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Venous blood lactate concentrations [1ab] were measured every 30 s in five athletes performing prolonged exercise at three constant intensities: the aerobic threshold (Thaer), the anaerobic threshold (Than) and at a work rate (IWR) intermediate between Thaer and Than. Measurements of oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were made every min. Most of the subjects maintained constant intensity exercise for 45 min at Thaer and IWR, but at Than none could exercise for more than 30 min. Relationships between variations in [1ab] and concomitant changes in VO2 or HR were not statistically significant. Depending on the exercise intensity (Thaer, IWR, or Than) several different patterns of change in [1ab] have been identified. Subjects did not necessarily show the same pattern at comparable exercise intensities. Averaging [1ab] as a function of relative exercise intensity masked spatial and temporal characteristics of individual curves so that a common pattern could not be discerned at any of the three exercise levels studied. The differences among the subjects are better described on individual [1ab] curves when sampling has been made at time intervals sufficiently small to resolve individual characteristics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to specify the effects of caffeine on maximal anaerobic power (Wmax). A group of 14 subjects ingested caffeine (250 mg) or placebo in random double-blind order. The Wmax was determined using a force-velocity exercise test. In addition, we measured blood lactate concentration for each load at the end of pedalling and after 5 min of recovery. We observed that caffeine increased Wmax [964 (SEM 65.77) W with caffeine vs 903.7 (SEM 52.62) W with placebo; P less than 0.02] and blood lactate concentration both at the end of pedalling [8.36 (SEM 0.95) mmol.l-1 with caffeine vs 7.17 (SEM 0.53) mmol.l-1 with placebo; P less than 0.01] and after 5 min of recovery [10.23 (SEM 0.97) mmol.l-1 with caffeine vs 8.35 (SEM 0.66) mmol.l-1 with placebo; P less than 0.04]. The quotient lactate concentration/power (mmol.l-1.W-1) also increased with caffeine at the end of pedalling [7.6.10(-3) (SEM 3.82.10(-5)) vs 6.85.10(-3) (SEM 3.01.10(-5)); P less than 0.01] and after 5 min of recovery [9.82.10(-3) (SEM 4.28.10(-5)) vs 8.84.10(-3) (SEM 3.58.10(-5)); P less than 0.02]. We concluded that caffeine increased both Wmax and blood lactate concentration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of starting the force-velocity test with a heavy load on both maximal anaerobic power and blood lactate concentration. Nine male subjects aged 23.4 +/- 1.3 yr (mean +/- sem) participated in a first force-velocity test (FV1) which had an initial load of 1 kg (classical protocol). Then a week later in a second force-velocity test (FV2) which had an initial load corresponding to maximal power developed during FV1 (W1). The increase in load was of 1 kg for FV1 and FV2. Our results show that during FV2, compared to FV1: 1) maximal anaerobic power developed (W2) is superior to W1 (W1 = 1,165.2 +/- 70.4 W; W2 = 1,278.6 +/- 92.3 W; p less than 0.02); 2) blood lactate concentration after the first load is inferior (p less than 0.001); 3) blood lactate concentration is not significantly different at the peak of power. Thus, starting the force-velocity test with a heavy load allows an increase of maximal anaerobic power until a blood lactate concentration which may be compared to the one obtained during the classic force-velocity test. In conclusion, maximal anaerobic power measured during the force-velocity test seems to depend on protocol used.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the accuracy of the reverse lactate threshold (RLT) and the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA; 4 mmol·L-1) to determine the running speed at the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and 5 km running performance in a field test approach. Study 1: 16 participants performed an RLT test, and 2 or more constant-speed tests, lasting 30 minutes each, to determine running speed at the MLSS. Study 2: 23 participants performed an RLT test and a 5000 m all-out run as an indicator of performance. The RLT test consisted of an initial lactate-priming segment, in which running speed was increased stepwise up to ~5% above the estimated MLSS, followed by a reverse segment in which speed was decreased by 0.1 m·s-1 every 180 s. RLT was determined using the highest lactate equivalent ([La-]/running speed) during the reverse segment. OBLA was determined during the priming segment and was set at a value of 4 mmol∙L1. The mean difference in MLSS was +0.06 ± 0.05 m·s-1 for RLT, and +0.13 ± 0.23 m·s-1 for OBLA. OBLA showed a good concordance with the MLSS (ICC = 0.83), whereas RLT revealed excellent concordance with the MLSS with an ICC = 0.98. RLT showed a very high correlation with 5000 m speed (r = 0.97). The RLT exhibited exceptional agreement to MLSS and 5000 m running performance. Due to this high accuracy, especially concerning the small intraindividual differences, the RLT test may be superior to common threshold concepts. Further research is needed to evaluate its sensitivity during the training process.  相似文献   

Familial resemblance in maximal heart rate, blood lactate and aerobic power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are considerable interindividual differences in maximal oxygen uptake per kilogram of body weight (VO2 max/kg), maximal heart rate (max HR) and maximal blood lactate (max blood La) measured during a progressive exercise test. The aim of the study was to quantify the familial relationships for these variables. Parents and children of 38 families of French-Canadian descent were submitted to a modified Balke treadmill test. VO2 max/kg and max HR were the highest values reached during the test for 1 min. Max blood La was obtained from a blood sample taken 2 min after the test. The effects of age and sex were significant for max blood La and VO2 max/kg in each generation. Scores were thus adjusted through multiple regression procedures (age + sex + age X sex + age2), yielding residuals which were submitted to further analysis. Intraclass correlations (ri) were significant in pairs of sibs for max blood La and max HR, i.e. 0.28 (p less than 0.01) and 0.43 (p less than 0.05), respectively. For VO2 max/kg, pairs of spouses and sibs were about similarly correlated (ri = 0.20 and 0.15; p less than 0.05). Data suggested that children were more related to their mother than to their father for VO2 max/kg, VO2 max/kg of fat-free weight, and particularly for max HR. It was concluded that familial resemblance and heritability estimates for maximal aerobic power, max HR and max blood La were quite low and generally nonsignificant. Correlations between biological sibs were, however, consistently significant for max HR and max blood La. The suggestion of a maternal effect in maximal aerobic power should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Beta-endorphin (beta-End) and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) were determined in the peripheral blood of 14 human volunteers exercising on a bicycle ergometer. After 1 h of submaximal work below anaerobic threshold (AT), defined as the 4 mmol X l-1 lactic acid level in arteriolar blood (Kindermann 1979; Mader 1980), beta-End and ACTH levels did not change from control conditions. Eleven of the same 14 subjects performed an uninterrupted graded exercise test on the same bicycle ergometer until exhaustion. This time beta-End and ACTH levels increased concomitantly with exercise of high intensity: at each moment, during and after this maximal test, a highly significant correlation (P less than 0.0001) was noted between the levels of beta-End and ACTH. The peak values of these hormones were reached within 10 min after stopping maximal exercise, and coincided with lactic acid peak levels. A rise in lactic acid levels above the anaerobic threshold always preceded the exercise-induced rise in beta-End and ACTH. Within the population tested, two subgroups could be distinguished: one comprising individuals whose hormonal response nearly coincided with the rise in lactic acid (rapid responders) and a second group composed of subjects whose normal response appeared delayed with respect to the lactic acid rise (slow responders). These results support the view that beta-End and ACTH are secreted in equimolar quantities into the blood circulation in response to exercise, and suggest that metabolic changes of anaerobiosis play a key role in the regulation of stress-hormone release.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lactate concentrations were determined at 3, 5, and 7 min of recovery following maximal, continuous, multi-stage treadmill work in 180 men, aged 20-80 years, who were participants of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Each subject was placed into one of six age groups, e.g., 20-29, 30-39, etc. As expected, average concentrations decreased consistently with age. All three sampling times were similar in characterizing maximal lactates for the youngest men. For each older group, except for the oldest, the later values were significantly (p less than 0.01) higher than the 3-min values. For subjects in their 50's and 60's mean concentrations continued to rise through the 7th min. These data suggest that in man there is a progressive, age-related diminution of ability to diffuse lactate from muscle and/or distribute it into its space. This may result in decreased endurance and work capacity and a prolongation of recovery. As an alternative to multiple sampling and analyses for maximal lactate, single blood samples should be obtained no sooner than 5 min of recovery for men up to age 50, and at 7 min for those between 50 and 70 years. Variability among the men over 70 years of age was large enough to preclude single-sample alternatives.  相似文献   

Human growth hormone (hGH) levels were measured during rest, prolonged treadmill exercise at 60% maximum O2 uptake (VO2max), and immediate recovery in four groups of subjects (n = 7/group), ages 21-30 yr, classified as male runners (MR), female runners (FR), male controls (MC), and female controls (FC) to determine whether sex differences in the hGH response are related to resting 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and/or cardiorespiratory endurance (CRE). Glucose (Glc), E2, and hGH levels were determined from serial blood samples taken from an intravenous catheter. Glc did not change significantly during exercise, but different trends for the runners (increases) vs. controls (decreases) resulted in higher (P less than 0.01) postexercise levels in the runners. Resting hGH was higher (P less than 0.05) in the FRs and FCs than the MRs and MCs, respectively, and continued to be higher in the FCs (vs. MCs) during the first 30 min of exercise. The MRs achieved higher peak hGH levels and exhibited higher values than the MCs throughout exercise and recovery. There were no statistically significant training differences in the females. The strongest predictors for peak hGH were absolute work load and group (runners vs. controls), both of which combined accounted for 32-36% of the variability (P less than 0.01) in hGH response. Significant sex-related variables (sex, resting E2) accounted for 11-19% of the variability in peak or percent change in hGH, with E2 having a positive effect at rest but a negative effect during exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The criteria of max VO2 and max O2D which are traditionally used in studying aerobic and anaerobic work capacity, have the different dimensions. While max VO2 is an index of the power of aerobic energy output, max O2D assesses the capacity of anaerobic sources. For a comprehensive assessment of physical working capacity of athletes, both aerobic and anaerobic capabilities should be represented in three dimensions, i.e. in indexes of power, capacity and efficiency. Experimental procedures have been developed for assessing these three parameters in treadmill running tests. It is proposed to assess anaerobic power by measuring excess CO2, concurrently with determination of max VO2. Maximal aerobic capacity is established as the product of max VO2 by the time of max VO2 maintenance determined in a special test with running at critical speed. The erogmetric criteria derived on the basis of the tests proposed, may be used for systematization of various physical work loads.  相似文献   

In order to validate the "Maximal Multistage 20 Meter Shuttle Run Test" by Leger and Lambert (1982) (20-MST) as an estimate of maximal aerobic power (VO2max) and to compare the results of this test with the results of a 6 min endurance run, 82 subjects (41 boys and 41 girls) aged 12-14 performed the 20-MST and the 6 min endurance run, and had their VO2max directly measured during maximal treadmill running. The 20-MST is a maximal running test starting at a running speed of 8.0 km X h-1, which is increased every minute and in which the pace is set by an audio signal. Performing the test, one runs a 20-meter course back and forth. The test result is expressed as "palier" (one palier is approximately one minute). The mean results of the 20-MST were, for boys, 8.0 palier (+/- 1.7) and for girls, 6.4 palier (+/- 1.5). The mean results of the 6 min endurance run were for boys, 1264.4 meters (+/- 160.8), and for girls, 1103.9 meters (+/- 144.7). The mean VO2max for boys was 53.2 ml X kg-1 X min-1 (+/- 5.4) and for girls, 44.1 (+/- 4.8) ml X kg-1 X min-1. The correlation coefficient between VO2max and the 20-MST was found to be 0.68 (+/- 3.9) for boys, 0.69 (+/- 3.4) for girls and 0.76 (+/- 4.4) for both sexes, and that of VO2max with the 6 min endurance run was 0.51 (+/- 4.6) for boys, 0.45 (+/- 4.3) for girls and 0.63 (+/- 5.3) for both sexes. The conclusion is that the 20-MST is a suitable tool for the evaluation of maximal aerobic power. Although the differences in validity between the 20-MST and the 6 minutes endurance run were statistically not significant (p greater than 0.05), for reasons of practicability the 20-MST should be preferred to the 6 minutes endurance run when used in physical education classes.  相似文献   

Gender differences in cortical excitability have been detected by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The present study was carried out to compare the effects of high blood lactate levels, induced by performing a maximal exhausting exercise, on the excitability of the primary motor cortex in young male and female athletes. The study was carried out on 21 young males and 20 females from the Middle Distance Track Team of our university. Before the exercise, at the end, as well as 5 and 10 min after the conclusion, venous blood lactate and glucose were measured and excitability of the motor cortex was evaluated by using TMS. We observed a similar enhancement of excitability of primary motor cortex, concomitantly with an increase of blood lactate, in both young male and female athletes. However, the improvement was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in women (37.4% ± 3.97) than in men (42.0% ± 6.43), suggesting a greater sensitiveness of female cerebral cortex to blood lactate.  相似文献   

Maximal blood lactate steady state concentration (MLSS) and anaerobic threshold (AT) have been shown to accurately predict long distance events performance and training loads, as well, in human athletes. Horse endurance races can take up to 160 km and, in practice, coaches use the 4 mM blood lactate concentration, a human based fixed concentration to establish AT, to predict training loads to horse athletes, what can lead to misleading training loads. The lactate minimum speed (LMS) protocol that consists in an initial elevation in blood lactate level by a high intensity bout of exercise and then establishes an individual equilibrium between lactate production and catabolism during progressive submaximal efforts, has been proposed as a nonfixed lactate concentration, to measure individual AT and at the same time predicts MLSS for human long distance runners and basketball players as well. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the LMS protocol in endurance horse athletes. Five male horses that were engaged on endurance training, for at least 1 year of regular training and competition, were used in this study. Animals were submitted to a 500 m full gallop to determine each blood lactate time to peak (LP) after these determinations, animals were submitted to a progressive 1000 m exercise, starting at 15 km h(-1) to determine LMS, and after LMS determination animals were also submitted to two 10,000 m running, first at LMS and then 10% above LMS to test MLSS accuracy. Mean LP was 8.2+/-0.7 mM at approximately 5.8+/-6.09 min, mean LMS was 20.75+/-2.06 km h(-1) and mean heart rate at LMS was 124.8+/-4.7 BPM. Blood lactate remained at rest baseline levels during 10,000 m trial at LMS, but reached a six fold significantly raise during 10% above LMS trial after 4000 and 6000 m (p<0.05) and (p<0.01) after 8000 and 10,000 m. In conclusion, our adapted LMS protocol for horse athletes proposed here seems to be a reliable method to state endurance horse athletes LT and MLSS.  相似文献   

The administration of 30 mg/kg of body weight of an alpha-ketoglutarate-pyridoxine complex (alpha-KG compl; stoichiometric ratio alpha-KG: pyridoxine 46.35 to 53.65) to trained non-athletic individuals increases VO2 max by 6% (p less than 0.005). The kinetics of the VO2on- and off-responses at the onset and offset of a rectangular work load is not affected by the drug. Peak blood lactate concentration [Lab] following two supramaximal running work loads lasting 60 s and 132 +/- 4 s, respectively is significantly (p less than 0.05 and p less than 0.005) less after the alpha-KG compl treatment (delta Lab = -1.1 and -2.7 mmol . l-1, respectively) than in a control group. The half time (t1/2) of La disappearance from blood during recovery is unaffected by the alpha-KG compl treatment (19.7 min vs 19.5 min). The increase in VO2 max and the corresponding decrease of [Lab] are not found after separate administration of either of the components of the complex. It is concluded that alpha-KG complex stimulates aerobic metabolism, probably prompting mitochondrial reabsorption of alpha-KG, which activates the malate-oxalacetate shuttle and the generation of high energy phosphates at the substrate level.  相似文献   

Ammonia volatilization during aerobic and anaerobic manure decomposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ammonia volatilization, nitrogen immobilization, carbon decomposition and formation of volatile fatty acids was investigated in a laboratory incubation experiment with fresh poultry manure, to which increasing amounts of straw were added. Less than 1% of the manure nitrogen was volatilized as ammonia during anaerobic decomposition due to low pH values. In aerobic manure alkaline conditions prevailed and between 9 to 44% of the nitrogen was volatilized as ammonia. The volatilization courses could be described by a parallel first-order model. Increasing straw additions reduced ammonia volatilization during aerobic decomposition. Straw caused no immobilization of nitrogen under anaerobic conditions. In aerobic manure, nitrogen was mainly bound in organic forms whereas in anaerobic manure about two-thirds of the nitrogen was in ammonium form. C/N ratios in the organic matter of anaerobic manure were higher (33.1–87.5) than in the aerobic manure (9.5–18.0).  相似文献   

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