOC_Os04g37430lipoxygenase protein, putative, expressed79889304.610.5125
5LOC_Os05g23880lipoxygenase, putative, expressed84895342.97.6352
6LOC_Os06g04420lipoxygenase 4, putative12614054.76.3516
8LOC_Os08g39840lipoxygenase, chloroplast precursor, putative, expressed9251028196.2564
8LOC_Os08g39850lipoxygenase, chloroplast precursor, putative, expressed9421044947.0056
11LOC_Os11g36719lipoxygenase, putative, expressed86998325.45.3574
12LOC_Os12g37260lipoxygenase 2.1, chloroplast precursor, putative, expressed9231046876.2242
12LOC_Os12g37320lipoxygenase 2.2, chloroplast precursor, putative, expressed35940772.78.5633
Open in a separate window*A, amino acids; B, molecular weight; C, isoelectric point.

Table 3

Percent homology of rice lipoxygenases against Arabidopsis
Loci (Os)Homolog (At)Identity/similarity (%)No. of aa compared
Open in a separate windowOs, Oryza sativa L.; At, Arabidopsis thaliana L.; aa, amino acids.In plants, programmed cell death (PCD) has been linked to different stages of development and senescence, germination and response to cold and salt stresses.24,25 To conclude, this study indicates that rice genome encodes for more LOX proteins as compared to Arabidopsis. The LOX members are not been thoroughly investigated in rice. The more advanced knowledge on LOXs function might spread light on the significant role of LOXs in PCD, biotic and abiotic stress responses in rice.  相似文献   

Computational analysis of the glutamate receptor gene family of Arabidopsis thaliana     
Bidhan Chandra Roy 《Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics》2017,35(11):2454-2474
Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) function as glutamate-activated ion channels in rapid synaptic transmission in animals. Arabidopsis thaliana possess 20 glutamate receptor-like genes (AtGLRs) in its genome which are involved in many functions including light signal transduction and calcium homeostasis. However, little is known about the physico-chemical, functional and structural properties of AtGLRs. In this study, glutamate receptor-like genes of A. thaliana have been studied in silico. Exon–intron structures revealed common origin of majority of these genes. The presence of several phosphorylation and myristoilation sites indicate the involvement of AtGLRs in various signaling processes. Gene ontology analysis showed the participation of AtGLRs in various biological processes including different stress responses. In two genes namely AT2G17260 and AT4G35290, presence of RAV1-A binding site motif in the promoter coupled with results from gene ontology annotation indicate their role in stomatal movement through abscisic acid signaling. Expression analysis showed differential expression of several tandemly arranged genes which indicates neo or sub-functionalization. Two genes namely AT5G48400 and AT5G48410 showed significantly more expression in response to Botrytis cinerea infection. Five of these genes have shown G-protein-coupled γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor activity indicating a possible interaction between AtGLRs and GABA. Structurally, all of them were similar while differences were found regarding electrostatic surfaces as well as surface hydrophobicity. Results of this study provide a comprehensive reference regarding AtGLRs for further analysis regarding the structure, function, and evolution of the glutamate receptors in plants.  相似文献   

Genome-wide identification and evolutionary analysis of Arabidopsis sm genes family     
Cao J  Shi F  Liu X  Jia J  Zeng J  Huang G 《Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics》2011,28(4):535-544
Sm proteins are members of a family of small proteins that are widespread in biosphere and found associated with RNA metabolism. To date, to our knowledge, only Arabidopsis SAD1 gene has been studied functionally in plant. In this study, 42 Sm genes are identified through comprehensive analysis in Arabidopsis. And a complete overview of this gene family is presented, including the gene structures, phylogeny, chromosome locations, selection pressure and expression. The results reveal that gene duplication contributes to the expansion of the Sm gene family in Arabidopsis genome, diverse expression patterns suggest their functional differentiation and divergence analysis indicates purifying selection as a key role in evolution. Our comparative genomics analysis of Sm genes will provide the first step towards the future experimental research on determining the functions of these genes.  相似文献   

张杰道  孙爱清 《生物工程学报》2009,25(9):1402-1408
FtsH(Filamentation temperature-sensitive H)是一种广泛存在于原核生物和真核生物中的ATP依赖型金属蛋白酶。同源性分析表明,在拟南芥和水稻基因组中分别有12个和9个ftsH基因。ftsH基因在染色体上的分布有明显的偏爱性,如拟南芥的1、2、5号染色体和水稻的1、5号染色体。亚细胞定位分析表明,所有FtsH蛋白均定位于叶绿体或线粒体中。系统进化分析表明,21个FtsH蛋白成员可分为8个类群,其中AtFtsH12在水稻中没有发现种间同源物。每个类群成员的蛋白序列高度保守,种内同源物显示出大于80%的相似性,而种间同源物的相似性也大于70%。类群内的同源基因并非平行进化产生的,拟南芥基因组中进化出AtftsH1/5、AtftsH2/8、AtftsH3/10和AtftsH7/9共4个同源基因对,而水稻基因组中只有OsftsH3/8和OsftsH4/5两个同源基因对。每一类群中的成员在基因外显子-内含子边界分布上表现出高度保守性,在蛋白功能结构域的可变残基上具有偏爱性,而内含子在碱基组成和序列长度上表现出广泛的变异。拟南芥和水稻ftsH基因家族的比较分析为其他物种ftsH基因的特...  相似文献   

Functional genomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana glycoside hydrolase family 1     
Xu Z  Escamilla-Treviño L  Zeng L  Lalgondar M  Bevan D  Winkel B  Mohamed A  Cheng CL  Shih MC  Poulton J  Esen A 《Plant molecular biology》2004,55(3):343-367
In plants, Glycoside Hydrolase (GH) Family 1 -glycosidases are believed to play important roles in many diverse processes including chemical defense against herbivory, lignification, hydrolysis of cell wall-derived oligosaccharides during germination, and control of active phytohormone levels. Completion of the Arabidopsis thalianagenome sequencing project has enabled us, for the first time, to determine the total number of Family 1 members in a higher plant. Reiterative database searches revealed a multigene family of 48 members that includes eight probable pseudogenes. Manual reannotation and analysis of the entire family were undertaken to rectify existing misannotations and identify phylogenetic relationships among family members. Forty-seven members (designated BGLU1 through BGLU47) share a common evolutionary origin and were subdivided into approximately 10 subfamilies based on phylogenetic analysis and consideration of intron–exon organizations. The forty-eighth member of this family (At3g06510; sfr2) is a -glucosidase-like gene that belongs to a distinct lineage. Information pertaining to expression patterns and potential functions of Arabidopsis GH Family 1 members is presented. To determine the biological function of all family members, we intend to investigate the substrate specificity of each mature hydrolase after its heterologous expression in the Pichia pastoris expression system. To test the validity of this approach, the BGLU44-encoded hydrolase was expressed in P. pastoris and purified to homogeneity. When tested against a wide range of natural and synthetic substrates, this enzyme showed a preference for -mannosides including 1,4--D-mannooligosaccharides, suggesting that it may be involved in A. thaliana in degradation of mannans, galactomannans, or glucogalactomannans. Supporting this notion, BGLU44 shared high sequence identity and similar gene organization with tomato endosperm -mannosidase and barley seed -glucosidase/-mannosidase BGQ60.  相似文献   

Functional genomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana glycoside hydrolase family 35     
Ahn YO  Zheng M  Bevan DR  Esen A  Shiu SH  Benson J  Peng HP  Miller JT  Cheng CL  Poulton JE  Shih MC 《Phytochemistry》2007,68(11):1510-1520
Catalysing the hydrolysis of terminal beta-galactosyl residues from carbohydrates, galactolipids, and glycoproteins, glycoside hydrolase family 35 (beta-galactosidases; BGALs) are widely distributed in plants and believed to play many key roles, including modification of cell wall components. Completion of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequencing project has, for the first time, allowed an examination of the total number, gene structure, and evolutionary patterns of all Family 35 members in a representative (model) angiosperm. Reiterative database searches established a multigene family of 17 members (designated BGAL1-BGAL17). Using these genes as query sequences, BLAST and Hidden Markov Model searches identified BGAL genes among 22 other eukaryotes, whose genomic sequences are known. The Arabidopsis (n=17) and rice (n=15) BGAL families were much larger than those of Chlamydomonas, fungi, and animals (n=0-4), and a lineage-specific expansion of BGAL genes apparently occurred after divergence of the Arabidopsis and rice lineages. All plant BGAL genes, with the exception of Arabidopsis BGAL17 and rice Os 9633.m04334, form a monophyletic group. Arabidopsis BGAL expression levels are much higher in mature leaves, roots, flowers, and siliques but are lower in young seedlings. BGAL8, BGAL11, BGAL13, BGAL14, and BGAL16 are expressed only in flowers. Catalytically active BGAL4 was produced in the E. coli and baculoviral expression systems, purified to electrophoretic homogeneity, and partially characterized. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed p- and o-nitrophenyl-beta-d-galactosides. It also cleaved beta-(1,3)-, beta-(1,4)-, and beta-(1,6)-linked galactobiosides and galactotriosides, showing a marked preference for beta-(1,3)- and beta-(1,4)-linkages.  相似文献   

李保珠赵翔  赵孝亮彭雷 《遗传》2013,35(10):1189-1197
许多生物及非生物胁迫都会引起植物的氧化胁迫, 参与植物氧化胁迫反应组分的鉴定备受人们的关注。拟南芥SRO家族成员包括AtRCD1、AtSRO1、AtSRO5等, 调节植物对氧化胁迫的反应。AtSROs参与植物正常的生长发育, 同时在植物应对干旱、盐、重金属等胁迫反应中扮演重要角色。AtSROs存在保守的PARP、RST等特殊功能区, 推测其可能具备蛋白的转录、调节、修饰等功能。文章就拟南芥SRO家族成员的基本状况, 在植物生长发育及应对非生物胁迫反应中的作用进行概述, 为进一步研究AtSROs的生物学功能提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Genome-wide view of natural antisense transcripts in Arabidopsis thaliana     
Chunhui Yuan  Jingjing Wang  Andrew P. Harrison  Xianwen Meng  Dijun Chen  Ming Chen 《DNA research》2015,22(3):233-243

拟南芥PHD-finger蛋白家族的全基因组分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张帆  杨仲南  张森 《云南植物研究》2009,31(3):227-238
PHD—finger蛋白是一类广泛存在于真核生物中,在基因转录和染色质状态调控方面有重要作用的锌指蛋白。目前在动物中对PHD—finger蛋白的结构和功能方面的研究较为广泛和深入,而在植物中仅有少数PHD—finger蛋白的功能被阐明。通过SMART和Pfam等数据库分析,我们发现拟南芥中共有70个PHD-finger蛋白,其中大部分PHD—tinger蛋白的功能未知。本文通过生物信息学分析获得拟南芥PHD-tinger家族较为全面的信息,包括基因结构、染色体定位、基因表达、蛋白结构域、系统进化关系等,为深入研究PHD-finger家族蛋白的结构与功能提供了参考。  相似文献   

Genome-wide analysis of lectin receptor-like kinase family from Arabidopsis and rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neha Vaid  Prashant Kumar Pandey  Narendra Tuteja 《Plant molecular biology》2012,80(4-5):365-388
Lectin receptor-like kinases (LecRLKs) are class of membrane proteins found in higher plants that are involved in diverse functions ranging from plant growth and development to stress tolerance. The basic structure of LecRLK protein comprises of a lectin and a kinase domain, which are interconnected by transmembrane region. Here we have identified LecRLKs from Arabidopsis and rice and studied these proteins on the basis of their expression profile and phylogenies. We were able to identify 32 G-type, 42 L-type and 1 C-type LecRLKs from Arabidopsis and 72 L-type, 100 G-type and 1 C-type LecRLKs from rice on the basis of their annotation and presence of lectin as well kinase domains. The whole family is rather intron-less. We have sub-grouped the gene family on the basis of their phylogram. Although on the basis of sequence the members of each group are closely associated but their functions vary to a great extent. The interacting partners and coexpression data of the genes revealed the importance of gene family in physiology and stress related responses. An in-depth analysis on gene-expression suggested clear demarcation in roles assigned to each gene. To gain additional knowledge about the LecRLK gene family, we searched for previously unreported motifs and checked their importance structurally on the basis of homology modelling. The analysis revealed that the gene family has important roles in diverse functions in plants, both in the developmental stages and in stress conditions. This study thus opens the possibility to explore the roles that LecRLKs might play in life of a plant.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and expression analysis of the glutamate-receptor-like gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chiu JC  Brenner ED  DeSalle R  Nitabach MN  Holmes TC  Coruzzi GM 《Molecular biology and evolution》2002,19(7):1066-1082
The ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) gene family has been widely studied in animals and is determined to be important in excitatory neurotransmission and other neuronal processes. We have previously identified ionotropic glutamate receptor-like genes (GLRs) in Arabidopsis thaliana, an organism that lacks a nervous system. Upon the completion of the Arabidopsis genome sequencing project, a large family of GLR genes has been uncovered. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis divides the AtGLR gene family into three clades and is used as the basis for the recently established nomenclature for the AtGLR gene family. We performed a phylogenetic analysis with extensive annotations of the iGluR gene family, which includes all 20 Arabidopsis GLR genes, the entire iGluR family from rat (except NR3), and two prokaryotic iGluRs, Synechocystis GluR0 and Anabaena GluR. Our analysis supports the division of the AtGLR gene family into three clades and identifies potential functionally important amino acid residues that are conserved in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic iGluRs as well as those that are only conserved in AtGLRs. To begin to investigate whether the three AtGLR clades represent different functional classes, we performed the first comprehensive mRNA expression analysis of the entire AtGLR gene family. On the basis of RT-PCR, all AtGLRs are expressed genes. The three AtGLR clades do not show distinct clade-specific organ expression patterns. All 20 AtGLR genes are expressed in the root. Among them, five of the nine clade-II genes are root-specific in 8-week-old Arabidopsis plants.  相似文献   

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