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Reverse gyrase is a unique type IA topoisomerase that is able to introduce positive supercoils into DNA in an ATP-dependent process. ATP is bound to the helicase-like domain of the enzyme that contains most of the conserved motifs found in helicases of the SF1 and SF2 superfamilies. In this paper, we have investigated the role of the conserved helicase motifs I, II, V, VI, and Q by generating mutants of the Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase. We show that mutations in motifs I, II, V, and VI completely eliminate the supercoiling activity of reverse gyrase and that a mutation in the Q motif significantly reduces this activity. Further analysis revealed that for most mutants, the DNA binding and cleavage properties are not significantly changed compared with the wild type enzyme, whereas their ATPase activity is impaired. These results clearly show that the helicase motifs are tightly involved in the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to the topoisomerase activity. The zinc finger motif located at the N-terminal end of reverse gyrases was also mutated. Our results indicate that this motif plays an important role in DNA binding.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is the only enzyme known to introduce positive supercoils into DNA. Positive supercoiling is achieved by the functional cooperation of a helicase-like and a topoisomerase domain. The isolated helicase-like domain is a DNA-stimulated ATPase, and the isolated topoisomerase domain can relax supercoiled DNA. In the context of reverse gyrase, these individual activities are suppressed or attenuated. The helicase-like domain of Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase is a nucleotide-dependent conformational switch that binds DNA and ATP cooperatively. It provides a nucleotide-dependent DNA-binding site to reverse gyrase and thus serves as a valuable model for the investigation of the effect of nucleotides on DNA processing by reverse gyrase that is key to its supercoiling activity. To improve our understanding of the structural basis for the functional cooperation of a helicase domain with a DNA topoisomerase, we have determined the structures of the isolated helicase-like domain of T. maritima reverse gyrase in five different conformations. Comparison of these structures reveals extensive domain flexibility in the absence of conformational restrictions by the topoisomerase that is consistent with single-molecule Fo?rster resonance energy transfer experiments presented here. The structure of the first ADP-bound form provides novel details about nucleotide binding to reverse gyrase. It demonstrates that reverse gyrases use the canonical nucleotide binding mode common to superfamily 2 helicases despite large deviations in the conserved motifs. A characteristic insert region adopts drastically different structures in different reverse gyrases. Counterparts of this insert region are located at very different positions in other DNA-processing enzymes but may point toward a general role in DNA strand separation.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is an ATP-dependent topoisomerase that is unique to hyperthermophilic archaea and eubacteria. The only reverse gyrase structure determined to date has revealed the arrangement of the N-terminal helicase domain and the C-terminal topoisomerase domain that intimately cooperate to generate the unique function of positive DNA supercoiling. Although the structure has elicited hypotheses as to how supercoiling may be achieved, it lacks structural elements important for supercoiling and the molecular mechanism of positive supercoiling is still not clear. We present five structures of authentic Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase that reveal a first view of two interacting zinc fingers that are crucial for positive DNA supercoiling. The so-called latch domain, which connects the helicase and the topoisomerase domains is required for their functional cooperation and presents a novel fold. Structural comparison defines mobile regions in parts of the helicase domain, including a helical insert and the latch that are likely important for DNA binding during catalysis. We show that the latch, the helical insert and the zinc fingers contribute to the binding of DNA to reverse gyrase and are uniquely placed within the reverse gyrase structure to bind and guide DNA during strand passage. A possible mechanism for positive supercoiling by reverse gyrases is presented.  相似文献   

Rodríguez AC 《Biochemistry》2003,42(20):5993-6004
Reverse gyrase is the only topoisomerase known to positively supercoil DNA and the only protein unique to hyperthermophiles. The enzyme comprises an N-terminal ATPase domain and a C-terminal topoisomerase I domain, which interact to couple the hydrolysis of ATP to the overwinding of DNA. The part of the ATPase domain termed the "latch" represses topoisomerase activity in the absence of nucleotide. Here I provide evidence that the latch, in addition to its regulatory role, participates in the supercoiling mechanism during the DNA cleavage and religation steps. The latch also contributes to the coordination of ATP hydrolysis and positive supercoiling by inhibiting ATPase activity in the absence of supercoiling. The latch therefore plays an important role in the communication between the two domains of reverse gyrase.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is a topoisomerase that introduces positive supercoils into DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. It is unique to hyperthermophilic archaea and eubacteria, and has been proposed to protect their DNA from damage at high temperatures. Cooperation between its N-terminal helicase-like and the C-terminal topoisomerase domain is required for positive supercoiling, but the precise role of the helicase-like domain is currently unknown. Here, the characterization of the isolated helicase-like domain from Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase is presented. We show that the helicase-like domain contains all determinants for nucleotide binding and ATP hydrolysis. Its intrinsic ATP hydrolysis is significantly stimulated by ssDNA, dsDNA and plasmid DNA. During the nucleotide cycle, the helicase-like domain switches between high- and low-affinity states for dsDNA, while its affinity for ssDNA in the ATP and ADP states is similar. In the context of reverse gyrase, the differences in DNA affinities of the nucleotide states are smaller, and the DNA-stimulated ATPase activity is strongly reduced. This inhibitory effect of the topoisomerase domain decelerates the progression of reverse gyrase through the nucleotide cycle, possibly providing optimal coordination of ATP hydrolysis with the complex reaction of DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is the only topoisomerase known to positively supercoil DNA. The protein appears to be unique to hyperthermophiles, where its activity is believed to protect the genome from denaturation. The 120 kDa enzyme is the only member of the type I topoisomerase family that requires ATP, which is bound and hydrolysed by a helicase-like domain. We have determined the crystal structure of reverse gyrase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus in the presence and absence of nucleotide cofactor. The structure provides the first view of an intact supercoiling enzyme, explains mechanistic differences from other type I topoisomerases and suggests a model for how the two domains of the protein cooperate to positively supercoil DNA. Coordinates have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 1GKU and 1GL9.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the only topoisomerase that can introduce negative supercoils into DNA. It is thought that the binding of conventional type II topoisomerases, including topoisomerase IV, to DNA takes place at the catalytic domain across the DNA gate, whereas DNA gyrase binds to DNA not only at the amino-terminal catalytic domain but also at the carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of the GyrA subunit. The binding of the GyrA CTD to DNA allows gyrase to wrap DNA around itself and catalyze the supercoiling reaction. Recent structural studies, however, have revealed striking similarities between the GyrA CTD and the ParC CTD, as well as the ability of the ParC CTD to bind and bend DNA. Thus, the molecular basis of gyrase-mediated wrapping of DNA needs to be reexamined. Here, we have conducted a mutational analysis to determine the role of the "GyrA-box," a 7-amino acid-long motif unique to the GyrA CTD, in determining the DNA binding mode of gyrase. Either a deletion of the entire GyrA-box or substitution of the GyrA-box with 7 Ala residues abolishes the ability of gyrase to wrap DNA around itself and catalyze the supercoiling reaction. However, these mutations do not affect the relaxation and decatenation activities of gyrase. Thus, the presence of a GyrA-box allows gyrase to wrap DNA and catalyze the supercoiling reaction. The consequence of the loss of the GyrA-box during evolution of bacterial type II topoisomerases is discussed.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrases are topoisomerases that catalyze ATP-dependent positive supercoiling of circular covalently closed DNA. They consist of an N-terminal helicase-like domain, fused to a C-terminal topoisomerase I-like domain. Most of our knowledge on reverse gyrase-mediated positive DNA supercoiling is based on studies of archaeal enzymes. To identify general and individual properties of reverse gyrases, we set out to characterize the reverse gyrase from a hyperthermophilic eubacterium. Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase relaxes negatively supercoiled DNA in the presence of ADP or the non-hydrolyzable ATP-analog ADPNP. Nucleotide binding is necessary, but not sufficient for the relaxation reaction. In the presence of ATP, positive supercoils are introduced at temperatures above 50 degrees C. However, ATP hydrolysis is stimulated by DNA already at 37 degrees C, suggesting that reverse gyrase is not frozen at this temperature, but capable of undergoing inter-domain communication. Positive supercoiling by reverse gyrase is strictly coupled to ATP hydrolysis. At the physiological temperature of 75 degrees C, reverse gyrase binds and hydrolyzes ATPgammaS. Surprisingly, ATPgammaS hydrolysis is stimulated by DNA, and efficiently promotes positive DNA supercoiling, demonstrating that inter-domain communication during positive supercoiling is fully functional with both ATP and ATPgammaS. These findings support a model for communication between helicase-like and topoisomerase domains in reverse gyrase, in which an ATP and DNA-induced closure of the cleft in the helicase-like domain initiates a cycle of conformational changes that leads to positive DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase, the only topoisomerase known to positively supercoil DNA, has an N-terminal ATPase domain that drives the activity of a topoisomerase domain. This study shows that the N-terminal domain represses topoisomerase activity in the absence of nucleotide, and nucleotide binding is sufficient to relieve the repression. A "latch" region in the N-terminal part was observed to close over the topoisomerase domain in the reverse gyrase crystal structure. Mutants lacking all or part of the latch relax DNA in the absence of nucleotide, indicating that this region mediates topoisomerase repression. The mutants also show altered DNA-dependent ATPase activity, suggesting that the latch may be involved in coupling nucleotide hydrolysis to supercoiling. It is not required for this process, however, because the mutants can still positively supercoil DNA. Nucleotide hydrolysis is essential to the specificity of reverse gyrase for increasing the linking number of DNA. Although with ATP the enzyme performs strand passage always toward increasing linking number, it can increase or decrease the linking number in the presence of a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. This suggests that the mechanism of reverse gyrase is best described by a combination of recently proposed models.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic genomes are compacted by association with small basic proteins, generating what has been termed bacterial chromatin. The ubiquitous DNA-binding protein HU serves this function. DNA-binding properties of HU from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima are shown here to differ significantly from those characteristic of previously described HU homologs. Electrophoretic mobility shift analyses show that T. maritima HU (TmHU) binds double-stranded DNA with high affinity (K(d)=5.6(+/-0.7) nM for 37 bp DNA). Equivalent affinity is observed between 4 degrees C and 45 degrees C. TmHU has higher affinity for DNA containing a set of 4 nt loops separated by 9 bp (K(d)=1.4(+/-0.3) nM), consistent with its introduction of two DNA kinks. Using DNA probes of varying length, the optimal binding site for TmHU is estimated at 37 bp, in sharp contrast to the 9-10 bp binding site reported for other HU homologs. Alignment of >60 HU sequences demonstrates significant sequence conservation: A DNA-intercalating proline residue is almost universally conserved, and it is preceded by arginine and asparagine in most sequences, generating a highly conserved RNP motif; V substitutes for R only in HU from Thermotoga, Thermus and Deinococcus. A fivefold increase in DNA-binding affinity is observed for TmHU in which V is replaced with R (TmHU-V61R; K(d)=1.1(+/-0.2) nM), but a change in the trajectory of DNA flanking the sites of DNA intercalation is inferred from analysis of TmHU-V61R binding to DNA modified with 4 nt loops or with substitutions of 5-hydroxymethyluracil for thymine. Survival in extreme environments places unique demands on protection of genomic DNA from thermal destabilization and on access of DNA to the cellular machinery, demands that may be fulfilled by the specific DNA-binding properties of HU and by the fine structure of the bacterial chromatin.  相似文献   

We have examined binding of the CREB B-ZIP protein domain to double-stranded DNA containing a consensus CRE sequence (5′-TGACGTCA-3′), the related PAR, C/EBP and AP-1 sequences and the unrelated SP1 sequence. DNA binding was assayed in the presence or absence of MgCl2 and/or KCl using two methods: circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). The CD assay allows us to measure equilibrium binding in solution. Thermal denaturation in 150 mM KCl indicates that the CREB B-ZIP domain binds all the DNA sequences, with highest affinity for the CRE site, followed by the PAR (5′-TAACGTTA-3′), C/EBP (5′-TTGCGCAA-3′) and AP-1 (5′-TGAGTCA-3′) sites. The addition of 10 mM MgCl2 diminished DNA binding to the CRE and PAR DNA sequences and abolished binding to the C/EBP and AP-1 DNA sequences, resulting in more sequence-specific DNA binding. Using ‘standard’ EMSA conditions (0.25× TBE), CREB bound all the DNA sequences examined. The CREB–CRE complex had an apparent Kd of ~300 pM, PAR of ~1 nM, C/EBP and AP-1 of ~3 nM and SP1 of ~30 nM. The addition of 10 mM MgCl2 to the polyacrylamide gel dramatically altered sequence-specific DNA binding. CREB binding affinity for CRE DNA decreased 3-fold, but binding to the other DNA sequences decreased >1000-fold. In the EMSA, addition of 150 mM KCl to the gels had an effect similar to MgCl2. The magnesium concentration needed to prevent non-specific electrostatic interactions between CREB and DNA in solution is in the physiological range and thus changes in magnesium concentration may be a cellular signal that regulates gene expression.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases manage chromosome supercoiling and organization in all cells. Gyrase, a prokaryotic type IIA topoisomerase, consumes ATP to introduce negative supercoils through a strand passage mechanism. All type IIA topoisomerases employ a similar set of catalytic domains for function; however, the activity and specificity of gyrase are augmented by a specialized DNA binding and wrapping element, termed the C-terminal domain (CTD), which is appended to its GyrA subunit. We have discovered that a nonconserved, acidic tail at the extreme C terminus of the Escherichia coli GyrA CTD has a dramatic and unexpected impact on gyrase function. Removal of the CTD tail enables GyrA to introduce writhe into DNA in the absence of GyrB, an activity exhibited by other GyrA orthologs, but not by wild-type E. coli GyrA. Strikingly, a "tail-less" gyrase holoenzyme is markedly impaired for DNA supercoiling capacity, but displays normal ATPase function. Our findings reveal that the E. coli GyrA tail regulates DNA wrapping by the CTD to increase the coupling efficiency between ATP turnover and supercoiling, demonstrating that CTD functions can be fine-tuned to control gyrase activity in a highly sophisticated manner.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases are essential enzymes that can overwind, underwind, and disentangle double-helical DNA segments to maintain the topological state of chromosomes. Nearly all bacteria utilize a unique type II topoisomerase, gyrase, which actively adds negative supercoils to chromosomes using an ATP-dependent DNA strand passage mechanism; however, the specific activities of these enzymes can vary markedly from species to species. Escherichia coli gyrase is known to favor supercoiling over decatenation (Zechiedrich, E. L., Khodursky, A. B., and Cozzarelli, N. R. (1997) Genes Dev. 11, 2580-2592), whereas the opposite has been reported for Mycobacterium tuberculosis gyrase (Aubry, A., Fisher, L. M., Jarlier, V., and Cambau, E. (2006) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 348, 158-165). Here, we set out to understand the molecular basis for these differences using structural and biochemical approaches. Contrary to expectations based on phylogenetic inferences, we find that the dedicated DNA wrapping domains (the C-terminal domains) of both gyrases are highly similar, both architecturally and in their ability to introduce writhe into DNA. However, the M. tuberculosis enzyme lacks a C-terminal control element recently uncovered in E. coli gyrase (see accompanying article (Tretter, E. M., and Berger, J. M. (2012) J. Biol. Chem. 287, 18636-18644)) and turns over ATP at a much slower rate. Together, these findings demonstrate that C-terminal domain shape is not the sole regulatory determinant of gyrase activity and instead indicate that an inability to tightly couple DNA wrapping to ATP turnover is why M. tuberculosis gyrase cannot supercoil DNA to the same extent as its γ-proteobacterial counterpart. Our observations demonstrate that gyrase has been modified in multiple ways throughout evolution to fine-tune its specific catalytic properties.  相似文献   

He W  Gong K  Smith DK  Ip NY 《FEBS letters》2005,579(20):4317-4323
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) forms a functional receptor complex containing the CNTF receptor, gp130, and the leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR). However, the nature and stoichiometry of the receptor-mediated interactions in this complex have not yet been fully resolved. We show here that signaling by CNTF, but not by LIF or oncostatin M (OSM), was abolished in cells overexpressing a LIFR mutant with the N-terminal cytokine binding domain deleted. Our results illustrate molecular differences between the CNTF active receptor complex and those of LIF and OSM and provide further support for the hexameric model of the CNTF receptor complex.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase catalyses the adenosine triphosphate-dependent introduction of negative supercoils into DNA. The enzyme binds a DNA-segment at the so-called DNA-gate and cleaves both DNA strands. DNA extending from the DNA-gate is bound at the perimeter of the cylindrical C-terminal domains (CTDs) of the GyrA subunit. The CTDs are believed to contribute to the wrapping of DNA around gyrase in a positive node as a prerequisite for strand passage towards negative supercoiling. A conserved seven amino acid sequence motif in the CTD, the so-called GyrA-box, has been identified as a hallmark feature of gyrases. Mutations of the GyrA-box abolish supercoiling. We show here that the GyrA-box marginally stabilizes the CTDs. Although it does not contribute to DNA binding, it is required for DNA bending and wrapping, and it determines the geometry of the bound DNA. Mutations of the GyrA-box abrogate a DNA-induced conformational change of the gyrase N-gate and uncouple DNA binding and adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis. Our results implicate the GyrA-box in coordinating DNA binding and the nucleotide cycle.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the only topoisomerase able to introduce negative supercoils into DNA. Absent in humans, gyrase is a successful target for antibacterial drugs. However, increasing drug resistance is a serious problem and new agents are urgently needed. The naturally-produced Escherichia coli toxin CcdB has been shown to target gyrase by what is predicted to be a novel mechanism. CcdB has been previously shown to stabilize the gyrase ‘cleavage complex’, but it has not been shown to inhibit the catalytic reactions of gyrase. We present data showing that CcdB does indeed inhibit the catalytic reactions of gyrase by stabilization of the cleavage complex and that the GyrA C-terminal DNA-wrapping domain and the GyrB N-terminal ATPase domain are dispensable for CcdB's action. We further investigate the role of specific GyrA residues in the action of CcdB by site-directed mutagenesis; these data corroborate a model for CcdB action based on a recent crystal structure of a CcdB–GyrA fragment complex. From this work, we are now able to present a model for CcdB action that explains all previous observations relating to CcdB–gyrase interaction. CcdB action requires a conformation of gyrase that is only revealed when DNA strand passage is taking place.  相似文献   

As a part of the Joint Center for Structural Genomics (JCSG) biological targets, the structures of soluble domains of membrane proteins from Thermotoga maritima were pursued. Here, we report the crystal structure of the soluble domain of TM1634, a putative membrane protein of 128 residues (15.1 kDa) and unknown function. The soluble domain of TM1634 is an alpha-helical dimer that contains a single tetratrico peptide repeat (TPR) motif in each monomer where each motif is similar to that found in Tom20. The overall fold, however, is unique and a DALI search does not identify similar folds beyond the 38-residue TPR motif. Two different putative ligand binding sites, in which PEG200 and Co(2+) were located, were identified using crystallography and NMR, respectively.  相似文献   

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