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S R Zell  M H Bamford  H Hidu 《Cryobiology》1979,16(5):448-460
Spermatozoa of the American oyster Crassostrea virginica were frozen to ?196 °C in concentrated Hanks' salt solution (2.6×) containing 8% dimethyl sulfoxide. About 0.2 ml of spermatozoa that were stored in liquid nitrogen for 68 days fertilized 91% of 65,600 eggs compared to fresh spermatozoa, which fertilized 92% of approximately the same number of eggs from the same females. Larvae resulting from fertilization of fresh eggs with 39-day-old cryopreserved spermatozoa appeared normal after 11 days.  相似文献   

Pericardial hemolymph was obtained from American Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and the hemocytes characterized by flow cytometry. The cells were found to have a broad unimodal size distribution with a median diameter of 7 micrometers. Total protein measured by flow cytometric fluorescence of dansylated cells also revealed a broad unimodal distribution similar to that obtained for size. The proportion of hemocytes in each stage of the cell cycle was measured using DNA-specific DAPI fluorescence. Histograms showed a single peak representing the G(0)/G(1) population. There was no evidence of S or G(2)+M phases of the cell cycle, nor was polyploidy seen. The forward and orthogonal light scatter of fixed hemocytes showed no evidence of sub-populations on the basis of cytoplasmic granularity. Thus, in terms of these parameters, oyster hemocytes appear to represent a single population exhibiting graded cellular differences.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial peptide was purified from acidified gill extract of a bivalve mollusk, the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica), by preparative acid-urea--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The 4265.0 Da peptide had 38 amino acids, including 6 cysteines. It showed strongest activity against Gram-positive bacteria (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Staphylococcus aureus; minimum effective concentrations [MECs] 2.4 and 3.0 microg/ml, respectively) but also had significant activity against Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli D31 and Vibrio parahemolyticus; MECs 7.6 and 15.0 microg/ml, respectively). Comparison of the amino acid sequence with those of other known antimicrobial peptides revealed that the novel peptide had high sequence homology to arthropod defensins, including those from other bivalves, the mussels Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis. This is the first antimicrobial peptide to be isolated from any oyster species and we have named it American oyster defensin (AOD).  相似文献   

Juvenile Oyster Disease (JOD) causes mortalities of small cultured oysters, Crassostrea virginica. The present study was an intensive epizootiological and pathological investigation of JOD in eight sequentially deployed cohorts at sites on Long Island, New York. JOD symptoms and mortalities began in all groups at about the same time. Lesions on the mantle were detected histologically about 1 week before the principal symptom, a conchiolin deposit on the inner shell, appeared. Mortality began about 1 week later and reached 60-90% in oysters <25 mm. Mantle lesions were highly correlated with subsequent conchiolin-deposit prevalence and with total mortality. Larger juveniles (25-40 mm) were affected by the disease and produced conchiolin deposits, but mortalities did not exceed 30%. Mortalities were consistently related to size, but not necessarily to age or length of "exposure" in the field. There was no indication that JOD was linked to a particular broodstock or hatchery. Wild spat deployed at experimental sites showed JOD symptoms before the hatchery-produced groups did and cohorts maintained inside a hatchery experienced essentially no JOD. Histological examination of cohorts experiencing high mortalities failed to reveal an obvious etiological agent, but showed a disease pattern similar to that described for other bivalve diseases with a bacterial etiology. Similarities and differences between this and other studies of JOD suggest that one or more bacterial species is responsible for JOD, but that a trigger, probably temperature, is also involved and may vary from site to site.  相似文献   

Comparing geographic variation of noncoding nuclear DNA polymorphisms, which presumably are neutral to natural selection, with geographic variation of allozymes is potentially a good way to detect the effects of selection on allozyme polymorphisms. A previous study of four anonymous nuclear markers in the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, found dramatic differences in allele frequency between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, 14 allozyme polymorphisms were fairly uniform in frequency between the two areas. This led to the conclusion that all of the allozyme polymorphisms were kept uniform in frequency by balancing selection. To test the robustness of this pattern, six additional anonymous nuclear DNA polymorphisms were surveyed in oysters from Panacea, Fla, and Charleston, S.C. on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, respectively. Unlike the previously studied DNA markers, the six DNA polymorphisms examined here show geographic variation that is not significantly greater than that of allozymes. The reason for the discrepancy between the two sets of DNA polymorphisms is unclear.   相似文献   

Fleming  Lesley C. 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):311-315
Crassostrea virginica was collected from several locations where it is cultured, both along the Northumberland Strait of New Brunswick and Malpeque Bay on the coast of Prince Edward Island. The oysters were found with two turbellarians on their gills. Urastoma cyprinae (Graff) was found in the oysters mostly during the warmer months of the year in numbers averaging as high as 50 worms per host (N = 50) and with as much as 78% of the host population infected (N = 100). Paravortex gemellipara (Linton) was also found during warmer months, but much less frequently or abundantly.Both male and female oysters were found to have U. cyprinae. No eggs or recent young of U. cyprinae were found in hosts; female-mature individuals of P. gemellipara with young were found from June through August.  相似文献   

J B Hughes 《Cryobiology》1973,10(4):342-344
Reliable procedures for cryopreservation of the gametes of marine fish and invertebrates are urgently needed for developing aquaculture of specially bred strains. Availability of the eggs by the millions and external fertilization offer special methodologic advantages. The seawater medium and the acrosome reaction of the invertebrates pose new problems. A cytogenetic study was made of the eggs of the commercial American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, after being challenged with its cryopreserved sperm.  相似文献   

The levels of aminopeptidase activity in the serum and hemolymph cells of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, have been determined to be 2.89 ± 2.25 and 0.62 ± 0.39 Sigma units/ml, respectively. Low levels of aminopeptidase activity have been demonstrated cytochemically within cytoplasmic granules, i.e., secondary phagosomes, of circulating hemolymph cells. Exposure of whole hemolymph to heat-killed Bacillus megaterium or to sterile sea water results in a significant increase in cellular aminopeptidase activity, with the level of activity being the highest in cells that had been exposed to bacteria. The level of aminopeptidase activity in serum is unaltered in similarly challenged whole hemolymph. It is concluded that aminopeptidase synthesized in cells during phagocytosis or as a result of stimulation by exposure to sea water is not released into the serum but is retained intracellularly. Our studies suggest that it is the intracellular and not the serum aminopeptidases whith are of primary importance in the degradation of B. megaterium.  相似文献   

Intensive efforts are underway to restore depleted stocks of Crassostrea virginica in Chesapeake Bay. However, the extent of gene flow among local populations, an important force mediating the success of these endeavors, is poorly understood. Spatial and temporal population structures were examined in C. virginica from Chesapeake Bay using eight microsatellite loci. Deficits in heterozygosity relative to Hardy-Weinberg expectations were seen at all loci and were best explained by null alleles. Permutation tests indicated that heterozygote deficiency reduced power in tests of differentiation. Nonetheless, genotypic exact tests demonstrated significant levels of geographic differentiation overall, and a subtle pattern of isolation by distance (IBD) was observed. Comparisons between age classes failed to show differences in genotype frequencies, allelic richness, gene diversity, or differentiation as measured by F(ST), contrary to predictions made by the sweepstakes hypothesis. The IBD pattern could reflect an evolutionary equilibrium established because local gene flow predominates, or be influenced in either direction by recent anthropogenic activities. An evolutionary interpretation appears justified as more parsimonious, implying that local efforts to restore oyster populations will have local demographic payoffs, perhaps at the scale of tributaries or regional subestuaries within Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Latero-frontal, para-latero-frontal, and frontal ciliary tracts on the gill filaments of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) were studied with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Latero-frontal cirri are complex structures composed of varying numbers of paired cilia. The multiple pairs of cilia which constitute a single cirrus are closely appressed for a portion of their length; they then branch laterally from the central axis in a plume-like fashion. Latero-frontal cirri of adjacent gill filaments create a filtration sieve which should be capable of retaining particles smaller than 1 μm in diameter. Para-latero-frontal cilia are short, closely spaced cilia arranged as a staggered row along the frontal side of each tract of latero-frontal cirri. Latero-frontal cirri and para-latero-frontal cilia occur on ordinary, principal, and transitional gill filaments. Frontal ciliary tracts of ordinary filaments are divided into a central, ventrally directed coarse tract, flanked on either side by a dorsally directed fine ciliary tract. The coarse tract is covered by cirri which are comprised of five to eight cilia, while the fine frontal tracts are made up of individually functioning cilia. The frontal ciliary tracts of principal and transitional filaments bear only dorsally directed fine cilia. The unique direction of effective beat of the coarse frontal cirri of ordinary filaments, in combination with the action of fine frontal cilia and the strategic location of mucus producing cells, is used to describe a possible mechanism for the sorting of filtered particles.  相似文献   

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