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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the first two reactions of the pyrimidine pathway are catalyzed by a multifunctional protein which possesses carbamylphosphate synthetase and aspartate transcarbamylase activities. Genetic and proteolysis studies suggested that the ATCase activity is carried out by an independently folded domain. In order to provide structural information for ongoing mutagenesis studies, a model of the three-dimensional structure of this domain was generated on the basis of the known X-ray structure of the related catalytic subunit from E. coli ATCase. First, a model of the catalytic monomer was built and refined by energy minimization. In this structure, the conserved residues between the two proteins were found to constitute the hydrophobic core whereas almost all the mutated residues are located at the surface. Then, a trimeric structure was generated in order to build the active site as it lies at the interface between adjacent chains in the E. coli catalytic trimer. After docking a bisubstrate analog into the active site, the whole structure was energy minimized to regularize the interactions at the contact areas between subunits. The resulting model is very similar to that obtained for the E. coli catalytic trimer by X-ray crystallography, with a remarkable conservation of the structure of the active site and its vicinity. Most of the interdomain and intersubunit interactions that are essential for the stability of the E. coli catalytic trimer are maintained in the yeast enzyme even though there is only 42% identity between the two sequences. Free energy calculations indicate that the trimeric assembly is more stable than the monomeric form. Moreover an insertion of four amino acids is localized in a loop which, in E. coli ATCase, is at the surface of the protein. This insertion exposes hydrophobic residues to the solvent. Interestingly, such an insertion is present in all the eukaryotic ATCase genes sequenced so far, suggesting that this region is interacting with another domain of the multifunctional protein. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the effects of allosteric effectors, ATP, CTP and UTP on the kinetics of the quaternary structure change of Escherichia coli ATCase during the enzyme reaction with physiological substrates. Time-resolved, small-angle, X-ray scattering of solutions allows direct observation of structural transitions over the entire time-course of the enzyme reaction initiated by fast mixing of the enzyme and substrates. In the absence of effectors, all scattering patterns recorded during the reaction are consistent with a two-state, concerted transition model, involving no detectable intermediate conformation that differs from the less active, unliganded T-state and the more active, substrate-bound R-state. The latter predominates during the steady-state phase of enzyme catalysis, while the initial T-state is recovered after substrate consumption. The concerted character of the structural transition is preserved in the presence of all effectors. CTP slightly shifts the dynamical equilibrium during a shortened steady state toward T while the additional presence of UTP makes the steady state vanishingly short. The return transition to the T conformation is slowed significantly in the presence of inhibitors, the effect being most severe in the presence of UTP. While ATP increases the apparent T to R rate, it also increases the duration of the steady-state phase, an apparently paradoxical observation. This observation can be accounted for by the greater increase in the association rate constant of aspartate, promoted by ATP, while the nucleotide produces a lesser degree of increase in the dissociation rate constant. Under our experimental conditions, using high concentrations of both enzyme and substrate, it appears that this very mechanism of activation turns the activator into an efficient inhibitor. The scattering patterns recorded in the presence of ATP support the view that ATP alters the quaternary structure of the substrate-bound enzyme, an effect reminiscent of the reported modification of PALA-bound R-state by Mg-ATP.  相似文献   

Modeling of the tetrahedral intermediate within the active site of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase revealed a specific interaction with the side-chain of Gln137, an interaction not previously observed in the structure of the X-ray enzyme in the presence of N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA). Previous site-specific mutagenesis experiments showed that when Gln137 was replaced by alanine, the resulting mutant enzyme (Q137A) exhibited approximately 50-fold less activity than the wild-type enzyme, exhibited no homotropic cooperativity, and the binding of both carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate were extremely compromised. To elucidate the structural alterations in the mutant enzyme that might lead to such pronounced changes in kinetic and binding properties, the Q137A enzyme was studied by time-resolved, small-angle X-ray scattering and its structure was determined in the presence of PALA to 2.7 angstroms resolution. Time-resolved, small-angle X-ray scattering established that the natural substrates, carbamoyl phosphate and L-aspartate, do not induce in the Q137A enzyme the same conformational changes as observed for the wild-type enzyme, although the scattering pattern of the Q137A and wild-type enzymes in the presence of PALA were identical. The overall structure of the Q137A enzyme is similar to that of the R-state structure of wild-type enzyme with PALA bound. However, there are differences in the manner by which the Q137A enzyme coordinates PALA, especially in the side-chain positions of Arg105 and His134. The replacement of Gln137 by Ala also has a dramatic effect on the electrostatics of the active site. These data taken together suggest that the side-chain of Gln137 in the wild-type enzyme is required for the binding of carbamoyl phosphate in the proper orientation so as to induce conformational changes required for the creation of the high-affinity aspartate-binding site. The inability of carbamoyl phosphate to create the high-affinity binding site in the Q137A enzyme results in an enzyme locked in the low-activity low-affinity T state. These results emphasize the absolute requirement of the binding of carbamoyl phosphate for the creation of the high-affinity aspartate-binding site and for inducing the homotropic cooperativity in aspartate transcarbamoylase.  相似文献   

Snapshots of the catalytic cycle of the allosteric enzyme aspartate transcarbamoylase have been obtained via X-ray crystallography. The enzyme in the high-activity high-affinity R state contains two catalytic chains in the asymmetric unit that are different. The active site in one chain is empty, while the active site in the other chain contains an analog of the first substrate to bind in the ordered mechanism of the reaction. Small angle X-ray scattering shows that once the enzyme is converted to the R state, by substrate binding, the enzyme remains in the R state until substrates are exhausted. Thus, this structure represents the active form of the enzyme trapped at two different stages in the catalytic cycle, before the substrates bind (or after the products are released), and after the first substrate binds. Opening and closing of the catalytic chain domains explains how the catalytic cycle occurs while the enzyme remains globally in the R-quaternary structure.  相似文献   

随着同步辐射装置的建设与发展及各种建模方法的产生与完善,小角X-射线散射(small angle X-ray scattering,SAXS)法已经逐渐成为结构生物学中的一种重要的工具。SAXS可以用于研究溶液中生物大分子的结构及构象变化,蛋白质的组装、折叠等动态过程。本文对SAXS的基本原理、常用的研究技术和建模方法及其应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Lactobacillus casei L ‐lactate dehydrogenase (LCLDH) is activated through the homotropic and heterotropic activation effects of pyruvate and fructose 1,6‐bisphosphate (FBP), respectively, and exhibits unusually high pH‐dependence in the allosteric effects of these ligands. The active (R) and inactive (T) state structures of unliganded LCLDH were determined at 2.5 and 2.6 Å resolution, respectively. In the catalytic site, the structural rearrangements are concerned mostly in switching of the orientation of Arg171 through the flexible intersubunit contact at the Q‐axis subunit interface. The distorted orientation of Arg171 in the T state is stabilized by a unique intra‐helix salt bridge between Arg171 and Glu178, which is in striking contrast to the multiple intersubunit salt bridges in Lactobacillus pentosus nonallosteric L ‐lactate dehydrogenase. In the backbone structure, major structural rearrangements of LCLDH are focused in two mobile regions of the catalytic domain. The two regions form an intersubunit linkage through contact at the P‐axis subunit interface involving Arg185, replacement of which with Gln severely decreases the homotropic and hetertropic activation effects on the enzyme. These two regions form another intersubunit linkage in the Q‐axis related dimer through the rigid NAD‐binding domain, and thus constitute a pivotal frame of the intersubunit linkage for the allosteric motion, which is coupled with the concerted structural change of the four subunits in a tetramer, and of the binding sites for pyruvate and FBP. The unique intersubunit salt bridges, which are observed only in the R state structure, are likely involved in the pH‐dependent allosteric equilibrium. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The regulatory (R) subunits of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A or PKA) are multi-domain proteins responsible for conferring cAMP-dependence and localizing PKA to specific subcellular locations. There are four isoforms of the R subunit in mammals that are similar in molecular mass and domain organization, but clearly serve different biological functions. Although high-resolution structures are available for the cAMP-binding domains and dimerization/docking domains of two isoforms, there are no high-resolution structures of any of the intact R subunit homodimer isoforms. The results of small-angle X-ray scattering studies presented here indicate that the RIalpha, RIIalpha, and RIIbeta homodimers differ markedly in overall shape, despite extensive sequence homology and similar molecular masses. The RIIalpha and RIIbeta homodimers have very extended, rod-like shapes, whereas the RIalpha homodimer likely has a compact Y-shape. Based on a comparison of the R subunit sequences, we predict that the linker regions are the likely cause of these large differences in shape among the isoforms. In addition, we show that cAMP binding does not cause large conformational changes in type Ialpha or IIalpha R subunit homodimers, suggesting that the activation of PKA by cAMP involves only local conformational changes in the R subunits.  相似文献   

We have studied the ATP-induced allosteric structural transition of GroEL using small angle X-ray scattering and fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with a stopped-flow technique. With X-ray scattering one can clearly distinguish the three allosteric states of GroEL, and the kinetics of the transition of GroEL induced by 85 microM ATP have been observed directly by stopped-flow X-ray scattering for the first time. The rate constant has been found to be 3-5s(-1) at 5 degrees C, indicating that this process corresponds to the second phase of the ATP-induced kinetics of tryptophan-inserted GroEL measured by stopped-flow fluorescence. Based on the ATP concentration dependence of the fluorescence kinetics, we conclude that the first phase represents bimolecular non-cooperative binding of ATP to GroEL with a bimolecular rate constant of 5.8 x 10(5)M(-1)s(-1) at 25 degrees C. Considering the electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged GroEL (-18 of the net charge per monomer at pH 7.5) and ATP, the rate constant is consistent with a diffusion-controlled bimolecular process. The ATP-induced fluorescence kinetics (the first and second phases) at various ATP concentrations (< 400 microM) occur before ATP hydrolysis by GroEL takes place and are well explained by a kinetic allosteric model, which is a combination of the conventional transition state theory and the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model, and we have successfully evaluated the equilibrium and kinetic parameters of the allosteric transition, including the binding constant of ATP in the transition state of GroEL.  相似文献   

Isoform diversity within the protein kinase A (PKA) family is achieved by catalytic (C) subunits binding to different isoforms of regulatory subunit homodimers (R2). In a previous small-angle X-ray scattering study, we showed that the type Ialpha R2 homodimer has a distinctive Y-shaped structure, while the IIalpha and IIbeta homodimers are highly flexible and extended in solution. Here we present the results of X-ray scattering experiments on different isoforms of the PKA holoenzyme (R2C2) and show that the type IIbeta R2 homodimer undergoes a dramatic compaction upon binding C subunits that involves a 10A reduction in radius of gyration (from 56 to 46 A) and a 35 A shortening of the maximum linear dimension (from 180-145 A). In contrast, the type IIalpha R2 homodimer shows very little change in these structural parameters and remains extended upon C-subunit binding. This large difference is surprising given the highly conserved sequence and domain organization for the different R isoforms. A mutant RIIbeta holoenzyme and an RIIalpha/RIIbeta chimera were used to explore the role of the sequence linking different functional domains within RIIbeta in the observed C subunit-induced compaction. Structural modeling was used to aid in interpreting the scattering results in terms of the role of inter-domain and inter-subunit contacts in determining the global conformations of the different isoforms. The results provide an important structural foundation for understanding isoform-specific PKA localization and signaling.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity and substrate channeling of the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent tryptophan synthase alpha(2)beta(2) complex is regulated by allosteric interactions that modulate the switching of the enzyme between open, low activity and closed, high activity states during the catalytic cycle. The highly conserved alphaThr183 residue is part of loop alphaL6 and is located next to the alpha-active site and forms part of the alpha-beta subunit interface. The role of the interactions of alphaThr183 in alpha-site catalysis and allosteric regulation was investigated by analyzing the kinetics and crystal structures of the isosteric mutant alphaThr183Val. The mutant displays strongly impaired allosteric alpha-beta communication, and the catalytic activity of the alpha-reaction is reduced one hundred fold, whereas the beta-activity is not affected. The structural work establishes that the basis for the missing inter-subunit signaling is the lack of loop alphaL6 closure even in the presence of the alpha-subunit ligands, 3-indolyl-D-glycerol 3'-phosphate, or 3-indolylpropanol 3'-phosphate. The structural basis for the reduced alpha-activity has its origins in the missing hydrogen bond between alphaThr183 and the catalytic residue, alphaAsp60.  相似文献   

Glu-50 of aspartate transcarbamoylase from Escherichia coli forms a set of interdomain bridging interactions between the 2 domains of the catalytic chain; these interactions are critical for stabilization of the high-activity high-affinity form of the enzyme. The mutant enzyme with an alanine substituted for Glu-50 (Glu-50-->Ala) exhibits significantly reduced activity, little cooperativity, and altered regulatory behavior (Newton CJ, Kantrowitz ER, 1990, Biochemistry 29:1444-1451). A study of the structural consequences of replacing Glu-50 by alanine using solution X-ray scattering is reported here. Correspondingly, in the absence of substrates, the mutant enzyme is in the same, so-called T quaternary conformation as is the wild-type enzyme. In the presence of a saturating concentration of the bisubstrate analog N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA), the mutant enzyme is in the same, so-called R quaternary conformation as the wild-type enzyme. However, the Glu-50-->Ala enzyme differs from the wild-type enzyme, in that its scattering pattern is hardly altered by a combination of carbamoyl phosphate and succinate. Addition of ATP under these conditions does result in a slight shift toward the R structure. Steady-state kinetic studies indicate that, in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, the Glu-50-->Ala enzyme is activated by PALA at saturating concentrations of carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate, and that PALA increases the affinity of the mutant enzyme for aspartate. These data suggest that the enzyme does not undergo the normal T to R transition upon binding of the physiological substrates and verifies the previous suggestion that the interdomain bridging interactions involving Glu-50 are critical for the creation of the high-activity, high-affinity R state of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The non-phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPN) of the hyperthermophilic Archaeum Thermoproteus tenax is a member of the superfamily of aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH). GAPN catalyses the irreversible oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP) to 3-phosphoglycerate in the modified glycolytic pathway of this organism. In contrast to other members of the ALDH superfamily, GAPN from T.tenax (Tt-GAPN) is regulated by a number of intermediates and metabolites. In the NAD-dependent oxidation of GAP, glucose 1-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, AMP and ADP increase the affinity for the cosubstrate, whereas ATP, NADP, NADPH and NADH decrease it leaving, however, the catalytic rate virtually unaltered. As we show here, the enzyme also uses NADP as a cosubstrate, displaying, however, unusual discontinuous saturation kinetics indicating different cosubstrate affinities and/or reactivities of the four active sites of the protein tetramer caused by cooperative effects. Furthermore, in the NADP-dependent reaction the presence of activators decreases the overall S0.5 and increases Vmax by a factor of 3. To explore the structural basis for the different effects of both pyridine nucleotides we solved the crystal structure of Tt-GAPN in complex with NAD at 2.2 A resolution and compared it to the binary Tt-GAPN-NADPH structure. Although both pyridine nucleotides show a similar binding mode, NADPH appears to be more tightly bound to the protein via the 2' phosphate moiety. Moreover, we present four co-crystal structures with the activating molecules glucose 1-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, AMP and ADP determined at resolutions ranging from 2.3 A to 2.6 A. These crystal structures reveal a common regulatory site able to accommodate the different activators. A phosphate-binding pocket serves as an anchor point ensuring similar binding geometry. The observed conformational changes upon activator binding are discussed in terms of allosteric regulation. Furthermore, we present a crystal structure of Tt-GAPN in complex with the substrate D-GAP at 2.3 A resolution, which allows us to analyse the structural basis for substrate binding, the mechanism of catalysis as well as the stereoselectivity of the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   

A classical model for allosteric regulation of enzyme activity posits an equilibrium between inactive and active conformations. An alternative view is that allosteric activation is achieved by increasing the potential for conformational changes that are essential for catalysis. In the present study, substitution of a basic residue in the active site of the catalytic (C) trimer of aspartate transcarbamoylase with a non‐polar residue results in large interdomain hinge changes in the three chains of the trimer. One conformation is more open than the chains in both the wild‐type C trimer and the catalytic chains in the holoenzyme, the second is closed similar to the bisubstrate‐analog bound conformation and the third hinge angle is intermediate to the other two. The active‐site 240s loop conformation is very different between the most open and closed chains, and is disordered in the third chain, as in the holoenzyme. We hypothesize that binding of anionic substrates may promote similar structural changes. Further, the ability of the three catalytic chains in the trimer to access the open and closed active‐site conformations simultaneously suggests a cyclic catalytic mechanism, in which at least one of the chains is in an open conformation suitable for substrate binding whereas another chain is closed for catalytic turnover. Based on the many conformations observed for the chains in the isolated catalytic trimer to date, we propose that allosteric activation of the holoenzyme occurs by release of quaternary constraint into an ensemble of active‐site conformations.  相似文献   

In the R form of ATCase complexed with the bisubstrate analogue, N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate, large temperature factors are reported for the allosteric domains of the regulatory chains. We studied the conformational flexibility of the holoenzyme with molecular dynamics simulations and rigid body (TLS) analysis. The results of the molecular dynamics simulations suggest that, although local atomic fluctuations account for the temperature factors of the catalytic and zinc domains, they do not account for the large temperature factors of the allosteric regions. However, the temperature factors of the allosteric domains can be satisfactorily analyzed using a rigid body model. The simulations and rigid body analysis support the idea that the allosteric regions are mechanically uncoupled from the rest of the enzyme in the PALA structure. Implications of this uncoupling for allosteric regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of four mutants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (F22A, Y23A, N43G, and F45A), engineered to alter their stability properties, have been determined. The mutated residues, which are highly conserved among Kunitz-type inhibitors, are located in the rigid core of the molecule. Replacement of the partially buried bulky residues of the wild-type protein with smaller residues resulted in crevices open to the exterior of the molecule. The overall three-dimensional structure of these mutants is very similar to that of the wild-type protein and only small rearrangements are observed among the atoms lining the crevices.  相似文献   

Human immunoglobulin G subclass 3 (IgG3) possesses a uniquely long hinge region that separates its Fab antigen-binding and Fc receptor-binding regions. Owing to this hinge length, the molecular structure of full-length IgG3 remains elusive, and the role of the two conserved Fc glycosylation sites are unknown. To address these issues, we subjected glycosylated and deglycosylated human myeloma IgG3 to multidisciplinary solution structure studies. Using analytical ultracentrifugation, the elongated structure of IgG3 was determined from the reduced sedimentation coefficients s020,w of 5.82 to 6.29 S for both glycosylated and deglycosylated IgG3. X-ray and neutron scattering showed that the Guinier RG values were 6.95 nm for glycosylated IgG3 and were unchanged after deglycosylation, again indicating an elongated structure. The distance distribution function P(r) showed a maximum length of 25 to 28 nm and three distinct maxima. The molecular structure of IgG3 was determined using atomistic modeling based on molecular dynamics simulations of the IgG3 hinge and Monte Carlo simulations to identify physically realistic arrangements of the Fab and Fc regions. This resulted in libraries containing 135,135 and 73,905 glycosylated and deglycosylated IgG3 structures, respectively. Comparisons with the X-ray and neutron scattering curves gave 100 best-fit models for each form of IgG3 that accounted for the experimental scattering curves. These models revealed the first molecular structures for full-length IgG3. The structures exhibited relatively restricted Fab and Fc conformations joined by an extended semirigid hinge, which explains the potent effector functions of IgG3 relative to the other subclasses IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4.  相似文献   

The targeted delivery of non-polar ligands by binding proteins to membranes or membrane receptors involves the release of these ligands on or near the plasma membrane of target cells. Because these hydrophobic ligands are often bound inside a deep cavity of binding proteins, as shown previously for plasma retinol-binding protein (RBP), their release from these proteins might require the destabilization of the protein structure by partially denaturing conditions, such as those possibly present near plasma membranes. RBP is a plasma transport protein which delivers specifically retinol from its store sites to target cells. Here, we report the high-resolution (1.1-1.4A) crystal structures of bovine holo-RBP at five different pH values, ranging from 9 to 2. While unraveling details of the native protein structure and of the interactions with retinol at nearly atomic resolution at neutral pH, this study provides evidence for definite pH-induced modifications of several structural features of RBP. The structure most representative of the changes that holo-RBP undergoes at different pH values is that of its flexible state at pH 2. At this pH, most significant are the alteration of the arrangement of salt bridges and of the network of water molecules/H-bonds that participates in the retinol-RBP interaction, an appreciable increase of the volume of the beta-barrel cavity, a considerably higher degree of mobility of the RBP-bound ligand and of several protein regions and the disorder of a large number of solvent molecules that are ordered at neutral pH. These changes are likely to be accompanied by a modification of the pattern of charge distribution on the protein surface. All these changes, which reveal a substantially lowered conformational stability of RBP, presumably occur at the initial stages of the acidic denaturation of RBP and are possibly associated with a facilitated release of the retinol molecule from its carrier protein.  相似文献   

The solution structure of a mutant calmodulin (des84) lacking Glu84 in the central helix linking the two calmodulin lobes is substantially different from its crystal structure. As determined by small-angle X-ray scattering, the radius of gyration and the maximum linear dimension of des84 in the presence of 0.1 mM calcium are 20.8 Å and 62.5 Å, respectively. These respective dimensions are larger than those expected from the crystal structure of des84, 18.5 Å and 55.0 Å, and smaller than those expected from the crystal structure of wild type, 22.8 Å and 67.5 Å. The distance distribution function of des84 indicates that it assumes an elongated, dumbbell shape in solution. The solution scattering profile of des84 is indistinguishable from that of wild-type calmodulin. The calcium-dependent binding of melittin to des84 causes a change in its shape from elongated to spherical, as seen with other calmodulins. In comparison with calcium-saturated des84, calcium-free des84 is slightly elongated; a slight compaction is observed with native calmodulin. The observed differences between the averaged solution structure and the crystal structure of des84 suggests that an ensemble of structures is available to calmodulin in solution and that its target need not induce a change in its conformation. These results support the theory that the linker region of the central helix of calmodulin functions as a flexible tether. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the last decade, protein allostery has experienced a major resurgence, boosted by the extension of the concept to systems of increasing complexity and by its exploitation for the development of drugs. Expansion of the field into new directions has not diminished the key role of hemoglobin as a test molecule for theory and experimental validation of allosteric models. Indeed, the diffusion of hemoglobins in all kingdoms of life and the variety of functions and of quaternary assemblies based on a common tertiary fold indicate that this superfamily of proteins is ideally suited for investigating the physical and molecular basis of allostery and firmly maintains its role as a main player in the field. This review is an attempt to briefly recollect common and different strategies adopted by metazoan hemoglobins, from monomeric molecules to giant complexes, exploiting homotropic and heterotropic allostery to increase their functional dynamic range. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

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