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David  Dudgeon 《Journal of Zoology》1986,208(1):37-53
An investigation of the life cycle, population dynamics and secondary productivity of the viviparous snail Melanoides tuberculuta inhabiting flooded furrows and irrigation ditches at Ping Long, New Territories, Hong Kong, was undertaken between March 1982 and March 1983. There was a single peak in juvenile recruitment coinciding with the warmer months; hatchlings grew quickly and were sexually mature before the next breeding season. Large animals experienced high mortality and few individuals survived until a second breeding season. Secondary productivity and the production: biomass (P:B) ratio of the population (13.43 g shell–free dry weight m−2 yr−1 and 4.81, respectively) were high and exceeded values of these parameters recorded for freshwater prosobranch populations in temperate regions. Ping Long M. tuberculata were exclusively female, as is typical of most populations of this species. Animals > 3.0 mm shell width (90–120 days old) had eggs and developing larvae in the brood pouch, and fully–developed larvae were recorded from brood pouches throughout the study although release of hatchlings was distinctly seasonal.
A comparison of life cycle parameters of Malaysian M. turberculata with those of the Ping Long population revealed a marked similarity. The significance of such similarity and the importance of parthenogenicity in the life cycle of this widely distributed snail is discussed. Melanoides tuberculata exhibits the characteristics of an opportunist or 'fugitive' species and, by virtue of its reproductive strategies and high productivity, is able to colonize rapidly and temporarily dominate vacant habitats.  相似文献   

The freshwater gastropod Melanoides tuberculata broods its young in a pouch located in the anterodorsal region of the head-foot. The wall of the brood pouch is composed of smooth muscle surrounded by connective tissue. The lumen of the brood pouch is incompletely partitioned by trabeculae, formed by extensions or folds in the chamber wall that are composed of smooth muscle, connective tissue, nonciliated squamous epithelial cells, and some storage cells containing lipid and glycogen. The lumen of the chamber also contains a few cells with storage products. The general absence of secretory cells suggests that embryos derive little nutrition from the mother, and therefore embryonic development is probably ovoviviparous. Embryos in various stages of development were found within brood pouches, with later stage embryos varying in size. There was a negative relationship between embryo size and number of embryos in the brood pouch.  相似文献   

1. Macrobrachium hainanense is a large predatory palaemonid shrimp, present at high densities in pools of low‐order forested streams in Hong Kong. The present study investigated the impacts of M. hainanense on benthic community structure and functions in pools of two streams: Tai Po Kau Forest Stream and Tai Shing Stream. 2. Repeated whole‐pool experiments involving shrimp density manipulations (removal, control and addition) were conducted in both streams between October 2000 and April 2002, and included a wet (May to September) and two dry (October to April) seasons. The three objectives of the study were to determine the effects of M. hainanense predation on benthic macroinvertebrate abundance and species richness, rates of leaf litter breakdown because of effects on detritivores, and periphyton standing stocks by way of an effect on herbivores. 3. Wet season results showed consistent reductions in benthos densities and species richness following heavy rainfall, irrespective of shrimp manipulation. These results suggested that spate‐induced disturbances might override biotic effects and play a dominant role in structuring benthic communities in stream pools in Hong Kong. 4. No significant, reproducible effects on any of the response variables measured in either stream were found during the dry season. Litter breakdown was reduced in the absence of shrimps during one experiment only, suggesting it might be a type I error. These results signified no effect of shrimp removal on benthic communities, or on the functional processes of litter breakdown, or on periphyton accumulation. The large scale of the experimental units (8–40 m2), refuge availability, and the presence of benthic predatory fishes that cropped excess prey made available by removal of M. hainanense, may have contributed to the lack of any effect, despite the abundance of the predatory shrimps.  相似文献   

1. The life history and trophic basis of production of the caddisfly grazer Agapetus quadratus were studied in the torrent Gorg Blau, a spring‐fed stream on the island of Majorca that dries annually during summer. 2. Quantitative random samples were taken every 2–3 weeks during an annual surficial flow period, from November 2000 to mid‐July 2001. Instars of field‐collected larvae were determined by measurements of head width and pronotum length, and the sex of all pupae was determined to study sexual dimorphism and sex ratio. 3. Stage‐frequency histograms suggested a trivoltine population, with an average cohort time of 4 months. Larval development was asynchronous, with continuous growth and overlapping generations. Recruitment peaks were identified in mid‐November, early March and late June, indicative of winter, spring and summer generations. On average, females were larger than males and the mean sex ratio was 2 : 3 (females : males). Population densities and biomasses derived from the field data were used to calculate production and turnover rate. 4. Annual production of A. quadratus in the torrent Gorg Blau (4.80 g dry mass m?2 year?1) was the highest ever reported for the genus, being comparable with that estimated for some insects with rapid development and multiple cohorts. 5. Estimates of production of A. quadratus were combined with foregut content analysis to estimate the fraction of total production derived from the principal food sources: algae and organic detritus. Algae supported a major proportion of the production of this grazer. 6. The low density of predators characteristic of many temporary streams, and the small amplitudes in discharge and temperature during most of the wet period that characterise the spring habitats might allow high levels of grazer production in this particular Mediterranean stream.  相似文献   

R. H. Britton 《Hydrobiologia》1985,122(3):219-230
The life cycle and annual production of Hydrobia acuta was studied in a hypersaline lagoon (s = 39 in summer), forming a part of solar salt works. Quantitative random samples were taken at regular intervals over a period of 15 months using a corer, and snails collected were counted and measured. Weight and biomass was calculated from a length-weight relationship and from measurements of ash content. H. acuta was a strictly annual species in the study lagoon. Recruitment takes place over a brief period in May and June, after which the breeding population dies. Growth of the new generation was slow during summer, probably due to the unfavourably high salinity. A period of rapid growth took place in autumn coinciding with a drop in salinity caused by rainfall. In winter Hydrobia hibernated by burrowing deeply into the sediment. Growth recommenced in spring when the lagoon was reflooded, but by this time the number of survivors was low.The maximum density of snails was 6 000 m–2 and maximum biomass 500 mg organic dry wt · m–2. Annual cohort production was estimated as 786 mg organic dry wt · m–2 · a–1. These figures are low compared to other studies on hydrobiid snails, and for production in inland waters, but the value for annual P/B = 4.5 is typical for a univoltine species. The relevance of the results to foraging by wading birds (the main consumers), is discussed.  相似文献   

Ferreras-Romero  Manuel 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(2-3):109-116
The life history of Boyeria irene is inferred fromsize-frequency analyses of sweep-net samples taken during fiveyears in a permanent stream in the Sierra Morena Mountains.There the species is apparently mainly semivoltine, although a fewlarvae require three years to complete development. The instardistribution during winter is that of a summer species (sensuCorbet, 1954). Metamorphosis is confined to spring and thereis a long flying season. Similarities between B. ireneand congeneric species in North America are discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of epilithic algae in a third order pristine forest stream were analyzed over a period of 2 years. Stream water was slightly acidic and nutrient poor. Encrusting, filamentous flocs, and filaments were found. Algal standing crop was high (mean concentration of Chl a 16–43 mg m–2) in spring. Filamentous algae contributed most to standing crop. Diatoms made up over 85% by number of the epilithon. Blue-greens were abundant upstream, and chlorophytes downstream. This shift was ascribed to greater light availability downstream. The community was more diverse during spring. Water current was the most important variable regulating epilithon structure. Total phosphorus (TP), orthophosphate (O-PO inf4 su3– ), silica (Si4+), nitrate (NO inf3 su– ) and conductance correlated negatively with flow rate. Green algae showed a positive correlation to phosphorus during low and stable flow. During rapid runoff, diatoms were the most resistant forms. Seasonal change in the epilithic community was mainly regulated by fluctuations in flow rate.  相似文献   

The Thiarid snail Melanoides tuberculatus (Müller, 1774), native to Asia and East Africa was recorded for the first time in the Paran? River basin, Goiás State. There is no evidence concerning introduction vectors but aquarium releases is the most probable vector. Specimens were collected at three different water bodies after twenty-seven rivers were investigated. The possible spread of this species to other habitats and potential effects on native thermal water communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The life cycle and production of Skwala parallela, a perlodid stonefly, was investigated in a third-order Colorado montane stream. The species exhibited a univoltine life cycle with a distinct cohort. Small nymphs appeared in May. Rapid growth was exhibited throughout summer and autumn. During winter, growth slowed somewhat but was continuous until April. Maximum density of 34 nymphs/m2 occurred in July. Based upon the instantaneous growth method, annual production was 395.3 mg/m2 or 3.95 kg/ha dry weight with a P/B ratio of 4.4  相似文献   

In small forest streams of West Nigeria the snail species Bulinus globosus was found to be the first intermediate host of a clinostomatid species which proved in successful infection experiments with the cichlid fish Tilapia zillii as second intermediate host to be Euclinostomum heterostomum (Rudolphi, 1809). Final hosts are herons. The morphology of the redia and the morphology and behaviour of the cercaria are described for the first time. The metacercaria which settles dorsal to the swim-bladder or in the kidney of the host fish requires more than two months (at tropical temperatures) for full development. Histological sections of the metacercaria revealed that its pharynx is provided with only few muscle fibres but surrounded by many myoblast-like cells, and the fact that the interior surface of this organ has a dense brush-like lining consisting of long microtriches. The pathology of infected fish is briefly described, and remarks about the geographical distribution of the parasite are given.  相似文献   

Forests are a significant pool of terrestrial carbon. A key feature related to forest biomass harvesting and use is the typical time difference between carbon release into and sequestration from the atmosphere. Traditionally, the use of sustainably grown biomass has been considered as carbon neutral in life cycle assessment (LCA) studies. However, various approaches to account for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks of forest biomass acquisition and use have also been developed and applied, resulting in different conclusions on climate impacts of forest products. The aim of this study is to summarize, clarify, and assess the suitability of these approaches for LCA. A literature review is carried out, and the results are analyzed through an assessment framework. The different approaches are reviewed through their approach to the definition of reference land‐use situation, consideration of time frame and timing of carbon emissions and sequestration, substitution credits, and indicators applied to measure climate impacts. On the basis of the review, it is concluded that, to account for GHG emissions and the related climate impacts objectively, biomass carbon stored in the products and the timing of sinks and emissions should be taken into account in LCA. The reference situation for forest land use has to be defined appropriately, describing the development in the absence of the studied system. We suggest the use of some climate impact indicator that takes the timing of the emissions and sinks into consideration and enables the use of different time frames. If substitution credits are considered, they need to be transparently presented in the results. Instead of carbon stock values taken from the literature, the use of dynamic forest models is recommended.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林林下土壤蒸发的稳定性同位素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2002年1月~2003年12月在西双版纳热带季节雨林样地测定的大气降雨、林冠穿透雨、林冠滴落雾水、溪流水水量及其氢、氧稳定性同位素比率δD和δ18O的测定结果,分析了热带季节雨林林下土壤的蒸发率.结果表明,热带雨林在雨水偏多的2002年和雨水偏少的2003年的蒸发散分别为1186 mm和987 mm,明显低于世界其它湿润热带雨林的蒸发散值;雾水的稳定性同位素比值明显重于雨水,表明雾水中包含区域再循环的蒸发水汽;由于森林林冠和林下土壤的蒸发作用,穿透雨水和溪水的稳定性同位素值又明显重于雨水的相应值.根据溪流水和穿透水(穿透雨水+滴落雾水)的同位素差值,利用平衡状态下的瑞利蒸馏方程计算的森林土壤蒸发率表明,这两年的森林总蒸发散中分别有5.1%和3.1%来自林下土壤的蒸发.分析认为,持久、浓重的辐射雾是导致西双版纳地区热带雨林蒸发散和土壤蒸发率较低的重要因子.  相似文献   

KWOK Hon-Kai 《农业工程》2007,27(10):3993-4001
The changes in the bird community structure of the largest natural secondary forest of Hong Kong over 10 years were investigated. Densities of the 10 most abundant species in 1993–1995 and 2003–2005 were compared using t-test. All resident habitat generalists showed significant decline in densities. Two forest specialists showed significant increase in densities: one is native and the other is exotic species. The trend of changes in the forest bird community of Hong Kong is mainly related to the absence of nearby forests that could act as “source” of forest dependent species to colonize the local secondary forests, and the invasion of exotic species.  相似文献   

Abstract The nymphal biology of a population of Torleya major (Klapálek) in southern Iberian Peninsula was studied. An atypical life cycle pattern is described, with eggs hatching in August producing a fast‐developing cohort with adults emerging in autumn and a second slow‐developing cohort with adults emerging in spring of the following year. Nymphal growth occurred primarily in summer–autumn (in the first cohort) and in spring (in the second). The origin of such a life history is discussed. Nymphs were collector‐gatherers, consuming mainly detritus. Although ontogenetic shifts on the use of trophic resources were detected, similar food was utilized during the months when both cohorts cohabited, eliminating the possibility that the rapid growth of the first cohort could be related to the utilization of different food resources.  相似文献   

Bullia digitalis is an intertidal whelk that lives on sandy beaches in South Africa. It is highly variable in shell colour, with individuals varying from white to dark brown. This paper describes shell colour variation of B. digitalis at seven sites, along a 230 km coastline east of the Cape Peninsula. Seven colour forms were found: striped, violet, banded violet, banded brown, orange, pale yellow and white. These forms are probably genetically determined morphs. The striped form is the most common at all sites, constituting 53–62% of each sample. The violet is the second most common morph. Its frequencies are remarkably stable at 15–17%. The striped form blends well into the sandy environment and may therefore be of considerable cryptic value in concealing B. digitalis from predators. The violet form is highly conspicuous. Its stable frequency throughout the study area may represent a genetic balance that is not relevant to any visual advantages of the violet colour.  相似文献   

The tree community (dbh > 5 cm) of a fragment of tropical montane semi-deciduous forest in South-east Brazil was repeatedly surveyed over a 19-year period in order to assess spatial and temporal patterns of dynamics. The surveys took place in 1987, 1992, 1996, 2001, and 2006 in a grid of 126 20 × 20 m permanent plots covering almost the entire fragment (5.8 ha). Overall patterns indicated that a self-thinning process has taken place in the fragment since 1992. Community dynamics varied in space and time, with most dynamics highly spatially clustered. With exception of mortality rates, there were no changes in the spatial patterns of community dynamics through time. No relation between edges and dynamics variables was found. Most species with increasing density and basal area were shade-bearers, while most decreasing species were canopy light demanders and pioneers.  相似文献   

Xishuangbanna is located at the northern edge of the distribution of tropical forests in Southeast Asia, and it has a very high frequency of radiation fog, especially during the dry season (November-April). In this study, rainwater, throughfall, intercepted fog water (fog drip) by forest canopy, and stream water were collected in January 2002 and December 2003 for stable isotopic analysis at a tropical seasonal rain forest site in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. The objective of the study is to estimate the evaporation rate from the forest floor. The stable hydrogen (δD) and oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of rainwater, throughfall, fog drip, and stream water was determined using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Stream water during the non-storm runoff period was considered to reflect the effect of evaporation from the forest floor. The evaporation rates from the forest floor were estimated using isotope composition values in stream water and the total throughfall was estimated using the Rayleigh distillation equation under equilibrium conditions. The results indicated that the annual weighted means of δD and δ18O in fog drip were consistently more enriched than those of rainwater and stream water, and the fog drip was thought to contain water that had evaporated and recycled. The weighted means of δD and δ18O in stream water during the non-storm runoff period were 5.69% and 0.39% more enriched than those of the total throughfall (rain throughfall + fog drip) in 2002, while in 2003 these were 5.05% and 0.28%, respectively. Evapotranspiration in the humid year 2002 and the dry year 2003, computed from the water balance, was 1186 mm and 987 mm, respectively, which was quite low when compared with the values reported in some humid tropical forests. Consequently, the evaporation rate from the forest floor was 5.1% of the evapotranspiration in 2002, and 3.1% in 2003. The lower evaporation rate was thought to be mainly a result of the influence of the high frequency of heavy radiation fog on the rain forest during the night in the dry season (November-April).  相似文献   

Liu W J  Li P J  Li H M  Duan W P 《农业工程》2006,26(5):1303-1310
Xishuangbanna is located at the northern edge of the distribution of tropical forests in Southeast Asia, and it has a very high frequency of radiation fog, especially during the dry season (November-April). In this study, rainwater, throughfall, intercepted fog water (fog drip) by forest canopy, and stream water were collected in January 2002 and December 2003 for stable isotopic analysis at a tropical seasonal rain forest site in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. The objective of the study is to estimate the evaporation rate from the forest floor. The stable hydrogen (δD) and oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of rainwater, throughfall, fog drip, and stream water was determined using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Stream water during the non-storm runoff period was considered to reflect the effect of evaporation from the forest floor. The evaporation rates from the forest floor were estimated using isotope composition values in stream water and the total throughfall was estimated using the Rayleigh distillation equation under equilibrium conditions. The results indicated that the annual weighted means of δD and δ18O in fog drip were consistently more enriched than those of rainwater and stream water, and the fog drip was thought to contain water that had evaporated and recycled. The weighted means of δD and δ18O in stream water during the non-storm runoff period were 5.69% and 0.39% more enriched than those of the total throughfall (rain throughfall fog drip) in 2002, while in 2003 these were 5.05% and 0.28%, respectively. Evapotranspiration in the humid year 2002 and the dry year 2003, computed from the water balance, was 1186 mm and 987 mm, respectively, which was quite low when compared with the values reported in some humid tropical forests. Consequently, the evaporation rate from the forest floor was 5.1% of the evapotranspiration in 2002, and 3.1% in 2003. The lower evaporation rate was thought to be mainly a result of the influence of the high frequency of heavy radiation fog on the rain forest during the night in the dry season (November-April).  相似文献   

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