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脑深部电刺激(deep brain stimulation,DBS)是近20年来神经外科领域发展最迅猛的技术。DBS是通过刺激发生器发出的高频电脉冲信号刺激脑神经核团或神经传导束来调节异常的神经环路。DBS已经成为治疗特发性震颤、帕金森病、肌张力障碍等运动障碍病的常规手术方法。自1997年深部脑刺激通过美国FDA认证用于治疗特发性震颤以来,已有超过数万名运动障碍患者接受该疗法,而国内脑深部电刺激最早在1999年应用于帕金森病临床治疗,迄今也有数千例患者接受了植入手术。近年,脑起搏器的临床适应症不断扩大,从最初的运动障碍病逐渐发展到治疗其他神经和精神疾病,如抽动秽语综合征、强迫症、抑郁症、神经性厌食症、难治性疼痛、癫痫、植物状态和阿尔茨海默病等,虽然DBS的治疗机理还不很清楚,但可以预见未来DBS将成为众多神经和精神疾病的重要治疗方法。  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shown remarkable therapeutic benefits for patients with otherwise treatment-resistant movement and affective disorders. This technique is not only clinically useful, but it can also provide new insights into fundamental brain functions through direct manipulation of both local and distributed brain networks in many different species. In particular, DBS can be used in conjunction with non-invasive neuroimaging methods such as magnetoencephalography to map the fundamental mechanisms of normal and abnormal oscillatory synchronization that underlie human brain function. The precise mechanisms of action for DBS remain uncertain, but here we give an up-to-date overview of the principles of DBS, its neural mechanisms and its potential future applications.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the central nervous system creates both orthodromically propagating action potentials, by stimulation of local cells and passing axons, and antidromically propagating action potentials, by stimulation of presynaptic axons and terminals. Our aim was to understand how antidromic action potentials navigate through complex arborizations, such as those of thalamic and basal ganglia afferents-sites of electrical activation during deep brain stimulation. We developed computational models to study the propagation of antidromic action potentials past the bifurcation in branched axons. In both unmyelinated and myelinated branched axons, when the diameters of each axon branch remained under a specific threshold (set by the antidromic geometric ratio), antidromic propagation occurred robustly; action potentials traveled both antidromically into the primary segment as well as "re-orthodromically" into the terminal secondary segment. Propagation occurred across a broad range of stimulation frequencies, axon segment geometries, and concentrations of extracellular potassium, but was strongly dependent on the geometry of the node of Ranvier at the axonal bifurcation. Thus, antidromic activation of axon terminals can, through axon collaterals, lead to widespread activation or inhibition of targets remote from the site of stimulation. These effects should be included when interpreting the results of functional imaging or evoked potential studies on the mechanisms of action of DBS.  相似文献   

 Based on a stochastic phase-resetting approach, three different double-pulse stimulation techniques are presented here which make it possible to effectively desynchronize a population of phase oscillators in the presence of noise. In the three sorts of double pulses the first, stronger pulse restarts the cluster independent of its initial dynamic state. The three methods differ with respect to the mechanism through which the second, weaker pulse desynchronizes the cluster. Both first and second pulses are delivered to the same site. Because of the oscillators' global couplings in the model under consideration, the incoherent state is unstable, so that after the desynchronization the cluster tends to resynchronize. However, resynchronization is effectively blocked by repeated administration of a double pulse. The experimental application of double-pulse stimulation is explained in detail. In particular, demand-controlled deep brain double-pulse stimulation is suggested for the therapy of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease or essential tremor. Received: 22 November 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 26 April 2001  相似文献   

Continuous high-frequency deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a widely used therapy for advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) management. However, the mechanisms underlying DBS effects remain enigmatic and are the subject of an ongoing debate. Here, we present and test a closed-loop stimulation strategy for PD in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) primate model of PD. Application of pallidal closed-loop stimulation leads to dissociation between changes in basal ganglia (BG) discharge rates and patterns, providing insights into PD pathophysiology. Furthermore, cortico-pallidal closed-loop stimulation has a significantly greater effect on akinesia and on cortical and pallidal discharge patterns than standard open-loop DBS and matched control stimulation paradigms. Thus, closed-loop DBS paradigms, by modulating pathological oscillatory activity rather than the discharge rate of the BG-cortical networks, may afford more effective management of advanced PD. Such strategies have the potential to be effective in additional brain disorders in which a pathological neuronal discharge pattern can be recognized.  相似文献   

Münte TF  Kutas M 《Neuron》2008,59(5):677-679
In this issue of Neuron, Wahl et al. demonstrate via invasive recordings from Deep Brain Stimulation leads that the thalamus (but not basal ganglia) is sensitive to certain linguistic violations, consistent with a subcortical role in selective recruitment of language-related cortical areas.  相似文献   

Santos FJ  Costa RM  Tecuapetla F 《Neuron》2011,72(2):197-198
High-frequency open-loop deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been used to alleviate Parkinson's symptoms for almost 20 years. In this issue of Neuron, Rosin et?al. present a closed-loop real-time approach that improves DBS and shines light on the etiology of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an efficient neurosurgical treatment for advanced Parkinson's disease. Non‐invasive metabolic neuroimaging during the course of DBS in animal models may contribute to our understanding of its action mechanisms. Here, DBS was adapted to in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 11.7 T in the rat to follow metabolic changes in main basal ganglia structures, the striatum, and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr). Measurements were repeated OFF and ON acute and subchronic (7 days) STN‐DBS in control and parkinsonian (6‐hydroxydopamine lesion) conditions. Acute DBS reversed the increases in glutamate, glutamine, and GABA levels induced by the dopamine lesion in the striatum but not in the SNr. Subchronic DBS normalized GABA in both the striatum and SNr, and glutamate in the striatum. Taurine levels were markedly decreased under subchronic DBS in the striatum and SNr in both lesioned and unlesioned rats. Microdialysis in the striatum further showed that extracellular taurine was increased. These data reveal that STN‐DBS has duration‐dependent metabolic effects in the basal ganglia, consistent with development of adaptive mechanisms. In addition to counteracting defects induced by the dopamine lesion, prolonged DBS has proper effects independent of the pathological condition.


In response to the early success of deep brain stimulation, we offer some common-sense strategies to sustain the work, addressing the need to do so in a fiscally workable, ethically transparent, and scientifically informed manner. After delineating major threats, we will suggest reforms in both the legislative and regulatory spheres that might remediate these challenges. We will recommend (1) revisions to the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, which governs intellectual property exchange resulting from federally funded research; (2) revisions to the Association of American Medical Colleges recommendations concerning the management of conflicts of interest when scientists with an intellectual property interest participate in clinical research in tandem; (3) revisions to the Food and Drug Administration's pre-market approval process for new devices, including a proposal for a mini-investigational device exemption; and (4) the establishment of a public-private partnership to build ethical and sustainable synergies between the scientific community, industry, and government that would foster discovery and innovation.  相似文献   

A proper understanding of cognitive functions cannot be achieved without an understanding of consciousness, both at the empirical and at the theoretical level. This paper argues that consciousness has to do with a system's capacity for information integration. In this approach, every causal mechanism capable of choosing among alternatives generates information, and information is integrated to the extent that it is generated by a system above and beyond its parts. The set of integrated informational relationships generated by a complex of mechanisms--its quale--specify both the quantity and the quality of experience. As argued below, depending on the causal structure of a system, information integration can reach a maximum value at a particular spatial and temporal grain size. It is also argued that changes in information integration reflect a system's ability to match the causal structure of the world, both on the input and the output side. After a brief review suggesting that this approach is consistent with several experimental and clinical observations, the paper concludes with some prospective remarks about the relevance of understanding information integration for analyzing cognitive function, both normal and pathological.  相似文献   

Timing in the range of seconds referred to as interval timing is crucial for cognitive operations and conscious time processing. According to recent models of interval timing basal ganglia (BG) oscillatory loops are involved in time interval recognition. Parkinsońs disease (PD) is a typical disease of the basal ganglia that shows distortions in interval timing. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a powerful treatment of PD which modulates motor and cognitive functions depending on stimulation frequency by affecting subcortical-cortical oscillatory loops. Thus, for the understanding of BG-involvement in interval timing it is of interest whether STN-DBS can modulate timing in a frequency dependent manner by interference with oscillatory time recognition processes. We examined production and reproduction of 5 and 15 second intervals and millisecond timing in a double blind, randomised, within-subject repeated-measures design of 12 PD-patients applying no, 10-Hz- and ≥ 130-Hz-STN-DBS compared to healthy controls. We found under(re-)production of the 15-second interval and a significant enhancement of this under(re-)production by 10-Hz-stimulation compared to no stimulation, ≥ 130-Hz-STN-DBS and controls. Milliseconds timing was not affected. We provide first evidence for a frequency-specific modulatory effect of STN-DBS on interval timing. Our results corroborate the involvement of BG in general and of the STN in particular in the cognitive representation of time intervals in the range of multiple seconds.  相似文献   

Although deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the basal ganglia improves motor outcomes in Parkinson's disease (PD), its effects on cognition, including language, remain unclear. This study examined the impact of subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS on two fundamental capacities of language, grammatical and lexical functions. These functions were tested with the production of regular and irregular past-tenses, which contrast aspects of grammatical (regulars) and lexical (irregulars) processing while controlling for multiple potentially confounding factors. Aspects of the motor system were tested by contrasting the naming of manipulated (motor) and non-manipulated (non-motor) objects. Performance was compared between healthy controls and early-stage PD patients treated with either DBS/medications or medications alone. Patients were assessed on and off treatment, with controls following a parallel testing schedule. STN-DBS improved naming of manipulated (motor) but not non-manipulated (non-motor) objects, as compared to both controls and patients with just medications, who did not differ from each other across assessment sessions. In contrast, STN-DBS led to worse performance at regulars (grammar) but not irregulars (lexicon), as compared to the other two subject groups, who again did not differ. The results suggest that STN-DBS negatively impacts language in early PD, but may be specific in depressing aspects of grammatical and not lexical processing. The finding that STN-DBS affects both motor and grammar (but not lexical) functions strengthens the view that both depend on basal ganglia circuitry, although the mechanisms for its differential impact on the two (improved motor, impaired grammar) remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Prior studies of appetite regulatory networks, primarily in rodents, have established that targeted electrical stimulation of ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) can alter food intake patterns and metabolic homeostasis. Consideration of this method for weight modulation in humans with severe overeating disorders and morbid obesity can be further advanced by modeling procedures and assessing endpoints that can provide preclinical data on efficacy and safety. In this study we adapted human deep brain stimulation (DBS) stereotactic methods and instrumentation to demonstrate in a large animal model the modulation of weight gain with VMH-DBS. Female Göttingen minipigs were used because of their dietary habits, physiologic characteristics, and brain structures that resemble those of primates. Further, these animals become obese on extra-feeding regimens. DBS electrodes were first bilaterally implanted into the VMH of the animals (n = 8) which were then maintained on a restricted food regimen for 1 mo following the surgery. The daily amount of food was then doubled for the next 2 mo in all animals to produce obesity associated with extra calorie intake, with half of the animals (n = 4) concurrently receiving continuous low frequency (50 Hz) VMH-DBS. Adverse motoric or behavioral effects were not observed subsequent to the surgical procedure or during the DBS period. Throughout this 2 mo DBS period, all animals consumed the doubled amount of daily food. However, the animals that had received VMH-DBS showed a cumulative weight gain (6.1±0.4 kg; mean ± SEM) that was lower than the nonstimulated VMH-DBS animals (9.4±1.3 kg; p<0.05), suggestive of a DBS-associated increase in metabolic rate. These results in a porcine obesity model demonstrate the efficacy and behavioral safety of a low frequency VMH-DBS application as a potential clinical strategy for modulation of body weight.  相似文献   

Ethical analyses of the effects of neural interventions commonly focus on changes to personality and behavior, interpreting these changes in terms of authenticity and identity. These phenomena have led to debate among ethicists about the meaning of these terms for ethical analysis of such interventions. While these theoretical approaches have different criteria for ethical significance, they agree that patients’ reports are concerning because a sense of self is valuable. In this paper, I question this assumption. I propose that the Buddhist theory of no‐self offers a novel approach to making ethical sense of patients’ claims following deep brain stimulation. This alternative approach is based on the value of insight into patterns of cause and effect among mental states and actions.  相似文献   

Laura Y. Cabrera 《Bioethics》2019,33(9):1050-1058
The reporting of clinical trial data is necessary not only for doctors to determine treatment efficacy, but also to explore new questions without unnecessarily repeating trials, and to protect patients and the public from dangers when data are withheld. This issue is particularly salient in those trials involving invasive neurosurgical interventions, such as deep brain stimulation (DBS), for ‘treatment refractory’ psychiatric disorders. Using the federal database ClinicalTrials.gov, it was discovered that out of the completed or unknown‐status trials related to psychiatric DBS up to November 2018, only two had submitted results to ClinicalTrials.gov. These results suggest that, despite federal requirements to report clinical trial data, reporting on psychiatric DBS trials is problematically minimal. It is argued that a human rights approach to this problem establishes a legal and ethical foundation for the need to report clinical trial results in this area.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a standard neurosurgical procedure used to treat motor symptoms in about 5% of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Despite the indisputable success of this procedure, the biological mechanisms underlying the clinical benefits of DBS have not yet been fully elucidated. The paper starts with a brief review on the use of DBS to treat PD symptoms. The second section introduces a computational model based on the population density approach and the Izhikevich neuron model. We explain why this model is appropriate for investigating macroscopic network effects and exploring the physiological mechanisms which respond to this treatment strategy (i.e., DBS). Finally, we present new insights into the ways this computational model may help to elucidate the dynamic network effects produced in a cerebral structure when DBS is applied.  相似文献   

Niu  Lili  Guo  Yanchen  Lin  Zhengrong  Shi  Zhe  Bian  Tianyuan  Qi  Lin  Meng  Long  Grace  Anthony A.  Zheng  Hairong  Yuan  Ti-Fei 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2020,63(9):1328-1336
Ultrasound stimulation is an emerging noninvasive option in treating neuropsychiatric disorders. The present study investigates the behavioral alterations resulting from ultrasound stimulation on the nucleus accumbens(NAc) in freely moving mice. Our results show that an acute ultrasound stimulation on the NAc, rather than the visual cortex or auditory cortex, led to a pronounced avoidance behavior, while repeated NAc ultrasound stimulation resulted in an obvious conditioned place aversion with changes in synaptic protein(Glu A1/2 subunit) expression. Notably, NAc ultrasound stimulation suppressed the morphine-induced conditioned place preference. The results provide evidence that NAc ultrasound stimulation can be applied as a potential noninvasive therapeutic option in treating psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

It is difficult to investigate the mechanisms that mediate long-term changes in synapse function because synapses are small and deeply embedded inside brain tissue. Although recent fluorescence nanoscopy techniques afford improved resolution, they have so far been restricted to dissociated cells or tissue surfaces. However, to study synapses under realistic conditions, one must image several cell layers deep inside more-intact, three-dimensional preparations that exhibit strong light scattering, such as brain slices or brains in vivo. Using aberration-reducing optics, we demonstrate that it is possible to achieve stimulated emission depletion superresolution imaging deep inside scattering biological tissue. To illustrate the power of this novel (to our knowledge) approach, we resolved distinct distributions of actin inside dendrites and spines with a resolution of 60–80 nm in living organotypic brain slices at depths up to 120 μm. In addition, time-lapse stimulated emission depletion imaging revealed changes in actin-based structures inside spines and spine necks, and showed that these dynamics can be modulated by neuronal activity. Our approach greatly facilitates investigations of actin dynamics at the nanoscale within functionally intact brain tissue.  相似文献   

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