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1. We used high‐frequency in situ dissolved oxygen measurements to investigate the seasonal variability and factors regulating metabolism in a subtropical alpine lake in Taiwan between May 2004 and October 2005, specifically exploring how the typhoon season (from June or July to October) affects lake metabolism. 2. Gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R) both peaked in early summer and mid‐autumn but dropped during the typhoon season and winter. Yuan‐Yang Lake is a net heterotrophic ecosystem (annual mean net ecosystem production ?39.6 μmole O2 m?3). 3. Compared to the summer peaks, seasonal averages of GPP and R decreased by approximately 50% and 25%, respectively, during the typhoon season. Ecosystem respiration was more resistant to external disturbances than GPP and showed strong daily variation during typhoon seasons. 4. Changes in the quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon controlled the temporal dynamics and metabolic regulation. External disturbances (typhoons) caused increased allochthony, increasing DOC and water colour and influencing lake metabolism. 5. Seasonal winter mixing and typhoon‐induced water mixing in summer and autumn play a key role in determining the extent to which the lake is a seasonal carbon sink or source to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

We measured soil CO2 flux over 19 sampling periods that spanned two growing seasons in a grassland Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment that factorially manipulated three major anthropogenic global changes: atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, nitrogen (N) supply, and plant species richness. On average, over two growing seasons, elevated atmospheric CO2 and N fertilization increased soil CO2 flux by 0.57 µmol m?2 s?1 (13% increase) and 0.37 µmol m?2 s?1 (8% increase) above average control soil CO2 flux, respectively. Decreases in planted diversity from 16 to 9, 4 and 1 species decreased soil CO2 flux by 0.23, 0.41 and 1.09 µmol m?2 s?1 (5%, 8% and 21% decreases), respectively. There were no statistically significant pairwise interactions among the three treatments. During 19 sampling periods that spanned two growing seasons, elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil CO2 flux most when soil moisture was low and soils were warm. Effects on soil CO2 flux due to fertilization with N and decreases in diversity were greatest at the times of the year when soils were warm, although there were no significant correlations between these effects and soil moisture. Of the treatments, only the N and diversity treatments were correlated over time; neither were correlated with the CO2 effect. Models of soil CO2 flux will need to incorporate ecosystem CO2 and N availability, as well as ecosystem plant diversity, and incorporate different environmental factors when determining the magnitude of the CO2, N and diversity effects on soil CO2 flux.  相似文献   

We present the annual patterns of net ecosystem‐atmosphere exchange (NEE) of CO2 and H2O observed from a 447 m tall tower sited within a mixed forest in northern Wisconsin, USA. The methodology for determining NEE from eddy‐covariance flux measurements at 30, 122 and 396 m above the ground, and from CO2 mixing ratio measurements at 11, 30, 76, 122, 244 and 396 m is described. The annual cycle of CO2 mixing ratio in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is also discussed, and the influences of local NEE and large‐scale advection are estimated. During 1997 gross ecosystem productivity (947?18 g C m?2 yr?1), approximately balanced total ecosystem respiration (963±19 g C m?2 yr?1), and NEE of CO2 was close to zero (16±19 g C m?2 yr?1 emitted into the atmosphere). The error bars represent the standard error of the cumulative daily NEE values. Systematic errors are also assessed. The identified systematic uncertainties in NEE of CO2 are less than 60 g C m?2 yr?1. The seasonal pattern of NEE of CO2 was highly correlated with leaf‐out and leaf‐fall, and soil thaw and freeze, and was similar to purely deciduous forest sites. The mean daily NEE of CO2 during the growing season (June through August) was ?1.3 g C m?2 day?1, smaller than has been reported for other deciduous forest sites. NEE of water vapor largely followed the seasonal pattern of NEE of CO2, with a lag in the spring when water vapor fluxes increased before CO2 uptake. In general, the Bowen ratios were high during the dormant seasons and low during the growing season. Evapotranspiration normalized by potential evapotranspiration showed the opposite pattern. The seasonal course of the CO2 mixing ratio in the ABL at the tower led the seasonal pattern of NEE of CO2 in time: in spring, CO2 mixing ratios began to decrease prior to the onset of daily net uptake of CO2 by the forest, and in fall mixing ratios began to increase before the forest became a net source for CO2 to the atmosphere. Transport as well as local NEE of CO2 are shown to be important components of the ABL CO2 budget at all times of the year.  相似文献   

Abstract The experimental determination of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH values is discussed. Despite variation in these values evidence indicates that intracellular pH values are normally regulated within narrow limits. The regulatory mechanisms proposed involve the metabolic consumption of OH& and the active efflux of H +. The evidence for intracellular pH modification in response to CO2 hydration and the production of HCO?3 and H+ is examined. Theoretical calculations and experimental data indicate that CO2 concentrations as high as 5% will lower intracellular pH. Conversely, variation in CO2 levels around atmospheric concentrations is unlikely to perturb intracellular pH. High CO2 levels are found in bulky tissues, and flooded root systems. Evidence is presented that the slow diffusion of dissolved CO2 compared to gaseous CO2 results in its accumulation. It is proposed that the accumulation of respiratory CO2 may reduce intracellular pH values when plant tissues, cells or protoplasts are maintained in a liquid culture medium. Finally, the possible role of dark CO2 fixation and organic acid synthesis in the regulation of intracellular pH is examined.  相似文献   

The respiratory source of CO2   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Abstract Approximately half of the carbon plants fix in photosynthesis is lost in dark respiration. The major pathways for dark respiration and their control are briefly discussed in the context of a growing plant. It is suggested that whole-plant respiration may be largely ADP-limited and that fine control of the respiratory network serves to select the respiratory substrate and to partition carbon between the numerous possible fates within the network. The striking stoichiometry between whole-plant growth and respiration is reviewed, and the relationships between substrate-limited growth and ADP-limited respiration are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern in the flux community that using the eddy covariance method with open‐path CO2 analyzers often leads to measurements of an apparent ecosystem CO2 uptake during off‐season periods, especially in cold climates. Such uptake has not been observed when measurements were made with closed‐path analyzers, chambers, or profile methods, suggesting it is an artifact due in some way to the use of open‐path analyzers. In this study, a series of laboratory tests and field experiments were conducted to determine the magnitude of the instrument surface heat exchange in the open path and its relationship with the measured CO2 flux. Results showed that (1) the surface of an open‐path instrument became substantially warmer than ambient due to electronics and radiation load during daytime, while at night, radiative cooling moderated temperature increases in the path; (2) high‐frequency temperature measurements inside the path were correlated with vertical wind speed producing sensible heat flux inside the instrument path exceeding the ambient heat flux by up to 14%; (3) enclosing the open‐path instrument eliminated the sensible heat flux in the path, and caused measured CO2 flux to match a closed‐path reference; (4) using sensible heat flux measured directly inside the open path in the WPL term instead of the ambient sensible heat flux also led to a match in CO2 flux between open‐path instrument and closed‐path reference; and (5) correcting previously collected open‐path CO2 flux data was possible by estimating the instrument heating effect with a semi‐empirical model using standard weather variables. Results showed that all proposed techniques led to a significant reduction in apparent CO2 uptake during off‐season periods and to a reduction of the underestimation of CO2 release in other periods. Close agreement between the open‐path measurements and closed‐path references was achieved in all cases.  相似文献   

The effect of soil warming on CO2 and CH4 flux from a spruce–fir forest soil was evaluated at the Howland Integrated Forest Study site in Maine, USA from 1993 to 1995. Elevated soil temperatures (~5 °C) were maintained during the snow-free season (May – November) in replicated 15 × 15-m plots using electric cables buried 1–2 cm below the soil surface; replicated unheated plots served as the control. CO2 evolution from the soil surface and soil air CO2 concentrations both showed clear seasonal trends and significant (P < 0.0001) positive exponential relationships with soil temperature. Soil warming caused a 25–40% increase in CO2 flux from the heated plots compared to the controls. No significant differences were observed between heated and control plot soil air CO2 concentrations which we attribute to rapid equilibration with the atmosphere in the O horizon and minimal treatment effects in the B horizon. Methane fluxes were highly variable and showed no consistent trends with treatment.  相似文献   

Sensing of atmospheric CO2 by plants   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3  
Abstract. Despite recent interest in the effects of high CO2 on plant growth and physiology, very little is known about the mechanisms by which plants sense changes in the concentration of this gas. Because atmospheric CO2 concentration is relatively constant and because the conductance of the cuticle to CO2 is low, sensory mechanisms are likely to exist only for intercellular CO2 concentration. Therefore, responses of plants to changes in atmospheric CO2 will depend on the effect of these changes on intercellular CO2 concentration. Although a variety of plant responses to atmospheric CO2 concentration have been reported, most of these can be attributed to the effects of intercellular CO2 on photosynthesis or stomatal conductance. Short-term and long-term effects of CO2 on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance are discussed as sensory mechanisms for responses of plants to atmospheric CO2. Available data suggest that plants do not fully realize the potential increases in productivity associated with increased atmospheric CO2. This may be because of genetic and environmental limitations to productivity or because plant responses to CO2 have evolved to cope with variations in intercellular CO2 caused by factors other than changes in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) is a particularly potent greenhouse gas with a radiative forcing 23 times that of CO2 on a per mass basis. Flooded rice paddies are a major source of CH4 emissions to the Earth's atmosphere. A free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment was conducted to evaluate changes in crop productivity and the crop ecosystem under enriched CO2 conditions during three rice growth seasons from 1998 to 2000 in a rice paddy at Shizukuishi, Iwate, Japan. To understand the influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on CH4 emission, we measured methane flux from FACE rice fields and rice fields with ambient levels of CO2 during the 1999 and 2000 growing seasons. Methane production and oxidation potentials of soil samples collected when the rice was at the tillering and flowering stages in 2000 were measured in the laboratory by the anaerobic incubation and alternative propylene substrates methods, respectively. The average tiller number and root dry biomass were clearly larger in the plots with elevated CO2 during all rice growth stages. No difference in methane oxidation potential between FACE and ambient treatments was found, but the methane production potential of soils during the flowering stage was significantly greater under FACE than under ambient conditions. When free‐air CO2 was enriched to 550 ppmv, the CH4 emissions from the rice paddy field increased significantly, by 38% in 1999 and 51% in 2000. The increased CH4 emissions were attributed to accelerated CH4 production potential as a result of more root exudates and root autolysis products and to increased plant‐mediated CH4 emissions because of the larger rice tiller numbers under FACE conditions.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max) was grown at ambient and enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2, + 250 μL L?1 above ambient) with and without the presence of a C3 weed (lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L.) and a C4 weed (redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L.), in order to evaluate the impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2] on crop production losses due to weeds. Weeds of a given species were sown at a density of two per metre of row. A significant reduction in soybean seed yield was observed with either weed species relative to the weed‐free control at either [CO2]. However, for lambsquarters the reduction in soybean seed yield relative to the weed‐free condition increased from 28 to 39% as CO2 increased, with a 65% increase in the average dry weight of lambsquarters at enhanced [CO2]. Conversely, for pigweed, soybean seed yield losses diminished with increasing [CO2] from 45 to 30%, with no change in the average dry weight of pigweed. In a weed‐free environment, elevated [CO2] resulted in a significant increase in vegetative dry weight and seed yield at maturity for soybean (33 and 24%, respectively) compared to the ambient CO2 condition. Interestingly, the presence of either weed negated the ability of soybean to respond either vegetatively or reproductively to enhanced [CO2]. Results from this experiment suggest: (i) that rising [CO2] could alter current yield losses associated with competition from weeds; and (ii) that weed control will be crucial in realizing any potential increase in economic yield of agronomic crops such as soybean as atmospheric [CO2] increases.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that high CO2 availability would increase monoterpene emission to the atmosphere. This hypothesis was based on resource allocation theory which predicts increased production of plant secondary compounds when carbon is in excess of that required for growth. Monoterpene emission rates were measured from needles of (a) Ponderosa pine grown at different CO2 concentrations and soil nitrogen levels, and (b) Douglas fir grown at different CO2 concentrations. Ponderosa pine grown at 700 μmol mol–1 CO2 exhibited increased photosynthetic rates and needle starch to nitrogen (N) ratios when compared to trees grown at 350 μmol mol–1 CO2. Nitrogen availability had no consistent effect on photosynthesis. Douglas fir grown at 550 μmol mol–1 CO2 exhibited increased photosynthetic rates as compared to growth at 350 μmol mol–1 CO2 in old, but not young needles, and there was no influence on the starch/N ratio. In neither species was there a significant effect of elevated growth CO2 on needle monoterpene concentration or emission rate. The influence of climate warming and leaf area index (LAI) on monoterpene emission were also investigated. Douglas fir grown at elevated CO2 plus a 4 °C increase in growth temperature exhibited no change in needle monoterpene concentration, despite a predicted 50% increase in emission rate. At elevated CO2 concentration the LAI increased in Ponderosa pine, but not Douglas fir. The combination of increased LAI and climate warming are predicted to cause an 80% increase in monoterpene emissions from Ponderosa pine forests and a 50% increase in emissions from Douglas fir forests. This study demonstrates that although growth at elevated CO2 may not affect the rate of monoterpene emission per unit biomass, the effect of elevated CO2 on LAI, and the effect of climate warming on monoterpene biosynthesis and volatilization, could increase canopy monoterpene emission rate.  相似文献   

  • 1 In order to study the dynamics of primary production and decomposition in the lake littoral, an interface zone between the pelagial, the catchment and the atmosphere, we measured ecosystem/atmosphere carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in the littoral zone of an eutrophic boreal lake in Finland during two open water periods (1998–1999). We reconstructed the seasonal net CO2 exchange and identified the key factors controlling CO2 dynamics. The seasonal net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was related to the amount of carbon accumulated in plant biomass.
  • 2 In the continuously inundated zones, spatial and temporal variation in the density of aerial shoots controlled CO2 fluxes, but seasonal net exchange was in most cases close to zero. The lower flooded zone had a net CO2 uptake of 1.8–6.2 mol m?2 per open water period, but the upper flooded zone with the highest photosynthetic capacity and above‐ground plant biomass, had a net CO2 loss of 1.1–7.1 mol m?2 per open water period as a result of the high respiration rate. The excess of respiration can be explained by decomposition of organic matter produced on site in previous years or leached from the catchment.
  • 3 Our results from the two study years suggest that changes in phenology and water level were the prime cause of the large interannual difference in NEE in the littoral zone. Thus, the littoral is a dynamic buffer and source for the load of allochthonous and autochthonous carbon to small lakes.

Elevated CO2 and plant structure: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Consequences of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on plant structure, an important determinant of physiological and competitive success, have not received sufficient attention in the literature. Understanding how increasing carbon input will influence plant developmental processes, and resultant form, will help bridge the gap between physiological response and ecosystem level phenomena. Growth in elevated CO2 alters plant structure through its effects on both primary and secondary meristems of shoots and roots. Although not well established, a review of the literature suggests that cell division, cell expansion, and cell patterning may be affected, driven mainly by increased substrate (sucrose) availability and perhaps also by differential expression of genes involved in cell cycling (e.g. cyclins) or cell expansion (e.g. xyloglucan endotransglycosylase). Few studies, however, have attempted to elucidate the mechanistic basis for increased growth at the cellular level. Regardless of specific mechanisms involved, plant leaf size and anatomy are often altered by growth in elevated CO2, but the magnitude of these changes, which often decreases as leaves mature, hinges upon plant genetic plasticity, nutrient availability, temperature, and phenology. Increased leaf growth results more often from increased cell expansion rather than increased division. Leaves of crop species exhibit greater increases in leaf thickness than do leaves of wild species. Increased mesophyll and vascular tissue cross-sectional areas, important determinates of photosynthetic rates and assimilate transport capacity, are often reported. Few studies, however, have quantified characteristics more reflective of leaf function such as spatial relationships among chlorenchyma cells (size, orientation, and surface area), intercellular spaces, and conductive tissue. Greater leaf size and/or more leaves per plant are often noted; plants grown in elevated CO2 exhibited increased leaf area per plant in 66% of studies, compared to 28% of observations reporting no change, and 6% reported a decrease in whole plant leaf area. This resulted in an average net increase in leaf area per plant of 24%. Crop species showed the greatest average increase in whole plant leaf area (+ 37%) compared to tree species (+ 14%) and wild, nonwoody species (+ 15%). Conversely, tree species and wild, nontrees showed the greatest reduction in specific leaf area (– 14% and – 20%) compared to crop plants (– 6%). Alterations in developmental processes at the shoot apex and within the vascular cambium contributed to increased plant height, altered branching characteristics, and increased stem diameters. The ratio of internode length to node number often increased, but the length and sometimes the number of branches per node was greater, suggesting reduced apical dominance. Data concerning effects of elevated CO2 on stem/branch anatomy, vital for understanding potential shifts in functional relationships of leaves with stems, roots with stems, and leaves with roots, are too few to make generalizations. Growth in elevated CO2 typically leads to increased root length, diameter, and altered branching patterns. Altered branching characteristics in both shoots and roots may impact competitive relationships above and below the ground. Understanding how increased carbon assimilation affects growth processes (cell division, cell expansion, and cell patterning) will facilitate a better understanding of how plant form will change as atmospheric CO2 increases. Knowing how basic growth processes respond to increased carbon inputs may also provide a mechanistic basis for the differential phenotypic plasticity exhibited by different plant species/functional types to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

There is scope for land‐use changes to increase or decrease CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere over the next century. Here we make simple but robust calculations of the maximum impact of such changes. Historical land‐use changes (mostly deforestation) and fossil fuel emissions have caused an increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 of 90 ppm between the pre‐industrial era and year 2000. The projected range of CO2 concentrations in 2100, under a range of emissions scenarios developed for the IPCC, is 170–600 ppm above 2000 levels. This range is mostly due to different assumptions regarding fossil fuel emissions. If all of the carbon so far released by land‐use changes could be restored to the terrestrial biosphere, atmospheric CO2 concentration at the end of the century would be about 40–70 ppm less than it would be if no such intervention had occurred. Conversely, complete global deforestation over the same time frame would increase atmospheric concentrations by about 130–290 ppm. These are extreme assumptions; the maximum feasible reforestation and afforestation activities over the next 50 years would result in a reduction in CO2 concentration of about 15–30 ppm by the end of the century. Thus the time course of fossil fuel emissions will be the major factor in determining atmospheric CO2 concentrations for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Interannual variability in net CO2 exchange of a native tallgrass prairie   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Year‐round eddy covariance flux measurements were made in a native tallgrass prairie in north‐central Oklahoma, USA during 1997–2000 to quantify carbon exchange and its interannual variability. This prairie is dominated by warm season C4 grasses. The soil is a relatively shallow silty clay loam underlined with a heavy clay layer and a limestone bedrock. During the study period, the prairie was burned in the spring of each year, and was not grazed. In 1997 there was adequate soil moisture through the growing season, but 1998 had two extended periods of substantially low soil moisture (with concurrent high air temperatures and vapor pressure deficits), one early and one later in the growing season. There was also moisture stress in 1999, but it was less severe and occurred later in the season. The annual net ecosystem CO2 exchange, NEE (before including carbon loss during the burn) was 274, 46 and 124 g C m ? 2 yr ? 1 in 1997, 1998, and 1999, respectively (flux toward the surface is positive), and the associated variation seemed to mirror the severity of moisture stress. We also examined integrated values of NEE during different periods (e.g. day/night; growing season/senescence). Annually integrated carbon dioxide uptake during the daytime showed the greatest variability from year to year, and was primarily linked to the severity of moisture stress. Carbon loss during nighttime was a significant part of the annual daytime NEE, and was fairly stable from year to year. When carbon loss during the burn (estimated from pre‐ and post‐burn biomass samples) was incorporated in the annual NEE, the prairie was found to be approximately carbon neutral (i.e. net carbon uptake/release was near zero) in years with no moisture stress (1997) or with some stress late in the season (1999). During a year with severe moisture stress early in the season (1998), the prairie was a net source of carbon. It appears that moisture stress (severity as well as timing of occurrence) was a dominating factor regulating the annual carbon exchange of the prairie.  相似文献   

城市是陆地生态系统的主要碳源,而城市植被是城市区域缓解人类活动所释放的二氧化碳的主要碳汇,但对城市植被对城市大气二氧化碳的影响方面的研究比较缺乏,尤其是发展中国家。发展中国家多数处于亚热带气候区,且发展中国家城市化进程较快,为推进不同生态系统类型碳循环的研究,该研究以位于中国东南部的上海市奉贤大学城为案例,研究该区域植被对亚热带城市生态系统CO_2通量的影响。使用上海市奉贤大学城的涡动相关通量观测站点所观测和记录的2016年10月1日至2017年9月30日共计12个月的通量,气象数据结合遥感数据分析了该研究区的CO_2通量动态特征及其影响因子,主要结论是:(1)整个生态系统全年CO_2通量总交换量为9664.06μmol m~(-2)a~(-1)即表现为碳源。CO_2通量增长率在2017年5月6日达到最低为-4.48μmol m~(-2)d~(-1)在2017年7月30日的CO_2通量增长率为0,在2017年8月30日达到最高为2.24μmol m~(-2)d~(-1),生长季CO_2通量交换量为2169.58μmol m~(-2)月~(-1)低于非生长季的CO_2通量交换量(7494.48μmol m~(-2)月~(-1));(2)不同风区的CO_2通量特征不同,主要表现为随着植被面积的上升CO_2通量有下降的趋势,生长季CO_2通量均值的最低值出现在西北风区为0.09μmol m~(-2)s~(-1);(3) CO_2通量与叶面积指数呈现负相关关系,即随着叶面积指数的上升CO_2通量有下降的趋势。植物的生长状况和其生理活动影响亚热带城市生态系统的碳循环过程,该研究可以为量化城市植被对大气二氧化碳的影响提供参考,同时为亚热带地区建设绿色低碳城市提供服务。  相似文献   

Stomatal density (SD) and stomatal conductance ( g s) can be affected by an increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration. This study was conducted on 17 species growing in a naturally enriched CO2 spring and belonging to three plant communities. Stomatal conductance, stomatal density and stomatal index (SI) of plants from the spring, which were assumed to have been exposed for generations to elevated [CO2], and of plants of the same species collected in a nearby control site, were compared. Stomatal conductance was significantly lower in most of the species collected in the CO2 spring and this indicated that CO2 effects on g s are not of a transitory nature but persist in the long term and through plant generations. Such a decrease was, however, not associated with changes in the anatomy of leaves: SD was unaffected in the majority of species (the decrease was only significant in three out of the 17 species examined), and also SI values did not vary between the two sites with the exception of two species that showed increased SI in plants grown in the CO2-enriched area. These results did not support the hypothesis that long-term exposure to elevated [CO2] may cause adaptive modification in stomatal number and in their distribution.  相似文献   

Net grassland carbon flux over a subambient to superambient CO2 gradient   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations may have a profound effect on the structure and function of plant communities. A previously grazed, central Texas grassland was exposed to a 200‐µmol mol?1 to 550 µmol mol?1 CO2 gradient from March to mid‐December in 1998 and 1999 using two, 60‐m long, polyethylene‐ covered chambers built directly onto the site. One chamber was operated at subambient CO2 concentrations (200–360 µmol mol?1 daytime) and the other was regulated at superambient concentrations (360–550 µmol mol?1). Continuous CO2 gradients were maintained in each chamber by photosynthesis during the day and respiration at night. Net ecosystem CO2 flux and end‐of‐year biomass were measured in each of 10, 5‐m long sections in each chamber. Net CO2 fluxes were maximal in late May (c. day 150) in 1998 and in late August in 1999 (c. day 240). In both years, fluxes were near zero and similar in both chambers at the beginning and end of the growing season. Average daily CO2 flux in 1998 was 13 g CO2 m?2 day?1 in the subambient chamber and 20 g CO2 m?2 day?1 in the superambient chamber; comparable averages were 15 and 26 g CO2 m?2 day?1 in 1999. Flux was positively and linearly correlated with end‐of‐year above‐ground biomass but flux was not linearly correlated with CO2 concentration; a finding likely to be explained by inherent differences in vegetation. Because C3 plants were the dominant functional group, we adjusted average daily flux in each section by dividing the flux by the average percentage C3 cover. Adjusted fluxes were better correlated with CO2 concentration, although scatter remained. Our results indicate that after accounting for vegetation differences, CO2 flux increased linearly with CO2 concentration. This trend was more evident at subambient than superambient CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

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