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Information processing of the cerebellar granular layer composed of granule and Golgi cells is regarded as an important first step toward the cerebellar computation. Our previous theoretical studies have shown that granule cells can exhibit random alternation between burst and silent modes, which provides a basis of population representation of the passage-of-time (POT) from the onset of external input stimuli. On the other hand, another computational study has reported that granule cells can exhibit synchronized oscillation of activity, as consistent with observed oscillation in local field potential recorded from the granular layer while animals keep still. Here we have a question of whether an identical network model can explain these distinct dynamics. In the present study, we carried out computer simulations based on a spiking network model of the granular layer varying two parameters: the strength of a current injected to granule cells and the concentration of Mg2+ which controls the conductance of NMDA channels assumed on the Golgi cell dendrites. The simulations showed that cells in the granular layer can switch activity states between synchronized oscillation and random burst-silent alternation depending on the two parameters. For higher Mg2+ concentration and a weaker injected current, granule and Golgi cells elicited spikes synchronously (synchronized oscillation state). In contrast, for lower Mg2+ concentration and a stronger injected current, those cells showed the random burst-silent alternation (POT-representing state). It is suggested that NMDA channels on the Golgi cell dendrites play an important role for determining how the granular layer works in response to external input.  相似文献   

Hull C  Regehr WG 《Neuron》2012,73(1):149-158
Here we provide evidence that revises the inhibitory circuit diagram of the cerebellar cortex. It was previously thought that Golgi cells, interneurons that are the sole source of inhibition onto granule cells, were exclusively coupled via gap junctions. Moreover, Golgi cells were believed to receive GABAergic inhibition from molecular layer interneurons (MLIs). Here we challenge these views by optogenetically activating the cerebellar circuitry to determine the timing and pharmacology of inhibition onto Golgi cells and by performing paired recordings to directly assess synaptic connectivity. In contrast to current thought, we find that Golgi cells, not MLIs, make inhibitory GABAergic synapses onto other Golgi cells. As a result, MLI feedback does not regulate the Golgi cell network, and Golgi cells are inhibited approximately 2?ms before Purkinje cells, following a mossy fiber input. Hence, Golgi cells and Purkinje cells receive unique sources of inhibition and can differentially process shared granule cell inputs.  相似文献   

Silkis I 《Bio Systems》2000,54(3):141-149
The model of three-layer olivary-cerebellar neural network with modifiable excitatory and inhibitory connections between diverse elements is suggested. The same Hebbian modification rules are proposed for Purkinje cells, granule (input) cells, and deep cerebellar nuclei (output) cells. The inverse calcium-dependent modification rules for these cells and hippocampal/neocortical neurones or Golgi cells are conceivably the result of the involvement of cGMP and cAMP in postsynaptic processes. The sign of simultaneous modification of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to a cell is opposite and determined by the variations in pre- and/or postsynaptic cell activity. Modification of excitatory transmission between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells, mossy fibers and granule cells, and mossy fibers and deep cerebellar nuclei cells essentially depends on inhibition effected by stellate/basket cells, Golgi cells and Purkinje cells, respectively. The character of interrelated modifications of diverse synapses in all three layers of the network is influenced by olivary cell activity. In the absence (presence) of a signal from inferior olive, the long-term potentiation (depression) in the efficacy of a synapse between input mossy fiber and output cell can be induced. The results of the suggested model are in accordance with known experimental data.  相似文献   

Why are sensory signals and motor command signals combined in the neurons of origin of the spinocerebellar pathways and why are the granule cells that receive this input thresholded with respect to their spike output? In this paper, we synthesize a number of findings into a new hypothesis for how the spinocerebellar systems and the cerebellar cortex can interact to support coordination of our multi-segmented limbs and bodies. A central idea is that recombination of the signals available to the spinocerebellar neurons can be used to approximate a wide array of functions including the spatial and temporal dependencies between limb segments, i.e. information that is necessary in order to achieve coordination. We find that random recombination of sensory and motor signals is not a good strategy since, surprisingly, the number of granule cells severely limits the number of recombinations that can be represented within the cerebellum. Instead, we propose that the spinal circuitry provides useful recombinations, which can be described as linear projections through aspects of the multi-dimensional sensorimotor input space. Granule cells, potentially with the aid of differentiated thresholding from Golgi cells, enhance the utility of these projections by allowing the Purkinje cell to establish piecewise-linear approximations of non-linear functions. Our hypothesis provides a novel view on the function of the spinal circuitry and cerebellar granule layer, illustrating how the coordinating functions of the cerebellum can be crucially supported by the recombinations performed by the neurons of the spinocerebellar systems.  相似文献   

The localization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was studied in the cerebellar cortex of the crossbred trembler chickens by means of histo- and cytochemical methods. No essential differences between the crossbred normal and the crossbred trembler chickens were observed. The common results were as follows: Under a light microscope AChE activity was predominantly evident in the molecular layer, and secondly in the granular layer. AChE was ultrastructurally distributed principally in the cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and in a part of nuclear envelope of the Purkinje, the Golgi and some of the basket and granule cells, and in a portion of the sacculus of the Golgi apparatus of the Purkinje cell only. In dendrites and the initial axon of the Purkinje cells the smooth ER also showed AChE activity. Although dendritic terminals of the Golgi cells contained AChE reaction products, the axon terminal did not. Some of the afferent terminal fibers forming the cerebellar glomerulus exhibited weakly a positive AChE reaction, while others in the vicinity did not show any AChE activity at all. However, the enzyme reaction product was localized in the intercellular spaces between a presynaptic afferent terminal and the postsynaptic granule cell dendritic terminals in the glomerulus. In addition, AChE activity was found in the form of spots in the intercellular spaces of both molecular and granular layers.  相似文献   

The behavior of granule cells in mature cerebellar cultures derived from newborn mice was studied by light and electron microscopy. Many granule cells remained in the explants as an external granular layer. These cells were differentiated, as evidenced by formation of bundles of parallel fibers and by development of synapses between granule cell axons and Purkinje cell branchlet spines, and between Golgi cell axons and granule cell dendrites. Although the over-all architecture of the cerebellar explants after 18–33 days in vitro was similar to that of the newborn mouse, the evident differentiation of the granule cells suggested that interneuronal relationships resemble those of the mature cerebellum in vivo.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic analyses of the cerebellar cortex were carried out in inbred trembler mutants of Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR), crossbred trembler (CBT) and crossbred normal (CBN) chickens 6 and 34 days after hatching. The size of the cerebellum of BPR was markedly reduced, but the pattern of fissures appeared essentially normal. Both the molecular and granular layer in the BPR were much thinner than in the CBT and CBN. Ectopic Purkinje cells were observed in the molecular and granular layers, and even in the medulla. The Purkinje cells were more intensely stained in Nissl preparations than those of CBT and CBN. By 34 days, most of the Purkinje cells, which were reduced in size, contained spherical and swollen mitochondria, an undeveloped Golgi apparatus, and many stacks of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The basket cells were reduced in size and exhibited a decrease in stacks of rough ER and an increase in the area of the Golgi apparatus. They contained the swollen mitochondria that were observed in the Purkinje cells. The granule cells were reduced in size, and showed a decrease in the number of cell organelles. The disorder appeared to be intrinsic to Purkinje cells since many types of degeneration were observed in the BPR Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

目的:研究人体小脑神经元的发育过程。方法:应用体视学方法,对18例不同时期人体小脑组织Golgi染色后进行观察,观测小脑皮质分层出现的时间,观测并计算神经元的数密度、体密度和表面积密度。结果:6月龄时,小脑皮质出现较明显的分子层、蒲肯野细胞层和颗粒层;星形细胞、篮状细胞、蒲肯野细胞、颗粒细胞和高尔基细胞的的数密度随月龄/年龄的增长而减少,体密度和表面积密度随月龄/年龄的增长而增加,但这些减小和增大是不等速的,6-8月龄变化最明显。结论:人体小脑神经元的发育呈现快慢交替、不均速发展,6~8月是小脑神经元发育的重要时期。  相似文献   

The model of simultaneous interrelated modification in the efficacy of synaptic inputs to different neurons of the olivary-cerebellar network is developed. The model is based on the following features of the network: simultaneous activation of the input layer (granule) cells and the output layer (deep cerebellar nuclei) cells by mossy fibers; simultaneous activation of Purkinje cells and cerebellar cells of the input and output layers by climbing fibers and their collaterals; the existence of local feedback excitatory, inhibitory, and disinhibitory circuits. The rise (decrease) of posttetanic Ca2+ concentration in reference to the level produced by previous stimulation causes the decrease (increase) in cGMP-dependent protein kinase G activity, and increase (decrease) inprotein phosphatase 1 activity. Subsequent dephosphorylation (phosphorylation) of ionotropic receptors results in simultaneous LTD (LTP) of the excitatory input together with the LTP (LTD) of the inhibitory input to the same neuron. The character of interrelated modifications of synapses at different cerebellar levels strongly depends on the olivary cell activity. In the presence (absence) of the signal from the inferior olive LTD (LTP) of the output cerebellar signal can be induced.  相似文献   

Some neurons, including cerebellar Purkinje cells, are completely ensheathed by astrocytes. When granule cell neurons and functional glia were eliminated from newborn mouse cerebellar cultures by initial exposure to a DNA synthesis inhibitor, Purkinje cells lacked glial sheaths and there was a tremendous sprouting of Purkinje cell recurrent axon collaterals, terminals of which hyperinnervated Purkinje cell somata, including persistent somatic spines, and formed heterotypical synapses with Purkinje cell dendritic spines, sites usually occupied by parallel fiber (granule cell axon) terminals. Purkinje cells in such preparations failed to develop complex spikes when recorded from intracellularly, and their membrane input resistances were low, making them less sensitive to inhibitory input. If granule cells and oligodendrocytes were eliminated, but astrocytes were not compromised, sprouting of recurrent axon collaterals occurred and their terminals projected to Purkinje cell dendritic spines, but the Purkinje cells had astrocytic sheaths, their somata were not hyperinnervated, the somatic spines had disappeared, complex spike discharges predominated, and membrane input resistance was like that of Purkinje cells in untreated control cultures. When cerebellar cultures without granule cells and glia were transplanted with granule cells and/or glia from another source, a series of changes occurred that included stripping of excess Purkinje cell axosomatic synapses by astrocytic processes, reduction of heterotypical axospinous synapses in the presence of astrocytes, disappearance of Purkinje cell somatic spines with astrocytic ensheathment, and proliferation of Purkinje cell dendritic spines after the introduction of astrocytes. Dendritic spine proliferation was followed by formation of homotypical axospinous synapses when granule cells were present or persistence as unattached spines in the absence of granule cells. The results of these studies indicate that astrocytes regulate the numbers of Purkinje cell axosomatic and axospinous synapses, induce Purkinje cell dendritic spine proliferation, and promote the structural and functional maturation of Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

Adaptive filter model of the cerebellum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Marr-Albus model of the cerebellum has been reformulated with linear system analysis. This adaptive linear filter model of the cerebellum performs a filtering action of a phase lead-lag compensator with learning capability, and will give an account for the phenomena which have been termed cerebellar compensation. It is postulated that a Golgi cell may act as a phase lag element; for example, as a leaky integrator with time constant about several seconds. Under this assumption, a mossy fiber-granule cell-Golgi cell input network functions as a phase lead-lag compensator. Output signals from Golgi-granule cell systems, namely, parallel fiber signals, are gathered together through variable synaptic connections to form a Purkinje cell output. From a general theory of adaptive linear filters, learning principles for these modifiable connections are derived. By these learning principles, a Purkinje cell output converges to the desired response to minimize the mean square error of the performance. In a more general sense, a Purkinje cell acquires a filtering function on the basis of multiple pairs of input signals and corresponding desired output signals. The mode of convergence of the output signal is described when the input signal is sinusoidal.  相似文献   

Synchronous oscillations in neural populations are considered being controlled by inhibitory neurons. In the granular layer of the cerebellum, two major types of cells are excitatory granular cells (GCs) and inhibitory Golgi cells (GoCs). GC spatiotemporal dynamics, as the output of the granular layer, is highly regulated by GoCs. However, there are various types of inhibition implemented by GoCs. With inputs from mossy fibers, GCs and GoCs are reciprocally connected to exhibit different network motifs of synaptic connections. From the view of GCs, feedforward inhibition is expressed as the direct input from GoCs excited by mossy fibers, whereas feedback inhibition is from GoCs via GCs themselves. In addition, there are abundant gap junctions between GoCs showing another form of inhibition. It remains unclear how these diverse copies of inhibition regulate neural population oscillation changes. Leveraging a computational model of the granular layer network, we addressed this question to examine the emergence and modulation of network oscillation using different types of inhibition. We show that at the network level, feedback inhibition is crucial to generate neural oscillation. When short-term plasticity was equipped on GoC-GC synapses, oscillations were largely diminished. Robust oscillations can only appear with additional gap junctions. Moreover, there was a substantial level of cross-frequency coupling in oscillation dynamics. Such a coupling was adjusted and strengthened by GoCs through feedback inhibition. Taken together, our results suggest that the cooperation of distinct types of GoC inhibition plays an essential role in regulating synchronous oscillations of the GC population. With GCs as the sole output of the granular network, their oscillation dynamics could potentially enhance the computational capability of downstream neurons.  相似文献   

Inhibitory interneurons in the cerebellar granular layer are more heterogeneous than traditionally depicted. In contrast to Golgi cells, which are ubiquitously distributed in the granular layer, small fusiform Lugaro cells and globular cells are located underneath the Purkinje cell layer and small in number. Globular cells have not been characterized physiologically. Here, using cerebellar slices obtained from a strain of gene-manipulated mice expressing GFP specifically in GABAergic neurons, we morphologically identified globular cells, and compared their synaptic activity and monoaminergic influence of their electrical activity with those of small Golgi cells and small fusiform Lugaro cells. Globular cells were characterized by prominent IPSCs together with monosynaptic inputs from the axon collaterals of Purkinje cells, whereas small Golgi cells or small fusiform Lugaro cells displayed fewer and smaller spontaneous IPSCs. Globular cells were silent at rest and fired spike discharges in response to application of either serotonin (5-HT) or noradrenaline. The two monoamines also facilitated small Golgi cell firing, but only 5-HT elicited firing in small fusiform Lugaro cells. Furthermore, globular cells likely received excitatory monosynaptic inputs through mossy fibers. Because globular cells project their axons long in the transversal direction, the neuronal circuit that includes interplay between Purkinje cells and globular cells could regulate Purkinje cell activity in different microzones under the influence of monoamines and mossy fiber inputs, suggesting that globular cells likely play a unique modulatory role in cerebellar motor control.  相似文献   

As a simple example of a neuronal network in which synaptic connectivity among neurons is probabilistic, Marr's model for the granular layer of cat cerebellar cortex is examined. The mean and variance are computed for the fraction of granule cells activated, and for the extent of pattern separation by granule cells, for various mossy fiber inputs and various values of connectivity and electrical parameters of the network structure. Results suggest different functions for the network, and different optimal ranges for its parameters, depending on whether Golgi cells are present or absent. The model network does not perform the functions originally prescribed for it with high reliability.  相似文献   

A procedure for the separation of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase from a commercially available preparation and for raising antibodies against this enzyme in rabbits is described. An antiserum thus obtained was used for the immunocytochemical detection of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in rat cerebellum. The molecular layer, the granular layer and the cerebellar white matter exhibited different degrees of immunoreactivity. Only a few cell bodies (possibly glial cells) were stained. Most of the antigenic sites were present in the neuropil of the molecular layer and around Purkinje cells. Cerebellar glomeruli, sites of synaptic interactions between mossy fibres, Golgi cells and granule cells, were also stained by this antiserum. Control reactions using preimmune serum were consistently negative.  相似文献   

Local field-potentials (LFPs) are generated by neuronal ensembles and contain information about the activity of single neurons. Here, the LFPs of the cerebellar granular layer and their changes during long-term synaptic plasticity (LTP and LTD) were recorded in response to punctate facial stimulation in the rat in vivo. The LFP comprised a trigeminal (T) and a cortical (C) wave. T and C, which derived from independent granule cell clusters, co-varied during LTP and LTD. To extract information about the underlying cellular activities, the LFP was reconstructed using a repetitive convolution (ReConv) of the extracellular potential generated by a detailed multicompartmental model of the granule cell. The mossy fiber input patterns were determined using a Blind Source Separation (BSS) algorithm. The major component of the LFP was generated by the granule cell spike Na(+) current, which caused a powerful sink in the axon initial segment with the source located in the soma and dendrites. Reproducing the LFP changes observed during LTP and LTD required modifications in both release probability and intrinsic excitability at the mossy fiber-granule cells relay. Synaptic plasticity and Golgi cell feed-forward inhibition proved critical for controlling the percentage of active granule cells, which was 11% in standard conditions but ranged from 3% during LTD to 21% during LTP and raised over 50% when inhibition was reduced. The emerging picture is that of independent (but neighboring) trigeminal and cortical channels, in which synaptic plasticity and feed-forward inhibition effectively regulate the number of discharging granule cells and emitted spikes generating "dense" activity clusters in the cerebellar granular layer.  相似文献   

Abstract: The 2-deoxyglucose autoradiographic method has been used to study activity in cerebellum of the weaver and nervous mutant mice. Patterns of 2-deoxyglucose incorporation into the cerebral hemispheres from weaver and nervous strains did not differ significantly from those of the controls. In the normal cerebellum, 2-deoxyglucose incorporation was maximal in the granular layer, where mossy fibers form synapses with the dendrites of granule cells. In the cerebellum of nervous mice, which lacks Purkinje cells, the incorporation of the 2-deoxyglucose was maximal in the granular layer, but the incorporation into the molecular layer appeared less than in the control. The incorporation into the cerebellum from weaver, which lacks granule cells, was much higher than that of the control, the maximal incorporation being found in the Purkinje cell layer and in cell masses located in the white matter. These data suggest that the heterologous synapses that mossy fibers or climbing fibers form with the cells in the Purkinje cell layer and the cells in the white matter in the weaver cerebellum are functional.  相似文献   

Watanabe D  Nakanishi S 《Neuron》2003,39(5):821-829
In the cerebellar circuit, Golgi cells are thought to contribute to information processing and integration via feedback mechanisms. In these mechanisms, dynamic modulation of Golgi cell excitability is necessary because GABA from Golgi cells causes tonic inhibition on granule cells. We studied the role and synaptic mechanisms of postsynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 2 (mGluR2) at granule cell-Golgi cell synapses, using whole-cell recording of green fluorescent protein-positive Golgi cells of wild-type and mGluR2-deficient mice. Postsynaptic mGluR2 was activated by glutamate from granule cells and hyperpolarized Golgi cells via G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K+ channels (GIRKs). This hyperpolarization conferred long-lasting silencing of Golgi cells, the duration and extents of which were dependent on stimulus strengths. Postsynaptic mGluR2 thus senses inputs from granule cells and is most likely important for spatiotemporal modulation of mossy fiber-granule cell transmission before distributing inputs to Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure for the separation of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase from a commercially available preparation and for raising antibodies against this enzyme in rabbits is described. An antiserum thus obtained was used for the immunocytochemical detection of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in rat cerebellum. The molecular layer, the granular layer and the cerebellar white matter exhibited different degrees of immunoreactivity. Only a few cell bodies (possibly glial cells) were stained. Most of the antigenic sites were present in the neuropil of the molecular layer and around Purkinje cells. Cerebellar glomeruli, sites of synaptic interactions between mossy fibres, Golgi cells and granule cells, were also stained by this antiserum. Control reactions using preimmune serum were consistently negative.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

The major histogenetic events of the rat cerebellum take place in the early postnatal days. During this period, precursors of microneurons, such as granule cells, form the external granular layer (EGL), extend over the surface of the primordial cerebellum, and actively proliferate. Postmitotic granule cells leave the EOL and migrate to the internal granular layer (IGL). On the other hand, guided by radial glial fibers, immature Purkinje cells migrate from the ventricular zone of the fourth ventricle and settle in the Purkinje cell plate with thickness of several cells. Various cell adhesion molecules are involved in the interaction between the migratory immature Purkinje cells and processes of the radial glia as the basis for contact guidance. The second process is the formation of immature Purkinje cells to the monolayer. This process takes place at the first week after birth of the rat and cell adhesion molecules such as neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), fibronectin, tenascin and Reelin are also suggested to play an important role for the cell patterning. When rat fetuses are exposed to X-radiation in the last gestation period, abnormal foliation of the cerebellum develops with ectopic Purkinje cells. The molecular mechanism that contributes to abnormal migration of Purkinje cells and foliar malformation induced by X-irradiation in the cerebellum are not yet clear. This study was undertaken to elucidate the mechanisms of ectopic Purkinje cell formation by examining the expression of cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

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