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Sexual selection is a powerful evolutionary force shaping mate choice phenotypes, initiating phenotypic shifts resulting in (or reinforcing) population divergence and speciation when such shifts reduce mating probabilities among divergent populations. In the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala, pulse rate of male calling song, a conspicuous mating signal, differs among species, potentially behaving as a speciation phenotype. Populations of the widespread species Laupala cerasina show variation in pulse rate. We document the degree of population differentiation in three features of calling song: pulse rate, pulse duration, and carrier frequency. All show significant population differentiation, with pulse rate showing the greatest heterogeneity. A Mantel test found no relationship between geographic distance and pulse rate divergence, indicating that a simple model of greater divergence with increasing distance cannot explain the observed pattern of differentiation. We demonstrate that female preference functions for pulse rate are unimodal, and that preference means show significant differentiation among populations. Furthermore, estimates of pulse rate preference correlate significantly with mean pulse rates across populations, indicating song and preference coevolve in a stepwise manner. This correlated divergence between signal and preference suggests that sexual selection facilitates the establishment of sexual isolation, reduced gene flow, and population differentiation, prerequisites for speciation.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation via host-shifting is often invoked as a mechanism for insect diversification, but the relative importance of this process is poorly understood. The shift of Rhagoletis pomonella in the 1850s from the native downy hawthorn, Crataegus mollis, to introduced apple, Malus pumila, is a classic example of sympatric host race formation, a hypothesized early stage of ecological speciation. The accidental human-mediated introduction of R. pomonella into the Pacific Northwest (PNW) in the late 1970s allows us to investigate how novel ecological opportunities may trigger divergent adaptation and host race formation on a rapid timescale. Since the introduction, the fly has spread in the PNW, where in addition to apple, it now infests native black hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii, and introduced ornamental hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna. We use this “natural experiment” to test for genetic differentiation among apple, black, and ornamental hawthorn flies co-occurring at three sympatric sites. We report evidence that populations of all three host-associations are genetically differentiated at the local level, indicating that partial reproductive isolation has evolved in this novel habitat. Our results suggest that conditions suitable for initiating host-associated divergence may be common in nature, allowing for the rapid evolution of new host races when ecological opportunity arises.  相似文献   

Y Takahashi  N Nagata  M Kawata 《Heredity》2014,112(4):391-398
Understanding the relative importance of selection and stochastic factors in population divergence of adaptive traits is a classical topic in evolutionary biology. However, it is difficult to separate these factors and detect the effects of selection when two or more contrasting selective factors are simultaneously acting on a single locus. In the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis, females exhibit color dimorphism and morph frequencies change geographically. We here evaluated the role of selection and stochastic factors in population divergence of morph frequencies by comparing the divergences in color locus and neutral loci. Comparisons between population pairwise FST for neutral loci and for the color locus did not detect any stochastic factors affecting color locus. Although comparison between population divergence in color and neutral loci using all populations detected only divergent selection, we detected two antagonistic selective factors acting on the color locus, that is, balancing and divergent selection, when considering geographical distance between populations. Our results suggest that a combination of two antagonistic selective factors, rather than stochastic factors, establishes the geographic cline in morph frequency in this system.  相似文献   

Ecological adaptation is the driving force during divergence with gene flow and generates reproductive isolation early in speciation. Although gene flow opposes divergence, local adaptation can be facilitated by factors that prevent the breakup of favorable allelic combinations. We investigated how selection, genetic architecture, and geography have contributed to the maintenance of floral trait divergence and pollinator isolation between parapatric ecotypes of Mimulus aurantiacus. Combining greenhouse, field, and genomic studies, we show that sharp clines in floral traits are maintained by spatially varying selection. Although adaptation breaks down where the ecotypes co‐occur, leading to the formation of a hybrid zone, the largely non‐overlapping distributions of the ecotypes shield them from immigrant genes, facilitating divergence across most of the range. In contrast to the sharp genetic discontinuities observed across most hybrid zones, we observed a gradual cline in genome‐wide divergence and a pattern of isolation by distance across the landscape. Thus, contrary to a long period of allopatry followed by recent re‐contact, our data suggest that floral trait divergence in M. aurantiacus may have evolved with locally restricted, but ongoing gene flow. Therefore, our study reveals how the geographic distribution of an organism can contribute to the evolution of premating isolation in the early stages of divergence with gene flow.  相似文献   

This study uses a comparative genome scan to evaluate the contributions of host plant related divergent selection to genetic differentiation and ecological speciation in maple- and willow-associated populations of Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles. For each of 15 pairwise population comparisons, we identified "outlier loci" whose strong differentiation putatively reflects divergent selection. Of 447 AFLP loci, 15% were outliers across multiple population comparisons, and low linkage disequilibrium indicated that these outliers derived from multiple regions of the genome. Outliers were further classified as "host-specific" if repeatedly observed in "different-host" population comparisons but never in "same-host" comparisons. Outliers exhibiting the opposite pattern were analogously classified as "host-independent." Host-specific outliers represented 5% of all loci and were more frequent than host-independent outliers, thus revealing a large role for host-adaptation in population genomic differentiation. Evidence that host-related selection can promote divergence despite gene flow was provided by population trees. These were structured by host-association when datasets included host-specific outliers, but not when based on neutral loci, which united sympatric populations. Lastly, three host-specific outliers were highly differentiated in all nine different-host comparisons. Because host-adaptation promotes reproductive isolation in these beetles, these loci provide promising candidate gene regions for future molecular studies of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Summary Three types of genes have been proposed to promote sympatric speciation: habitat preference genes, assortative mating genes and habitat-based fitness genes. Previous computer models have analysed these genes separately or in pairs. In this paper we describe a multilocus model in which genes of all three types are considered simultaneously. Our computer simulations show that speciation occurs in complete sympatry under a broad range of conditions. The process includes an initial diversification phase during which a slight amount of divergence occurs, a quasi-equilibrium phase of stasis during which little or no detectable divergence occurs and a completion phase during which divergence is dramatic and gene flow between diverging habitat morphs is rapidly eliminated. Habitat preference genes and habitat-specific fitness genes become associated when assortative mating occurs due to habitat preference, but interbreeding between individuals adapted to different habitats occurs unless habitat preference is almost error free. However, nonhabitat assortative mating, when coupled with habitat preference can eliminate this interbreeding. Even when several loci contribute to the probability of expression of non-habitat assortative mating and the contributions of individual loci are small, gene flow between diverging portions of the population can terminate within less than 1000 generations.  相似文献   

Host races represent an important step in the speciation process of phytophagous insects as they reflect the maintenance of genetically divergent host-associated populations in the face of appreciable gene flow. The red-shouldered soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma (Herrich-Schäffer) (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae), is an oligophagous seed predator with a history of host race evolution on plant associations in the (soapberry) family Sapindaceae. Soapberry bugs are a model group for understanding rapid ecological adaptation to their hosts, and hence good candidates for investigating evolutionary divergence in host associations over short timescales. Here, we describe the recent discovery of Mexican buckeye, Ungnadia speciosa Endl., as a host of J. haematoloma in a region of the Chihuahuan desert including west Texas and southeastern New Mexico, USA. This host differs from J. haematoloma’s previously recorded hosts in the Sapindaceae in seed chemistry, ecology, and phylogeny. The tendency toward rapid, host-associated adaptations by populations of J. haematoloma and the unique biology of the newly discovered Ungnadia host create the opportunity for potential host race formation, as it overlaps geographically with two previously recorded host plants in this region – the native western soapberry tree, Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii (Hook & Arn.), and the non-native goldenrain tree, Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. We explore the possibility of host race formation on Ungnadia-associated insects by testing for host-associated differentiation in morphology and feeding behaviors. We find evidence of differentiation in the length of the mouth parts, which is an ecologically relevant feeding trait between host plant species with larger or smaller seed capsules. This divergence is maintained in the face of potential gene flow by reproductive isolation in the form of habitat isolation, which we detect in host preference trials. Together, our results demonstrate that soapberry bugs associated with this newly discovered host exhibit morphological and behavioral traits consistent with host race formation, but additional work is required to confirm its state along the speciation continuum.  相似文献   

Stochastic effects from demographic processes and selection are expected to shape the distribution of genetic variation in spatially heterogeneous environments. As the amount of genetic variation is central for long‐term persistence of populations, understanding how these processes affect variation over large‐scale geographical gradients is pivotal. We investigated the distribution of neutral and putatively adaptive genetic variation, and reconstructed demographic history in the moor frog (Rana arvalis) using 136 individuals from 15 populations along a 1,700‐km latitudinal gradient from northern Germany to northern Sweden. Using double digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing we obtained 27,590 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and identified differentiation outliers and SNPs associated with growing season length. The populations grouped into a southern and a northern cluster, representing two phylogeographical lineages from different post‐glacial colonization routes. Hybrid index estimation and demographic model selection showed strong support for a southern and northern lineage and evidence of gene flow between regions located on each side of a contact zone. However, patterns of past gene flow over the contact zone differed between neutral and putatively adaptive SNPs. While neutral nucleotide diversity was higher along the southern than the northern part of the gradient, nucleotide diversity in differentiation outliers showed the opposite pattern, suggesting differences in the relative strength of selection and drift along the gradient. Variation associated with growing season length decreased with latitude along the southern part of the gradient, but not along the northern part where variation was lower, suggesting stronger climate‐mediated selection in the north. Outlier SNPs included loci involved in immunity and developmental processes.  相似文献   

Discovering cryptic species in well‐studied areas and taxonomic groups can have profound implications in understanding eco‐evolutionary processes and in nature conservation because such groups often involve research models and act as flagship taxa for nature management. In this study, we use an array of techniques to study the butterflies in the Spialia sertorius species group (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). The integration of genetic, chemical, cytogenetic, morphological, ecological and microbiological data indicates that the sertorius species complex includes at least five species that differentiated during the last three million years. As a result, we propose the restitution of the species status for two taxa often treated as subspecies, Spialia ali (Oberthür, 1881) stat. rest. and Spialia therapne (Rambur, 1832) stat. rest., and describe a new cryptic species Spialia rosae Hernández‐Roldán, Dapporto, Dinc?, Vicente & Vila sp. nov. Spialia sertorius (Hoffmannsegg, 1804) and S. rosae are sympatric and synmorphic, but show constant differences in mitochondrial DNA, chemical profiles and ecology, suggesting that S. rosae represents a case of ecological speciation involving larval host plant and altitudinal shift, and apparently associated with Wolbachia infection. This study exemplifies how a multidisciplinary approach can reveal elusive cases of hidden diversity.  相似文献   

1. Root hemiparasites are common components of many ecosystems and can affect both the biomass and the nutritional quality of the plants they infect. The consequences of these modifications for the preference and performance of three herbivore feeding guilds sharing a host with the hemi‐parasite were examined. 2. It was predicted that as the hemiparasite increased in biomass its impact on the host would increase, as would the indirect impacts on the herbivores. It was also predicted that herbivores from different feeding guilds would respond differently to the presence of the hemiparasite, reflecting the extent to which they utilise resources disrupted by the parasite and hence are in competition with it. 3. The preference and performance of phloem‐feeding aphids, xylem‐feeding spittle bugs, and leaf‐feeding grasshoppers were measured on the host grass species, Holcus lanatus L. (Poaceae), with and without attachment from the hemi‐parasite, Rhinanthus minor L. (Orobanchaceae). 4. The effects of R. minor on the host were dependent on the hemiparasite's stage of growth, being most pronounced when it was at peak biomass. At this stage it caused a significant reduction in the biomass, water content, and total nitrogen content of the host plants. 5. Overall, herbivores benefited from, or preferred, shared host plants more than uninfected plants. The aphid benefited from sharing a host with R. minor, showing increased population growth on, and preference for, parasitised plants. The spittle bug also showed a preference for parasitised plants. The grasshopper, Chorthippus brunneus Thunberg (Orthoptera: Acrididae), did not show a preference for, or a performance response to, parasitised hosts, but it consumed significantly more plant material when caged on parasitised plants. 6. These data support the prediction that invertebrate herbivores responded to changes in host plant traits driven by the hemiparasite, and strongly suggest that these indirect interactions could impact on population and community processes within natural communities.  相似文献   

Parallel phenotypic evolution in similar environments has been well studied in evolutionary biology; however, comparatively little is known about the influence of determinism and historical contingency on the nature, extent and generality of this divergence. Taking advantage of a novel system containing multiple lake–stream stickleback populations, we examined the extent of ecological, morphological and genetic divergence between three‐spined stickleback present in parapatric environments. Consistent with other lake–stream studies, we found a shift towards a deeper body and shorter gill rakers in stream fish. Morphological shifts were concurrent with changes in diet, indicated by both stable isotope and stomach contents analysis. Performing a multivariate test for shared and unique components of evolutionary response to the distance gradient from the lake, we found a strong signature of parallel adaptation. Nonparallel divergence was also present, attributable mainly to differences between river locations. We additionally found evidence of genetic substructuring across five lake–stream transitions, indicating that some level of reproductive isolation occurs between populations in these habitats. Strong correlations between pairwise measures of morphological, ecological and genetic distance between lake and stream populations supports the hypothesis that divergent natural selection between habitats drives adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation. Lake–stream stickleback divergence in Lough Neagh provides evidence for the deterministic role of selection and supports the hypothesis that parallel selection in similar environments may initiate parallel speciation.  相似文献   

Ecological specialization is widely recognized as a major determinant of the emergence and maintenance of biodiversity. We studied two critical facets of specialization – local adaptation and habitat choice – in the host races of the leaf beetle Lochmaea capreae on willow and birch. Our results revealed that there is asymmetric disruptive selection for host use traits, and host races achieved different adaptive sets of life history traits through association with their host plant. Beetles from each host race exhibited food and oviposition preference for their own host plant. Reciprocal transplant displayed significant variation in host acceptance and performance: all families from the willow race rejected the alternative host plant before initiation of feeding and all died on this host plant. By contrast, all families from the birch race accepted willow for feeding, but they consumed less and performed less well. Intriguingly, families that performed well on birch also performed well on willow, suggesting positive genetic correlation rather than genetic trade‐offs. Our results suggest that the major proximal determinant of host specialization in the willow race is the behavioural acceptance of a plant rather than the toxicity of the food resource. However, in the birch race a combination of behavioural host acceptance and performance may play a role in specialization. Our study sheds light on the mechanisms by which divergent host adaptation might influence the evolution of reproductive isolation between herbivorous populations.  相似文献   

The relative importance of ecological selection and geographical isolation in promoting and constraining genetic and phenotypic differentiation among populations is not always obvious. Interacting with divergent selection, restricted opportunity for gene flow may in some cases be as much a cause as a consequence of adaptation, with the latter being a hallmark of ecological speciation. Ecological speciation is well studied in parts of the native range of the three‐spined stickleback. Here, we study this process in a recently invaded part of its range. Switzerland was colonized within the past 140 years from at least three different colonization events involving different stickleback lineages. They now occupy diverse habitats, ranging from small streams to the pelagic zone of large lakes. We use replicated systems of parapatric lake and stream populations, some of which trace their origins to different invasive lineages, to ask (i) whether phenotypic divergence occurred among populations inhabiting distinct habitats, (ii) whether trajectories of phenotypic divergence follow predictable parallel patterns and (iii) whether gene flow constrains divergent adaptation or vice versa. We find consistent phenotypic divergence between populations occupying distinct habitats. This involves parallel evolution in several traits with known ecological relevance in independent evolutionary lineages. Adaptive divergence supersedes homogenizing gene flow even at a small spatial scale. We find evidence that adaptive phenotypic divergence places constraints on gene flow over and above that imposed by geographical distance, signalling the early onset of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

The preference–performance hypothesis predicts that moth behaviour links plant variations with caterpillar attack and distribution, and the plant‐age hypothesis states that specialist herbivores are more successful in exploring younger plant tissue. We integrated these predictions to investigate underlying mechanisms by which moths and caterpillars of Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) track and exploit within‐plant variability of leaf age and stratification. We measured leaf proteins, glucosinolates and fibre, as well as larval choice, developmental performance, and moth oviposition preference with regard to leaf age classes (young, mature and senescent) of three varieties (collard, cauliflower and cabbage) of the main host plant Brassica oleracea L. Larvae consistently fit the prediction that specialist herbivores prefer and perform better on young, upper leaves that have the highest protein level, despite the highest content of defence compounds. Conversely, moths laid more eggs on fibrous and less nutritious leaves from the lower and senescent stratum. We argue that the leaf stratification of host plants imposes conflicting selective pressures concerning offspring feeding and protection on adult females. If egg mortality is catastrophic on the upper nutritious leaves in a particular microclimatic context (e.g. sun, heat, winds, drought or rain‐washing), then oviposition preference will remain for the suboptimal lower and senescent leaves. The ability of larvae to spread upwards over the plant to access the more nutritious leaf stratum is critical when eggs are preferentially laid on the protective low‐quality leaves.  相似文献   

Despite substantial interest in coevolution's role in diversification, examples of coevolution contributing to speciation have been elusive. Here, we build upon past studies that have shown both coevolution between South Hills crossbills and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), and high levels of reproductive isolation between South Hills crossbills and other ecotypes in the North American red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) complex. We used genotyping by sequencing to generate population genomic data and applied phylogenetic and population genetic analyses to characterize the genetic structure within and among nine of the ecotypes. Although genome‐wide divergence was slight between ecotypes (FST = 0.011–0.035), we found evidence of relative genetic differentiation (as measured by FST) between and genetic cohesiveness within many of them. As expected for nomadic and opportunistic breeders, we detected no evidence of isolation by distance. The one sedentary ecotype, the South Hills crossbill, was genetically most distinct because of elevated divergence at a small number of loci rather than pronounced overall genome‐wide divergence. These findings suggest that mechanisms related to recent local coevolution between South Hills crossbills and lodgepole pine (e.g. strong resource‐based density dependence limiting gene flow) have been associated with genome divergence in the face of gene flow. Our results further characterize a striking example of coevolution driving speciation within perhaps as little as 6000 years.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization accompanied by a shift in niche preference by hybrid genotypes can lead to hybrid speciation. Natural selection may cause the fixation of advantageous alleles in the ecologically diverged hybrids, and the loci experiencing selection should exhibit a reduction in allelic diversity relative to neutral loci. Here, we analyzed patterns of genetic diversity at 59 microsatellite loci associated with expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in a homoploid hybrid sunflower species, Helianthus anomalus. We used two indices, ln RV and ln RH, to compare variation and heterozygosity (respectively) at each locus between the hybrid species and its two parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. Mean values of ln RV and ln RH were significantly lower than zero, which implies that H. anomalus experienced a population bottleneck during its recent evolutionary history. After correcting for the apparent bottleneck, we found six loci with a significant reduction in variation or with heterozygosity in the hybrid species, compared to one or both of the parental species. These loci should be viewed as a ranked list of candidate loci, pending further sequencing and functional analyses. Sequence data were generated for two of the candidate loci, but population genetics tests failed to detect deviations from neutral evolution at either locus. Nonetheless, a greater than eight-fold excess of nonsynonymous substitutions was found near a putative N-myristoylation motif at the second locus (HT998), and likelihood-based models indicated that the protein has been under selection in H. anomalus in the past and, perhaps, in one or both parental species. Finally, our data suggest that selective sweeps may have united populations of H. anomalus isolated by a mountain range, indicating that even low gene-flow species may be held together by the spread of advantageous alleles.  相似文献   

The host suitability of Centrosema pubescens (Leguminosae) was evaluated within two sympatric populations feeding on Solanum plants (Solanaceae) and C. pubescens in Epilachna vigintioctopunctata in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Indonesia (Bogor and Padang). In the Bogor and Padang populations, Centrosema strains had a significantly higher emergence rate than sympatric Solanum strains. In Kuala Lumpur, there was no significant difference in emergence rates between the two strains. When Centrosema strains from Kuala Lumpur and Padang were reared and maintained solely on Solanum plants, the emergence rate on C. pubescens gradually decreased with successive rearing generation and resulted in 0% in the 7th or 20th generations. These findings suggest that the current host suitability of C. pubescens depends on the previous experience of each population with the use of this plant as a host. However, we were not able to demonstrate from laboratory selection that Solanum strains increase the host adaptation to C. pubescens because every Solanum strain became extinct in the third generation when reared solely on C. pubescens. Received: August 16, 1999 / Accepted: June 5, 2000  相似文献   

Sitobion avenae (E) is an important cereal pest worldwide that can survive on various plants in the Poaceae, but divergent selection on different host plants shouldpromote the evolution of specialized genotypes or host races. In order to evaluate their resource use strategies, clones of S. avenae were collected from oat and barley. Host-transfer experiments for these clones were conducted in the laboratory to compare their fitness traits. Our results demonstrated that barley clones had significantly lower fecundityand tended to have longer developmental times when transferred from barley to oat. However, oat clones developed faster after they were transferred to barley. Clones fromoat and barley had diverged to a certain extent in terms of fecundity and developmental time of the nymphs. The separation of barley clones and oat clones of S. avenae was alsoevident in a principal component analysis. Barley clones tended to have higher broad-sense heritabilities for fitness traits than oat clones, indicating the genetic basis of differentiationbetween them. Barley clones showed significantly higher extent of specialization compared to oat clones from two measures of specialization (i.e., Xsp and Ysp). Therefore, barleyclones were specialized to a certain extent, but oat clones appeared to be generalized. The fitness of S. avenae clones tended to increase with higher extent of specialization. Theevolution toward ecological specialization in S. avenae clones, as well as the underlying genetic basis, was discussed.  相似文献   

Speciation is thought to often result from indirect selection for reproductive isolation. This will occur when reproductive traits that cause reproductive isolation evolve (i) as a by‐product of natural selection on traits with which they are genetically correlated or (ii) as an indirect result of diversifying sexual selection. Here, we use experimental evolution to study the degree of divergent evolution of reproductive traits by manipulating the intensity of natural and sexual selection in replicated selection lines of seed beetles. Following 40 generations of selection, we assayed the degree of divergent evolution of reproductive traits between replicate selection lines experiencing the same selection regime. The evolution of reproductive traits was significantly divergent across selection lines within treatments. The evolution of reproductive traits was both slower and, more importantly, significantly less divergent among lines experiencing stronger directional natural selection. This suggests that reproductive traits did not evolve as an indirect by‐product of adaptation. We discuss several ways in which natural selection may hamper divergent evolution among allopatric populations.  相似文献   

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