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Viral suppression by noncytolytic CD8+ T cells, in addition to that by classic antiviral CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes, has been described for human immunodeficiency virus and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections. However, the role of soluble effector molecules, especially beta-chemokines, in antiviral immunity is still controversial. In an attenuated vaccine model, approximately 60% of animals immunized with simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) 89.6 and then challenged intravaginally with SIVmac239 controlled viral replication (viral RNA level in plasma, <10(4) copies/ml) and were considered protected (K. Abel, L. Compton, T. Rourke, D. Montefiori, D. Lu, K. Rothaeusler, L. Fritts, K. Bost, and C. J. Miller, J. Virol. 77:3099-3118, 2003). To determine the in vivo importance of beta-chemokine secretion and CD8+-T-cell proliferation in the control of viral replication in this vaccine model, we examined the relationship between viral RNA levels in the axillary and genital lymph nodes of vaccinated, protected (n = 20) and vaccinated, unprotected (n = 11) monkeys by measuring beta-chemokine mRNA levels and protein expression, the frequency of CD8+ T cells expressing beta-chemokines, and the extent of CD8+-T-cell proliferation. Tissues from uninfected (n = 3) and unvaccinated, SIVmac239-infected (n = 9) monkeys served as controls. Axillary and genital lymph nodes from unvaccinated and vaccinated, unprotected monkeys had significantly higher beta-chemokine mRNA expression levels and increased numbers of beta-chemokine-positive cells than did vaccinated, protected animals. Furthermore, the lymph nodes of vaccinated, unprotected monkeys had significantly higher numbers of beta-chemokine(+) CD8+ T cells than did vaccinated, protected monkeys. Lymph nodes from vaccinated, unprotected animals also had significantly more CD8+-T-cell proliferation and marked lymph node hyperplasia than the lymph nodes of vaccinated, protected monkeys. Thus, higher levels of virus replication were associated with increased beta-chemokine secretion and there is no evidence that beta-chemokines contributed to the SHIV89.6-mediated control of viral replication after intravaginal challenge with SIVmac239.  相似文献   

The presence of sperm in testicular tissue of rhesus macaques that died as a result of infection with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) was related to age and body weight. Depressed testosterone levels were not associated with elevated LH levels. The data suggest that azoospermia in the SIV-infected macaques was due to cachexia and not a direct effect of virus on the testis, supporting a similar hypothesis regarding azoospermia in men infected with human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   

Host-virus interactions control disease progression in human immunodeficiency virus-infected human beings and in nonhuman primates infected with simian or simian/human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIV). These interactions evolve rapidly during acute infection and are key to the mechanisms of viral persistence and AIDS. SHIV(89.6PD) infection in rhesus macaques can deplete CD4(+) T cells from the peripheral blood, spleen, and lymph nodes within 2 weeks after exposure and is a model for virulent, acute infection. Lymphocytes isolated from blood and tissues during the interval of acute SHIV(89.6PD) infection have lost the capacity to proliferate in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). T-cell unresponsiveness to mitogen occurred within 1 week after mucosal inoculation yet prior to massive CD4(+) T-cell depletion and extensive virus dissemination. The lack of mitogen response was due to apoptosis in vitro, and increased activation marker expression on circulating T cells in vivo coincided with the appearance of PHA-induced apoptosis in vitro. Inappropriately high immune stimulation associated with rapid loss of mature CD4(+) T cells suggested that activation-induced cell death is a mechanism for helper T-cell depletion in the brief period before widespread virus dissemination. Elevated levels of lymphocyte activation likely enhance SHIV(89.6PD) replication, thus increasing the loss of CD4(+) T cells and diminishing the levels of virus-specific immunity that remain after acute infection. The level of surviving immunity may dictate the capacity to control virus replication and disease progression. We describe this level of immune competence as the host set point to show its pivotal role in AIDS pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We studied the innate and adaptive immune system of rhesus macaques infected with the virulent simian immunodeficiency virus isolate SIVmac251 by evaluating natural killer (NK) cell activity, cytokine levels in plasma, humoral and virological parameters, and changes in the activation markers CD25 (interleukin 2R [IL-2R] α chain), CD69 (early activation marker), and CD154 (CD40 ligand) in lymphoid cells. We found that infection with SIVmac251 induced the sequential production of interferon-α/β (IFN-α/β), IL-18, and IL-12. IFN-γ, IL-4, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor were undetected in plasma by the assays used. NK cell activity peaked at 1 to 2 weeks postinfection and paralleled changes in viral loads. Maximum expression of CD69 on CD3CD16+ lymphocytes correlated with NK cytotoxicity during this period. CD25 expression, which is associated with proliferation, was static or slightly down-regulated in CD4+ T cells from both peripheral blood (PB) and lymph nodes (LN). CD69, which is normally present in LN CD4+ T cells and absent in peripheral blood leukocyte (PBL) CD4+ T cells, was down-regulated in LN CD4+ T cells and up-regulated in PBL CD4+ T cells immediately after infection. CD8+ T cells increased CD69 but not CD25 expression, indicating the activation of this cellular subset in PB and LN. Finally, CD154 was transiently up-regulated in PBL CD4+ T cells but not in LN CD4+ T cells. Levels of antibodies to SIV Gag and Env did not correlate with the level of activation of CD154, a critical costimulatory molecule for T-cell-dependent immunity. In summary, we present the first documented evidence that the innate immune system of rhesus macaques recognizes SIV infection by sequential production of proinflammatory cytokines and transient activation of NK cytotoxic activity. Additionally, pathogenic SIV induces drastic changes in the level of activation markers on T cells from different anatomic compartments. These changes involve activation in the absence of proliferation, indicating that activation-induced cell death may cause some of the reported increase in lymphocyte turnover during SIV infection.The immune system of higher vertebrates consists of innate and adaptive components. Innate immunity exhibits immediate recognition and response without prior sensitization. Cells of the innate immune system (i.e., monocytes/macrophages, natural killer [NK] cells, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes) recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns and activate events such as phagocytosis, induction of the synthesis of antimicrobial peptides, expression of inflammatory and effector cytokines and chemokines, induction of nitric oxide synthase in macrophages, and expression of costimulatory molecules on antigen-presenting cells. The adaptive immune system uses somatically generated antigen receptors that are clonally distributed on T and B lymphocytes. Generally, adaptive immune recognition in the absence of innate immune recognition results in inactivation of lymphocytes that express receptors involved in the identification events (20). Thus, innate immune responses have critical consequences in adaptive immune responses.Little is known of the contribution of the innate immune system during infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Based on similarities of biologic and genetic features, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of rhesus macaques provides the best animal model of HIV infection and AIDS. Accordingly, this animal model is critical for the elucidation of mechanisms of pathogenesis and for the development of vaccines and antiviral therapies (12). As with almost all viral infections, the innate immune system is thought to be the first component of the immune system that recognizes SIV infection. However, few studies have methodically analyzed the changes induced in cell phenotype and cytokine levels by SIV infection. Recent studies have demonstrated that SIV infection results in a generalized increase in lymphocyte turnover (23) and that the primary site for viral replication is activated memory CD4+ T cells that are present in the intestinal lamina propia (46). Although cellular changes are not that dramatic at this early stage in peripheral lymphoid tissue, peripheral blood (PB) and lymph nodes (LN) still reflect the pathologic changes induced by the viral infection and are readily available for longitudinal studies.To analyze changes in the activation state of cells from the innate and adaptive immune system after SIV infection, we evaluated NK activity, cytokine levels in plasma, and changes in activation markers on lymphoid cells of rhesus macaques after infection with pathogenic SIVmac251. We found the sequential appearance in plasma of interferon-α/β (IFN-α/β) interleukin-18 (IL-18) and IL-12, whereas IL-4, IFN-γ and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) remained undetectable. We also found transient activation of NK cells during the peak of viral replication, and this activation was not predictive of disease progression. Finally, we observed that after SIV infection, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells became activated in the absence of markers for proliferation, suggesting that the increased turnover of these cells reflects activation-induced cell death rather than differential compartmentalization.  相似文献   

Expression of alpha interferon (IFN-alpha)-, IFN-beta-, and IFN-alpha/beta-induced genes was monitored during the development of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) to assess whether a restricted influence of these antiviral cytokines could be found in the central nervous system (CNS). High levels of IFN-alpha (83 +/- 42 U/ml) were present in the blood of LCM virus-infected mice 3 days postinfection, whereas IFN-beta was not detected (< 1.0 U/ml) at any time point. Spleens contained high levels of IFN-alpha and IFN-beta mRNAs at days 1 and 3 postinfection, whereas no IFN-alpha mRNA and only low levels of IFN-beta mRNA were detected in brains. In situ hybridization showed IFN-alpha mRNA-expressing cells in the marginal zones of the spleen and in the subcapsular sinus and outer cortex of cervical lymph nodes. The expression of 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase (2',5'-OAS) mRNA followed the expression of IFN-beta mRNA in the brain, whereas 2',5'-OAS mRNA in the periphery was associated with systemic IFN-alpha. The localization of IFN-alpha-expressing cells in the spleen and lymph nodes in proximity to T- and B-cell compartments is consistent with a role for these cytokines in immune regulation. Furthermore, the absence of IFN-alpha and the relatively low level and delayed expression of IFN-beta in the brain suggest that the CNS is an especially vulnerable organ for virus replication. With certain strains of LCM virus, the absence of early antiviral IFN-alpha/beta activity and preferential virus growth in the brain might lead to targeted T-cell inflammation of the CNS, resulting in death of the animal.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of rhesus macaques (RMs) provides a reliable model to study the relationship between lentivirus replication, cellular immune responses, and CD4+ T-cell dynamics. Here we investigated, using SIVmac251-infected RMs of a Chinese genetic background (which experience a slower disease progression than Indian RMs), the dynamics of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells, as this subset of memory/activated CD4+ T cells is both a preferential target of virus replication and a marker of immune activation. As expected, we observed that the number of circulating CD4+ CCR5+ T cells decreases transiently at the time of peak viremia. However, at 60 days postinfection, i.e., when set-point viremia is established, the level of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells was increased compared to the baseline level. Interestingly, this increase correlated with faster disease progression, higher plasma viremia, and early loss of CD4+ T-cell function, as measured by CD4+ T-cell count, the fraction of memory CD4+ T cells, and the recall response to purified protein derivative. Taken together, these data show a key difference between the dynamics of the CD4+ CCR5+ T-cell pool (and its relationship with disease progression) in Chinese RMs and those described in previous reports for Indian SIVmac251-infected RMs. As the SIV-associated changes in the CD4+ CCR5+ T-cell pool reflect the opposing forces of SIV replication (which reduces this cellular pool) and immune activation (which increases it), our data suggest that in SIV-infected Chinese RMs the impact of immune activation is more prominent than that of virus replication in determining the size of the pool of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells in the periphery. As progression of HIV infection in humans also is associated with a relative expansion of the level of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells, we propose that SIV infection of Chinese RMs is a very valuable and important animal model for understanding the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus infection.  相似文献   

In contrast to pathogenic lentiviral infections, chronic simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in its natural host is characterized by a lack of increased immune activation and apoptosis. To determine whether these differences are species specific and predicted by the early host response to SIV in primary infection, we longitudinally examined T-lymphocyte apoptosis, immune activation, and the SIV-specific cellular immune response in experimentally infected rhesus macaques (RM) and sooty mangabeys (SM) with controlled or uncontrolled SIV infection. SIVsmE041, a primary SIVsm isolate, reproduced set-point viremia levels of natural SIV infection in SM but was controlled in RM, while SIVmac239 replicated to high levels in RM. Following SIV infection, increased CD8+ T-lymphocyte apoptosis, temporally coinciding with onset of SIV-specific cellular immunity, and elevated plasma Th1 cytokine and gamma interferon-induced chemokine levels were common to both SM and RM. Different from SM, SIV-infected RM showed a significantly higher frequency of peripheral blood activated CD8+ T lymphocytes despite comparable magnitude of the SIV-specific gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunospot response. Furthermore, an increase in CD4+ and CD4CD8 T-lymphocyte apoptosis and plasma tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand were observed only in RM and occurred in both controlled SIVsmE041 and uncontrolled SIVmac239 infection. These data suggest that the “excess” activated T lymphocytes in RM soon after SIV infection are predominantly of non-virus-specific bystander origin. Thus, species-specific differences in the early innate immune response appear to be an important factor contributing to differential immune activation in natural and nonnatural hosts of SIV infection.  相似文献   

Evolution of the domain encoding the V1/V2 variable region of the simian immunodeficiency virus sm (SIVsm) envelope (env) gene was analyzed in relation to route of virus challenge, virus load, and neutralizing antibody (NAb) titers during primary infection of rhesus macaques with the pathogenic SIVsmE660 isolate. In this model system animals are initially infected with multiple viruses as evidenced by the presence of multiple V1/V2 genotypic variants that could be resolved by using a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA). Overlapping subsets of the multiple variants were established in each animal. There was no selection for the establishment of specific variants in comparing intravenous- and intrarectal-challenged macaques at week 2 postinfection, suggesting that no genotypic selection occurred at the mucosal surface. There was an initial period of significant stability of the V1/V2 variants. Macaques challenged intravenously displayed subsequent V1/V2 diversification significantly earlier than macaques challenged intrarectally and well past the initial resolution of viremia. The time when SIVsmE660-specific NAbs reached a threshold titer of 100 was significantly correlated with the timing of V1/V2 diversification, even though antibodies to the Env protein could be detected much earlier. The time when NAbs reached a titer of 400 was significantly correlated with virus load late in infection. These results show that the route of infection affects the timing of V1/V2 diversification and that this diversification is correlated with the maturation of a specific NAb response. However, prior immunization capable of priming an anamnestic Env antibody response did not accelerate V1/V2 diversification. This result suggests that diversification of the SIV env V1/V2 region is the result of a type-specific antibody response.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I)-restricted CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses are crucial for the control of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replication. In particular, Gag-specific CTL responses have been shown to exert strong suppressive pressure on HIV/SIV replication. Additionally, association of Vif-specific CTL frequencies with in vitro anti-SIV efficacy has been suggested recently. Host MHC-I genotypes could affect the immunodominance patterns of these potent CTL responses. Here, Gag- and Vif-specific CTL responses during primary SIVmac239 infection were examined in three groups of Burmese rhesus macaques, each group having a different MHC-I haplotype. The first group of four macaques, which possessed the MHC-I haplotype 90-010-Ie, did not show Gag- or Vif-specific CTL responses. However, Nef-specific CTL responses were elicited, suggesting that primary SIV infection does not induce predominant CTL responses specific for Gag/Vif epitopes restricted by 90-010-Ie-derived MHC-I molecules. In contrast, Gag- and Vif-specific CTL responses were induced in the second group of two 89-075-Iw-positive animals and the third group of two 91-010-Is-positive animals. Considering the potential of prophylactic vaccination to affect CTL immunodominance post-viral exposure, these groups of macaques would be useful for evaluation of vaccine antigen-specific CTL efficacy against SIV infection.  相似文献   

Early viral replication and profound CD4(+) T-cell depletion occur preferentially in intestinal tissues of macaques infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Here we show that a much higher percentage of CD4(+) T cells in the intestine express CCR5 compared with those found in the peripheral blood, spleen, or lymph nodes. In addition, the selectivity and extent of the CD4(+) T-cell loss in SIV infection may depend upon these cells coexpressing CCR5 and having a "memory" phenotype (CD45RA(-)). Following intravenous infection with SIVmac251, memory CD4(+) CCR5(+) T cells were selectively eliminated within 14 days in all major lymphoid tissues (intestine, spleen, and lymph nodes). However, the effect on CD4(+) T-cell numbers was most profound in the intestine, where cells of this phenotype predominate. The CD4(+) T cells that remain after 14 days of infection lacked CCR5 and/or were naive (CD45RA(+)). Furthermore, when animals in the terminal stages of SIV infection (with AIDS) were examined, virtually no CCR5-expressing CD4(+) T cells were found in lymphoid tissues, and all of the remaining CD4(+) T cells were naive and coexpressed CXCR4. These findings suggest that chemokine receptor usage determines which cells are targeted for SIV infection and elimination in vivo.  相似文献   

The efficacy of two SIV DNA plus recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara nasal vaccine regimens, one combined with plasmids expressing IL-2 and IL-15, the other with plasmids expressing GM-CSF, IL-12, and TNF-α, which may better stimulate humoral responses, was evaluated in two female rhesus macaque groups. Vaccination stimulated significant SIV-specific mucosal and systemic cell-mediated immunity in both groups, whereas SIV-specific IgA titers were sporadic and IgG titers negative. All vaccinated animals, except one, became infected after intravaginal SIV(mac251) low-dose challenge. Half of the vaccinated, infected animals (7/13) promptly controlled virus replication to undetectable viremia for the duration of the trial (130 wk) and displayed virological and immunological phenotypes similar to those of exposed, uninfected individuals. When all vaccinated animals were considered, a 3-log viremia reduction was observed, compared with controls. The excellent viral replication containment achieved in vaccinated animals translated into significant preservation of circulating α4β7(high+)/CD4(+) T cells and of circulating and mucosal CD4(+)/C(M) T cells and in reduced immune activation. A more significant long-term survival was also observed in these animals. Median survival was 72 wk for the control group, whereas >50% of the vaccinated animals were still disease free 130 wk postchallenge, when the trial was closed. There was a statistically significant correlation between levels of CD4(+)/IFN-γ(+) and CD8(+)/IFN-γ(+) T cell percentages on the day of challenge and the control of viremia at week 60 postchallenge or survival. Postchallenge immunological correlates of protection were systemic anti-SIV Gag + Env CD4(+)/IL-2(+), CD4(+)/IFN-γ(+), and CD8(+)/TNF-α(+) T cells and vaginal anti-SIV Gag + Env CD8(+) T cell total monofunctional responses.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that polymorphism at the rhesus macaque TRIM5 locus can affect simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replication. Here we show that TRIM5 alleles can also affect acquisition of SIVsmE660. Animals coexpressing the TRIM5(TFP) and TRIM5(CypA) alleles took significantly longer to become infected with SIVsmE660, but not SIVmac239, after repeated limiting-dose intrarectal challenge than did animals expressing other TRIM5 allele combinations. Our results indicate that the TRIM5 alleles can be a barrier to productive infection and that this should be taken into account when designing acquisition studies using SIVsmE660 or related viruses.  相似文献   

Groups of rhesus monkeys were inoculated with: 1) simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)B670 alone; 2) Mycobacterium leprae alone; 3) SIV plus M. leprae on the same day; and 4) M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV. Animals were monitored at intervals for virus loads, antibody responses to M. leprae glycolipid antigens and to SIV Gp120, T-cell CD4+ and CD4+ CD29+ subset percentages, leprosy and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) clinical symptoms. Five out of six animals developed leprosy in each co-inoculated group, compared to one out of six in the M. leprae-only-inoculated group, indicating that M. leprae/SIV co-infection increases the susceptibility to leprosy, regardless of the timing of the two infections. Animals in the co-infected group that received M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV had a significantly slower rate of AIDS progression and long-term survival was significantly greater (three out of six) compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone (zero out of seven). All M. leprae-only-inoculated animals (six out of six) survived. Post-SIV-inoculation, a rapid decrease in the percentages of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cells was observed in the SIV-only-inoculated group that was significantly blocked by co-inoculation with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV, but not by SIV on the same day. The virus load set point was increased by approximately two logs in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae or the SIV-only-inoculated group. The results indicate that M. leprae, inoculated 2 weeks after SIV, decreased the pathogenicity of SIV compared to inoculation of M. leprae and SIV on the same day or SIV alone. The decreased pathogenicity correlated with a diminished loss of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cell subsets in the group inoculated with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone. IgG antibody responses to M. leprae-specific cell wall phenolic glycolipid-I antigen were inhibited by 2-week-prior or same-day SIV co-inoculation compared to M. leprae-only inoculated animals. The IgG anti-lipoarabinomannan antibody response was enhanced in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to the groups inoculated with M. leprae alone or SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae. Antibody responses to SIV Gp120 antigen were unimpaired in both co-inoculated groups compared to SIV-only-inoculated groups. The antibody results show that the immune responses to SIV and M. leprae are interrelated in SIV/M. leprae co-infected animals.  相似文献   

Cellular immune responses make an important contribution to both the control of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication and disease progression. We used a pathogenic model of SIVmac251 infection of cynomolgus macaques to longitudinally evaluate cellular immune responses in association with various rates of disease progression. We found an inverse relationship between plasma viral load and the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific T cells responses in peripheral blood and lymph nodes. SIV-specific T-cell responses in peripheral blood were transient during primary infection, with the highest responses detected around 3 months after infection. There was also a transient increase of central memory CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood during primary infection, and effector memory T-cell counts in peripheral lymph nodes were increased. This study emphasizes the importance of the early virus-specific immune responses in the outcome of HIV/SIV disease and provides details about the changes of virus-specific immune responses over time.  相似文献   

The current knowledge about early innate immune responses at mucosal sites of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) entry is limited but likely to be important in the design of effective HIV vaccines against heterosexual transmission. This study examined the temporal and anatomic relationship between virus replication, lymphocyte depletion, and cytokine gene expression levels in mucosal and lymphoid tissues in a vaginal-transmission model of HIV in rhesus macaques. The results of the study show that the kinetics of cytokine gene expression levels in the acute phase of infection are positively correlated with virus replication in a tissue. Thus, cytokine responses after vaginal simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) inoculation are earliest and strongest in mucosal tissues of the genital tract and lowest in systemic lymphoid tissues. Importantly, the early cytokine response was dominated by the induction of proinflammatory cytokines, while the induction of cytokines with antiviral activity, alpha/beta interferon, occurred too late to prevent virus replication and dissemination. Thus, the early cytokine response favors immune activation, resulting in the recruitment of potential target cells for SIV. Further, unique cytokine gene expression patterns were observed in distinct anatomic locations with a rapid and persistent inflammatory response in the gut that is consistent with the gut being the major site of early CD4 T-cell depletion in SIV infection.  相似文献   

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