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Summary The mt agglutinins of the interfertile species Chlamydomonas moewusii and Chlamydomonas eugametos are very similar fibrous molecules. The mt agglutinin of C. moewusii has the same Stokes radius (39 nm) and sedimentation coefficient (9.3 S) as its counterpart in C. eugametos; its length (336 nm) and its ultrastructure, including the position of four kinks are also the same as in C. eugametos. The sugar compositions of both agglutinins are very similar, and they react equally well with the monoclonal antibody Mab 66.3 raised against the mt agglutinin of C. eugametos. Finally, they are equally thermoresistant, with half-lives at 100 °C of 50 min (C. moewusii) and 57 min (C. eugametos). The mt+ agglutinins of both species are different. Both are fibrous molecules with a terminal head, but the fibrous part of the molecule in C. moewusii is shorter (210 nm compared to 276 nm). The mt+ agglutinin of C. moewusii is also significantly more sensitive to heating with a half-life of 6 min at 40 °C compared to the 20 min shown by the mt+ agglutinin of C. eugametos. Their sugar compositions are, however, very similar, and they react equally well with Mab 66.3. The mt+ agglutinin of C. moewusii is sensitive to denaturing reagents and proteolytic attack, whereas the mt agglutinin is highly resistant. It is proposed that the globular head of the mt+ agglutinin acts as its recognition domain and interacts with a carbohydrate ligand on the mt agglutinin.  相似文献   

Summary Segments of the Japanese quail mito-chondrial genome encompassing many tRNA and protein genes, the small and part of the large rRNA genes, and the control region have been cloned and sequenced. Analysis of the relative position of these genes confirmed that the tRNAGlu and ND6 genes in galliform mitochondrial DNA are located immediately adjacent to the control region of the molecule instead of between the cytochrome b and ND5 genes as in other vertebrates. Japanese quail and chicken display another distinctive characteristic, that is, they both lack an equivalent to the light-strand replication origin found between the tRNACys and tRNAAsn genes in all vertebrate mitochondrial genomes sequenced thus far. Comparison of the protein-encoding genes revealed that a great proportion of the substitutions are silent and involve mainly transitions. This bias toward transitions also occurs in the tRNA and rRNA genes but is not observed in the control region where transversions account for many of the substitutions. Sequence alignment indicated that the two avian control regions evolve mainly through base substitutions but are also characterized by the occurrence of a 57-bp deletion/addition event at their 5′ end. The overall sequence divergence between the two gallinaceous birds suggests that avian mitochondrial genomes evolve at a similar rate to other vertebrate mitochondrial DNAs.  相似文献   

Summary. The non-Mendelian inheritance of organellar DNA is common in most plants and animals. In the isogamous green alga Chlamydomonas species, progeny inherit chloroplast genes from the maternal parent, as paternal chloroplast genes are selectively eliminated in young zygotes. Mitochondrial genes are inherited from the paternal parent. Analogically, maternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is thought to be selectively eliminated. Nevertheless, it is unclear when this selective elimination occurs. Here, we examined the behaviors of maternal and paternal mtDNAs by various methods during the period between the beginning of zygote formation and zoospore formation. First, we observed the behavior of the organelle nucleoids of living cells by specifically staining DNA with the fluorochrome SYBR Green I and staining mitochondria with 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide. We also examined the fate of mtDNA of male and female parental origin by real-time PCR, nested PCR with single zygotes, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. The mtDNA of maternal origin was completely eliminated before the first cell nuclear division, probably just before mtDNA synthesis, during meiosis. Therefore, the progeny inherit the remaining paternal mtDNA. We suggest that the complete elimination of maternal mtDNA during meiosis is the primary cause of paternal mitochondrial inheritance. Correspondence and reprints: Laboratory of Cell and Functional Biology, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 901-0213, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA from four strains of the oomycete Achlya has been compared and nine gene loci mapped, including that of the ribosomal protein gene, var1. Examination of the restriction enzyme site maps showed the presence of four insertions relative to a map common to all four strains. All the insertions were found in close proximity to genic regions. The four strains also cotained the inverted repeat first observed in A. ambisexualis (Hudspeth et al. 1983), allowing an examination by analysis of retained restriction sites of the evolutionary stability of repeated DNA sequences relative to single copy sequences. Although the inverted repeat is significantly more stable than single copy sequences, more detailed analysis indicated that this stability is limited to the portion encoding the ribosomal RNA genes. Thus, the apparent evolutionary stability of the repeat does not appear to derive from the inverted repeat structure per se.Abbreviations ATPase 6, 9 genes for ATPase subunits 6 and 9 - COI, II, III genes for cytochrome oxidase subunits 1, 2, and 3 - COB gene for apocytochrome b - L-, S-RNA genes for the mitochondrial large and small ribosomal RNAs - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - var1 gene for the S. cerevisiae mitochondrially, encoded ribosomal protein - m.u. map units - bp base pairs - kb kilobase pairs  相似文献   

Damage to DNA induced by ultraviolet light can be reversed by a blue light-dependent reaction catalyzed by enzymes called DNA photolyases. Chlamydomonas has been shown to have DNA photolyase activity in both the nucleus and the chloroplast. Here we report the cloning and sequencing of a gene, PHR2, from Chlamydomonas encoding a class II DNA photolyase. The PHR2 protein, when expressed in Escherichia coli, is able to complement a DNA photolyase deficiency. The previously described Chlamydomonas mutant, phr1, which is deficient in nuclear but not chloroplast photolyase activity was shown by RFLP analysis not to be linked to the PHR2 gene. Unlike the recently reported class II DNA photolyase from Arabidopsis, the protein encoded by PHR2 is predicted to contain a chloroplast targeting sequence. This result, together with the RFLP data, suggests that PHR2 encodes the chloroplast targeted DNA photolyase.  相似文献   

The vertebrate mitochondrial genome is highly conserved in size and gene content. Among the chordates there appears to be one basic gene arrangement, but rearrangements in the mitochondrial gene order of the avian lineages have indicated that the mitochondrial genome may be more variable than once thought. Different gene orders in marsupials and eutherian mammals leave the ancestral mammalian order in some doubt. We have investigated the mitochondrial gene order in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), a representative of the third major group of mammals, to determine which mitochondrial gene arrangement is ancestral in mammals. We have found that the platypus mtDNA conforms to the basic chordate gene arrangement, common to fish, amphibians, and eutherian mammals, indicating that this arrangement was the original mammalian arrangement, and that the unusual rearrangements observed in the avians and marsupials are probably lineage-specific. Correspondence to: N.J. Gemmell  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA (ncDNA) synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was measured by both 32P[or-thophosphoric acid] (32P) and [14C]adenine incorporation and found to be highly synchronous. Ca. 85% of incorporation was confined to the first 6 h of the dark period of a synchronized regime consisting of an alternating light-dark period of 12 h each. In contrast, no such synchronous incorporation pattern was found for chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs in the same cell population. These two organellar DNAs also exhibited different 32P-incorporation patterns in the cell cycle. Considerable amounts of 32P were incorporated into cpDNA throughout the light-dark synchronous cycle under both mixo- and phototrophic growth conditions, although the second 6-h light period under phototrophy showed an increase not apparent under mixotrophy. This change in growth conditions did not affect 32P incorporation into mtDNA, which was found throughout the cell cycle, with a modest peak in the first 6-h of the dark period. The pattern of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA was also determined. Under synchronous phototrophic conditions, this pattern was quite different from that obtained with 32P. Most [3H]thymidine incorporation occurred during the light period of the synchronous cycle; this period had been shown previously by density transfer experiments to be the time of cpDNA duplication. Such preferential [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA in the light period was not observed under mixotrophic synchronous growth conditions; in these, [3H]thymidine incorporation was detected throughout the cell cycle. This lack of coincidence between the patterns of 32P- and of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA during the synchronous cell cycle indicates that in addition to replication, the considerably reiterated organelle-DNA molecules may also regularly undergo an extensive repair process during each cell cycle.  相似文献   

We have extended to about 75 the number of genes mapped on the Chlamydomonas moewusii and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) by partial sequencing of the very closely related C. eugametos and C. moewusii cpDNAs and by hybridizations with Chlamydomonas chloroplast gene-specific sequences. Only four of these genes (tscA and three reading frames) have not been identified in any other algal cpDNAs and thus may be specific to Chlamydomonas. Although the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs differ by complex sequence rearrangements, 38 genes scattered throughout the genome define 12 conserved clusters of closely linked loci. Aside from the rRNA operon, four of these gene clusters share similarity to evolutionarily primitive operons found in other cpDNAs, representing in fact remnants of these operons. Our results thus indicate that most of the ancestral bacterial operons that characterize the chloroplast genome organization of land plants and early-diverging photosynthetic eukaryotes have been disrupted before the emergence of the polyphyletic genus Chlamydomonas. All gene rearrangements between the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs, with the exception of those accounting for the relocations of atpA, psbI and rbcL, occurred within corresponding regions of the genome. One of these rearrangements seems to have led to disruption of the ancestral region containing rpl23, rpl2, rps19, rpl16, rpl14, rpl5, rps8 and the psaA exon 1. This gene cluster, which bears striking similarity to the Escherichia coli S10 and spc operons, spans a continuous DNA segment in C. reinhardtii, while it maps to two separate fragments in C. moewusii.  相似文献   

Summary Previous RFLP-analysis of mtDNA isolated from different lines and cultivars of Vicia faba with respect to variability of the coxII gene revealed two types of mitochondrial genome: one with a normal coxII gene and the other with both normal coxII and chimeric coxII-orf192 genes. In this study we analyzed other regions of these two types of mitochondrial genome and found significant differences in the arrangement of regions around the coxII, coxIII, cob, rrn26 and atpA genes. More detailed analysis of the rrn26 and atpA gene regions showed that these genes are associated with recombinationally active repeats. Restriction maps of the rrn26 and atpA gene regions in different recombinative variants are presented.  相似文献   

A continuous 10.1kb fragment of the Cephalothrix rufifrons (Nemertea, Palaeonemertea) mitochondrial genome was sequenced and characterized to further assess organization of protostome mitochondrial genomes and evaluate the phylogenetic potential of gene arrangement and amino acid characters. The genome is A-T rich (72%), and this biased base composition is partly reflected in codon usage. Inferred tRNA secondary structures are typical of those reported for other metazoan mitochondrial DNAs. The arrangement of the 26 genes contained in the fragment exhibits marked similarity to those of many protostome taxa, most notably molluscs with highly conserved arrangements and a phoronid. Separate and simultaneous phylogenetic analyses of inferred amino acid sequences and gene adjacencies place the nemertean within the protostomes among coelomate lophotrochozoan taxa, but do not find a well-supported sister taxon link.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a mitochondrial genome of the pulmonate gastropod molluscCepaea nemoralis has been determined. Contained within the 14,100 basepairs (bp) are the two ribosomal RNA genes and 13 protein coding genes typical of metazoan mitochondrial genomes. TheCepaea mtDNA does contain a gene for ATPase subunit 8, like the clausiliid pulmonate,Albinaria, and the chiton,Katharina, but unlike the bivalve mollusc,Mytilus. The mitochondrial genetic code ofCepaea is proposed to be the same as that ofMytilus, Katharina, andDrosophila. Only 14 putative tRNA genes are presented, although there is sufficient unassigned sequence to encode the remainder of the expected total of 22 tRNA genes. These 14 tRNA genes are a mixture of standard cloverleaf structures and nonstandard structures containing TV replacement loops as seen in nematode and mosquito mitochondrial genomes. If the eight unidentified tRNA genes are indeed present, very little unassigned sequence would remain to serve as a control region. Genes are transcribed from both strands of the molecule. Base composition is the least biased for any reported animal mitochondrial genome and is also very little skewed between strands using measures independent of base composition. TheCepaea mitochondrial gene order is quite unlike that of any other reported metazoan mtDNA, with the exception of the recently reported partial sequences ofAlbinaria. No gene bound-aries are shared among all the reported molluscan taxa, demonstrating a complete lack of conservation of mitochondrial gene order across the phylum Mollusca.  相似文献   

Summary A circular supercoiled mitochondrial DNA plasmid P1 (1.45 kb) is shown in both normal fertile plants of Helianthus annuus, and some cytoplasmic male sterile lines (CMS A and CMS P). In contrast, no plasmid is found in some other types of CMS C, I, B and K. A circular supercoiled DNA (P2) of higher molecular weight (1.8 kb) is observed in CMS F. The mitochondrial plasmid P1 was cloned, nick-translated and hybridized with native mitochondrial DNA from different lines of male fertile, CMS or wild Helianthus. No sequence homology has been detected between plasmid DNA P1 and high molecular weight mitochondrial DNA in any line examined. A slight hybridization occurs between plasmids P1 and P2. Thus, there is no apparent relationship between mitochondrial plasmid DNA and CMS or Helianthus species. On the contrary, each Helianthus CMS and male fertile strain can be characterized by digestion fragment patterns (Sal I and Bgl I). Analysis of mitochondrial DNA from wild Helianthus strains indicated a relation between some CMS and the strain from which they were maternally derived, as for example CMS I and H. annuus ssp lenticularis and CMS F and H. petiolaris fallax. On the basis of restriction endonuclease patterns, a CMS phylogenic tree is proposed which illustrates a molecular polymorphism in the mitochondrial genome of Helianthus.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we report the inability of four group I introns in the gene encoding subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase (cox1) and the group II intron in the apocytochrome b gene (cob) to splice autocatalytically. Furthermore we present the characterization of the first cox1 intron in the mutator strain ana r -14 and the construction and characterization of strains with intronless mitochondrial genomes. We provide evidence that removal of introns at the DNA level (termed DNA splicing) is dependent on an active RNA maturase. Finally we demonstrate that the absence of introns does not abolish homologous mitochondrial recombination.Abbreviations cox1, cox2, cox3 genes encoding subunits 1, 2 and 3 of cytochrome - c oxidase - cob gene encoding apocytochrome b - cox1I1, cox1I2a, cox1I2b, cox1I3 introns in cox1 - cox1Ix +/– indicates the presence or absence of the intron either in the native gene or after intron DNA excision - cox1Ix is a deletion in the intron leading to respiratory deficiency  相似文献   

Summary A comparative analysis of the presence of minicircular DNA CCCIB in 16 different lines and cultivars of fertile Vicia faba L. plants was conducted. It was found that copy number of CCCIB ranged from several copies per mitochondrial genome to — probably — zero, depending on cultivar or line. Fertility of plants in these cases was not altered. We chose 10 cultivars and lines among 16 analysed. Mitochondria of five cultivars and lines contained about two CCCIB molecules per one CCCIA. The sixth cultivar contained CCCIB at copy number several times lower. In the last four cultivars CCCIB could not be identified. Copy number analysis of CCC2 in ten chosen cultivars and lines revealed that in eight cases the quantitiy of CCC2 was equal to CCCIA. However, two other cultivars contained about two times lower quantity of CCC2. Parallel to that we observed an increase in quantity of one sequence homologous to CCC2, which in the first eight cultivars and lines could be found only in minor quantities. Comparative restriction analysis revealed notable rearrangement events in mitochondrial DNAs of ten cultivars and lines being investigated. We did not find any correlations between patterns of restriction fragments and copy number of CCCIB. In some cases, rearrangements in Vicia faba mitochondrial genomes caused a duplication of sequences homologous to the Zea mays coxII gene.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA from three somatic hybrid cell lines of Pennisetum americanum + Panicum maximum was compared with mitochondrial DNA of the parents. Gel electrophoresis of BamHI-restricted mitochondrial DNA indicated that extensive rearrangements had occurred in each of the three hybrid lines. The hybrid restriction patterns showed a combination of some bands from each parent plus novel fragments not present in either parent. Additional evidence for rearrangements was obtained by hybridization of eight DNA probes, carrying sequences of known coding regions, to Southern blots. Each of the somatic hybrids exhibited a partial combination of the parental mitochondrial genomes. These data suggest recombination or amplification of the mitochondrial genomes in the somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary The entire set of transferred chloroplast DNA sequences in the mitochondrial genome of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare) was identified using clone banks that cover the chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes. The mitochondrial fragments that were homologous to chloroplast DNA were mapped and sequenced. The nucleotide sequences around the termini of integrated chloroplast sequences in the rice mtDNA revealed no common sequences or structures that might enhance the transfer of DNA. Sixteen chloroplast sequences, ranging from 32 bases to 6.8 kb in length, were found to be dispersed throughout the rice mitochondrial genome. The total length of these sequences is equal to approximately 6% (22 kb) of the rice mitochondrial genome and to 19% of the chloroplast genome. The transfer of segments of chloroplast DNA seems to have occurred at different times, both before and after the divergence of rice and maize. The mitochondrial genome appears to have been rearranged after the transfer of chloroplast sequences as a result of recombination at these sequences. The rice mitochondrial DNA contains nine intact tRNA genes and three tRNA pseudogenes derived from the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

Nuclear genotype affects mitochondrial genome organization of CMS-S maize   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary A WF9 strain of maize with the RD subtype of the S male-sterile cytoplasm (CMS-S) was converted to the inbred M825 nuclear background by recurrent backcrossing. The organization of the mitochondrial genomes of the F1 and succeeding backcross progenies was analyzed and compared with the progenitor RD-WF9 using probes derived from the S1 and S2 mitochondrial episomes, and probes containing the genes for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (coxI), cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (coxII) and apocytochrome b (cob). Changes in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) organization were observed for S1-, S2-, and coxI-homologous sequences that involve loss of homologous restriction enzyme fragments present in the RD-WF9 progenitor. With the coxI probe, the loss of certain fragments was accompanied by the appearance of a fragment not detectable in the progenitor. The changes observed indicate the effect of the nuclear genome on the differential replication of specific mitochondrial subgenomic entities.  相似文献   

Hu Z  Zhao Z  Wu Z  Fan Z  Chen J  Wu J  Li J 《Mitochondrion》2011,11(5):716-721
The efficient expression of exogenous gene in mitochondria of photosynthetic organism has been an insurmountable problem. In this study, the pBsLPNCG was constructed by inserting the egfp gene into a site between TERMINVREP-Left repeats and the cob gene in a fragment of mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-124 and introduced into the mitochondria of respiratory deficient dum-1 mutation of C. reinhardtii CC-2654. Sequencing and DNA Southern analyses revealed that egfp gene had been integrated into the mitochondrial genome of transgenic algae as expected and no other copy of egfp existed in their nucleic genome. Both the fluorescence detection and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of eGFP protein in the transgenic algae; it indicated that the egfp gene was successfully expressed in the mitochondria of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

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