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Current LCA implicitly assumes that a single rational truth can be found. Mainstream policy sciences has taken a different starting point when analysing decision making in complex and controversial societal debates for already several decades. In such debates, in general, more than one reasonable conceptualisation or ‘framing’ of the problem is at stake which forms the core of the controversy. This paper analyses the Dutch chlorine debate and the Swedish PVC debate and shows that (three) frames also play a role in toxicity controversies: the risk assessment frame, the strict control frame, and the precautionary frame. The latter frame, adhered to by the environmentalists, seeks to judge substances mainly on their inherent safety. The cases show that this logic may be defended as at least being equally reasonable to the emission-effect calculations that form the core of Risk Assessment and Life-cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). As predicted by policy sciences, this finding implies that the political neutrality of tools like LCIA is questionable. In summary, the approaches and procedures developed for LCA have to be reconciled with key lessons from policy science and philosophy of science, i.e. considering the fact that multiple realities play a key role in many decision making processes. This paper suggests some alternative indicators for toxicity evaluations, and indicates the implications of LCA method development.  相似文献   

This study provides a benchmark of the life cycle environmental impact characteristics associated with a typical soybased ink used for sheetfed lithographic printing. The scope ineluded a streamlined Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and Impact Assessment (LCIA). Materials, processes, and life cycle stages that are the same between different printing inks, or were less than one percent by mass of the printing system input materials, were excluded. The LCIA included identification of specific processes in the life cycle of soy-based ink printing that make the greatest contribution to the overall environmental hazard potential in 13 impact categories for the baseline printing system selected. The LCIA approach included both regional scaling for areas that differ in sensitivity to certain impact indicators and normalization against a reference value. Reduction in the use of tall oil rosin and switching from conventional to low or no-till farming appear to be promising opportunities for reducing the environmental hazard potential.  相似文献   

LCA aims to help direct decisions in an environmentally sustainable direction. It indicates the environmental effects of choices and evaluates these against this background. Approaches to evaluation in LCA differ substantially, related to the way of modelling environmental effects and to the way these effects are combined into an overall judgement on alternative options. Several approaches are now operational, which are linked to different paradigms in decision making. It is shown that the choice of paradigm is quite decisive on the outcome of the analysis. Also within similar paradigms, different methods now operational may lead to different outcomes. These latter differences may be alleviated more easily than those related to paradigmatic choices, as they are partly a matter of refinement, and they partly result from legitimate differences in subjective priorities. The more basic paradigmatic differences can hardly be bridged. The practical relevancy of the subject is proven by applying different operational methods to one case, showing widely differing outcomes. The paradigm behind evaluating environmental effects is either values based, directly or through policy decisions, or economics based, as individual preferences measured in the monetary terms of willingness-to-pay. Accordingly, the different methods are “policy-oriented” or “monetary”. It may be doubted if the differences between these can be overcome in standardisation.  相似文献   

An integrated impact assessment model is used to calculate the impact per tonne of SO2, NOx, fine particles, and NMVOC emitted from different source countries on human health, acidification, eutrophication, and the man-made environment (crop yield and building materials). Indicators on the endpoint level are used to measure the effects resulting from a marginal change in emission levels. While the assessment of impacts on ecosystems and the man-made environment is limited to Europe, damage factors for health effects are also derived for Asia and South America. For Europe, emission scenarios for the years 1990 and 2010 are considered to analyse the influence of changing background conditions on the resulting impacts. Results show that there is a significant variation in the damage resulting from a unit emission for some of the impact categories, both between countries and between base years. Depending on the scope of the study and the information available from the life cycle inventory, results from the paper can be used to consider site dependent conditions in life cycle impact assessment as a complement to the current site-independent (or global) approach.  相似文献   

To overcome random experimental variation, even for simple screens, data from multiple microarrays have to be combined. There are, however, systematic differences between arrays, and any bias remaining after experimental measures to ensure consistency needs to be controlled for. It is often difficult to make the right choice of data transformation and normalisation methods to achieve this end. In this tutorial paper we review the problem and a selection of solutions, explaining the basic principles behind normalisation procedures and providing guidance for their application.  相似文献   

Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) results are typically reported as individual scores, or as a breakdown of the most direct inputs; either as absolute values or relative scores. It is proposed to report not only the direct or primary LCIA scores, but also the impacts from secondary and tertiary processes. A graphical technique to report LCIA results is described where a combination of pie and donut charts, with the inner most layer representing direct impacts and subsequent outer layers representing preceding indirect impacts, is presented. An MS-EXCEL spread sheet is presented where the methods and outcomes are shown. This can then be used to display LCIA results. It is possible to present both primary and indirect impacts in a single figure. Significant indirect impacts contributing to the total score of an LCA are clearly visible.  相似文献   

One of the main shortcomings of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) when applied to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, is that there is currently no recognised procedure to deal with radionuclide emissions in the Impact Assessment stage. A framework which considers both human and environmental impacts is required and a methodology which is compatible with the other impact assessment approaches in LCA must be developed. It is important that the discussion is not only restricted to concepts, but that a working methodology is developed which can be readily applied by LCA practitioners. A provisional method is available for assessing radiological impacts on human health, but no consideration has been given to potential effects on the environment. A methodology is proposed in this paper which assesses irradiation of the environment using Environmental Increments (EI) as the quality standard. This approach is based on the same principles as for the Ecotoxicity classification group, and it represents a working methodology which can be continuously improved as knowledge in the area increases.  相似文献   

A shortcoming in current data quality assessment schemes is that the data quality information is not used systematically to identify the critical data in a life cycle inventory (LCI) model. In addition, existing criteria employed to evaluate representativeness lack relevance to the specific context of a study. A novel framework is proposed herein for the evaluation of the representativeness of LCI data, including an analysis of the importance of the data and a modification of quality criteria based on unit process characteristics. Temporal characteristics are analyzed by identifying the technology shift, because data generated before this time are considered outdated. Geographical and technological characteristics are analyzed by defining a “related area” and a “related technology,” which is done by identifying a number of relevant geographical and technical factors, and then comparing the collected data with these factors. The framework was illustrated in a case study on household waste incineration in Denmark. The results demonstrated the applicability of the method in practice, and they provided data quality criteria unique to waste incineration unit processes, for example, different time intervals to evaluate temporal representativeness. However, the proposed method is time demanding, and thus sector‐level characteristic analyses are feasible instead of the user having to do the analyses.  相似文献   

Sustainable development can only be achieved if industry adoptsboth product related and organisation related environmental management tools, such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Management Systems (EMS). In Japan, EMS (ISO 14001) is more widely applied than LCA (ISO 14040). Therefore,one means by which Japanese industries could be motivated to adopt and use LCA is to relate LCA-activities to the policies and instruments of ISO 14001. The potential of such a comprehensive approach was analysed by a survey of 270 Japanese enterprises (response rate 45%). The results indicate that 19% of the responding representatives had responsibilities for both LCA and EMS, while the remaining only work in one of both fields. A statement in the company’s/ plant’s Environmental Policy of ISO 14001, stating that LCA is to be used as part of the EMS, was found in 42% of all companies. A surprising number (39%) either already use, or plan to use, LCA and EMS as combinated/integrated tools. A strong argument for the establishment of a comprehensive approach can be seen in the perception of the usefulness of LCA, which was rated significantly higher in companies that acknowledged the complementary potential of LCA and EMS.  相似文献   

Current LCA practice is mass oriented, i.e. is focused on the amount of chemicals released, disregarding place and time of release. Life cycle impact assessment aims at evaluating potential impacts, and a variety of weighting schemes is discussed to he used for ranking and aggregation of impacts. To establish a closer link between the quantity of a burden released and a decision making context, we propose to follow a detailed impact pathway analysis to estimate actual impacts for some priority impact categories, and use measured individuals’ preferences for impact valuation. Results from a case study illustrate the relevance of site specific impact assessment in the context of LCA.  相似文献   

The role and meaning of accounting for energy, including feedstock energy, is reviewed in connection to Einstein’s special theory of relativity. It is argued that there is only one unambiguous interpretation of the term energy-content: The one that corresponds tome The implications for life cycle inventories is that all discussions concerning upper heating value, lower heating value, feedstock energy, etc. are pointless as long as the motivation for choosing one or the other is not specified in relation to the safeguard subjects defined for a particular analysis (LCA or energy analysis). The subjective aspects of energy accounting schemes, even though based on mere thermodynamics, are highlighted. In inventory analysis, it is recommended that energy carriers should be accounted separately and in mass terms. For illustrative purposes, energy statistics and energy assessment are discussed in view of the safeguard subjects underlying the accounting procedures. Based on a set of theses, one possible energy accounting scheme as an indicator of the “consumption of non-renewable energy resources” within the impact assessment of LCA is sketched. It is emphasised that energy accounting schemes do not reflect environmental impacts caused by the energy sources, and the characteristics of the indicator “consumption of non-renewable energy resources” introduced here are highlighted. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Principal components analysis coupled with non-parametric bootstrapping is introduced with an example as a powerful tool to help visualise, analyse and decide on comparative or single non-deterministic LCI/LCIA results. Decision support is provided by adding non-parametric bootstrapping (NPB) to the GA1A plane, which is a special case of principle comments analysis (PCA) built around the Promethée multicriteria decision aid model. In addition to an easy to analyse visual presentation of otherwise complex and cluttered numerical results, PCA with NPB is equally at ease will all data uncertainty formats used to date in LCA.  相似文献   

FEFCO, Groupement Ondulé and Kraft Institute have integrated the data from their recently published updated “European Database for Corrugated Board Life Cycle Studies” into a software tool that has been developed especially for the corrugated board industry. The tool links input and output data reported in the Database to average European data for upstream and downstream processes from BUWAL 250 [3]. The tool is intended to support environmental management of companies since it provides a possibility to find opportunities for improvements and to take environment into consideration when designing corrugated board boxes. The entire system of corrugated packaging is the basis for the calculations. It is assumed that the fibres that are used for the production of the corrugated base papers are produced and recycled only within this system. This simplified so-called closedloop approach, which is described in detail in the Database report, avoids the problem of allocating impacts caused by primary fibre production and the final treatment of corrugated packaging that is not recycled between primary and recovered fibre based paper grades. This means that with the software tool it is not possible to make comparisons between the production of primary fibre and recovered fibre based materials as such. The tool enables the user to vary parameters such as transport, box design, logistics and waste management according to his personal circumstances. In this way he can use the tool to introduce parameters for possible alternatives he wants to investigate. The LCA results of these alternative cases can then be compared and analysed at inventory, characterisation, normalisation and weighing level. The user cannot change the basic data nor the methodology.  相似文献   

The goal of LCA is to identify the environmental impacts resulting from a product, process, or activity. While LCA is useful for evaluating environmental attributes, it stops short of providing information that business managers routinely utilize for decision-making — i.e., dollars. Thus, decisions regarding the processes used for manufacturing products and the materials comprising those products can be enhanced by weaving cost and environmental information into the decision-making process. Various approaches have been used during the past decade to supplement environmental information with cost information. One of these tools is environmental accounting, the identification, analysis, reporting, and use of environmental information, including environmental cost data. Environmental cost accounting provides information necessary for identifying the true costs of products and processes and for evaluating opportunities to minimize those costs. As demonstrated through two case studies, many companies are incorporating environmental cost information into their accounting systems to prioritize investments in new technologies and products.  相似文献   

A new method for identification of weights of environmental issues is suggested using the societal approach in the context of a weighting step in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The weights assigned by different economic groups to eleven environmental issues is obtained through analysis of linguistically stated relative rankings using a fuzzy partial ordering method. The system identification technique based on neural networks is used to identify logical connective in the stated relative rankings and this obviated the inconsistency problem normally encountered in the analysis of relative preference statements. The transitive property of a matrix of relative weights is used to minimise the number of responses to be elicited from a respondent.  相似文献   

The private sector decision making situations which LCA addresses mustalso eventually take theeconomic consequences of alternative products or product designs into account. However, neither the internal nor external economic aspects of the decisions are within the scope of developed LCA methodology, nor are they properly addressed by existing LCA tools. This traditional separation of life cycle environmental assessment from economic analysis has limited the influence and relevance of LCA for decision-making, and left uncharacterized the important relationships and trade-offs between the economic and life cycle environmental performance of alternative product design decision scenarios. Still standard methods of LCA can and have been tightly, logically, and practically integrated with standard methods for cost accounting, life cycle cost analysis, and scenario-based economic risk modeling. The result is an ability to take both economic and environmental performance — and their tradeoff relationships — into account in product/process design decision making.  相似文献   

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