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The leader RNA sequence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) consists of a complex series of stem loop structures that are critical for viral replication. Three-dimensional structural analysis by NMR of one of these structures, the SL1 stem loop of the packaging signal region, revealed a highly conserved purine rich loop with a structure nearly identical to the Rev-binding loop of the Rev response element. Using band-shift assays, surface plasmon resonance, and further NMR analysis, we demonstrate that this loop binds Rev. HIV-1 appears to have a second Rev-binding site close to the major splice donor site that may have an additional role in the viral life cycle.  相似文献   

The Rev protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) differentially transactivates the expression of viral structural proteins by allowing the accumulation of unspliced and singly spliced viral mRNA in the cytoplasm. The cis-acting RNA target sequence for the Rev protein, termed the Rev response element (RRE), is present in the env gene and is predicted to form a highly ordered RNA secondary structure. Recent data indicate that Rev directly binds to RRE and, further, that this binding can be mapped to a 90-nucleotide subfragment at the 5' end of RRE. We now report that RRE also binds specifically and predominantly to a nuclear factor of approximately 56 kD. Mapping of the binding site reveals that the same subfragment that binds Rev also binds this nuclear factor. We designate this protein as NFRRE for nuclear factor, RRE binding. Rev and NFRRE appear to bind simultaneously to RRE. NFRRE is widely distributed in various mammalian cells. We speculate that this factor plays an important role in Rev-mediated transactivation and is likely to be involved in the processing or transport of cellular mRNA.  相似文献   

Chimeric oligo-2'-O-methylribonucleotides containing centrally located patches of contiguous 2'-deoxyribonucleotides and terminating in a nuclease resistant 3'-methylphosphonate internucleotide linkage were prepared. The oligonucleotides were targeted to the 3'-side of HIV Rev response element (RRE) stem-loop IIB RNA, which is adjacent to the high affinity Rev protein binding site and is critical to virus function. Thermal denaturation experiments showed that chimeric oligonucleotides form very stable duplexes with a complementary single-stranded RNA, and gel electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) showed that they bind with high affinity and specificity to RRE stem-loop II RNA (K(D) approximately 200 nM). The chimeric oligonucleotides promote RNase H-mediated hydrolysis of RRE stem-loop II RNA and have half-lives exceeding 24h when incubated in cell culture medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. One of the chimeric oligonucleotides inhibited RRE mediated expression of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) approximately 60% at a concentration of 300 nM in HEK 293T cells co-transfected with p-RRE/CAT and p-Rev mammalian expression vectors.  相似文献   

A 120 bp homeotic response element that is regulated specifically by Deformed in Drosophila embryos contains a single binding site for Deformed protein. However, a 24 bp sub-element containing this site does not constitute a Deformed response element. Specific activation requires a second region in the 120 bp element, which presumably contains one or more binding sites for Deformed cofactors. We have isolated a novel protein from Drosophila nuclear extracts which binds specifically to a site in this second region. This protein, which we call DEAF-1 (Deformed epidermal autoregulatory factor-1), contains three conserved domains. One of these includes a cysteine repeat motif that is similar to a motif found in Drosophila Nervy and the human MTG8 proto-oncoprotein, and another matches a region of Drosophila Trithorax. Mutations in the response element designed to improve binding to DEAF-1 in vitro resulted in increased embryonic expression. Conversely, small mutations designed to diminish binding to DEAF-1 resulted in reduced expression of the element. Thus, DEAF-1 is likely to contribute to the functional activity, and perhaps to the homeotic specificity, of this response element. Consistent with this hypothesis, we have discovered DEAF-1 binding sites in other Deformed response elements.  相似文献   

Higher-order cis-acting RNA replication structures have been identified in the 3'- and 5'-terminal untranslated regions (UTRs) of a bovine coronavirus (BCoV) defective interfering (DI) RNA. The UTRs are identical to those in the viral genome, since the 2.2-kb DI RNA is composed of only the two ends of the genome fused between an internal site within the 738-nucleotide (nt) 5'-most coding region (the nsp1, or p28, coding region) and a site just 4 nt upstream of the 3'-most open reading frame (ORF) (the N gene). The joined ends of the viral genome in the DI RNA create a single continuous 1,635-nt ORF, 288 nt of which come from the 738-nt nsp1 coding region. Here, we have analyzed features of the 5'-terminal 288-nt portion of the nsp1 coding region within the continuous ORF that are required for DI RNA replication. We observed that (i) the 5'-terminal 186 nt of the nsp1 coding region are necessary and sufficient for DI RNA replication, (ii) two Mfold-predicted stem-loops within the 186-nt sequence, named SLV (nt 239 to 310) and SLVI (nt 311 to 340), are supported by RNase structure probing and by nucleotide covariation among closely related group 2 coronaviruses, and (iii) SLVI is a required higher-order structure for DI RNA replication based on mutation analyses. The function of SLV has not been evaluated. We conclude that SLVI within the BCoV nsp1 coding region is a higher-order cis-replication element for DI RNA and postulate that it functions similarly in the viral genome.  相似文献   

The potassium dependent adenosine triphosphatase (Kdp-ATPase), encoded by the kdp operon, is a potassium uptake system found in several prokaryotes. The cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain L-31 shows the presence of two kdp operons (kdp1 and kdp2) of which the kdp2 is predominantly induced in response to potassium limitation or desiccation stress. Two ORFs, encoding a sensor kinase and a response regulator, respectively, were identified upstream of the kdp2 operon in Anabaena sp. strain L-31. The response regulator protein, tagged with 6 additional C-terminal histidine residues, was over-expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography. Employing the protein-specific antiserum, the response regulator protein was detected in Anabaena L-31 cytosolic fractions. The response regulator protein bound to the kdp2 promoter region with higher affinity than kdp1 promoter region. Addition of acetyl phosphate increased the ability of the protein to bind to kdp2 promoter region by several fold, suggesting a phosphorylation-dependent binding of response regulator to the promoter. These data implicate the response regulator protein in regulation of kdp2 expression in Anabaena sp. strain L-31.  相似文献   

A series of unusual folding regions (UFR) immediately 3' to the cleavage site of the outer membrane protein (OMP) and transmembrane protein (TMP) were detected in the envelope gene RNA of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1, HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) by an extensive Monte Carlo simulation. These RNA secondary structures were predicted to be both highly stable and statistically significant. In the calculation, twenty-five different sequence isolates of HIV-1, three isolates of HIV-2 and eight sequences of SIV were included. Although significant sequence divergence occurs in the env coding regions of these viruses, a distinct UFR of 234-nt is consistently located ten nucleotides 3' to the cleavage site of the OMP/TMP in HIV-1, and a 216-nt UFR occurs forty-six and forty-nine nucleotides downstream from the OMP/TMP cleavage site of HIV-2 and SIV, respectively. Compensatory base changes in the helical stem regions of these conserved RNA secondary structures are identified. These results support the hypothesis that these special RNA folding regions are functionally important and suggest that the role of this sequence as the Rev response element (RRE) is mediated by secondary structure as well as primary RNA sequence.  相似文献   

trans activation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) involves the viral trans-activator protein (Tat) and a cellular factor(s) encoded on human chromosome 12 (HuChr12) that targets the trans-activation response element (TAR) in the viral long terminal repeat. Because nascent TAR RNA is predicted to form a secondary structure that specifically binds cellular proteins, we investigated the composition of the TAR RNA-protein complex for HuChr12-specific proteins. UV cross-linking of TAR RNA-nuclear protein complexes formed in vitro identified an 83-kDa protein in human cells and in a human-hamster hybrid cell containing only HuChr12. The 83-kDa TAR RNA-binding protein was absent in the parental hamster cells. TAR RNA mutations that inhibited binding of the 83-kDa protein in vitro also inhibited HuChr12-dependent Tat trans activation. These TAR mutations changed the native sequence or secondary structure of the TAR loop. The TAR RNA binding activity of the 83-kDa protein also correlated with a HuChr12-dependent increase in steady-state HIV-1 RNA expression during Tat trans activation. Our results suggest that either a species-specific 83-kDa TAR RNA loop-binding protein is directly encoded on HuChr12 or a HuChr12 protein(s) induces the expression of an 83-kDa TAR-binding protein in nonprimate cells.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 mRNA is unstable and degraded with a half-life of 30 min. Instability determinants can entirely be attributed to the 3' untranslated region. By grafting segments of this region to stable green fluorescent protein mRNA and subsequent scanning mutagenesis, we have identified two conserved elements, which together account for most of the instability. The first corresponds to a short noncanonical AU-rich element. The other, 80 nucleotides further 5', comprises a sequence predicted to form a stem-loop structure. Neither element alone was sufficient to confer full instability, suggesting that they might cooperate. Overexpression of myc-tagged AUF1 p37 and p42 isoforms as well as suppression of endogenous AUF1 by RNA interference stabilized interleukin-6 mRNA. Both effects required the AU-rich instability element. Similarly, the proteasome inhibitor MG132 stabilized interleukin-6 mRNA probably through an increase of AUF1 levels. The mRNA coimmunoprecipitated specifically with myc-tagged AUF1 p37 and p42 in cell extracts but only when the AU-rich instability element was present. These results indicate that AUF1 binds to the AU-rich element in vivo and promotes IL-6 mRNA degradation.  相似文献   

Phenol-extracted echovirus 22 virion RNA is infectious, but unlike poliovirus virion RNA, it resists digestion with pancreatic RNase and nuclease P-1, a 3' exonuclease selective for single-stranded RNA. These data indicate the presence of an enzyme-resistant portion somewhere in the RNA molecule and suggest that it is a double-stranded or base-paired region distant from the unblocked 3' terminus. Equilibrium density gradient centrifugation of native echovirus 22 virion RNA results in a single peak with a density of 1.63 g/cm3. When sheared before centrifugation, the molecule is resolved into two RNA species: one with an approximate density of 1.70 to 1.71 g/cm3, as is observed also for single-stranded poliovirus virion RNA, and the other with a density of 1.58 to 1.59 g/cm3. Data obtained from rate zonal centrifugation may be used to calculate an approximate sedimentation coefficient corrected to water at 20 degrees C of 34 and a molecular weight of 2.4 X 10(6) for the virion RNA. We propose a model for echovirus 22 RNA composed of a linear RNA molecule with a 5' hairpin.  相似文献   

Expression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 structural proteins requires both the viral Rev trans-activator and its cis-acting RNA target sequence, the Rev response element (RRE). The RRE has been mapped to a conserved region of the HIV-1 env gene and is predicted to form a complex, highly stable RNA stem-loop structure. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to define a small subdomain of the RRE, termed stem-loop II, that is essential for biological activity. Gel retardation assays demonstrated that the Rev trans-activator is a sequence-specific RNA binding protein. The RRE stem-loop II subdomain was found to be both necessary and sufficient for the binding of Rev by the RRE. We propose that the HIV-1 Rev trans-activator belongs to a new class of sequence-specific RNA binding proteins characterized by the presence of an arginine-rich binding motif.  相似文献   

Nuclear export of incompletely spliced RNAs is a prerequisite for retroviral replication. Complex retroviruses like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encode a viral transport factor (Rev), which binds to its target sequence on the RNA genome and directs it into the Crm-1-mediated export pathway. Other retroviruses, like Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, contain cis-acting constitutive RNA transport elements (CTE) which achieve nuclear export of intron-containing RNA via cellular transport factors. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel cis-acting orientation-dependent RNA expression element in the coding region of the murine intracisternal A-type particle (IAP) MIA14. This IAP expression element (IAPE) can functionally replace the Rev system in the expression of HIV-1 Gag proteins but functions independently of Crm-1. The presence of this element is needed for the expression of the IAP Gag proteins, indicating its biological significance. The IAPE can be functionally replaced by placing a CTE on the MIA14 RNA, further supporting its role in mRNA export. Northern blot analysis revealed that total RNA, as well as cytoplasmic RNA, was increased when the element was present. The element was mapped to a predicted stem-loop structure in the 3' part of the pol open reading frame. There was no overall homology between the IAPE and the CTE, but there was complete sequence identity between short putative single-stranded loops. Deletion of these loops from the IAPE severely reduced Rev-independent Gag expression.  相似文献   

The HIV Rev protein forms a complex with a 351 nucleotide sequence present in unspliced and incompletely spliced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) mRNAs, the Rev response element (RRE), to recruit the cellular nuclear export receptor Crm1 and Ran-GTP. This complex facilitates nucleo-cytoplasmic export of these mRNAs. The precise secondary structure of the HIV-1 RRE has been controversial, since studies have reported alternative structures comprising either four or five stem-loops. The published structures differ only in regions that lie outside of the primary Rev binding site. Using in-gel SHAPE, we have now determined that the wt NL4-3 RRE exists as a mixture of both structures. To assess functional differences between these RRE ‘conformers’, we created conformationally locked mutants by site-directed mutagenesis. Using subgenomic reporters, as well as HIV replication assays, we demonstrate that the five stem-loop form of the RRE promotes greater functional Rev/RRE activity compared to the four stem-loop counterpart.  相似文献   

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