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Anthropogenic elevation of atmospheric CO2 is driving global-scale ocean acidification, which consequently influences calcification rates of many marine invertebrates and potentially alters their susceptibility to predation. Ocean acidification may also impair an organism''s ability to process environmental and biological cues. These counteracting impacts make it challenging to predict how acidification will alter species interactions and community structure. To examine effects of acidification on consumptive and behavioural interactions between mud crabs (Panopeus herbstii) and oysters (Crassostrea virginica), oysters were reared with and without caged crabs for 71 days at three pCO2 levels. During subsequent predation trials, acidification reduced prey consumption, handling time and duration of unsuccessful predation attempt. These negative effects of ocean acidification on crab foraging behaviour more than offset any benefit to crabs resulting from a reduction in the net rate of oyster calcification. These findings reveal that efforts to evaluate how acidification will alter marine food webs should include quantifying impacts on both calcification rates and animal behaviour.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide-induced ocean acidification is predicted to have major implications for marine life, but the research focus to date has been on direct effects. We demonstrate that acidified seawater can have indirect biological effects by disrupting the capability of organisms to express induced defences, hence, increasing their vulnerability to predation. The intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea produced thicker shells in the presence of predation (crab) cues but this response was disrupted at low seawater pH. This response was accompanied by a marked depression in metabolic rate (hypometabolism) under the joint stress of high predation risk and reduced pH. However, snails in this treatment apparently compensated for a lack of morphological defence, by increasing their avoidance behaviour, which, in turn, could affect their interactions with other organisms. Together, these findings suggest that biological effects from ocean acidification may be complex and extend beyond simple direct effects.  相似文献   

Rising levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are acidifying the oceans and producing diverse and important effects on marine ecosystems, including the production of fatty acids (FAs) by primary producers and their transfer through food webs. FAs, particularly essential FAs, are necessary for normal structure and function in animals and influence composition and trophic structure of marine food webs. To test the effect of ocean acidification (OA) on the FA composition of fish, we conducted a replicated experiment in which larvae of the marine fish red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were reared under a climate change scenario of elevated CO2 levels (2100 µatm) and under current control levels (400 µatm). We found significantly higher whole-body levels of FAs, including nine of the 11 essential FAs, and altered relative proportions of FAs in the larvae reared under higher levels of CO2. Consequences of this effect of OA could include alterations in performance and survival of fish larvae and transfer of FAs through food webs.  相似文献   

Global environmental changes, including ocean acidification, have been identified as a major threat to scleractinian corals. General predictions are that ocean acidification will be detrimental to reef growth and that 40 to more than 80 per cent of present-day reefs will decline during the next 50 years. Cold-water corals (CWCs) are thought to be strongly affected by changes in ocean acidification owing to their distribution in deep and/or cold waters, which naturally exhibit a CaCO(3) saturation state lower than in shallow/warm waters. Calcification was measured in three species of Mediterranean cold-water scleractinian corals (Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata and Desmophyllum dianthus) on-board research vessels and soon after collection. Incubations were performed in ambient sea water. The species M. oculata was additionally incubated in sea water reduced or enriched in CO(2). At ambient conditions, calcification rates ranged between -0.01 and 0.23% d(-1). Calcification rates of M. oculata under variable partial pressure of CO(2) (pCO(2)) were the same for ambient and elevated pCO(2) (404 and 867 μatm) with 0.06 ± 0.06% d(-1), while calcification was 0.12 ± 0.06% d(-1) when pCO(2) was reduced to its pre-industrial level (285 μatm). This suggests that present-day CWC calcification in the Mediterranean Sea has already drastically declined (by 50%) as a consequence of anthropogenic-induced ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification may increase calcification rates, but at a cost   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ocean acidification is the lowering of pH in the oceans as a result of increasing uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is entering the oceans at a greater rate than ever before, reducing the ocean's natural buffering capacity and lowering pH. Previous work on the biological consequences of ocean acidification has suggested that calcification and metabolic processes are compromised in acidified seawater. By contrast, here we show, using the ophiuroid brittlestar Amphiura filiformis as a model calcifying organism, that some organisms can increase the rates of many of their biological processes (in this case, metabolism and the ability to calcify to compensate for increased seawater acidity). However, this upregulation of metabolism and calcification, potentially ameliorating some of the effects of increased acidity comes at a substantial cost (muscle wastage) and is therefore unlikely to be sustainable in the long term.  相似文献   

Cold-water corals, such as Lophelia pertusa, are key habitat-forming organisms found throughout the world''s oceans to 3000 m deep. The complex three-dimensional framework made by these vulnerable marine ecosystems support high biodiversity and commercially important species. Given their importance, a key question is how both the living and the dead framework will fare under projected climate change. Here, we demonstrate that over 12 months L. pertusa can physiologically acclimate to increased CO2, showing sustained net calcification. However, their new skeletal structure changes and exhibits decreased crystallographic and molecular-scale bonding organization. Although physiological acclimatization was evident, we also demonstrate that there is a negative correlation between increasing CO2 levels and breaking strength of exposed framework (approx. 20–30% weaker after 12 months), meaning the exposed bases of reefs will be less effective ‘load-bearers’, and will become more susceptible to bioerosion and mechanical damage by 2100.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the pressure-wound healing response inAcetabularia acetabulum (L.) Silva (Chlorophyta). Commonly incurred in routine cell culture, these wounds induce disruption of the vacuole and translocation of the cytoplasm away from the wound site. Daily wounding of individual cells retarded cytoplasmic healing over time, but had no effect on the rate of membrane healing. The position of the wound along the cell stalk also affected the ability of the cell to heal: cells wounded near the rhizoid healed at least 1.9 times more slowly and were only half as likely to achieve reproduction as were cells wounded either near the apex or at mid-stalk. The 50% mortality of cells wounded at the rhizoid suggests the existence of a physical structure near the primary nucleus which is important to cell viability. The impact of wounding on reproductive potential and time to heal differed with the phase of cell development: juvenile and early adult cells healed 2–2.5 times more quickly but were less likely to achieve reproduction than late adult or reproductive cells. Growth at very high population densities (2.5 cells/ml) impaired the ability of the cells to heal. Growth of cells in seawater containing a range of potassium concentrations revealed that healing depends on potassium and is optimal at a concentration of — 1.51ogM potassium.Abbreviations SE standard error of the mean - LD light/dark - NEM N-ethylmaleimide  相似文献   

Anthropogenic increases in atmospheric CO2 over this century are predicted to cause global average surface ocean pH to decline by 0.1–0.3 pH units and sea surface temperature to increase by 1–4°C. We conducted controlled laboratory experiments to investigate the impacts of CO2-induced ocean acidification (pCO2 = 324, 477, 604, 2553 µatm) and warming (25, 28, 32°C) on the calcification rate of the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Siderastrea siderea, a widespread, abundant and keystone reef-builder in the Caribbean Sea. We show that both acidification and warming cause a parabolic response in the calcification rate within this coral species. Moderate increases in pCO2 and warming, relative to near-present-day values, enhanced coral calcification, with calcification rates declining under the highest pCO2 and thermal conditions. Equivalent responses to acidification and warming were exhibited by colonies across reef zones and the parabolic nature of the corals'' response to these stressors was evident across all three of the experiment''s 30-day observational intervals. Furthermore, the warming projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the end of the twenty-first century caused a fivefold decrease in the rate of coral calcification, while the acidification projected for the same interval had no statistically significant impact on the calcification rate—suggesting that ocean warming poses a more immediate threat than acidification for this important coral species.  相似文献   

Summary Microtubules (MT) are a feature of all eukaryotic cells. However, they have not been observed in the cytoplasm of the vegetative phase ofAcetabularia acetabulum. Previous investigators have reported that, in the propagative phase, MTs function as anchors in the transport of secondary nuclei to the cap. They also form elaborate arrays around nuclei during cyst formation. The life history ofA. acetabulum is marked by changes in chromatin, the nucleolus, and the perinuclear cytoplasm. In this study light microscopical features of the nucleolus and changes in chromatin, labelled with anti-histon antibodies, were used to define the developmental stages. Anti-tubulin antibodies have been used to trace the origin and development of MTs, MTs are formed on the surface of the primary nucleus. They are organized first into short thick sticks and then later elongate into thinner strands which enclose the nucleus in a dense network. Following these events on the surface of the nucleus, the spindle develops inside the nuclear membrane which remains intact throughout the mitotic division.  相似文献   

Summary The spacing between adjacent hairs in vegetative whorls ofAcetabularia acetabulum (formerlyA. mediterranea) was earlier reported as being quantitatively responsive to calcium ion concentration in the culture medium. We here report a quantitative response to the concentration of the calcium-chelator EGTA, in the opposite sense to the effect of calcium. (Increasing [Ca2+] diminishes the spacing; increasing [EGTA] increases it.) The earlier work was interpreted in terms of control of the spacing by a putative reaction-diffusion mechanism in the cell membrane, in which a receptor R was activated by calcium-binding to initiate the process. We extend this interpretation by treating CaEGTA as an uncompetitive inhibitor of the effect of calcium on R. This leads to thermodynamic constants for CaEGTA binding to the CaR complex: H 298 0 =–250 ± 60 kJ/mol; S 298 0 =–820 ± 200 J/mol · K. Consistency of the concentration and temperature dependences reported here with the postulated dynamic mechanism increases the probability that this mechanism is correct.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol bis(-aminoethylether)N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - SHEP Shephard's artificial sea-water medium - R postulated membrane-bound calcium receptor - spacing between adjacent hairs in a whorl at first morphological appearance, identified with wavelength in a reaction-diffusion pattern - A, B reactants (morphogen precursors) in a reaction-diffusion mechanism - X, Y reaction intermediates (morphogens) in a reaction-diffusion mechanism  相似文献   

Ocean acidification (OA), caused by the dissolution of increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in seawater, is projected to cause significant changes to marine ecology and biogeochemistry. Potential impacts on the microbially driven cycling of nitrogen are of particular concern. Specifically, under seawater pH levels approximating future OA scenarios, rates of ammonia oxidation (the rate-limiting first step of the nitrification pathway) have been shown to dramatically decrease in seawater, but not in underlying sediments. However, no prior study has considered the interactive effects of microbial ammonia oxidation and macrofaunal bioturbation activity, which can enhance nitrogen transformation rates. Using experimental mesocosms, we investigated the responses to OA of ammonia oxidizing microorganisms inhabiting surface sediments and sediments within burrow walls of the mud shrimp Upogebia deltaura. Seawater was acidified to one of four target pH values (pHT 7.90, 7.70, 7.35 and 6.80) in comparison with a control (pHT 8.10). At pHT 8.10, ammonia oxidation rates in burrow wall sediments were, on average, fivefold greater than in surface sediments. However, at all acidified pH values (pH ≤ 7.90), ammonia oxidation rates in burrow sediments were significantly inhibited (by 79–97%; p < 0.01), whereas rates in surface sediments were unaffected. Both bacterial and archaeal abundances increased significantly as pHT declined; by contrast, relative abundances of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidation (amoA) genes did not vary. This research suggests that OA could cause substantial reductions in total benthic ammonia oxidation rates in coastal bioturbated sediments, leading to corresponding changes in coupled nitrogen cycling between the benthic and pelagic realms.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification is receiving increasing attention because of its potential to affect marine ecosystems. Rare CO2 vents offer a unique opportunity to investigate the response of benthic ecosystems to acidification. However, the benthic habitats investigated so far are mainly found at very shallow water (less than or equal to 5 m depth) and therefore are not representative of the broad range of continental shelf habitats. Here, we show that a decrease from pH 8.1 to 7.9 observed in a CO2 vent system at 40 m depth leads to a dramatic shift in highly diverse and structurally complex habitats. Forests of the kelp Laminaria rodriguezii usually found at larger depths (greater than 65 m) replace the otherwise dominant habitats (i.e. coralligenous outcrops and rhodolith beds), which are mainly characterized by calcifying organisms. Only the aragonite-calcifying algae are able to survive in acidified waters, while high-magnesium-calcite organisms are almost completely absent. Although a long-term survey of the venting area would be necessary to fully understand the effects of the variability of pH and other carbonate parameters over the structure and functioning of the investigated mesophotic habitats, our results suggest that in addition of significant changes at species level, moderate ocean acidification may entail major shifts in the distribution and dominance of key benthic ecosystems at regional scale, which could have broad ecological and socio-economic implications.  相似文献   

The average surface pH of the ocean is dropping at a rapid rate due to the dissolution of anthropogenic CO2, raising concerns for marine life. Additionally, some coastal areas periodically experience upwelling of CO2-enriched water with reduced pH. Previous research has demonstrated ocean acidification (OA)-induced changes in behavioural and sensory systems including olfaction, which is due to altered function of neural gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors. Here, we used a camera-based tracking software system to examine whether OA-dependent changes in GABAA receptors affect anxiety in juvenile Californian rockfish (Sebastes diploproa). Anxiety was estimated using behavioural tests that measure light/dark preference (scototaxis) and proximity to an object. After one week in OA conditions projected for the next century in the California shore (1125 ± 100 µatm, pH 7.75), anxiety was significantly increased relative to controls (483 ± 40 µatm CO2, pH 8.1). The GABAA-receptor agonist muscimol, but not the antagonist gabazine, caused a significant increase in anxiety consistent with altered Cl flux in OA-exposed fish. OA-exposed fish remained more anxious even after 7 days back in control seawater; however, they resumed their normal behaviour by day 12. These results show that OA could severely alter rockfish behaviour; however, this effect is reversible.  相似文献   

Knowledge of marine phages is highly biased toward double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) phages; however, recent metagenomic surveys have also identified single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) phages in the oceans. Here, we describe two complete ssDNA phage genomes that were reconstructed from a viral metagenome from 80 m depth at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the northwestern Sargasso Sea and examine their spatial and temporal distributions. Both genomes (SARssφ1 and SARssφ2) exhibited similarity to known phages of the Microviridae family in terms of size, GC content, genome organization and protein sequence. PCR amplification of the replication initiation protein (Rep) gene revealed narrow and distinct depth distributions for the newly described ssDNA phages within the upper 200 m of the water column at the BATS site. Comparison of Rep gene sequences obtained from the BATS site over time revealed changes in the diversity of ssDNA phages over monthly time scales, although some nearly identical sequences were recovered from samples collected 4 years apart. Examination of ssDNA phage diversity along transects through the North Atlantic Ocean revealed a positive correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance between sampling sites. Together, the data suggest fundamental differences between the distribution of these ssDNA phages and the distribution of known marine dsDNA phages, possibly because of differences in host range, host distribution, virion stability, or viral evolution mechanisms and rates. Future work needs to elucidate the host ranges for oceanic ssDNA phages and determine their ecological roles in the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Mechanical perturbation is known to inhibit elongation of the inflorescence stem of Arabidopsis thaliana. The phenomenon has been reported widely for both herbaceous and woody plants, and has implications for how plants adjust their size and form to survive in mechanically perturbed environments. While this response is an important aspect of the plant''s architecture, little is known about how mechanical properties of the inflorescence stem are modified or how its primary and secondary tissues respond to mechanical perturbation.


Plants of the Columbia-0 ecotype were exposed to controlled brushing treatments and then submitted to three-point bending tests to determine stem rigidity and stiffness. Contributions of different tissues to the inflorescence stem geometry were analysed.

Key Results

Perturbed plants showed little difference in stem diameter, were 50 % shorter, 75 % less rigid and 70 % less stiff than controls. Changes in mechanical properties were linked to significant changes in tissue geometry – size and position of the pith, lignified interfascicular tissue and cortex – as well as a reduction in density of lignified cells. Stem mechanical properties were modified by changes in primary tissues and thus differ from changes observed in most woody plants tested with indeterminate growth – even though a vascular cambium is present in the inflorescence axis.


The study suggests that delayed development of key primary developmental features of the stem in this ecotype of Arabidopsis results in a ‘short and flexible’ rather than a ‘short and rigid’ strategy for maintaining upright axes in conditions of severe mechanical perturbation. The mechanism is comparable with more general phenomena in plants where changes in developmental rate can significantly affect the overall growth form of the plant in both ecological and evolutionary contexts.  相似文献   

The genus Paramunida belongs to the most diverse family of galatheoids and it is commonly reported from the continental slope across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Examination of material collected by the NOAA RV Townsend Cromwell Cruise near Christmas (Kiritimati) Island, Kiribati, revealed the existence of a new species of Paramunida (P. haigae), which represents the fourth record of the genus for the Central Pacific. Furthermore, recent efforts to unravel phylogenetic relationships and diversification patterns in Paramunida revealed P. granulata (Henderson, 1885) to be the most basally diverging taxon within the genus. This species is clearly distinguished from other species of Paramunida by the spinulation of the carapace and the length of the distomesial spine of the second antennal peduncle article, which in combination with a high level of genetic divergence suggest that this species represents a separate monotypic lineage. A new genus, Hendersonida gen. n., is proposed to accommodate this species based on morphological and molecular evidence. An updated dichotomous identification key for all species of Paramunida is presented.  相似文献   

为了探讨CO2海底封存潜在的渗漏危险对于海洋生物的可能影响,以大型钙化藻类小珊瑚藻(Corallina pilulifera)为研究对象,在室内控光控温条件下,通过向培养海水充入CO2气体得到3种不同酸化程度的培养条件(pH 8.1、6.8和5.5),24h后比较藻体光合作用和钙化作用情况。结果显示:相对于自然海水培养条件(pH 8.1),在pH 6.8条件下培养的小珊瑚藻光合固碳速率得到了增强,而在pH 5.5条件下光合固碳速率则降低;随着酸化程度的增强,藻体的钙化固碳速率越来越低,在pH 5.5条件下甚至表现为负值[(-2.53±0.57)mg C g-1干重h-1];藻体颗粒无机碳(PIC)和颗粒有机碳(POC)含量的比值随着酸化程度的加强而降低,这反映了酸化对光合和钙化作用的综合效应。快速光反应曲线的测定结果显示:随着酸化程度的增强,强光引起的光抑制程度越来越强;在酸化条件下,藻体的光饱和点显著降低,但pH 6.8和5.5之间没有显著差异;低光下的电子传递速率在pH 8.1和6.8之间没有显著差异,pH 5.5培养条件下显著降低;最大电子传递速率在pH 6.8时最大,在pH 5.5时最低。以上结果说明,高浓度CO2引起的海水酸化显著地影响着小珊瑚藻的光合和钙化过程,不同的酸化程度下,藻体的光合、钙化反应不同,在较强的酸化程度下(pH 5.5),藻体的光合和钙化过程都将受到强烈的抑制,这些结果为认识CO2海底封存渗漏危险对海洋钙化藻类的可能影响提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

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