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Molecular evolution may be considered as a walk in a multidimensional fitness landscape, where the fitness at each point is associated with features such as the function, stability, and survivability of these molecules. We present a simple model for the evolution of protein sequences on a landscape with a precisely defined fitness function. We use simple lattice models to represent protein structures, with the ability of a protein sequence to fold into the structure with lowest energy, quantified as the foldability, representing the fitness of the sequence. The foldability of the sequence is characterized based on the spin glass model of protein folding. We consider evolution as a walk in this foldability landscape and study the nature of the landscape and the resulting dynamics. Selective pressure is explicitly included in this model in the form of a minimum foldability requirement. We find that different native structures are not evenly distributed in interaction space, with similar structures and structures with similar optimal foldabilities clustered together. Evolving proteins marginally fulfill the selective criteria of foldability. As the selective pressure is increased, evolutionary trajectories become increasingly confined to “neutral networks,” where the sequence and the interactions can be significantly changed while a constant structure is maintained. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 427–438, 1997  相似文献   

Lattice models of proteins were used to examine the role of local propensities in stabilizing the native state of a protein, using techniques drawn from spin-glass theory to characterize the free-energy landscapes. In the strong evolutionary limit, optimal conditions for folding are achieved when the contributions from local interactions to the stability of the native state is small. Further increasing the local interactions rapidly decreases the foldability. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Domains in folding of model proteins.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
By means of Monte Carlo simulation, we investigated the equilibrium between folded and unfolded states of lattice model proteins. The amino acid sequences were designed to have pronounced energy minimum target conformations of different length and shape. For short fully compact (36-mer) proteins, the all-or-none transition from the unfolded state to the native state was observed. This was not always the case for longer proteins. Among 12 designed sequences with the native structure of a fully compact 48-mer, a simple all-or-none transition was observed in only three cases. For the other nine sequences, three states of behavior-the native, denatured, and intermediate states-were found. The contiguous part of the native structure (domain) was conserved in the intermediate state, whereas the remaining part was completely unfolded and structureless. These parts melted separately from each other.  相似文献   

During their evolution, proteins explore sequence space via an interplay between random mutations and phenotypic selection. Here, we build upon recent progress in reconstructing data-driven fitness landscapes for families of homologous proteins, to propose stochastic models of experimental protein evolution. These models predict quantitatively important features of experimentally evolved sequence libraries, like fitness distributions and position-specific mutational spectra. They also allow us to efficiently simulate sequence libraries for a vast array of combinations of experimental parameters like sequence divergence, selection strength, and library size. We showcase the potential of the approach in reanalyzing two recent experiments to determine protein structure from signals of epistasis emerging in experimental sequence libraries. To be detectable, these signals require sufficiently large and sufficiently diverged libraries. Our modeling framework offers a quantitative explanation for different outcomes of recently published experiments. Furthermore, we can forecast the outcome of time- and resource-intensive evolution experiments, opening thereby a way to computationally optimize experimental protocols.  相似文献   

Caspases are a family of cysteinyl proteases that control programmed cell death and maintain homeostasis in multicellular organisms. The caspase family is an excellent model to study protein evolution because all caspases are produced as zymogens (procaspases [PCPs]) that must be activated to gain full activity; the protein structures are conserved through hundreds of millions of years of evolution; and some allosteric features arose with the early ancestor, whereas others are more recent evolutionary events. The apoptotic caspases evolved from a common ancestor (CA) into two distinct subfamilies: monomers (initiator caspases) or dimers (effector caspases). Differences in activation mechanisms of the two subfamilies, and their oligomeric forms, play a central role in the regulation of apoptosis. Here, we examine changes in the folding landscape by characterizing human effector caspases and their CA. The results show that the effector caspases unfold by a minimum three-state equilibrium model at pH 7.5, where the native dimer is in equilibrium with a partially folded monomeric (PCP-7, CA) or dimeric (PCP-6) intermediate. In comparison, the unfolding pathway of PCP-3 contains both oligomeric forms of the intermediate. Overall, the data show that the folding landscape was first established with the CA and was retained for >650 million years. Partially folded monomeric or dimeric intermediates in the ancestral ensemble provide mechanisms for evolutionary changes that affect stability of extant caspases. The conserved folding landscape allows for the fine-tuning of enzyme stability in a species-dependent manner while retaining the overall caspase–hemoglobinase fold.  相似文献   

Goldstein RA 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1396-1407
When we seek to explain the characteristics of living systems in their evolutionary context, we are often interested in understanding how and why certain properties arose through evolution, and how these properties then affected the continuing evolutionary process. This endeavor has been assisted by the use of simple computational models that have properties characteristic of natural living systems but allow simulations over evolutionary timescales with full transparency. We examine a model of the evolution of a gene under selective pressure to code for a protein that exists in a prespecified folded state at a given growth temperature. We observe the emergence of proteins with modest stabilities far below those possible with the model, with a denaturation temperature tracking the simulation temperature, despite the absence of selective pressure for such marginal stability. This demonstrates that neither observations of marginally stable proteins, nor even instances where increased stability interferes with function, provide evidence that marginal stability is an adaptation. Instead the marginal stability is the result of a balance between predominantly destabilizing mutations and selection that shifts depending on effective population size. Even if marginal stability is not an adaptation, the natural tendency of proteins toward marginal stability, and the range of stabilities that occur during evolution, may have significant effect on the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Wang P  Klimov DK 《Proteins》2008,70(3):925-937
We use lattice protein models and Monte Carlo simulations to study cotranslational folding of small single domain proteins. We show that the assembly of native structure begins during late extrusion stages, but final formation of native state occurs during de novo folding, when all residues are extruded. There are three main results in our study. First, for the sequences displaying two-state refolding mechanism de novo cotranslational folding pathway differs from that sampled in in vitro refolding. The change in folding pathways is due to partial assembly of native interactions during extrusion that results in different starting conditions for in vitro refolding and for de novo cotranslational folding. For small single domain proteins cotranslational folding is slower than in vitro refolding, but is generally fast enough to be completed before the release from a ribosome. Second, we found that until final stages of biosynthesis cotranslational folding is essentially equilibrium. This observation is explained by low stability of structured states for partially extruded chains. Finally, our data suggest that the proteins, which refold in vitro slowly via intermediates, complete their de novo folding after the release from a ribosome. Comparison of our lattice cotranslational simulations with recent experimental and computational studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Guo W  Lampoudi S  Shea JE 《Proteins》2004,55(2):395-406
The temperature dependence of the free energy landscape of the src-SH3 protein domain is investigated through fully atomic simulations in explicit solvent. Simulations are performed above and below the folding transition temperature, enabling an analysis of both protein folding and unfolding. The transition state for folding and unfolding, identified from the free energy surfaces, is found to be very similar, with structure in the central hydrophobic sheet and little structure throughout the rest of the protein. This is a result of a polarized folding (unfolding) mechanism involving early formation (late loss) of the central hydrophobic sheet at the transition state. Unfolding simulations map qualitatively well onto low-temperature free energy surfaces but appear, however, to miss important features observed in folding simulations. In particular, details of the folding mechanism involving the opening and closing of the hydrophobic core are not captured by unfolding simulations performed under strongly denaturing conditions. In addition, free energy surfaces at high temperatures do not display a desolvation barrier found at lower temperatures, involving the expulsion of water molecules from the hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

Robustness and evolvability: a paradox resolved   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding the relationship between robustness and evolvability is key to understand how living things can withstand mutations, while producing ample variation that leads to evolutionary innovations. Mutational robustness and evolvability, a system's ability to produce heritable variation, harbour a paradoxical tension. On one hand, high robustness implies low production of heritable phenotypic variation. On the other hand, both experimental and computational analyses of neutral networks indicate that robustness enhances evolvability. I here resolve this tension using RNA genotypes and their secondary structure phenotypes as a study system. To resolve the tension, one must distinguish between robustness of a genotype and a phenotype. I confirm that genotype (sequence) robustness and evolvability share an antagonistic relationship. In stark contrast, phenotype (structure) robustness promotes structure evolvability. A consequence is that finite populations of sequences with a robust phenotype can access large amounts of phenotypic variation while spreading through a neutral network. Population-level processes and phenotypes rather than individual sequences are key to understand the relationship between robustness and evolvability. My observations may apply to other genetic systems where many connected genotypes produce the same phenotypes.  相似文献   

Fitness landscape mapping and the prediction of evolutionary trajectories on these landscapes are major tasks in evolutionary biology research. Evolutionary dynamics is tightly linked to the landscape topography, but this relation is not straightforward. Here, we analyze a fitness landscape of a yeast tRNA gene, previously measured under four different conditions. We find that the wild type allele is sub-optimal, and 8–10% of its variants are fitter. We rule out the possibilities that the wild type is fittest on average on these four conditions or located on a local fitness maximum. Notwithstanding, we cannot exclude the possibility that the wild type might be fittest in some of the many conditions in the complex ecology that yeast lives at. Instead, we find that the wild type is mutationally robust (“flat”), while more fit variants are typically mutationally fragile. Similar observations of mutational robustness or flatness have been so far made in very few cases, predominantly in viral genomes.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to proteins: the binding landscape model.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Models of ligand binding are often based on four assumptions: (1) steric fit: that binding is determined mainly by shape complementarity; (2) native binding: that ligands mainly bind to native states; (3) locality: that ligands perturb protein structures mainly at the binding site; and (4) continuity: that small changes in ligand or protein structure lead to small changes in binding affinity. Using a generalization of the 2D HP lattice model, we study ligand binding and explore these assumptions. We first validate the model by showing that it reproduces typical binding behaviors. We observe ligand-induced denaturation, ANS and heme-like binding, and "lock-and-key" and "induced-fit" specific binding behaviors characterized by Michaelis-Menten or more cooperative types of binding isotherms. We then explore cases where the model predicts violations of the standard assumptions. For example, very different binding modes can result from two ligands of identical shape. Ligands can sometimes bind highly denatured states more tightly than native states and yet have Michaelis-Menten isotherms. Even low-population binding to denatured states can cause changes in global stability, hydrogen-exchange rates, and thermal B-factors, contrary to expectations, but in agreement with experiments. We conclude that ligand binding, similar to protein folding, may be better described in terms of energy landscapes than in terms of simpler mass-action models.  相似文献   

A V Smith  C K Hall 《Proteins》2001,44(3):376-391
Discontinuous molecular dynamics (DMD) simulation on an intermediate-resolution protein model is used to study the folding of an isolated, small model peptide to an amphipathic alpha-helix and the assembly of four of these model peptides into a four-helix bundle. A total of 129 simulations were performed on the isolated peptide, and 50 simulations were performed on the four-peptide system. Simulations efficiently sample conformational space allowing complete folding trajectories from random initial configurations to be observed within 15 min for the one-peptide system and within 15 h for the four-peptide system on a 500-MHz workstation. The native structures of both the alpha-helix and the four-helix bundle are consistent with experimental characterization studies and with results from previous simulations on these model peptides. In both the one- and four-peptide systems, the native state is achieved during simulations within an optimal temperature range, a phenomenon also observed experimentally. The ease with which our simulations yield reasonable estimates of folded structures demonstrates the power of the intermediate-resolution model developed for this work and the DMD algorithm and suggests that simulations of very long times and of multiprotein systems may be possible with this model.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics of proteins designed on three common folds (SH3, chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 [CI2], and protein G) is studied with a simplified C(alpha) model and compared with the thermodynamics of proteins designed on random-generated folds. The model allows to design sequences to fold within a dRMSD ranging from 1.2 to 4.2 A from the crystallographic native conformation and to study properties that are hard to be measured experimentally. It is found that the denatured state of all of them is not random but is, to different extents, partially structured. The degree of structure is more abundant for SH3 and protein G, giving rise to a weaker stability but a more efficient folding kinetics than CI2 and, even more, than the random-generated folds. Consequently, the features of the unfolded state seem to be as important in the determination of the thermodynamic properties of these proteins as the features of the native state.  相似文献   

Verkhivker GM 《Biopolymers》2004,75(5):420-433
Conformational transitions coupled to binding are studied for the p27(Kip1) protein which undergoes a functional disorder-to-order folding transition during tertiary complex formation with the phosphorylated cyclin A-cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) binary complex. Temperature-induced Monte Carlo simulations of p27(Kip1) unfolding-unbinding carried out from the crystal structure of the tertiary complex have revealed a systematic trend in the hierarchy of structural loss for p27(Kip1) and a considerable difference in mobility of p27(Kip1) secondary structure elements. The most persistent interactions of p27(Kip1) at the intermolecular interface during unfolding-unbinding simulations are formed by beta-hairpin and beta-strand that on average maintain their structural integrity considerably longer than other p27(Kip1) elements. We have found that the ensemble of unfolded p27(Kip1) conformations is characterized by transitions between mostly unbound, collapsed conformations and entropically favorable p27(Kip1) conformations, which are weakly bound to the cyclin A side of the binary complex. The results of this study are consistent with the experimental evidence pointing to this region of the intermolecular interface as a potential initiation docking site during binding reaction and may reconcile conflicting experimental hypotheses on the recognition of substrate recruitment motifs.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the recently proposed pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) (Grassberger, Phys. Rev. E 56:3682, 1997) leads to extremely efficient algorithms for the folding of simple model proteins. We test it on several models for lattice heteropolymers, and compare it to published Monte Carlo studies of the properties of particular sequences. In all cases our method is faster than the previous ones, and in several cases we find new minimal energy states. In addition to producing more reliable candidates for ground states, our method gives detailed information about the thermal spectrum and thus allows one to analyze thermodynamic aspects of the folding behavior of arbitrary sequences. Proteins 32:52–66, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We study how correlations in the random fitness assignment may affect the structure of fitness landscapes, in three classes of fitness models. The first is a phenotype space in which individuals are characterized by a large number n of continuously varying traits. In a simple model of random fitness assignment, viable phenotypes are likely to form a giant connected cluster percolating throughout the phenotype space provided the viability probability is larger than 1/2(n). The second model explicitly describes genotype-to-phenotype and phenotype-to-fitness maps, allows for neutrality at both phenotype and fitness levels, and results in a fitness landscape with tunable correlation length. Here, phenotypic neutrality and correlation between fitnesses can reduce the percolation threshold, and correlations at the point of phase transition between local and global are most conducive to the formation of the giant cluster. In the third class of models, particular combinations of alleles or values of phenotypic characters are "incompatible" in the sense that the resulting genotypes or phenotypes have zero fitness. This setting can be viewed as a generalization of the canonical Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller model of speciation and is related to K-SAT problems, prominent in computer science. We analyze the conditions for the existence of viable genotypes, their number, as well as the structure and the number of connected clusters of viable genotypes. We show that analysis based on expected values can easily lead to wrong conclusions, especially when fitness correlations are strong. We focus on pairwise incompatibilities between diallelic loci, but we also address multiple alleles, complex incompatibilities, and continuous phenotype spaces. In the case of diallelic loci, the number of clusters is stochastically bounded and each cluster contains a very large sub-cube. Finally, we demonstrate that the discrete NK model shares some signature properties of models with high correlations.  相似文献   

Probing the energy landscape of protein folding/unfolding transition states   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the thermal denaturation of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) have provided atomic-resolution models of the transition state ensemble that is well supported by experimental studies. Here, we use simulations to further investigate the energy landscape around the transition state region. Nine structures within approximately 35 ps and 3 A C(alpha) RMSD of the transition state ensemble identified in a previous 498 K thermal denaturation simulation were quenched under the quasi-native conditions of 335 K and neutral pH. All of the structures underwent hydrophobically driven collapse in response to the drop in temperature. Structures less denatured than the transition state became structurally more native-like, while structures that were more denatured than the transition state tended to show additional loss of native structure. The structures in the immediate region of the transition state fluctuated between becoming more and less native-like. All of the starting structures had the same native-like topology and were quite similar (within 3.5 A C(alpha) RMSD). That the structures all shared native-like topology, yet diverged into either more or less native-like structures depending on which side of the transition state they occupied on the unfolding trajectory, indicates that topology alone does not dictate protein folding. Instead, our results suggest that a detailed interplay of packing interactions and interactions with water determine whether a partially denatured protein will become more native-like under refolding conditions.  相似文献   

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