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  • 1.1. According to the important biological role of fatty acids and phospholipids in cell membranes, two cytosolic proteins implicated in their binding and transport in brain were considered, namely: Fatty Acid-Binding Protein and basic 21 kDa protein.
  • 2.2. They were reviewed as well as their related protein families.
  • 3.3. Although the two protein groups do not present significant sequence homologies. they share several similar properties and might thus be implicated in common physiological functions.

In this work we examine how protein structural changes are coupled with sequence variation in the course of evolution of a family of homologs. The sequence-structure correlation analysis performed on 81 homologous protein families shows that the majority of them exhibit statistically significant linear correlation between the measures of sequence and structural similarity. We observed, however, that there are cases where structural variability cannot be mainly explained by sequence variation, such as protein families with a number of disulfide bonds. To understand whether structures from different families and/or folds evolve in the same manner, we compared the degrees of structural change per unit of sequence change ("the evolutionary plasticity of structure") between those families with a significant linear correlation. Using rigorous statistical procedures we find that, with a few exceptions, evolutionary plasticity does not show a statistically significant difference between protein families. Similar sequence-structure analysis performed for protein loop regions shows that evolutionary plasticity of loop regions is greater than for the protein core.  相似文献   

The lipocalin protein family: structural and sequence overview   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Lipocalins are remarkably diverse at the sequence level yet have highly conserved structures. Most lipocalins share three characteristic conserved sequence motifs - the kernel lipocalins - while others are more divergent family members - the outlier lipocalins - typically sharing only one or two. This classification is a useful tool for analysing the family, and within these large sets are smaller groups sharing much higher levels of sequence similarity. The lipocalins are also part of a larger protein superfamily: the calycins, which includes the fatty acid binding proteins, avidins, a group of metalloproteinase inhibitors, and triabin. The superfamily is characterised by a similar structure (a repeated +1 topology beta-barrel) and by the conservation of a remarkable structural signature.  相似文献   

Boocock GR  Marit MR  Rommens JM 《Genomics》2006,87(6):758-771
The Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome (SBDS) protein family occurs widely in nature, although its function has not been determined. Comprehensive database searches revealed SBDS homologues from 159 species, including examples from all sequenced archaeal and eukaryotic genomes and all eukaryotic kingdoms. Sequence alignment with ClustalX and MUSCLE algorithms led to the identification of conserved residues that occurred predominantly in the amino-terminal FYSH domain where they appeared to contribute to protein folding or stability. Only SBDS residue Gly91 was invariant in all species. Four distantly related protists were found to have two divergent SBDS genes in their genomes. In each case, phylogenetic analyses and the identification of shared sequence features suggested that one gene was derived from lateral gene transfer. We also identified a shared C-terminal zinc finger domain fusion in flowering plants and chromalveolates that may shed light on the function of the protein family and the evolutionary histories of these kingdoms. To assess the extent of SBDS functional conservation, we carried out complementation studies of SBDS homologues and interspecies chimeras in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We determined that the FYSH domain was widely interchangeable among eukaryotes, while domain 2 imparted species specificity to protein function. Domain 3 was largely dispensable for function in our yeast complementation assay. Overall, the phylogeny of SBDS was shared with a group of proteins that were markedly enriched for RNA metabolism and/or ribosome-associated functions. These findings link Shwachman-Diamond syndrome to other bone marrow failure syndromes with defects in nucleolus-associated processes, including Diamond-Blackfan anemia, cartilage-hair hypoplasia, and dyskeratosis congenita.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Information about a particular protein or protein family is usually distributed among multiple databases and often in more than one entry in each database. Retrieval and organization of this information can be a laborious task. This task is complicated even further by the existence of alternative terms for the same concept. RESULTS: The PDB, SWISS-PROT, ENZYME, and CATH databases have been imported into a combined relational database, BIOMOLQUEST: A powerful search engine has been built using this database as a back end. The search engine achieves significant improvements in query performance by automatically utilizing cross-references between the legacy databases. The results of the queries are presented in an organized, hierarchical way.  相似文献   



Protein sequence profile-profile alignment is an important approach to recognizing remote homologs and generating accurate pairwise alignments. It plays an important role in protein sequence database search, protein structure prediction, protein function prediction, and phylogenetic analysis.


In this work, we integrate predicted solvent accessibility, torsion angles and evolutionary residue coupling information with the pairwise Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based profile alignment method to improve profile-profile alignments. The evaluation results demonstrate that adding predicted relative solvent accessibility and torsion angle information improves the accuracy of profile-profile alignments. The evolutionary residue coupling information is helpful in some cases, but its contribution to the improvement is not consistent.


Incorporating the new structural information such as predicted solvent accessibility and torsion angles into the profile-profile alignment is a useful way to improve pairwise profile-profile alignment methods.  相似文献   



The chicken avidin gene family consists of avidin and several avidin related genes (AVRs). Of these gene products, avidin is the best characterized and is known for its extremely high affinity for D-biotin, a property that is utilized in numerous modern life science applications. Recently, the AVR genes have been expressed as recombinant proteins, which have shown different biotin-binding properties as compared to avidin.  相似文献   

Summary The maximum parsimony method was used to reconstruct the genealogical history of the family of intracellular calcium-binding proteins represented by six major present-day lineages, three of which - calcium dependent modulator protein, heart and skeletal muscle troponin Cs, and alkali light chains of myosin - were found to share a closer kinship with one another than with the other lineages. Similarly, parvalbumins and regulatory light chains of myosin were depicted as more closely related, whereas the branch of intestinal calcium-binding protein proved to have the most distant separation. The computer-generated amino acid sequence for the common ancestor of these six lineages described a four domain protein in which each domain of approximately 40 amino acid residues had a mid-region, 12 residue segment that bound calcium and had properties most resembling those of the calcium dependent modulator protein. It could then be deduced that parvalbumins evolved by deletion of domain I, inactivation of calcium-binding properties in domain II, and acquisition of increased affinity for Ca++ and Mg++ in domains III and IV. Regulatory light chains of myosin lost the cation binding property from three domains, retaining it in I, whereas alkali light chains of myosin lost this ability from each of the four domains. In skeletal muscle troponin C all domains retained their calcium-binding activity; however, like parvalbumins, domains III and IV acquired high affinity properties. Cardiac troponin C lost its binding activity from domain I but otherwise resembled the skeletal muscle form. Finally, intestinal calcium-binding protein evolved by deletion of domains III and IV.Positive selection could be implicated in these evolutionary changes in that the rate of fixation of mutations substantially increased in the mid portions of those domains which were loosing calcium-binding activity. Likewise, when the cation binding sites were changing from low to high affinity, an accelerated rate of fixed mutations was observed. Once this new functional parameter was selected these regions showed a remarkable conservatism, as did those binding sites which were maintaining the lower affinity. Moreover even in sequence regions not directly involved in cation binding, the lineage of troponin C became very conservative over the past 300 million years, perhaps because of the necessity for maintaining specific interfaces in order for the molecule to interact with troponin I and T in a functional thin myofilament. A similar phenomenon was observed in domain II of the regulatory light chains of the myosin lineage suggesting a possible binding site with the heavy chain of myosin.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Jean-Francois Pechère, deceased  相似文献   

A substrate for the insulin receptor kinase in 3T3-L1 adipocytes has previously been identified as the adipocyte lipid-binding protein (ALBP, also known as aP2 or p15). We have characterized the effect of tyrosyl phosphorylation on ALBP structure and ligand-binding properties. Phosphorylated ALBP (phospho-ALBP) was isolated by a combination of gel filtration, anion exchange chromatography, and immunoaffinity chromatography on anti-phosphotyrosine agarose. Circular dichroic spectroscopy indicated that the phosphoprotein was similar in structure to native ALBP. Phospho-ALBP exhibited a slight decrease in calculated alpha-helical content which was compensated for by an increase in beta-sheet structure. The wavelength yielding maximum tryptophan fluorescence was unaltered by phosphorylation (334 +/- 1 nm). However, the concentration of guanidine HCl yielding 50% denaturation was 1.43 M for ALBP and 0.92 M for phospho-ALBP. The delta Goapp was 3.87 and 3.25 kcal mol-1 for ALBP and phospho-ALBP, respectively, suggesting that phosphorylation destabilized the protein. To assess the binding characteristics of the phosphoprotein, a long-chain fatty acid affinity column was synthesized to which native ALBP specifically bound. In contrast, phospho-ALBP showed little or no affinity for the column. Furthermore, phosphorylation virtually abolished binding of the fluorescent fatty acid analogue 12-(9-anthroyloxy)oleic acid. Fatty acid binding activity was recovered (approximately 60%) upon dephosphorylation with protein tyrosine phosphatase. The structural studies, coupled with the crystal structure of the apoprotein, indicate that the dramatic reduction in binding affinity is likely a result of steric hindrance in the binding cavity or of electrostatic interactions of the phosphoryl group with the fatty acid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The prediction of functional sites in newly solved protein structures is a challenge for computational structural biology. Most methods for approaching this problem use evolutionary conservation as the primary indicator of the location of functional sites. However, sequence conservation reflects not only evolutionary selection at functional sites to maintain protein function, but also selection throughout the protein to maintain the stability of the folded state. To disentangle sequence conservation due to protein functional constraints from sequence conservation due to protein structural constraints, we use all atom computational protein design methodology to predict sequence profiles expected under solely structural constraints, and to compute the free energy difference between the naturally occurring amino acid and the lowest free energy amino acid at each position. We show that functional sites are more likely than non-functional sites to have computed sequence profiles which differ significantly from the naturally occurring sequence profiles and to have residues with sub-optimal free energies, and that incorporation of these two measures improves sequence based prediction of protein functional sites. The combined sequence and structure based functional site prediction method has been implemented in a publicly available web server.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is an intracellular lipase that plays an important role in the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol in adipose tissue. HSL has been shown to interact with adipocyte lipid-binding protein (ALBP), a member of the family of intracellular lipid-binding proteins that bind fatty acids and other hydrophobic ligands. The current studies have addressed the functional significance of the association and mapped the site of interaction between HSL and ALBP. Incubation of homogeneous ALBP with purified, recombinant HSL in vitro resulted in a 2-fold increase in substrate hydrolysis. Moreover, the ability of oleate to inhibit HSL hydrolytic activity was attenuated by co-incubation with ALBP. Co-transfection of Chinese hamster ovary cells with HSL and ALBP resulted in greater hydrolytic activity than transfection of cells with HSL and vector alone. Deletional mutations of HSL localized the region of HSL that interacts with ALBP to amino acids 192-200, and site-directed mutagenesis of individual amino acids in this region identified His-194 and Glu-199 as critical for mediating the interaction of HSL with ALBP. Interestingly, HSL mutants H194L and E199A, each of which retained normal basal hydrolytic activity, failed to display an increase in hydrolytic activity when co-transfected with wild type ALBP. Therefore, ALBP increases the hydrolytic activity of HSL through its ability to bind and sequester fatty acids and via specific protein-protein interaction. Thus, HSL and ALBP constitute a functionally important lipolytic complex.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence indicates that membrane lipids regulate protein networking by directly interacting with protein-interaction domains (PIDs). As a pilot study to identify and functionally annodate lipid-binding PIDs on a genomic scale, we performed experimental and computational studies of PDZ domains. Characterization of 70 PDZ domains showed that ~40% had submicromolar membrane affinity. Using a computational model built from these data, we predicted the membrane-binding properties of 2,000 PDZ domains from 20 species. The accuracy of the prediction was experimentally validated for 26 PDZ domains. We also subdivided lipid-binding PDZ domains into three classes based on the interplay between membrane- and protein-binding sites. For different classes of PDZ domains, lipid binding regulates their protein interactions by different mechanisms. Functional studies of a PDZ domain protein, rhophilin 2, suggest that all classes of lipid-binding PDZ domains serve as genuine dual-specificity modules regulating protein interactions at the membrane under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Evolutionary networks in the formatted protein sequence space.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In our recent work, a new approach to establish sequence relatedness, by walking through the protein sequence space, was introduced. The sequence space is built from 20 amino acid long fragments of proteins from a very large collection of fully sequenced prokaryotic genomes. The fragments, points in the space, are connected, if they are closely related (high sequence identity). The connected fragments form variety of networks of sequence kinship. In this research the networks in the formatted sequence space and their topology are analyzed. For lower identity thresholds a huge network of complex structure is formed, involving up to 10% points of the space. When the threshold is increased, the major network splits into a set of smaller clusters with a wide diversity of sizes and topologies. Such "evolutionary networks" may serve as a powerful sequence annotation tool that allows one to reveal fine details in the evolutionary history of proteins.  相似文献   

Site-specific structural modification is a powerful tool for studying functional mechanisms in proteins where the structures may be manipulated by direct chemical modification, by selection of naturally-occurring mutants, or by site-directed mutagenesis. Here, we present a general strategy for such studies, which we term "mapping by structure-function perturbation." A series of functional perturbations (i.e., deviations of functional behavior from that of the native protein) are mapped against the structural locations of the modified sites, obtained over a range of locations. The modifications are treated as arbitrary perturbations of structure at specific locations, in contrast to the conventional approach of trying to interpret their local stereochemistry. The map yields information on structural locations of functional events and pathways of coupling within protein assemblies. We have applied this approach to the ligand-linked subunit assembly of human hemoglobin, using both chemically-modified heme sites (CN-met), and amino acid residues altered by mutation and chemical modification.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant protein SP-B is absolutely required for proper function of surfactant in the alveoli, and is an important component of therapeutical surfactant preparations used to treat respiratory pathologies. To explore inherent structural and functional determinants within the amino acid sequence of mature SP-B, porcine SP-B has been subjected to extensive disulfide reduction under highly denaturing conditions and to cysteine carboxyamidomethylation, and the structure, lipid-protein interactions, and surface activity of this modified form have been characterized. Refolding of the reduced protein yielded a form (SP-Br) with secondary structure practically identical to that of the native disulfide-linked SP-B dimer. Reduced SP-Br exhibited higher structural flexibility than native SP-B, as indicated by a higher susceptibility of fluorescence emission to quenching by acrylamide and biphasic behavior during interaction of the protein with lipid bilayers and monolayers. SP-Br had, however, effects similar to those of native SP-B on the thermotropic properties of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers. SP-Br was more effective than native SP-B in promoting interfacial adsorption of phospholipid bilayers into interfacial films, presumably because of its higher structural flexibility, and retained the ability of native SP-B to stabilize DPPC interfacial films compressed to pressures near collapse against spontaneous relaxation. SP-Br also mimicked the behavior of native SP-B in lipid-protein films subjected to dynamic compression-expansion cycling in a captive bubble surfactometer, but only in the presence of phosphatidylglycerol (PG), the main anionic phospholipid in surfactant. The presence of PG appears to be required for SP-Br to acquire the appropriate tertiary folding to produce progressively more efficient lipid-protein films capable of reaching very high pressures upon limited compression with almost no hysteresis.  相似文献   

Visualization of nucleic acid sequence structural information   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several interactive Pascal programs have been written for theanalysis and display of structural information in nucleic acidsequences. Layout procedures were developed to display the homologyand repeat matrices of a sequence and to predict and displaythe secondary structure of RNA/DNA molecules free of overlapand to predict and display internal repeats. No special plottingdevices are required because the output is adapted to line printers.Sequences from several DNA database systems can be used as input.These programs are part of a general nucleic acid sequence analysispackage. Received on December 9, 1984; accepted on January 11, 1985  相似文献   

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