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F. CAMPOS  J. M. LEKUONA 《Ibis》1997,139(3):447-451
The foraging strategies of adult Purple Herons Ardea purpurea from an increasing colony in northern Spain were studied in the feeding areas (nonagricultural habitats) during the breeding season (May-July). In this area, herons were mainly piscivorous, and there was no seasonal variation in prey type. Small fish (<12.5 cm) were more abundant in the diet in June and medium-sized fish (12.5–25 cm) in May and July. Foraging strategies varied seasonally: (1) More time was spent by the herons in the feeding areas in June than in May or July, whereas foraging time was only significantly greater in June than in July. (2) The biomass captured by the adults in each foraging session was similar in May and June but greater in July. (3) Feeding attempts were more numerous (but not more successful) in shallow water in June and July. (4) Aggression rates between conspecifics were higher in June than in both May and July. Probably the hatching of chicks (June) was the cause of these changes in diet and foraging strategies as well as increased intraspecies competition for foraging habitat.  相似文献   

FRANCISCO MOREIRA 《Ibis》1995,137(1):92-98
The behaviour of Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta feeding on emerged intertidal areas in a major wintering area, the Tagus estuary (Portugal), was studied during 2 years.
Avocets used four different feeding strategies. By far the most common was the Normal Feeding Strategy, in which the median sweeping rate was 28 sweeps per min and the percentage of swallowing movements (ingestions) was very high (median = 90%). No prey were visible in the bill while birds were using this strategy. Another less common feeding strategy was the Worm Feeding Strategy, in which the sweeping rate was higher (median = 46 sweeps/min) and the percentage of swallowing movements was much lower (median = 6%). While using the Worm Feeding Strategy, Avocets preyed on ragworms Nereis diversicolor. The Mixed Feeding Strategy and Scrobicularia plana Siphons Feeding Strategy were rarely observed.
In a detailed study on the use of the mudflats by Avocets, it was found that the density of birds on the upper shore was much higher than on the lower shore. There were differences in feeding behaviour between these two areas, although the same feeding strategy was used. On the lower shore, where there was a lower biomass of prey available, sweeping rates were higher and aggressive behaviour did not occur. On the upper shore, sweeping rates were lower and aggressive behaviour was frequent, with some birds defending territories. Nevertheless, estimated food intake rates were 1.5 times higher on the upper shore.  相似文献   

Velasquez, C.R., Kalejta, B. & Hockey, P.A.R. 1991. Seasonal abundance, habitat selection and energy consumption of waterbirds at the Berg River estuary, South Africa. Ostrich 62:109-123.

The distribution and abundance of waterbirds at the Berg River estuary were studied between September 1987 and April 1989. The estuary supports an unusually high density of waterbirds, especially of Pale-arctic migrant waders, and is a site of subregional importance for at least nine species. Intertidal mudflats are the favoured feeding habitat of the majority of species on the estuary during the low tide period. Low tide feeding densities on saltmarshes are mud less than on mudflats, but saltmarshes are important as roost sites, high tide feeding sites, and in counteracting the negative hydrological consequences of development. The current conservation status of the estuary is not commensurate with its importance as a waterbird habitat and, given the current threats facing the estuary, enhanced protection at the national level is considered a greater priority than registration with, for example, the RAMSAR Convention.  相似文献   

1. In some situations, individuals surviving in environments where predation is intense can grow faster because the benefits of release from intraspecific competition outweigh costs associated with anti-predator responses. Whether these 'thinning' effects of predation occur in detritus-based food webs where resource renewal occurs independently of consumption by consumers was studied. We investigated how effects of predatory brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) on the larvae of the detritivorous stream caddisfly, Zelandopsyche ingens , influenced the size and fecundity of the caddisfly adults.
2. Trout substantially reduced the abundance of Z. ingens larvae, but adult male and female Z. ingens were significantly larger in trout streams compared to fishless streams. Females in trout streams had 33% more eggs than fishless stream females, and egg sizes were not significantly different. In mesocosms, Z. ingens larvae in low density treatments reflecting trout stream abundances grew significantly faster than larvae in high density treatments that were characteristic of fishless stream abundances. Non-lethal trout presence did not influence case building behaviour, feeding rates or growth or Z. ingens larvae, indicating non-lethal effects of predators were negligible.
3. Increased adult size and fecundity associated with trout stream individuals were probably a result of predator thinning of larval density indirectly releasing surviving Z. ingens from intraspecific competition. Thus, predator thinning did influence interactions between larvae in this detritus-based food web as larval growth was strongly density-dependent. However, extrapolating the total number of eggs potentially produced indicates the increased fecundity of females in trout streams would not compensate for losses of larvae to trout predation.  相似文献   

Effects of headwater impoundment and channelization on invertebrate drift   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The construction of a flood control impoundment on Twitty's Creek added large numbers of organisms of limnetic origin to the stream ecosystem. However, the number of limnetic organisms per unit volume of water decreased rapidly as the distance downstream from the reservoir increased and, during most sampling periods, made up an insignificant portion of the total drift biomass at 7.2 km downstream. Factors favoring the extended downstream drift of limnetic organisms were high stream discharge and low water temperature.Several taxa of benthic organisms had much lower drift rates in the station immediately below the dam than at other stations and several taxa commonly taken at other stations were not captured immediately below the reservoir outfall. One possible explanation is that these organisms may have longer drift recruitment distances than the distance from the reservoir outfall to the sample location.A comparison of drift densities of organisms of benthic origin and benthic standing crop densities in channeled and unchanneled streams revealed that drift densities were higher in channeled streams than in unchanneled streams for most taxa of invertebrates. In addition, channeled streams appeared to have lower benthic standing crops than unchanneled streams for most taxa of invertebrates.In stream sections impacted by either channelization or the Twitty Lake outfall, the energy dynamics of the stream ecosystems were altered by increased density of drifting invertebrates. From the standpoint of increasing food availability to the fish fauna of the stream, these changes would appear to benefit drift feeding species and negatively impact bottom feeding species.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effect of moderate eutrophication on leaf litter decomposition and associated invertebrates in five reference and five eutrophied streams in central Portugal. Fungal parameters and litter N and P dynamics were followed in one pair of streams. Benthic invertebrate parameters that are considered useful in bioassessment were estimated in all streams. Finally, we evaluated the utility of decomposition as a tool to assess stream ecosystem functional integrity. 2. Decomposition of alder and oak leaves in coarse mesh bags was on average 2.3–2.7× faster in eutrophied than in reference streams. This was attributed to stimulation of fungal activity (fungal biomass accrual and sporulation of aquatic hyphomycetes) by dissolved nutrients. These effects were more pronounced for oak litter (lower quality substrate) than alder. N content of leaf litter did not differ between stream types, while P accrual was higher in the eutrophied than in the reference stream. Total invertebrate abundances and richness associated with oak litter, but not with alder, were higher in eutrophied streams. 3. We found only positive correlations between stream nutrients (DIN and SRP) and leaf litter decomposition rates in both fine and coarse mesh bags, associated sporulation rates of aquatic hyphomycetes and, in some cases, total invertebrate abundances and richness. 4. Some metrics based on benthic invertebrate community data (e.g. % shredders, % shredder taxa) were significantly lower in eutrophied than in reference streams, whereas the IBMWP index that is specifically designed for the Iberian peninsula classified all 10 streams in the highest possible class as having ‘very good’ ecological conditions. 5. Leaf litter decomposition was sufficiently sensitive to respond to low levels of eutrophication and could be a useful functional measure to complement assessment programmes based on structural parameters.  相似文献   

Urban development is a leading cause of stream impairment that reduces biodiversity and negatively affects ecosystem processes and habitat. Out‐of‐stream restoration practices, such as stormwater ponds, created wetlands, and restored riparian vegetation, are increasingly implemented as management strategies to mitigate impacts. However, uncertainty exists regarding how effectively they improve downstream ecosystems because monitoring is uncommon and results are typically reported on a case‐by‐case basis. We conducted a meta‐analysis of literature and used response ratios to quantify how downstream ecosystems change in response to watershed development and to out‐of‐stream restoration. Biodiversity in unrestored urban streams was 47% less than that in reference streams, and ecological communities, habitat, and rates of nutrient cycling were negatively affected as well. Mean measures of ecosystem attributes in restored streams were significantly greater than, and 156% of, those in unrestored urban streams. Measures of biodiversity in restored streams were 132% of those in unrestored urban streams, and indices of biotic condition, community structure, and nutrient cycling significantly improved. However, ecosystem attributes and biodiversity at restored sites were significantly less than, and only 60% and 45% of, those in reference streams, respectively. Out‐of‐stream management practices improved ecological conditions in urban streams but still failed to restore reference stream conditions. Despite statistically significant improvements, assessing restoration success remains difficult due to few comparisons to reference sites or to clearly defined targets. These findings can inform future monitoring, management, and development strategies and highlight the need for preventative actions in a watershed context.  相似文献   

This study was designed to: (1) evaluate the ecological status of acid-sensitive and non acid-sensitive Maryland coastal plain streams using biological (Index of biotic Integrity [IBI] for fish), chemical and physical habitat conditions; (2) determine if a low IBI for coastal plain stream fish can be related to stream sensitivity from acidic inputs and (3) correlate land use activities and watershed size in the coastal plain streams with biological, chemical and physical conditions. IBI values obtained using 12 community metrics for Maryland coastal plain stream fish demonstrated that there were no significant differences in these values when acid-sensitive and non-acid-sensitive streams were compared. However, other complementary data in acid-sensitive streams such as absence of the acid-sensitive species, blacknose dace and higher numbers and biomass of tolerant species suggested that these streams may be impacted. IBI values were also found to be negatively correlated with various trace metals in acid-sensitive streams but not in non-acid-sensitive areas. Chemical conditions such as trace metals and nutrients were associated with land use activities. Highest concentrations of trace metals (chromium, nickel, and cadmium) were found in streams with the highest percentage of low residential housing. Nitrate concentrations were significantly higher in streams found in agricultural areas than in forested areas. Agriculturally dominated streams with highest nitrate concentrations (> 10 mg l-1) also contained the highest percentage of livestock feeding operations. The mean IBI score for streams draining agricultural land was higher than the mean value for forested streams when all streams were compared. However, when several streams that were only marginally forested (< 50%) were removed from the analysis, the IBI scores did not differ significantly by land use. Two physical habitat indices exhibited a strong associated with each other. Each habitat index also correlated with IBI values.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the nutrient transfer system between anadromous salmon and aquatic insect communities across multiple, natural stream systems. Between 2000 and 2002, we sampled seven streams in southeast Alaska, seasonally. Of the seven study streams, four received large annual salmon runs (high-run streams), and three were no-run streams. All the streams selected had a natural waterfall barrier to salmon, providing an upstream control reach for each study stream. Insect density, biomass, richness, diversity and functional feeding groups were analyzed before, during and after the fall salmon run in each stream section (i.e. above and below the barrier) of the seven study streams between 2001 and 2002. Results showed that diversity and richness were similar across stream sections and run size within each period, except for during the run when both were significantly lower in downstream sections of high-run streams. Functional feeding group patterns showed higher abundance and biomass of collector–gatherers and shredders during the post spawning, carcass decomposition period. High-run streams had upstream sections with greater abundance and biomass of mayflies (dominated by Baetidae, Heptageniidae and Ephemerellidae) during the run, and downstream sections with greater abundance and biomass of dipterans (dominated by Chironomidae). This study suggests that the often published positive relationship between MDN and stream insect abundance and biomass may only exist for certain taxa, primarily chironomid midges.  相似文献   

Metcalfe  J.  & Hunter  E. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):237-238
To improve survival and reproductive success, many fish species have evolved migratory life‐histories, showing ontogenetic and/or seasonal changes in habitat use. Individuals move between different areas, each of which is 'best' for a particular activity, such as feeding, growing or spawning. The benefits of moving to a different habitat, however, have to be balanced against the costs of migration, so any behaviour that reduces the cost of movement would be expected to expand the migratory range and thereby increase the range of habitats that can be exploited.
Previous tracking experiments in the southern North Sea have shown that plaice selectively exploit the tidal streams to aid their spawning migration. Here we examine whether this behaviour is primarily (1) an energy‐saving strategy, or (2) a transport mechanism by which fish that are unable to navigate over long distances can be carried reliably between feeding and spawning grounds. Because selective tidal stream transport requires that fish remain stationary on the sea‐bed during the 'non‐transporting' tide, energetic calculations predict that this behaviour is beneficial only when the current speed exceeds a critical, size‐dependent, value. We have used detailed information about migratory behaviour from individual fish to calculate the metabolic costs and the likely reproductive benefits of different migratory strategies. Our results show that plaice use selective tidal stream transport only in areas where the tidal streams are suitably fast, indicating that this behaviour is primarily an energy saving strategy.  相似文献   

Jens Krause 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):356-359
Feeding rates of mixed shoals of juvenile roach and chub were observed in a shallow stream near Cambridge (UK). Roach at the front of the shoal had significantly higher feeding rates than roach at the back and than chub in either front or back positions. Position in the shoal also had a significant effect on the kind of food consumed, with front roach feeding more on plankton and back roach more on bottom food. Altogether 36 fish from the stream were caught and marked. Half of these were deprived of food and the other half well-fed for 3 days in captivity. After release 36% of them joined their old shoal again. Individuals from the starved group occupied front positions significantly more often than well-fed fish, but after 2 days this difference disappeared.  相似文献   

Predators often feed on prey that show ineffective antipredator behavior. Gene flow among populations may constrain evolution of effective antipredator ability in larvae of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, a species that occupies distinctly different habitats with conflicting selection pressures. Some streams are ephemeral, where larvae should be active to feed and reach metamorphosis before stream drying. In contrast, other streams are more permanent and contain pools with predatory fish, where larvae should remain inactive to avoid fish predation. Feeding rates and predator escape behavior were assayed for laboratory-reared larvae from 15 populations. Larval survival was also compared among populations in artificial streams with natural predators. Five populations represented streams subjected to fish predation along a gradient of genetic and geographic isolation from populations without fish; the remaining 10 populations were ephemeral and without fish. Individuals from populations with fish had significantly stronger behavioral responses to fish (i.e., decreased feeding rate associated with the presence of fish and increased escape response) than individuals from fishless populations. Larvae from populations containing fish that were more isolated from fishless populations showed stronger antipredator responses than less isolated populations. Further, larvae from more isolated populations survived longer in the predation experiment, indicating that the behaviors measured were related with survival. These results suggest that gene flow between populations with conflicting selection pressures limits local adaptation in some salamander populations with fish. While previous studies have typically focused on the role of gene flow in pairs of populations, the results of this study suggest that gene flow is acting to swamp local adaptation across several populations.  相似文献   

1. Although stream–catchment interactions have been analysed in some detail in temperate environments, little is known about the effects of land‐use changes in the tropics. Here, we analyse differences in benthic communities (macroinvertebrates and fungi) under two contrasting land uses (mature secondary forest and pasture) in montane streams in north‐western Ecuador and their influence on the rates of litter processing. 2. Between 2005 and 2006, we used a combination of coarse and fine mesh bags to study the relative contribution of macroinvertebrates and fungi to processing of two types of litter, Alnus acuminata and Inga spectabilis, in three‐first‐order streams running through mature secondary montane forests and adjacent downstream reaches running through pastures. At the same time, we characterised the assemblages of shreddering macroinvertebrates and fungi communities and the litter processing rates in stream reaches under both vegetation types. 3. Litter processing rates attributable to invertebrate feeding (coarse mesh bags) were significantly slower in streams running through pastures. Nevertheless, shredder diversity and richness were similar between pasture and forest sections, while shredder abundance was significantly higher in forest streams (mainly Phylloicus sp. :Trichoptera). Fungal reproductive activity and litter processing rates were low (fine mesh bags) and did not differ significantly between pasture and forest stream reaches. 4. Phylloicus sp. abundance was the best predictor of the percentage of litter remaining in coarse mesh bags across pasture and forest sites. Neither shredder diversity nor their species richness was a significant predictor of mass loss, as most of the decomposition was performed by a single keystone species. Although litter decomposition by microbial decomposers was low, fungal biomass (but not diversity) was the best variable explaining the percentage of litter remaining in fine mesh bags. 5. Our data suggest that, in these Neotropical montane streams, land use can have a significant impact on the rates of critical ecosystem processes, such as litter decomposition. In this study, this effect was not mediated by a major shift in the structure of the benthos, but by a decrease in the abundance and relative representation of a single species whose life history makes it critical to litter processing. 6. This study highlights the significant role that macroinvertebrate fauna can have in the processing of litter in Neotropical streams and the predominant role that single species can have in terms of controlling stream ecosystem‐level processes. Understanding the extent to which these patterns affect the long‐term and large‐scale functioning of stream ecosystems still needs further research and will become increasingly important in terms of managing lotic ecosystems in the context of rapid land‐use change.  相似文献   

Gophen  Moshe 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):1-11
Contaminants discharged to an estuary usually become associated with the near surface brackish waters and on an ebb tide these waters form a plume which streams away from the estuary mouth. As the plume mixes downwards, a localised region of minimum dilution may form at the sea-bed, depending on the rates of transverse and vertical mixing.A modelling study of the outflow from the Tees estuary suggests that regions of minimum dilution at the sea-bed could occur between 1.5 and 4.0 km from the estuary mouth, the latter corresponding to a tide of spring range. An estimate for the Humber outflow on a spring tide indicates that a similar impact region could occur at a distance of some 9 km from the entrance to the estuary. At the Tyne and Wear estuaries, the vertical mixing of contaminants is likely to be too slow for the regions of minimum dilution to form before the discharge plumes are cut off from the estuary mouths by the reversal of tidal flow.  相似文献   

Continuing high rates of acidic deposition in the eastern United States may lead to long-term effects on stream communities, because sensitive catchments are continuing to lose anions and cations. We conducted a two-year study of the effects of pH and associated water chemistry variables on detrital processing in three streams with different bedrock geology in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. We compared leaf pack processing rates and macroinvertebrate colonization and microbial biomass (ATP concentration) on the packs in the three streams. Breakdown rates of red maple and white oak leaf packs were significantly lower in the most acidic stream. The acidic stream also had significantly lower microbial and shredder biomass than two more circumneutral streams. Shredder composition differed among streams; large-particle detritivores dominated the shredder assemblages of the two circumneutral streams, and smaller shredders dominated in the acidic stream. Within streams, processing rates for three leaf species were not significantly different between the two years of the study even though invertebrate and microbial communities were different in the two years. Thus, macroinvertebrate and microbial communities differed both among streams that differed in their capacity to buffer the effects of acidic precipitation and among years in the same stream; these differences in biotic communities were not large enough to affect rates of leaf processing between the two years of the study, but they did significantly affect processing rates between acidic and circumneutral streams.The Unit is jointly sponsored by the National Biological Service, the West Virginian Division of Natural Resources, West Virginia University, and the Wildlife Management Institute.The Unit is jointly sponsored by the National Biological Service, the West Virginian Division of Natural Resources, West Virginia University, and the Wildlife Management Institute.  相似文献   

García-Arberas  L.  Rallo  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):457-468
Feeding types of the infaunal macrobenthos of the intertidal soft-bottom communities from the estuaries of La Arena, Plentzia and Gernika, along the Basque coast (Gulf of Biscay) were studied in relation to habitat conditions, characteristics of each estuary and seasonal variation. General feeding structure observed in La Arena estuary was different from the other estuaries: omnivores were dominant, both in number of species and individuals, while surface deposit-feeders were the main feeding group in Plentzia and Gernika both in the finest sediment communities and in the sandy ones. Subsurface deposit-feeders were abundant in Plentzia and Gernika but scarce in La Arena estuary. Feeding types were related to the environmental variables. Sandy sediment communities presented a more balanced proportion among different feeding types and showed higher values of feeding diversity; suspension-feeders and predators were abundant only in that communities. By estuaries, feeding diversity was higher in Gernika and lower in La Arena. Seasonal variation in feeding diversity was observed, explained by changes in density of certain feeding groups; a common pattern of variation was found in Gernika communities, with an increase in June and a decrease in September. Oscillation of this index in Plentzia and La Arena depended on the estuary and the different communities; nevertheless a decrease of feeding diversity in September was commonly observed. Finally, feeding structure observed in our estuaries was compared to those described in coastal areas with organic enriched sediments, in order to assess the degree of perturbation of the environment based on the relative dominance of a certain feeding type in the macrobenthos.  相似文献   

Variability in the feeding ecology of young fishes over short and long time scales in estuaries is likely to affect population dynamics. We studied 14 years of early stage Striped Bass feeding ecology in the Hudson River Estuary over a 25-year time span, including years in which invasive zebra mussels markedly altered energy flow within the estuary. We predicted that feeding success would be low and that diet composition would be altered during years of high zebra mussel impact, particularly in upriver locations where mussels occur. Feeding success in the short term was indicated by volume of gut contents and in the long term by dry mass at length, i.e. condition; these measures were positively intercorrelated and varied significantly year to year. We tested for associations between condition and multiple biotic and abiotic environmental variables. There was a strong negative effect of zebra mussel grazing rate on condition in upriver locations and a weak positive effect in downriver locations. In upriver locations, condition was 33% higher when local salinity was high and zebra mussel grazing rates were low, whereas in downriver locations, condition was 35% higher when zebra mussel grazing rates and copepod abundance were high and local dissolved oxygen was low. Copepods, amphipods, mysids, and Leptodora constituted the highest prey-specific index of relative importance throughout the estuary. There was no evident effect of the zebra mussel invasion on diet composition. This long-term study corroborates the inferences of earlier studies that zebra mussels reduced early-stage striped bass growth rate.  相似文献   

FRANCISCO MOREIRA 《Ibis》1995,137(1):99-108
The diet and feeding methods of Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta using the most common feeding strategy (Normal Feeding Strategy) on emerged intertidal areas in the Tagus estuary, Portugal, were studied during two winters.
Avocets using the Normal Feeding Strategy fed non-selectively in the top 20 mm of sediment, ingesting prey bigger than a minimum threshold dimension of around 1.5 mm. Some mud was also ingested whilst feeding. Prey were captured by the mechanical action of the bill, and the estimated number of items captured per sweep was quite high (mean = 10.9 worms). Most of the biomass ingested by Avocets consisted of oligochaetes, spionid worms, Capitella capitata and small ragworms Nereis diversicolor.
The estimated intake rate of Avocets suggested that the energy ingested during daylight hours did not represent a significant percentage of the daily requirements. Thus, feeding on emerged intertidal areas is probably a secondary component of their daily gross food intake, unless night feeding yields higher intake rates due to increased prey availability.  相似文献   

Both the absence of leaf shredding macroinvertebrates and low microbial activity are of major importance in determining slow and incomplete leaf decay in extremely acidic (pH<3.5) mining streams. These streams are affected by a heavy ochre deposition causing the formation of massive iron plaques on leaf surfaces that hinder microbial exploitation. An investigation was carried out to determine whether iron plaques and leaf conditioning status (acid conditioned with and without iron plaques, neutral conditioned, unconditioned) affect the feeding preference of the shredder Gammarus pulex (L.). Leaf respiration rates and fungal biomass (ergosterol contents) were measured to determine microbial colonization. Neutral conditioned leaves had significantly higher microbial colonization than acid conditioned leaves with iron plaques. Notwithstanding, leaves of both conditioning types were consumed at high rates by G. pulex. The microbial colonization had no influence on feeding preference in the experiment. It is presumed that iron adsorbed organic material caused the high palatability of leaves with iron plaques. The results indicate that the large deposits of leaves coated with iron plaques will be available to the stream food web when water quality will be restored to neutral as planed in scenarios for the future development of mining streams.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments and field measurements were conducted to examine the effect of tide on the organic carbon mineralization rate in sediments under aerobic conditions of an intertidal estuary. Core samples of surface sediments were collected from an intertidal estuary of the Kurose River, Hiroshima, Japan. To mimic low and high tide in the intertidal estuary, organic carbon mineralization rates in the samples were measured in the laboratory under both air-exposed and submerged conditions. Mineralization rates under air-exposed conditions were two to five times higher than those under submerged conditions. Field measurements of the rate of CO2 emission from the sediment surface revealed a rapid increase in the rate as the sea level fell during ebb tide. The estimated amount of daily organic carbon mineralization assuming a constantly submerged condition was 30% less than that estimated when considering the semi-diurnal fluctuation in sea level. These results indicate that tide has a marked impact on the organic carbon mineralization rate in sediments under aerobic conditions on an intertidal estuary, and tidal effects need to be considered when the amount of mineralized organic carbon is estimated.  相似文献   

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