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Abstract. We compared vegetation establishment in 25 treefall pits and mounds along a hillside elevational gradient in a fourth-year catastrophic windthrow in eastern North America. Plant communities differed greatly between pits and mounds, with pit microsites having significantly greater species richness, total biomass, and total tree stem density. Species richness in pits and on mounds decreased with increasing elevation from the bottom of the hillside, although the effect of elevation on mound species richness was less than that of elevation on pit species richness. Biomass of Erechtites hieraciifolia decreased significantly, while that of Betula alleghaniensis increased significantly with elevation. However, total biomass of both pit and mound microsites was unrelated to elevation. Total stem density decreased with elevation in pits, but was unaffected by elevation on mounds. This study shows that both small-scale (microsite) effects and intermediate-scale effects influence the re-establishment of plant communities within this catastrophic windthrow. Consideration of both microsite and position along intermediate-scale gradients may allow more precise prediction of plant community composition and dynamics in recovery of disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Abstract. We measured tree damage and mortality following a catastrophic windthrow in permanent plots in an oak forest and a pine forest in central Minnesota. We monitored changes in forest structure and composition over the next 14 years. Prior to the storm, the oak forest was dominated by Quercus ellipsoidalis, and the pine forest by Pinus strobus. The immediate impacts of the storm were to differentially damage and kill large, early‐successional hardwoods and pines. Subsequent recovery was characterized by the growth of late‐successional hardwoods. In both forests the disturbance acted to accelerate succession. Ordination of tree species composition confirmed the trend of accelerated succession, and suggested a convergence of composition between the two forests.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the effects of windthrow on the understory plant species composition of a pine forest (dominated by Pinus strobus) and an oak forest (dominated by Quercus ellipsoidalis). We recorded the presence of vascular plant species in randomly located quadrats in the two forests, and in three microsite types associated with tipup mounds (pit, old soil and new soil) in the pine forest at irregular intervals over the course of 14 years. The understories of the two forests remained distinct throughout the study. The frequency of occurrence of a number of forest floor species considerably increased; few species decreased. The disturbance specialists Rubus idaeus and Polygonum cilinode increased in frequency throughout the study in the pine forest, but are beginning to decline in the less disturbed oak forest. Annuals and biennials preferentially colonized the disturbed soil of microsites on tipups, and declined in frequency after about 7 yr. Both forests have increased in understory species richness, but have not changed substantially in the distribution of growth forms. Despite early differences in species composition, microsite types associated with tipup mounds became more similar through time. Although small in magnitude, there was a directional change in understory composition at both forests, with no apparent sign of a return to pre‐disturbance conditions.  相似文献   

Spatial Segregation of Congeneric Invaders in Central Pennsylvania, USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carduus acanthoides and Carduus nutans (plumeless and musk thistles) are among the most noxious weeds in the United States of America, presenting a serious challenge in cropping and pasture systems. Unfortunately, a lack of detailed spatial distribution information hampers both our ability to understand the factors affecting their invasive success, and the effectiveness of monitoring and management efforts. To examine patterns of distribution and co-occurrence at a local level, we sampled a 5000 km2 area of central Pennsylvania that cut a transect across known areas of C. acanthoides and C. nutans infestation. A number of potential environmental explanatory variables were recorded and analyzed to examine whether they correlated with observed species distribution patterns. Patterns of forest density and spatial aggregation of the thistles were the primary covariates that significantly impacted both species’ distributions. The survey established that the frequency of sightings for each species diminished as the ranges converged, with only brief overlap: the two species are strongly negatively correlated in space. Understanding environmental correlates of infestation and the pattern of spatial dissociation of these two invasive species is an important step towards an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying their invasive potential, and hence towards effective weed control.  相似文献   

Lyme disease cases are increasing in the United States. The vector of the pathogen that causes Lyme disease is the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis Say) (Acari:Ixodidae). While there are several tick control options, many are expensive or involve large-scale or ecological interventions such as landscape acaricide spraying or wildlife baiting. Tick control tubes, cardboard tubes with acaricide-treated cotton that can be used as nesting material by tick hosts, offer an alternative to more invasive tick control by treating tick hosts with an acaricide. In this study, tick tubes with cotton treated with two formulations of acaricide and water as a control were evaluated for wildlife use and for tick burden reductions on Peromyscus spp. an important reservoir host for the Lyme disease pathogen. Tick tubes were deployed for four weeks. Ticks parasitizing Peromyscus spp. and cotton use by wildlife were evaluated pre-deployment and post-deployment. Cotton from both treatments was used similarly, and permethrin-treated cotton was used more frequently than the control. In addition, I. scapularis were eliminated from hosts captured in treatment plots post-tick tube deployment. Tick tubes show promise as a tool for tick control on Peromyscus spp., especially as part of an integrated pest management plan.  相似文献   

A comparison of created and natural wetlands in Pennsylvania,USA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent research suggests that created wetlands do not look, or function, like the natural systems they are intended to replace. Proper planning, construction, and the introduction of appropriate biotic material should initiate natural processes which continue indefinitely in a successful wetland creation project, with minimal human input. To determine if differences existed between created and natural wetlands, we compared soil matrix chroma, organic matter content, rock fragment content, bulk density, particle size distribution, vegetation species richness, total plant cover, and average wetland indicator status in created (n = 12) and natural (n = 14)wetlands in Pennsylvania (USA). Created wetlands ranged in age from two to 18 years. Soils in created wetlands had less organic matter content, greater bulk densities, higher matrix chroma, and more rock fragments than reference wetlands. Soils in reference wetlands had clay loam textures with high silt content, while sandy clay loam textures predominated in the created sites. Vegetation species richness and total cover were both greater in natural reference wetlands. Vegetation in created wetlands included a greater proportion of upland species than found in the reference wetlands. There were significant differences in soils and vegetation characteristics between younger and older created wetlands, though we could not say older created sites were trending towards the reference wetland condition. Updated site selection practices, more careful consideration of monitoring period lengths, and, especially, a stronger effort to recreate wetland types native to the region should result in increased similarity between created and natural wetlands.  相似文献   

Temnocorpichnus isaacleai is a new ichnogenus and ichnospecies of temnospondyl amphibian body impression from the Mississippian (Visean) Mauch Chunk Formation of eastern Pennsylvania, United States. The shovel-shaped head, robust limbs, relatively short trunk and smooth integument diagnose the ichnotaxon and readily distinguish it from Hermundurichnus and Sauropleura, the only other named body impressions of Paleozoic tetrapods. Temnocorpichnus is a compound ichnogenus in which the footprint ichnogenus Batrachichnus is a behaviorally distinct component. The temnospondyl identity of Temnocorpichnus adds to the sparse and earliest records of temnspondyls, which are of Visean age. The smooth integument of the ichnogenus does not support the presence of ventral scales or armor in the earliest temnospondyls, but body proportions of the Mauch Chunk body impressions indicate a relatively terrestrial temnospondyl not matched by any taxon now known from bones. Three closely associated impressions of Temnocorpichnus on a single bedding plane suggest some sort of gregarious behavior in Mississippian temnospondyls and may support speculation that internal fertilization and associated courtship behavior evolved independently in one group of amphibians more than 300 million years ago.  相似文献   

Climate change is influencing bird phenology worldwide, but we still lack information on how many species are responding over long temporal periods. We assessed how climate affected passerine reproductive timing and productivity at a constant effort mist‐netting station in western Pennsylvania using a model comparison approach. Several lines of evidence point to the sensitivity of 21 breeding passerines to climate change over five decades. The trends for temperature and precipitation over 53 years were slightly positive due to intraseasonal variation, with the greatest temperature increases and precipitation declines in early spring. Regardless of broodedness, migration distance, or breeding season, 13 species hatched young earlier over time with most advancing >3 days per decade. Warm springs were associated with earlier captures of juveniles for 14 species, ranging from 1‐ to 3‐day advancement for every 1 °C increase. This timing was less likely to be influenced by spring precipitation; nevertheless, higher rainfall was usually associated with later appearance of juveniles and breeding condition in females. Temperature and precipitation were positively related to productivity for seven and eleven species, respectively, with negative relations evident for six and eight species. We found that birds fledged young earlier with increasing spring temperatures, potentially benefiting some multibrooded species. Indeed, some extended the duration of breeding in these warm years. Yet, a few species fledged fewer juveniles in warmer and wetter seasons, indicating that expected future increases could be detrimental to locally breeding populations. Although there were no clear relationships between life history traits and breeding phenology, species‐specific responses to climate found in our study provide novel insights into phenological flexibility in songbirds. Our research underscores the value of long‐term monitoring studies and the importance of continuing constant effort sampling in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between land cover and three solute (chloride, total organic carbon (TOC), and lead) concentrations during winter rainstorms in 10 subbasins of Spring Creek, Pennsylvania, USA at two spatial scales. Despite similar percent land cover at both scales, correlations between water quality and land cover were stronger at the subbasin scale than at the riparian scale. As basin percent urban land cover increased, mean chloride and lead concentrations increased. Chloride and lead were likely to be a result of roadside sediments and residential housing, as demonstrated by a strong positive relationship between road density and chloride concentration at both spatial scales (r = 0.83, 0.71). Basin percent forested cover at the subbasin scale was weakly positively related to TOC concentrations, suggesting leaf litter as a source. Changes in flow rate related to changes in concentrations of solutes for representative urban and rural subbasins. TOC and lead showed weak positive relationships (flushing effect), while chloride exhibited a strong negative relationship (dilution effect). These different responses to changes in flow rate implied different sources of solutes – soils for TOC and lead and groundwater for chloride. This study underscores some negative effects of increased basin urbanization on stream water quality and potential aquatic ecosystems in small streams during storm events.  相似文献   

In fall 1997, the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa was documented in Lake Sammamish (western Washington, U.S.A.) for the first time. Cyanobacterial activity and environmental conditions that may promote toxic cyanobacteria were investigated during summer and fall 1999. Development of toxic Microcystis was hypothesized to be due to runoff of nutrients from the watershed (external loading hypothesis) or from vertical migration of dormant cyanobacteria from the nutrient-rich sediments into the water column (cyanobacterial migration hypothesis). Microcystins were detected using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay during late August and early September 1999 despite low cyanobacterial abundance. Microcystin concentrations ranged between 0.19–3.8 g l–1 throughout the lake and at all depths with the exception of the boat launch where concentrations reached 43 g l–1. Comparison of the conditions associated with the toxic episodes in 1997 and 1999 indicate that Microcystis is associated with a stable water column, increased surface total phosphorus concentrations (> 10 g l–1), surface temperatures greater than 22°C, high total nitrogen to phosphorus ratios (> 30), and increased water column transparency (up to 5.5 m). Migration of the cyanobacteria, Microcystis and Anabaena, occurred in both the deep and shallow portions of the lake. Microcystis dominated (89–99%) the migrating cyanobacteria with greater migration from the shallow station. External loading of nutrients due to the large rainfall preceding the 1997 toxic episode may have provided the nutrients needed to fuel that bloom. However, toxic Microcystis occurred in 1999 despite the lack of rain and subsequent external runoff. The migration of Microcystis from the nutrient-rich sediments may have been the inoculum for the toxic population detected in 1999.  相似文献   

Koide  Roger T.  Shumway  Durland L. 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):57-69
We studied variation in forest floor thickness in four plantations of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) which were similar in age, soil type and associated vegetation. The plantations were located (west to east) in the Clear Creek, Moshannon, Sproul and Tiadaghton State Forests of Pennsylvania, USA. A gradient in forest floor thickness exists across these plantations; the forest floor is thickest in the west and it becomes progressively thinner toward the east. Decomposition of imported litter increased from west to east, suggesting that the variation in forest floor thickness is related to variation in the rate of decomposition. Decomposition rates were related to saprotroph abundance. Variation in forest floor N and phenolic concentrations, in overall mycorrhiza density and in the relative proportions of three common mycorrhiza morphotypes could not explain the variation in decomposition rate. The P concentrations and pH of the forest floor were significantly lower at Clear Creek and Moshannon, where decomposition rates were lowest, compared to Sproul and Tiadaghton, where decomposition rates were most rapid. This suggests that P concentration and pH may have exerted some control on decomposition.  相似文献   



Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease responsible for annual seasonal epidemics in temperate climates. An understanding of how influenza spreads geographically and temporally within regions could result in improved public health prevention programs. The purpose of this study was to summarize the spatial and temporal spread of influenza using data obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Health''s influenza surveillance system.

Methodology and Findings

We evaluated the spatial and temporal patterns of laboratory-confirmed influenza cases in Pennsylvania, United States from six influenza seasons (2003–2009). Using a test of spatial autocorrelation, local clusters of elevated risk were identified in the South Central region of the state. Multivariable logistic regression indicated that lower monthly precipitation levels during the influenza season (OR = 0.52, 95% CI: 0.28, 0.94), fewer residents over age 64 (OR = 0.27, 95% CI: 0.10, 0.73) and fewer residents with more than a high school education (OR = 0.76, 95% CI: 0.61, 0.95) were significantly associated with membership in this cluster. In addition, time series analysis revealed a temporal lag in the peak timing of the influenza B epidemic compared to the influenza A epidemic.


These findings illustrate a distinct spatial cluster of cases in the South Central region of Pennsylvania. Further examination of the regional transmission dynamics within these clusters may be useful in planning public health influenza prevention programs.  相似文献   

To avoid competition with food crops, biofuel feedstocks may need to be produced on economically marginal lands where yields are limited and replacement of existing vegetation will reduce soil C, foregoing some CO2 emission savings. Therefore, our first goal was to determine whether biochar application to marginal lands could improve switchgrass yield while sequestering sufficient soil C to eliminate the negative impact of cultivation. Because it may be difficult to obtain large quantities of biochar, our second goal was to compare small, incremental and large, all-at-once biochar applications. Our third goal was to determine whether biochar had any negative effects on earthworms, mycorrhizal fungi, soil bacteria, soil fungi, and soil enzyme activity. We grew switchgrass at two sites with poorly drained soils and two sites with excessively drained soils. Irrespective of site, biochar significantly increased yield when we rototilled in the entire amount before planting but not when we applied it incrementally between crop rows using a chisel plow. Biochar increased soil C stocks, in some cases increasing it beyond that found in soils of intact marginal land vegetation. Nevertheless, mixing biochar with soil had little or no impact on earthworm activity, mycorrhizal colonization, soil bacterial and fungal communities, and soil enzyme activities. We conclude that biochar may be part of an effective strategy for producing switchgrass on marginal lands, but the choice of application method depends on the relative importance of several considerations including biochar availability, switchgrass yield, C sequestration, soil erosion, and ease of application.  相似文献   

The effects of variable hydroperiod (three levels) and initial density of amphibians (two levels) on survival, growth rate, and time to and mass at metamorphosis were studied for wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), Jefferson salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), and spotted salamanders (A. maculatum). Experiments were carried out in 260-1 mesocosms set up outdoors in a forest. These pond simulations were designed to mimic conditions that occur in palustrine temporary wetlands in central Pennsylvania. No animals reached metamorphosis in the short hydroperiod (56 days). However a greater proportion (66%) of tadpoles of R. sylvatica survived to the end of the 56-day, treatment than the 84- or 158-day treatments (29 and 14%, respectively), from which all survivors metamorphosed. In contrast, neither of the salamanders metamorphosed by 84 days; survival to metamorphosis at 158 days was 15% for A. jeffersonianum and 10% for A. maculatum. Average instantaneous growth rates for A. jeffersonianum decreased with each increase in hydroperiod. Growth of R. sylvatica was greater in the 56-day hydroperiod than in hydroperiods of 84 or 158 days. Initial amphibian density had no effect on growth or survival of any species. It appears that salamander larvae were predatory on tadpoles, since survival of R. sylvatica was negatively correlated with survival of A. jeffersonianum in 84-day treatments and with growth of A. maculatum in 158-day treatments.  相似文献   

Although the principles of landscape ecology are increasingly extended to include riverine landscapes, explicit applications are few. We investigated associations between patch heterogeneity and riparian ant assemblages at 12 riverine landscapes of the Scioto River, Ohio, USA, that represent urban/developed, agricultural, and mixed (primarily forested, but also wetland, grassland/fallow, and exurban) land-use settings. Using remotely-sensed and ground-collected data, we delineated riverine landscape patch types (crop, grass/herbaceous, gravel, lawn, mudflat, open water, shrub, swamp, and woody vegetation), computed patch metrics (area, density, edge, richness, and shape), and conducted coordinated sampling of surface-active Formicidae assemblages. Ant density and species richness was lower in agricultural riverine landscapes than at mixed or developed reaches (measured using S [total number of species], but not using Menhinick’s Index [DM]), whereas ant diversity (using the Berger-Park Index [DBP]) was highest in agricultural reaches. We found no differences in ant density, richness, or diversity among internal riverine landscape patches. However, certain characteristics of patches influenced ant communities. Patch shape and density were significant predictors of richness (S: R2 = 0.72; DM: R2=0.57). Patch area, edge, and shape emerged as important predictors of DBP (R2 = 0.62) whereas patch area, edge, and density were strongly related to ant density (R2 = 0.65). Non-metric multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities distinguished ant assemblage composition in grass and swamp patches from crop, gravel, lawn, and shrub as well as ant assemblages in woody vegetation patches from crop, lawn, and gravel (stress = 0.18, R2 = 0.64). These findings lend insight into the utility of landscape ecology to river science by providing evidence that spatial habitat patterns within riverine landscapes can influence assemblage characteristics of riparian arthropods.  相似文献   

Interactions of microtubules, neurofilaments, and microtubule-associated proteins were investigated by turbidity and falling-ball viscometry measurements. We found evidence of endogenous GTPase activity in neurofilaments and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) in preparations that do not include urea or heat treatment, respectively. The absence or presence of either adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphonic acid or a GTP-regenerating system markedly influenced observed polymerization and gelation characteristics. Most significantly, the apparent viscosity of neurofilament and microtubule samples did not display a biphasic optimal MAP concentration profile when a GTP-regenerating system was operant. Likewise, GTP regeneration promoted the recovery of gelation following mechanical disruption of neurofilament/MAP/microtubule mixtures. These and other observations require some reassessment of proposed roles for microtubule-associated proteins in modulating neurofilament-microtubule interactions in vitro.  相似文献   

Dominance of non-native riparian trees in western USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concern about spread of non-native riparian trees in the western USA has led to Congressional proposals to accelerate control efforts. Debate over these proposals is frustrated by limited knowledge of non-native species distribution and abundance. We measured abundance of 44 riparian woody plants at 475 randomly selected stream gaging stations in 17 western states. Our sample indicates that Tamarix ramosissima and Elaeagnus angustifolia are already the third and fourth most frequently occurring woody riparian plants in the region. Although many species of Tamarix have been reported in the region, T. ramosissima (here including T. chinensis and hybrids) is by far the most abundant. The frequency of occurrence of T. ramosissima has a strong positive relation with the mean annual minimum temperature, which is consistent with hypothesized frost sensitivity. In contrast the frequency of occurrence of E. angustifolia decreases with increasing minimum temperatures. Based on mean normalized cover, T. ramosissima and E. angustifolia are the second and fifth most dominant woody riparian species in the western USA. The dominance of T. ramosissima has been suspected for decades; the regional ascendance of E. angustifolia, however, has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

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