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The catalytic domain of the acetylcholinesterases is composed of a single polypeptide chain, the folding of which determines two subdomains. We have linked these two subdomains by mutating two residues, I327 and D375, to cysteines, to form a disulfide bridge. As a consequence, the hydrodynamic radius of the protein was reduced, suggesting that there is some flexibility in the subdomain connection. In addition to the smaller size, the mutated protein is more stable than the wild-type protein. Therefore, the flexibility between the two domains is a weak point in terms of protein stability. As expected from the location of the disulfide bond at the rim of the active site, the kinetic studies show that it affects interactions with peripheral ligands and the entrance of some of the bulkier substrates, like o-nitrophenyl acetate. In addition, the mutations affect the catalytic step for o-nitrophenyl acetate and phosphorylation by organophosphates, suggesting that this movement between the two subdomains is connected with the cooperativity between the peripheral and catalytic sites.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease A (RNase A) and the ribonuclease inhibitor protein (RI) form one of the tightest known protein-protein complexes. RNase A variants and homologues, such as G88R RNase A, that retain ribonucleolytic activity in the presence of RI are toxic to cancer cells. Herein, a new and facile assay is described for measuring the equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)) and dissociation rate constant (k(d)) for complexes of RI and RNase A. This assay is based on the decrease in fluorescence intensity that occurs when a fluorescein-labeled RNase A binds to RI. To allow time for equilibration, the assay is most readily applied to those complexes with K(d) values in the nanomolar range or higher. Using this assay, the value of K(d) for the complex of RI with fluorescein-labeled G88R RNase A was determined to be 0.55 +/- 0.03 nM. In addition, the value of K(d) was determined for the complex of RI with unlabeled G88R RNase A to be 0.57 +/- 0.05 nM by using a competition assay with fluorescein-labeled G88R RNase A. Finally, the value of k(d) for the complex of RI with fluorescein-labeled G88R RNase A was determined to be (7.5 +/- 0.4) x 10(-3) s(-1) by monitoring the increase in fluorescence intensity upon dissociation. This assay can be used to characterize complexes of RI with a wide variety of RNase A variants and homologues, including those with cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P is the enzyme responsible for removing the 5'-leader segment of precursor transfer RNAs in all organisms. All eukaryotic nuclear RNase Ps are ribonucleoproteins in which multiple protein components and a single RNA species are required for activity in vitro as well as in vivo. It is not known, however, which subunits participate directly in phosphodiester-bond hydrolysis. The RNA subunit of nuclear RNase P is evolutionarily related to its catalytically active bacterial counterpart, prompting speculation that in eukaryotes the RNA may be the catalytic component. In the bacterial RNase P reaction, Mg(II) is required to coordinate the nonbridging phosphodiester oxygen(s) of the scissile bond. As a consequence, bacterial RNase P cannot cleave pre-tRNA in which the pro-Rp nonbridging oxygen of the scissile bond is replaced by sulfur. In contrast, the RNase P reaction in plant chloroplasts is catalyzed by a protein enzyme whose mechanism does not involve Mg(II) coordinated by the pro-Rp oxygen. To determine whether the mechanism of nuclear RNase P resembles more closely an RNA- or a protein-catalyzed reaction, we analyzed the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear RNase P to cleave pre-tRNA containing a sulfur substitution of the pro-Rp oxygen at the cleavage site. Sulfur substitution at this position prohibits correct cleavage of pre-tRNA. Cleavage by eukaryotic RNase P thus depends on the presence of a thio-sensitive ligand to the pro-Rp oxygen of the scissile bond, and is consistent with a common, RNA-based mechanism for the bacterial and eukaryal enzymes.  相似文献   

The function of the conserved Phe 100 residue of RNase T1 (EC has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography. Replacement of Phe 100 by alanine results in a mutant enzyme with kcat reduced 75-fold and a small increase in Km for the dinucleoside phosphate substrate GpC. The Phe 100 Ala substitution has similar effects on the turnover rates of GpC and its minimal analogue GpOMe, in which the leaving cytidine is replaced by methanol. The contribution to catalysis is independent of the nature of the leaving group, indicating that Phe 100 belongs to the primary site. The contribution of Phe 100 to catalysis may result from a direct van der Waals contact between its aromatic ring and the phosphate moiety of the substrate. Phe 100 may also contribute to the positioning of the pentacovalent phosphorus of the transition state, relative to other catalytic residues. If compared to the corresponding wild-type data, the structural implications of the mutation in the present crystal structure of Phe 100 Ala RNase T1 complexed with the specific inhibitor 2'-GMP are restricted to the active site. Repositioning of 2'-GMP, caused by the Phe 100 Ala mutation, generates new or improved contacts of the phosphate moiety with Arg 77 and His 92. In contrast, interactions with the Glu 58 carboxylate appear to be weakened. The effects of the His 92 Gln and Phe 100 Ala mutations on GpC turnover are additive in the corresponding double mutant, indicating that the contribution of Phe 100 to catalysis is independent of the catalytic acid His 92. The present results lead to the conclusion that apolar residues may contribute considerably to catalyze conversions of charged molecules to charged products, involving even more polar transition states.  相似文献   

In addition to itsintra-cellular functions, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) may well have anextra-cellular regulatory role in blood. This suggestion is based on the following experimental findings: (a) Physiological stimulation of blood platelets brings about a specific release of PKA, together with its co-substrates ATP and Mg++; (b) In human serum, an endogenous phosphorylation of one protein (p75, Mr 75 kDa) occurs; this phosphorylation is enhanced by addition of cAMP and blocked by the Walsh-Krebs specific PKA inhibitor; (c) No endogenous phosphorylation of p75 occurs in human plasma devoid of platelets, but the selective labeling of p75 can be reproduced by adding to plasma the pure catalytic subunit of PKA; (d) p75 was shown to be vitronectin (V), a multifunctional protein implicated in processes associated with platelet activation, and thus a protein whose function may require modulation for control; (e) The phosphorylation of vitronectin occurs at one site (Ser378) which, at physiological pH, is buried in its two-chain form (V65+10) but becomes exposed in the presence of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) e.g. heparin or heparan sulfate. Such a transconformation may be used for targeting the PKA phosphorylation to vitronectin molecules bound to GAGs, for example in the extracellular matrix or on cell surfaces; (f) From the biochemical point of view (Km values and physiological concentrations) the phosphorylation of vitronectin can take place at the locus of a hemostatic event; (g) The phosphorylation of Ser378 in vitronectin alters its function, since it significantly reduces its ability to bind the inhibitor-1 of plasminogen activator(s) (PAI-1). Physiologically, this functional modulation may be involved in unleashing PAI-1, allowing its translocation to control the inhibitory function of PAI-1 and, through it, regulating the conversion of plasminogen to active plasmin.Dedicated to Edmond H. Fischer and Edwin G. Krebs, with gratitude for teaching us the right measure of thoroughness and vision in research.  相似文献   

Rat-liver parenchymal cells obtained in suspension by a mecahnical method are shown to contain a cell-surface nuclease(s ) that rapidly degrades exogenously added totalEscherichia coli RNA. However, no acid-soluble products are formed; all the degradation products in the incubation medium sediment in the 4–55 RNA region on a sucrose density gradient. A part of the degraded RNA seems to be taken up by the cells; the uptake of the degradation products, presumably derived from rRNAs, is more than that of purified 4–55 RNA. Most of the RNA taken up by the cell sediments in the 4–55 region; only a small proportion is degraded to acid-soluble material within the cell.  相似文献   

The small envelope protein (E) plays a role of central importance in the assembly of coronaviruses. This was initially established by studies demonstrating that cellular expression of only E protein and the membrane protein (M) was necessary and sufficient for the generation and release of virus-like particles. To investigate the role of E protein in the whole virus, we previously generated E gene mutants of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) that were defective in viral growth and produced aberrantly assembled virions. Surprisingly, however, we were also able to isolate a viable MHV mutant (DeltaE) in which the entire E gene, as well as the nonessential upstream genes 4 and 5a, were deleted. We have now constructed an E knockout mutant that confirms that the highly defective phenotype of the DeltaE mutant is due to loss of the E gene. Additionally, we have created substitution mutants in which the MHV E gene was replaced by heterologous E genes from viruses spanning all three groups of the coronavirus family. Group 2 and 3 E proteins were readily exchangeable for that of MHV. However, the E protein of a group 1 coronavirus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus, became functional in MHV only after acquisition of particular mutations. Our results show that proteins encompassing a remarkably diverse range of primary amino acid sequences can provide E protein function in MHV. These findings suggest that E protein facilitates viral assembly in a manner that does not require E protein to make sequence-specific contacts with M protein.  相似文献   

L N Lin  J F Brandts 《Biochemistry》1987,26(12):3537-3543
The slow refolding kinetics of RNase A have been analyzed, by using a nonlinear least-squares program for deconvoluting the kinetic phases and applying statistical tests for quality of fit. It is found that a minimum of three slow phases are required to fit the kinetic data properly, and this is true whether the method of detection is absorbance of fluorescence. Since the number of phases and the relaxation times for each phase are independent of the method of detection, it is concluded that the same three rate-limiting processes are seen by absorbance and fluorescence. These phases correspond to the XY, CT, and ct phases described in our earlier studies. The fact that fluorescence-detected kinetics are somewhat slower than absorbance-detected kinetics is a trivial effect due not to differences in relaxation times but to the fact that the amplitude of the CT phase is enhanced in fluorescence measurements, at the expense of the faster XY phase, because of intrinsic fluorescence changes associated with the isomerization of proline-93. By use of a new double-jump technique [Schmid, F.X., Grafl, R., Wrba, A., & Beintema, J.J. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 872], it is shown that proline-93 isomerizes as the rate-limiting step in only one of the three phases, the CT phase, and that this phase involves only 25-30% of the RNase molecules. There is still no indication as to the molecular events that occur in the large, ammonium sulfate dependent XY phase, which is the pathway for formation of the nativelike intermediate.  相似文献   

The compactness of ribonuclease A with intact disulfide bonds and reduced ribonuclease A was investigated by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering. The Rg values and the Kratky plots showed that non-reduced ribonuclease A maintain a compact shape with a Rg value of about 17.3 Å in 8 M urea. The reduced ribonuclease A is more expanded, its Rg value is about 20 Å in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer at pH 8.1 containing 20 mM DTT. Further expansions of reduced ribonuclease A were observed in the presence of high concentrations of denaturants, indicating that reduced ribonuclease A is more expanded and is in neither a random coil [A. Noppert et al., FEBS Lett. 380 (1996) 179–182] nor a compact denatured state [T.R. Sosnick and J. Trewhella, Biochemistry 31 (1992) 8329–8335]. The four disulfide bonds keep ribonuclease A in a compact state in the presence of high concentrations of urea.  相似文献   

Interactions with divalent metal ions are essential for the folding and function of the catalytic RNA component of the tRNA processing enzyme ribonuclease P (RNase P RNA). However, the number and location of specific metal ion interactions in this large, highly structured RNA are poorly understood. Using atomic mutagenesis and quantitative analysis of thiophilic metal ion rescue we provide evidence for metal ion interactions at the pro-R(P) and pro-S(P) non-bridging phosphate oxygens at nucleotide A67 in the universally conserved helix P4. Moreover, second-site modifications within helix P4 and the adjacent single stranded region (J3/4) provide the first evidence for metal ion interactions with nucleotide base functional groups in RNase P RNA and reveal the presence of an additional metal ion important for catalytic function. Together, these data are consistent with a cluster of metal ion interactions in the P1-P4 multi-helix junction that defines the catalytic core of the RNase P ribozyme.  相似文献   

Evidence for the function of hyperactivated motility in sperm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
After insemination, mammalian sperm undergo a striking change in flagellar beat pattern, termed hyperactivation. In low-viscosity culture medium, nonhyperactivated sperm flagella generate relatively symmetrical, low-amplitude waves, while hyperactivated sperm flagella generate an asymetrical beating pattern that results in nonprogressive movement. Since sperm encounter highly viscous and viscoelastic fluids in the female reproductive tract, the progress of hyperactivated sperm was compared with that of nonhyperactivated and transitional sperm in media of increasing viscosity. Hamster sperm obtained from the caudal epididymis were incubated in a medium that promotes capacitation. After 0, 3, and 4 h of incubation, the majority of the sperm exhibited, respectively, activated, transitional, and hyperactivated motility. At each of these time points, aliquots of sperm were removed from incubation and added to solutions of 0, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% Ficoll in medium. Samples containing mostly hyperactivated sperm (4 h) maintained higher swimming and flagellar velocities and were able to generate greater forces in response to increased viscous loading than activated sperm (0 h). Transitional sperm (3 h) showed an intermediate response. The paths of hyperactivated sperm through solutions of 20% and 30% Ficoll were considerably straighter than those made through medium alone. This is the first demonstration that hyperactivation can confer a mechanical advantage upon sperm in the oviduct where they may encounter viscous oviductal fluid and a viscoelastic cumulus matrix.  相似文献   

A method is described for the preparation of crystalline ribonuclease free from all measurable traces of proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

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