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老年大鼠与断奶大鼠脑细胞核染色质的非组蛋白研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不连续盘状SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析并比较了老年大鼠与断奶大鼠脑细胞核NHCP,也比较了二者的组蛋白与DNA、NHCP与组蛋白、NHCP与DNA之比值。发现老年大鼠NHCP含量明显减少;断奶大鼠的NHCP与DNA、NHCP与组蛋白之比值明显高于老年大鼠,而组蛋白与DNA之比值却近于1。从二者的NHCP电泳图谱可见,老年大鼠丢失了表观分子量10万以上的两条蛋白区带及表观分子量3万以下的一条蛋白区带;老年大鼠与断奶大鼠比较,表观分予量6—9万的蛋白区带杂色浅,而表观分子量4.3万的蛋白区带染色深。总之,老年大鼠脑细胞核NHCP发生质与量的变化。  相似文献   

以菜心(Brassica rapa var. parachinensis)抗小菜蛾品种Caixin65和感小菜蛾品种Caixin69及6份F2株系为材料,利用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测菜心抗虫株系的SCoT多态性,同时进行SCoT多态性的非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测效率、遗传多样性分析和差异条带克隆分析。结果表明,非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶能检测出亲本与子代间的SCoT多态性和遗传多样性变化,条带数量较多且清晰,提高了SCoT标记检测效率。选取亲本的10条非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶差异片段克隆测序,获得感虫序列4条、抗虫序列6条,GENSCAN预测其中8条具有启动子、终止子、阅读框等基因结构序列。同源性检索分析表明,感虫序列分别与泛素羧基末端水解酶mRNA序列、大白菜克隆序列、白菜线粒体丙酮酸载体蛋白序列、甘蓝基因组编码未知蛋白的HDEM序列同源,抗虫序列分别与白菜RNA假尿苷合酶4线粒体mRNA序列、京水菜线粒体DNA序列、白菜未知蛋白mRNA序列、白菜4-香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶mRNA序列、大白菜克隆序列、哈茨木霉mRNA序列同源。本研究提高了SCoT标记清晰度、遗传多样性检测水平和差异片段克隆的精准性,使得SCoT成为批量克隆差异片段的高效工具,有助于挖掘SCoT功能性标记信息,开展初步的功能基因组学研究,提高优异株系筛选鉴定效率,加快育种进程,为菜心抗虫性机制的进一步研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

本文报道了一种提取单一种类染色质非组蛋白的简化方法。在获得核内酚溶性非组蛋白后进行双向电泳。切下胶内点蛋白于缓冲液浸泡抽提,离心得到上清,继用丙酮低温沉淀蛋白。  相似文献   

SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳快速染色新方法的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过几种金融盐溶液对SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳染色的实验表明,0.25mol/L的CaCl2和MgCl2溶液能够对蛋白质进行有效的染色,经这2种溶液染色的蛋白质都能够从凝胶中洗脱回收。尤其是CaCl2法灵敏度更高,而且蛋白质条带形成之后也十分稳定,所以在运用制备电泳纯化蛋白质时这种新的染色方法较适用。  相似文献   

一种简单快速的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳染色法——铜染色法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDSPAGE)作为分离鉴定生物大分子的有效手段已广泛用于分子生物学和医学临床工作,迄今为止,用于该技术的染色法多沿用考马斯亮蓝(CBB)和银染色。但上述两法均有其局限性,如蛋白凝胶染色前须经酸醛固定,不易洗脱且操作繁琐,脱色耗时。最近,Lee等报道一种SDS-PAGE负染色法,利用氯化铜分别与凝胶中  相似文献   

改良聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测DNA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文介绍了应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测DNA的改进方法。与以往方法相比,本方法从配制凝胶储备液,无需封口的水平灌胶,适当地提高电泳的电压梯度,采用改良银染法检测,省却凝胶固定,银染法DNA的纯化方法,及溴化乙锭染色法的操作等一系列改进措施,使聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测DNA的操作得到简化,更便捷,并减小了对人与环境的毒害作用。  相似文献   

细菌蛋白的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定华西医科大学口腔医学院口腔生物医学工程重点实验室成都610041黄毅早在1908年,电泳现象就已被发现,Tiselius于1937年对电泳仪器作了重大改进,随后电泳技术才日益普及并成为鉴定生物大分子的基本工具。Fowl...  相似文献   

真核细胞的染色质组装是组蛋白和DNA有序地形成核小体和染色质的过程.通过调节DNA的开放或折叠状态,染色质组装不但影响遗传信息的编码和存储,也决定了遗传信息的提取和解读.作为染色质组装的重要调控因子,组蛋白变体和组蛋白伴侣在与DNA相关的生命活动进程中发挥着至关重要的作用.本文综述了组蛋白变体H2A.Z以及CENP-A进行染色质组装的研究进展,并着重讨论了组蛋白变体和组蛋白伴侣在染色质组装中的重要作用.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinase activity was determined in neonatal and adult human brain, oligodendrogliomas, and astrocytomas. The astrocytomas were divided into low- (grade I and grade II) and high-grade (grade III and grade IV) tumors. We measured the tyrosine kinase activity in the cytosolic and membrane fraction using poly(glutamic acid:tyrosine, 4:1) as an artificial substrate. The cytosolic activity in oligodendrogliomas (n = 7), low-grade astrocytomas (n = 7), and neonatal brain (n = 1) was increased, on average, two- to fourfold compared with that in normal adult brain (n = 14). The cytosolic activities of high-grade astrocytomas (n = 11) were in approximately the same range as found in normal adult brain. The absence of an increase in cytosolic activity in high-grade astrocytomas compared with adult brain is likely due to the occurrence of necrosis in these tumors. In contrast to the cytosolic activity, no differences were found in the membrane-bound activity. By fast protein liquid chromatography, at least three forms of cytosolic protein tyrosine kinase could be separated, which eluted at 0, 115, and 210 mM NaCl. In most cases the highest amount of activity eluted at 210 mM NaCl. However, in oligodendrogliomas, high-grade astrocytomas, and neonatal brain, more activity eluted at 115 mM NaCl than in normal adult brain (p = 0.043). Nevertheless, protein tyrosine kinases from all three peaks contributed to the elevated levels of total cytosolic activity of oligodendrogliomas and low-grade astrocytomas.  相似文献   

凝胶电泳分析蛋白酶活性的技术改进   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姜微波 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):607-610
蛋白酶在植物生长代谢过程中具有重要的生理作用。本文探讨了利用“凝胶电泳技术”分析蛋白酶活性的改进方法 ,通过改变电泳分离胶中底物蛋白浓度估算了“目标蛋白酶”分子量 ;通过改变电泳前的样品处理条件了解蛋白酶的部分特性 ;采用分离胶切割法了解“目标蛋白酶”的最适反应温度范围、最适反应pH范围及蛋白酶的类型等。并对影响凝胶电泳蛋白酶活性检测结果的各种因素作了分析  相似文献   

Abstract: The proteins of membrane and cytosol fractions from frozen human postmortem brain were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric range: 5.1–6.0) and both Coomassie-blue and ammoniacal silver staining. Cytosol preparations were analyzed from six different postmortem brains from patients with various neurologic diagnoses and immediate causes of death. Intervals between death and brain freezing (−70oC) ranged from 2 to 20 h. The vast majority of proteins detected in these cytosol fractions had identical molecular weights and isoelectric points in each of six human brains examined. However, in some tissue samples tubulin was either quantitatively decreased or undetectable. The possibility that this partial or complete depletion of tubulin was related to postmortem interval and/or brain freezing was studied using rat forebrain tissue. Rat brain incubated at room temperature for up to 24 h did not reproduce the changes seen in the region of human cytosol tubulin. However, other changes seen in the two-dimensional electrophoretic pattern of rat cytosol proteins did relate to postmortem interval, brain freezing, or both. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum were prepared from three human brains, with highly reproducible two-dimensional patterns. Protein analysis of these membrane fractions revealed that human RER contained significant amounts of tubulin, in contrast to rat RER which contained no detectable tubulin. This discrepancy was elucidated by allowing rat brains to remain at room temperature for 24 h before freezing; gels of rat RER prepared from this tissue showed that tubulin subunits were present.  相似文献   

Urea PAGE or denaturing urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis employs 6-8 M urea, which denatures secondary DNA or RNA structures and is used for their separation in a polyacrylamide gel matrix based on the molecular weight. Fragments between 2 to 500 bases, with length differences as small as a single nucleotide, can be separated using this method1. The migration of the sample is dependent on the chosen acrylamide concentration. A higher percentage of polyacrylamide resolves lower molecular weight fragments. The combination of urea and temperatures of 45-55 °C during the gel run allows for the separation of unstructured DNA or RNA molecules.In general this method is required to analyze or purify single stranded DNA or RNA fragments, such as synthesized or labeled oligonucleotides or products from enzymatic cleavage reactions.In this video article we show how to prepare and run the denaturing urea polyacrylamide gels. Technical tips are included, in addition to the original protocol 1,2.  相似文献   

Systematic electrophoretic analysis of albumins and globulins of the inbred and hybrid corn (Zea mays) seeds was carried out on an improved lactate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a method with high resolving power, good reproducibility and stability. The electrophoregram was classified into four groups designated as α、β、γandω respectively. Each inbred or hybrid had its own unique band pattern distinguishable from the others, regarding as its "fingerprint”. The band pattern of the whole kernel was basically similar to that of its embryo, except that of the endosperm showing less bands with weaker staining intensity; and most of the patterns overlapped with those of the embryo. The band number of the Fl hybrid was exactly equivalent to the number of the common bands and the specific bands of the two parents, indicating that the difference of band patterns was a genetic trait controlled by the nuclear genes. The F1 electrophoregram could be predicted by those of the two parents. The band pattern of the Fl hybrids was identical with that produced from mechanically mixed extract of the two parent inbreds. This procedure could be used in corn cultivar identification and as a test for genetic purity.  相似文献   

以东农冬麦1号为材料,对苗期地下茎处的蛋白提取方法、蛋白溶解、上样量、胶条的转移等方面进行试验,结果表明:在蛋白提取方面,TCA/丙酮法(T法)和尿素/硫脲法(N法)相比T法能减少低丰度蛋白的损失得到蛋白点数更多的图谱;在蛋白溶解方面,经过两次水化液溶解的蛋白纯度较高,在等电聚焦时能保持8000伏较高电压;上样量方面,10mg粗蛋白溶于两次水化液能得到清晰、分离效果好、蛋白点数较多的图像;胶条转移方面,先向胶面中加入400μl 0.3%普通琼脂糖溶液后,用200μl的电极缓冲液冲洗胶条的支撑膜会使胶条顺利转移到第二向胶面上且胶条与胶面间不会产生气泡。  相似文献   

We developed a two-block PFGE method to study molecular variation among clinical isolates of Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, an often overlooked human pathogen. Three main macrorestriction profiles were defined among 15 isolates. PFGE was an objective method for characterizing A. haemolyticum and may be useful in molecular epidemiological studies of this organism.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity was measured in the cerebral cortex of humans 2 days to 83 years of age and in the cortex of F344 rats 3, 22, or 30 months of age. Protein kinase activity was detected in the human brain, but no age-related differences in activity were observed in the presence or absence of cyclic AMP. Age differences were also not seen in protein kinase in the rat cerebral cortex. Enzyme activities in rat and human brain were similar.  相似文献   

Histone lysine methylation is a dynamic process that plays an important role in regulating chromatin structure and gene expression. Recent studies have identified Jhd2, a JmjC domain-containing protein, as an H3K4-specific demethylase in budding yeast. However, important questions regarding the regulation and functions of Jhd2 remain unanswered. In this study, we show that Jhd2 has intrinsic activity to remove all three states of H3K4 methylation in vivo and can dynamically associate with chromatin to modulate H3K4 methylation levels on both active and repressed genes and at the telomeric regions. We found that the plant homeodomain (PHD) finger of Jhd2 is important for its chromatin association in vivo. However, this association is not dependent on H3K4 methylation and the H3 N-terminal tail, suggesting the presence of an alternative mechanism by which Jhd2 binds nucleosomes. We also provide evidence that the JmjN domain and its interaction with the JmjC catalytic domain are important for Jhd2 function and that Not4 (an E3 ligase) monitors the structural integrity of this interdomain interaction to maintain the overall protein levels of Jhd2. We show that the S451R mutation in human SMCX (a homolog of Jhd2), which has been linked to mental retardation, and the homologous T359R mutation in Jhd2 affect the protein stability of both of these proteins. Therefore, our findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the observed defects in patients harboring this SMCX mutant and suggest the presence of a conserved pathway involving Not4 that modulates the protein stability of both yeast Jhd2 and human SMCX.  相似文献   

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