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In the United States, the regulatory approach to wetland protection has a traditional focus on size as a primary criterion, with large wetlands gaining significantly more protection. Small, isolated wetlands have received less protection; however, these wetlands play a significant role in the maintenance of biodiversity of many taxonomic groups, including amphibians. An important question for directing conservation and management efforts for amphibians is whether size is a useful criterion for regulatory decisions. Because hydroperiod has an important influence on amphibian composition in wetlands, I conducted a study to examine the relative influence of wetland size and hydroperiod on amphibian occurrence. I sampled 103 wetlands in southern New Hampshire in 1998 and 1999 using dipnet sampling to document the presence of larval amphibians. Wetlands were placed into one of three hydroperiod categories; short (<4 months), intermediate (4–11 months), or long (permanent) based on field observations of drying pattern. Wetland size was determined from digitized national wetland inventory (NWI) maps (most wetlands) or measured in the field. I examined patterns of amphibian species richness and individual species occurrence using generalized linear models. Wetland size ranged from 0.01 to 3.27 ha. Overall, species richness was significantly influenced by hydroperiod (χ2 = 18.6, p <0.001), but not size (χ2 = 1.4, p = 0.24). Examination within hydroperiod categories revealed several significant relationships with wetland size. Species richness was related to wetland size in wetlands with short and intermediate hydroperiods, but not wetlands with long hydroperiods. Wetland size does not appear to be a useful sole criterion for determining wetland functional value for amphibians; assessments of functions of seasonally inundated wetlands for amphibians would benefit from examination of hydroperiod.  相似文献   

We investigated whether groundwater abstraction for urban water supply diminishes the storage of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and organic matter in the soil of rural wetlands. Wetland soil organic matter (SOM) benefits air and water quality by sequestering large masses of C and N. Yet, the accumulation of wetland SOM depends on soil inundation, so we hypothesized that groundwater abstraction would diminish stocks of SOM, C, and N in wetland soils. Predictions of this hypothesis were tested in two types of subtropical, depressional‐basin wetland: forested swamps and herbaceous‐vegetation marshes. In west‐central Florida, >650 ML groundwater day?1 are abstracted for use primarily in the Tampa Bay metropolis. At higher abstraction volumes, water tables were lower and wetlands had shorter hydroperiods (less time inundated). In turn, wetlands with shorter hydroperiods had 50–60% less SOM, C, and N per kg soil. In swamps, SOM loss caused soil bulk density to double, so areal soil C and N storage per m2 through 30.5 cm depth was diminished by 25–30% in short‐hydroperiod swamps. In herbaceous‐vegetation marshes, short hydroperiods caused a sharper decline in N than in C. Soil organic matter, C, and N pools were not correlated with soil texture or with wetland draining‐reflooding frequency. Many years of shortened hydroperiod were probably required to diminish soil organic matter, C, and N pools by the magnitudes we observed. This diminution might have occurred decades ago, but could be maintained contemporarily by the failure each year of chronically drained soils to retain new organic matter inputs. In sum, our study attributes the contraction of hydroperiod and loss of soil organic matter, C, and N from rural wetlands to groundwater abstraction performed largely for urban water supply, revealing teleconnections between rural ecosystem change and urban resource demand.  相似文献   

The types of Amazonian forests subject to inundation can be organized into seven categories which are herewith named and described. This classification is intended to set in order the confusion of terminology used in the past. The types are: (1)seasonal várzea—forest flooded by regular annual cycles of white-water rivers; (2)seasonal igapó—forest flooded by regular annual cycles of black- and clear-water rivers; (3) mangrove—forests flooded twice daily by salt-water tides; (4)tidal várzea—forest flooded twice daily by fresh water backed up from tides; (5)floodplain forest—on low lying ground flooded by irregular rainfall, generally in upper reaches of rivers; (6)permanent white- water swamp forest; (7)permanent igapó—black-water forest. The first five types are periodically inundated and the last two are permanently waterlogged. This terminology is closer to that used by lim nologists by restricting the use ofigapó to forest inundated by black and clear water.  相似文献   

Carolina bays are shallow depression wetlands found in the southeastern United States that have been severely altered by human activity. The need to restore these complex and diverse systems is well established, but our limited understanding of wetland hydrologic processes in these systems hinders our ability to assess the effectiveness of bay restoration efforts. Carolina bays exhibit a wide range of moisture regimes from seasonally saturated to semipermanently inundated. Differing physicochemical properties of soils within bay interiors may control bay hydrology. However, previous efforts to establish relationships between soil characteristics and bay hydrology have been inconclusive. An assessment of soil and hydroperiod was initiated in 16 bays designated to be restored and 6 bays that were not restored (reference). Soil morphology was described, and permanent monitoring wells were installed at each site. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine relationships between the soil physicochemical characteristics and the bay hydroperiod for restored and reference bays in both pre‐ and postrestoration periods. A significant relationship (r2= 0.75, p= 0.02) between prerestoration hydroperiod and clay content in the argillic horizon (Bt) of the reference bays was observed. This relationship was then used to evaluate hydroperiod change in the restored bays from the postrestoration period. The relationship accurately identified sites that exhibited high prerestoration hydroperiods and did not need hydrologic restoration (n= 4) and effectively showed sites that exhibited substantial increases in hydroperiod due to the restoration activities (n= 7).  相似文献   

We conducted a field study to examine the influence of hydroperiod and concomitant changes in abiotic (wetland size, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and water temperature) and biotic (predatory fish presence) characteristics on macroinvertebrate communities in isolated wetlands in southern New Hampshire. Invertebrates were sampled using dipnet sweeps in 42 wetlands with short (<4 months), intermediate (4–11 months) or long (permanent) hydroperiods in 1998 and 1999. We found that invertebrate genera richness, and to a lesser degree abundance, increased linearly along the hydrological gradient, and in response to temperature and dissolved oxygen. Relative abundance of genera also differed markedly with respect to hydroperiod. Most notably, invertebrate communities changed from Acilius-dominated communities to Notonecta-dominated communities. Invertebrate relative abundances in permanent wetlands also differed with respect to the occurrence of predatory fish. Some genera (e.g., Libellula, and Dytiscus) were more likely to occur in permanent wetlands without fish, whereas other genera (e.g., Buena, and Basiaeshna) were more likely to occur in wetlands with predatory fish. Because aquatic invertebrate communities differed markedly with respect to wetland hydroperiod, and in relation to the occurrence of predatory fish, it is essential to retain a diversity of wetlands in the landscape to ensure the long-term persistence of aquatic invertebrate biodiversity.  相似文献   

In New England, seasonal forest ponds provide primary breeding habitat for several amphibian species, including Rana sylvatica (LeConte) and Ambystoma maculatum (Shaw). Because each species requires a minimum duration of inundation to complete its breeding cycle, one of the most important factors determining habitat suitability is a pond’s hydroperiod. The objective of this research was to develop a method for estimating pond hydroperiod from site characteristics such as pond morphology, geology, chemistry, and vegetation structure, and to use the estimates to assess the suitability of individual ponds for breeding amphibians. We monitored the duration of surface inundation in 65 ponds in the Pawcatuck River watershed of southern Rhode Island during 2001 and 2002. Pond hydroperiods, measured from 1 March, ranged from 19 to 44 weeks in 2001 and from 2 to 44 weeks in 2002; mean values were 30 and 21 weeks, respectively. Akaike’s Information Criterion was used to select a multivariate hydroperiod estimation model (R2 = 0.59, p < 0.0001) that permitted identification of ponds with hydroperiods suitable for breeding by R. sylvatica (95.4% correct classification rate [CCR]) and A. maculatum (75.4% CCR). Canopy cover, open basin depth, and specific conductance of surface water were among the most useful site characteristics for estimating hydroperiod, while surficial geology and the texture of soil parent material made smaller contributions. The CCR using open basin depth alone was 95.4 and 73.8%, respectively. These findings indicate that it is possible to estimate the hydroperiod of seasonal ponds – and to assess their suitability for individual species of breeding amphibians – without prolonged periods of hydrologic monitoring. Such techniques could have considerable value to wetland regulatory agencies and for planning amphibian habitat management and acquisition at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

A survey of 93 wetlands in six catchments across the Maloti-Drakensberg is used to assess the distribution of plant functional types across altitudinal and wetness gradients. Altitudes range from 1,000 to 3,200 m a.s.l. Within each catchment, the wetlands were selected to cover the complete range in altitude and wetland types. In each of the selected wetlands, vegetation was sampled in 3 by 3 m quadrats covering the entire range of wetness represented in the wetland, from temporarily wet to permanently inundated soils. Plant species were allocated to one of 11 different functional types (examples are C3 grasses, C4 sedges, rosette plants, and shrubs), and the proportion of the vegetation in each sample occupied by each functional type was calculated from the species’ abundances. Canonical Correspondence Analysis shows that “wetness” clearly has the highest impact on the distribution of functional types, followed by altitude. The most important plant functional types in wetlands are grasses and sedges, however, at higher altitudes, forbs (especially rosette plants) and bulbous plants become a more prominent feature in the wetlands. The total amount of graminoids gradually decreases with altitude. The general trend is that sedges tend to increase with increasing wetness and C3 plants (grasses and sedges) increase with increasing altitude, but these effects are not independent. The distributions of C4 sedges and C4 grasses along an altitudinal gradient are quite different, and C4 grasses grow abundantly at much higher altitudes than C4 sedges. C4 sedges are very scarce at the altitudes represented in the Maloti-Drakensberg area, whereas C3 grasses occur in the permanently wet parts of the wetlands, especially at higher altitudes (normally mostly occupied by sedges). Shrubs are rare in wetlands and tend to be an indication of disturbance. This study complements previous studies on the distribution of grasses and sedges at the lower altitudes within KwaZulu-Natal, which found that at altitudes below 1,000 m a.s.l. C4 sedges were much more prominent, while forbs and rosette plants were largely absent. This confirms that C4 as an adaptation to hotter and warmer climates is sometimes a less favorable metabolism in wet high altitude areas. At high altitudes, rosette plants and bulbous plants become more competitive in wetlands, probably because grasses and sedges present at these altitudes generally grow smaller than they do in low altitude wetlands.  相似文献   

Developing a wetland-type classification system in the Republic of Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Though there are wetlands listed by the IUCN and wetland protection areas designated by the government, it is presumed that there would be more wetlands in Korea when they are surveyed and classified according to international wetland criteria, but a considerable amount of area is yet to be identified. Therefore, in order to conduct a systematic status survey on the wetlands of Korea, a wetland classification system needs to be developed first. The objectives of this paper include reviewing international wetland classifications and mapping systems of the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and North Korea and developing a wetland classification and mapping system appropriate to Korea based on an understanding of the major case examples of wetland types. Then, the developed system was applied to the Phanmun field watershed located at the western DMZ in Korea to conduct a case study. The overall process of a wetland classification and mapping system developed in this study is undertaken as the following from step 1 to step 5. First, wetlands are identified based on three parameters: hydrology, hydrophytes and hydric soil. Second, wetland delineation distinguished wetland areas and non-wetland areas by identifying wetlands through a field survey. Third, an ecological survey is conducted in order to classify wetland characteristics and types for the target area. Ecological survey items include the topography, landscape, biota, pollutant sources and land use status. Fourth, a wetland classification is developed through a hybrid approach based on HGM (the hydrogeomorphic method). Level 1 is classified into inland, estuarine and costal areas. Level 2, the target area, is classified as an eco-region at a watershed level, and level 3 is classified into depression, riverine, slope, flat and fringe areas based on a HGM approach. Level 4 is classified into detailed wetland types based on specific characteristics of wetlands. Level 5 is classified into marsh and swamp based on grasslands and shrubs and forest trees. Level 6 indicates the dominant vegetation communities.
Hee-Sun Choi (Corresponding author)Email: Phone: +82-2-8804881Fax: +82-2-8754818

Hydroperiod and nutrient status are known to influence aquatic communities in wetlands, but their joint effects are not well explored. I sampled floating periphyton mat and flocculent detritus (floc) infaunal communities using 6-cm diameter cores at short- and long-hydroperiod and constantly inundated sites across a range of phosphorus (P) availability (total phosphorus in soil, floc and periphyton). Differences in community structure between periphyton and floc microhabitats were greater than any variation attributable to hydroperiod, P availability, or other spatial factors. Multivariate analyses indicated community structure of benthic-floc infauna was driven by hydroperiod, although crowding (no. g−1 AFDM) of individual taxa showed no consistent responses to hydroperiod or P availability. In contrast, community structure of periphyton mat infauna was driven by P availability, while densities of mat infauna (no. m−2) were most influenced by hydroperiod (+correlations). Crowding of mat infauna increased significantly with P availability in short-hydroperiod marshes, but was constant across the P gradient in long-hydroperiod marshes. Increased abundance of floating-periphyton mat infauna with P availability at short-hydroperiod sites may result from a release from predation by small fish. Community structure and density were not different between long-hydroperiod and constantly inundated sites. These results have implications for the use of macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality in wetlands and suggest the substrate sampled can influence interpretation of ecological responses observed in these communities.  相似文献   

Conservation of once thought extinct populations of Lycaena xanthoides in western Oregon will require specific information of how the butterfly interacts with its now rare wetland habitat. Three experiments were conducted to yield information directly applicable to wetland restoration work: (1) to quantify the survival of L. xanthoides eggs laid on inundated plants, (2) to quantify adult nectar preferences, (3) to investigate the role of adult resources and how butterflies assess habitat quality. Survival of eggs laid on inundated plants was nearly seven times lower than the survival of eggs laid on uninundated plants, indicating that eggs laid on plants that are seasonally flooded are a population sink. Adult L. xanthoides preferred an endemic native nectar plant, Grindelia integrifolia × nana, as an adult resource and used it approximately 88% of the time while other butterfly species preferred to nectar on the non-native Mentha pulegium. Adult L. xanthoides had a significantly greater short-term recapture rate in two restored study sites that had a high relative amount of Grindelia integrifolia × nana compared to a degraded site that lacked the preferred nectar source. Based on the results from the three small experiments, restoration of wetlands for L. xanthoides should concentrate plantings of host plant in non-flooded areas and propagate conspicuous patches of the preferred nectar plant.  相似文献   

A review of stratigraphic, radiocarbon, pollen, and aerial photographic data on the Swan Coastal Plain, south-western Australia, allows interpretation of long-term changes in climate and its effects on wetlands during the Holocene, whereas monitoring wetland hydrology and vegetation provides a measure of shorter-term changes. The information provides models for basin wetland response to changing climate. Drying climates shift wetlands to drier conditions, turning lakes into seasonally inundated or waterlogged basins, or resulting in an overall loss of wetlands, and favours more saline conditions, and development of carbonate deposits. Wetter conditions results in more frequent inundation, shifting damplands to sumplands or lakes, and resulting in fresher water conditions, and development of peat and/or organic matter enriched deposits. Examples of wetland basin responses to climate change across the Swan Coastal Plain show differential responses depending on setting, spatial distribution, hydrology, hydrochemistry and geochemistry, different temporal frameworks, and biological resilience.  相似文献   

Constructed wetland technology has broad applications for the treatment of many types of wastewaters and provides an ecological approach to mitigate the release of nutrients and toxic materials into the environment. However, design features, maintenance activities and the characteristics of the wastewater undergoing treatment contribute differentially to potential levels of mosquito production and, consequently, to threats to human and animal health from mosquito-borne pathogens. Of the variables typically considered when designing free-water surface constructed wetlands for the improvement of water quality of municipal and agricultural wastewaters, organic loading (i.e., biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids), nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and the configuration and maintenance of emergent vegetation can have strong effects on mosquito production. The production of Culex vectors of encephalitides and filarial worms is directly related to loading rates of organic matter and bottom-up enrichment of larval mosquito resources and their interaction with design features and management practices that reduce the physical and biological factors causing mortality of immature mosquitoes. As loading rates of organic matter and nutrients decline, the diversity of mosquitoes produced by treatment wetlands tends to increase and the relative abundance of Anopheles species, which are capable of vectoring the causative agents of malaria, increases in temperate man-made wetlands. Habitat features and management practices that create intermittently inundated substrate can lead to the production of other mosquitoes (i.e., Aedes, Psorophora) with floodwater life histories. Constructed wetland technology is expected to play an increasing role in water treatment and reclamation in tropical and subtropical countries where virulent mosquito-borne pathogens already cause significant levels of morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

The aquatic macrophytic vegetation constituting the wetlands situated along the coast of Lake Victoria provides valuable services to both local and regional communities as well as an important ecological function through the transition between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The wetland vegetation is typically rooted in the substrate on the landward side of the lake, but forms a floating mat towards the middle of the wetland and at the wetland/lake interface. Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum vegetation typically dominate the permanently inundated wetland areas along most of the shores of Lake Victoria. Due to the prevailing climatic and hydrological catchment conditions, these macrophytic plants (papyrus in particular) tend to exhibit high net productivity and nutrient uptake which strongly influences both wetland status and lake water quality. In addition, these wetlands provide important economic livelihoods for the local populations. The integrity and physical structure of these wetlands strongly influences their associated mass transport mechanisms (water, nutrients and carbon) and ecosystem processes. Wetland degradation in Africa is an increasing problem, as these ecosystems are relied upon to attenuate industrial, urban and agricultural pollution and supply numerous services and resources. In an integrated project focused on the wetlands of Lake Victoria, the ecological and economic aspects of littoral wetlands were examined and new instruments developed for their sustainable management.  相似文献   

Indicator species provide an easy and quick method of evaluating ecosystems. The species comprising the most useful indicators of wetlands should be distributed across a range of water depths and inundation durations, while each species is representative of a specific condition. Hydrophytic vegetation is commonly used to determine the existence and type of wetland; however, such indicator systems often depend on assigning species qualitatively to discrete categories based on assumptions about their distribution along a gradient of conditions. The current study proposes a wetland indicator system based on the quantitative responses of individual vegetation species to a gradient of water depths and periods of inundation. A long-term database was utilized to determine species responses to hydrological alterations in a series of wetlands. The hydrophytic plant species investigated (n = 29) displayed relatively narrow ranges of mean hydrologic values and were distributed linearly along multiple hydrologic gradients (hydroperiod, average water depth, and maximum water depth) ranging from Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum which was observed at the shallowest water depths and shortest hydroperiod to Pontederia cordata and Ludwigia repens which were characteristic of wetlands with the deepest water and longest hydroperiod. The species distribution and means along the hydrologic gradients tested indicates they are prime candidates for inclusion in a quantitative or continuum indicator system. The historical database utilized for this study provided valuable information for numerous species common to the Tampa Bay region for which little or no ecological information was previously available. The methodology utilized in this paper provides a cost and time effective method for obtaining the vast amounts of information required to refine plant indicator systems using a large number of species.  相似文献   

The hydroperiod of ephemeral wetlands is often the most important characteristic determining amphibian breeding success, especially for species with long development times. In mesic and wet pine flatwoods of the southeastern United States, ephemeral wetlands were a common landscape feature. Reticulated flatwoods salamanders (Ambystoma bishopi), a federally endangered species, depend exclusively on ephemeral wetlands and require at least 11 weeks to successfully metamorphose into terrestrial adults. We empirically modeled hydroperiod of 17 A. bishopi breeding wetlands by combining downscaled historical climate-model data with a recent 9-year record (2006–2014) of observed water levels. Empirical models were subsequently used to reconstruct wetland hydrologic conditions from 1896–2014 using the downscaled historical climate datasets. Reconstructed hydroperiods for the 17 wetlands were highly variable through time but were frequently unfavorable for A. bishopi reproduction (e.g., only 61% of years, using a conservative estimate of development time [12 weeks], were conducive to larval development and metamorphosis). Using change-point analysis, we identified significant shifts in average hydroperiod over the last century in all 17 wetlands. Mean hydroperiods were shorter in recent years than at any other point since 1896, and thus less suitable for A. bishopi reproduction. We suggest that climate change will continue to impact the reproductive success of flatwoods salamanders and other ephemeral wetland breeders by reducing the number of years these wetlands have suitable hydroperiods. Consequently, we emphasize the importance of conservation and management for mitigating other forms of habitat degradation, especially maintenance of high quality breeding sites where reproduction can occur during appropriate environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from freshwater riverine wetlands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To better understand methane emissions from freshwater riverine wetlands, seasonal and spatial patterns of methane emissions were measured over a 1-year period from created freshwater marshes and a river division oxbow, and at a river-floodplain edge (riverside) in central Ohio, USA. Plots were distributed from inflow to outflow and from shallow transition edges to deep water zones in the marshes and oxbow. Median values of CH4 emissions ranged from 0.33 to 85.7 mg-CH4-C m−2 h−1, at the riverside sites and 0.02-20.5 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1 in the created marshes. The naturally colonizing marsh had more methane emissions (p = 0.047) than did the planted marsh, probably due to a history of higher net primary productivity in the former. A significant dry period and lower productivity in the oxbow may explain its low range of methane emissions of −0.04 to 0.09 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1. There were significantly higher rates of methane emissions in deep water zones compared to transition zones in the created marshes. Overall CH4 emissions had significant relationships with organic carbon and soil temperature and appear to depend on the hydroperiod and vegetation development. Riparian wetlands can be designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions while providing other ecosystem services.  相似文献   

安徽湿地维管植物多样性及植被分类系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外实地调查并结合相关文献资料,对安徽湿地维管植物多样性进行了研究,系统地分析了安徽主要的湿地植被类型及分类系统。结果表明:(1)安徽省湿地维管植物共有95科303属682种(含种下分类单位),其中蕨类植物10科11属16种,种子植物85科292属666种;种子植物中裸子植物2科5属7种,被子植物83科287属659种(其中双子叶植物62科208属451种,单子叶植物21科79属208种);湿地维管植物主要是由草本植物组成,科、属的优势现象明显,以莎草科(Cyperaceae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)和蓼科(Polygonaceae)为优势科;以蓼属(Polygonum)、苔草属(Carex)、眼子菜属(Potamogeton)、飘拂草属(Fimbristylis)、莎草属(Cyperus)等为优势属,属的组成相对较为分散,寡种属和单种属占总属数的93.4%;(2)从分布区类型看,在科级水平上有7个类型,在属级水平上有13个类型,表明该区系地理成分复杂,分布区类型多样;总体上温带成分略多于热带成分,说明了安徽湿地维管植物的分布与本地所处的气候带相适应,反映出从热带向温带过渡的区系特点;(3)依据中国湿地植被的分类原则和分类系统,结合安徽湿地植被的生境特征和群落学特征,可将安徽湿地植被划分为3个植被型组、7个植被型、7个植被亚型和141个群系。  相似文献   

Acosta  Charles A.  Perry  Sue A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):221-230
Hydropattern disturbance has had wide-ranging impacts on wetland communities of the Florida Everglades, especially on the habitats and the aquatic biota of the seasonally flooded marl marshes. We used the Everglades crayfish Procambarus alleni as a model to study the associations among hydrology, vegetation distribution, and population dynamics to assess the potential impacts of hydrological changes on the aquatic faunal community in Everglades National Park. To classify benthic habitats as sources or sinks for the crayfish population, we quantified vegetation community structure using GIS maps in which dominant vegetation types were weighted by local hydroperiod (length of inundation). Regression analysis showed that this habitat classification was associated with crayfish density distribution. We then used a spatially explicit, stage-structured population model to describe crayfish population fluctuations under current environmental conditions and to simulate the potential population-level responses to habitat changes that might occur following hydrological restoration. In habitat that was initially saturated with crayfish, the crayfish population size declined under current environmental conditions and then stabilized at about 13% of the initial density over a 50-year period. A 4-month increase in hydroperiod was then simulated by converting shorter-hydroperiod Muhlenbergia-dominated marsh habitat to longer-hydroperiod Cladium-dominated marshes. The model predicted a rapid 7-fold increase in crayfish density following the simulated habitat restoration. This indicated that several functional effects may result from the restoration of historical hydropatterns in marl marshes: (1) the areal extent of habitat sinks will be reduced to isolated patches, whereas the spatial distribution of aquatic source habitats will expand; (2) crayfish population size will increase and persist over time; (3) the minimum threshold needed to increase secondary aquatic productivity may be a 7-month hydroperiod over 90% of the marl marsh landscape. Restoration of historical hydropatterns could thus have cascading positive effects throughout the Everglades aquatic food web.  相似文献   

Magellanic wetlands in the Patagonian steppe are unique habitats from the point of view of conservation and agriculture. Little is known about their environmental characteristics and plant communities. Our aim was to describe vegetation variability to improve current classifications and reveal environmental factors correlated with vegetation variability in the meadow wetlands (vegas) of southern Chilean Patagonia and Chilean Tierra del Fuego. Five vegetation types resulted from TWINSPAN classification and subsequent interpretation, based on which four new associations were delimited: Magellanic acidic marshes – the Scirpo cernui-Calthetum sagittatae, Magellanic alkaline wet grasslands – the Samolo spathulatae-Azorelletum trifurcatae, Magellanic tall sedge marshes – the Carici maclovianae-Agrostietum stoloniferae, and Magellanic pastures – the Hordeo lechleri-Trifolietum repentis. The fifth vegetation type, saline wetlands, is the rarest and so far the least known community. Magellanic wetland vegetation forms a gradient from short saline marshes to tall graminoid-dominated communities. They reflect a major soil gradient of pH and organic matter content, along with the content of major elements (N, P, K, Fe, Al). Other important factors are ground water regime and grazing intensity.  相似文献   

The use of East African freshwater wetlands for agriculture has increased in recent decades, raising concerns about potential impacts on wetlands and the long-term sustainability of such land use trends. WET-health is an indicator-based rapid wetland assessment approach developed in South Africa. It allows determining the conditions of wetlands in four assessment modules (hydrology, geomorphology, vegetation, and water quality) by observing the degree of deviation of a wetland from its anticipated natural reference state. We tested the transferability of the WET-health concept for East African inland valley swamps and floodplain wetlands based on 114 assessment units at four study sites. Due to large wetland areas and different environmental settings in East Africa, we modified the original approach using a random selection of assessment units and an assessment scheme based on disturbance types (Appendices A and B). Estimated WET-health impact scores were matched with biophysical and socioeconomic variables using a generalized linear mixed model. Land use included largely undisturbed wetland units occurring side by side with seasonally cropped or grazed units, and drained, permanently cultivated units. A strong differentiation of impact scores between the four assessment modules was apparent with highest scores for vegetation and lowest scores for geomorphology. Vegetation and water quality responded most sensitively to land use changes. The magnitude of wetland disturbance is predominantly determined by management factors such as land use intensity, soil tillage, drainage intensity, and the application of agrochemicals and influences vegetation attributes and the provision of ecosystem services. The proposed modification of WET-health enables users to assess large wetland areas during relatively short periods of time. While further studies will be required, WET-health appears to be a promising concept to be applied to wetlands in East Africa and possibly beyond.  相似文献   

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