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Prolactin was determined by radioimmunoassay in the peripheral plasma of five post-pubertal Large White gilts before and after olfactory bulbectomy. In the oestrous cycle before bulbectomy and in cycles after bulbectomy, the highest concentrations of prolactin were found during the period from the late luteal phase to oestrus. Throughout the prolonged summer anoestrus which occurred after bulbectomy, the amounts of prolactin were similar to base-line quantities found during the oestrous cycle between Days 3 and 12. These results differ from those found for the seasonally breeding European wild sow where high prolactin levels are associated with a summer anoestrus.  相似文献   

Sex differences in immune function are well established among laboratory rodents, with males typically having lower immunity than females. This sex difference may reflect the suppressive effects of testosterone on immune function. Because polygynous males generally have higher circulating testosterone concentrations than monogamous males, sex differences in immune function are hypothesized to be more pronounced among polygynous as compared to monogamous species. Sex differences in immune function have not been consistently observed among individually housed Microtus in the laboratory; thus, social interactions are hypothesized to be necessary for the expression of sex differences in immune function. We assessed the effect of differential housing conditions on humoral immunity and steroid hormone concentrations in polygynous meadow voles Microtus pennsylvanicus, and monogamous prairie voles M. ochrogaster. We examined humoral immunity by immunizing voles with keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) and measuring antibody production 5, 10, 15 and 30 days postimmunization. Overall, meadow voles mounted higher anti-KLH immunoglobulin (Ig)M and IgG responses than prairie voles, regardless of the housing condition. Sex differences in antibody production were only observed among meadow voles housed in pairs, in which females had higher anti-KLH IgM and IgG responses than males. Sex differences in antibody production were not observed among prairie voles or meadow voles housed individually. Sex and species differences in circulating oestradiol, testosterone, and corticosterone concentrations were not related to differences in humoral immunity. These data suggest that sex differences in immune function are more pronounced among polygynous species than monogamous species, but may be context dependent. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We determined whether seasonal differences exist in the amount of time meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, self-groom when they encounter the scents of conspecifics. To do so, we used voles that were born and reared under long photoperiod (LP) and short photoperiod (SP). LP voles represent those found in free-living populations during the spring and summer breeding season, whereas SP voles characterize those found in free-living populations during the fall and winter nonbreeding season. Experiment 1 showed that LP male and female voles self-groomed more in response to odors of LP opposite-sex conspecifics as compared to those of other LP and SP conspecifics, suggesting that they may be self-grooming to signal sexual interest or excitement to potential mates. Experiment 2 demonstrated that SP males self-groomed more in response to scents of LP female voles and those of SP males as compared to scents of LP males and SP females, whereas SP females spent similar amounts of time self-grooming in response to scents of LP males, LP females, SP females, and SP males. These seasonal differences in self-grooming may reflect differences in the messages produced by groomers when they broadcast their odors as well as differences in the meaning of such odors to opposite-sex conspecifics. Alternatively, these data may be associated with seasonal differences in sexual motivation of the groomers when exposed to scents of particular conspecifics.  相似文献   

Whether geographic variation in signals actually affects communication between individuals depends on whether discriminable differences in signals occur over distances that individuals move in their lifetimes. We measure the ability of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to discriminate foreign from local songs using foreign songs recorded at a series of increasing distances and compare the results with previous measurements of dispersal distances. We test discrimination in males using playback of songs on territories and measuring approach and in females using playback to estradiol-treated captives and measuring courtship display. Females fail to discriminate against foreign songs recorded at 18 km but do discriminate against foreign songs recorded at 34, 68, 135, and 540 km. Males fail to discriminate against foreign songs recorded at 18, 34, 68, 135, and 270 km but do discriminate against foreign songs from 540 km. Females are more discriminating, but even they do not discriminate at a distance three times the root-mean-square dispersal distance, as estimated from mtDNA variation. We suggest that female preference for local songs benefits females not because it allows them to reject foreign males but because accurate production of local song serves as a test of song-learning ability.  相似文献   

In the forests of northern Fennoscandia during the I980's, the dynamics of microtine rodents changed from multiannual high amplitude fluctuations (cycles) to, depending on species, fluctuations with a strong seasonal component or fluctuations with smaller amplitude and lower frequency. Microtine and predator data from the Pallasjarvi area, Finnish Lapland, suggest that this transition took place at different rates in different parts of the taiga landscape. Generally, densities in forest habitats have been primarily seasonal since 198S-86. In mesic spruce taiga and in drier forest habitats microtines had a prolonged peak in 1981-83 and a crash in 1984-83. At the timberline, however, microtine populations dropped from peak to low densities already in 1982-83 but the final crash did not occur until spring 1985. The synchronous decrease in microtines densities in all habitat types in 1984-85 coincided with increase in weasel activity. Activity of other carnivores was consistently high in mesic lowland habitats. The data support following three conjectures. 1) Periodic abundance of least weasels is crucial for sustained vole cycles. 2) Predominance of stoats and other generalist predators lead to less regular fluctuations with a strong seasonal component where density declines occur in autumn and early winter. 3) In barren tundra areas, the vegetation cannot sustain high densities of microtines and. consequently, predation is not a necessary condition for population crashes.  相似文献   

Lennart Hansson 《Ecography》1986,9(4):312-316
The voles Microtus agrestis and Clethrionomys glareolus consume more bark in north than in south Sweden in spite of lower availability in the former area due to snow-pressed ground. Field experiments with genetically homogeneous aspen sticks demonstrated that this pattern reflects differences in animal behaviour and not differences in plant palatability. Within a region consumption in snow-pressed areas was usually less than in subnivean spaces or runways. The amount of bark consumption was generally correlated with population density and amount of grazing impact. Great differences in bark consumption between north Swedish areas with high peak vole populations and south-central Swedish areas with moderate peak numbers imply that nutrition is of different importance at population declines in different regions. The ability of voles to move into snow-pressed areas and locate woody sticks in the snow suggests that control of ground cover will not protect tree seedlings at reforestation.  相似文献   

The areal extent and configuration of thickets of willow shrubs are currently changing in the Arctic both as an effect of global warming and changed browsing pressure of reindeer. These changes have been predicted to impact the distribution and abundance of wildlife species relying on willow thickets as habitat. We assessed the relation between variables quantifying willow thicket configuration and population dynamics of tundra voles (Microtus oeconomus) in three riparian regions in Finnmark, northern Norway, which were subject to intense browsing by semi-domesticated reindeer. The tundra vole, which exhibits 5-year population cycles in Finnmark, is the dominant small rodent species in riparian landscape elements in southern arctic tundra. In the course of a 4-year trapping study, tundra vole populations went through the cyclic phases of increase, peak and crash, however, with distinct differences between the three regions in the population dynamics. Within regions, the occupancy pattern during the increase phase was positively related to willow thicket configuration (in particular edge density and willow height) only in the region attaining the highest abundance and occupancy. However, local abundance was not clearly related to habitat features within any regions. The lack of consistency in the response of tundra vole populations to willow thicket configuration, as well as the positive relation between the degree of thicket shredding and tundra vole habitat occupancy in one of the regions, indicates that tundra voles will not be much affected by climate or browsing induced changes in the shrubbiness of the tundra in the future.  相似文献   

Spacing behaviour of female mammals is suggested to depend on the distribution and abundance of food. In addition, food limitation has been found to constrain the reproductive success of females. However, whether females maximize their reproductive success by adjusting space use in relation to current food availability and reproductive effort (e.g. litter size) has not been experimentally studied. We examined these questions by manipulating simultaneously food resources (control vs. food supplementation) and litter sizes (control vs. plus two pups) of territorial female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in large outdoor enclosures. Females with supplementary food had smaller home ranges (foraging area) and home range overlaps than control females, whereas litter size manipulation had no effect on space use. In contrast, the size of territory (exclusive area) was not affected by food supplementation or litter size manipulation. As we have previously shown elsewhere, extra food increases the reproductive success of bank vole females in terms of size and proportion of weaned offspring. According to the present data, greater overlap of female home ranges had a negative effect on reproductive success of females, particularly on survival of offspring. We conclude that higher food availability increases the reproductive success of bank vole females, and this effect may be mediated through lower vulnerability of offspring to direct killing and/or detrimental effects from other females in the population. Moreover, it seems that when density of conspecifics is controlled for, home range sizes of females, but not territoriality, is related to food resources in Clethrionomys voles.  相似文献   

Population dynamics for voles (Cricetidae), Tengmalm's owl (Aegolius funereus (L.)), red fox (Vulpes vulpes (L.)) willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus (L.)), black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix (L.)), capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.), hazel hen (Tetrastes bonasia (L.)), mountain hare (Lepus timidus L.) and tularemia (Francisella tularensis (McCoy & Chapin)) and game bird recruitment were studied by index methods in northern Sweden. In addition contemporary temperature records and spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and pine (Pinus silvestris L.) cone crops (as indices for plant production) and the occurrence of forest damage, caused by voles eating bark, were studied.During 1970–80 two synchronous 4-year cycles were observed for voles, predators (Tengmalm's owl and red fox) and their alternative prey species (grouse and mountain hare). In grouse the change of numbers was correlated with that of recruitment. Autumn vole numbers peaked about a year before the other species and extensive forest damage occurred at winter peak densities of voles. These population fluctuations are consistent with a predator-prey model for their regulation. In short the model suggests that vole-food plant interactions trigger the cycle of voles, that voles generate the cycle of predators and that these in turn synchronize alternative prey populations to the others at vole declines.For voles, grouse and red fox the amplitude was higher in the first cycle compared to the second one whilst the opposite was true for the mountain hare. Although temperature and cone crops showed large interannual variations they still implied that herbivore food conditions were better during the former cycle. Hence, the reduction of the amplitude of the vole cycle may be explained by inter-cyclic differences in plant food conditions, implying food shortage (as indicated by bark-eating) at different population levels. The similar decrease of grouse and red fox populations may also be explained by deteriorated food conditions and/or for the fox by an outbreak of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiae var. vulpes). The increased amplitude of the mountain hare cycle was part of a long-term rise in numbers after a tularemia epidemic in 1967. This is interpreted as a recovery, probably towards the generally higher pre-epidemic population level.  相似文献   

We exposed the strains of Chlamydomonas isolated from an outbred laboratory population to a range of concentrations of salt (NaCl) up to an extirpative level that the base population could not tolerate. The genetic variance of yield increased with stress over the first half of this range before collapsing to nearly zero. The genetic correlation decreased with environmental distance, whether measured as a difference in dosage or as an environmental variance. This result is consistent with previous studies and provides a basis for interpreting adaptation to a deteriorating environment and the process of evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   

In multiparous rats, the incidence of regular estrous cyclicity and fertility decreases markedly at middle age. However, recent studies have shown that repeated pregnancies or progesterone (P) implants can subsequently cause retired breeder females to maintain regular cyclicity for an extended period of time; these results suggest a P-mediated deceleration of reproductive aging. In the present study, we examined the relation of ovarian steroid levels in young virgin females to their subsequent estrous cyclicity and reproductive function during aging as compared to multiparous females. Beginning at 4 mo of age and continuing to 6 mo of age, regularly cyclic virgin rats received either consecutive P implants (n = 41) or no implants (controls, n = 45) for 3 wk, followed by implant removal for 1 wk. Additional females (n = 72) were mated and allowed to undergo repeated pregnancies at 4, 6 1/2, and 8 mo of age. Blood samples were obtained throughout the estrous cycle (virgin females), during pregnancy (multiparous rats), and on Day 11 of successive treatments with P implants (virgins with P implants) for P, estradiol (E2), and testosterone (T) measurements. Subsequently, regularly cyclic females from all three groups were mated with fertile males to undergo term pregnancies at 10 and 12 mo of age. While the virgin controls showed cyclic increases in P, T, and E2 secretion during their estrous cycles, the P-implanted females had persistently low E2 and high P and T levels during treatment, which indicates an inhibition of ovarian E2 synthesis by P.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Terrestrial mammals, like rodents, use odors, and scent marks to indicate their presence in an area to conspecifics. These odors convey information about the scent donor's genotype, sex, condition, and age. The ability to discriminate among the scent marks of conspecifics and later recollect the identity of the donor is essential for choosing between familiar and unfamiliar mates. We tested the hypothesis that the promiscuous meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) can recollect the odor of a familiar, opposite-sex conspecific and distinguish it from that of an unfamiliar, opposite-sex conspecific. We also hypothesized that because reproductive success is highly skewed among male meadow voles and competition for mates is intense, males will be more likely than females to recollect the odor of a familiar, opposite-sex conspecific and distinguish it from that of an unfamiliar, opposite-sex conspecific, for a longer period of time. Using a habituation task, we first exposed the voles, 4 times successively, to the anogenital area scent of an opposite-sex conspecific. Then, 1 hr, 24 hrs, 72 hrs, or 96 hrs after the fourth exposure, voles were presented with the odor of the donor from the exposure phase (familiar donor) and that of an unfamiliar, opposite-sex conspecific. Female meadow voles spent similar amounts of time investigating the scent of the familiar male donor and that of an unfamiliar male donor after the 1-hr and 24-hr intervals. Male meadow voles, however, spent more time with the scent of an unfamiliar female donor than that of the familiar female donor after the 1-hr, 24-hr, and 72-hr intervals, suggesting that male voles could recollect the scent mark of a familiar female for at least three days. The implications of these sex differences in social memory may reflect the different strategies male and female meadow voles use in the recognition of previous and potential mates. Recognition of an individual's scents may enhance fitness by allowing animals to direct appropriate behaviors toward those individuals.  相似文献   

Horses (Equus caballus) belong to the group of seasonally polyestrous mammals. Estrous cycles typically start with increasing daylight length after winter, but mares can differ greatly in the timing of onset of regular estrus cycles. Here, we test whether spatial proximity to a stallion also plays a role. Twenty-two anestrous mares were either exposed to one of two stallions (without direct physical contact) or not exposed (controls) under experimental conditions during two consecutive springs (February to April). Ovarian activity was monitored via transrectal ultrasound and stallion's direct contact time with each mare was determined three times per week for one hour each. We found that mares exposed to a stallion ovulated earlier and more often during the observational period than mares that were not exposed to stallions. Neither stallion identity nor direct contact time, mare age, body condition, size of her largest follicle at the onset of the experiment, or parasite burden significantly affected the onset of cyclicity. In conclusion, the timing of estrous cycles and cycle frequency, i.e., crucial aspects of female reproductive strategy, strongly depend on how the mares perceive their social environment. Exposing mares to the proximity of a stallion can therefore be an alternative to, for example, light programs or elaborated hormonal therapies to start the breeding season earlier and increase the number of estrous cycles in horses.  相似文献   

Genotypic differences in aluminium (Al) tolerance hold considerable promise in overcoming an important limitation to plant growth in acid soils. Little is known, however, about the biochemical basis of such differences. Extracellular properties, particularly low root cation-exchange capacity (CEC), have been associated with Al tolerance, since roots of low CEC adsorb less Al than do those of high CEC. A solution culture study was conducted in which 12 plant species (monocots and dicots) were grown in solution culture of low ionic strength (ca 2 mM) for 8 d at four Al concentrations (0, 16, 28 and 55 M). The species differed significantly in Al tolerance as shown by differences in root length. Root length relative to that of the same species grown in the absence of Al varied from 6 to 117% at 16 M Al, and from 6 to 75% at 28 M Al. Species tolerance of Al was not closely associated with differences in root CEC. Although in some species Al sensitivity was associated with high adsorption of Al during a 10- or 40-min exposure to Al (expressed on a fresh mass or root length basis), this was not a good predictor of Al tolerance across all species studied.  相似文献   

Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), two closely related gallinaceous bird species, exhibit a form of vocalization-crowing-which differs between the species in two components: its temporal acoustic pattern and its accompanying postural motor pattern. Previous work utilizing the quail-chick chimera technique demonstrated that the species-specific characteristics of the two crow components are determined by distinct brain structures: the midbrain confers the acoustic pattern, and the caudal hindbrain confers the postural pattern. Crowing is induced by androgens, acting directly on androgen receptors. As a strategy for identifying candidate neurons in the midbrain and caudal hindbrain that could be involved in crow production, we performed immunocytochemistry for androgen receptors in these brain regions in both species. We also investigated midbrain-to-hindbrain vocal-motor projections. In the midbrain, both species showed prominent androgen receptor immunoreactivity in the nucleus intercollicularis, as had been reported in previous studies. In the caudal hindbrain, we discovered characteristic species differences in the pattern of androgen receptor distribution. Chickens, but not quail, showed strong immunoreactivity in the tracheosyringeal division of the hypoglossal nucleus, whereas quail, but not chickens, possessed strong immunoreactivity in a region of the ventrolateral medulla. Some of these differences in hindbrain androgen receptor distribution may be related to the species differences in the postural component of crowing behavior. The results of the present study imply that the spatial distribution of receptor proteins can vary even between closely related species. Such variation in receptor distribution could underlie the evolution of species differences in behavior.  相似文献   

Microtine species are known to have an ultradian pattern of activity. Earlier study suggested that period of activity oscillations decreased after magnification of the average energy expenditure. Moreover, the lack of daily variation in nonshivering thermogenesis capacity suggests that the level of metabolic rate (MR) depends mainly on animal activity. Thus, (1) one could expect that ultradian oscillations of MR and activity were similarly dependent on the average level of energy expenditure. Moreover, I expected that animals at lower ambient temperature (Ta) should minimize their energy expenditure and the time of exposure to low Ta outside the nest. Thus (2) their mean activity near a feeder does not increase together with average level of energy expenditure. I tested these hypotheses using root voles Microtus oeconomus Pallas, 1776 acclimated to Ta of 20°C (12L∶12D). The MR and activity both inside (An) and outside the nest (Af), were measured continuously at Ta of 10 and 20°C. Average oxygen consumption differed between Tas. The period of MR and Af rhythm was shorter at lower Ta, but the period of An did not differ significantly. The level of energy expenditure did not affect mean Af. Close correlation between MR and Af length period suggests that oscillations of MR during the day are affected by activity related to feeding, rather than low cost An.  相似文献   

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