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抗氧化系统在H2O2诱导的玉米幼苗耐热性形成中的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
H2O2预处理可显著增强玉米幼苗的耐热性.H2O2预处理后,玉米幼苗抗氧化酶谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的活性及还原型抗氧化剂抗坏血酸(ASA)和谷胱甘肽(GSH)的水平显著提高,且H2O2预处理过的幼苗在高温处理期间及其后的恢复过程中均能保持相对较高的抗氧化酶活力和还原型/氧化型抗氧化剂比例.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide inhibits photosynthetic O2 evolution. It has been shown that H2O2 destroys the function of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) in some chloroplast and Photosystem (PS) II preparations causing release of manganese from the OEC. In other preparations, H2O2 did not cause or caused only insignificant release of manganese. In this work, we tested the effect of H2O2 on the photosynthetic electron transfer and the state of OEC manganese in a native system (intact cells of the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis). According to EPR spectroscopy data, H2O2 caused an increase in the level of photooxidation of P700, the reaction centers of PS I, and decreased the rate of their subsequent reduction in the dark by a factor larger than four. Combined effect of H2O2, CN-, and EDTA caused more than eight- to ninefold suppression of the dark reduction of P700+. EPR spectroscopy revealed that the content of free (or loosely bound) Mn2+ in washed cyanobacterial cells was ~20% of the total manganese pool. This content remained unchanged upon the addition of CN- and increased to 25-30% after addition of H2O2. The content of the total manganese decreased to 35% after the treatment of the cells with EDTA. The level of the H2O2-induced release of manganese increased after the treatment of the cells with EDTA. Incubation of cells with H2O2 for 2 h had no effect on the absorption spectra of the photosynthetic pigments. More prolonged incubation with H2O2 (20 h) brought about degradation of phycobilins and chlorophyll a and lysis of cells. Thus, H2O2 causes extraction of manganese from cyanobacterial cells, inhibits the OEC activity and photosynthetic electron transfer, and leads to the destruction of the photosynthetic apparatus. H2O2 is unable to serve as a physiological electron donor in photosynthesis.  相似文献   

underlying mechanism of ROS-induced cell injury remains to be defined. This study was undertaken to examine the role of lipid peroxidation and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activation in H2O2-induced cell death in A172 cells, a human glioma cell line. H2O2 induced a dose- and time-dependent cell death. The cell death was prevented by thiols (dithiothreitol and glutathione), iron chelators (deferoxamine and phenanthroline), H2O2 scavengers (catalase and pyruvate), and a hydroxyl radical scavenger (dimethylthiourea). Antioxidants N,N-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPPD) and Trolox had no effect on the H2O2-induced cell death. Lipid peroxidation did not increase in human glioma cells exposed to H2O2. The PARP inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide prevented the cell death induced by H2O2. The PARP activity was increased by H2O2 and the H2O2 effect was prevented by 3-aminobenzamide, dithiothreitol, and phenanthroline. The ATP depletion induced by H2O2 was prevented by catalase, dithiothreitol, phenanthroline, and 3-aminobenzamide, but not by DPPD. These results indicate that the H2O2-induced cell death is mediated by PARP activation but not by lipid peroxidation in human glioma cells.  相似文献   

Ca2+-CaM对过氧化氢诱导玉米幼苗耐冷性的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
H2O2预处理可提高玉米幼苗的耐冷性及其体内钙调素(CaM)活性。阻断胞内Ca2 库的动员(钌红处理)、降低细胞中Ca2 水平(EGTA处理)及抑制CaM活性(TFP和CPZ处理)均可完全消除H2O2诱导的玉米幼苗的耐冷性。阻止胞外Ca2 跨膜进入胞内(La3 处理)并不抑制、甚至还能轻微地提高H2O2诱导的耐冷性。高Ca2 (20mmol.L^-1)处理削弱H2O2诱导的耐冷性。这些结果表明,CaM及胞内Ca2 库在H2O2诱导的玉米幼苗耐冷性的形成过程中起重要作用,而质外体中高浓度Ca2 和跨膜进入胞内会削弱H2O2诱导的耐冷性。  相似文献   

以内蒙古地区36种欧李优系资源果实为试验材料,分析欧李果实品质性状的9项指标含量差异及变异系数探究其多样性,通过相关性、主成分、聚类分析对其品质性状进行综合评价,筛选酚类品质优异的欧李优系资源,为内蒙古欧李种质资源创新利用提供理论依据。结果表明,(1)9项品质性状指标变异系数为5.91%~31.03%,总黄酮最高,可滴定酸最低。(2)欧李果实3种酚类物质与总还原力、·OH清除率、DPPH·清除率及果肉色泽多表现极显著正相关(P<0.01)。(3)通过主成分分析提取的3个主成分累计贡献率为73.54%,分别为酚类因子、酸度因子和总抗氧化因子;建立欧李种质综合评价数学模型:F=[10×(46.213×F_(1)+15.132×F_(2)+12.197×F_(3))/73.542]+60,综合得分最高为MY37(84.53),综合表现最差为MY9(29.61)。(4)系统聚类评价,将36份优系资源聚为4大类,其中第Ⅰ类群综合表现最优,分别为MY5、MY36、MY37、MY38、MY41、MY47、MY50,为酚类物质积累型,多为红色果肉,酸含量适中,同时这7份优系资源综合得分均在前10位,此类群可作为高酚类品质欧李种质资源。  相似文献   

过度氧化应激是诱发许多神经退变病的重要因素。叠氮钠(NaN3)是线粒体有氧呼吸链细胞色素c氧化酶(COX)的特异性抑制剂,过氧化氢(H2O2)释放氧自由基造成氧化损伤,两者都可以用于氧化应激情况下神经元损伤模型的建立。硫氧还蛋白还原酶(thioredoxin reductase,TR)特异性的还原氧化型的硫氧还蛋白(thioredoxin,TRx),调节细胞中氧化还原的平衡。现以不同浓度NaN3或H2O2,处理人神经母细胞瘤细胞(SH-SY5Y细胞),建立损伤模型。通过MTT法、形态学方法检测SH-SY5Y细胞损伤程度。同时,通过Western blot定量法、免疫细胞化学法,检测损伤的SH-SY5Y细胞中TR含量的改变,观察TR在胞内的分布。实验表明,NaN3、H2O2,均以浓度依赖方式损伤SH-SY5Y细胞;TR分布于SH-SY5Y细胞的胞浆,表明TR是一种分泌蛋白,损伤后分布无明显变化。但一定浓度的NaN3作用后3h,胞内TR水平显著降低,即神经系统内呼吸链受损可抑制TR的表达,为神经退变病的防治提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The Cistaceae family is well represented in Sardinia, and the Cistus genus is widely used in traditional medicine. Nowadays only few studies have been performed on this genus vegetating in Sardinia in spite of its ethnobotanical importance. Moreover, in the past there have been conflicting opinions among botanists for the exact assignment of the species growing in Sardinia. We started several years ago to carried out studies on this genus and in the present study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of several samples of Cistus salvifolius L., Cistus monspeliensis L., and Cistus albidus L. collected in Sardinia as antimicrobial agents against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and four Candida species and their antioxidant activity using DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays. Furthermore, the phenolic content and composition of the extracts were first evaluated. Using statistical multivariate analysis on the complete metabolomics profile of all Cistus species growing wild in Sardinia, we confirmed the botanical classification, and we observed an interesting correlation between metabolomics profile and antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Mangosteen extracts (ME) contain high levels of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Protective effects of ME against β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), induced cytotoxicity have been reported. Here, we further studied the protective effects of ME against oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and demonstrated the protection against memory impairment in mice. The cytoprotective effects of ME were measured as cell viability and the reduction in ROS activity. In SK-N-SH cell cultures, 200 μg/ml ME could partially antagonize the effects of 150 or 300 µM H2O2 on cell viability, ROS level and caspase-3 activity. At 200, 400 or 800 µg/ml, ME reduced AChE activity of SK-N-SH cells to about 60% of the control. In vivo study, Morris water maze and passive avoidance tests were used to assess the memory of the animals. ME, especially at 100 mg/kg body weight, could improve the animal’s memory and also antagonize the effect of scopolamine on memory. The increase in ROS level and caspase-3 activity in the brain of scopolamine-treated mice were antagonized by the ME treatment. The study demonstrated cytoprotective effects of ME against H2O2 and PCB-52 toxicity and having AChE inhibitory effect in cell culture. ME treatment in mice could attenuate scopolamine-induced memory deficit and oxidative stress in brain.  相似文献   

采用多个化学发光体系,研究了测定莲房原花青素(LSPC)的体外抗氧化活性及其对DNA损伤的保护作用。运用邻苯三酚-鲁米诺化学发光体系测定了LSPC对超氧阴离子的清除作用,硫酸铜-邻菲啰啉-抗坏血酸-双氧水、硫酸亚铁-鲁米诺-双氧水和硫酸亚铁-鲁米诺三个体系测定了LSPC对羟基自由基的清除作用,双氧水-鲁米诺体系测定了LSPC对体外双氧水的清除作用,采用硫酸铜-邻菲啰啉-抗坏血酸-双氧水-脱氧核糖核酸测定了LSPC对体外DNA损伤的保护作用。实验结果表明LSPC具有较好的体外清除活性氧和保护DNA损伤的活性,但是在不同体系中LSPC的抗氧化能力存在差异。  相似文献   

The oxidation reaction of H2O2 with KIO4 can produce chemiluminescence (CL) in the presence of the surfactant Tween40 and the CL intensity of the CL system KIO4–H2O2–Tween40 can be strikingly enhanced after injection of tannic acid. On this basis, a flow injection method with CL detection was established for the determination of tannic acid. The method is simple, rapid and effective to determine tannic acid in the range of 7.0 × 10?9 to 1.0 × 10?5 mol/L with a determination limit of 2.3 × 10?9 mol/L. The relative standard deviation is 2.6% for the determination of 5.0 × 10?6 mol/L tannic acid (n = 11). The method has been applied to determine the content of tannic acid in industrial wastewater with satisfactory results. It is believed that the CL reaction formed singlet oxygen 1O2* and the emission was from an excited oxygen molecular pair O2(1Δg)O2(1?g) in the KIO4–H2O2–Tween40 reaction. Tween40 played an important role in enhancing stabilization of the excited oxygen molecular pair O2(1Δg)O2(1?g) and in increasing CL intensity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文旨在探究二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae为害对草莓Fragaria×ananassa Duch.叶片内过氧化氢(H2O2)、丙二醛(MDA)含量以及部分防御酶活性的影响。在草莓苗上接种不同数量(5~25头)的二斑叶螨,分别在接种后的24 h、48 h和72 h取样,分析草莓叶片内H2O2、MDA的含量以及部分防御酶的活性。结果显示,二斑叶螨为害的草莓叶片内H2O2和MDA的含量以及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性随着时间的延长而呈现先升后降的趋势,在二斑叶螨持续为害草莓叶片24 h、48 h和72 h时,受损草莓叶片中H2O2的含量均显著高于对照(P<0.05),不同密度二斑叶螨为害的草莓叶片中H2O2的含量均显著高于对照(P<0.05),但与取食时间关系不大。当为害时间达到48 h时,MDA的含量和SOD的活性均达到最高峰,此时它们均与二斑叶螨的密度密切相关。当二斑叶螨为25头/叶时,MDA的含量和SOD的活性分别约是对照的3.6倍和10倍。过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性随时间延长不断升高,均在二斑叶螨为害72 h时达到最高峰。同时,二斑叶螨的为害时间和为害密度之间存在一定的交互作用。以上结果表明草莓叶片主要通过调节其体内H2O2和MDA的含量以及各种防御酶活性的变化,对二斑叶螨的为害产生应激反应。  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has key signaling roles at physiological levels, while causing molecular damage at elevated concentrations. H2O2 production by mitochondria is implicated in regulating processes inside and outside these organelles. However, it remains unclear whether and how mitochondria in intact cells release H2O2. Here, we employed a genetically encoded high‐affinity H2O2 sensor, HyPer7, in mammalian tissue culture cells to investigate different modes of mitochondrial H2O2 release. We found substantial heterogeneity of HyPer7 dynamics between individual cells. We further observed mitochondria‐released H2O2 directly at the surface of the organelle and in the bulk cytosol, but not in the nucleus or at the plasma membrane, pointing to steep gradients emanating from mitochondria. Gradient formation is controlled by cytosolic peroxiredoxins, which act redundantly and with a substantial reserve capacity. Dynamic adaptation of cytosolic thioredoxin reductase levels during metabolic changes results in improved H2O2 handling and explains previously observed differences between cell types. Our data suggest that H2O2‐mediated signaling is initiated only in close proximity to mitochondria and under specific metabolic conditions.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of signaling enzymes such as guanosine-5-O-2-thiodiphosphate, aristolochic acid, aspirin, indomethacin, and trifluoperazine block H2O2-induced platelet aggregation and H2O2-induced increase in the intracellular concentration of Ca2+. These findings suggest that the effect of H2O2 on platelets is associated with activation of signal pathways responsible for increase in the concentration of intracellular Ca2+. On H2O2-induced platelet aggregation, the concentration of cAMP in the cytoplasm decreases and that of cGMP increases.  相似文献   

水葫芦[Eichhornia crassipes(Mart)Solms]是世界上繁殖最快、危害最严重的多年生水生杂草之一。为了避免化学除草剂对水体的污染,生物防治已成为当前水葫芦治理的重要方向。马缨丹(Lantana camara)是马鞭草科的一种植物,其叶片提取物对水葫芦有很强的毒性。研究结果表明:经马缨丹叶提取液处理的水葫芦叶片中,超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性与H2O2浓度均显著升高,但过氧化氢酶的活性受到抑制,膜脂过氧化程度明显增加。H2O2的组织化学染色结果表明H2O2在气孔细胞中有异常高的积累,H2O2过量产生同时导致水葫芦叶片失绿与细胞死亡。因此,氧胁迫可能是马缨丹提取液对水葫芦毒害的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

Tropolones, the naturally occurring compounds responsible for the durability of heartwood of several cupressaceous trees, have been shown to possess both metal chelating and antioxidant properties. However, little is known about the ability of tropolone and its derivatives to protect cultured cells from oxidative stress-mediated damage. In this study, the effect of tropolones on hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage and apoptosis was investigated in cultured Jurkat cells. Tropolone, added to the cells 15 min before the addition of glucose oxidase, provided a dose dependent protection against hydrogen peroxide induced DNA damage. The IC50 value observed was about 15 μM for tropolone. Similar dose dependent protection was also observed with three other tropolone derivatives such as trimethylcolchicinic acid, purpurogallin and β-thujaplicin (the IC50 values were 34, 70 and 74 μM, respectively), but not with colchicine and tetramethyl purpurogallin ester. Hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis was also inhibited by tropolone. However, in the absence of exogenous H2O2 but in the presence of non-toxic concentrations of exogenous iron (100 μM Fe3+), tropolone dramatically increased the formation of single strand breaks at molar ratios of tropolone to iron lower than 3 to 1, while, when the ratio increased over 3, no toxicity was observed. In conclusion, the results presented in this study indicate that the protection offered by tropolone against hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage and apoptosis was due to formation of a redox-inactive iron complex, while its enhancement of iron-mediated DNA damage at ratios of [tropolone]/[Fe3+] lower than 3, was due to formation of a lipophilic iron complex which facilitates iron transport through cell membrane in a redox-active form.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests a role for apoptosis in the maintenance of the alveolar epithelium under normal and pathological conditions. However, the signaling pathways modulating alveolar type II (AT II) cell apoptosis remain poorly defined. Here we investigated the role of lysosomes as modulators of oxidant-mediated AT II cell apoptosis using an in vitro model of H(2)O(2)-stress. H(2)O(2) stress led to time-dependent increases in intracellular oxidants, mitochondrial membrane polarization, cytochrome c release, lysosomal rupture, and AT II cells apoptosis. Increased apoptosis was prevented by specific inhibition of the caspase cascade using the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk or a caspase 3 inhibitor, or by using functional inhibitors for cathepsin D (pepstatin A) or cathepsin B. Inhibition of cathepsin D also prevented mitochondrial permeabilization and cythocrome c release suggesting that lysosomal rupture precedes and is necessary for the activation of the mitochondrial pathway of cell death.  相似文献   

This paper presents diffusion data of N2, O2, H2S and SO2 in MFI and 4A zeolites obtained by molecular dynamics simulations, especially its dependence on temperature and loading. At high loadings and temperatures, the order of self-diffusivity of guests in two zeolites is O2 > N2 > H2S>SO2. The diffusion behaviour is different in different zeolites at lower loadings, reflecting different influences from straight channels (MFI) and α-cages (4A). Furthermore, with increasing loading, the self-diffusivity of guest molecules decreases in MFI but generally increases in 4A. The centre of mass (COM) probability densities and diffusion trajectories of guests give insight into molecular-level diffusion process. The simulation results reveal that with increasing loading, the diffusion mechanism would change from the inter-pore to intra-pore diffusion in MFI. However, in 4A, the intra-pore diffusion is predominant at low and high loadings, but inter-pore diffusion is more important at moderate loadings.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide is an important regulatory agent in plants. This study demonstrates that exogenous H2O2 application to Arabidopsis thaliana root epidermis results in dose-dependent transient increases in net Ca2+ influx. The magnitude and duration of the transients were greater in the elongation zone than in the mature epidermis. In both regions, treatment with the cation channel blocker Gd3+ prevented H2O2-induced net Ca2+ influx, consistent with application of exogenous H2O2 resulting in the activation of plasma membrane Gd3+-sensitive Ca2+-influx pathways. Application of 10 mm H2O2 to the external plasma membrane face of elongation zone epidermal protoplasts resulted in the appearance of a hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable conductance. This conductance differed from that previously characterized as being responsive to extracellular hydroxyl radicals. In contrast, in mature epidermal protoplasts a plasma membrane hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channel was activated only when H2O2 was present at the intracellular membrane face. Channel open probability increased with intracellular [H2O2] and at hyperpolarized voltages. Unitary conductance decreased thus: Ba2+ > Ca2+ (14.5 pS) > Mg2+ > Zn2+ (20 mM external cation, 1 mM H2O2). Lanthanides and Zn2+ (but not TEA+) suppressed the open probability without affecting current amplitude. The results suggest spatial heterogeneity and differential sensitivity of Ca2+ channel activation by reactive oxygen species in the root that could underpin signalling.  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金(No.30971003)、云南省基础研究重点项目(No.2007c0012z)和北京协和医学院博士创新基金资助项目  相似文献   

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