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报道了中国锦葵科(Malvaceae)一新记录属——沙稔属(Sidastrum Baker f.),小花沙稔[Sidastrum micranthum (A. St.-Hil.)Fryxell]首次在广东发现。  相似文献   

本文报道中国并线隐翅虫属一新种,黑腹并线隐翅虫一新纪录种,红鞘并线隐翅虫。  相似文献   

记述了我国毛须隐翅虫属Ischnosoma 1新种,太白毛须隐翅虫Ischnosoma taibaiensis sp.nov..对该种的形态特征进行了描述,并对雄性成虫的性特征进行了记述.新种属于I.spelaeum种组,该种组在我国尚属首次记载.新种与分布于西班牙的I.spelaeum相似,但根据鞘翅稀有不规则无毛刻点,雄性第8腹板后缘具粗大刚毛,阳茎侧叶背面具12根刚毛等特征可与后者区别.模式标本存放在上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物系昆虫标本室.正模♂,陕西太白山,2 350~2 750 m,2004-07-14,胡佳耀、汤亮和朱礼龙采.副模2♀♀,同正模.  相似文献   

分子系统学研究将传统梧桐科与锦葵科、木棉科和椴树科合并为广义锦葵科,并进一步分为9个亚科.然而,9个亚科之间的关系尚未完全明确,且梧桐亚科内的属间关系也未得到解决.为了明确梧桐亚科在锦葵科中的系统发育位置,厘清梧桐亚科内部属间系统发育关系,该研究对锦葵科8个亚科进行取样,共选取55个样本,基于叶绿体基因组数据,采用最大...  相似文献   

记述采自我国浙江省龙王山自然保护区和天目山自然保护区的盗隐翅虫属Lesteva 1新种——黄盗隐翅虫Lesteva ochra,sp.nov.。新种与Rougemont(2000)记载于同一产地的Lesteva elegantula在斑纹上较相似,但根据体形的差异可与后者区分;新种在体形上与记载于同一产地的Lesteva flavopuctata较相似,但根据阳茎的侧叶短于中叶可与后者区分;新种的阳茎形状与记载于同一产地的Lesteva submaculata较相似,但侧叶内侧没有柔毛可与后者区分。正模:♂,浙江省龙王山,2004-Ⅳ-24,朱礼龙采;副模:1♂,2♀♀,采集地点同正模,2004-Ⅳ-23,汤亮采;1♀,采集地点及日期同正模,胡佳耀采;1♂,1♀,浙江省临安市天目山,2001-Ⅴ-02,宋晨祖采。  相似文献   

郑发科 《昆虫学报》1993,36(2):198-207
束毛隐翅虫属(Dianous Leach,1819)为大眼隐翅虫亚科(Steninae)的二属之一。根据眼稍小,后颊较长,第9腹板端侧各有一束长毛,不难与亚科中另一属(大眼隐翅虫属Stenus)区分。该属主要分布于南亚、东南亚及东亚地区,全世界已知91种(Puthz,1981)。中国已记载的21种中,四川分布2种,云南8种,台湾、福建等10种,香港1种。本文就川、滇标本,报道已鉴定出的14种(其中包括7新种,1新亚种,1中国新纪录)。模式标本保存在四川师范学院生物系。  相似文献   

记述我国贵州省梵净山四齿隐翅虫属Nazeris 1新种,即贵州四齿隐翅虫Nazeris guizhouensis sp.nov..新种与发现于我国云南的Nazeris alpinus Watanabe较相似,但根据雄性第7腹板后缘不凹入,雄性第8腹板后缘的凹入较宽而浅,阳茎中叶端半部明显狭窄且侧叶较直(侧面观)等特征可与后者区分.正模♂,贵州省梵净山,2003-07-23,李利珍采.副模:8♂♂,4♀♀,同正模;5♂♂,3♀♀,采集时间、地点同正模,胡佳耀、汤亮采.模式标本存放在上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

记述采自中国贵州省梵净山自然保护区的隆线隐翅虫属Lathrbium 1新种--贵州隆线隐翅虫Lathrobium guizhouensis sp.nov..新种与Watanabe(1992)记载于中国浙江省的Lathrobium imadatei Watanabe,在颜色和外部形态上较相似,但根据雄性第6、7腹板无修饰毛区,第8腹板后缘凹陷明显较浅,阳茎的中叶和侧叶愈合等特征不难与后者区分.正模♂,贵州省梵净山自然保护区,23-07-2003,李利珍采.副模:2♂♂,4♀♀,同正模;3♂♂,2♀♀,采集时间和地点同正模,汤亮、胡佳耀采.模式标本保存在上海师范大学生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

中国地衣新记录属——包被鳞核衣属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国地衣-新记录属——包被鳞核衣属。该属主要特征:地衣体小鳞片状,子囊器为子囊壳,着生于地衣体小鳞片之间,由一特化的外壁所包裹,子囊孢子较大。  相似文献   

湖北后河自然保护区拥有丰富的生物多样性,为中国生物多样性三大关键地区之一的川东-湘鄂西关键地区的重要组成部分。但所处的贫困山区少数民族县长期以来以森工产业为其县域经济的主要支柱,长期的木材采伐和狩猎习俗曾对该保护区的生物多样性带来了严重破坏。自然保护区的建立使其生物多样性逐渐得到了有效保护,特别是升为国家级自然保护区后,生物多样性保护进入了一个新阶段。但该保护区的生物多样性依然面临多种威胁,保护区自身科学研究力量的薄弱和保护区面积相对较小,限制着该区域生物多样性的进一步研究和保护。进一步扩充保护区面积、引进科研力量并提升自身人员科研素质、协调并增强区内外社区共管是该区生物多样性得到进一步保护和恢复的当务之急。  相似文献   

Protospathidium serpens (Kahl, 1930) is frequent in semiterrestrial and terrestrial habitats worldwide. Conventionally, all populations are considered as conspecific because they have very similar overall morphologies and morphometrics. We studied in detail not only the morphology of the vegetative cells but also the resting cysts using live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. These revealed a cryptic diversity and biogeographic pattern in details of the dorsal brush and cyst wall morphology. The cyst wall is spiny in the Austrian specimens, while smooth in the South African and Antarctic populations. Accordingly, P. serpens consists of at least two species: P. serpens (with spiny cyst wall) and P. fraterculum n. sp. (with smooth cyst wall); the latter is probably composed of two distinct taxa differing by the absence (South African)/presence (Antarctic) of a monokinetidal bristle tail in brush row 3, the number of dikinetids comprising brush row 1 (seven versus three), and the total number of brush dikinetids (29 versus 17). Protospathidium serpens is neotypified with the new population from Austria. The significance of resting cyst morphology is discussed with respect to alpha-taxonomy and overall ciliate diversity.  相似文献   

报道了中国文字衣科地衣一新记录属——裂衣属(Chapsa A.Massal.)及其2新记录种,即印度裂衣(C.indica A.Massal.)和斑果裂衣[C.leprocarpa(Nyl.)A.Frisch],标本来自海南和广西。该属主要特征是:地衣体壳状、树皮生;具子囊盘类或色盘衣类的子囊果,固有果壳融合或不明显,具侧生侧丝;具横隔或砖壁型胞室的子囊孢子。  相似文献   

Hyalospheniids are among the most common and conspicuous testate amoebae in high‐latitude peatlands and forest humus. These testate amoebae were widely studied as bioindicators and are increasingly used as models in microbial biogeography. However, data on their diversity and ecology are still very unevenly distributed geographically: notably, data are lacking for low‐latitude peatlands. We describe here a new species, Nebela jiuhuensis, from peatlands near the Middle Yangtze River reach of south‐central China with characteristic morphology. The test (shell) has hollow horn‐like lateral extensions also found in N. saccifera, N. equicalceus (=N. hippocrepis), and N. ansata, three large species restricted mostly to Sphagnum peatlands of Eastern North America. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COI) data confirm that N. jiuhuensis is closely related to the morphologically very similar North American species N. saccifera and more distantly to N. ansata within the N. penardiana group. These species are all found in wet mosses growing in poor fens. Earlier reports of morphologically similar specimens found in South Korea peatlands suggest that N. jiuhuensis may be distributed in comparable peatlands in Eastern Asia (China and Korea). The discovery of such a conspicuous new species in Chinese peatlands suggests that many new testate amoebae species are yet to be discovered, including potential regional endemics. Furthermore, human activities (e.g., drainage, agriculture, and pollution) have reduced the known habitat of N. jiuhuensis, which can thus be considered as locally endangered. We, therefore, suggest that this very conspicuous micro‐organism with a probably limited geographical distribution and specific habitat requirement should be considered as a flagship species for microbial biogeography as well as local environmental conservation and management.  相似文献   

Here we characterize nine microsatellite loci for Thoropa taophora collected from a coastal and an island population in southeastern Brazil. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 11 for the coastal population and from two to eight for the island population. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.308 to 0.778 for the coastal population and from zero to 0.737 for the island population. One locus did not conform to Hardy-Weinberg expectations on the coast, while two were in disequilibrium on the island. These markers are currently being used to examine genetic differentiation and patterns of dispersal in T. taophora.  相似文献   

SEBERG, O., 1988. Taxonomy, phylogeny, and biogeogràphy of the genus Oreobolus R.Br. (Cyperaceae), with comments on the biogeogràphy of the South Pacific continents. The genus Oreobolus R.Br. (Cyperaceae) is revised. Fourteen species and three subspecies are recognized; two subspecies are described as new, O. obtusangulus subsp. unispicus and O. oxycarpus subsp. brownii; and a new subspecies combination is made, O. pumilio subsp. clemensiae. Comments are given on the classiciation and choice of phylogenetic and biogeographic methods. The sister-group of the genera Oreobolus and Schoenoides (which has recently been segregated from Oreobolus) is a subset of Costularia subgenus Costularia. Oreobolus is hypothesized to be monophyletic, and a phylogenetic hypothesis, based on a parsimony method, is presented. The scale-like tepals of Oreobolus are hypothesized to be apomorphic. Current vicariance biogeographic hypotheses on the relationships of the South Pacific continents are shown to be premature. Brief accounts are given on nomenclature, aspects of morphology, chromosome numbers, geographical distribution, and ecology.  相似文献   

We investigated the reproductive biology, including the floral biology, pollination biology, breeding system and reproductive success, of Pachira aquatica, a native and dominant tropical tree of fresh water wetlands, throughout the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico. The flowers present nocturnal anthesis, copious nectar production and sugar concentration (range 18–23%) suitable for nocturnal visitors such as bats and sphingid moths. The main nocturnal visitors were bats and sphingid moths while bees were the main diurnal visitors. There were no differences in legitimate visitation rates among bats, moths and honey bees. Bats and honey bees fed mainly on pollen while moths fed on nectar, suggesting resource partitioning. Eight species of bats carried pollen but Leptonycteris yerbabuenae is probably the most effective pollinator due to its higher pollen loads. The sphingid moths Manduca rustica, Cocytius duponchel and Eumorpha satellitia were recorded visiting flowers. Hand pollination experiments indicated a predominant outcrossing breeding system. Open pollination experiments resulted in a null fruit set, indicating pollen limitation; however, mean reproductive success, according to a seasonal census, was 17 ± 3%; these contrasting results could be explained by the seasonal availability of pollinators. We conclude that P. aquatica is an outcrossing species with a pollination system originally specialized for bats and sphingid moths, which could be driven to a multimodal pollination system due to the introduction of honey bees to tropical America.  相似文献   

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